NC1038: Methods to Increase Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (NC1006)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Stevenson, J.S., Tenhouse, D.E., Krisher, R.L., Lamb, G.C., Larson, J.E., Dahlen, C.R., Pursley, J.R., Bello, N.M., Fricke, P.M., Wiltbank, M.C., Brusveen, D.J., Burkhart, M., Youngquist, R.S., Garverick, H.A. 2008. Detection of anovulation by heatmount detectors and transrectal ultrasonography before treatment with progesterone in a timed insemination protocol. Journal of Dairy Science. 91:2901-2915.
Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnehamme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A. Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J. D. Arthington. 2008. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (In Press Published Ahead available at: http//:doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2007.08.012).
Miles, J.R., Blomberg, L.A., Krisher, R.L., Everts, R.E., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Tassell, C.P., Zuelke, K.A. (2008) Comparative transcriptome analysis of in vivo- and in vitro-produced porcine blastocysts by small amplified RNA-serial analysis of gene expression (SAR-SAGE). Molecular Reproduction and Development. 75:976-988.
Bridges, G.A., L.A. Hesler, D.E. Grum, M.L. Mussard, C.L. Gasser, M.L. Day. 2008. Decreasing the interval between GnRH and PGF from 7 to 5 days and lengthening proestrus increases timed-AI pregnancy rates in beef cows. Theriogenology 69:843-851.
Portillo, G.E., G.A. Bridges, J.W. de Araujo, M.K.V. Shaw, F.N. Schrick, W.W. Thatcher, J.V. Yelich. 2008. Response to GnRH on day 6 of the estrous cycle is diminished as the percentage of Bos indicus breeding increases in Angus, Brangus and Brahman x Angus heifers. Animal Reprod. Sci. 103:38-51.
Molina, J.R., A.M. Benoit, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2008. Hypothalamic deafferentation in prepuberal beef heifers: effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol benzoate on luteinizing hormone secretion. Livestock Sci. (In press).
Benoit, A.M., J.R. Molina, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2008. Prolactin secretion after hypothalamic deafferentation in beef calves: response to haloperidol, a-methyl-r-tyrosine, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ovariectomy. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (In press).
Stevenson, J.S. 2008. Progesterone, follicular, and estrual responses to progesterone-based estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols at five stages of the estrous cycle J. Dairy Sci. 91:in press.
Burns, M. G., B. S. Buttrey, C. A. Dobbins, C. A. Martel, KC Olson, G. C. Lamb, and J. S. Stevenson. 2008. Evaluation of hCG as a replacement for GnRH in ovulation-synchronization protocols before fixed TAI in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86:in press.
Stevenson, J.S., S. M. Tiffany, and E. K. Inskeep. 2008. Maintenance of pregnancy in dairy cattle after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J. Dairy Sci. 91:3092-3101.
Hatler, T.B., S.H. Hayes, D.L. Ray, P.S. Reames and W.J. Silvia. 2008. Effect of subluteal concentrations of progesterone on luteinizing hormone and ovulation in lactating dairy cows. The Veterinary Journal 177: 360-368
Burns, M.G., B.S. Buttery, C.A. Dobbins, C.A. Martel, K.C. Olson, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2008. Evaluation of hCG as a replacement for GnRH in ovulation-synchronization protocols before fixed timed AI in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press. Published Ahead available at http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2008-1122v1.pdf).
Cooke, R. F., J. D. Arthington, D. B. Araujo, G. C. Lamb, and A. D. Ealy. 2008. Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press. Published Ahead available at http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2008-0978v1.pdf).
Lamb, G.C., D.R. Brown, J.E. Larson, C.R. Dahlen, N. DiLorenzo, J.D. Arthington, and A. DiCostanzo. 2008. Effect of organic or inorganic trace mineral supplementation on follicular response, ovulation, and embryo production in superovulated angus heifers. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 106:221-231.
Santos, N.R., G.C. Lamb, D.R. Brown, R.O. Gilbert. 2008. Postpartum endometrial cytology in beef cows. Theriogenology (Accepted: THERIO-D-06-00210).
Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, A.J. Roberts, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling co-products in beef heifer development diets. J. Anim. Sci. 86:476482
Martin, J.L., K. W. Creighton, J.A. Musgrave, T.J. Klopfenstein, R.T. Clark, D. C. Adams, and R. N. Funston. 2008. Effect of pre-breeding body weight or progestin exposure before breeding on beef heifer performance through the second breeding season. J. Anim. Sci. 86:451459.
North Dakota
Galbreath, C.W., E.J. Scholljegerdes, G.P. Lardy, K.G. Odde, M.E. Wilson, J.W. Schroeder, K.A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effect of feeding flax or linseed meal on progesterone clearance rate in ovariectomized ewes. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 35:164-169.
South Dakota
G. A. Perry, and B. L. Perry. 2008. Effects of standing estrus and supplemental estradiol on changes in uterine pH during a fixed-time AI protocol. J. Anim. Sci. Epub ahead of print July 18, 2008.
C. E. Engel, H. H. Patterson, and G. A. Perry. 2008. Effect of dried corn distillers grains plus solubles compared to soybean hulls, in late gestation heifer diets, on animal and reproductive performance. J. Anim. Sci.86:1697-1708.
G. A. Perry, and B. L. Perry. 2008. Effect of preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and initiation of standing estrus on uterine pH in beef cows. Domestic Anim. Endo. 34:333-338
Cushman RA, Allan MF, Kuehn LA. Characterization of biological types of cattle: indicator traits of fertility in beef cattle. Rev Bras Zoo 2008; 37:116-121.
Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effect of pretreatment with prostaglandin F2± before resynchronization of ovulation on fertility of lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90:5509-5517.
Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, N. Mathialagan, M. F. McGrath, J. M. Ballam, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Accuracy of a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) ELISA to determine pregnancy status of lactating dairy cows twenty-seven days after timed AI. J. Dairy Sci. 90:4612-4622.
Sterry, R. A., E. Silva, D. Kolb, and P. M. Fricke. 2008. Effect of GnRH administered four days after synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination on fertility of anovular lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology (accepted 08-03-08).
Bork, N. R., G. P. Lardy, J. W. Schroeder, K. A. Vonnahme, P. M. Fricke, K. B. Koch, M. L. Bauer, and K. G. Odde. 2008. Reproductive performance of cows fed rolled flaxseed on two commercial dairies. J. Dairy Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 1):78.
Bork, N. R., G. P. Lardy, J. W. Schroeder, K. A. Vonnahme, P. M. Fricke, K. B. Koch, K. G. Odde, R. D. Shaver, and S. J. Bertics. 2008. Evaluation of milk components, fatty acid profile, and production of cows fed rolled flaxseed on two commercial dairies. Abstr. #106. J. Anim. Sci, Sectional Meeting Abstracts Vol. 86, e-Suppl. 3, p. 34.
Chebel, R.C., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, J. E. Santos, C. A. Martel, J. S. Stevenson, R. Garcia, R. L. Ax, and F. Moreira. 2008. Supplementation of progesterone via CIDR inserts during ovulation synchronization protocols in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy. Sci. 91(E. Suppl. 1):257 (Abstr.).
Fields, S. D., B. L. Perry, G. A. Perry, and R. A. Cushman. 2008. Association between Period 1 mRNA levels in leukocytes and initiation of estrous cycles in preipubertal beef heifers. Biol. Reprod. 78(Suppl. 1) Abstr. 654
Krisher, R.L. (2008) Components of oocyte quality in the pig. Biol Reprod Special Issue (abst. 755).
Paczkowski, M.J., Bidwell, C., Waddell, J., Spurlock, D., Krisher, R.L. (2008) In vitro maturation alters gene expression in mouse oocytes. Reprod. Fertil.
Dev. 20(1):82 (abst. 3).
Yuan, Y., Krisher, R.L. (2008) The presence of ammonium in chemically defined maturation medium inhibits porcine oocyte nuclear maturation and subsequent embryonic development in vitro. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 20(1):208-209 (abst. 257).
Dekkers, J.C.M., W. Cai, S. Lkhagvadorj, O. Couture, C.K. Tuggle, D. Nettleson and L.L. Anderson. 2008. Genetic aspects of residual feed intake in pigs. 41st Annual Meeting of ASAS Midwestern Section-ADSA Midwest Branch Meeting, March 17-19, 2008, Polk County Convention Center, Des Moines, IA, No. 46, p. 15.
Stevenson, J. S. 2008. Ovarian and fertility responses of Holstein heifers after GnRH, progesterone, PGF2a at five stages of the estrous cycle. J. Dairy. Sci. 91(E. Suppl. 1):581 (Abstr.).
Lamb. G.C. 2008. Reproductive management of cycling and non-cycling Bos Taurus beef heifers in the USA. Reprod. Domestic. Anim. 43(Suppl. 3):6.
Cooke, R.F., D.B. Araujo, G.C. Lamb, and J.D. Arthington. 2008. Effects of acclimation on performance, physiologic responses, and pregnancy rates of Brahman-crossbred cows. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2):350.
Dahlen, C.R., G. Marquezini, A. DiCostanzo, S.L. Bird, and G.C. Lamb. 2008. Administering human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 7 d prior to initiating a CO-Synch protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2):249.
Dahlen, C.R., and G.C. Lamb. 2008. Effect of human chrionic gonadotropin (hCG) on ovarian structure dynamics and concentrations of progesterone in cycling Holstein heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2):249.
Marquezini, G, C.R. Dahlen, M. Blason, S.L. Bird, J.E. Larson, B.J. Lovaas, S. Lares, G.C. Lamb. 2008. Effects of administration of prostaglandin F2± (PG) 5 or 7 d after receiving human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) in replacement beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2):72.
Cooke, R.F., D.B. Araujo, A.D. Ealy, G.C. Lamb, and J.D. Arthington. 2008. Effects of supplementation frequency on gene expression and physiological responses of Brahman-crossbred cows. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2):24.
Griffin, W.A., T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, G.E. Erickson, L.A. Stalker, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effect of calving season and wintering system on cow performance. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:106-109.
Meyer, T.L., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, J.D. Volesky, L.A. Stalker, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Estimating livestock forage demand: Defining the animal unit (AU). Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:213-216.
Funston, R.N., J.L. Martin, D.C. Adams, and D.M. Larson. 2008. Effects of winter grazing system and supplementation during late gestation on performance of beef cows and progeny. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:102-105.
Larson, D.M., R.D. Richardson, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effect of wintering system, nutrition around breeding and prostaglandin on reproduction and calf production of beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:273-276.
Larson, D.L., R.D. Richardson, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effect of wintering system, nutrition around breeding and prostaglandin on gain and reproduction in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86 (e-Suppl. 3):33
North Dakota
Scholljegerdes E.J., L.A. Lekatz, K.A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effects of short-term oil seed supplementation on plasma fatty acid composition in lactating beef cows. WSASAS Abst. 23.
South Dakota
Lares, S. F., S. D. Fields, B. L. Perry, D. G. Chen, and G. A. Perry. 2008. Relationship between uterine pH at fixed-time AI and pregnancy success in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2): Abstr 721.
Perry, G. A., and B. L. Perry. 2008. Effect of the timing of CIDR insertion on the GnRH-induced LH surge and ovulatory response. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2): Abstr W160.
Perry, G. A. 2008. Reproductive consequences of nutritionally-induced changes in the pH of the bovine reproductive tract. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2): Abstr 300.
Schiefelbein, A. K., B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2008. Association between preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and expression of uterine receptors for oxytocin, progesterone, and estradiol. Biol. Reprod. 78(Suppl. 1) Abstr. 362
Perry, B. L., A. K. Schiefelbein, and G. A. Perry. 2008. Association between preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and expression of uterine milk protein precursor, inhibin beta A, and proenkephalin. Biol. Reprod. 78(Suppl. 1) Abstr. 361
Fields, S. D., B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2008. Effect of Standing Estrus on LH Pulses and Subsequent Progesterone Following a Fixed-Time AI Protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 3): Abstr. 87
Cushman RA. Association between age and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows. J Anim Sci 2008; 86(e-Suppl 3):231.
Cushman RA, Miles JR, Allan MF, Kuehn LA, J.L, Echternkamp SE, Freetly HC. Relationship of antral follicle counts to fertility and ovarian AMH mRNA levels in beef cows. Biol Reprod 2008; (Special Issue):722.
Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Spicer LJ. Comparison of mRNA expression for aromatase, FSH receptor, and IGF-I in the granulosa of small ovarian follicles between cattle selected and unselected for twin ovulations. Biol Reprod 2008; (Special Issue):123.
McDaneld, TG, Wiedmann RT, Miles JR, Cushman R, Vallet J, Smith TPL. 2007. MicroRNA (miRNA) technology: skeletal muscle at different stages of development or oocyte development. Proc. 32nd National Swine Improvement Federation Conference and Annual Meeting.
Silva del Rio, N., G. A. Broderick, and P. M. Fricke. 2008. Mathematical simulation to assess the validity of Bonniers equation for estimating the frequency of monozygous twinning in a population of Holstein cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 1):241.
Hackbart, K. S., R. M. Ferreira, M. T. Socha, R. D. Shaver, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2008. Effect of source of trace mineral (4-Plex®) supplementation on dry matter intake, milk production, health traits, and body weight in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91(E-Suppl. 1):482.
de Sá Filho, O.G., Meneghetti, M., R.F.G. Peres, G.C. Lamb, J.L.M. Vasconcelos. 2008. Fixed-time artificial insemination with estradiol and progesterone for Bos Indicus cattle: I. Basis for development of protocols. Theriogenology 72(2):210-218.
Meneghetti, M., O.G. de Sá Filho, R.F.G. Peres, G.C. Lamb, J.L.M. Vasconcelos. 2008. Fixed-time artificial insemination with estradiol and progesterone for Bos Indicus cattle: II. Strategies and factors affecting fertility. Theriogenology 72(2):179-189.
Larson, J.E., K.N. Thielen, B.J. Funnell, J.S. Stevenson, D.J. Kesler. G.C. Lamb. 2009. Influence of a CIDR after fixed-time AI on pregnancy rates and returns to estrus of non-pregnant cows. J. Anim. Sci. 87:914-921.
Alghamdi, A.S., B.J. Lovaas, S.L. Bird, G.C. Lamb, A. Rendahl, P. Taube, and D.N. Foster. 2008. Species specific interaction of seminal plasma on sperm-neutrophil binding. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 114(4):331-344.
Santos, N.R., G.C. Lamb, D.R. Brown, R.O. Gilbert. 2008. Postpartum endometrial cytology in beef cows. Theriogenology 71:739-745.
Burns, M.G., B.S. Buttery, C.A. Dobbins, C.A. Martel, K.C. Olson, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2008. Evaluation of hCG as a replacement for GnRH in ovulation-synchronization protocols before fixed timed AI in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2539-2548.
Cooke, R. F., J. D. Arthington, D. B. Araujo, G. C. Lamb, and A. D. Ealy. 2008. Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2296-2309.
Abramowicz JS, A Barua, P Bitterman, JM Bahr, E Sheiner and JL Luborsky. 2008. Ultrasound imaging in animal models of human disease-is it a step toward early diagnosis in humans? Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2(4):58-64.
Ansenberger K, Y Zhuge, JAJ Lagman, C Mahon, A Barua, JM Bahr, DB Hales. 2008. E-cadherin expression in ovarian cancer in the laying hen, Gallus domesticus. Gynecol. Oncology (in press).
Bahr JM 2008 Are scientific societies serving the needs of graduate and postdoctoral students. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20:19-22.
Bahr JM. The chicken as a model organism. 2008. Source Book of Models for Biomedical Research, M. Conn (ed). Humana Press, pp. 161-167,
Barua A, Edassery SL, Bitterman P, Abramowicz JS, Dirks AL, Bahr JM, Hales DB, Bradaric MJ, Luborsky JL 2008 Prevalence of anti-tumor antibodies in laying hen model of human ovarian cancer. International J. of Gynecol. Cancer. 19 (4):500-507.
Barua A, P Bitterman, JS Abramowicz, AL Dirks, JM Bahr, DB Hales, MJ Bradaric, SL Edassery. Rotmensch J, Luborsky JL. 2009. Histopathology of ovarian tumors in laying hens, a preclinical model for human ovarian cancer.International J of Gynecol. Cancer 19 (4):531-539.
Belton Jr. RJ, Chen L, Mesquita FS, Nowak RA. 2008. Basigin-2 is a cell surface receptor forsoluble basigin ligand. Journal of Biological Chemistry; 283:17805-17814. [Epub April 22, 2008].
Bleck GT, MB Wheeler, LB Hansen, H Chester-Jones, and DJ Miller. 2009. Lactose synthase components in milk: Concentrations of a-lactalbumin and b1,4galactosyltransferase in milk of cows from several breeds at various stages of lactation. Reprod Domestic Animals. 44:241-247.
Boltz C, RJ Belton, DA Boltz, PM Yau, D Bunck, G Sherba, JM Bahr. 2009. Avian infectious bronchitis virus (AIBV) induces autoimmunity to sperm in the rooster (submitted)
Braundmeier AG, WG Breed, and DJ Miller. 2008. Spermatozoa from a marsupisal, the Brushtail Possum, contain 1,4-galactosyltransferase. Reprod Fert Develop. 20:402-407.
Chen L, RJ Belton, RA Nowak. 2008. Basigin mediated gene expression changes in mouse uterine stromal cells during implantation. Endocrinology Epub October 1.
Collins ED, WL Flowers, RD Shanks, and DJ Miller. 2008. Porcine sperm-zona binding ability as an indicator of fertility. Anim Reprod Sci. 104:69-82.
Grudzien MM, P Low, PC Manning, M Arredondo, RJ Belton, RA Nowak. 2009. The antifibrotic drug halofuginone inhibits proliferation and collagen production by human leiomyoma and myometrial smooth muscle cells. Fertility and Sterility Epub January 9th.
Hales DB, Y Zhuge, JAJ Lagman, K Ansenberger, C Mahon, A Barua, J Luborsky, JM Bahr. 2008. Cyclooxygenase expression and distribution in the normal ovary and their role in ovarian cancer in the domestic hen (Gallus Domesticus) Endocrine (on line).
Knox, R., D. Levis, T. Safranski, and W. Singleton. 2008. An update on North American boar stud practices. Theriogenology 70:1202-1208.
Landers EA, HR Burkin, GT Bleck, L Lesley Howell-Skalla, and DJ Miller. 2009. Porcine b 1,4galactosyltransferase-I sequence and expression. Reprod Domestic Animals. 44:228-234.
Lee H-H, Bunick D, Lamprecht G, Choi I, Bahr JM. 2009. Differential expression of genes important to efferent ductules in homeostasis across postnatal development in estrogen receptor-± knockout and wildtype mice. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 21:510-522.
Lee K-H, D Bunick, D Lubahn, JM Bahr. 2009. Morphological comparisons of the testis and efferent ductules between wild type and estrogen receptor ± knockout mice during postnatal development. J of Anatomy 214:916-925.
Miles, J.R., Blomberg, L.A., Krisher, R.L., Everts, R.E., Sonstegard, T.S., Van Tassell, C.P., Zuelke, K.A. 2008. Small amplified RNA-serial analysis of gene expression (SAR-SAGE) from porcine blastocysts produced in vivo or in vitro. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 75:976-988. DOI: 10.1002/mrd.20844.
Nowak, R.A. 2008. The pathophysiology of dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In: eds John Aplin, Asgerally Fazleabas, Stanley Glasser and Linda Giudice, The Endometrium: Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Perspectives, 2nd Edition, Informa Health Care, 711-726..
Paczkowski, M., Krisher R.L. (Accepted, 2009) Aberrant protein expression is associated with decreased developmental potential in porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes. Molec Reprod and Dev.
Stammer K, SL Edessary, A Barua, P Bitterman, JM Bahr, DB Hales, JL Luborsky. 2008. Selenium Binding Protein 1 expression in ovaries and ovarian tumors in the laying hen, a spontaneous model of human ovarian cancer. Gynecologic Oncology 109:115-121.
Stevenson, J.S., Tenhouse, D.E., Krisher, R.L., Lamb, G.C., Larson, J.E., Dahlen, C.R., Pursley, J.R., Bello, N.M., Fricke, P.M., Wiltbank, M.C., Brusveen, D.J., Burkhart, M., Youngquist, R.S., Garverick, H.A. .2008. Detection of anovulation by Heatmount detectors and transrectal ultrasonography before treatment with progesterone in a timed insemination protocol. J Dairy Science. 91:2901-2915.
Tischkau SA, RE Howell, JR Hickok, K Paradkar, JM Bahr. 2009. Effects of the luteinizing hormone surge on circadian clock gene expression in the chicken ovary. Gen.Comp.End. (submitted).
Yuan, Y., Krisher, R.L. (In press) Effect of ammonium during in vitro maturation on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation and subsequent embryonic development. Anim Reprod Sci. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2009.05.012 available online May 23, 2009.
Zhao H, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2008. Complexin I deficient sperm are subfertile due to defects in the acrosome reaction. Reproduction. 136:323-334.
Zhuge Y, JAJ Lagman, K Ansenberger, C Mahon, T Daikoku, SK Dey, JM Bahr, DB Hales. 2009. CYP1B1 expression in ovarian cancer in the laying hen Gallus domesticus. Gynecol. Oncology 112:171-178
Bridges, G.A., M.L. Mussard, C.R. Burke, and M.L. Day. 2009. Influence of length of proestrus on fertility and endocrine function in female cattle. Animal Reproduction Science. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2009.05.002.
Anderson, L.L. 2008. Invited BOOK REVIEW entitled: Force Microscopy: Applications in Biology and Medicine. [Edited by] Bhanu P. Jena and J.K. Heinrich Hörber. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ; 2006, 300 pages. ISBN-13978-0-471-39628-4. Microscopy and Microanalysis 14:205-206.
Scanes, C.G., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, S.A. Johannsen, S. Jeftinija and L.L. Anderson. 2008. Subpopulations of chicken somatotropes with differing intracellular calcium concentrations responses to secretagogues. Animal Industry Report A.S. Leaflet R-2327.
Kish, S. 2008. Exploring how growth hormones are released in animals. http://www.csrees.usda.gov/newsroom/impact/2008/nri/pdf/growth_hormone.pdf
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu1, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers, C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Microarray gene expression profiles of fasting induced changes in liver and adipose tissues of pigs expressing the melanocortin-4 receptor D298N variant. Physiol Genomics 38:98-111.
Molina, J.R., A.M. Benoit, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Hypothalamic deafferentation in prepuberal beef heifers: effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol benzoate on luteinizing hormone secretion. Livestock Sci. 120:13-24.
Benoit, A.M., J.R. Molina, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Prolactin secretion after hypothalamic deafferentation in beef calves: response to haloperidol, a-methyl-r-tyrosine, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ovariectomy. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 111:54-68.
Wilson, M.E. and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Mechanistic aspects of foetal development relating to postnatal health and metabolism in pigs. In: Managing Prenatal Development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. Edited by P. Greenwood and A. Bell. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (In press).
Barb, C.R., G.J. Hausman, R. Rekaya, C.A. Lents, S. Lkhagvadorj, L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, D.S. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers, C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Microarray gene expression profiles in hypothalamus, liver and adipose tissues and feed intake response to melanocortin-4 receptor agonist in pigs expressing melanocortin-4 receptor mutations. Physiol. Genomics (for submission after internal review by authors).
Cho, S.-J., J.-S. Lee, E.D. Mathias, C. Chang, G.J. Hickey, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Pharmacology of intracerebroventricular and intravenous administration of growth hormone secretagogue, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and galanin in pig: central and dose dependent effects on growth hormone secretion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology (submitted for review).
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers and C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Gene expression profiling of the short-term adaptive response to acute caloric restriction in liver and adipose tissues of pigs differing in feed efficiency. Amer. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. (for submission after internal review by authors).
Anderson, L.L. 2009. Reproductive biology of pigs. Animal Industry Report A.S. Leaflet R-2443.
Buttrey, B. S., M. G. Burns, and J. S. Stevenson. 2009. Pregnancy loss and resynchronized ovulation for timed artificial insemination after human chorionic gonadotropin and gonadotropin-releasing hormone treatments. Theriogenology Submitted.
Chebel, R.C., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, J.E.P. Santos, J. R. Lima, C. A. Martel, J. S. Stevenson, R. Garcia, R. L. Ax, and F. Moreira. 2009. Supplementation of progesterone via CIDR inserts during ovulation synchronization protocols in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. Submitted.
Stevenson, J.S., and C.A. Martel. 2009. Resynchronized ovulation in lactating dairy cattle of unknown pregnancy: Occurrence and timing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Prof. Anim. Sci. In press.
Dobbins, C. A., D. E. Eborn, D. E. Tenhouse, R. M. Breiner, S. K. Johnson, T. T. Marston, and J. S. Stevenson. 2009. Insemination timing affects pregnancy rates in beef cows treated with CO-Synch protocol including an intravaginal progesterone insert. Theriogenology. In press.
Stevenson, J. S., J. J. Higgins, and Y. Jung. 2009. Pregnancy outcome after insemination of frozen-thawed bovine semen packaged in two straw sizes: A meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 92:4432-4438.
Thomas, M. D., K. C. Olson, J. S. Stevenson, and J. R. Jaeger, J. W. Bolte, N. A. Sproul, and D. A. Linden. 2009. Prepartum supplementation influences response to timed artificial insemination by suckled mature beef cows. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25:41-48.
Larson, J. E., K. N. Thielen, B. J. Funnell, J. S. Stevenson, D. J. Kesler, and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Influence of a CIDR after fixed-time AI on pregnancy rates and returns to estrus of nonpregnant cows. J. Anim. Sci. 87:914-921.
Epp, M. P., D. A. Blasi, B. J. Johnson, J. P. Kayser, D. M. Grieger, J. S. Stevenson, and J. E. Minton. 2008. Serum steroid concentrations at different phases of production and brain monoamine oxidase type A messenger ribonucleic acid in buller steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:552-559.
Stevenson, J. S. 2008. Progesterone, follicular, and estrual responses to progesterone-based estrus and ovulation synchronization protocols at five stages of the estrous cycle J. Dairy Sci. 91:4640-4650.
Burns, M. G., B. S. Buttrey, C. A. Dobbins, C. A. Martel, KC Olson, G. C. Lamb, and J. S. Stevenson. 2008. Evaluation of human chorionic gonadotropin as a replacement for gonadotropin-releasing hormone in ovulation-synchronization protocols before fixed timed artificial insemination in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2539-2548.
King, S.S., B.L. Douglas, J.F. Roser, W.J. Silvia and K.L. Jones. 2009. Differential luteolytic function between the physiological breeding season, autumn transition and persistent winter cyclicity in the mare. Animal Reproduction Science (in press).
Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Allan MF. Size of the ovulatory follicle in cattle expressing multiple ovulations naturally, and its effect on corpus luteum development and fertility. J Anim Sci (in press).
Cushman RA, Allan MF, Kuehn LA, Snelling WM, Cupp AS, Freetly HC. Evaluation of antral follicle count and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows: Investigation of influence of stage of the estrous cycle, age, and birth weight. J Anim Sci 2009; 87:1971-1980.
Allan MF, Kuehn LA, Cushman RA, Snelling WM, Echternkamp SE, Thallman RM. Confirmation of quantitative trait loci using a low-density single nucleotide polymorphism map for twinning and ovulation rate on bovine chromosome 5. J Anim Sci 2009; 87:46-56.
Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, A.J. Roberts, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling co-products in beef heifer development diets. J. Anim. Sci. 86:476482
Martin, J.L., K. W. Creighton, J.A. Musgrave, T.J. Klopfenstein, R.T. Clark, D. C. Adams, and R. N. Funston. 2008. Effect of pre-breeding body weight or progestin exposure before breeding on beef heifer performance through the second breeding season. J. Anim. Sci. 86:451459.
Funston, R.N. 2008. Nutrition and reproduction interactions. Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. Fort Collins, CO. Pp. 165-182.
Larson, D.M., J. L. Martin, D. C. Adams, and R. N. Funston. 2009. Winter grazing system and supplementation during late gestation influence performance of beef cows and steer progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1147-1155.
Griffin, W.A., T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, G.E. Erickson, L.A. Stalker, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effect of calving season and wintering system on cow performance. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:106-109.
Meyer, T.L., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, J.D. Volesky, L.A. Stalker, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Estimating livestock forage demand: Defining the animal unit (AU). Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:213-216.
Funston, R.N., J.L. Martin, D.C. Adams, and D.M. Larson. 2008. Effects of winter grazing system and supplementation during late gestation on performance of beef cows and progeny. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:102-105.
Larson, D.M., R.D. Richardson, and R.N. Funston. 2008. Effect of wintering system, nutrition around breeding and prostaglandin on reproduction and calf production of beef heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 59:273-276.
Larson, D.M., T.L. Meyer, L.A. Stalker, and R.N. Funston. 2009. Post weaning management of heifer calves impacts average daily gain and feed efficiency as pregnant heifers. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60:63-66.
Larson, D.M., A.S. Cupp, and R.N.Funston. 2009. Extending graxing in heifer development systems decreases cost without compromising production. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60:67-71.
Larson, D.M. and R.N. Funston. 2009. Estrous synchronization increases early calving frequency, which enhances steer progeny value. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 60:72-75.
Bork, N.R., J.W. Schroeder, G.P. Lardy, K.A. Vonnahme, M.L. Bauer, R.D. Shaver, and P.M. Fricke. 2009. Effect of Feeding Rolled Flaxseed on Milk Fatty Acid Profiles and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science. Accepted with revision (JDS-09-2020).
Long, N.M., K.A. Vonnahme, B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2009. Effects of early gestational undernutrition on fetal growth, organ development, and placentomal composition in the bovine. Journal of Animal Science. 87:1950-1959.
Arndt, W. J., A. J. Holle, M. L. Bauer, J. D. Kirsch, D. E. Schimek, K. G. Odde, K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Effects of progesterone supplementation on embryonic survival in dairy cows. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. Accepted. 08-06
G.A. Perry and B.L. Perry. 2009. Effect of the timing of CIDR insertion on the GnRH-induced LH surge and ovulatory response. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted)
S. D. Fields, B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2009. Effects of GnRH treatment on initiation of pulses of LH, LH release, and subsequent concentrations of progesterone. Domestic Anim. Endo. (accepted)
G. A. Perry, and B. L. Perry. 2009. Effect of an injection of GnRH at time of insemination following detection in standing estrus on subsequent concentrations of progesterone and pregnancy rates. Theriogenology 71:775-779.
Bamber R. L., G. E. Shook, M. C. Wiltbank, J. E. P. Santos, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Genetic parameters for anovulation and pregnancy loss in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, N. Mathialagan, M. F. McGrath, J. M. Ballam, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Effect of interval to resynchronization of ovulation on fertility of lactating Holstein cows when using transrectal ultrasonography or a pregnancy-associated glycoptorein (PAG) ELISA to diagnose pregnancy status. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3643-3650.
Watters, R. D., M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, A. E. Brickner, R. R. Rastani, P. M. Fricke, and R. R. Grummer. 2009. Effect of dry period length on reproduction during the subsequent lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3081-3090.
Silva del Río, N., J. Colloton, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Factors affecting pregnancy loss for single and twin pregnancies in a high-producing dairy herd. Theriogenology 71:1462-1471.
Sterry, R. A., E. Silva, D. Kolb, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Strategic treatment of anovular dairy cows with GnRH. Theriogenology 71:534542.
Dahlen, C. R., S. L. Bird, C. A. Martel, KC Olson, J. S. Stevenson, and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 7 days after fixed-time (TAI) of suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 2):373. (Abstr.)
Lamb, G.C. 2009. ASAS Early Career Achievement Award Presentation: Control of the estrous cycle for fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) in beef cattle. . Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 2):370-371. (Abstr.)
Marquezini, G., C. R. Dahlen, S. L. Bird, B. J. Funnell, and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Effects of presynchronization with hCG 7 d prior to estrous synchronization and fixed-time AI (TAI) on fertility and concentrations of progesterone in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl. 2):269. (Abstr.)
Barua A, JS Abramowicz , P Bitterman , JM Bahr , DB Hales , JL Luborsky. 2008. Transvaginal ultrasound predicts ovarian tumor associated neo-angiogenesis. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol., 32(3):370.
Collins ED, C Korneli, and DJ Miller. 2008. Glycomic analysis of saccharides that bind porcine sperm. Joint Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association and the American Society of Animal Science.
Krisher, R.L. 2008. Components of oocyte quality in the pig. Biol Reprod Special Issue (abst. 755).
Liu C, P Tsai, AM Garcia Rivera, B Logeman, DJ Miller, and TS Tanaka. 2009. Downregulation of Reproductive homeobox gene 6 (Rhox6) interferes with male germ cell differentiation. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction.
Paczkowski, M.J., C.Bidwell, J.Waddell, D. Spurlock, R.L. Krisher 2008. In vitro maturation alters gene expression in mouse oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 20(1):82 (abst. 3).
Paczkowski, M.J., Fleming-Waddell C.A. Bidwell, R.L. Krisher. 2009. Maternal age alters fetal and placental development and expression of methylated genes. Reprod Fertil Dev. 21(1):194 (abstr. 191).
Silva, E., R.Krisher. 2009. Leptin and glucose influence porcine nuclear maturation. Reprod Fertil Dev. 21(1):226 (abstr. 256).
Yuan, Y., R.L. Krisher 2008. The presence of ammonium in chemically defined maturation medium inhibits porcine oocyte nuclear maturation and subsequent embryonic development in vitro. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 20(1):208-209 (abst. 257).
Yuan, Y., R.L. Krisher. 2009. Glutaredoxin pathway genes are differentially expressed in mature porcine oocytes with varying developmental potentials.
G.A. Bridges, M.L. Mussard, L.A. Helser, and M.L. Day. 2009. Comparison of follicular dynamics and hormone concentrations between the 7 d and 5 d CO-Synch + CIDR program in two-year old beef cows. J. Anim. Sci.: Accepted.
G. A. Bridges, N. C. Amyes, M. C. Berg, M. J. DOcchio, C. A. Morris, M. L. Day. 2009. Impact of long-term genetic selection for age at puberty on postpartum reproductive physiology in cows. J. Anim. Sci.: Accepted.
K.C. Culp, S.L. Lake, R.P. Lemenager, M.C. Claeys, P. J. Gunn, M. Van Emon, R.P. Aria1, G A. Bridges. 2009. Efficacy of the 5 day CO-Synch estrous synchronization protocol with or without the inclusion of a CIDR in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci.: Accepted.
P.J. Gunn, K.C. Culp, S.L. Lake, R.P. Arias, R.P. Lemenager, K. Heaton, G.A. Bridges. 2009. Comparison of the CIDR Select and 5 day CO-Synch + CIDR protocols for synchronizing estrus in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci.: Accepted.
L.A. Souto, M. Maquivar, M.L. Mussard, G.A. Bridges, D.G. Grum, M.L. Day. Fertility and luteal regression with the 5-d CIDR synchronization programs in postpartum beef cows using differing luteolytic treatments. J. Anim. Sci.: Accepted.
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, Y. Wang, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, R. Rekaya, D.S. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers and C.K. Tuggle. 2008. Use of transcriptional profiling to understand genetic mechanisms responding to fasting in pigs. 41st Annual Meeting of ASAS Midwestern SectionADSA Midwest Branch Meeting, March 17-19, 2008, Polk County Convention Center, Des Moines, Iowa. Abstract no. 113, p. 36-37. (Des Moines)
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, Y. Wang, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, R. Rekaya, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers and C.K. Tuggle. 2008. Sterol regulatory transcription factor-1: key regulator of fasting response in the adipose tissue in pigs? Experimental Biology 2008. FASEB J. 22:1205.6. (San Diego)
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers and C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Leptin mediates discriminate response to feed restriction in feed efficient pigs. Experimental Biology 2009. FASEB J. 23:1375 (New Orleans).
Dahlen, C. R., S. L. Bird, C. A. Martel, KC Olson, J. S. Stevenson, and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) 7 days after insemination of suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2):373 (Abstr.).
Perry GA, Perry BL, Cushman RA. Association between preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and expression of uterine milk protein precursor, inhibin bA, period 1, proenkephalin, and receptors for oxytocin, progesterone, and estradiol. (SSR, 2009).
Cushman RA, Echternkamp SE. Influence of reproductive ageing of the cow on luteal function and Period 1 mRNA expression. (SSR, 2009).
Echternkamp SE, Hays WG, Jones SA, Cushman RA. Comparison of two protocols to achieve pregnancy to fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) in suckled beef cows. (ASAS 2009).
Lemley, C. O., K. A. Vonnahme, K. M. Krause, and M. E. Wilson. 2009. Cytochrome P450 activity, liver blood flow and progesterone clearance in dairy cows fed a high starch versus a high fiber diet. American Society of Animal Sciences annual meeting. Accepted.
Reynolds, L. P., J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, J. S. Luther, C. J. Hammer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, and D. A. Redmer. 2009. Large animal models of developmental programming. American Society of Animal Sciences annual meeting. Accepted.
Ilse, B. R., V. L. Anderson, J. D. Kirsch, D. S. Buchanan, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Growth and attainment of puberty in calves from beef cows supplemented with linseed meal during late gestation. Western Section ASAS. Accepted.
G.A. Perry, B.L. Perry, and R. A. Cushman. 2009. Association between preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and expression of uterine milk protein precursor, inhibin beta A, period 1, proenkephalin, and receptors for oxytocin, progesterone, and estradiol. Biol. Reprod. 79(Suppl. 1) Abstr. 308.
G.A. Perry, B.L. Perry, S. D. Fields, J.A. Walker, and C.L. Wright. 2009. Influence of blood sulfate concentrations on uterine pH. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2): Abstr 688.
B.L. Perry, J.A. Walker, C.L. Wright, K. C. Olson, and G.A. Perry. 2009. Influence of heifer development method on post-AI blood metabolites. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2): Abstr M288.
G.A. Perry, B.L. Perry, J.A. Walker, and C.L. Wright. 2009. Influence of post-AI diet change on uterine pH and blood urea nitrogen. J. Anim Sci. (Midwest) Abstr 243.
N.L. Hojer, S.D. Fields, S.F. Lares, B.L. Perry, and G.A. Perry. 2009. Influence of initiating luteal regression prior to treatment with GnRH on initiation of a new follicular wave and synchrony of estrus. J. Anim Sci. (Midwest ASAS) Abstr 242.
Hackbart, K. S., R. M. Ferreira, A. A. Dietsche, M. T. Socha, R. D. Shaver, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Effect of organic zinc, manganese, copper, and cobalt on follicular growth, embryo quality, and tissue mineral concentrations in lactating dairy cows. Biol. Reprod. 81:490.
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, S. Bas, A. P. Cunha, R. Pawlisch, J. N. Guenther, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2009. Effect of increasing GnRH and PGF2± dose during Double-Ovsynch on fertility of lactating dairy cows at first postpartum timed artificial insemination. J. Dairy Sci. 92(E-suppl. 1):264.
Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, S. Bas, A. P. Cunha, R. Pawlisch, J. N. Guenther, and P. M. Fricke. 2009. Fertility after timed artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows resynchronized using Double-Ovsynch or Standard Ovsynch. J. Dairy Sci. 92(E-Suppl. 1):188.
Bridges, A., S. Lake, R. Lemenager, and M. Claeys, and K. Culp. 2009. Cost effective timed-AI options for beef cows. AS-594-W.
Bridges, A., S. Lake, R. Lemenager, and M. Claeys, P. Gunn, and K. Culp. 2009. Estrous synchronization programs for beef heifers. AS-592-W.
Lemenager, R., M. Claeys, A. Bridges and K. Johnson. 2008. Managing the cow herd during tough economic times. www.ansc.purdue.edu/beef/articles/CowHerdToughTimes.pdf
Lemenager, R., A. Bridges, M. Claeys and K. Johnson. 2009. Spring Pastures Grass Tetany and Bloat. www.ansc.purdue.edu/beef/articles/GrassTetanyBloat.pdf
Iowa State University
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers, and C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Microarray gene expression profiles of fasting induced changes in liver and adipose tissues of pigs expressing the melanocortin-4 receptor D298N variant. Physiological Genomics 38:98-111.
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, C.R. Barb, G.J. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers, and C.K. Tuggle. 2009. Leptin mediates discriminate response to feed restriction in feed efficient pigs. Experimental Biology 2009. FASEB J. 23:1375 (New Orleans).
Molina, J.R., A.M. Benoit, S. Lkhagvadorj, and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Hypothalamic deafferentation in prepuberal beef heifers: effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol benzoate on luteinizing hormone secretion. Livestock Science 120:13-24.
Benoit, A.M., J.R. Molina, S. Lkhagvadorj, and L.L. Anderson. 2009. Prolactin secretion after hypothalamic deafferentation in beef calves: response to haloperidol, a-methyl-r-tyrosine, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ovariectomy. Animal Reproduction Science 111:54-68.
Wilson, M.E. and L.L. Anderson. 2010. Mechanistic aspects of foetal development relating to postnatal health and metabolism in pigs. In: Managing Prenatal Development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. Edited by P. Greenwood and A. Bell. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria Springer Science & Business Media, B.V. Dordrecht. pp. 161-202.
Cho, S.-J., J.-S. Lee, E.D. Mathias, C. Chang, G.J. Hickey, S. Lkhagvadorj, and L.L. Anderson. 2010. Pharmacology of intracerebroventricular and intravenous administration of growth hormone secretagogue, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and galanin in pig: central and dose dependent effects on growth hormone secretion. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 151:412-419.
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O. Couture, C. Barb, G. Hausman, D. Nettleton, L.L. Anderson, J. Dekkers, and C. Tuggle. 2010. Gene expression profiling of the short-term adaptive response to acute caloric restriction in liver and adipose tissues of pigs differing in feed efficiency. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 298:R494-R507.
Barb, C.R., G.J. Hausman, R. Rekaya, C.A. Lents, S. Lkhagvadorj, L. Qu, W. Cai, O.P. Couture, L.L. Anderson, J.C.M. Dekkers, and C.K. Tuggle. 2010. Gene expression in hypothalamus, liver and adipose tissues and feed intake response to melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonist in pigs expressing MC4R mutations. Physiological Genomics 41:254-268.
Mathew, D., E. Sellner, C. Okamura, R. Geisert, L. Anderson, and M. Lucy. 2009. Effect of progesterone antagonist RU486 on uterine progesterone receptor mRNA expression, embryonic development and ovarian function during early pregnancy in pigs. In: Control of Pig Reproduction VIII. (Edited by: H. Rodriquez-Martinez, J.L. Vallet and A.J. Ziecik) Nottingham University Press, Nottingham NG11 OAX, UK, pp. 333-334.
Anderson, L.L. 2010. Nanobiology of neuroendocrine secretion. BITs 1st Annual World Congress of NeuroTalk 2010. Track 1-5: Cell Biology of Neurons and Glia Cells. June 25-28, 2010, EXPO, Singapore, p. 61.
Mathew, D.J., E.M. Sellner, C.S. Okamura, R.D. Geisert, L.L. Anderson, and M.C. Lucy. 2009. Effect of progesterone (P) antagonist RU486 on uterine progesterone receptor (PGR) mRNA expression, embryonic development and ovarian function during early pregnancy in pigs. 42nd Annual Meeting of ASAS Midwestern Section ADSA Midwest Branch Meeting, March, 2009. Polk County Convention Center, Des Moines, IA. Abstract no. 78. pp 24-25.
Anderson, L.L. 2009. Reproductive biology of pigs. Animal Industry Report A.S. Leaflet R-2443.
Wilhelms, K.W., K.F. Fitzpatrick, C.G. Scanes, and L.L. Anderson. 2010. In ovo exposure to atrazine on circulating reproductive hormones and gonadal histology in Japanese quail. Animal Industry Report. A.S. Leaflet R-2536.
Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O. Couture, L. Anderson, J. Dekkers, D. Nettleson, and C. Tuggle. 2010. Transcriptional profiling of the caloric restriction in key metabolic tissues of pigs differing in feed efficiency. Animal Industry Report. A.S. Leaflet R-2558.
University of Kentucky:
Reames, P.S., T.B. Hatler, S.H. Hayes, D.L. Ray and W.J. Silvia. 2010. Differential regulation of estrous behavior and luteinizing hormone secretion by estradiol-17b in ovariectomized dairy cows. Theriogenology.
King, S.S., B.L. Douglas, J.F. Roser, W.J. Silvia and K.L. Jones. 2010. Differential luteolytic function between the physiological breeding season, autumn transition and persistent winter cyclicity in the mare. Animal Reproduction Science 117:232-240.
University of Illinois
Yuan, Y., Krisher, R.L. (2009) Effect of ammonium during in vitro maturation on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation and subsequent embryonic development. Animal Reproduction Science 117:302-307. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2009.05.012.
Paczkowski, M., Krisher R.L. (2010) Aberrant Protein Expression is Associated with Decreased Developmental Potential in Porcine Oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 77:51-58. Published Online: 2 Sep 2009; DOI 10.1002/mrd.21102.
Krisher, R.L. and Wheeler, M.B. (2010). Towards use of microfluidics for individual embryo culture. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22:32-39.
Boutelle, S., Lenahan, K., Krisher, R.L., Bauman, K.L., Asa, C.S., Silber, S. (Accepted) Vitrification of oocytes from endangered Mexican gray wolves (Canis lupus baileyi). Theriogenology.
Paczkowski, M., Yuan, Y., Fleming-Waddell, J., Bidwell, C., Spurlock, D., Krisher, R.L. (submitted) Alterations in the transcriptome of porcine oocytes derived from prepubertal and adult females is correlated with developmental potential. Theriogenology.
Paczkowski, M., Fleming-Waddell, J., Bidwell, C.A., Krisher, R.L. (2009) Maternal Age Alters Fetal and Placental Development and Expression of Methylated Genes. Reprod Fertil Dev. 21(1):194 (abstr. 191).
Silva, E., Krisher, R. (2009) Leptin and Glucose Influence Porcine Nuclear Maturation. Reprod Fertil Dev. 21(1):226 (abstr. 256).
Yuan, Y., R.L. Krisher. (2009). Glutaredoxin pathway genes are differentially expressed in mature porcine oocytes with varying developmental potentials. Biology of Reproduction 81 (Suppl. 1): 370.
Ohlweiler, L.U., Mezzalira, J.C., Monaco, E., Mezzalira, A., Bertolini, M., Wilson, S.M., Ringwelski, J., Krisher, R.L., Rund, L., Wheeler, M.B. (2010) Pregnancy outcome after oviductal transfer of zona free 1 cell stage porcine embryos produced by hand made cloning. Reproduction Fertility and Development 22(1):194 (abst. 72).
Mezzalira, J.C., Ohlweiler, L.U., Massie, A., Monaco, E., Silva, E.P., Yuan, Y., Mezzalira, A., Bertolini, M, Krisher, R.L., Wheeler, M.B. (2010) Effects of cell type, pre-activation protocol and culture conditions on development of porcine hand made cloned embryos. Reproduction Fertility and Development 22(1):193 (abst. 69).
Yuan, Y., Paczkowski, M., Krisher, R.L. (2010) Identification of Developmental Competence Related Genes in Mature Porcine Oocytes. Biology of Reproduction 83 (Suppl 1):87 (abstract 390).
Silva, E., Paczkowski, M., Krisher, R.L. (2010) Effect of leptin on porcine oocyte nuclear maturation under conditions of hyperglycemia. Biology of Reproduction 83 (Suppl 1):127 (abstract 563).
Kansas State University
Journal Articles and Abstracts
Dahlen, C.R., S.L. Bird, C.A. Martel, KC Olson, J.S. Stevenson, and G.C. Lamb. 2010. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin 7 days after fixed-time AI of suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. .88:2337-2345.
Chebel, R.C., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, J.E.P. Santos, J. R. Lima, C. A. Martel, J. S. Stevenson, R. Garcia, R. L. Ax, and F. Moreira. 2010. Supplementation of progesterone via CIDR inserts during ovulation synchronization protocols in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93:922-931.
Stevenson, J.S., and A.P. Phatak. 2010. Rates of luteolysis and pregnancy in dairy cows after treatment with cloprostenol or dinoprost. Theriogenology 73:1127-1138.
Buttrey, B. S., M. G. Burns, and J. S. Stevenson. 2009. Ovulation and pregnancy outcomes in response to human chorionic gonadotropin before resynchronized ovulation in dairy cattle. Theriogenology 73:449-459.
Lamb, G. C. C. R. Dahlen, J. E. Larson, G. Marquezini, and J. S. Stevenson. 2010. Control of the estrous cycle to improve fertility for fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) in beef cattle: A review. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E. Suppl.):E181-E192.
Stevenson, J. S., and C. A. Martel. 2009. Resynchronized ovulation in lactating dairy cattle of unknown pregnancy: Occurrence and timing of gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25:605-609.
Dobbins, C. A., D. E. Eborn, D. E. Tenhouse, R. M. Breiner, S. K. Johnson, T. T. Marston, and J. S. Stevenson. 2009. Insemination timing affects pregnancy rates in beef cows treated with CO-Synch protocol including an intravaginal progesterone insert. Theriogenology 72:10091016.
Stevenson, J.S. 2010. Alternative protocols to presynchronize estrous cycles in dairy cattle before a timed AI program. J. Dairy Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 1.):218 (Abstr.).
Wallace, L.D., S. L. Pulley, KC Olson, J.R. Jaeger, J.W. Bolte, S.K. Johnson, L.A. Pacheco, K. Bischoff, T. Loyd, G.C. Lamb, and J. S. Stevenson. 2010. Timed AI pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows in response to equine chorionic gonadotropin. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):392 (Abstr.).
Wallace, L.D., C.A. Breiner, R.A. Breiner, and J. S. Stevenson. 2010. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to embryo transfer recipients increased ovulation, progesterone, and transfer pregnancy rates. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):397-398 (Abstr.).
Wallace, L.D. 2010. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to embryo transfer recipients increased ovulation, progesterone, and transfer pregnancy rates. M.S. thesis, Kansas State University, 56 p.
USDA-ARS U.S. Meat Animal Research Center
Peer Reviewed Manuscripts and Abstracts
McFee R, Pohlmeier W, Smith J, Kerl J, Slattery R, Clopton D, Wood J, Cushman R, Cupp A. Follicle size and volume is less indicative of development of a persistent follicle in beef heifers. Biol. Reprod. 2010 (Special Issue Abstr.).
Cushman RA, Allan MF, McDaneld TG, Kuehn LA, Rempel LA, Lindholm-Perry AK, Snelling WM, Freetly HC. Using growth traits and adipose function to identify indicators of heifer fertility. 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, 2010 (Abstr.).
Cushman RA, Miles JR, Echternkamp SE. Reproductive tract differences in repeat-breeder cows. J. Anim. Sci. 2010 88(E-Suppl. 2 Abstr.).
Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Ferrell CL. Effect of dietary energy on ovarian development and fertility in postpuberal beef heifers. J Anim. Sci 2010 88(E-Suppl. 2 Abstr.).
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Hackbart, K. S., R. M. Ferreira, A. A. Dietsche, M. T. Socha, R. D. Shaver, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. Effect of organic zinc, manganese, copper, and cobalt on milk production, follicular growth, embryo quality, and tissue mineral concentrations in dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted 08-19-10).
Bork, N. R., J. W. Schroeder, G. P. Lardy, K. A. Vonnahme, M. L. Bauer, D. S. Buchanan, R. D. Shaver, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of feeding rolled flaxseed on milk fatty acid profiles and reproductive performance of dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. (In press). Published online July 9, 2010.
Grummer, R. R., M. C. Wiltbank, P. M. Fricke, R. D. Watters, and N. Silva del Rio. 2010. Management of dry and transition cows to improve energy balance and reproduction. J. Reprod. Dev. 56:S22-S28.
Silva del Río, N., P. M. Fricke, and R. R. Grummer. 2010. Effects of twin pregnancy and dry period feeding strategy on milk production, energy balance and metabolic profiles in Holstein cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:1048-1060.
Chebel, R. C., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, J. E. P. Santos, J. R. Lima, C. A. Martel, J. S. Stevenson, R. Garcia, and R. L. Ax. 2010. Supplementation of progesterone via CIDR inserts during ovulation synchronization protocols in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93:922-931.
Abstracts presented at scientific meetings
Giordano, J. O., J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes, M. F. McGrath, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Serum pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) and progesterone concentrations after induction of pregnancy loss at Day 39 of gestation in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 1):81.
Giordano, J. O., J. N. Guenther, M. S. Ares, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Presynchronization with hCG 7 d before initiation of Resynch improves fertility similar to a Double-Ovsynch Resynch protocol in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 1):219.
Giordano, J. O., J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes Jr., M. M. Herlihy, A. B. Nascimento, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of presynchronization with GnRH or hCG 7 d before resynchronization of ovulation initiated 25 d after a previous timed AI on fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 1):676.
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, and V. E. Cabrera. 2010. A stochastic evaluation reproductive management programs for dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 1):752.
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, and V. E. Cabrera. 2010. An economic decision-making model for comparing reproductive management programs in dairy herds. Midwest ADSA.
South Dakota State University
Sá Filho, M. F., A. M. Crespilho, J. E. P. Santos, G. A. Perry, and P. S. Baruselli. 2010. Ovulatory follicle diameter at timed insemination and estrous response influence likelyhood of ovulation and pregnancy after estrous synchronization with progesterone and progestin-based protocols in suckled suckled Bos indicus cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 120:23-30.
Garverick, H. A., J. L. Juengel, P. Smith, D. A. Heath, M. N. Burkhart, J. L. Schenk, G. A. Perry, M. F. Smith, K. P. McNatty. 2010. Development of the ovary and ontogeny of mRNA and protein expression of P450 aromatase (arom) and estrogen receptors (ER) alpha and beta during early fetal life in cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 117:24-33.
Burkhart, M. N., J. L. Juengel, P. R. Smith, D. A. Heath, G. A. Perry, M. F. Smith and H. A. Garverick. 2010. Morphological development and characterization of aromatase and estrogen receptors alpha and beta in fetal ovaries of cattle from days 110 to 250. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 117:43-54.
Grant, J. K., and G. A. Perry. 2010. Uterine expression of Na+/H+ antiporters 1, 2, and 4 in beef cows following CIDR removal. 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium.
Perry, G. A., K. L. Gebhart, B. L. Perry, M. G. Gonda, C. L. Wright, and R. C. Bott. 2010. Effect of ovulatory follicle size on luteal weight and steriodogenic enzyme expression. 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium.
Jinks, E. M., J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, M. F. Smith, G. A. Perry, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2010. Factors affecting preovulatory concentrations of estradiol and its role in establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in suckled beef cows using reciprocal embryo transfer. 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium.
Grant, J. K., F. M. Abreu, and G. A. Perry. 2010. Influence of luteal regression prior to GnRH on LH pulse frequency and synchrony of follicular growth. J. Anim. Sci.
Perry, G. A., B. L. Perry, and J. H. Krantz. 2010. Influence of inducing luteal regression prior to a fixed-time AI CIDR protocol in postpartum beef cows on pregnancy success. J. Anim. Sci.
Johnson, S. K., R.N. Funston, J. B. Hall, D. J. Kesler, J. W. Lauderdale, G. C. Lamb, D. J. Patterson, G. A. Perry, and D. R. Strohbehn. 2010. Multi-state Beef Reproduction Task Force provides science based recommendations for the application of reproductive technologies. J. Anim. Sci.
Olenich, S. A., X. Fang, L. A. Hoff, J. A. Walker, K. C. Olson, G. A. Perry, and M. G. Gonda. 2010. Partial characterization of bovine Complement Receptor-2 (CR2) in Angus cattle. J. Anim. Sci.
Fang, X., L. A. Hoff, J. A. Walker, K. C. Olson, G. A. Perry, J. X. Wu, C. Maltecca, and M. G. Gonda. 2010. No evidence for association between leptin polymorphism C.73 C>T and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) vaccine response. J. Anim. Sci.
Gebhart, K. L., B. L. Perry, M. G. Gonda, C. L. Wright, R. C. Bott, and G. A. Perry. 2010. Effect of standing estrus prior to an injection of GnRH on steriodogenic enzyme expression in luteal tissue. J. Anim Sci. (Midwest)
Camacho, L. E., A .M. Meyer, D. M. Hallford, G. A. Perry, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of nutritional plane and dietary selenium during gestation on serum prolactin (PRL) and estradiol-17² (E2) in ewe lambs during pregnancy and lactation. J. Anim Sci. (Midwest)
Mississippi State University
Journal Articles
Larson, J. E., R. L. Krisher, and G. C. Lamb. 2010. Effects of supplemental progesterone on the development, metabolism, and blastocyst cell number of bovine embryos produced in vitro. Reprod. Fert. Devl.
Romano, J. E. and J. E. Larson. 2010. Accuracy of pregnancy specific protein-B test for early pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cattle. Theriogenology (doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2010.04.018).
Lamb, G. C., C. R. Dahlen, J. E. Larson, G. H. Marquezini, and J. S. Stevenson. 2010. Control of the estrous cycle to improve fertility for fixed-time artificial insemination in beef cattle: A review. J. Anim Sci. 88:E181-E192.
Larson, J. E., G. C. Lamb, B. J. Funnell, S. Bird, A. Martins, and J. C. Rodgers. 2010.
Embryo production in superovulated Angus cows inseminated four times with sexed- sorted or conventional, frozen-thawed semen. Theriogenology 73(5):698-703.
Abstracts Presented at Scientific Meetings
Larson, J. E., R. L. Krisher, and G. C. Lamb. 2010. Effects of supplemental progesterone during culture on the development, metabolism, and blastocyst cell number of bovine embryos produced by in vitro maturation, fertilization, and culture. Proc. American Society of Animal
Science Southern Branch: 20 (Abstr.)
Research Reports
Binversie, J. A. and J. E. Larson. 2010. Modifying the Double-Ovsynch protocol to include human chorionic gonadotropin to synchronize estrus in dairy cows and heifers. Mississippi State University Animal and Dairy Sciences Department Report 2010.
Extension Publications
Parish, J. A., J. E. Larson, and R. C. Vann. 2010. The Estrous Cycle of Cattle. Publication 2616. Extension Service of Mississippi State University.
Parish, J. A., J. E. Larson, and R. C. Vann. 2010. Estrus (Heat) Detection in Cattle. Publication 2610. Extension Service of Mississippi State University.
Parish, J. A., J. E. Larson, and R. C. Vann. 2010. Estrus Synchronization in Cattle. Publication 2614. Extension Service of Mississippi State University.
Parish, J. A., J. E. Larson, and R. C. Vann. 2010. Reproductive Management of Beef Cattle Herds. Publication 2615. Extension Service of Mississippi State University.
Ohio State University
Percha, K. 2010. The Effect of PGF2± on the Expression of Sodium Dependent Vitamin C Transporters in Early vs. Mid-Cycle Corpora Lutea of Sheep. The Ohio State University, Honors Thesis, Advisor: Ottobre, Joseph. The Knowledge Bank at OSU. http://hdl.handle.net/1811/45598
Journal Articles and Abstracts
Day, M.L., M.L. Mussard, G.A. Bridges, and C.R. Burke. 2010. Controlling the dominant follicle in beef cattle to improve estrous synchronization and early embryonic development. Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII.
B.L. Sparks, S.L. Lake, J. Berry, K. Heaton, R.P. Lemenager, L.A. Horstman, K.S. Fisher, P.J. Gunn, and G.A. Bridges. 2010. Effect of PGF2± administration at CIDR insertion on AI pregnancy rates in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1): Abst 845.
L.H. Cruppe, L.A. Souto, M. Maquivar, P. Gunn, M.L. Mussard, D. Wolfenson, A. V. Pires, G.A. Bridges, and M.L. Day. 2010. Use of two coincident doses of PGF2± with the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR estrous synchronization program. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1): Abst 849.
K.S. Fisher, T.S. Stewart, P.H. Purdy, H.D. Blackburn, W.L. Singleton, B.L. Sparks, P.J. Gunn, and G.A. Bridges. 2010. Reproductive performance of sows inseminated with various doses of frozen-thawed semen. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1): Abst 991.
G.A. Bridges, B.L. Sparks, P.J. Gunn, and K.S. Fisher. 2010. Impact of reduced progesterone during the follicular wave on ovulatory follicle diameter and progesterone concentrations in the subsequent estrous cycle. Abstr. M34. Presented at the 8th International Ruminant Reproduction Symposium, September 3-7, 2010, Anchorage, AK
Sparks, B.L. M.S. Impact of reducing progesterone concentrations during the follicle development on follicular dynamics, steroidogenesis, and fertility in beef heifers.
Fisher, K.S. M.S. Methods to improve the utilization and preservation of gametes in swine.
North Dakota State University
Neville, T. L., J.S. Caton, C.J. Hammer, J.J. Reed, J.S. Luther, J.B. Taylor, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds and K.A. Vonnahme 2010. Ovine offspring growth and diet digestibility are influenced by maternal Se supplementation and nutritional intake level during pregnancy despite a common postnatal diet. Journal of Animal Science. Epub ahead of print: http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2009-2666v1.
Lemley, C.O., K.A. Vonnahme, L.R. Tager, K.M. Krause, M.E. Wilson. 2010. Diet-induced alterations in hepatic progesterone (P4) catabolic enzyme activity and P4 clearance rate in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Endocrinology. Epub ahead of print: http://joe.endocrinology-journals.org/cgi/reprint/JOE-10-0042v1
Neville, T.L., D.A. Redmer, P.P. Borowicz, J.J. Reed, M.A. Ward, M.L. Johnson, J.B. Taylor, S.A. Soto-Navarro, K.A. Vonnahme, L.P. Reynolds, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Maternal dietary restriction and selenium supply alters messenger ribonucleic acid expression of angiogenic factors in maternal intestine, mammary gland, and fetal jejunal tissues during late gestation in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted. Epub ahead of print: http://jas.fass.org/cgi/content/full/88/8/2692
Meyer, A.M., J.J. Reed, K.A. Vonnahme, S. A. Soto-Navarro, L. P. Reynolds, S. P. Ford, B. W. Hess, and J. S. Caton. 2010. Effects of stage of gestation and nutrient restriction during early to mid-gestation on maternal and fetal visceral organ mass and indices of jejunal growth and vascularity in beef cows. Journal of Animal Science. Epub ahead of print: http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2009-2220v1
Bork, N.R., J.W. Schroeder, G.P. Lardy, K.A. Vonnahme, M.L. Bauer, R.D. Shaver, and P.M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of Feeding Rolled Flaxseed on Milk Fatty Acid Profiles and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted. Epub ahead of print: http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2010-2841v1
Meyer, A.M., J.J. Reed, T.L Neville, J.B. Taylor, C.J. Hammer, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, K.A. Vonnahme, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Effects of nutritional plane and selenium supply during gestation on ewe and neonatal offspring performance, body composition, and serum selenium. Journal of Animal Science. 88:1786-1800.
Knox, R.V., M. L. Day, G.S. Lewis, M.C. Lucy and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Triennial Reproduction Symposium: Challenges and opportunities facing livestock reproduction in the 21st century. Journal of Animal Science. 88(13 suppl): E193-E194.
Funston, R.N., D.L. Larson, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Impacts of maternal nutrition on conceptus growth and offspring performance: Implications for beef cattle production. Journal of Animal Science Invited review. 88(13 suppl):E205-E215.
Reynolds, L.P., P.P Borowicz, J.S. Caton, K.A. Vonnahme, J.S. Luther, C.J. Hammer, K.R. Maddock Carlin, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, and D.A. Redmer. 2010. Developmental programming: The concept, large animal models, and the key role of utero-placental vascular development. Journal of Animal Science. Invited review. 88(13 suppl.): E61-E72.
Reynolds L. P., P. P Borowicz, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, J. S. Luther, D. S. Buchanan, S. A. Hafez, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, and D. A. Redmer. 2010. Utero-placental vascular development and placental function: An update. Invited review. Internat J. Develop. Biol., Special Issue Placental Developmental Biology, JS Hunt and KL Thornburg (eds.); 54:355-366.
Lekatz, L.A., J.S. Caton, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Maternal selenium supplementation and timing of nutrient restriction in pregnant sheep: Impacts on maternal endocrine status and placental characteristics. Journal of Animal Science. 88:955-971.
Lekatz, L. A., M. A. Ward, P. P. Borowicz, J. B. Taylor, D. A. Redmer, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Cotyledonary responses to maternal selenium and dietary restriction may influence alterations in fetal weight and fetal liver glycogen in sheep. Animal Reproduction Science. 117:216-225.
Camacho, L. E., L. A. Lekatz, M. L. VanEnom, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation in late gestation on uterine and umbilical blood flows in sheep. American Society of Animal Science.
Neville, T. L., L. A. Lekatz, T. J. Swanson, M. L. Van Emon, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, C. J. Hammer, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supply on fetal organ weights. American Society of Animal Science.
Lekatz, L. A., M. L. Van Emon, P. K. Shukla, S. T. O'Rourke, C. S. Schauer, K. M. Carlin, K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Influence of metabolizable protein supplementation during late gestation on vasoreactivity of maternal and fetal placental arteries in sheep. American Society of Animal Science.
Swanson, T. J., L. A. Lekatz, T. L. Neville, M. L. Van Enom, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, C. J. Hammer, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of late gestation metabolizable protein (MP) supplementation on ewe organ and blood parameters. American Society of Animal Science.
Magolski, J. D., W. L. Keller, T. M. Jeske, C. A. Schwartz, L. A. Lekatz, J. D. Kirsch, C. S. Schauer, K. A. Vonnahme, K. R. Maddock-Carlin. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation during late gestation on ovine fetal muscle calpain and calpastatin activities. American Society of Animal Science
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station
Journal Articles
Dahlen, C. R., G. H. L. Marquezini, J. E. Larson, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Fixed-time artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers after estrus synchronization with human chorionic gonadotropin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. (jas.2010-3824).
Dahlen, C. R., G. H. L. Marquezini, J. E. Larson, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Human chorionic gonadotropin influences ovarian function and concentrations of progesterone in prepubertal Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: jas.2010-3712).
Johnson, S.K., R.N. Funston, J.B. Hall, D.J. Kesler, J.W. Lauderdale, G.C. Lamb, D.J. Patterson, G.A. Perry, and D.R. Strohbehn. 2010. Multi-state Beef Reproduction Task Force provides science based recommendations for the application of reproductive technologies. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: jas.2010-3719).
Larson, J.E., R.L. Krisher, G.C. Lamb. 2011. Effects of supplemental progesterone on the development, metabolism, and blastocyst cell number of bovine embryos produced in vitro. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 23:311-318.
Marquezini, G.H.L., C. R. Dahlen, S. L. Bird, G. C. Lamb. 2011. Administration of hCG to suckled beef cows before ovulation synchronization and fixed-time insemination: replacement of GnRH with hCG. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: jas.2010-3455).
Wallace, L.D., C.A. Breiner, R.A. Breiner, A.R. Spell, J.A. Carter, G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson. 2011. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin to embryo transfer recipients increased ovulation, progesterone, and transfer pregnancy rates. Theriogenology 75:1506-1515.
Presented at Scientific Meetings
Bischoff, K. M., T. E. Black, R. D. Estermann, G. A. Bridges, G. C. Lamb, and J. V. Yelich. 2011. Reproductive performance of replacement beef heifers when estrus was synchronized with progesterone (CIDR) for 5 or 7 d, GnRH, and PGF2±. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 346 (Abstr.).
Bischoff, K. M., T. E. Black, V. R. G. Mercadante, G. H. L. Marquezini, C. C. Chase, S. W. Coleman, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Effect of maternal feed efficiency as growing heifers and lactating cows on feed intake and performance of their suckling offspring. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 601 (Abstr.).
Bridges, G.A., L. H. Cruppe, J. F. Currin, M. L. Day, P. J. Gunn, J. R. Jaeger, G. C. Lamb, A. E. Radunz, P. Repenning, J. S. Stevenson, J. C. Whittier, and W. D. Whittier. 2011. Determination of appropriate delivery of PGF2± in the 5-day Co-Synch + CIDR protocol in lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 251 (Abstr.).
Lamb, G.C., K. M. Bischoff, T. E. Black, V. R. G. Mercadante, G. H. L. Marquezini, R. F. Cooke, and N. DiLorenzo. 2011. Management implications associated with the onset of puberty and persistence of estrous cycles in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 494 (Abstr.).
Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, N. DiLorenzo, V.R.G. Mercadante, K.M. Bischoff, T.E. Black, G.H.L. Marquezini. The Impact of Current and Future Applied Reproduction Technologies in Livestock on World Food Production. Biol. Reprod. 85 (Supplement 1):26 (Abstr.)
Marquezini, G. H. L., T. E. Black, K. M. Bischoff, V. R. G. Mercadante, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Capability of a new or once-used CIDR to develop persistent follicles and the capability of additional progesterone for persistent follicle turnover in replacement beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 340 (Abstr.).
Marquezini, G.H.L., V.R.G. Mercadante, J.S. Stevenson, G.A. Perry, and G.C. Lamb. 2011. Effect of 72 h temporary calf removal and/or equine chorionic gonadotropin before timed AI on follicle development, concentrations of LH and estradiol, and ovulation rate in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 251 (Abstr.).
Martins, P. G. M. A., C. A. A. Torres, A. B. Mancio, W. F. Souza, G. C. Lamb, and J. D. Arthington. 2011. Cow and calf separation to improve reproductive performance of first-calf Nellore beef cows under tropical conditions. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 601 (Abstr.).
Lamb, G.C. 2010. Management of heifers to achieve sound reproductive performance. In: Proc. III Congress of Uruguay Association of Animal Production. Montevideo, Uruguay pp 60-61.
Lamb, G.C. 2010. Reproduction for Florida Cattle. In: Proc. 2010 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course. Pp 35-41.
Lamb, G.C., T.E. Loyd, K.M. Bischoff, V.R.G. Mercadante. 2011. Feed Efficiency in Beef Females. In: Proc. XV Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 28-38.
Lamb, G.C., G.H.L. Marquezini, V.R.G. Mercadante, T.E. Loyd, K.M. Bischoff. 2011. Interventions to Enhance Fertility in Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination Protocols. In: Proc. XV Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 236-248.
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station
Journal Articles and Abstracts
Stevenson, J.S. 2011. Alternative programs to presynchronize estrous cycles in dairy cattle before a timed artificial insemination program J. Dairy Sci. 94: 205-217.
Wallace, L.D., C.A. Breiner, R.A. Breiner, A. R. Spell, J.A. Carter, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2011. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin at embryo transfer induced ovulation of a first wave dominant follicle, and increased progesterone and transfer pregnancy rates. Theriogenology 75:1506-1515.
Mundell, L.R., J.R. Jaeger, J.S. Stevenson, D.M. Grieger, L.A. Pacheco, J.W. Bolte, J. A. Aubel, G. J. Eckerle, M. J. Macek, and KC Olson. 2011. Effects of prepartum and postpartum bolus injections of trace minerals on performance of beef cows and calves grazing native range. J. Anim. Sci. 62(WASAS Proceedings).
Bilby, T.R., R.G.S. Bruno, K.H. Lager, R.C. Chebel, J.G.N. Moraes, P.M. Fricke, G. Lopes, J.O. Giordano, J.E.P. Santos, F.S. Lima, J.S. Stevenson, and S.L. Pulley. 2011. Effects of supplemental progesterone and timing of initiation of resychronization on fertility in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):88 (Abstr.).
Stevenson, J.S., S.L. Pulley, and H.I. Mellieon, Jr., 2011. Prostaglandin F2a and GnRH administration increase progesterone, luteal number, and proportion of dairy cows with corpora lutea before a timed AI program. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):190 (Abstr.).
Pulley, S.L., L.D. Wallace, H.I. Mellieon, and J.S. Stevenson. 2011. Ovarian characteristics, serum estradiol and progesterone concentrations, and fertility in lactating dairy cows in response to equine chorionic gonadotropin. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):347 (Abstr.).
Bridges, G.A., L.H. Cruppe, J.F. Currin, M.L. Day, P.J. Gunn, J.R. Jaeger, G.C. Lamb, A.E Radunz, P. Repenning, J.S. Stevenson, J.C. Whittier, and W.D. Whittier, 2011. Determination of appropriate delivery of PGF2a in the 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol in lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 251 (Abstr.).
Marquezini, G.H.L., V.R.G. Mercadante, J.S. Stevenson, G.A. Perry, and G.C. Lamb. 2011. Effect of 72 h temporary calf removal and/or equine chorionic gonadotropin before timed AI on follicle development, concentrations of LH and estradiol, and ovulation rate in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1): 251 (Abstr.).
Stevenson, J.S. and A. Ahmadzadeh. 2011. Breeding Standards and Pregnancy Maintenance: H. Roginski, J.W. Fuquay, and P.F. Fox (Ed.) 2nd edition. Encyclopedia of Dairy Science, Academic Press, New York, Vol. 4:410-416.
Mellieon, H.I. Jr. 2011. Evavaluation of the 5-d vs. 7-d CO-synch + CIDR protocol in dairy heifers using timed AI. M.S. thesis, Kansas State University, 38 p.
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
Reames, P.S., T.B. Hatler, S.H. Hayes, D.L. Ray and W.J. Silvia. 2011. Differential regulation of estrous behavior and luteinizing hormone secretion by estradiol-17b in ovariectomized dairy cows. Theriogenology 75:233-240.
Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Experiment Station
Journal Articles
Dahlen, C. R., G. H. L. Marquezini, J. E. Larson, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Fixed-time artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers after estrus synchronization with human chorionic gonadotropin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. (jas.2010-3824v1-20103824).
Dahlen, C. R., G. H. L. Marquezini, J. E. Larson, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Human chorionic gonadotropin influences ovarian function and concentrations of progesterone in prepubertal Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (jas.2010-3712v1-20103712).
Larson, J. E., R. L. Krisher, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Effects of supplemental progesterone on the development, metabolism, and blastocyst cell number of bovine embryos produced in vitro. Reprod. Fert. Devl. 23:311-318.
Abstracts Presented at Scientific Meetings
Lamb, G. C., J. E. Larson, N. DiLorenzo, V. M. G. Mercadante, K. M. Bischoff, T. E. Black, G. H. L. Marquezini. 2011. The impact of current and future applied reproduction technologies in livestock on world food. Soc. Study of Reprod. (accepted).
Binversie, J. A., K. E. Pfeiffer, and J. E. Larson. 2011. Modifying the double-Ovsynch protocol to include human chorionic gonadotropin to synchronize estrus in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 1):239.
Binversie, J. A., J. D. Davis, K. G. Gebremedhin, C. N. Lee, and J. E. Larson. 2011. Alternative cooling of dairy cows by wetting the udder. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 1):102-103.
Pfeiffer, K. E., J. A. Binversie, J. D. Rhinehart, and J. E. Larson. 2011. Exposure of beef females to the biostimulatory effects of bulls prior to AI. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):95.
Rhinehart, J. D., A. M. Arnett, L. H. Anderson, W. D. Whittier, J. E. Larson, W. R. Burris, J. B. Elmore, D. T. Dean, and J. M. DeJarnette. 2011. Conception rates of sex-sorted semen in beef heifers and cows. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 3):30-31.
Parish, J. A., M. L. Marks, and J. E. Larson. 2011. Use of a cattle artificial insemination school as extension programming. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 3):34-35.
Research Reports
Binversie, J. A., and J. E. Larson. 2010. Modifying the Double-Ovsynch protocol to include human chorionic gonadotropin to synchronize estrus in dairy cows and heifers. Dept. of Animal and Dairy Science Annual Report pp. 43-52.
Extension Publications
Larson, J. E. 2011. Embryo Transfer in the Dairy Herd. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 2682.
Larson, J. E., and J. A. Parish. 2011. Embryo Transfer in the Beef Herd. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 2681.
Parish, J. A., and J. E. Larson. 2011. Providing Assistance at Calving. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 2675.
Parish, J. A., and J. E. Larson. 2010. Artificial insemination programs for cattle. Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication 2628.
North Dakota State University
Journal Articles
Vonnahme, K.A., R.C. Zimprich, E.K. Harris, E.P. Berg, D.J. Newman, and D.S. Buchanan. 2010. Linseed meal during early pregnancy increases litter size in pigs without affecting post-natal growth. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 90:491-493.
Vonnahme, K.A., J.S. Luther, L.P. Reynolds, C.J. Hammer, D.B. Carlson, D.A. Redmer, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Impacts of maternal selenium and nutritional level of growth, adiposity, and glucose tolerance in female offspring in sheep. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 39:240-248.
Neville, T. L., J.S. Caton, C.J. Hammer, J.J. Reed, J.S. Luther, J.B. Taylor, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds and K.A. Vonnahme 2010. Ovine offspring growth and diet digestibility are influenced by maternal Se supplementation and nutritional intake level during pregnancy despite a common postnatal diet. Journal of Animal Science. 88:3645-3656.
Lemley, C.O., K.A. Vonnahme, L.R. Tager, K.M. Krause, M.E. Wilson. 2010. Diet induced alterations in hepatic progesterone (P4) catabolic enzyme activity and P4 clearance rate in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Endocrinology. 205:233-241.
Neville, T.L., D.A. Redmer, P.P. Borowicz, J.J. Reed, M.A. Ward, M.L. Johnson, J.B. Taylor, S.A. Soto-Navarro, K.A. Vonnahme, L.P. Reynolds, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Maternal dietary restriction and selenium supply alters messenger ribonucleic acid expression of angiogenic factors in maternal intestine, mammary gland, and fetal jejunal tissues during late gestation in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 88:2692-2702.
Meyer, A.M., J.J. Reed, K.A. Vonnahme, S. A. Soto-Navarro, L. P. Reynolds, S. P. Ford, B. W. Hess, and J. S. Caton. 2010. Effects of stage of gestation and nutrient restriction during early to mid-gestation on maternal and fetal visceral organ mass and indices of jejunal growth and vascularity in beef cows. Journal of Animal Science. 88:2410-2424.
Bork, N.R., J.W. Schroeder, G.P. Lardy, K.A. Vonnahme, M.L. Bauer, R.D. Shaver, and P.M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of Feeding Rolled Flaxseed on Milk Fatty Acid Profiles and Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows. Journal of Animal Science. 88:3739-3748.
Meyer, A.M., J.J. Reed, T.L Neville, J.B. Taylor, C.J. Hammer, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, K.A. Vonnahme, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Effects of nutritional plane and selenium supply during gestation on ewe and neonatal offspring performance, body composition, and serum selenium. Journal of Animal Science. 88:1786-1800.
Knox, R.V., M. L. Day, G.S. Lewis, M.C. Lucy and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Triennial Reproduction Symposium: Challenges and opportunities facing livestock reproduction in the 21st century. Journal of Animal Science. 88(13 suppl): E193-E194.
Funston, R.N., D.L. Larson, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Impacts of maternal nutrition on conceptus growth and offspring performance: Implications for beef cattle production. Journal of Animal Science Invited review. 88(13 suppl):E205-E215.
Reynolds, L.P., P.P Borowicz, J.S. Caton, K.A. Vonnahme, J.S. Luther, C.J. Hammer, K.R. Maddock Carlin, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, and D.A. Redmer. 2010. Developmental programming: The concept, large animal models, and the key role of utero-placental vascular development. Journal of Animal Science. Invited review. 88(13 suppl.): E61-E72.
Reynolds L. P., P. P Borowicz, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, J. S. Luther, D. S. Buchanan, S. A. Hafez, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, and D. A. Redmer. 2010. Utero-placental vascular development and placental function: An update. Invited review. Internat J. Develop. Biol., Special Issue Placental Developmental Biology, JS Hunt and KL Thornburg (eds.); 54:355-366.
Lekatz, L.A., J.S. Caton, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Maternal selenium supplementation and timing of nutrient restriction in pregnant sheep: Impacts on maternal endocrine status and placental characteristics. Journal of Animal Science. 88:955-971.
Lekatz, L. A., M. A. Ward, P. P. Borowicz, J. B. Taylor, D. A. Redmer, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Cotyledonary responses to maternal selenium and dietary restriction may influence alterations in fetal weight and fetal liver glycogen in sheep. Animal Reproduction Science. 117:216-225.
Dahlen, C.R., S.L. Bird, C.A. Martel, KC Olson, J.S. Stevenson and G.C. Lamb. 2010. Administration of human chorionic gonadotropin 7 days after fixed-time artificial insemination of suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2337-2345.
Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, J.E. Larson, G. Marquezini and J.S. Stevenson. 2010. Control of the estrous cycle to improve fertility for fixed-time artificial insemination in beef cattle: A review. J. Anim. Sci. 88:E181-E192.
Abstracts Presented at Scientific Meetings
Camacho, L. E., L. A. Lekatz, M. L. VanEnom, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation in late gestation on uterine and umbilical blood flows in sheep. American Society of Animal Science. Accepted abstract.
Neville, T. L., L. A. Lekatz, T. J. Swanson, M. L. Van Emon, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, C. J. Hammer, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supply on fetal organ weights. American Society of Animal Science. Accepted abstract.
Lekatz, L. A., M. L. Van Emon, P. K. Shukla, S. T. O'Rourke, C. S. Schauer, K. M. Carlin, K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Influence of metabolizable protein supplementation during late gestation on vasoreactivity of maternal and fetal placental arteries in sheep. American Society of Animal Science. Accepted abstract.
Swanson, T. J., L. A. Lekatz, T. L. Neville, M. L. Van Enom, C. S. Schauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, C. J. Hammer, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of late gestation metabolizable protein (MP) supplementation on ewe organ and blood parameters. American Society of Animal Science. Accepted abstract.
Magolski, J. D., W. L. Keller, T. M. Jeske, C. A. Schwartz, L. A. Lekatz, J. D. Kirsch, C. S. Schauer, K. A. Vonnahme, K. R. Maddock-Carlin. 2010. Effects of maternal metabolizable protein supplementation during late gestation on ovine fetal muscle calpain and calpastatin activities. American Society of Animal Science. Accepted abstract.
Lekatz, L.A., P. Shukla, S. T. O'Rourke, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2010. Estradiol-17² treatment enhances the sensitivity to bradykinin-induced relaxation of ovine uterine arteries. Society for the Study of Reproduction. Accepted Abstract.
Harris, E. K., B.J. Bartling, T.L. Neville, J.D. Kirsch, J.D. Magolski, E.P. Berg, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Impact of maternal exercise on maternal body composition, fetal growth, and umbilical blood flow in the pig. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 27.
Wilmoth, T.A., A.M. Meyer, M.E. Wilson, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Nutrient restriction from early to late pregnancy decreases circulating insulin like growth factor-1concentrations in pregnant ewe lambs receiving maintenance or undernourishment. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 31.
Lekatz, L.A., T.L. Neville, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Supranutritional selenium and nutritional plane during gestation do not affect cortisol production in lambs. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 38.
Lemley, C.O., L. R. Tager, T.A. Wilmoth, K.M. Krause, and K.A. Vonnahme. Progesterone clearance in dairy cows fed an insulin stimulating diet. 2010. INVITED ADSA YOUNG DAIRY SCHOLAR. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 81.
Camacho, L.E., A.M. Meyer, D. M. Hallford, G. Perry, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of nutritional plane and dietary selenium during gestation on serum prolactin and estradiol-17² (E2) in ewe lambs during pregnancy and lactation. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 82.
Reynolds, L.P., P.P. Borowicz, J.S. Luther, C.J. Hammer, K.R. Maddock Carlin, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, J.S. Caton, D.A. Redmer, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. The role of placental programming in life-long health and productivity. INVITED. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 84.
Meyer, A.M. D.R. Montonye, J.J. Reed, L. P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, J.S. Caton, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Effects of nutritional plane and selenium supply during gestation on circulating non-esterified fatty acid and thyroid hormone concentrations in first parity ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 96.
Fry, S.I., A.M. Meyer, J.J. Reed, T.L. Neville, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, K.A. Vonnahme, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Effects of maternal nutritional plane and selenium supply on jejunal crypt cell proliferation and villous morphology in offspring at 20 days of age. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 110.
Jorgenson, C.M., P.P. Borowicz, J.S. Caton, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Supranutritional selenium during pregnancy increases ovine mammary gland vascularity. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 111.
Jackson, C.G., E.K. Harris, K.A. Vonnahme, and E. P. Berg. 2010. Effects of maternal exercise during gestation on blood oxygen levels and gilt behavior. Journal of Animal Science 88(E-Suppl. 3): 112.
South Dakota State University
Perry, G. A., B. L. Perry, and C. A. Roberts. 2011. Estrous response following the PG 6-d CIDR protocol for heifer that do and do not exhibit estrus prior to CIDR insertion and its usefulness as a fixed-time AI protocol. J. Anim. Sci. (western ASAS)
Walker, J. A., G. A. Perry, R. Salverson, P. Nester, C. S. Schauer, J. E. Held and K. C. Olson. 2011. Evaluating glycerin supplementation on reproductive performance of sheep. J. Anim. Sci. (western ASAS)
Grant, J. K., P. Steichen, C. L. Wright, K. A. Vonnahme, M. L. Bauer, J. S. Jennings, and G. A. Perry. 2011. Influence of high nitrogen and sulfur intake on bovine uterine pH. J. Anim. Sci. ASAS.
Perry, G. A. 2011. Harnessing basic knowledge of factors controlling puberty to improve synchronization of estrus and fertility in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. ASAS.
Gonda, M. G., X. Fang, G. A. Perry, C. Maltecca. 2011. Comparison of commercially available Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay with serum neutralization for measuring Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus specific antibodies. J. Anim. Sci. ASAS.
Marquezini, G. H. L. V. R. G. Mercadante1, J. S. Stevenson, G. A. Perry, and G. C. Lamb. 2011. Effect of 72 h temporary calf removal and/or equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) before timed AI on follicledevelopment, concentrations of LH and estradiol, and ovulation rate in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. ASAS.
Walker, J.A., G. A. Perry, and K. C. Olson. 2011. Influence of propionate salt levels on young cow reproductive performance. J. Anim. Sci. ASAS.
Perry, G. A., G.P. Rupp, and R.A. Cushman. 2011. Influence of bull development on fertility. J. Anim. Sci. (midwest ASAS)
Steichen, P., J. K. Grant, C. L. Wright, G. A. Perry, K .A. Vonnahme, and M. L. Bauer. 2011. Effect of feeding high sulfur vs high crude protein diets on heifer growth and performance. J. anim. Sci. (midwest ASAS).
Grant, J. K., and G. A. Perry. 2011. Uterine expression of Na+/H+ antiporters 1, 2, and 4 in beef cows from 60 to 96 hours following CIDR removal. J. anim. Sci. (midwest ASAS).
University of Minnesota
Journal Articles
Bridges, G.A. and S.L. Lake. 2011. Comparison of the CIDR Select and Five Day Select Synch + CIDR protocols that included a limited estrous detection and timed insemination for synchronizing estrus in beef heifers. Professional Anim. Sci. 27:141-146.
Bridges, G.A., M.L. Mussard, C.R. Burke, and M.L. Day. 2010. Influence of length of proestrus on fertility and endocrine function in female cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 117:208-215.
Day, M.L., M.L. Mussard, G.A. Bridges, and C.R. Burke. 2011. Controlling the dominant follicle in beef cattle to improve estrous synchronization and early embryonic development. In: Lucy, M.C., Pate, J.L., Smith, M.F. and Spencer, T.E. (eds.) Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VII, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK. pp 405-419.
G.A. Bridges, P.J. Gunn, and M.L. Day. 2011. The 5 day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol for facilitating timed-AI in cattle. Invited presentation at Midwest Sectional ASAS meetings. March 15, 2011.
P.J. Gunn, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2011. Circulating concentrations of progesterone in ovariectomized beef heifers receiving a new, once-used, or twice-used CIDR for 5 days. Accepted. Midwest Sectional ASAS Meetings, March 2011.
K.C. Culp, M.C. Claeys, R.P. Lemenager, C.P. Rusk, G.A. Bridges, and S.L. Lake. 2011. Effects of continual or step-up ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of finishing steer. Accepted. Western Sectional ASAS Meetings, June 2011.
G.A. Bridges, L.H. Cruppe, J.F. Currin, M.L. Day, P.J. Gunn, J.R. Jaeger, G.C. Lamb, A.E. Radunz, P. Repenning, J.S. Stevenson, J.C. Whittier, W.D. Whittier. 2011. Determination of the appropriate delivery of PGF2± in the 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol in lactating beef cows. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
P.J. Gunn, J.P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on calving and pre-weaning progeny performance. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
P.J. Gunn, J.P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on milk production, composition, and fatty acid profile. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
P.J. Gunn, J.P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on ovarian function and reproductive efficiency. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
McCann, M.A., J.M. Scheffler, S.P. Greiner, M.D. Hanigan, G.A. Bridges, S. L. Lake, J.M. Stevenson, H. Jiang, T.L. Scheffler, and D.E. Gerrard. 2011. Early metabolic imprinting events increase marbling scores in fed cattle. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
Bischoff, K.M., T.E. Black, R.D. Estermann, G.A. Bridges, G.C. Lamb, and J.V. Yelich. 2011. Reproductive performance of replacement beef heifers when estrus was synchronized with progesterone (CIDR) for 5 or 7 d, GnRH, and PGF2±. Accepted. To be presented at 2011 National ASAS Meetings, July 2011.
University of Nebraska
Musgrave, J.A., L. A. Stalker, D. C. Adams, A. Applegarth, R. N. Funston. 2011. Temporary calf removal during late lactation reduces calf performance without affecting milk production. Prof. Anim. Sci. (in press)
Johnson, S.K., R.N. Funston, J.B. Hall, D.J. Kesler, G.C. Lamb, J.W. Lauderdale, D.J. Patterson, G.A. Perry, and D.R. Strohbehn. 2011. Multi-state Beef Reproduction Task Force provides science-based recommendations for the application of reproductive technologies. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).
Larson, D.M., A.S. Cupp, and R.N. Funston. 2011. Heifer development systems: A comparison of grazing winter range or corn residue. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2365-2372.
Summers, A.F., K.H. Ramsay, and R.N. Funston. 2011. The effects of maternal nutrition on steer progeny performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:251-256.
Funston, R.N., and D.M. Larson. 2011. Heifer development systems: Dry lot feeding compared with grazing dormant winter forage. J. Anim. Sci. 89:1595-1602.
Funston, R.N., D.M. Larson, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2010. Impacts of maternal nutrition on conceptus growth and offspring performance: Implications for beef cattle production. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E. Suppl.):E205E215.
Funston, R.N., J.L. Martin, D.C. Adams and D.M. Larson. 2010. Winter grazing system and supplementation of beef cows during late gestation influence heifer progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 88:4094-4101.
Larson, D.M., R.D. Richardson, K.H. Ramsay, and R.N. Funston. 2010. Estrus synchronization and periconceptual supplementation affect the profitability of a replacement heifer enterprise. Prof. Anim. Sci. 26:527-533.
Martin, J.L., D.M. Larson, H.L. Stroh, A.S. Cupp and R.N. Funston. 2010. Dietary crude protein source affects gain and follicle characteristics in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 88:937942.
Funston, R.N. 2011. Nutritional aspects of developing replacement heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2):494. (Abstr.)
Funston, R.N. 2011. Implications of nutritional management for beef cow/calf systems. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2):699. (Abstr.)
Funston, R.N., J.A. Musgrave T.L. Meyer, and D.M. Larson. 2011. Effect of calving period on ADG, reproduction, and first calf characteristics of heifer progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2). (Abstr.)
Meyer, T.L., Kelly Ranch, Sexing Technologies, ABS Global, J.M. McGrann, and R.N. Funston. 2011. Evaluating conventional and sexed semen in a commercial beef heifer development program. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2): . (Abstr.)
Rolfe, K.M., L.A. Stalker, T.J. Klopfenstein, J.A. Musgrave, R.N. Funston. 2011. Influence of weaning date and pre-partum plane of nutrition on cow-calf productivity. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2): (Abstr.)
Summers, A.F., S.P. Weber, T.L. Meyer, and R.N. Funston. 2011. Late gestation supplementation impacts primiparous beef heifers and progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2):500. (Abstr.)
Weber, S.P., A.F. Summers, T.L. Meyer and R.N. Funston. 2011. Impact of beef heifer development systems on ADG, reproduction, and feed efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 89(e-Suppl. 2):500. (Abstr.)
Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, and V. E. Cabrera. 2011. Economic decision making support system for selection of reproductive management programs on dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. (in press)
Hackbart, K. S., R. M. Ferreira, A. A. Dietsche, M. T. Socha, R. D. Shaver, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of organic zinc, manganese, copper, and cobalt on milk production, follicular growth, embryo quality, and tissue mineral concentrations in dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:3856-3870.
Bork, N. R., J. W. Schroeder, G. P. Lardy, K. A. Vonnahme, M. L. Bauer, D. S. Buchanan, R. D. Shaver, and P. M. Fricke. 2010. Effect of feeding rolled flaxseed on milk fatty acid profiles and reproductive performance of dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:3739-3748.
Grummer, R. R., M. C. Wiltbank, P. M. Fricke, R. D. Watters, and N. Silva del Rio. 2010. Management of dry and transition cows to improve energy balance and reproduction. J. Reprod. Dev. 56:S22-S28.
Silva del Río, N., P. M. Fricke, and R. R. Grummer. 2010. Effects of twin pregnancy and dry period feeding strategy on milk production, energy balance and metabolic profiles in Holstein cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88:1048-1060.
Chebel, R. C., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, J. E. P. Santos, J. R. Lima, C. A. Martel, J. S. Stevenson, R. Garcia, and R. L. Ax. 2010. Supplementation of progesterone via CIDR inserts during ovulation synchronization protocols in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 93:922-931.
Abstracts presented at scientific meetings
Branen, J.R., J. O. Giordano, C. Passavant, J. M. Howard, P. M. Fricke, and R. G. Sasser. 2011. Detection of early pregnancy and embryonic loss in dairy cows using BioPRYN and a new PSPB-based ELISA. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):25.
Bilby, T. R., R. G. Bruno, K. J. Lager, R. C. Chebel, R. C. Chebel2, J. G. N. Moraes, P. M. Fricke, G. Lopes, Jr., J. O. Giordano, J. E. P. Santos, F. S. Lima, J. S. Stevenson, and S. L. Pulley. 2011. Effects of supplemental progesterone and timing of initiation of resynchronization on fertility in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):88.
Valenza, A., G. Lopes Jr., J. O. Giordano, J.N. Guenther, and P. M. Fricke. 2011. Assessment of an accelerometer system (Heatime®) for detection of estrus and timing of insemination in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):89.16
Lopes, G. Jr., J. O. Giordano, A. Valenza, M. M. Herlihy, J.N. Guenther, M. C. Wiltbank and P. M. Fricke. 2011. Effect of timing of initiation of Resynch and presynchronization with GnRH on fertility of resynchronized inseminations in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):237.
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, and V. E. Cabrera. 2011. Daily Markov-Chain simulation model for selection of reproductive management programs in dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):256.
Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2011. Endocrine and ovarian parameters associated with increased fertility after resynchronized timed artificial inseminations in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):342.
Giordano, J.O., M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2011. Repeated exposure to human chorionic gonadotropin causes development of antibodies in some lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):594.
Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station
Pulley, S. L., L. D. Wallace, H. I. Mellieon, Jr., and J. S. Stevenson. 2012. Ovarian characteristics, serum concentrations, and fertility in lactating dairy cows in response to equine chorionic gonadotropin. Theriogenology. Accepted.
Mellieon, Jr., H. I., S. L. Pulley, G. C. Lamb, J. E. Larson, and J. S. Stevenson. 2012. Evaluation of the 5- vs. a modified 7-day CIDR program in dairy heifers before artificial insemination. Theriogenology. In press.
Kasimanickam, V., R. Kasimanickam, A. Arangasamy, A. Saberivand, J. S. Stevenson, and J. P. Kastelic. 2012. Association between mRNA abundance of functional sperm function proteins and fertility of Holstein bulls. Theriogenology. In press.
Bridges, G. A., J. K. Ahola, C. Brauner, L. H. Cruppe, J. C. Currin, M. L. Day, P. J. Gunn, J. R. Jaeger, S. L. Lake, G. C. Lamb, G. H. L. Marquezini, R. K. Peel, A. E. Radunz, J. S. Stevenson, and W. D. Whittier.. 2011. Determination of the appropriate delivery of PGF2± in the 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol in suckling beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 90: In press.
Stevenson, J. S. and S. L. Pulley. 2012. Pregnancy per artificial insemination after presynchronizing estrous cycles with the Presynch-10 protocol or prostaglandin F2± injection followed by gonadotropin-releasing hormone before Ovsynch-56 in 4 dairy herds of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95: in press.
Stevenson, J. S., and S. L. Pulley. 2012. Characteristics and retention of luteal structures, extended post-insemination cycle, progesterone, and pregnancy-specific protein B in serum after human chorionic gonadotropin treatment of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:4396-4409.
Stevenson, J. S., S. L. Pulley, and H. I. Mellieon, Jr. 2012. Prostaglandin F2± and gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH administration improve progesterone status, luteal number, and proportion of ovular and anovular dairy cows with corpora lutea before a timed AI program. J. Dairy Sci. 95:1831-1844.
Mundell, L.R., J.R. Jaeger, J. W. Waggoner, J.S. Stevenson, D.M. Grieger, L.A. Pacheco, J.W. Bolte, N. A. Aubel, G. J. Eckerle, M. J. Macek, S. M. Ensley, L. J. Havenga, and KC Olson. 2012. Effects of prepartum and postpartum bolus injections of trace minerals on performance of beef cows and calves grazing native range. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:82-88.
El-Zarkouny, S. A., M. M. Shaaban, and J. S. Stevenson. 2011. Blood metabolites and hormone-based programmed breeding treatment in anovular lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:6001-6010.
Stevenson, J. S., and S. L. Pulley. 2012. Pregnancy per AI after presynchronizing estrous cycles with Presynch-10 or PG-3-G before Ovsynch-56 in four dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 1):72-73 (Abstr.).
Hill, S.L., S.L. Pulley, H. I. Mellieon, Jr., KC Olson, J. R. Jaeger, R.M. Breiner, G. A. Perry, G. C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2012. Presynchronizing PGF2a injection before a fixed timed artificial insemination CO-Synch + CIDR program. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):322 (Abstr.).
Pulley, S. L. 2011. Ovarian characteristics, serum concentrations, and fertility in lactating dairy cows in response to equine chorionic gonadotropin. M.S. thesis, Kansas State University, 87 p.
Florida Agricultural Experiment Station
Martins, P.G.M.A., J.D. Arthington, R.F. Cooke, C.G. Lamb, C.A.A. Torres, A.B. Mancio, J.D. Guimarães, D.B. Araújo. 2012. Evaluation of beef cow and calf separation systems to improve reproductive performance of first-calf cows. Livstock Sci. (Accepted: LIVSCI-D-12-407)
Black, T.E., K.M. Bischoff, V.R.G. Mercadante, G.H.L. Marquezini, N. DiLorenzo, C.C. Chase, Jr, S.W. Coleman, T.D. Maddock, and G. C. Lamb. 2012. The relationships among performance, residual feed intake, and temperament assessed in growing beef heifers and subsequently as three-year-old suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted E-2012-5242)
Bridges, G. A., J. K. Ahola, C. Brauner, L. H. Cruppe, J. C. Currin, M. L. Day, P. J. Gunn, J. R. Jaeger, S. L. Lake, G. C. Lamb, G. H. L. Marquezini, R. K. Peel, A. E. Radunz, J. S. Stevenson, W. D. Whittier. 2012. Determination of the appropriate delivery of PGF2± in the 5-day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol in suckling beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: E-2011-4880).
Dahlen, C.R., A. DiCostanzo, A. R. Spell, and G. C. Lamb. Use of embryo transfer 7 d after artificial insemination or transferring identical demi-embryos to increase twinning in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: E-2011-44778.R3).
Mellieon, H.I., Jr., S. L. Pulley, G. C. Lamb, J. E. Larson, and J. S. Stevenson. 2012. Evaluation of the 5-day versus a modified 7-day CIDR breeding program in dairy heifers. Theriogenology (Accepted: THERIO-D-12-00319R2)..
Rodgers, J. C., S. L. Bird, J. E. Larson, N. DiLorenzo, A. DiCostanzo, G. C. Lamb. 2012. An Economic Evaluation of Estrous Synchronization and Timed Artificial Insemination in Beef Cows. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: E-2011-4836)
Bischoff, K. M., T. E. Black, V. R. G. Mercadante, G. H. L. Marquezini, R. O. Myer, A. T. Adesogan, N. DiLorenzo, and G. C. Lamb. 2012. Effects of feeding perennial peanut hay on growth, development, attainment of puberty, and fertility in beef replacement heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):410 (Abstr.).
Hill, S. L., S. L. Pulley, H. I. Mellieon Jr., K. C. Olson, J. R. Jaeger, R. M. Breiner, G. A. Perry, G. C. Lamb, and J. S. Stevenson. 2012, Presynchronizing PGF2± injection before a fixed time artificial insemination (TAI) CO-Synch + CIDR program. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):322 (Abstr.).
Jackson, C. G., T. L. Neville, V. R. G. Mercadante, K. M. Bischoff, G. C. Lamb, C. R. Dahlen, and R. R. Redden. 2012. Out-of-season reproductive performance of ewes synchronized to estrus with various 5-d protocols. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):153 (Abstr.).
Marquezini, G. H. L., F.M.C. Silva, K.M. Bischoff, T.E. Black, V.R.G. Mercadante, N. DiLorenzo, G.C. Lamb. 2012. Effects of temporary calf removal (CR) prior to fixed-time AI (TAI) on pregnancy rates and subsequent calf performance in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):91 (Abstr.).
Mercadante, V. R. G., K. M. Bischoff, G. H. L. Marquezini, J. D. Arthington, N. DiLorenzo, and G. C. Lamb. 2012. Effects of anti-phospholipase A2 antibody (aPLA2) supplementation on DMI, feed efficiency and blood differentials of steers fed forage and grain-based diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):427 (Abstr.).
Mercadante, P. M., K. M. Bischoff, V. R. G. Mercadante, G. C. Lamb, and A. D. Ealy. 2012. Influence of Bos indicus genetics on pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) and their association with fetal development. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):50 (Abstr.).
Steichen, P. L., S. I. Klein, Q. P. Larson, K. M. Bischoff, V. G. R. Mercadante, G. C. Lamb, C. S. Schauer, B. W. Neville, and C. R Dahlen. 2012. Effects of natural service and artificial insemination breeding systems on pregnancy rates and days to conception. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):152 (Abstr.).
Lamb, G.C. 2011. Embryo Transfer: Managing donors and recipients. In: Proc. 12th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Joplin, MO
Lamb, G.C. and T.E. Black. 2011. Embryo transfer recipients: What works and what doesnt work? In Proc: AETA/CETA Joint Annual Convention. San Antonio, TX pp 20-22.
Lamb, G.C., T.E. Black, K.M. Bischoff, V.R.G. Mercadante. 2011. Implications of Selection for RFI. 60th Beef Cattle Short Course, Gainesville FL pp37-46.
Lamb, G.C., T.E. Black, K. M. Bischoff, V.R.G. Mercadante. Feed Efficiency in Beef Females. 2011. In: Proc. XV Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 45-57.
Lamb, G.C., G.H.L. Marquezini, V.R.G. Mercadante, T.E. Black, K.M. Bischoff. Interventions to Enhance Fertility in Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination Protocols. 2011. In: Proc. XV Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 238-249.
Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
Publications: none
University of Minnesota
Sparks, B.L., S.L. Lake, P.J. Gunn, K.S. Fisher, L.A. Horstman, R.P. Lemenager, J. Berry, and G.A. Bridges. 2012. Effects of PGF2a administration at CIDR insertion on artificial insemination and pregnancy rates in beef heifers. Professional. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Bridges, G.A, M.L. Mussard, J.L. Pate, T.L. Ott, T.R. Hansen, and M.L. Day. 2012. Impact of preovulatory estradiol concentrations on conceptus development and uterine gene expression. Anim. Reprod. Sci. In Press.
Bridges G.A., L.H. Cruppe, J.F. Currin, M.L. Day, P.J. Gunn, J.R. Jaeger, G.C. Lamb, A.E. Radunz, P. Repenning, J.S. Stevenson, J.C. Whittier, W.D. Whittier. 2012. Determination of the appropriate delivery of PGF2a in the 5 day CO-Synch + CIDR protocol in lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Kruse, S.G., B. Funnell, S. Bird, and G.A. Bridges. Effects of change of body condition score on embryo quality and yield in postpartum beef cows. 2012. Proceedings of the 45th Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meetings, State College, PA. August 2012.
Bridges, G.A., Kruse, S.G., B. Funnell, and S. Bird. Effect of change of body condition score of donor and recipient on ovarian function, endocrine status, and pregnancy success in beef cows. 2012. Proceedings of the 45th Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meetings, State College, PA. August 2012.
Perry, G.A. and G.A. Bridges. 2012. Gonadotropin surge along was not significant to up-regulate matrix metalloproteinases within ovulatory sized bovine follicles. Proceedings of the 45th Society for the Study of Reproduction Annual Meetings, State College, PA. August 2012.
Bridges, G.A. 2012. Deficiencies in the uterine environment and failure to support embryonic development. Invited presentation at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012. Review article in preparation.
Geary, T.E., G.A. Bridges et al. 2012. Influence of follicle characteristics at ovulation on early embryo survival. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012. Review article in preparation.
Perry, G.A., J.K. Grand, J.A. Walker, G.A. Bridges, S.G. Kruse, S. Bird, K. Heaton, R. Arias, and S.L. Lake. 2012. Comparison of three CIDR based fixed-time AI protocols for beef heifers. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., R.P. Lemenager, L.A. Horstman, and G.A. Bridges. Efficacy of a new, once-used, or twice-used CIDR in a 5 day CO-Synch + CIDR estrous synchronization protocol in suckled beef cows. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., J. P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. Meta-analysis of effects of supplementation of distillers grains to beef cows during early lactation on reproductive efficiency and pre-weaning progeny growth. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., J.P. Schoonmaker, R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on growth, puberty attainment and reproductive processes in female progeny. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., G.A. Bridges, R.P. Lemenager, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on steer progeny longissimus muscle fatty acid profile. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., G.A. Bridges, R.P. Lemenager, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef hefiers: Impact on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and glucose tolerance of steer progeny. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Gunn, P.J., R.P. Lemenager, and G.A. Bridges. 2012. Using corn stover and DDGS to conserve stockpiled forages and improve reproductive performance and progeny growth in fall-calving beef cows. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Abreu, F.M., L.H. Cruppe, M.V. Biehl, A.D.P. Rodrigues, M.D. Utt, G.A. Bridges, J.L.M. Vasconcelos, and M.L. Day. 2012. The requirement of GnRH at the onset of the 5-d Select-Synch + CIDR program in beef heifers. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Biehl, M.V., L.H. Cruppe, F.M Abreu, A.D.P. Rodrigues, M.L. Mussard, G.A. Bridges, A.V. Pires, and M.L. Day. 2012. Efficacy of the CoPGF approach to induce luteolysis in the the 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR program in lactating beef cows. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Arias, R.P., P.J. Gunn, R.P. Lemenager, G.A. Bridges, and S.L. Lake. 2012. Effects of post-AI nutrition on reproductive and growth performance of yearling beef heifers. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
Cruppe, L.H., G.A. Bridges, M.V. Biehl, F.M. Abreu, A.D.P. Rodrigues, S.G. Kruse, M. Maquivar, J.L.M. Vasconcelos, and M.L. Day. 2012. Ovarian dynamics and AI pregnancy rates with PGF2alpha administration 2 d prior to the onset of a 5-d CO-Synch + CIDR program in beef cattle. To be presented at the 2012 American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. July 2012.
University of Missouri
Mallory, DA, JM Nash, MR Ellersieck, MF Smith, and DJ Patterson. 2011. Comparison of long-term progestin-based protocols to synchronize estrus prior to fixed-time artificial insemination in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89:1358-1365.
Johnson, SK, RN Funston, JB Hall, DJ Kesler, JW Lauderdale, GC Lamb, DJ Patterson, GA Perry, and DR Strohbehn. 2011. Multi-state beef reproduction task force provides science based recommendations for the application of reproductive technologies. J. Anim. Sci. 89:29502954.
Nash, JM, DA Mallory, MR. Ellersieck, SE Poock, MF Smith, and DJ Patterson. 2011. Comparison of long-term versus short-term CIDR-based protocols to synchronize estrus prior to fixed-time AI in postpartum beef cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 132:11-16.
Mirando, MA, JM Bewley, J Blue, DM Amaral-Phillips, VA Corriher, KM Whittet, N Arthur, NL McGill, and DJ Patterson. 2011. Extension Education Symposium: Reinventing extension as a resource - what does the future hold? J. Anim. Sci. In press.
Martin, NT, JM Thomas, JM Nash, DA Mallory, MR Ellersieck, SE Poock, MF Smith, and DJ Patterson. 2012. Comparison of long-term CIDR-based protocols to synchronize estrus and ovulation prior to fixed-time artificial insemination in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3: 238.
Nash, JM, NT Martin, JM Thomas, BD Mayhan, MF Smith, SE Poock, and DJ Patterson. 2012. The Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program: A retrospective on marketing and sales. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3:406.
Thomas, JM, JM Nash, NT Martin, BD Mayhan, MF Smith, SE Poock, and DJ Patterson. 2012. The Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program: Prebreeding reproductive evaluation of heifers and subsequent pregnancy outcome after fixed-time AI. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3:406.
Patterson, DJ, DS Brown, SE Poock, and MF Smith. 2012. The Missouri Beef Project: An industry partnership designed to link economic incentives with technology adoption. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3:406.
Patterson, DJ, DA Mallory, JM Nash, NT Martin, and MF Smith. 2011. Strategies to optimize use of AI in cow/calf production systems: Focus on fixed-time AI protocols for heifers. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 11-40.
Patterson, DJ, DA Mallory, JM Nash, NT Martin, and MF Smith. 2011. Strategies to optimize use of AI in cow/calf production systems: Focus on fixed-time AI protocols for cows. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 43-77.
Smith, MF, GA Perry, JA Atkins, EM Jinks, KG Pohler, and DJ Patterson. 2011. Keys to a successful estrus synchronization and artificial insemination program. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 105-121.
Patterson, DJ, DA Mallory, JL Parcell, MF Smith, RL Weber, SE Poock, JK Burton, EW Cole, AL Kennett, RL Eakins, DP Hoffman, JR Humphrey, EG Schmitz, and TC Cunningham. 2011. The Missouri Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 237-251.
Pohler, KG, DA Mallory, DJ Patterson, MF Smith, JW Lauderdale, T Martins, RFG Peres, ER Vilela, and JLM Vasconcelos. 2011. Reproductive technology and global production of beef: Why beef producers in the US need to pay attention. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 379-396.
Smith, MF, GA Perry, JA Atkins, EM Jinks, KG Pohler, and DJ Patterson. 2011. Physiological principles underlying synchronization of estrus. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. August 31-September 1, Joplin, MO. pp. 401-423.
Patterson, DJ, DA Mallory, JM Nash, NT Martin, and MF Smith. 2011. Strategies to optimize use of AI in cow/calf production systems: Focus on fixed-time AI protocols for cows. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. September 30-October1, Boise, ID. pp. 95-129.
Patterson, DJ, DA Mallory, JM Nash, NT Martin, and MF Smith. 2011. Strategies to optimize use of AI in cow/calf production systems: Focus on fixed-time AI protocols for heifers. In: Proceedings, Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. September 30-October1, Boise, ID. pp. 63-92.
South Dakota State University
Perry, G. A., J.K. Grant, J.A. Walker, G.A. Bridges, S.G. Kruse, S. Bird, K. Heaton, R. Arias, S.L. Lake. 2012. Comparison of three CIDR based fixed-time AI protocols for beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90: Abstr 261.
Roberts, C. A., G. A. Perry, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2012. Effects of preovulatory estradiol concentration on embryo survival and pregnancy establishment in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 90: Abstr 39.
Geary, T. W., M. F. Smith, M. D. MacNeil, M. L. Day, G. A. Bridges, G. A. Perry, F. M. Abreu, J. A. Atkins, K. G. Pohler, E. M. Jinks, and C. A. Roberts. 2012. Influence of follicle characteristics at ovulation on early embryo survival. J. Anim. Sci. 90: Abstr 12.
Hill,S. L., S. L. Pulley, H. I. Mellieon, Jr., KC Olson, J. R. Jaeger, R. A. Breiner, G. A. Perry, G. C. Lamb, and J. S. Stevenson. 2012. Presynchronizing PGF2± injection before the fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) CO-Synch + CIDR program. J. Anim. Sci. 90: Abstr T196.
Walker, J. A., G. A. Perry, and K. C. Olson. 2012. Inclusion of propionate salt in postpartum supplementation on young cow reproductive performance. J. Anim. Sci. 90: Abstr T230.
L.K. Kill, E.M. Mousel, R.A. Cushman, G.A. Perry. 2012. Effect of heifer calving date on longevity and lifetime productivity. J. Anim Sci. 90 (supp 2) Abstr 340P.
O. L. Swanson, J. K. Grant, K. L. Gebhart, L. K. Kill, G. A. Perry. 2012. Impact of initiation of standing estrus at time of a controlled internal drug releasing device insertion on fertility in beef heifers. J. Anim Sci. 90 (supp 2) Abstr 339P.
K. L. Gebhart, B.L. Perry, J.A. Walker, C. L. Wright, and G. A. Perry. 2012. Influence of post-AI supplementation on weight change and pregnancy success in beef heifers. J. Anim Sci. 90 (supp 2) Abstr 92.
Gonda, M. G., X. Fang, G. A. Perry, C. Maltecca. Measuring Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus vaccine response: Using a commercially available ELISA as a surrogate for serum neutralization assays. Vaccine (In Press).
Pohler, K. G., T. W. Geary, J. A. Atkins, G. A. Perry, E. M. Jinks, and M. F. Smith. 2012. Follicular Determinants of Pregnancy Establishment and Maintenance. Cell and Tissue Research. In Press
Perry, G. A. 2012. Harnessing basic knowledge of factors controlling puberty to improve synchronization of estrus and fertility in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1172-11-82. Perry, G. A., B. L. Perry, J. H. Krantz, and J. Rodgers. 2012. Influence of inducing luteal regression prior to a fixed-time AI CIDR protocol in postpartum beef cows on pregnancy success. J. Anim. Sci. 90:489-94.
Fields, S. D., K. L. Gebhart, B. L. Perry, M. G. Gonda, C. L. Wright, R. C. Bott, and G. A. Perry. 2012. Effects of Initiation of Standing Estrus Prior to an Injection of GnRH on LH Release, Subsequent Concentrations of Progesterone, and steroidogenic enzyme expression. Dom. Anim. Endo. 42:11-19.
Mississippi Ag and Forestry Experiment Station
Marquezini, G. H. L., V. R. G. Mercadante, K. M. Bischoff, T. E. Black, N. DiLorenzo, S.
L. Bird, B. J. Funnell, C. R. Dahlen, J. E. Larson, and G. C. Lamb. 2012. Effects of
temporary calf removal prior to fixed-time AI (TAI) on pregnancy rates and subsequent
calf performance in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted (E-2012-5743).
Binversie, J. A., K. E. Pfeiffer, and J. E. Larson. 2012. Modifying the Double-Ovsynch
protocol to include human chorionic gonadotropin to synchronize ovulation in dairy cattle.
Theriogenology Accepted (THE_12252).
Mellieon, Jr. H. I., S. L. Pulley, G. C. Lamb, J. E. Larson, and J. S. Stevenson. 2012.
Evaluation of the 5-day versus a modified 7-day CIDR breeding program in dairy heifers.
Theriogenology Accepted (THERIO-D-12-00319R2).
University of Nebraska
Funston, R.N., J.A. Musgrave, T.L. Meyer, and D.M. Larson. 2012. Effect of calving distribution
on beef cattle progeny performance. J. Anim. Sci. 90: (accepted)
Funston, R.N., and T.L. Meyer. 2012. Evaluating conventional and sexed semen in a commercial
beef heifer development program. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28: (accepted)
Griffin, W.A., L.A. Stalker, D.C. Adams, R.N. Funston, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Calving
date and wintering system effects on cow and calf performance I: A systems approach to beef
production in the Nebraska Sandhills. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:249-259.
Griffin, W.A., L.A. Stalker, M.C. Stockton, D.C. Adams, R.N. Funston, and T.J. Klopfenstein.
2012. Calving date and wintering system effects on cow and calf performance II: Economic
analysis. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:260-271.
Griffin, W.A., T.J. Klopfenstein, L.A. Stalker, G.E. Erickson, J.A. Musgrave, and R.N. Funston.
2012. The effects of supplementing dried distillers grains to steers grazing cool season
meadow. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:56-63.
Funston, R.N., A.F. Summers, and A.J. Roberts. 2012. Implications of nutritional management
for beef cow-calf systems. J. Anim. Sci. 90:23012307.
Funston, R.N., J.L. Martin, D.M. Larson, and A.J. Roberts. 2012. Nutritional aspects of developing replacement heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:11661171.
Summers, A.F., T.L. Meyer, S.P. Weber, and R.N. Funston. 2012. Effect of beef heifer development system on ADG. Reproduction, and feed efficiency during first pregnancy.
North Dakota State University
Dahlen, C.R., A. DiCostanzo, A. R. Spell, and G. C. Lamb. Use of embryo transfer 7 d after artificial insemination or transferring identical demi-embryos to increase twinning in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted: E-2011-44778.R3).
Rodgers, J. C., S. L. Bird, J. E. Larson, N. DiLorenzo, C. R. Dahlen, A. DiCostanzo, and G.C. Lamb. 2012. An economic evaluation of estrous synchronization and timed artificial insemination in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. (Epub ahead of print May 14, 2012).
Dahlen, C.R., G. Marquezini, J.E. Larson, and G.C. Lamb. 2011. Human chorionic onadotropin influences ovarian function and concentrations of progesterone in prepubertal Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2739-2749.
Dahlen, C.R., G.H.L. Marquezini, J.E. Larson, and G.C. Lamb. 2011. Fixed-time artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers after estrous synchronization with
human chorionic gonadotropin or gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2750-2758.
Jackson, C.G., T.L. Neville, V.R.G. Mercadante, K.M. Bischoff, G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, and R.R. Redden. 2012. Out-of-season reproductive performance of ewes synchronized to estrus with various 5-d protocols. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):153(Abstr.).
Steichen, P.L., S.I. Klein, Q.P. Larson, K.M. Bischoff, V.G.R. Mercadante, G.C. Lamb, C.S. Schauer, B.W. Neville, and C.R Dahlen. 2012. Effects of natural service and artificial insemination breeding systems on pregnancy rates and days to conception. J.Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):152 (Abstr.).
Klein, S.I. and C.R. Dahlen. 2011. Incorporation of temporary calf removal into the seven-day CO-Synch+CIDR estrous synchronization protocol for suckled beef cows. 2011 NDSU Beef Cattle and Range Research Report pp 13-15.
Camacho, L.E.. C.O. Lemley, B.W. Neville, C.R. Dahlen, G.P. Lardy. And K.A. Vonnahme. 2011. Effects of realimentation after nutrient restriction during early to midgestation on umbilical blood flow in pregnant beef cows. 2011 NDSU Beef Cattle and Range Research Report pp 6-9.
Steichen, P.L., S.I. Klein, Q.P. Larson, B.W. Neville, C.S. Schauer, and C.R. Dahlen. 2011. The Research Corner: Use of BioPRYN to Determine Pregnancy Status and Assign Calving Groups. The Ranch Hand 18 (11).
Dahlen, C.R. 2012. Money Ahead Before a Calf Hits the Ground? The Ranch Hand 19(2).
Dahlen, C.R. 2012. What Does the Future Hold? Cattle Breeding Techniques. The Ranch Hand 19(5).
Dahlen, C.R. 2012. The First 21 Days. The Ranch Hand 19(6).
Andreu-Vázqueza, C., I. Garcia-Ispiertob, S. Ganauc, P. M. Fricke and F. López-Gatius. 2012. Effects of twinning on the subsequent reproductive performance and productive lifespan of high-producing dairy cows. Theriogenology (Accepted).
Wiltbank, M. C., A. H. Souza, J. O. Giordano, A. B. Nascimento, J. M. Vasconcelos, M. H. C. Pereira, P. M. Fricke, R. S. Surjus, F. C. S. Zinsly, P. D. Carvalho, R. W. Bender, R. Sartori. 2012. Positive and negative effects of progesterone during timed AI protocols in lactating dairy cattle. Anim. Reprod. (Accepted).
Valenza, A., J. O. Giordano, G. Lopes Jr., L. Vincenti, M. C. Amundson, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Assessment of an accelerometer system for detection of estrus and for treatment with GnRH at the time of insemination in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. (Accepted).
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, and V. E. Cabrera. 2012. Economics of resynchronization strategies including chemical tests to identify non-pregnant cows. J. Dairy Sci. (Accepted).
Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, M. S. Ares, G, Lopes Jr., M. M. Herlihy, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Effect of presynchronization with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or GnRH seven days before resynchronization of ovulation on fertility in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Giordano, J. O., A. S. Kalantari, P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, and V. E. Cabrera. 2012. A daily herd Markov-chain model to study the reproductive and economic impact of reproductive programs combining timed artificial insemination and estrous detection. J. Dairy Sci. 95:5442-5460.
Giordano, J. O., P. M. Fricke, J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes Jr., M. M. Herlihy, A. B. Nascimento, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2012. Effect of progesterone on magnitude of the luteinizing hormone surge induced by two different doses of GnRH in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:37813793.
Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Humoral immune response in lactating dairy cows after repeated exposure to human chorionic gonadotropin. Theriogenology 78:218224.
Giordano, J. O., M. C. Wiltbank, J. N. Guenther, R. Pawlisch, S. Bas, A. P. Cunha, and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Increased fertility in lactating dairy cows resynchronized with Double-Ovsynch when compared to Ovsynch initiated 32 d after Timed AI. J. Dairy Sci. 95:639-653.
Giordano, J. O., J. N. Guenther, G. Lopes Jr., and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Changes in serum pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) pregnancy specific protein B (PSPB), and progesterone concentrations before and after induction of pregnancy loss in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:683-697.
Shahinfar, S., K. Weigel, D. Page, J. Guenther, V. Cabrera, and P. Fricke. 2012. Prediction of pregnancy oucome using machine learning algorithms. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):45.
Fricke, P. M., A. Valenza, J. O. Giordano, M. C. Amundson, and G. Lopes Jr. 2012. Reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows managed for first service using timed artificial insemination with or without detection of estrus using an accelerometer system. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):74.
Giordano, J. O., and P. M. Fricke. 2012. Accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis outcomes using transrectal ultrasonograpny 29 days after artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):75.
Aguerre, M. J., J. O. Giordano, A. S. Kalantari, M. A. Wattiaux, P. M. Fricke, and V. E. Cabrera. 2012. Impact of dairy herd reproductive performance on predicted economic performance, enteric CH4 emission and excretion of N and P. using a Markov-chain model. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):90.
Cordoba, M. C., P. M. Fricke, P. L. Ruegg, R. D. Shaver, K. A. Weigel, and V. E. Cabrera. 2012. Repro Money: A farmer-directed team-based extension program to improve reproductive performance in Wisconsin dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):280.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Reproductive challenges of lactating dairy cows. Proc. XIV SIVAR National Veterinary Congress. May 11-12, Cremona, Italy.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Setting up cows for first postpartum artificial insemination. Proc. XIV SIVAR National Veterinary Congress. May 11-12, Cremona, Italy.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Use of chemical tests for pregnancy diagnosis in a reproductive management program. Proc. XIV SIVAR National Veterinary Congress. May 11-12, Cremona, Italy.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Resynchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows failing to conceive to a prior AI service. Proc. XIV SIVAR National Veterinary Congress. May 11-12, Cremona, Italy.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Gestaciones Gemelares en el Vacuno Lechero (Twinning in Dairy Cattle).
Proc. XVII Congress of the Associación Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de
España (ANEMBE). April 19-20, Santander, Spain, pp. 32-37.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Preperación de las Vacas Para la Premera Inseminación Postparto (Setting upcows for first postpartum artificial insemination). Proc. XVII Congress of the Associación Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de España (ANEMBE). April 19-20,
Santander, Spain, pp. 41-45.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Resinchronización de la Ovulación e IA Progremada en Vacas Lecheras en Lactación Tras no Haber Concebido en un Cervicio de IA Anterior (Resynchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows failing to conceive to a prior AI service). Proc. XVII Congress of the Associación Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de
España (ANEMBE). April 19-20, Santander, Spain, pp 50-54.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Twinning in Dairy Cattle. Proc. 17th Congress of the Associación Nacional de Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de España (ANEMBE). April 19-20, Santander, Spain.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. The economics of reproduction in dairy cattle. Dairy Industry Seminar. March 7, Prostejov, Czech Republic.
Fricke, P. M., A. Valenza, G. Lopes Jr., M. C. Amundson, and J. O. Giordano. 2012. Assessment of an accelerometer system for detection of estrus and timing of artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. Proc. 4-State Dairy Nutrition & Management Conference, June 13-14, Dubuque, IA, pp. 120-124.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Hormonal protocols for synchronizing and resynchronizing lactating dairy cows. Proc. Virginia Veterinary Medical Association Meeting, February 25, Roanoke, VA.
Fricke, P. M. 2012. Seven keys of highly successful reproductive management programs. Renaissance Nutrition talks, January 24-25, Berlin and Millmont, PA.