W1005: An Integrated Approach to Prevention of Obesity in High Risk Families
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Fact Sheet: How do I know if my child has a weight problem?
Nobuko Kay Hongu, Ph.D., R.D., Assistant Professor, Nutrition Extension Specialist, Department of Nutritional Sciences, Arizona Cooperative Extension, The University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Tucson, Arizona 85721
Garasky, S., J., Stewart, S., Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., & Eisenmann, (2007, November). Food insecurity, economic stressors, and childhood obesity. Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Gundersen, C., & Lohman, B. J., Eisenmann, J., Garasky, S., & Stewart, S. D. (in press). Lack of association between child-specific food insecurity and overweight in a sample of 10-15 year old low-income youth. Journal of Nutrition.
Lasley, E.C.K., & Litchfield, R.E. (2007). Type 2 Diabetes Among Youth: Prevalence and Awareness. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 107(8 Supplement 3): A-32.
Healthy Active Kids, Sharon Hoelscher Day, et al. Poster presentation at the Research Frontiers in Nutritional Sciences Conference, Tucson AZ, Oct 22-23, 2007.
Lasley, E.C.K., & Litchfield, R.E. (2007, October). Type 2 Diabetes Among Youth: Prevalence and Awareness. Poster presentation at Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition of the American Dietetic Association. Philadelphia, PA.
Lasley, E.C.K., & Litchfield, R.E. (2007, November). Type 2 Diabetes Among Youth: Prevalence and Awareness. Poster presentation at Iowa Dietetic Association Annual Meeting. Ames, IA.
Litchfield, R.E., & Thomas, K. (2007, November). School Wellness Policies Update. Oral presentation at Iowa Dietetic Association Annual Meeting. Ames, IA.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Sydney NY Schools. 2/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Schuyler County. 1/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Delaware County.1/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Lewis Counties and Advantage After School. 1/08.
Grobe D, Manore MM, Still E. Trading off fish health and safety: Female decision-making processes toward the risk of methylmercury in fish. Journal of Consumer Affairs. 2007(Winter):41(2):250-264.
Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., Garasky, S., Stewart, S., & Eisenmann, J. (2008). Food security, maternal stressors, and overweight among low-income US children: Results from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (1999-2002). Pediatrics, 122, 529 - 540.
Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., Eisenmann, J., Garasky, S., & Stewart, S. D. (2008). Lack of association between child-specific food insecurity and overweight in a sample of 10-15 year old low-income youth. Journal of Nutrition, 138, 371 - 378.
Kam, LC, Manore MM. The Female Athlete Triad: An Update. SCAN Pulse. 2007;26(4):5-8.
Nattiv A, Loucks AB, Manore MM, Sanborn CF, Sundgot-Borgen J, Warren MP. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Position Stand. Female Athlete Triad. Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise. 2007;39(10):1867-1882.
Sass C, Eickhoff-Shemek JM, Manore MM, Kruskall L. Crossing the Line: Understanding the scope of practice between registered dietitians and health/fitness professionals. ACSMs Health and Fitness Journal. 2007:11(3):12-19.
Yi Lu, Lily R. Liang, "Hierarchical Clustering of Features on Categorical Data for Biomedical Applications", International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA) 21st international conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2008), pp.26-31, Honolulu, November 12-14, 2008
Yi Lu, Lily R. Liang, "Identify Feature Association on Categorical Data through Hierarchical Clustering", International Journal of Electronics and Computer Science (IJECS), Vol.10 No.2 (will be published Dec 20 2008) Manore MM, Kam LC, Loucks AB. The Female Athlete Triad: Components, Nutrition Issues and Health Consequences. Journal of Sport Sciences 2007;25(S2):S61-S71.
Books/Book Chapters:
Beals K, Manore MM. Nutritional Considerations for the Female Athlete. IN: Spurway N, MacLaren D Eds. Advances in Sport and Exercise Science Series: Nutrition and Sport. Elsevier Publ: Philadelphia, PA, 2007, pp.185-204.
Thompson JL, Manore MM. Nutrition for Life. San Francisco, CA: Benjamin Cummings Publishers, 2007, 485 pages. ISBN: 0-805307968-1.
Woolf K, Manore MM. Micronutrients Important for Exercise. IN: Spurway N, MacLaren D Eds. Advances in Sport and Exercise Science Series: Nutrition and Sport. Elsevier Publ: Philadelphia, PA, 2007, pp.117-134.
Research abstracts:
Ourada V, Walker A, Donatelle R, Manore MM, Jabson J, Pilolla K, Bryant T. How Women Negotiate Family and Personal Health Needs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of National Council on Family Relations, Pittsburgh, PA, November, 2007.
Publications (under peer review)
Garasky, S., Gundersen, C., Stewart, S., Lohman, B. J., & Eisenmann, J. (2008). Food insecurity, economic stressors, and childhood overweight.
Garasky, S., Stewart, S. D., Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J. & Eisenmann, J. C. (2008). Family stressors and child obesity.
Lohman, B. J., Stewart, S., Gundersen, C., Garasky, S., & Eisenmann, J. (2008). Adolescent overweight and obesity: Links to food insecurity, individual, maternal, and family stressors.
Maley M, Devine C, Warren B. Perceptions of the environment for eating and exercise in a rural community (In review).
Warren B, Devine C, Maley M. Increasing walking steps at small rural worksites using locally determined strategies and web-based reporting (In preparation).
Working Papers or Policy Briefs
Garasky, S., Stewart, S., Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., & Eisenmann, J. (2008). Food insecurity, economic stressors, and childhood overweight. National Poverty Center Working Paper Series, 08-04.
Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., Eisenmann, J., Garasky, S., & Stewart, S. D. (2008). Food insecurity and child overweight. College of Human Sciences Policy Brief.
Peer-reviewed Abstracts and Invited Presentations
Devine C., Fernandez, I.D. Obesity Prevention in Worksites. Community Based Interventions for the Promotion of Healthy Body Weights. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Satellite Workshop, Calgary, AB, Canada. 5/08.
Warren B, Devine C, Maley M Small Steps are Easier Together: a community environment-based intervention to stop weight gain and decrease breast cancer risk. USDA Priester Conference, 4/08.
In-Service Education
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Sydney NY Schools.2/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Schuyler County.1/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in Delaware County.1/08.
Devine C, Warren B, Maley M. An environmental approach to obesity prevention for breast cancer risk reduction: an environmental approach. Cornell Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors. Electronic Conference for CCE and partners in St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Lewis Counties and Advantage After School. 1/08.
Orr, R. For Your Family's Health - Eat 5 meals together each week. Fall, 2008. All Nutrition Program staff.
Research Grants:
*Hill TF, Dickin KL, Lent M, Wolfe W, Dollahite JS. Healthy Children, Healthy Families: Parents Making a Difference. (Parent Workshop Series Curriculum, Collaboration for Health, Activity, and Nutrition in Childrens Environments). Food and Nutrition Education in Communities, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, 2010.
See attached W1005 minutes for list of publications.
"Going, SB (PI) - U of Arizona, Manore M (Consultant)- Diet Assessment. (2006-2010). Exercise and Bone Development in Young Girls. NIH (Neurological, Aging and Neuroskeletal Epidemiology), $3,840,184.
Manore MM (PI), Widrick J, Iwaniec U, Turner R. Multidisciplinary Training in Nutrition and Physical Activity (2006-2010). USDA Food and Agriculture National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grant, $252,000 (9% time).
Devine C. (PI) National Cancer Institute, Online Professional Education for Workplace Weight Gain Prevention (in review)
Devine C. (PI) USDA NRI, Small Steps are Easier Together: A Worksite Environmental Intervention for Weight Gain Prevention (declined)
Going, SB (PI) - U of Arizona, Manore M (Consultant)- Diet Assessment. (2006-2010). Exercise and Bone Development in Young Girls. NIH (Neurological, Aging and Neuroskeletal Epidemiology), $3,840,184.
Manore MM (PI), Widrick J, Iwaniec U, Turner R. Multidisciplinary Training in Nutrition and Physical Activity (2006-2010). USDA Food and Agriculture National Needs Graduate Fellowship Grant, $252,000 (9% time).
Sigman-Grant, M. (PI), Olson, B. USDA NRI - W1005: An Integrated Approach to Prevention of Obesity in High Risk Families - Family Resiliency (declined)
Garasky, S., J., Stewart, S., Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., & Eisenmann, (2008, April). Family stress and childhood obesity. Paper presented at the Population Association of America, New Orleans, LA.
Gundersen, C., Lohman, B. J., Garasky, S., Stewart, S., & Eisenmann, J. (2008, August). Food security, maternal stressors, and overweight among low-income U.S. children: Results from NHANES 1999-2002. Paper presented at the 48th Annual National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics Workshop. Nashville, TN.
Kuku, Y., Gundersen, C., & Garasky, S. (2008, March). The relationship between food insecurity and childhood obesity: A non-parametric approach. Paper presented at the Midwest Economics Association 72nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Sigman-Grant, M. Participated in the annual 2008 meeting of the Society of Nutrition Education (SNE) in Atlanta, GA and discussed next research agenda with W1005 partners
Sigman-Grant, M. Presented a paper introducing W1005 project at the annual 2008 joint ARD/CSREES research conference in Memphis TN, June, 2008
*Fitzgerald, N. (in press, November 2010). Acculturation, socioeconomic status, and health among Hispanics. Anthropological Perspectives on Migration and Health. NAPA Bulletin.
*Fitzgerald N, Gabriel S, Himmelgreen D. (in press, 2010). Acculturation and eating behavior. In: Colby S, ed. Ecological Model of Food Behavior. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
*Fitzgerald, N. Parekh, N. (2009) Vegetable intake as a preventive measure against type 2 diabetes and cancer. In: Papareschi A, Eppolito H, eds. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Health. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
*Fitzgerald N, Morgan K, Devitt A, Rochford M, Minch D. (7/2010). Statewide wellness promotion: Get Moving Get Healthy New Jersey. J Nutr Educ Behav.
*Fitzgerald N, Czarnecki N, Mathew T, Hallman W (4/2010). Perceived barriers for consumption of fruits and vegetables. FASEB J. (24):333.8
*Shriver, L. H., Harrist, A. W., Hubbs-Tait, L., Topham, G. L., Page, M. C., & Barrett, A. (in press). Weight status, physical activity, and fitness among 3rd-grade low-income rural children. Journal of School Health.
*Topham, G. L., Harrist, A. W., Page, M. C., Rutledge, J. M., Kennedy, T. S., Shriver, L. H., & Hubbs-Tait, L. (2010). Maternal depression and socioeconomic status moderate the parenting style/child obesity association. Public Health Nutrition, 13, 1237-1244.
*Hubbs-Tait, L. & Sommer, K. (2010, September). Parental feeding practices predict parenting styles. Retrieved from: http://fcs.okstate.edu/publications/research-update/Sept2010/
*Sigman-Grant M., Strom H., Olson B., Wengreen H, Mobley A.R., Krogstrand K.S. Qualitative evidence of the disconnect between intent and interpretation of common child obesity prevention messages. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues (in press)
*. S. A. Ramsay, L. K. Branen, J. Fletcher, E. Price, S. L. Johnson, M. Sigman-Grant. Are You Done? Child Care Providers Verbal Communication at Mealtimes that Reinforce or Hinder Childrens Internal Cues of Hunger and Satiation. 2010 JNEB 42 (4), 265-270.
*Laudermilk M, Going S, Cussler E, Lohman T, Thomson C, Farr J, Manore M. Relationship of self-report dietary intake and bone macro-architectural structure in pre and early pubescent girls. Nutritional Sciences Research Frontiers Conference, U of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, October, 2009.