WERA_OLD66: Integrated Management of Russian Wheat Aphid and Other Cereal Arthropod Pests
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
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Andersson, MN, J Haftmann, JJ Stuart, S Cambron, MO Harris, SP Foster, S Franke, W Francke, Y Hilbur. 2008. Identification of sex pheromone components of the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor. J Chem. Ecol. DOI 10.1007/s10886-008-9569-1.
Aubrey A. Weiland, Frank B. Peairs, Terri L. Randolph, Jeffrey B. Rudolph, Scott D. Haley, and Gary J. Puterka. 2008. Biotypic Diversity in Colorado Russian Wheat Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Populations. J. Econ. Entomol. 101(2): 569-574.
Brewer, M. J., T. Noma, and N. C. Elliott. A landscape perspective in managing vegetation for beneficial plant-pest-natural enemy interactions: a foundation for areawide pest management. In O. Koul, G. W. Cuperus, and N. C. Elliott (eds.) Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK. 2008.
Brewer, M. J., T. Noma, N. C. Elliott, A. N. Kravchenko, and A. L. Hild. A landscape view of cereal aphid parasitoid dynamics reveals sensitivity to farm- and region-scale vegetation structure. European Journal of Entomology 105: 503-511. 2008.
Catana, V., N. Elliott, K. Giles, M. Mirik, D. Porter, G. Hein, F. B. Peairs, and J. Michels. 2008. The role of databases in areawide pest management. Pages 142-158 in O. Koul, G. W. Cuperus, and N. C. Elliott, eds., Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International. Cambridge, MA.
Catana, V., N. Elliott, K. Giles, M. Mirik, D. Porter, G. Hein, F. Peairs, and J. Michels. The role of databases in areawide pest management. In O. Koul, G. W. Cuperus, and N. C. Elliott (eds.) Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK. 2008.
Chen M.S., Echegaray E., Whitworth, R.J., Wang H., Sloderbeck, P.E., Knutson, A., and Giles K.L. (2009) Virulence analysis of Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) populations from Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. Journal of Economic Entomology. In press.
Chen, M.S., Zhao, H.X., Zhu, Y.C., Scheffler, B., Liu, X.M., Liu, X., Hulbert, S., and Stuart, J.J. (2008) Analysis of Transcripts and Proteins Expressed in the Salivary Glands of Hessian Fly (Mayetiola destructor) Larvae. Journal of Insect Physiology. 54:1-16.
Chen, M-S, H-X Zhao, YC Zhu, B Scheffler, X Liu, X Liu, S Hulbert, and JJ Stuart. 2008. Analysis of transcripts and proteins expressed in the salivary glands of Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) larvae. J Insect Phys. 54:1-16.
DeWolf, Erick and Phillip E. Sloderbeck, 2008. Wheat Variety Disease and Insect Ratings 2008. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF991.
Elliott, N. C., D. W. Onstad, and M. J. Brewer. History and ecological basis for Areawide pest management. In O. Koul, G. W. Cuperus, and N. C. Elliott (eds.) Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK. 2008.
Enali, S., R. Anathakrishnan, T. Niide, L. Starkus, S. Starkey, and C. M. Smith. 2009. Comparisons of wheat and barley resistance to Russian wheat aphid biotype 2. Arthropod- Plant. Interact. 5: (In Press).
Giles, K., G. L. Hein, and F. B. Peairs. 2008. Areawide pest management of cereal aphids in dryland wheat systems of the Great Plains, USA. Pp. 441 - 466 in: Koul, O., G. Cuperus, and N. Elliott, eds., Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International. Cambridge, MA.
Giovanini MP, Saltzmann KD, Puthoff DP, Gonzalo M, Ohm HW Williams CE. 2007. A novel wheat gene encoding a putative chitin-binding lectin is associated with resistance against Hessian fly. Mol. Plant Path. 8:69-82. 2007.
Gutsche, A., T. Heng-Moss, G. Sarath, P. Twigg, Y. Xia, G. Lu, and D.W. Mornhinweg. 2008. Gene expression profiling of tolerant barley in response to Diuraphis noxia (Hemiptera: Aphididae) feeding. Bull. Entomol. Res. Bulletin of Entomological Research, Page 1-11.
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.S. Quick, J.A. Stromberger, J.D. Butler, H.R. Miller, E.E. Heaton, J.B. Rudolph, B.W. Seabourn, G. Bai, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer and X. Chen. 2008. Registration of Bill Brown Wheat. J. Plant Registrations 2: 218-223.
Hesler, L.S. & S.D. Kindler. 2007. Abundance of rice root aphid among selected plant species and on plants grown with different soil-surface media. Great Lakes Entomol. 40:83-90.
Hodek, I. and J.P. Michaud. 2008. Why is Coccinella septempunctata so successful? Eur. J. Entomol. 105: 1-12.
Holly Davis, Ming-Shun Chen, Jeff Whitworth, Gary Cramer, Brian McCornack, Phil Sloderbeck, Aqeel Ahmad and Mary Knapp. 2009. Hessian fly-free date in Kansas: Is it still valid after 70+ years?. Joint Meeting of the Southwestern Branch of the Entomological Society of America and WERA066 (Western Extension/Education Research Activity), February 2009, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Koul, O, G. W. Cuperus, and N. C. Elliott (eds.) Areawide Pest Management: Theory and Implementation. CAB International, Wallingford Oxfordshire, UK. 2008.
Lazzari, S., S. Starkey, J. Reese, A. Ray-Chandler, and C. M. Smith. 2009. Feeding behavior of Russian wheat aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) biotype 2 in response to wheat genotypes exhibiting antibiosis and tolerance. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: (Accepted).
Liu, X., J. L. Marshall, P. Stary, O. Edwards, G. Puterka, L. Dolatti, M. E. Bouhssini, J. Malinga, and C. M. Smith. 200#. Global phylogenetics of an invasive aphid species: Evidence for multiple invasions into North America. J. Heredity. (submitted).
Merrill, S. C., F. B. Peairs, H. R. Miller, T. L. Randolph, J. B. Rudolph, and E. E. Talmich. 2008. Reproduction and development of Russian wheat aphid Biotype 2 on crested wheatgrass, intermediate wheatgrass, and susceptible and resistant wheat. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 541-545.
Merrill, S., T. Randolph, C. B. Walker, and F. B. Peairs. 2008. 2007 Russian wheat aphid biotype survey results for Colorado. Pp. 43 - 44 in Johnson, J. J., ed. 2008. Making better decisions: 2007 Colorado wheat variety performance trials. Colorado State Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Rep. TR08-08, 47 pp.
Michaud, J.P. and J.L. Jyoti. 2008. Dietary complementation across life stages in the polyphagous lady beetle Coleomegilla maculata. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 126: 40-45
Michaud, J.P. and J.L. Jyoti. 2007. Dietary complementation across life stages in a polyphagous lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata. Entomol. Exp. Appl. 126: 40-45.
Mike Smith, Xuming Liu, Xiang Liu, Sharon Starkey, JianFa Bai, L. J. Wang and Ming-Shun Chen. 2009. Wheat Plant Gene Expression in Response to Russian Wheat Aphid Feeding. Joint Meeting of the Southwestern Branch of the Entomological Society of America and WERA066 (Western Extension/Education Research Activity), February 2009, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Miller, H. R. and F. B. Peairs. 2008. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Colorado dryland cropping systems. Southwestern Entomologist 33: 31 - 42.
Mittal, S., L.S. Dahleen, and D.W. Mornhinweg. 2008. Locations of quantitative trait loci (QTL) conferring Russian wheat aphid resistance in barley germplasm STARS-9301B. Crop Sci. 48(4):1452-1458.
Mittapalli, O. and Shukle, R. H. 2008. Molecular characterization and responsive expression of a defender against apoptotoic cell death homologue from Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 149; 517-523.
Mittapalli, O., Neal, J. J., and Shukle, R. H. 2007. Antioxidant defense response in a galling insect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA); 104(6); 1889-1894.
Mittapalli, O., Neal, J. J., and Shukle, R. H. 2007. Tissue and life stage specificity of glutathione S-transferase expression in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor: Implications for resistance to host allelochemicals. Journal of Insect Science, 7; article 20.
Mittapalli, O., Sardesai, N., and Shukle, R. H. 2007. cDNA cloning and transcriptional expression of a peritorphin-like gene in the Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say). Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology, 64; 19-29.
Mornhinweg, D.W., P. Bregitzer, and D.R. Porter. 2007. Registration of nineteen spring six-rowed barley germplasm lines resistant to Russian wheat aphid. Journal of Plant Registrations 1: Journal of Plant Registrations 1: 137-138.
Mornhinweg, D.W., P. Bregitzer, and D.R. Porter. 2007. Registration of seventeen spring two-rowed barley germplasm lines resistant to Russian wheat aphid. Journal of Plant Registrations 1: 1 (2): 135-136.
Mornhinweg, D.W., P.P. Bregitzer, and D.R. Porter. 2008. Registration of seven spring two-rowed barley germplasm lines resistant to Russian wheat aphid. J. Plant Registrations 2(3):1-5.
Peairs, F. B., J. B. Rudolph, T. L. Randolph, and S. Merrill. 2008. 2007 Colorado field crop insect management research and demonstration trials. Colorado State Univ. Agric. Exp. Sta. Tech. Rep. TR08-06, 34 pp.
Randolph, T. L., S. C. Merrill, and F. B. Peairs. 2008. Reproductive rates of Russian wheat aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) Biotypes 1 and 2 on a susceptible and a resistant wheat at three temperature regimes. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 955 - 958.
Saltzmann KD, Giovanini MP, Zheng, C, Williams CE. 2008. Viruent Hessian fly larvae manipulate the free amino acid content of host wheat plants. J. Chem. Ecol. 34:1401-1410.
Seifers, D.L., T.J. Martin, T.L. Harvey, J.P. Fellers, & J.P. Michaud. 2009. Identification of the wheat curl mite as the vector of Triticum mosaic virus. Plant Disease 93: 25-29
Shufran, K.A., D.W. Mornhinweg, C.A. Baker, and D.R. Porter. 2007. Variation to cause host injury between Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) clones virulent to Dn4 wheat. J. Econ. Entomol. 100(5):1685-1691.
Shukle, R. H., Mittapalli, O., Morton, P. K., Chen, M. S. 2009. Characterization and expression analysis of a gene encoding a secreted lipase-like protein expressed in the salivary glands of the larval Hessia fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say). Journal of Insect Physiology, 55; 104-111.
Shukle, R. H., Yoshiyama, M., Morton, P.K., Johnson, A. J., and Schemerhorn, B.J. 2008. Tissue and developmental expression of a gene from Hessian fly encoding an ABC-active-transporter protein: Implications for Malpighian tubule function during interactions with wheat. Journal of Insect Physiology, 54(1); 146-154.
Sloderbeck, Phillip E., J.P. Michaud and R. Jeff Whitworth. Wheat Insect Management 2008. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF745.
Smith, C. M. 2009. Advances in Breeding for Host Plant Resistance. pp. 235-246, In: Integrated Pest Management, eds. E. B. Radcliffe, W. D. Hutchison and R. F. Cancelado. Cambridge University Press.
Sotelo, P., S. Starkey, P. Voothuluru, G. Wilde, and C. M. Smith. 2009. Resistance to Russian Wheat Aphid Biotype 2 in CIMMYT Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat Lines. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: (In Press).
Subramanyam S, Smith DF, Clemens JC, Webb MA, Sardesai N, Williams CE. 2008. Functional characterization of HFR-1, a high-mannose N-glycan-specific wheat lectin induced by Hessian fly larvae. Plant Physiology 147:1412-1426.
Tarver, M. R., Shade, R. E., Shukle, R. H., Moar, Muir, W. M., Murdock, L. M., and Pittendrigh, B. P. 2007. Pyramiding of insecticidal compounds for control of the cowpea bruchid (Callosobruchus Maculatus F.). Pest Management Science, 63(5); 440-446.
Weiland, A. A., F. B. Peairs, T. L. Randolph, J. B. Rudolph, S. D. Haley, and G. J. Puterka. 2008. Biotypic diversity in Colorado Russian wheat aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) populations. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 569-574.
Whitworth, R. Jeff and Aqeel Ahmad, 2008. Bird Cherry-oat Aphid. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF-2823
Whitworth, R. Jeff and Aqeel Ahmad, 2008. Flea Beetle. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF-2832
Whitworth, R. Jeff, Phil Sloderbeck, Holly Davis and Gary Cramer, 2009. Hessian Fly, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF-2866.
Wu J.-X., Liu X.-M., Zhang S.-Z., Y.-C. Zhu, Whitworth R.J., Chen M.-S. (2008) Differential responses of wheat inhibitor-like genes to Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor, attacks during compatible and incompatible interactions. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 34:1005-1012.
Wu, Y. and Huang, Y. 2008. Molecular mapping of QTLs for resistance to the greenbug Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) in Sorghum bicolor (Moench). Theor Appl Genet. 117:117-124.
Xiang Liu, Jeremy Marshall, Sharon Starkey, Petr Starry, John Burd, Gary Puterka, L. Dolatti, Owain Edwards, Mustapha El Bouhssini, Joyce Malinga, Jacob Lage, and Mike Smith. 2009, Global Phylogenetics of an Invasive Aphid Species: Evidence for Multiple Invasions into North America. Joint Meeting of the Southwestern Branch of the Entomological Society of America and WERA066 (Western Extension/Education Research Activity), February 2009, Stillwater, Oklahoma.
Zhu, L, X Liu, X Liu, R Jeannotte, JC Reese, M Harris, JJ Stuart, and M-S Chen. 2008. Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor) attack causes a dramatic shift in carbon and nitrogen metabolism in wheat. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:7078
Zhu, L., Liu, X.M., Liu, X., Jeannotte, R., Reese, J.C., Harris, M., Stuart, J.J., and Chen, M.S. (2008) Hessian Fly (Mayetiola Destructor) Attack Causes Dramatic Shift in Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Wheat. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 21:70-78.