W1192: Economic, Social, and Ecological Issues of Rangeland Fragmentation that Affect Rangeland Sustainability and Rural Communities

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Colorado State Report for W1192, January 2007

Fact sheets/papers for outreach audiences

1) Willingness-to-pay for prescribed fire in the Colorado (USA) wildland urban interface. 2006.University of Waikato Economics Working Paper Series, #0613. October 2006. P. Kaval, J. Loomis, and A. Seidl. ftp://mngt.waikato.ac.nz/RePEc/wai/econwp/0613.pdf

2) Tourists value of Routt Countys Working Landscape, 2005: Summary report. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. May 2006. EDR 06-07. L. Ellingson, A. Seidl, C.J. Mucklow.

3) Tourists value of Routt Countys Working Landscape, 2005. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. May 2006. EDR 06-06. L. Ellingson, A. Seidl, C.J. Mucklow.

4) A lodging tax for Custer County? Issues and answers. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University.May 2006. EDR 06-05. A. Seidl, M. Sullins and S. Cline.

5) Economic impact of the livestock industry in Gunnison County, Colorado. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. May 2006. EDR 06-04. O. Tadjion and A. Seidl.

6) Assessing the total economic value of ranching in mountain communities: An overview. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. May 2006. EDR 06-03. A. Seidl.

7) A lodging tax for Huerfano County? Issues and answers. 2006. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University.May 2006. EDR 06-02. A. Seidl, M. Sullins and S. Cline.

Outreach presentations
1) Market value and economic valuation of cattle ranching in Gunnison County, Colorado. 2006. Gunnison Legacy Trust Board Meeting. Gunnison, CO, December 1, 2006. (6 people)

2) Colorado producers preferences for federal farm policy. 2006. Keeping the ag in agriculture in NW Colorado: A forum. Steamboat, Colorado. October 20, 2006.(65 people) (Mucklow)

3) Natural resource based rural community development: Issues and approaches. 2006. CSU CE Fall Forum. Fort Collins, CO, September 25, 2006. Seidl, A. (10 people).

4) A lodging tax for Huerfano County? Results of an inquiry. 2006. Huerfano County Tourism Council, Lathrop State Park, Colorado, June 1, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., Cline, S. (10 people).

5) A lodging tax for Huerfano County? Results of an inquiry. 2006. Huerfano County Coalition, Walsenberg, Colorado, June 1, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., Cline, S. (35 people).

6) A lodging tax for Custer County? Results of an inquiry. 2006. Westcliffe, Colorado, June 1, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., Cline, S. (25 people)

7) Natural resource based economic development in the Intermountain West. 2006. Western Community Vitality Initiative, Salt Lake City, UT. May 25, 2006. http://extension.usu.edu/wrdc/Files/pdf/WCVI%202006/NR%20Based%20Economic%20Development%20-%20Seidl.pdf (presentation provided by meeting organizers).

8) Value of Routt County ranch open space to summer tourists. 2006. Routt County Economic Summit. Steamboat, Colorado. May 25, 2006. L. Ellingson, A. Seidl and C.J. Mucklow. (Ellingson) (70 people)

9) The use and implications of a lodging tax in Huerfano County, Colorado: Preliminary results. 2006. Walsenberg, Colorado, April 24, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., and Cline, S., and S. Davies. (20 people)

10) The use and implications of a lodging tax in Custer County, Colorado: Preliminary results. 2006. Westcliffe, Colorado, April 23, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., and Cline, S., and S. Davies. (15 people)

11) Custer County lodging tax study. 2006. Westcliffe, Colorado, February 23, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., and Cline, S. and S. Davies. (15 people)

12) Huerfano County lodging tax study. 2006. Walsenberg, Colorado, February 24, 2006. Seidl, A., Sullins, M., and Cline, S., and S. Davies. (23 people)

13) Socioeconomic analysis of BLM land use policy in the Little Snake Resource Management Area. 2006. Craig, Colorado, February, 1, 2006. Davies, S., Seidl, A., and J. Loomis. (20 people)

Journal articles and book chapters:

The role of ethnicity and language in contingent valuation analysis: A fire prevention policy application. 2006. American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 65:3: 559-586, July 2006. Loomis, J.B., Ellingson, L.J., Gonzales Caban, A, and A. Seidl.

Willingness-to-pay for prescribed fire in the Colorado (USA) wildland urban interface. 2007. Forest Policy and Economics. P. Kaval, J. Loomis, and A. Seidl. Forthcoming.

Alternate valuation strategies for public open space purchases: Stated versus market evidence. 2006. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy: Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe. R.J. Johnston and S.K. Swallow, eds. Chapter 9, Pp 183-202. Resources for the Future, Mass. Loomis, J., Seidl, A., Rollins, K., and V. Rameker.

The role of ethnicity and language in contingent valuation analysis: A fire prevention policy application. 2006. Natural Resources, Taxation and Regulation: Unusual perspectives on a classic topic. Laurence S. Moss, ed. Blackwell Publications. Pp-87-114. (reprinted from American Journal of Economics and Sociology. 65:3: 559-586, July 2006). Loomis, J.B., Ellingson, L.J., Gonzales Caban, A, and A. Seidl.

Winter tourism and land development in Gunnison County, Colorado. 2006. Mountain resort planning and development in an era of globalization. Clark, T., Gill, A., and R. Hartmann, eds. Chapter 8, pp 91-107. Cognizant Communications Corporation. Orens, A., Seidl, A. and S. Weiler.

Contributed paper presentation:

Colorado producers preferences for the 2007 Farm Bill. 2006. Annual meeting of the Soil and Water Conservation Society. Keystone, Colorado, July 26, 2006. Pritchett, J., Seidl, A., and W. Umberger.

Proceedings abstract:
Colorado producers preferences for the 2007Farm Bill. 2006. Proceedings abstract. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, May-June, 2006. Pritchett, J., Seidl, A., and W. Umberger.

Wyoming State Report
January 8-9, 2007, Albuquerque, NM

1. A comprehensive survey of off-road vehicle use in Wyoming
This study was completed for the Wyoming State Trails Program (a unit of the State of Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources). The study used a survey of 1,900 ORV users in Wyoming (resident and non-resident) to estimate numbers, location and frequency of use, and economic impact of ORVs. Most of this use occurs on Federally managed land in Wyoming, primarily U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management. This was a first of its kind study for Wyoming that will help the state better understand, plan for and manage ORVs.

2. Wyomings exurban landowners survey
Two survey instruments was used: 1) to gain an understanding of the values, goals, and knowledge that exurban landowners within Wyoming hold regarding land management and 2) to deduce how natural resource advisors (CES, NRCS, Conservation Districts, Weed & Pest, and State Forestry) view exurban landowners. The surveys was sent to 4,800 exurban landowners in six Wyoming counties and all natural resource advisors in the state. Results from the two surveys will be used to identify the needs of exurban landowners and to expand programs to help exurban landowners manage their land.

3. PILT fact sheets.
Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) are an important source of revenue from the Federal government for county government in Wyoming. To assist in the understanding of these payments a set of fact sheets have been developed annually for the last eight years. These fact sheets summarized the PILT calculations for each county in Wyoming.

4. Economic analysis for the revised forest plan for the Shoshone National Forest.
Members of the group have begun working on an economic analysis for the Shoshone National Forest. This information will be used in the development of a revised management plan for the Forest. This project is being funded by the Governors State Planning Office.

5. Economic analysis for the revised forest plan for the Bridger-Teton National Forest.
Similarly, work has just started on an economic analysis for the Bridger-Teton National Forest. This information will be used in the development of a revised management plan for the Forest. This project is proving to be more challenging due to gas development in a more environmentally sensitive area. This project is also being funded by the Governors State Planning Office.

6. Bureau of Land Management
" An economic impact analysis was completed for the BLMs Moxa Arch EIS in southwestern Wyoming. This information will be used in developing the management plan for the Moxa Arch natural gas field.
" An economic impact analysis was completed for the supplement EIS for the Pinedale Anticline Production Area in Western Wyoming. This information will be used in developing drilling decisions in this large gas field.
" An economic impact analysis is ongoing for the BLMs Hiawatha EIS in southern Wyoming and northern Colorado. This information will be used in developing the management plan for the Hiawatha natural gas field.
" Advisory Committee  Cumulative Social and Economic Effects, Powder River Basin Coal Review.
" Along with faculty from four other land grant institutions in the West, members of the group are working on a national assessment of the BLMs capacity to use social and economic analysis in the their planning efforts. This initiative involves several members of the W-1192 Regional Research Project and is being funded by the BLM.

7. Bighorn National Recreation Area
An economic analysis of the impacts of the Bighorn National Recreation Area on Big Horn County was developed at the request of local officials in Big Horn County. The analysis has been used by Big Horn County and Representative Cubin in discussions with the Bureau of Reclamation and the State of Montana regarding the management of Yellowtail Dam.

8. Colorado oil and gas study
Economic impact and fiscal analysis of the oil and gas industry in Colorado for the Colorado School of Mines Colorado Energy Research Institute.

9. Publications

Publications in support of Objective 1:
Foulke, Thomas, Roger H. Coupal, and David T. Taylor. Status of Agricultural Land in Wyoming. The Western Regional Science Association Forty-Fifth Annual Meetings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 22-25, 2006.

Publications in support of Objective 3:
Foulke, Thomas, Desiree Olson, David T. Taylor, Chris T. Bastian and Roger H. Coupal. A Survey and Economic Assessment of Off-Road Vehicle Use in Wyoming. For the Wyoming Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources, Division of State Parks and Historic Sites, State Trails Program. July 2006.

Foulke, Thomas, Roger H. Coupal and David T. Taylor. 2006 Payment in Lieu of Taxes to Wyoming Counties. University of Wyoming College of Agriculture. In review, November, 2006.

Foulke, Thomas and David T. Taylor. Getting a Handle on ORVs. Reflections. University of Wyoming College of Agriculture. In Review. December, 2006.

Retzlaff, Michael and David T. Taylor. Assessing National Forest Recreation Estimates Using Tourism and IMPLAN. Mid-Continent Regional Science Association 37th Annual Conference and IMPLAN National Users 6th Biennial Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 8  June10, 2006.

Tanaka, John A., Neil R. Rimbey, L. Allen Torell, David Tex Taylor, Derek Bailey, Timothy DelCurto, Kenric Walbureger, and Bob Welling. Grazing Distributions: The Quest for the Silver Bullet. Accepted in Rangelands, November 2006.

Taylor, David T.. The Importance of Federal Livestock Grazing in Wyoming. For the Wyoming Department of Agricultures National Ag Week News Release, March 2006.

New Mexico
January 2007
L. Allen Torell
Rhonda Skaggs


Tanaka, J.A., L.A. Torell, and N.R. Rimbey. 2005. Who Are These Public Land Ranchers and Why Are They Out There?. The Western Economics Forum. 4(2):14-20. Available online at http://waeaonline.org/.

Torell, L.A., O.A. Ramirez, Neil R. Rimbey, and Daniel W. McCollum. 2005. Income Earning Potential versus Consumptive Amenities in Determining Ranchland Values. J. Agr. Resource Econ. 30(3):537-560.

Torell, L.A., N.R. Rimbey, and J.A. Tanaka. 2006. On Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. In: Proceedings, 2006 WAEA Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. Available online at http://agecon.uwyo.edu/waea/2006AssnMtg/Proceedings/Torell_IB.pdf.

Accepted for Publication

Rimbey, N.R., L.A. Torell and J.A. Tanaka. 2006. Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. J. Agr. Resource Econ. (In Press and scheduled for April Issue).

Tanaka, J.A., N.R. Rimbey, L.A. Torell, T. DelCurto, D. Bailey, K. Walburger, D. Taylor, and B. Welling. 2006. Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet. Rangelands.


Rimbey, N., J.A. Tanaka and L.A. Torell. 2005. New Twists on Rangeland Economics. Presented at Sustainable Rangeland Management- On the Cutting Edge! A Western Regional Workshop sponsored by the University of Idaho and Western SARE, Boise, ID. Nov. 7- 9.
Torell, L.A., N.R. Rimbey, and J.A. Tanaka. 2006. On Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. 2006 WAEA Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK, Selected Paper. June 29. Presenter.
Torell, L.A. and N.R. Rimbey. 2006. Factors Affecting the Market Value of New Mexico Ranches. Poster Presentation, 2006 Annual Society for Range Management Meetings, Vancouver, BC, February. Presenter.
Rimbey, N.R. and L.A. Torell. 2006. Factors Affecting the Market Value of Ranches in the Great Basin. Poster Presentation, 2006 Annual Society for Range Management Meetings, Vancouver, BC, February.
Rimbey, N.R. and L.A. Torell. 2006. The Economics of Ranching on Public Lands and the GAO Report. National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Federal Lands Committee and Public Lands Council, Denver, CO. Feb. 8. Coauthor. Invited Presentation.

Oregon Report
John Tanaka


Tanaka, J. and K. Maczko. SRR Overview: Goals, Indicators, Model, Ecosystem Services, and Benefits. Paper presented at the 3rd National Conference on Grazing Lands. Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative, St. Louis, Missouri. 2006.

Torell, L.A., N.R. Rimbey, and J.A. Tanaka. 2006. On Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. In: Proceedings, 2006 WAEA Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. Available online at http://agecon.uwyo.edu/waea/2006AssnMtg/Proceedings/Torell_IB.pdf.

Satyal, V., J.A. Tanaka, D. Lach. D.A. Pyke, and P. Doescher. Economic and Non-Economic Impacts of Restoration: A Case Study Analysis of The Great Basin Region. Paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska. 2006.

2006 Nevada Report


Technical Bulletin:

Alvey, Jonathan, Elizabeth Fadali, and Thomas R. Harris. Analysis of Impacts of Public Land Grazing on the Elko County Economy and Mountain City Management Area: Economic Impacts of Federal Grazing in Elko County, University of Nevada, Reno, University Center for Economic Development Technical Bulletin 2006/07-03, October 2006.

2006 Idaho Report
Neil Rimbey and J.D. Wulfhorst


Tanaka, J.A., L.A. Torell, and N.R. Rimbey. 2005. Who Are These Public Land Ranchers and Why Are They Out There?. The Western Economics Forum. 4(2):14-20. Available online at http://waeaonline.org/.

Torell, L.A., O.A. Ramirez, Neil R. Rimbey, and Daniel W. McCollum. 2005. Income Earning Potential versus Consumptive Amenities in Determining Ranchland Values. J. Agr. Resource Econ. 30(3):537-560.

Torell, L.A., N.R. Rimbey, and J.A. Tanaka. 2006. On Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. In: Proceedings, 2006 WAEA Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. Available online at http://agecon.uwyo.edu/waea/2006AssnMtg/Proceedings/Torell_IB.pdf.

Torell, L.A. and N.R. Rimbey. 2006. Cattle-Fax Beef Price Database and Update Procedures. Western Regional Research Project W-192 and WERA-55, Users Manual and state database files available online at ftp://agesvr1.nmsu.edu/Beef_Prices.

Rimbey, N.R., L.A. Torell and J.A. Tanaka. Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. J. Agr. Resource Econ. (In Press and scheduled for April, 2007 Issue).

Tanaka, J.A., N.R. Rimbey, L.A. Torell, T. DelCurto, D. Bailey, K. Walburger, D. Taylor, and B. Welling. 2006. Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet. Rangelands. (In press. upcoming issue).

Wulfhorst, J.D., N. Rimbey, and T. Darden. 2006. Sharing the Rangelands  Competing for Sense of Place. American Behavioral Scientist. 50(2):166-186.


Rangeland and Management Interactions: Relationships between Socio-Economic and Ecological Processes in Rangeland Landscapes. Rhonda Skaggs and Brandon Bestelmeyer, New Mexico State University.
Small Feet, Big Tracks: The Potential Economic Effects of Critical Habitat Designation on the Economy of Southeastern Wyoming. Thomas Foulke, David T. Taylor, Roger H. Coupal. University of Wyoming.

Applications of Regional Impacts of Alternative Public Land Grazing Policies: Initial Results from an Integrated Linear Programming Social Accounting Matrix Model. Jonathan Alevy, Elizabeth Fadali, Thomas R. Harris. University of Nevada, Reno.

New Rangeland Residents in Wyoming: A Survey of Exurban Landowners. Rachel D. Mealor, University of Wyoming, Paul D. Meiman, Colorado State University, David T. Taylor, Jennifer S. Jones, Ann L. Hild, University of Wyoming.

Martin, John, J.D. Wulfhorst and Neil Rimbey. 2007. Owyhee County Social and Economic Impact Assessment. In: Proceedings: 3rd National Conference on Grazing. December 10-13, 2006. St. Louis, MO.

Rimbey, N.R., L.A. Torell and J.A. Tanaka. 2007. Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. J. Ag. and Res. Econ. 32(1):20-40.

Tanaka, John A., Neil R. Rimbey, L. Allen Torell, David Taylor, Derek Bailey, Timothy DelCurto, Kenric Walburger, and Bob Welling. 2007. Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet. Rangelands. 29(4)38-46.

Wulfhorst, J.D. and Neil Rimbey. 2007. Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission: 2007 Membership Focus Groups Final Report and Data Summary. University of Idaho. Department of Ag. Econ. and Rural Soc. AEES # 07-03. Moscow, ID.

Havstad, K.M., D.P.C. Peters, R. Skaggs, J. Brown, B. Bestelmeyer, E. Fredrickson, J. Herrick, and J. Wright. Ecological Services To and From Rangelands of the United States. Ecological Economics 64(2007):261-268. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2007.08.005.

Skaggs, R.K. and T. Crawford. National Animal Identification and the Elephant In the Room. Rangelands April 2007, Volume 29, Issue 2, Pages 60-64. DOI: 10.2111/1551-501X(2007)29[60:NAIATE]2.0.CO;2.

Fadali, E., Harris, T. R. (2007). "Analysis of Impacts of Public Land Grazing on the Elko County and Mountain City Management Area: Executive Summary", UCED 2006/07-09, January 2007.

Alevy, J. E., Fadali, E., Harris, T. R. (2007). "Analysis of Impacts of Public Land Grazing on the Elko County Economy: Part VII: Economic Impacts of Federal Grazing in Elko County, Jarbridge, and Mountain City Range Area Districts", UCED 2006/07-11, February 2007.

Alevy, J., Fadali, E., Harris, T. R. , "Analysis of Regional Impacts of Rangeland Fires in Elko County", Selected Paper, North American Regional Science Association, Savannah, Georgia. November 2007.

Foulke, Thomas, Roger H. Coupal, and David T. Taylor. The Economic Contribution of Off-road Vehicle Recreation to the Wyoming Economy. The Western Regional Science Association Forty-Sixth Annual Meetings, Newport Beach, California, February 22, 2007.

Foulke, Thomas, David T. Taylor and Roger H. Coupal. Small Feet, Big Tracks: The Potential Economic Effects of Critical Habitat Designation on the Economy of Southeastern Wyoming. Trans-Atlantic Land Use Conference, Washington D.C. 23 September, 2007. Also accepted for publication in New Perspectives on Agri-Environmental Policies; a Multidisciplinary and Trans-Atlantic Approach.

Tanaka, J.A., N.R. Rimbey, L.A. Torell, D.T. Taylor, D. Bailey, T. DelCurto, K. Walburger, and B. Welling. Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet, Rangelands, August 2007.

Foulke, Thomas, Roger H. Coupal and David T. Taylor. 2007 Payment in Lieu of Taxes to Wyoming Counties. University of Wyoming College of Agriculture. In review, November, 2006.

Foulke, Thomas and David T. Taylor. Getting a Handle on ORVs. Reflections. University of Wyoming College of Agriculture. June, 2007.


Ciciliano, Dylan, Thomas R. Harris, Danny Taylor and Dirk van Zyl. Analysis of Economic and Occupational Skill Impacts of the Hard Rock Mining Sector on the Elko Micropolitan S.A. Economy. UCED 2008/09-04, 2008.

Fadali, Elizabeth and Thomas R. Harris. An Economic Description of the Agricultural Sector in Lincoln County. UCED 2007/08-07, 2008.

Harris, Thomas R., Alevy, Jonathan E., Kim, Man-Keun and Fadali, Elizabeth. Development and Initial Application of an Integrated Linear Programming/Social Accounting Matrix Model: Rangeland Livestock Application. Selected Paper, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, February 2008.

Torell, L.A. and N.R. Rimbey. 2008. Cattle-Fax" Beef Price Database and Update Procedures. New Mexico State University Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Report 762. Data available online at ftp://agecon.nmsu.edu/Beef_Prices. Report available at http://cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/research/economics/RR762.pdf.

Skaggs, R. Ecosystem Services and Western U.S. Rangelands Choices 2nd Quarter 2008 23(2) pages 37-41.

Blevins, A.L., K. R. Jensen, S. Kane, N. Rimbey, J. Tanaka, D.T. Taylor, L.A. Torell, and J.D. Wolfhosrt. 2008. Bureau of Land Management Social Science Information Needs and Capabilities Assessment. Draft Report to BLM.

Rimbey, N. 2008. Economic Considerations of Wildfire. in: Miller, E. and Narayanan, R. eds. Great Basin Wildfire Forum: The Search for Solutions. University of Nevada, Agricultural Experiment Station. Reno, NV. Available on-line at: www.cabnr.unr.edu/naes/wildfireforum.pdf

Torell, L.A. and N.R. Rimbey. 2008. Cattle-Fax" Beef Price Database and Update Procedures. New Mexico State University Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Report 762. available online at http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/research/economics/RR762.pdf

Wulfhorst, J.D., B. Foltz, S. Kane, K. Peterson-Papineau, P. Salant, and J. Van Gerpen. 2008. Engaging the Idaho Farm Community in the Biofuels Era. Under Review as a Research Bulletin, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Idaho.

Wulfhorst, J.D. and N.R. Rimbey. 2007. Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission: 2007 Membership Focus Groups Final Report & Data Summary. Agricultural Economics Extension Series, No. 07-03. University of Idaho. Moscow, ID.

Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission: 2007 Focus Group Update, with N. Rimbey (presenter), 2/08, Salmon, ID (Lemhi Co. Beef School).

Rimbey, N. R. and J.D. Wulfhorst. 2008. The Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission: A Solution to Subdivisions? Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Society for Range Management, Louisville, KY, January 26-31.

Maher, A.T. 2007. The Economic Impacts of Sagebrush Steppe Wildfires on an Eastern Oregon Ranch. M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis. 171 p.

Rimbey, N.R., L.A. Torell, and J.A. Tanaka. Why Grazing Permits Have Economic Value. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 32(2007):20-40.

Tanaka, J.A., N.R. Rimbey, L.A. Torell, T. DelCurto, D. Bailey, K. Walburger, D. Taylor, and B. Welling. 2007. Grazing Distribution: The Quest for the Silver Bullet. Rangelands 29:38-46.

Brunson, M.W., and J.A. Tanaka. Economic and Social Impacts of Desert Fires and Invasives. Paper presented at the Wildfires and Invasive Plants in American Deserts Conference and Workshops, Society for Range Management Center for Professional Education and Development, Reno, Nevada, 2008.

A.T. Maher, J.A. Tanaka, and N.R. Rimbey. The Economic Impacts of Sagebrush Steppe Wildfires on an Eastern Oregon Ranch. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management and American Forage and Grassland Council, Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.

Tanaka, J.A. Pilot Project Socio-Economic Indicators, Selection Process and Connection to Sustainability in the Multi-Agency Oregon Pilot Project: A Roadmap for Indicator-based Rangeland Assessment Symposium. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management and American Forage and Grassland Council, Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.

Child, R.D. and J.A. Tanaka. Rangeland Ecosystem Services: Valuation Methods and Potential Incentive Programs. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Reno, Nevada. 2007.

Torell, L.A., N.R. Rimbey, and J.A. Tanaka. Grazing Permit Value. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Reno, Nevada. 2007.

Satyal, V., J. Tanaka, D. Lach, D. Pyke, and P. Doescher. Economic and Social Impacts: Costs and Acceptability. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Reno, Nevada. 2007.

Foulke, Thomas, Chris T. Bastian, David T. Taylor, Roger H. Coupal, and Desiree Olson. Off-road Vehicle Recreation in the West: Implications of a Wyoming Analysis. Accepted by: The Western Economic Forum. Fall, 2008.

Foulke, Thomas, David T. Taylor and Roger H. Coupal. Small Feet, Big Tracks: The Potential Economic Effects of Critical Habitat Designation on the Economy of Southeastern Wyoming. In New Perspectives on Agri-Environmental Policies; a Multidisciplinary and Transatlantic Approach. Taylor and Francis Books. Forthcoming.

David T. Taylor, BenjaminS. Rashford, Roger H. Coupal and Thomas Foulke. An Economic Analysis of Predator Management in Wyoming: First Year Results Report. For the Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board. Cheyenne, WY. July, 2008.

David T. Taylor, Thomas Foulke and Roger H. Coupal. An Economic Profile of the Shoshone National forest: Prepared in support of the Shoshone National Forest plan revision process. For the Shoshone National Forest. May, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/Shoshone.htm .

David T. Taylor, Roger H. Coupal, Thomas Foulke, Benjamin Rashford and Desiree Olson. An Economic Profile of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, Phase II final report. For the Bridger-Teton National Forest, USDA. February, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/BridgerTeton.htm

David T. Taylor and Thomas Foulke. Fremont County, Wyoming: A Socio-Economic Profile. Bridger-Teton Region, County Profile Series. For the Bridger-Teton National Forest. February, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/BridgerTeton.htm

David T. Taylor and Thomas Foulke. Lincoln County, Wyoming: A Socio-Economic Profile. Bridger-Teton Region, County Profile Series. For the Bridger-Teton National Forest. February, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/BridgerTeton.htm

David T. Taylor and Thomas Foulke. Sublette County, Wyoming: A Socio-Economic Profile. Bridger-Teton Region, County Profile Series. For the Bridger-Teton National Forest. February, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/BridgerTeton.htm

David T. Taylor and Thomas Foulke. Teton County, Wyoming: A Socio-Economic Profile. Bridger-Teton Region, County Profile Series. For the Bridger-Teton National Forest. February, 2008. Available from: http://agecon.uwyo.edu/EconDev/BridgerTeton.htm

Cook, D., R. Coupal, J. Hamerlinck, J. Heerman, D. Hulmes, S. Lieske, and D. McLeod. Impacts of Wyoming Water Development Commission Regional Water System Projects on Land Use: An Analysis of Two Case Studies, Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources Research Project  Final Technical Report, University of Wyoming, October 2008.


Foulke, Thomas, David T. Taylor and Roger H. Coupal. Chapter 6: Modeling the Economic Impacts of Critical Habitat Designation. In New Perspectives on Agri-environmental Policies: a Multidisciplinary and Transatlantic Approach. Routledge. New York. 2010.

Reddy, Katta J., Hollis Weber, Pradip Bhattacharyya, Morris D. Argyle, David T. Taylor, Mikol Christensen, Thomas Foulke and Paul Fahlsing. Instantaneous Capture and Mineralization of Flue Gas Carbon Dioxide: Pilot Scale Studies. Nature Procedings. Available from: http://precedings.nature.com/documents/5404/version/1 January, 2011.

Rashford, Benjamin S., Thomas Foulke and David T. Taylor. Ranch-Level Economic Impacts of Predation in a Range Livestock System. Rangelands. June, 2010. p21-26.

Association, 50th annual meeting, Monterey, California. March, 2011.
Foulke, Thomas and David T. Taylor. A Concise guide to Wyoming Coal: 2010. The Wyoming Coal Information Committee of the Wyoming Mining Association. Cheyenne, Wyoming. September, 2010.

Craig Cooper and Thomas Foulke. Analysis of Federal Subsidies: Implied Price of Carbon. Idaho National Laboratory INL/EXT-10-19349. Idaho Falls, ID. October, 2010.

Gosnell, H. and J. Abrams. 2010. Amenity migration: diverse conceptualizations of drivers, socioeconomic dimensions, and emerging challenges. GeoJournal
DOI 10.1007/s10708-009-9295-4

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