WERA99: Broodstock Management, Genetics and Breeding Programs for Molluscan Shellfish

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


2006 Publications

Matson, S., Evans, F. and C. Langdon. 2006 Specific pathogen-free culture of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in a breeding research program: effect of water treatment on growth and survival. Aquaculture. 253: 475-484.
Evans, S. and C. Langdon. Effect of dietary restriction during juvenile development on adult performance of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, accepted

Evans, S. and C. Langdon. Effects of genotype x environment interactions on the selection of broadly adapted Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 261: 522-534.

Evans, S. and C. Langdon. 2006. Direct and correlated responses to selection for individual body weight in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Aquaculture, 261: 546-555.

Delaporte, M, Chu F.L, Langdon, C, Moal , J, Lambert, C, Samain, J-F and Soudant, P. 2007. Changes in biochemical and hemocyte parameters of the Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas fed T-Iso supplemented with lipid emulsions rich in 20:5n-3. J. Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 343:261-275.


Batista FM, Arzul I, Pepin JF, Ruano F, Friedman CS, Boudry P, Renault T (2007) Detection of ostreid herpesvirus 1 DNA by PCR in bivalve molluscs: a critical review. J Virol.Methods 139:1-11

Burge CA, Judah LR, Conquest LL, Griffin FJ, Cheney DP, Suhrbier A, Vadopalas B, Olev PG, Renault T, Friedman CS (2007) Summer seed mortality of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas thunberg grown in Tomales Bay, California, USA: The influence of oyster stock, planting time, pathogens, and environmental stressors. J.Shellfish Res 26(1):163-172

Camara MD, Evans S, Langdon C (2007) Inbreeding effects on growth and survival in a naturalized population of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) revealed using molecular marker-based estimates of parental relatedness. Aquaculture 272:S247

Curole JP, Hedgecock D (2007) Bivalve Genomics: Complications, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Aquaculture Genome Technologies. Jul 2007, pp 525-543.

Gomez-Leon J, Villamill L, Salger SA, Sallum RH, Remacha-Trivino A, Leavitt DF, Gomez-Chiarri M (2008) Survival of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica from three lines following experimental challenge with bacterial pathogens. Dis Aquat Organ 79:95-105

Hedgecock D, Davis JP (2007) Heterosis for yield and crossbreeding of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture 272:S17-S29

Hedgecock D, Launey S, Pudovkin AI, Naciri Y, Lapegue S, Bonhomme F (2007) Small effective number of parents (Ndb) inferred for a naturally spawned cohort of juvenile European flat oysters Ostrea edulis. Mar.Biol. 150(6):1173-1182

Hedgecock D, Lin JZ, DeCola S, Haudenschild CD, Meyer E, Manahan DT, Bowen B (2007) Transcriptomic analysis of growth heterosis in larval Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Proc.Natl Acad.Sci U S.A 104:2313-2318

Hedgecock D, Perry GML, Voigt ML (2007) Mapping heterosis QTL in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture 272:S267-S268

Jenny MJ, Chapman RW, Mancia A, Chen YA, McKillen DJ, Trent H, Lang P, Escoubas JM, Bachere E, Boulo V, Liu ZJ, Gross PS, Cunningham C, Cupit PM, Tanguy A, Guo X, Moraga D, Boutet I, Huvet A, De GS, Almeida JS, Warr GW (2007) A cDNA microarray for Crassostrea virginica and C. gigas.
Mar Biotechnol.(NY) 9:577-591

Moss JA, Burreson EM, Cordes JF, Dungan CF, Brown GD, Wang A, Wu X, Reece KS (2007) Pathogens in Crassostrea ariakensis and other Asian oyster species: implications for non-native oyster introduction to Chesapeake Bay. Dis Aquat Organ 77:207-223

Moss JA, Xiao J, Dungan CF, Reece KS (2008) Description of Perkinsus beihaiensis n. sp., a new Perkinsus sp. parasite in oysters of Southern China. J Eukaryot.Microbiol 55:117-130

Quilang J, Wang S, Li P, Abernathy J, Peatman E, Wang Y, Wang L, Shi Y, Wallace R, Guo X, Liu Z (2007) Generation and analysis of ESTs from the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin and identification of microsatellite and SNP markers. BMC Genomics 8:157

Roberts S, Gueguen Y, de LJ, Goetz F (2008) Rapid accumulation of an interleukin 17 homolog transcript in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes following bacterial exposure. Dev Comp Immunol 32:1099-1104

Taris N, Lang RP, Camara MD (2008) Sequence polymorphism can produce serious artefacts in real-time PCR assays: hard lessons from Pacific oysters. BMC Genomics 9:234

Wang Y, Guo X (2007) Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Mar Biotechnol.(NY) 9:500-511


Batista FM, Arzul I, Pepin JF, Ruano F, Friedman CS, Boudry P, Renault T (2007) Detection of ostreid herpesvirus 1 DNA by PCR in bivalve molluscs: a critical review. J Virol.Methods 139:1-11

Burge CA, Judah LR, Conquest LL, Griffin FJ, Cheney DP, Suhrbier A, Vadopalas B, Olev PG, Renault T, Friedman CS (2007) Summer seed mortality of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas thunberg grown in Tomales Bay, California, USA: The influence of oyster stock, planting time, pathogens, and environmental stressors. J.Shellfish Res 26(1):163-172

Camara MD, Evans S, Langdon C (2007) Inbreeding effects on growth and survival in a naturalized population of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) revealed using molecular marker-based estimates of parental relatedness. Aquaculture 272:S247

Curole JP, Hedgecock D (2007) Bivalve Genomics: Complications, Challenges, and Future Perspectives. Aquaculture Genome Technologies. Jul 2007, pp 525-543.

Gomez-Leon J, Villamill L, Salger SA, Sallum RH, Remacha-Trivino A, Leavitt DF, Gomez-Chiarri M (2008) Survival of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica from three lines following experimental challenge with bacterial pathogens. Dis Aquat Organ 79:95-105

Jenny MJ, Chapman RW, Mancia A, Chen YA, McKillen DJ, Trent H, Lang P, Escoubas JM, Bachere E, Boulo V, Liu ZJ, Gross PS, Cunningham C, Cupit PM, Tanguy A, Guo X, Moraga D, Boutet I, Huvet A, De GS, Almeida JS, Warr GW (2007) A cDNA microarray for Crassostrea virginica and C. gigas. Mar Biotechnol.(NY) 9:577-591

Moss JA, Burreson EM, Cordes JF, Dungan CF, Brown GD, Wang A, Wu X, Reece KS (2007) Pathogens in Crassostrea ariakensis and other Asian oyster species: implications for non-native oyster introduction to Chesapeake Bay. Dis Aquat Organ 77:207-223

Moss JA, Xiao J, Dungan CF, Reece KS (2008) Description of Perkinsus beihaiensis n. sp., a new Perkinsus sp. parasite in oysters of Southern China. J Eukaryot.Microbiol 55:117-130

Quilang J, Wang S, Li P, Abernathy J, Peatman E, Wang Y, Wang L, Shi Y, Wallace R, Guo X, Liu Z (2007) Generation and analysis of ESTs from the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin and identification of microsatellite and SNP markers. BMC Genomics 8:157

Roberts S, Gueguen Y, de LJ, Goetz F (2008) Rapid accumulation of an interleukin 17 homolog transcript in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes following bacterial exposure. Dev Comp Immunol 32:1099-1104

Taris N, Lang RP, Camara MD (2008) Sequence polymorphism can produce serious artefacts in real-time PCR assays: hard lessons from Pacific oysters. BMC Genomics 9:234

Wang Y, Guo X (2007) Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Mar Biotechnol.(NY) 9:500-511


Publications for the current year only.

Batista FM, Boudry P, Dos Santos A, Renault T, Ruano F (2009). Infestation of the cupped oysters Crassostrea angulata, C. gigas and their first generation hybrids by the copepod Myicola ostreae: differences in susceptibility and host response. Parasitologia 136 (5): 537-543.

Sauvage C, Pépin JF, Lapègue S, Boudry P, Renault T (2009). Ostreid herpes virus infection in families of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, during a summer mortality outbreak: differences in viral DNA detection and quantification using real-time PCR. Virus Research, 142: 181187

Sauvage C, Boudry P, Lapègue S. Identification and characterization of 18 novel polymorphic microsatellite makers derived from expressed sequence tags in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Molecular Ecology Notes, 9(3): 853-855.

Lallias D, StockdaleR, Boudry P, Beaumont AR, Lapègue S. Characterization of 27 microsatellite loci in the European 1 flat oyster Ostrea edulis. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9(3): 960-963.

Lallias D, Gomez-Raya L, Haley CS, Arzul I, Heurtebise S, Beaumont AR, Boudry P, Lapègue S (2009). Combining two-stage testing and interval mapping strategies to detect QTL for resistance to bonamiosis in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis. Marine Biotechnology 11:570584.

Lallias D, Stockdale R, Boudry P, Lapègue S, Beaumont A (2009). Characterization of ten microsatellite loci in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis. Journal of Shellfish Research 28(3): 547-551.

Fleury E, Huvet A, Lelong C, de Lorgeril J, Boulo V, Gueguen Y, Bachère E, Tanguy A, Moraga D, Fabioux C, Lindeque P, Shaw J, Reinhardt R, Prunet P, Davey G, Lapègue S, Sauvage C, Corporeau C, Moal J, Gavory F, Wincker P, Moreews F, Klopp C, Mathieu M, Boudry P, Favrel P (2009). Generation and analysis of a 29,745 unique Expressed Sequence Tags from the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) assembled into a publicly accessible database: the GigasDatabase. BMC Genomics, 10: 341.

Arias A, Freire R, Boudry P, Heurtebise S, Méndez J, Insua A (2009). Single nucleotide polymorphism for population studies in the scallops Aequipecten opercularis and Mimachlamys varia. Conservation Genetics, 10:14911495.

Cannuel R, Beninger PG, McCombie H, Boudry P (2009). Gill development, functional and evolutionary implications in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Bivalvia: Mytilidae). Biological Bulletin 217: 173-188.

Normand J, Ernande B, Haure J, McCombie H, Boudry P (2009). Reproductive effort in Crassostrea gigas: comparison of 5-month-old diploid and triploid oysters issued from natural crosses or chemical induction. Aquatic Biology 7(3): 229-241
Taris N, Boudry P, Bonhomme F, Camara MD, Lapègue S (2009). Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA analysis of genetic heterogeneity in temporal recruitment cohorts of the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis. The Biological Bulletin 217(3): 223-241

Dégremont L, Bédier E, Boudry P (2010). Summer mortality of hatchery-produced Pacific oyster spat (Crassostrea gigas). II. Response to selection for survival and its influence on growth and yield. Aquaculture 299: 21-29.

Dégremont L, Boudry P, Ropert M, Samain JF, Bédier E, Soletchnik P (2010). Effects of age and environment on survival of summer mortality by two selected lines of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture 299: 44-50.

Fleury E, Moal J, Boulo V, Daniel J-Y, Mazurais D, Hénaut A, Boudry P, Favrel P, Huvet A. Identification of new genes associated with summer mortality in the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Marine Biotechnology, in press.

Pernet F, Barret J, Marty C, Moal J, Le Gall P, Boudry P. Environmental anomalies, energetic reserves and fatty acid modifications in oysters coincide with an exceptional mortality event. Marine Ecology Progress Series, in press.

Sauvage C, Boudry P, de Koning DJ, Haley CS, Heurtebise S, Lapègue S. Quantitative Trait Loci for resistance to summer mortality and OsHV1 load in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Animal Genetics, in press.

Huvet A, Normand J, Fleury E, Quillien V, Fabioux C, Boudry P. Reproductive effort of Pacific oysters: a trait associated with susceptibility to summer mortality. Aquaculture, in press.

Geay F, Santigosa I Culi E, Corporeau C, Boudry P, Dreano Y, Corcos L, 4, Bodin N, Vandeputte M, 7, Zambonino-Infante JL,Mazurais D, Cahu CL. Regulation of FADS2 expression and activity in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, L.) fed a vegetable diet. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, in press.

Lallias D, Boudry P, Lapègue S, King JW, Beaumont AR. Strategies for the retention of high genetic variability in European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) restoration programmes. Conservation Genetics, in press.

Lang, P.L., Bayne, C.J, Camara, M.D., Cunningham, C., Jenny, M.J., and Langdon C.J. 2009. Transcriptome profiling of selectively-bred Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas families that differ in tolerance of heat shock. Marine Biotechnology, 11: 650-668

Lang, R.P., Langdon, C.J., Taris, N.G. and M.D. Camara. Can laboratory assays be used to predict field performance of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) families planted in coastal waters? Aquaculture, accepted.

Costa de Melo, A.G., Gardunho, D.C.L., Schneider, H., Sampaio, I., Gaffney, P.M., Reece, K.S., Beasley, C.R. and C.H. Tagliaro. (in press) Molecular identification, phylogeny and geographic distribution of Brazilian mangrove oysters (Crassostrea). Gen. Mol. Biol.

Xiao, J. Cordes, J.F., Wang, H., Guo, X., and K.S. Reece. (in press) Population genetics of Crassostrea ariakensis in Asia inferred from microsatellite markers. Mar. Biol.

Roberts SB, Goetz G, White S, Goetz F (2009) Analysis of genes isolated from plated hemocytes of the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Marine Biotechnology. 11:24-44

DeFaveri J, Smolowitz R, Roberts, S. (2009) Development and validation of a real-time quantitative PCR assay for the detection and quantification of Perkinsus marinus in the Eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Shellfish Research

Books and books chapters

Boudry P (2009) Genetic variation and selective breeding in hatchery-propagated molluscan shellfish. In Burnell G & Geoff A (eds): New technologies in aquaculture: Improving production efficiency, quality and environmental management. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, U.K, pp. 87-108.

Beaumont A, Boudry P, Hoare K (2010). Biotechnology and genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture (2nd ed.). Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK. 202 p.


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