NCERA125: Biological Control of Arthropods and Weeds (new project)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
North Dakota
Majumdar, A., M. A. Boetel, and R. J. Dregseth. 2006. Survey, isolation, and screening for native pathogens of sugarbeet root maggot (Diptera: Ulidiidae) in the Red River Valley. Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports. North Dakota State University Coop. Ext. Serv. 36: 228-231.
Olson, D. and R. Hanson. 2006. Biological of leafy spurge biological control agents. In Biology and biological control of leafy spurge. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. USDA Forest Servide.
Majumdar, A., M. A. Boetel, S. T. Jaronski, R. J. Dregseth, and A. J. Schroeder. 2006. Cereal cover crops and a microbial insecticide for integrated control sugarbeet root maggot (Diptera: Ulidiidae). Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports. North Dakota State University Coop. Ext. Serv. 36: 222-227.
Peer reviewed
Roehrdanz, R., D. Olson, R. Bourchier, S. Sears, A. Cortilet, and G. Fauske. 2006. Mitochondrial DNA diversity and Wolbachia infection in the flea beetle Aphthona nigriscutis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) an introduced biocontrol agent for leafy spurge. Biological Control 37:1-8.
Alexander P. Cunningham. 2006. Predacious Coccinellidae in Alfalfa, M.S. Thesis, Advisors: S. D. Danielson and J. R. Brandle. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Peer reviewed
Angel-Sahagún CA, Lezama-Gutiérrez R, Molina-Ochoa J, Galindo-Velasco E, López-Edwards M, Rebolledo-Domínguez O, Cruz-Vázquez C, Reyes-Velázquez WP, Skoda SR, Foster JE. 2006. Susceptibility of biological stages of the horn fly, Haematobia irritans, to entomopathogenic fungi (Hyphomycetes). 8pp. Journal of Insect Science 5:50, available online: insectscience.org/5.50
Kriz, James C., Stephen D. Danielson, James R. Brandle, and Erin E. Blankenship. 2006. Relative Abundance of Exotic and Native Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) in Southeast Nebraska Alfalfa. J. Entomol. Sci. 41(1): 84-86.
Kriz, J. C., S. D. Danielson, J. R. Brandle, and E. E. Blankenship.2006. Effects of aphid abundance and surrounding vegetation on the encounter rate of Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae, and Nabidae in alfalfa. J. Entomol. Sci. 41: 211-220.
Newman, R.M., E. M. Gross, W. Wimmer and P. Sprick. 2006. Life history and developmental performance of the Eurasian milfoil weevil, Eubrychius velutus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin 60(2): 170-176.
Newman, R.M., P. Sprick, E. M. Gross, and W. Wimmer. 2006. An illustrated life history of the Eurasian milfoil weevil, Eubrychius velutus (Beck, 1817) in Germany (Curculionidae: Ceutorhynchinae: Phytobiini) - SNUDEBILLER 7, Studies on taxonomy, biology and ecology of Curculionoidea, Mönchengladbach: CURCULIO-Institute.
Peer reviewed
Roley, S.S. and R.M. Newman. 2006. Developmental performance of the milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) on northern watermilfoil, Eurasian watermilfoil, and hybrid (northern x Eurasian) watermilfoil. Environmental Entomology 35(1): 121-126. http://hermia.esa.catchword.org/vl=14125878/cl=14/nw=1/rpsv/cw/esa/0046225x/v35n1/s14/p121
Ward, D.M. and R.M. Newman. 2006. Fish predation on Eurasian watermilfoil herbivores and indirect effects on macrophytes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries andAquatic Sciences 63(5): 1049-1057. http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cgibin/rp/rp2_abst_e?cjfas_f06-010_63_ns_nf_cjfas5-06
Birken, E. M., and R. A. Cloyd. 2006. Feeding behavior of the rove beetle, Atheta coriaria (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) under laboratory conditions. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin 29: 201-206.
Peer reviewed
Tooker, J. F., M. Hauser, & L. M. Hanks. 2006. Floral host plants of Syrphidae and Tachinidae (Diptera) of central Illinois. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 99: 96-112.
van Klinken, R.D. and Raghu, S. 2006. A scientific approach to agent selection. Aust. J. Entomol. 45: 253258.
Vavra, J., Hylis, M., Vossbrinck, C.R., Pilarska, D.K., Linde, A., Weiser, J. McManus, M.L., Hoch, G., and Solter, L.F. 2006. Vairimorpha disparis n.comb. (Microsporidia: Burenellidae): A redescription of the Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) microsporidium, Thelohania disparis Timofejeva 1956. J. Eukaryotic Microbiol. 53(4): 292-304.
Solter, L.F. 2006. Transmission as a predictor of ecological host specificity with a focus on vertical transmission of microsporidia. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 92: 132-140.
Tooker, J. F., & L. M. Hanks. 2006. Tritrophic interactions and reproductive fitness of the prairie perennial Silphium laciniatum Gillette (Asteraceae). Environ. Entomol. 35: 537-545.
Rebek, E. J., C. S. Sadof, & L. M. Hanks. 2006. Influence of floral resource plants on control of an armored scale pest by the parasitoid Encarsia citrina (Craw.) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Biol. Control 37: 320-328.
Schwab, L.K. and Raghu, S. (2006). Nutrient composition of soil and plant may predict the distribution and abundance of specialist insect herbivores: implications for agent selection in weed biological control. Aust. J. Entomol. 45: 345348.
Raghu, S. and van Klinken, R.D. 2006. Refining the ecological basis for agent selection in weed biological control. Aust. J. Entomol. 45: 251252.
Raghu, S., Dhileepan, K. and Treviño, M. 2006. Response of an invasive liana to simulated herbivory: Implications for its biological control. Acta Oecologica 29: 335345.
Raghu, S., Dhileepan, K. and Wilson, J. 2006. Refining the process of agent selection through understanding plant demography and plant response to herbivory. Aust. J. Entomol. 45: 308316.
Hylis M., Pilarska, D.K., Oborník, M., Vávra, J., Solter, L.F., Weiser, J. Linde, A., and McManus, M.L. 2006. Nosema chrysorrhoeae n. sp. (Microsporidia), isolated from browntail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea L.) (Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae) in Bulgaria: Characterization and phylogenetic relationships. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 91, 105-114.
Fallon, D.J., Solter, L.F., Bauer, L.S., Miller, D.L., Cate, J.R., and McManus, M.L. 2006. Effect of entomopathogenic nematodes on Plectrodera scalator (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). J. Invertebr. Pathol. 92, 55-57
Dhileepan, K., Treviño, M. and Raghu, S. 2006. Temporal patterns in incidence and abundance of Aconophora compressa (Hemiptera: Membracidae), a biological control agent for Lantana camara, on target and nontarget plants. Environ. Entomol. 35: 10011012.
Cervantes, D. E., L. M. Hanks, E. S. Lacey, & J. D. Barbour. 2006. First documentation of a volatile sex pheromone in a longhorned beetle (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of the primitive subfamily Prioninae. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 99: 718-722.
Cloyd, R. A., and A. Dickinson. 2006. Effect of insecticides on mealybug destroyer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and parasitoid Leptomastix dactylopii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), natural enemies of citrus mealybug (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 99(5): 1596-1604.
Cloyd, R. A., C. L. Galle, and S. R. Keith. 2006. Compatibility of three miticides with the predatory mites Neoseiulus californicus McGregor and Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae). HortScience 41(3): 707-710.
Dhileepan, K., Senaratne, K.A.D.W. and Raghu, S. 2006. A systematic approach to biological control agent exploration and prioritisation for prickly acacia (Acacia nilotica ssp. indica). Aust. J. Entomol. 45: 303307.
Harwood, J.D., C. Ricci, R. Romani & J. J. Obrycki. 2006. Historic prevalence of a laboulbenialean fungus infecting introduced coccinellids in the United States. Antenna, Bulletin of the Royal Entomological Society 30: 74-79.
Peer reviewed
Harwood, J.D., A. Samson & J.J. Obrycki. 2006. No evidence for the uptake of Cry1AB Bt-endotoxins by the general predator Sciaites subterraneus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in laboratory and field experiments. Biocontrol Sci. & Tech. 16: 377-388.
Harwood, J.D. & J.J. Obrycki. 2006. The detection and decay of Cry1Ab Btendotoxins within non-target slugs, Deroceras reticulatum (Muller) (Mollusca: Pulmonata), following consumption of transgenic corn. Biocontrol Sci. & Tech. 16:77-88
Prevalence and association of the laboulbenialean fungus Hesperomyces virescens (Laboulbeniales: Laboulbeniaceae) on coccinellid hosts (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in Kentucky, USA. European Journal of Entomology 103: 799-804.
Peer reviewed
Desneux, N., H. J. S. Yoo, and R. J. ONeil. 2006. Suppression of population growth of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, by predators: the identification of a key predator, and the effects of prey dispersion, predator abundance and temperature. Env. Entomol. 35: 1342-1309.
Schmidt, N.P. 2006. Sampling and management of aphidophagous natural enemies in Iowa soybean. MS. Thesis, Department of Entomology, Iowa State Univ., Ames. 86 pp.
Peer reviewed
Isaacs, R. Mason, K.S., Brewer, M., Noma, T. and O'Neal, M.E. 2006. Does implementation of a selective blueberry insect control program enhance biological control? IOBC wprs Bulletin 29 (10), 7-12.
Schmidt, N.P., M.E. ONeal, and J.W. Singer. Alfalfa living mulch advances biological control of soybean aphid. Environ. Entomol. Accepted August 2006.
Marino, P.C, D.A. Landis, B.A. Hawkins. 2006. Conserving parasitoid assemblages of North American pest Lepidoptera: what alternate host food plant relationships tell us about agricultural landscapes. Biological Control. 37: 173- 85.
Gardiner, M., C. DiFionzo, M. Brewer, T. Noma. 2006. Identifying natural enemies in field crops. MSU Extension Bulletin E-2949. 46pp. http://www.ipm.msu.edu/pubsnatural.htm
Evans, J.A. 2006. Impacts of herbivores and plant communities on establishment and spread of Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) in Michigan. MS. Thesis, Department of Entomology, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. 204 pp.
Fiedler, A.K. 2006. Evaluation of Michigan native plants to provide resources for natural enemy arthropods. MS. Thesis, Department of Entomology, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. 155 pp.
Costamagna, A.C. 2006. Do varying natural enemy assemblages impact Aphis glycines population dynamics? Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Entomology, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. 189 pp.
Peer reviewed
Brewer, M.J., T. Noma, and N.C. Elliott. 2005. Hymenopteran parasitoids and dipteran predators of the invasive aphid Diuraphis noxia after enemy introductions: temporal variation and implication for future aphid invasions. Biol. Control, 33: 315-323.
Costamagna, A.C., and D.A. Landis. 2006. Predators exert top-down control of soybean aphid across a gradient of agricultural management systems. Ecol. Applic. 16: 1619-28.
Butler, C. D., and R. J. O'Neil. 2007. Life history characteristics of Orius insidiosus (Say) fed diets of soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura and soybean thrips, Neohydatothrips variabilis (Beach). Biol. Control. 40: 339-346.
Butler, C. D., and R. J. O'Neil. 2007. Life history characteristics of Orius insidiosus (Say) fed Aphis glycines Matsumura. Biol. Control. 40: 333-338.
Costamagna, A. C., W. van der Werf, F. J. J. Bianchi, and D. A. Landis. 2007. An exponential growth model with decreasing r captures bottom-up effects on the population growth of Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 9: 297 305.
Costamagna, A. C., and D. A. Landis. 2007. Quantifying predation on soybean aphid through direct field observations. Biological Control 42: 16 24.
Costamagna, A. C., D. A. Landis, and C. D. DiFonzo. 2007. Suppression of A. glycines by generalist predators results in a trophic cascade in soybean. Ecological Applications 17: 441 - 451.
De Boer, J.G., Ode, P.J., Vet, L.E.M., Whitfield, J.B. & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Diploid males sire triploid daughters and sons in the parasitoid wasp Cotesia vestalis. Heredity 99, 288-294.
Deol , Yadwinder S., Sukhbir K. Grewal, L. Cañas and Parwinder S. Grewal. 2007. An assessment of entomopathogenic nematode delivery through commercial potting media and garden soil. In Press, International Journal of Nematology.
Deol , Yadwinder S., Sukhbir K. Grewal, L. Cañas and Parwinder S. Grewal. 2007. An assessment of entomopathogenic nematode delivery through commercial potting media and garden soil. In Press, International Journal of Nematology.
Fuchsberg, J. R., T.-H. Yong, J. E. Losey, M. E. Carter, and M. P. Hoffmann. 2007. Evaluation of corn leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis; Homoptera: Aphididae) honeydew as a food source for the egg parasitoid Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Biological Control 40: 230-236.
Ganpati B. Jagdale, Mildred L. Casey, Luis Cañas, Parwinder S. Grewal. 2007. Effect of entomopathogenic nematode species, split application and potting medium on the control of the fungus gnat, Bradysia difformis (Diptera: Sciaridae), in the greenhouse at alternating cold and warm temperatures. Biological Control 43: 2330.
Gardner, J., M. P. Hoffmann, S. A. Cheever, A. J. Seaman, P. Westgate and R. V. Hazzard. 2007. Large-scale releases of Trichogramma ostriniae to suppress Ostrinia nubilalis in commercially grown processing and fresh market sweet corn. J. Appl. Entomol. 131:432-440.
Harwood, J.D., N. Desneux, H.J.S. Yoo, D.L. Rowley, M.H. Greenstone, J.J. Obrycki, & R.J. O'Neil. 2007. Tracking the role of alternative prey in soybean aphid predation by Orius insidiosus: a molecular approach. Molecular Ecology 16:4390-4400.
Harwood, J.D. & J.J. Obrycki. 2007. Temporal detection of Cry1Ab-endotoxins in coccinellid predators from fields of Bacillus thuringiensis corn. Bull. Entomol.Research 97: 643-648.
Harwood, J.D., M.R. Bostrum, E.E. Hladilek, D.H. Wise & J.J. Obrycki. 2007. An
Order-specific monoclonal antibody to Diptera reveals the impact of alternative prey
on spider feeding behavior in a complex food web. Biological Control 41:397-407.
Harwood, J.D. & J.J. Obrycki. 2007. Web-site selection strategies of linyphiid
spiders in alfalfa: implications for biological control. BioControl 52: 451-467.
Hodgson, E. W., B. P. McCornack, K. A. Koch, D. W. Ragsdale, K. D. Johnson, M. E. ONeal, E. M. Cullen, H. J. Kraiss, C. D. DiFonzo, M. Jewett, and L. M. Behnken. 2007. Field validation of Speed Scouting for soybean aphid. Online Journal. Crop Manag. http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/cm/
Krischik, V.A., Landmark, A.L. & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Soil-applied imidacloprid is translocated to nectar and kills nectar-feeding Anagyrus pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera : Encyrtidae). Environmental Entomology, 36, 1238-1245.
Lee, J.C. & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Sugar feeding reduces short-term activity of a parasitoid wasp. Physiological Entomology 32, 99-103.
Matos, B. & J.J. Obrycki. 2007. Evaluation of mortality of Galerucella
calmariensis L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) preimaginal life stages and pupal
survival at two wetlands in Iowa. J. Kansas Entomol. Soc. 80: 16-26.
Michaud, J.P. & J.L. Jyoti. 2007. Repellency of conspecific and heterospecific larval residues to ovipositing Hippodamia convergens Guerin (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) foraging for greenbugs on sorghum plants. Eur. J. Entomol. 104: 399-405.
Michaud, J.P. & J.L. Jyoti. 2007. Dietary complementation across life stages in a polyphagous lady beetle, Coleomegilla maculata. Entomol. Exp. Appl. (in press).
Raghu, S., Dhileepan, K. and Scanlan, J.C. 2007. Predicting risk and benefit a priori in biological control of invasive plant species: a systems modelling approach. Ecological Modelling (in press).
Raghu, S. and Walton, C. 2007. Understanding the ghost of Cactoblastis past: historical clarifications on a poster-child of classical biological control. BioScience 57: 699705.
Ragsdale, D. W. B. P. McCornack, R. C. Venette, B. D. Potter, I. V. MacRae, E. W. Hodgson, M. E. ONeal, K. D. Johnson, R. J. ONeil, C. D. Difonzo, T. E. Hunt, P. Glogoza, and E. M. Cullen. 2007. Economic Threshold for Soybean Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) J. Econ. Entomol. 100(4): 1258-1267.
Wu, Z. & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Dynamic egg maturation strategies in an aphid parasitoid. Physiological Entomology, 32, 143-149.
Wyckhuys, K. and R. J. ONeil. 2007. Extra-field contribution to abundance of natural enemies of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Central American subsistence maize production. International Journal of Pest Management. (In press).
Wyckhuys, K.A.G. & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Response of the soybean aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis to olfactory cues from target and non-target host-plant complexes. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 123, 159-158.
Wyckhuys, K.A.G., Koch, R.L., & Heimpel, G.E. 2007. Physical and ant-mediated refuges from parasitism: implications for non-target effects in biological control.
Wyckhuys, K. A. G., Hopper, K. R., Wu, K. M., Straub, C., Gratton, C. & Heimpel, G. E. 2007. Predicting Potential Ecological Impact of Soybean Aphid Biological Control Introductions. Biocontrol News Inform. 28, 3034.
Yong, T.-H., S. Pitcher, J. Gardner, and M. P. Hoffmann. 2007. Odor specificity testing in the assessment of efficacy and non-target risk for Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 17: 135-153.
Chacon, J., and G. E. Heimpel. 2010. Density-dependent intraguild predation of an aphid parasitoid. Oecologia 164:213-220.
Crampton, L. A. G. M. Loeb, K. A. Hoelmer, and M. P. Hoffmann. 2010. Effect of insecticide regimens on biological control of tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, by Peristenus spp., in New York State apple orchards. J. Insect Science 10:36
Dieckhoff, C., and G. E. Heimpel. 2010. Determinants of egg load in the soybean aphid parasitoid Binodoxys communis. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 136:254-261.
Gardiner, M., D. A. Landis, C. Gratton, N. Schmidt, M. O'Neal, E. Mueller, J. Chacon and G.E. Heimpel. 2010. Landscape composition influences the activity density of Carabidae and Arachnida in soybean fields. Biological Control 55:11-19.
Gardner, J., M. P. Hoffmann, S. A. Pitcher and J. K. Harper. Integrating insecticides and Trichogramma ostriniae to control European corn borer in sweet corn: economic analysis. Biological control (in press)
Heimpel, G. E., L. E. Frelich, D. A. Landis, K. R. Hopper, K. A. Hoelmer, Z. Sezen, M. K. Asplen and K. Wu. 2010. European buckthorn and Asian soybean aphid as components of an extensive invasional meltdown in North America. Biological Invasions 12:2913-2931.
Heimpel, G. E. 2010. BioControl Musings: Leo's interpretation. IOBC-NRS Newsletter (Spring 2010):4.
Heimpel, G. E. 2010. BioControl Musings: Where's the Toids? IOBC-NRS Newsletter (Summer 2009):4.
Hoffman. Integrating insecticides and Trichogramma ostriniae to control European corn borer in sweet corn: Economic analysis. Accepted for publication.
Noma, T., C. Gratton, M. Colunga-Garcia, M. J. Brewer, E. E. Mueller, K. A. G. Wyckhuys, G. E. Heimpel and M.E. ONeal. 2010. Relationship of soybean aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) to soybean plant nutrients, landscape structure, and natural enemies Environmental Entomology 39:31-41.
Shenge, K. C., P. M. Diedhiou, M. J. Boehm, S. D. Ellis, A. Stone, S. A. Miller, and L. A. Cañas. 2009. Sanitation and Phytosanitation (SPS): The Importance of SPS in Global Movement of Plant Materials, Ohioline. The Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, OH.
Smyth, R. R., and M. P. Hoffmann. 2010. Seasonal incidence of two co-occurring adult parasitoids of Acalymma vittatum in New York State: Centistes (Syrrhizus) diabroticae and Celatoria setosa. BioControl. 55: 219-228.
Solter, L.F., Pilarska, D.K., McManus, M.L., Zubrik, M., Patocka, J., Huang, W.-H., Novotny, J. 2010. Host Specificity of Microsporidia Pathogenic to the Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar (L.): Field Studies In Slovakia. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 105, 1-10.
Stary, P., E. Rakhshani, Z. Tomanovic, K. Hoelmer, N. G. Kavallieratos, J. Yu, M. Wang and G.E. Heimpel. 2010. A new species of Lysiphlebus Forster 1862 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae) attacking soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hem., Aphididae) from China. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 19:184-191.
White, J.A., S. E. Kelly, S. N. Cockburn, S. J. Perlman, M. S. Hunter. 2010. Costs and benefits of endosymbiont infection in a doubly-infected parasitoid. Heredity doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.89
White, J. and D. Johnson. 2010. Vendors of Beneficial Organisms in North America. UK Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin. Ent-Fact 125.
See note above.