NC1028: Promoting healthful eating to prevent excessive weight gain in young adults (NC219)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NC1028 Publications (2006-2007)
Peer-reviewed Journal:
Blissmer B, Reibe D, Dye G, Ruggiero L, Greene G, Caldwell M (2006) Health-related quality of life following a clinical weight loss intervention among overweight and obese adults: Intervention and 24 month follow-up effects. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 4:43. http:/www.hqlo.com/content/4/1/43
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Boeckner L, Greene G, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Kattelmann K, Lohse B, Oakland MJ, Phillips B, White A. (2007). A stage-tailored multi-modal intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of low-income young adults. American Journal of Health Promotion 22:6-14.
Esters ON, Boeckner LS, Hubert M, Horacek T, Kritsch KR, Oakland MJ, Lohse B, Greene G, Nitzke S. (2007, accepted). Educator and participant perceptions and cost analysis of stage-tailored educational telephone calls. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Park A, Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Kattelmann K, White A, Boeckner L, Lohse B, Hoerr S, Greene G. (2007, submitted). An Internet-based stage-tailored nutrition intervention affects short-term mediators and indicators of dietary behavior of young adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Do M, Kattelmann K, Boeckner L, White A, Greene G, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Lohse B, Phillips B. (2007, submitted). Low-income young adults report more variety in fruit and vegetable intake following a stage-tailored intervention. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Chung SJ, Hoerr SL, Coleman G, Levine R. (2006) Processes underlying young women's decisions to eat fruits and vegetables. (British) Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics. 19(4):1-12.
Lee SY, Hoerr SL, Weatherspoon, L, & Schiffman RF. Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences Students Attitudes
towards Working with Older adults. Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior (In press)
Hoerr SL, Horodynski MA, Lee SY. & Henry M. Predictors of Nutritional Adequacy in Mother-Toddler Dyads from Rural Families with Limited Incomes. Journal of the American Dietetics Association. 2006;106:1766-1773.
Hoerr SL, Lee SY, Schiffman RF, Horodynski MA, & McKelvey L, Beverage Consumption of Mother-Toddlers in Low-income Families. Journal of Pediatric Nursing. 2006;21:403-411.
Suzuki M, Murashima M, Hoerr SL. (accepted) Body mass and fatness of Japanese college women and relationship to place of residence. (Australian) Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics. (in press)
Lee SY, Hoerr SL, Weatherspoon, L, & Schiffman RF. Guided Interaction with Older Adults Improved Nutrition Students Attitudes. Journal of Nutrition Education Behavior (under revision)
Hoerr SL, Tsuei E, Liu Y, Franklin F, Nicklas T. Diet quality varies in multiethnic Head Start mothers. Journal of American Dietetic Association. (under revision)
Rasmussen, D., Kattelmann, K. Practitioner perception of nutrition education in medical curriculum for diagnosis of failure to thrive in infants and children. Top Clin. Nutr. 2006;21:260-267.
Meier KS, Rossi JS, Redding CA, Prochaska JO, Pallonen UE, Velicer WF, Greene GW, Rossi SR, Krebs PM, Plummer BA. (in press). Teens and technology: Using tailored multimedia programs for population-based cancer prevention in high schools. Health Promotion Practice.
Mulligan JE, Greene GW, Caldwell M (2007). Sources of folate and serum folate levels in the elderly. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107:495-499.
Robertson, C, Kattelmann, K. Control of type 2 DM using interactive Internet based support on a Northern Plains Indian Reservation. Topics in Clin Nutr. 2007;22:185-193.
Chanda, G, Kattelmann, K. & Ren, C. Culturally appropriate nutrition lessons increased fruit and vegetable consumption in American Indian children. In revision with Topics in Clinical Nutrition, March 2007, in review
Dietetics Association, April 2007
Anderson W, Greene GW, Forse RA, Apovan CM, Istfan NW. (in press) Differences between African Americans and Whites following gastric bypass Surgery. Obesity.
Greene GW, Fey-Yensan N, Padula C, Rossi SR, Rossi JS, Clark P. (in press) Change in fruit and vegetable intake over 24 months in Older Adults: Results of the SENIOR Project Intervention. The Gerontologist.
Book chapters
Hoerr SL, Murashima M, Keast DR. Nutrition and obesity. Chapter in obesity in America, Vol. I. Davies HD, Fitzgerald H (eds). Praeger Perspectives, 2007
Oral presentation with published abstract
Nitzke S, Park A, White A, Lohse B, Greene G, Hoerr S, Kritsch K, Kattelmann K, Oakland MJ, Boeckner L. A tailored approach to nutrition education has advantages over a non-tailored approach for promoting vegetables but not fruits via an internet-based program for young adults in the US. Oral presented at 10th International Congress on Obesity, Sydney, Australia. September 7, 2006.
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Boeckner L, Greene G. A stage-based intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of young adults. Oral presentation at the Sixth Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Oslo, Norway, June 22, 2007.
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees, FD, Norsworthy B, Hoerr SL, Dayton SF, Roy JL, White AA, Greene GW, Factors affecting college students regulation on food and non-alcoholic beverage consumption. FASEB J. 2007 21:71.21
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees FD, White AA, Lohse B, Phillips B, Patterson J, Kattelmann K, Hoerr S, Dayton S, Horacek T, Green G. Facilitators and barriers for maintaining healthy weight in male and female college students. 40th Annual Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Society for Nutrition Education. Chicago, IL, 2007.
Onika T, Boeckner L, Hubert M, Horacek T, Kritch K, Oakland M, Lohse B, Greene G,
Nitzke S. Educator and participant perceptions and cost analysis of stage-tailored
educational telephone calls J Nutr Ed Beh ( In press).
Stotts J, Lohse B, Patterson J, Horacek T, White A, Greene G. Eating Competence In College Students Nominates A Non-Dieting Approach To Weight Management (Abstract submitted for Experimental Biology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC April 24-27).
Cole R & Horacek T. Effectiveness of the My Body Knows When Intuitive Eating Non-Dieting Weight Management Program. (Abstract submitted for the American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Sept 28-Oct. 2, 2007.)
Cole R & Horacek T. Applying PRECEDE-PROCEED to Develop an Intuitive Eating Non-Dieting Approach to Weight Management Program. (Abstract submitted for the Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Chicago IL, July 28-August 2, 2007.)
Esters O, Oakland M, Phillips B, Horacek T, Greene G. Participation in a Stage-based Intervention to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Consumption: The Impact of Race on Attrition Rate. (Abstract submitted for the Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Chicago IL, July 28-August 2, 2007.)
Related Peer-reviewed Journal:
Boeckner LS, Pullen CH, Walker SN, Hageman PA. (2006). Differences in eating and activity behaviors, health history, and biomarkers among normal weight, overweight and obese rural midwestern Hispanic women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 106:1870-1874.
Boeckner LS, Pullen CH, Walker SN, Oberdorfer MK, Hageman PA. (2007). Eating behaviors of rural midlife to older women in midwestern United States. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 107:306-310.
Horacek T, Salomon J, Nelson B. Evaluation of dietetic students and interns application
of whole person lifestyles-oriented nutrition counseling model. Patient Education and
Counseling (In Press).
Lohse B, Satter E, Horacek T, Gebreselassie T. Measuring Eating Competence: Psychometric Properties and Validity of the Satter Inventory J Nut Ed Behav (In press).
Horacek T, Salomon J, Bergen-Cico D.Clients Improve Disease Prevention Behaviors Through a Lifestyle-oriented Nutrition Counseling Program Provided by Dietetic Students and Interns. Topics in Clin Nutr. 2006; 21(4):268-283.
Buckla C, Greene G. Assessment of fruit and vegetable intake and physical activity levels of young adults. 5th International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Boston, MA July 13-16, 2006
Dye G, Greene GW, Velicer W.F, Prochaska JO, Rossi JS, Paiva, A, RSR, Laforge RG, Fava JL, Predictive value of baseline demographic Transtheoretical Model, and dietary variables on 12, and 24 month dietary outcomes in population-based research. SBM, March 2007
Doong JY, Hoerr SL. The relationship of different body fat distribution patterns to the risks of Metabolic Syndrome and related metabolic disorders in overweight but not obese in non-Hispanic whites. 10th Asian International Congress of Nutrition, Taipaei, Taiwan, 2007.
Drake SC, Lehto AE, Murashima M, Lee SY, Hoerr SL. Weight management, online for college students: Project WebHealth. Poster presentation, Michigan Dietetic Association Annual Conference, 2007.
Greaney ML, Lees FD, Lee SY, Norsworthy B, Dayton S, Hoerr SL, Roy J, White A, Greene GW. A qualitative analysis of enablers and barriers to physical activity among college students. American Public Health Association, Boston MA, Oct 2006.
Greene G, Stone E, Sebelia L, Rossi C. Attitudes towards diet, exercise, and body image in Latino women: Focus group results. Poster resented at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Boston, MA July 13-16, 2006
Greene G, Hoerr SL, Horacek T, Kattleman K, Lohse B, Patterson J, Phillips B, White A. College males and females participate in online study to identify similarities and differences in their food and physical activity behavior. International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Boston, MA, 2006.
Keast DK, Hoerr SL. Patterns of beverage consumption associated with adolescent obesity in the U.S. Experimental Biology, WDC, 2007.
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees FD, Norsworthy B, Hoerr SL, Dayton SF, Roy JL, White AA, Greene GW. Factors affecting college students regulation on food and non-alcoholic beverage consumption. Experimental Biology 2007, Washington DC, April 2007 (Poster)
McCullough ML, Keast DR, Lee SY, Hoerr SL, Rafferty AP, Smith K. Violence and/or sexual abuse relate to severe overweight status in Michigan adults. Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition 2007, American Dietetic Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2007. (Abstract accepted).
Stone E, Greene GW, Sebelia L. Acceptability of a culturally tailored nutrition and physical activity program for Latinas. SBM, March 2007
Tsuei E, Hoerr SL, Lin Y, Nicklas TA, Franklin F. Diet quality of multiethnic mothers with limited incomes in the southern U.S. International society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Oslo, Norway, 2007.
NC1028 Publications in 2007 and Jan-May of 2008
Peer-Reviewed Journals
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Boeckner L, Greene G, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Kattelmann K, Lohse B, Oakland MJ, Phillips B, White A. A stage-tailored multi-modal intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of low-income young adults. American Journal of Health Promotion 2007;22:6-14.
Robertson, C, Kattelmann, K. Control of type 2 DM using interactive Internet based support on a Northern Plains Indian Reservation. Topics in Clin Nutr. 2007;22:185-193.
Greene GW, Nebeling LC, Greanery ML, Lindsay AC, Hardwick CK, Toobert DJ, Resnicow K, Williams GC, Elliot DL. Goodman-Sher T, McGregor HA, Domas A, DeFrancesco CA, Peterson KE. A qualitative study of a nutrition working group. Health Promotion Practice 2007;8:299-306.
Hebert JR, Hurley TG, Peterson KE, Resnicow K, Thompson FE, Yaroch AL, Ehlers M, Midthune D, Williams GC, Greene GW, Nebeling L. Social desirability trait influences on self-reported dietary measures among diverse participants in a multicenter multiple risk factor trial. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):226S-234S.
Peterson KE, Hebert JR, Hurley TG, Resnicow K, Thompson FE, Greene GW, Shaikh AR, Yaroch AL, Williams GC, Salkeld J, Toobert DJ, Domas A, Elliot DL, Hardin J, Nebeling L. Accuracy and precision of two short screeners to assess change in fruit and vegetable consumption among diverse populations participating in health promotion intervention trials. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):218S-225S.
Williams GC, Hurley TG, Thompson FE, Midthune D, Yaroch AL, Resnicow K, Toobert DJ, Greene GW, Peterson K, Nebeling L, Patrick H, Hardin JW, Hebert JR. Performance of a short percentage energy from fat tool in measuring change in dietary intervention studies. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):212S-217S.
Davis RE, Resnicow K, Atienza AA, Peterson KE, Domas A, Hunt A, Hurley TG, Yaroch AL, Greene GW, Goldman Sher T, Williams GC, Hebert JR, Nebeling L, Thompson FE, Toobert DJ, Elliot DL, DeFrancesco C, Costello RB. Use of signal detection methodology to identify subgroups of dietary supplement use in diverse populations. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):205S-211S.
Greene GW, Resnicow K, Thompson FE, Peterson KE, Hurley TG, Hebert JR, Toobert DJ, Williams GC, Elliot DL, Goldman Sher T, Domas A, Midthune D, Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, Yaroch AL, Nebeling L. Correspondence of the NCI Fruit and Vegetable Screener to repeat 24-H recalls and serum carotenoids in behavioral intervention trials. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):200S-204S.
Thompson FE, Midthune D, Williams GC, Yaroch AL, Hurley TG, Resnicow K, Hebert JR, Toobert DJ, Greene GW, Peterson K, Nebeling L. Evaluation of a short dietary assessment instrument for percentage energy from fat in an intervention study. J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):193S-199S.
Yaroch AL, Nebeling L, Thompson FE, Hurley TG, Hebert JR, Toobert DJ, Resnicow K, Greene GW, Williams GC, Elliot DL, Goldman Sher T, Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, Salkeld J, Rossi S, Domas A, Mcgregor H, Defrancesco C, Mccarty F, Costello RB, Peterson KE. Baseline design elements and sample characteristics for seven sites participating in the Nutrition Working Group of the Behavior Change Consortium.
J Nutr. 2008 Jan;138(1):185S-192S.
Chang MW, Nitzke S, Guilford E, Adair CH, Hazard DL. Motivators and Barriers to Healthful Eating and Physical Activity among Low-Income Overweight and Obese Mothers. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108(6):1023-8.
Kelley E, Ashley B, Getlinger MJ, Nitzke S. A lesson on "how much should I eat?" helps learners understand and apply MyPyramid recommendations. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2008;40(2):116-7.
Chang MW, Brown R, Nitzke S. Scale development: factors affecting diet, exercise, and stress management (FADESM). BMC Public Health. 2008;26;8:76.
Chang MW, Brown RL, Baumann LJ, Nitzke SA. Self-efficacy and dietary fat reduction behaviors in obese African-American and white mothers. Obesity. 2008(5):992-1001.
Peer-reviewed Publications In Review or In Press
Lohse B, Satter E, Horacek T, Gebreselassie T. Measuring Eating Competence: Psychometric Properties and Validity of the Satter Inventory J Nut Ed Behav (In press).
Park A, Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Kattelmann K, White A, Boeckner L, Lohse B, Hoerr S,
Horacek T, Salomon J, Nelson B. Evaluation of dietetic students and interns application of whole person lifestyles-oriented nutrition counseling model. Patient Education and Counseling (in press).
Greene G. An Internet-based stage-tailored nutrition intervention affects short-term mediators and indicators of dietary behavior of young adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. (in press)
Chanda, G, Kattelmann, K., & Ren, C. Culturally appropriate nutrition lessons increased fruit and vegetable consumption in American Indian children. Topics Clin Nutr, 2007; 22:240-246.
Do M, Kattelmann K, Boeckner L, White A, Greene G, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Lohse B, Phillips B, Nitzke S. Low-income young adults report more variety in fruit and vegetable intake following a stage-tailored intervention. Accepted June 2008 Nutrition Reviews
Hoerr SL, Tsuei E, Liu Y, Franklin F, Nicklas T. Diet quality varies in multiethnic Head Start mothers. Journal of American Dietetic Association. (under revision)
Meier KS, Rossi JS, Redding CA, Prochaska JO, Pallonen UE, Velicer WF, Greene GW, Rossi SR, Krebs PM, Plummer BA. Teens and technology: Using tailored multimedia programs for population-based cancer prevention in high schools. Health Promotion Practice. (in press)
Andrade A, Malanson K, Greene GW. Eating slowly led to decreases in energy intake within meals in healthy women. J Am Diet Assoc. (in press).
Esters ON, Boeckner LS, Hubert M, Horacek T, Kritsch KR, Oakland MJ, Lohse B, Greene G, Nitzke S. Educator and participant perceptions and cost analysis of stage-tailored educational telephone calls. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. (in press).
Prochaska JO, Velicer WF, Redding CA, Rossi JS, Greene GW, Paiva A, Robbins M, Blissmer B, Dye G. Treatment, stage, severity and effort effects predict long-term changes in multiple behaviors. Preventive Med. (in press).
Milan JE, White AA. Impact of a stage-tailored, web-based intervention on folic acid intake of college women. Am J. Health Promotion (in review).
Oral Presentations and Posters at Professional Conferences
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Boeckner L, Greene G. A stage-based intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of young adults. Oral presentation at the Sixth Annual Conference of the International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Oslo, Norway, June 22, 2007.
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees, FD, Norsworthy B, Hoerr SL, Dayton SF, Roy JL, White AA, Greene GW. Factors affecting college students regulation on food and non-alcoholic beverage consumption. FASEB J. 2007;21:71.21
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees FD, White AA, Lohse B, Phillips B, Patterson J, Kattelmann K, Hoerr S, Dayton S, Horacek T, Greene G. Facilitators and barriers for maintaining healthy weight in male and female college students. Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Chicago, IL, 2007.
Onika T, Boeckner L, Hubert M, Horacek T, Kritsch K, Oakland M, Lohse B, Greene G, Nitzke S. Educator and participant perceptions and cost analysis of stage-tailored educational telephone calls. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2007.
Stotts J, Lohse B, Patterson J, Horacek T, White A, Greene G. Eating competence in college students nominates a non-dieting approach to weight management. Experimental Biology (FASEB), Washington, DC April 24-27, 2008.
Cole R, Horacek T. Effectiveness of the My Body Knows When intuitive eating non-dieting weight management program. Food and Nutrition Conference and Exhibition, American Dietetic Association, Philadelphia, PA, Sept 28-Oct. 2, 2007.
Cole R, Horacek T. Applying PRECEDE-PROCEED to develop an intuitive eating non-dieting approach to weight management program. Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Chicago IL, July, 2007.
Esters O, Oakland M, Phillips B, Horacek T, Greene G. Participation in a stage-based intervention to increase fruit and vegetable consumption: The impact of race on attrition rate. Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Chicago IL, July, 2007.
Dye G, Greene GW, Velicer W.F, Prochaska JO, Rossi JS, Paiva A, Laforge RG, Fava JL. Predictive value of baseline demographic Transtheoretical Model, and dietary variables on 12, and 24 month dietary outcomes in population-based research. Poster at Society for Behavioral Medicine Annual Conference, March 2007
Doong JY, Hoerr SL. The relationship of different body fat distribution patterns to the risks of Metabolic Syndrome and related metabolic disorders in overweight but not obese in non-Hispanic whites. 10th Asian International Congress of Nutrition, Taipaei, Taiwan, 2007.
Keast DK, Hoerr SL. Patterns of beverage consumption associated with adolescent obesity in the U.S. Poster at Experimental Biology (FASEB), Washington, D.C., April, 2007.
Lee SY, Greaney ML, Lees FD, Norsworthy B, Hoerr SL, Dayton SF, Roy JL, White AA, Greene GW. Factors affecting college students regulation on food and non-alcoholic beverage consumption. Poster at Experimental Biology (FASEB), Washington DC, April 2007.
McCullough ML, Keast DR, Lee SY, Hoerr SL, Rafferty AP, Smith K. Violence and/or sexual abuse relate to severe overweight status in Michigan adults. Poster at Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition, American Dietetic Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
Stone E, Greene GW, Sebelia L. Acceptability of a culturally tailored nutrition and physical activity program for Latinas. Poster at Society for Behavioral Medicine, March 2007
Tsuei E, Hoerr SL, Lin Y, Nicklas TA, Franklin F. Diet quality of multiethnic mothers with limited incomes in the southern U.S. Poster at International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Oslo, Norway, 2007.
Peer-reviewed Journals:
Kidd, T., Johannes, E., Simonson, L., and Medeiros, D. (2008). KNACK Online: An Evidence-based Website Developed to Address Adolescent Obesity. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior: 40(3);189-190.
Do M, Kattelmann K, Boeckner L, Greene G, White A, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Lohse B, Phillips B, Nitzke S. Low-income young adults report increased variety in fruit and vegetable intake after a stage-tailored intervention. Nutr Res 2008:517-522.
Esters ON, Boeckner LS, Hubert M, Horacek T, Kritsch KR, Oakland MJ, Lohse B, Greene G, Nitzke S. Educator and participant perceptions and cost analysis of stage-tailored educational telephone calls. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2008;40:258-264.
Kelley E, Ashley B, Getlinger G, Nitzke S. A lesson on "how much should I eat?" helps learners understand and apply MyPyramid recommendations. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (2008;40:116-7).
Park A, Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Kattelmann K, White A, Boeckner L, Lohse B, Hoerr S, Greene G. Zhang Z. Internet-based interventions have potential to affect short-term mediators and indicators of dietary behavior of young adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2008;40:288-297.
Greene, W., Andreade, A., Melanson, K. Hoerr, S.L., Kattelmann, K. Eating rate and body mass index in college students. J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 2008;108:A26.
Sneve J, Kattelmann K, Stevens D. Implementation of an interdisciplinary team that included a registered dietitian improved nutritional outcomes in NICU. Nutr. Clin. Pract. 2008;23:630-634.
Cole R and Horacek T. Effectiveness of "My Body Knows When" Non-Dieting Weight Management. Pilot Program Am J Health Behavior (In press).
Horacek T, Brann L, Erdman M, Middlemiss M, Raj S, "Inter-professional Learning Community: Educating dietetic and other health profession students through an interdisciplinary, service learning experience" Topics in Clinical Nutrition 2009; 24(1):6-15
Cole R and Horacek T. Applying PRECEDE PROCEED to develop an Intuitive Eating Non-Dieting Approach to Weight Management. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (In press).
Jensen R, Kattelmann K, Ren C. The Efficacy of KidQuest: A Nutrition and Physical Activity Curriculum for 5th and 6th Grade Youth. J. Extension (accepted).
Anderson, J.A., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Steiber, M.R., Hollingsworth, D.S, Kattelmann, K., & Stein-Arnold, C.L. Dietetics Educators of Practitioners and American Dietetic Association Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitians (Generalist, Specialty/Advanced) in Education of Dietetics Practitioners. Accepted to J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc.
Kattelmann K, Conti K, Ren C. The Medicine Wheel Nutrition Intervention: A Diabetes Education Study with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. (Accepted Journal American Dietetics).
Professional Meeting presentations/Abstracts:
Quick, V. and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2008) Online Focus Groups Reveal Weight and Body Image Concerns among Young Adults. New Jersey Dietetic Association, New Brunswick, May.
Kidd, T., Bradshaw, B., and Snyder C. (2008). Evaluating the Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Walk Kansas: Assessing the Community-based Approach. Poster presentation given at the American Dietetic Associations Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), Chicago, IL. October 2008.
Hamm, K. and Kidd, T. (2008). Kansans Move into Health. Poster presentation given at the American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE), Chicago, IL. October 2008.
Kidd, T. (2008). Emotional Eating. Presentation given at the Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Update, Manhattan, KS. February 2008.
Herrick, M, Kattelmann, K, Wey, H., Greene, G., White, A., Hoerr, S., Horecek, T., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Phillips, B., Shoff, S., and Boyle, C. Association between participant baseline characteristics and time spent on WebHealth Lessons. The 42nd Annual Society for Nutrition Education Conference, Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans, LA, April 11-15, 2009. (accepted)
Dawkins, N., Phillips, B., and Pace, R. The use of herbal supplements among rural African-Americans participating in a cardiovascular disease prevention program. Experimental Biology, 2009, New Orleans, LA July 18-22, 2009. (accepted)
Murashi, M., Hoerr, S.L., Hughes, S.O., Ridenour, M., & Kattelmann, K. Maternal feeding behaviors in childhood relate to child's weight status later in college. Poster presentation at the International Congress of Dietetics, Japan, September, 2008.
Horacek T, and Grimwade A. PHASE 1 IMPLEMENTATION OF PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS: QUALITY OF LIFE AND OBESITY PREVENTION New York State Dietetic Association poster presentation. Albany, NY May 4, 2008.
Boyle C, Horacek T, Brann L, Raj S. PROCESS EVALUATION OF PROJECT WEBHEALTH: AN ONLINE NON-DIET NUTRITION AND FITNESS COURSE FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS. New York State Dietetic Association poster presentation. Albany, NY May 4, 2008.
Horacek T, Marco, A. 2009 VENDING MACHINES ON CAMPUS: ARE THERE HEALTHY OPTIONS? New York State Dietetic Association poster presentation. Rye, NY May 1, 2009.
Horacek T. & Boyle C. "WEBHEALTH Overview of study and Evaluation Sub-study." New York State Nutrition Council , May 30th, 2008.
Mammarella, S. and Colby, S. (2009). Cost of Nutrient Density in Grocery Stores in Greenville, NC. Presented at North Carolina Dietetic Association, Durham, North Carolina. March 9. 2009.
Person, A. and Colby, S. (2009). Physical Activity, BMI, and Eating Competence of East Carolina University Students. Presented at North Carolina Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Durham, North Carolina. March 9, 2009.
Bulova, J. and Colby, S. (2009). Organic and Locally Grown Food Availability and Cost in Greenville, NC. Presented at North Carolina Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Durham, North Carolina. March 9, 2009.
Cerillo, N. and Colby, S. (2009). Gluten Free Food Availability for East Carolina University Students. Presented at North Carolina Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Durham, North Carolina. March 9, 2009.
Grants Federally Funded--Competitive
Kattelmann, K, et al (August 09-July 2011) Development of a Randomized Trial Guided by the Process of PRECEDE-PROCEED for Prevention of Excessive Weight Gain in Communities of Young Adults. Funded by USDA/CREES/NRI Integrated, $1,499,270, principal investigator.
Publications: Refereed Journal Articles (2009)note those marked with * are graduate or undergraduate students that were mentored in manuscript submission.
" Anderson, J.A., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Steiber, M.R., Hollingsworth, D.S, Kattelmann, K., & Stein-Arnold, C.L. Dietetics Educators of Practitioners and American Dietetic Association Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitians (Generalist, Specialty/Advanced) in Education of Dietetics Practitioners. J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 2009;104:747-754.e14.
" *Jensen R, Kattelmann K, Ren C, Wey H. The Efficacy of KidQuest: A Nutrition and Physical Activity Curriculum for 5th and 6th Grade Youth. J. Extension. 2009;43:article number 3FEA4 (http://www.joe.org/joe/2009june/a4.php).
" *McCormick A, Kattelmann K, Ren C, Richards A, Wells K. Fun fruit and veggie event enhances acceptance of fruits and vegetables in school-aged children. Top. Clin. Nutr. 2009;3:252-261.
" Kattelmann. K., Conti K, & Ren C. The Medicine Wheel Nutrition Intervention: A Diabetes Education Study with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. J. Am. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:1532-1539.
" Greaney, M.L., Lees, F.D., White, A.A., Dayton, S.F., Riebe, D., Blissmer, B., Shoff, S., Walsh, J., Greene, G.W. 2009. College Students' Barriers and Enablers for Healthful Weight Management: A Qualitative Study. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:281-286.
" Walsh, J.R., White, A.A., Greaney, M.L. 2009. Using focus groups to identify factors affecting healthy weight maintenance in college males. Nutr. Res.29:371-378.
" Cole R and Horacek T. Effectiveness of My Body Knows When Non-Dieting Weight Management. Pilot Program Am J Health Behav. 2010;34(3):286-297
" Cole R and Horacek T. Applying PRECEDE PROCEED to develop an Intuitive Eating Non-Dieting Approach to Weight Management. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 41, Issue 2, March-April 2009, Pages 120-126
" Colby, S.E., Johnson, L., Eickhoff, A., & Johnson, A. Promoting Community Health Resources: Preferred Communication Strategies. Health Promotion Practice. April,2009.
" Colby, S.E., Johnson, L., Cutrell, S., & Haldeman, L. Portion Size Estimation Error Among Newly Arrived Latino Immigrants. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. April-June, 2009; 24(2):139-144.
" Colby, S.E., Morrison, S., Haldeman, L., What Changes as We Move? A Transnational Exploration of Dietary Acculturation. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. July, 2009; 48(4):327-343.
" Pawlak, R. & Colby, S.E. (in press, 2009). Benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, and knowledge regarding healthy foods: Perceptions of African Americans living in eastern North Carolina. Journal of Nutrition Research.
" Pawlak, R & Colby, S.E. Beliefs, benefits, barriers, attitudes, intakes and knowledge about peanuts and tree nuts among WIC participants in eastern North Carolina. Nutrition Research and Practice. 3:3 Autumn, 2009, p,220-225.
" Burke JD, Reilly RA, Lofgren IE, Morrell JS. The University of New Hampshire's Young Adult Health Risk Screening Initiative. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1751-8.
" Carey, Gale B (2010) Integrative Metabolism: An interactive learning tool for nutrition, biochemistry and physiology. Journal of College Science Teaching, in press.
" Dunn, Rebecca L. and Carey, Gale B. (2010) Developing a biomonitoring educational pamphlet for potential participants in a breast milk biomonitoring study. J. Human Lactation, in press.
" Kakarala M, Keast DR, Hoerr SL. School childrens consumption of competitive foods and beverages, excluding a la carte. Journal of School Health. (Accepted)
" Hoerr SL, Hughes S, Fisher J, Nicklas T, Liu Y, Shewchuk RM. Associations between parental feeding styles and childrens food intake in families with limited incomes. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2009;6:55. http://www.ijbnpa.org/content/6/1/55
" Hoerr SL, Nicklas T, Liu Y, Franklin F. Predictors of calcium intake in mother-child dyads from ethnically diverse families with limited incomes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2009:109:1744-1750.
" Shelnutt KP, Bobroff LB and Diehl DC. MyPyramid for Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009;41(4):300-2.
Publications: Abstracts/Proceedings/Book Chapters/Professional meeting presentations/Other
" Shoff, S.M., Nuss, E., Horacek, T., Boyle, C., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Krall, J., White, A., Mathews, D., Schembre, S., and Greene, G. 2009. Sleep quality is associated with eating behavior in 18-24 year old college students. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41: S8-S9.
" Mathews D, White A, Shoff S. 2009. Effect of Sleep Quality on Quality of Life and Anthropometrics in 18-24 Year Old University of Maine College Students. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:S34.
" Herrick, M, Kattelmann, K., Wey, H., Greene,G., White,A., Hoerr, S., Horecek, T., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Phillips, B., Shoff, S., Boyle, C. 2009. Association between participant baseline characteristics and time spent on WebHealth Lessons. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:S32-S33.
" Lohse, B., Stotts, J.L., Patterson, J., Horacek, T., Do, M, White, A., Greene, G. 2009. Development of a web-based module about eating competence for low-income audiences. FASEB J. 23:550.7.
" Griffith, L., Anderson, J., Betts, N., Brunt, A., Campbell, C., Canter, D., Harris, M., Kattelmann, K., & Schnepf, M. Multi-institutional delivery of internet-based graduate education to dietetics professionals. J. Amer. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:109;A17
" Herrick, M., Kattelmann, K., Wey, H., White, A.,Hoerr, S., Horacek, T., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Phillips, B., Schoff, S., Boyle, C., & Greene, G.l Association between participant baseline characteristics and time spent on WebHealth lessons. J Nutr Educ. & Behavior 2009;41:S33-34. Poster presentation, Society for Nutrition Education, July 2009.
" McCormick, A., Kattelmann, K., Ren, C., Richards, A., & Wells, K. Fun fruit and veggie event enhances acceptance of fruit and vegetable in school aged children. J. Amer. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:109;A83.
" Horacek T, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby SE, Hoerr S, Johnson M, Kidd T Phillips B, Walsh J. Healthy Vending Snacks on 10 College Campuses: A Comparison of Nutrient Density Scores Experimental Biology 2010 (Abstract in Review)
" Boyle-Dour C, Horacek T, Brann L, Raj S, Shoff S. Process Evaluation of Project WebHealth: Behavior Change Intervention for Obesity Prevention in Young Adults American College of Sports Medicine 2010 (Abstract in Review)
" Herrick M, Kattelmann K, Wey H,White A, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Louse B, Paterson J, Phillips B, Shoff S, Boyle C, and Greene G. Association Between Participant Baseline Characteristics and Time Spent on WebHealth Lessons. Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans LA, July 11-15, 2009.
" Lohse B , Krall JS , Patterson J , Horacek T , Do M , White A , Greene G Development of a web-based module about eating competence for low-income audiences . Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans LA, July 11-15, 2009.
" Horacek T, and Bower K Description and Evaluation of ORANGE WRAP: Peer Nutrition Education Program . New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009.
" Erdman M and Horacek T, An Assessment Of The Eating And Food Environment Of College Students Using Modified Nutrition Environment Measures Surveys. New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009.
" Horacek T, and Marco, A. Vending Machines on Campus: Are there healthy options? New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009.
" Colby, S.E., Gross, K., Heidal, K. Consumer Attitudes and Practices with Nutrition Labeling in Grocery Stores and on Menus Society for Nutrition Education Annual Symposium, July 2009.
" Colby, S.E., Heidal, K., Johnson, C., Taft, S., Gross, K., Influence of Differing Types and Formats of Menu Labeling Experimental Biology, April 2009.
" Pawlak, R. & Colby, S.E. Perception of eating nuts by WIC participants from rural North Carolina. Experimental Biology. April 2009
" Colby, S.E. Emerging Menu Labeling Policies and the Obesity Epidemic Healthy Weight Pediatric Obesity Summit. March 2009
" Colby, S.E. Nutrition Labeling on Restaurant Menus North Carolina Dietetic Association Conference. March 2009
" Pace, RD, Eaves, DH, Dawkins, NL, Bovell-Benjamin, A., Huang, Z, Phillips, BW, Oh, J-H, Bromfield, E., and Sohail, S. 2009. Nutrition Awareness, Education and Action to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease. 42nd Annual Meeting Society for Nutrition Education,New Orleans, LA, July, 2009.
" Dawkins, NL. Pace, RD, Phillips, BW. 2009. The use of herbal supplements among rural African-Americans participating in a cardiovascular disease prevention program. FASEB Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April, 2009.
" Colinet, D, Phillips, B, Durazo, R, Cao, G, Luke, A, Dawkins, NL, Siaway, A., 2009. The Impact of Food Stamp Usage on Mortality Rates in the United States, UAB Health Disparities Symposium, Birmingham, AL April, 2009.
" Morrell JS, Burke JD, Reilly RA, Lofgren IE. Metabolic syndrome risk is associated with higher CRP levels in young adults. Oral presentation. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, LA.
" Hoerr SL, Long K, Guo W, Reznar M, Murashima, M. How well does Michigan State Universitys campus support physical activity? International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity annual meeting 2009. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2009
" Guo W, Long K, Reznar M, Murashima, M, Hoerr SL. How well do campus buildings support healthy eating? Society of Nutrition Education annual meeting 2009. New Orleans, LA. Jun 2009; Michigan Dietitian Association annual meeting 2009. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2009.
" CJ, Hoerr SL, Abdulkadri A, Miller S, LaShore M, Martin K, Newkirk C. Factor analysis of EFNEP Behavior Checklist reveals six constructs. Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans, LA, 2009.
" Hoerr SL. Grow your Kids with fruit and veggies, 12 postcard size, full color notecards for parents of preschool children on appropriate feeding control for good health based on USDA, FNSs Maximizing the Message, 2008. Reading level is grade 4.4. Published by MSU Extensions, Michigan Nutrition Network in 2009, 18,000 first printing.
" Hoerr SL. Pediatric Nutrition Screening Form, a one page nutrition assessment form for limited income parents of preschool children to complete in well child visits. Developed in response to need and in collaboration with local pediatricians. Reading level is grade 2.2. Published by MSU Extensions Michigan Nutrition Network in 2009, 6,000 first printing.
" Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Promotion of Physical Activity: An Evaluation of Buildings Frequently Used By Students at Rutgers University New Brunswick. New Jersey Dietetic Association, New Brunswick, May.
" Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., Johnson, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Rutgers University (New Brunswick) Support for Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention: An Assessment of Campus Walk-Ability and Bike-Ability. New Jersey Dietetic Association, New Brunswick, May.
" Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Physical Activity: Do Rutgers University New Brunswick Campus Buildings Promote It? Rutgers University Nutritional Sciences and Animal Sciences Graduate Student Annual Conference, New Brunswick, April.
" Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., Johnson, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) The Walk-Ability and Bike-Ability of Rutgers University New Brunswick. Rutgers University Nutritional Sciences and Animal Sciences Graduate Student Annual Conference, New Brunswick, April.
" Chester, D.N., Weatherpoon, L., Kidd, T. (2009). African American Food Practices. In: Goody, C.M., Drago, L. Cultural Food Practices/Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group. Chicago, IL. American Dietetic Association. p. 28-41.
" Kattelmann K, Greene G, Hoerr S, Welsh S, White A. A Non-Diet Curriculum for Obesity Prevention in Young Adults: Design and Outcomes. 42nd Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. July 11 15, 2009
" Mia Jill Courtemanche, Assessment of Change in Fruit and Vegetable Intakes and Exercise Behavior of College Students Following an Online Intervention. 2009.
" Becky JensenThesis, Efficacy of Kid Quest in promoting healthful diet and activity in 5th and 6th grade children. May 2009.
" Jennifer MayThesis, Use of ARCS Model to evaluation of web-based lifestyle lessons for 18-24 year olds. December 2009.
" Jessica RemingtonThesis, Effects of NICU environment on nutrition outcomes in neontates. May 2009.
" Kelsey LiknessThesis, Quality of life issues and their influence in maintaining a healthful diet in the 18-24 year. December 2009.
" Minette HerrickThesis, Effect of dose from web-based curriculum in influencing healthful lifestyle patterns. May 2009.
" Kathryn DeIeso, Validation of campus wellness scoring tool. 2009-
" Maria Erdman, Evaluation of the campus food/dining environment 2007-2009
" Colleen Dour Effectiveness Evaluation of WEBHEALTH 2007-2009
Publications: Refereed Journal Articles Submissions in Review
" Greene, G., White, A., Schembre, S., Shoff, S., Riebe, D., Patterson, J., Lohse, B., Phillips, B., Kattelmann, K., & Hoerr, S. College Students Differ in Weight Related Behaviors and Cognitive Variables by Gender and Relative Weight Status. Submitted to J. Am. Dietetic Assoc.
" Colby, S.E., Wall-Bassett, E., Paulson, M., & Johnson, L. (in press, March 2010). Reaching North Dakota's Food Insecure. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition.
" Colby, S.E., LuAnn, J., Scheet, A., & Hoverson, B. (in press, Spring 2010). Nutrition Marketing on Food Labels. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior.
" Colby, S.E., Johnson, L. (in press, Spring 2010) Macronutrient Intakes and Waist Circumference. Topics in Clinical Nutrition.