NC1036: Research and Education Support for the Renewal of an Agriculture of the Middle

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports






Ahnström, J., J. Höckert, H.L. Bergeå, C.A. Francis, P. Skelton, and L. Hallgren. 2008. Farmers and nature conservation: what is known about attitudes, context factors and actions affecting conservation? Renewable Agric Food Systems 24(1):38-47.
Auld, G. and D. Thilmany. 2009. Factors Affecting Small (Colorado) Producers Local Food Sales. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 4(1): 129-46.
Bond, C.A., D. Thilmany and J. Keeling-Bond. 2008. Understanding Consumer Interest in Product and Process-Based Attributes for Fresh Produce. Agribusiness: An International Journal 24(2):231-252.
Bond, C.A., D. Thilmany, and J. Keeling Bond. 2008. What to Choose? The Value of Label Claims to Produce Consumers. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 33(3):402-427.
Burmeister, L.L. 2008. Resilience and Vulnerability in US Farm Policy: Parsing the Payment Limitation Debate. Agriculture and Human Values 25(2):183-186.
Carey, E.E., L. Jett, W.J. Lamont, Jr., T.T. Nennich, M.D. Orzolek, and K.A. Williams. 2009. Horticultural crop production in high tunnels in the United States: A snapshot. HortTechnology 19:37-43.
Colasanti, K., Conner, D. and Smalley, S. (In Press). Understanding Barriers to Farmers Market Patronage in Michigan: Perspectives from Marginalized Populations. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition.
Conner, D., Smalley, S., Colasanti, K. and Ross, R. (In Press). Increasing Farmers Markets Patronage: A Michigan Survey. Journal of Food Distribution Research.

Conner, D., Montri, A., Waldman, K., Biernbaum, J. and Hamm, M. (In Press). Hoophouse Contributions to Farm Profitability and Food System Sustainability: Lessons from Michigan. Journal of Extension.

Montri, A., Conner, D., Waldman, K., Biernbaum, J. and Hamm, M. (2010). Hoophouse Contributions to Farm Viability: Economic Results from Farmers' First Year of Harvests. HortTechnology. Accepted for Publication.

Conner, D. Colasanti, K., Smalley, S. and Ross, R. (2009). Locally Grown Foods and Farmers Markets: Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors. Sustainability, 2, 742-756

Conner, D., Montri, A., Montri, D. and Hamm, M. (2009). Consumer demand for local produce at extended season farmers' markets: guiding farmer marketing strategies. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 24(4); 251259.

Dillard, J. and M. Pullman. 2009. A Structuration Frame for Social Enterprise and an Agricultural Example. Economia Aziendale Online 1:7-26.
Francis, C., G. Lieblein, H. Steinsholt, T.A. Breland, J. Helenius, N. Sriskandarajah, and L. Salomonsson. 2005. Food systems and environment: building positive rural-urban linkages. Human Ecology Review 12(1):60-71.
Francis, C., J. King, G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, L. Salomonsson, N. Sriskandarajah, P. Porter, and M. Wiedenhoeft. 2009. Open-ended cases in agroecology: farming and food systems in the Nordic Region and the U.S. Midwest. European J. Education and Extension [in press].
Francis, C., R. Elmore, J. Ikerd, and M. Duffy. 2007. Greening of agriculture: is it all a greenwash of the globalized economy? J. Crop Improvement 19(1&2):193-220.
Francis, C., R. Poincelot, and G. Bird, eds. 2006. Developing and Extending a Sustainable Agriculture: A New Social Contract. Binghampton, NY: Haworth Press.
Francis, C.A., ed. 2009. Ecology in Organic Farming Systems. Agronomy Monograph No.54, American Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin.
Francis, C.A., G. Lieblein, T.A. Breland, L. Salomonsson, U. Geber, N. Sriskandarajah, and V. Langer. 2008. Transdisciplinary research for a sustainable agriculture and food sector. Agron. J. 100(3):771-776.
Gasciogne, W., M. Sullins and D. Thilmany McFadden. 2008. Agritourism in the West: Exploring the Behavior of Colorado Farm and Ranch Visitors. Western Economics Forum. Fall. Vol. 7.
Gillebo, T. and C. Francis. 2006. Stakeholder cooperation in sustainable development: three case studies in Noway. J. Rural & Community Devel. 2(1):28-43.
Gray, Thomas W. 2009. Selecting a Cooperative Membership Structure for the Agriculture of the Middle Initiative. Washington DC: USDA, Rural Development-Cooperative Programs Research Report 216.

Gray, Thomas W. 2009. "The Agriculture of the Middle Initiative," Presented to the Eastern Sociological Society annual meetings. Baltimore, Maryland. Mar. 18-21, 2009.

Gray, Thomas. 2009. "Cooperative Tensions and the US Agriculture of the Middle Initiative: Prospective Considerations," Presented to the International Workshop on Rural Cooperation in the 21st Century: Lessons from the Past, Pathways to the Future." held at the University of Rehovot, Israel. June 14-16, 2009.
Gray, T. and G. Stevenson. 2008. Cooperative Structure for the Middle: Mobilizing for Power and Identity. In Lyson, T., G. Stevenson, and R. Welsh, eds. Food and the Mid-Level Farm. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Gwin, L. 2009. Scaling-up Sustainable Livestock Production: Innovation and Challenges for Grass-fed Beef in the U.S. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 33(2):189-209.
Gwin, L. and S. Hardesty. 2008. Northern California Niche Meat Market Demand Study. Davis, CA: University of California, Cooperative Extension.
Gwin, L., S. Larson, E. Rilla, and L. Bush. 2005. Alternative Livestock Production and Marketing: A Survey of Marin and Sonoma Livestock Producers. Novato, CA: University of California Cooperative Extension.
Keeling-Bond, J, D. Thilmany, and C. Bond . 2009. What Influences Consumer Choice of Fresh Produce Purchase Location? Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. April 2009.
Keeling-Bond, J, D. Thilmany, and C. Bond. Direct Marketing of Fresh Produce: Understanding Consumer Purchasing Decisions. Choices 21(4):1-6. Last accessed October 23, 2009, at

Kirschenmann, F., G. Stevenson, F. Buttel, T. Lyson, and M. Duffy. 2008. Why Worry about the Agriculture of the Middle? In Lyson, T., G. Stevenson, and R. Welsh, eds. Food and the Mid-Level Farm. Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.
Knight, A.J., M.R. Worosz, E.C.D. Todd, L.D. Bourquin, and C.K. Harris. 2008. Listeria in raw milk soft cheese: A case study of risk governance in the United States using the IRGC framework. Pp. 179-220 in Renn, O. and K. Walker, eds. Global Risk Governance: Concept and Practice Using the IRGC Framework. Springer Press. (ISBN: 978-1-4020-6798-3)

LeValley, R., D. Thilmany, and D. Dexter. Success Story: How do we sell
branded beef direct to the consumer? Range Beef Cow Symposium XX.
December 2007.
Lev, Larry and Lauren Gwin . Filling in the Gaps: Eight Things to Recognize about Farm-Direct Marketing. Choices Vol. 25/1. 2010.

Lev, Larry and George Stevenson. Mid-scale food value chains case study: Shepherds Grain. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Research Brief #81. May 2010.

Lev, Larry and George Stevenson. Mid-scale food value chains case study: Red Tomato. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Research Brief #82. May 2010.

Lev, Larry and George Stevenson. Mid-scale food value chains case study: Country Natural Beef . Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Research Brief #79. November 2009.

Lev, Larry and George Stevenson. Mid-scale food value chains case study: Organic Valley. Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems Research Brief #80. November 2009.

Lieblein, G. and C. Francis. 2007. Towards responsible action through agroecological education. Italian J. Agronomy/Riv. Agron. 2:79-86.
Lyson, T., G. Stevenson, and R. Welsh, eds. 2008. Food and the Mid-Level Farm. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Marshall, R. S., M. Pullman, Z. Anderson, M. Flax, D. Gambetta., and J. Greene. 2009. Sustainability amidst uncertainty: Columbia Forest Products pursuit of sustainability in a changing market. 3rd Place, 2009 OIKOS Global Case Writing Competition.
Pritchett, J., D. Thilmany, and K. Johnson. 2007. Consumer Responses to Recent BSE Events. Journal of Food Distribution Research 38:57-68.
Pullman, M., M. Maloni, and C. Carter. 2009. Food for Thought: Motivations to Adopt Sustainability Practices and Perceived Outcomes. Journal of Supply Chain Management 45(4):38-54.
Rickerl, D., and C. Francis, eds. 2004. Agroecosystems Analysis. Monograph Series No. 43, Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wisconsin.
Roth, A., A. Tsay, M. Pullman, and J. Grey. 2008. Reaping what you sow. International Commerce Review 8(1):36-45.
Roth, A., A. Tsay, M. Pullman, and J. Grey. 2008. Unraveling the Global Food Supply Chain: Strategic Lessons from China and the Pet Food Recalls. Journal of Supply Chain Management 44(1):22-39.
Schneider, M. and C. Francis. 2005. Marketing locally produced foods: consumer and farmer opinions in Washington County, Nebraska. Renewable Agric. and Food Systems 20(4):252-260.
Schneider, M., A. Colglazier, C. Pollard, R. Beutler, and C. Francis. 2005. Discovering the whole: multiple paths to systems learning. NACTA J. 49(2):15-22.
Stevenson, G.W. and H. Born. 2007. The Red Label Poultry System in France: Lessons for Renewing an Agriculture-of-the-Middle in the United States. In Hinrichs, C. Clare and T. Lyson, eds. Remaking the North American Food System. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Stevenson, G.W. and R. Pirog. 2008. Values-Based Supply Chains: Strategies for Agri-Food Enterprises of the Middle. In Lyson, Thomas, G. Stevenson, and R. Welsh, eds. Food and the Mid-Level Farm. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Thilmany McFadden, D, W. Umberger, and J. Wilson. 2009. Growing a Niche Beef Market: A Targeted Marketing Plan for Colorado Homestead Ranches. Review of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming, 31(3).
Thilmany McFadden, D. 2008. Implementing Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling. Introduction to Choices theme issue on Country of Origin Labeling. 23(4). (also served as guest editor). Last accessed October 23, 2009, at
Thilmany, D., C. Bond, and J. Bond. 2008. Going Local: Exploring Consumer Behavior and Motivations for Direct Food Purchases. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90(5):1303-1309.
Thilmany, D., W. Umberger, and A. Ziehl. 2006. Strategic market planning for value-added natural beef products: a cluster analysis of Colorado consumers. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 21:192-203.

Thilmany McFadden, D. 2008. Local marketing systems: The Role of Family
Farms in Reinventing Food Supply Chains. Article in USDA-CSREES Family
Farm Forum. October.

Thilmany, D. and J. Sooby. The Organic Foods Industry in Rural America.
Chapter for Encyclopedia of Rural America, 2nd edition. Grey House
Publishing, July 2008. 1-59237-115-9.

Thilmany, D. and P. Watson. Revitalizing Rural Communities: Agricultural
Producers Emerging Role in Public and Private Innovation. Perspectives
on 21st Century Agriculture: A Tribute to Walter J. Armbruster, Farm
Foundation, Oak Brook, IL, 2007. 978-0-615-17422-8
Umberger, W., D. Thilmany McFadden, and A. Smith. 2009. Does Altruism Play a Role in Determining U.S. Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Natural and Regionally Produced Beef?"Agribusiness: An International Journal 25(2):266-285.
Wezel, A., S. Bellon, T. Dore, C. Francis, D. Vallod, and C. David.. 2009. Agroecology as a science, a movement or a practice. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (in press).
Wilson, J., D. Thilmany, and P. Watson. 2006. The Role of Agritourism in Western States: Place-Specific and Policy Factors Influencing Recreational Income for Producers. Review of Regional Studies. 36:381-399.
Worosz, M. R. 2006. Pits, Pests, and the Industrial Tart. Doctoral Thesis, Sociology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
Worosz, M.R., A.J. Knight, and C.K. Harris. 2008. Resilience in the red meat sector: The role of food safety policy. Agriculture and Human Values 25(2):187-191. (DOI : 10.1007/s10460-008-9127-z)
Worosz, M.R., A.J. Knight, C.K. Harris, and D.S Conner. 2008. Barriers to sustainability in the specialty red meat sector. Invited paper, Southern Rural Sociology 23(1): 170-207.
Worosz, M.R., D.M. Holt, and C.K. Harris. Challenging assumptions of the faithful: Critique, understanding, and clarity within the agrifoodie collective. (Under review.)
See also:
" Agriculture of the Middle website, case studies and research briefs
" Organic Farming Research Foundation website,

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