NCCC22: Small Fruit and Viticulture Research
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Research Publications
Black, B.L., I.M. Fordham and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2005. Autumnberry (Elaeagnus umbellata): a potential cash crop. J. of Am. Pomological Soc. 59(3):125-134.
Black, B.L., H.J. Swartz, G.F. Deitzer, B. Butler and C.K. Chandler. 2005. The effects of conditioning strawberry plug plants under altered red/far red light environment on subsequent performance. HortSci. 40(5):1263-1267.
Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. (eds.). 2006. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 43. HortScience 41:1101-1133. NCCC-22 contributors: J.R. Clark and C.E. Finn - blackberry and hybrid berry, p. 1104-1106; P. Lyrene blueberry, p. 1106-1007; K. Hummer - blue honeysuckle, p. 1107-1109; K. Hummer - gooseberry, p. 1111-1112; H. Daubeny - raspberry, p. 1122-1124; K. S. Lewers and J. L. Maas strawberry, p. 1124-1128.
Clark, J. R., J.N. Moore, J. Lopez-Medina, P. Perkins-Veazie, and C. E. Finn. 2005. Prime-Jan (APF-8) and Prime-Jim (APF-12) primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortSci. 40:852-855.
Dale, A. And J. F. Hancock. 2006. Highbush blueberry trial in Ontario, Canada. Int. J. of Fruit Sci. 5:73-76.
Finn, C. E., B. M. Yorgey, B.C. Strik, H. K. Hall, R. R. Martin, M. Qian. 2005. Black Diamond thornless trailing blackberry. HortSci. 40(7):2175-2178.
Finn E. F., B. Yorgey, B. Strik B, R. Martin, C. Kempler 2005. Metolius trailing blackberry. HortScience 40(7):2189-2191.
Finn E. F., B. Yorgey, B. Strik B, R. Martin, C. Kempler 2005. Obsidian trailing blackberry. HortScience 40(7):2185-2188.
Finn E. F., B. Yorgey, B. Strik B, R. Martin, C. Kempler 2005. Nightfall thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience 40(7):2182-2184.
Finn E. F., B. Yorgey, B. Strik B, R. Martin, C. Kempler 2005. Black Pearl thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience 40(7):2179-2181.
Hammerschlag, F., S. Garcés, M. Koch-Dean, S. Ray, K. Lewers, J. Maas, and B. Smith. 2006. In Vitro response of strawberry cultivars and somaclones to Colletotrichum acutatum. Plant Cell Tissue & Organ Culture 84:255-261.
Hughes, B. and A. Dale. 2006. Winter-hardy strawberries produce without a straw mulch in a severe winter environment. HortScience 41:1047.
Kempler, C., H.A. Daubeny, L. Frey, and T. Walters. 2006. Chemainus red raspberry. HortSci. 41(5):1364-1366.
Kempler, C., H.A. Daubeny, B. Harding, and C.E. Finn. 2005. Esquimalt red raspberry. HortSci. 40:2192-2194.
Strik, B., and K. E. Hummer. 2006. 'Anananasnaya' hardy kiwifruit. J. of Am. Pomological Soc. 60(3):106-112.
Takeda, F. and D.T. Handley. 2006. A winter protection system for blackberries. North Am. Bramble Growers Assoc. 2006 Conf. Proc. pp. 23-26.
Takeda, F. and D. Handley. 2006. A winter protection method for blackberries. HortSci. 41:1011 (Abstract).
Takeda, F. and M. Newell. 2006. A method for increasing fall flowering in short-day Carmine strawberry. HortSci. 41:480-481.
Takeda, F., P. Perkins-Veazie, H.J. Swartz, and S.C. Hokanson, 2006. Strawberry transplant production and performance in annual plasticulture system in the eastern United States. Acta Hort. 708:213-216.
Joint Extension Publications
Midwest Strawberry Production Guide (OSU Bul. 926). 2006. Editors: M. Ellis, R. Funt, S. Wright, D. Doohan, C. Welty, R. Williams, and M. Brown, Ohio State University; K. Demchak, Penn State Univ.; and E. Wahle, University of Illinois.
MidAtlantic Berry Guide. 2006. M. Brittingham-Brant, K. Demchak, M. Frazier, S. Guiser, J. Halbrendt, J. Harper, G. Krawczyk, K. Richards, E. Sánchez, and J. Travis, Penn State Univ.; B. Majek, P. Nitzsche, P. Oudemans, G. Pavlis, S. Polavarapu, D. Polk, P. Probasco, C. Rodrigues-Saona, W. Sciarappa, P. Shearer, and M. Stanghellini, Rutgers Univ.; D. Caron, W. Kee, G. Johnson, Univ. of Delaware; B. Butler, J. Fiola, and H. Swartz, Univ. of Maryland, A. Bratsch, J. Derr, J. Pattison, D. Pfeiffer, and K. Yoder, Virginia Tech; J. Baniecki, A. Biggs, H. Hogmire, and R. Zimmerman, West Virginia Univ.; K. Demchak, Coordinator. AGRS-97, Penn State College of Agricultural Sci., 205 pp.
Fuqua, B., P. Byers, M. Kaps, L. Kovacs, and D. Waldstein. 2005. Growing Blueberries in Missouri. Missouri State Fruit Experiment Station Bulletin 44.
Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Black, B.A. and M. Ehlenfeldt. 2007. Foliar applications of GA4-7 reduce flowering in highbush blueberry. Hortsci. 42:555-558.
Brazelton, D. and B.C. Strik. 2007. Perspective on the U.S. and global blueberry industry. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 61:144-146.
Bryla, D.R. and B.C. Strik. 2007. Effects of cultivar and plant spacing on the seasonal water requirements of highbush blueberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:270-277.
Bryla, D.R. and R.G. Linderman. 2007. Implications of irrigation method and amount of water application on Phytophthora and Pythium infection and severity of root rot in highbush blueberry. HortSci. 42:1463-1467.
Carter, P.M., J.R. Clark, C.A. Drake, C. Particka, and D. Yazetti Crowne. 2006. Chilling response of Arkansas blackberry cultivars. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 60:187-197.
Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. (eds.). 2006. Register of new fruit and nut cultivarslist 43. HortSci. 41:1101-1133.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. 2006. Fruit firmness and holding ability in highbush blueberry implications for mechanical harvesting. Int. J. Fruit Sci. 5:83-91.
Ehlenfeldt, M. K., J.J. Polashock, A. W. Stretch, and M. Kramer. 2006. Leaf disk infection by Colletotrichum acutatum and its relation to fruit rot in diverse blueberry germplasm. HortSci. 41:270-271.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., E.L. Ogden, L.J. Rowland, and B. Vinyard. 2006. Evaluation of mid-winter cold hardiness among 25 rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) cultivars. HortSci. 41:579-581.
Ehlenfeldt, M. K. and C. E. Finn. 2007. G-435 and ARS 96-138. Pink-fruited blueberry selections. HortSci. 42:172-173.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., L.J. Rowland, E.L. Ogden, and B. Vinyard. 2007. Floral bud cold hardiness of Vaccinium ashei, V. constablaei, and hybrid derivatives and the potential for producing northern-adapted rabbiteye cultivars. HortSci. 42:1131-1134.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and N. Vorsa. 2007. Inheritance patterns of parthenocarpic fruit development in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). HortSci. 42:1127-1130.
Fisk, C.L., M. McDaniel, B. Strik, and Y. Zhao. 2006. Physicochemical, sensory, and nutritive qualities of hardy kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta Ananasnaya) as affected by harvest maturity and storage. J. Food Sci. 71:204-210.
Forsline P. and K. E. Hummer. 2007. Fruit exploration supported by the National Plant Germplasm System - 1980 to 2004. HortSci. 42:200-202.
Hanson, E. J., S. F. Berkheimer, J. F. Hancock. 2007. Seasonal changes in the cold hardiness of the flower buds of highbush blueberry with varying species ancestry. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 61:14-18.
Hokanson, K., M. Smith., A.M. Connor, J.J. Luby, and J. Hancock. 2006. Relationships among subspecies of New World octoploid strawberry species, Fragaria virginiana and Fragaria chiloensis, based on SSR marker analysis. Can. J. Bot. 84:1829-1841.
Hummer, K. E. 2006. Gooseberries in Register of New Fruit and Nut Varieties. HortSci. 41:1111-1112.
Hummer, K. E. 2006. Blue Honeysuckle. in Register of New Fruit and Nut Varieties. HortSci. 41:1107-1109.
Hummer, K. 2007. Introduction to the workshop. HortSci. 42:190.
Hummer, K. E. and D. Layne. 2007. Introduction to the workshop: Blueberries - now and the future. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 61:138-139.
Hummer, K. 2006. Past, present, and future of fruit germplasm exploration. HortSci. 42: 203-204.
Kelly, M.J., M.P. Pritts and R.R. Bellinder. 2007. Evaluation of new cultivation tools to reduce labor requirements in matted row strawberry culture. HortTech. 17:87-94.
Kempler, C., H. A. Daubeny, B. Harding, T. Baumann, C. E. Finn, P. P. Moore, M. Sweeney and T. Walters. 2007. Saanich Red Raspberry. HortSci. 42:176-178.
Khanizadeh, S., M. Deschênes, A. Levasseur, O. Carisse, R. Cao, R. Yang, J. DeEll, J. A. Sullivan, J.P. Privé, C. Kempler, S. Duguid and S. Enns. 2006. Clé des Champs Strawberry. HortSci. 41:1360-1361.
Landis-Fisk, C., B.C. Strik, and Y. Zhao. 2006. Iodine staining of starch in Ananasnaya hardy kiwifruit is not useful as an indicator of harvest maturity. HortTech. 16:655-658.
Lee, J. and Finn, C.E. 2007. Anthocyanins and other polyphenolics in American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) and European elderberry (S. nigra) cultivars. J. Sci. Food Agric. 87:2665-2675.
Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2006. Characterization, detection and management of strawberry viruses. Plant Dis. 90:384-396.
Moore, P.P. and C.E. Finn. 2007. Cascade Bounty Red Raspberry. HortSci. 42:393-396.
Ozgen, M., A.Z. Tulio, Jr., A.M. Chanon, N. Janakiraman, R.N. Reese, A.R. Miller and J.C. Scheerens. 2006. Variation in cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) phytonutrient capacity. HortSci. 41:1038-1039.
Pattison, J.A., S.K. Samuelian, and C.A. Weber. 2007. Inheritance of Phytophthora root rot in red raspberry determined by generation means and molecular linkage analysis. Theo. Appl. Gen. 115:225-236.
Postman, J., K. Hummer, E. Stover, R. Krueger, P. Forsline, L. J. Grauke, F. Zee, B. Irish, T. Ayala-Silva. 2006. Fruit and nut genebanks in the USDA National Plant Germplasm System. HortSci. 41:1188-1194.
Prajitna, A., I.E. Dami, T.E. Steiner, D.C. Feree, J.C. Scheerens, and S.J. Schwartz. 2007. Influence of cluster thinning on phenolic composition, resveratol, and antioxidant capacity in Chambourcin wine. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 58:346-350.
Righetti, T.L., D.R. Sandrock, B.C. Strik, and A. A. Azarenko. 2007. Appropriate analysis and interpretation approaches to determine fertilizer-derived nitrogen in plant tissues. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:429-436.
Righetti, T.L., D.R. Sandrock, B. Strik, C. Vasconcelos, P. Bañados, S. Ortega, Y. Moreno, and B. Guihong. 2007. Analysis of ratio-based responses. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:3-13.
Stanton, M.A., J.C. Scheerens, R.C. Funt, and J.R. Clark. 2007. Floral competence of primocane-fruiting blackberries Prime-Jan® and Prime-Jim® blackberries grown at three temperature regimes. HortSci. 42:508-513.
Strik, B.C. 2007. Horticultural practices of growing highbush blueberries in the ever-expanding U.S. and global scene. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 61:148-150.
Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn, and P. Bañados. 2007. Worldwide production of blackberries, 1995 to 2005 and predictions for growth. HortTech. 17:205-213.
Strik, B., T. Righetti, and H. Rempel. 2006. Black plastic mulch improved the uptake of 15N from inorganic fertilizer and organic prunings in summer-bearing red raspberry. HortSci. 41:272-274.
Stoner, A. and K. Hummer. 2007.19th and 20th century plant hunters. HortSci. 42:197-199.
Susaimuthu, J., Gergerich, R.C., Bray, M.M., Dennis, K.A., Clark, J.R., Tzanetakis, I.E., Martin, R.R. 2007. The incidence and ecology of Blackberry yellow vein associated virus. Plant Dis. 91:809-813.
Susaimuthu, J., Tzanetakis, I.E., Gergerich, R.C. and Martin, R.R. 2006. Yellow vein-affected blackberries and the presence of a novel crinivirus. Plant Pathol. 55:607-613.
Thompson, E., B.C. Strik, J.R. Clark and C.E. Finn. 2007. Flowering and fruiting patterns of primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortSci. 42:1174-1176.
Tsao, R. S. Khanizadeh, and A. Dale. 2006. Designer fruits and vegetables with enriched phytochemicals for human health. Can. J. Plant Sci. 86:773-786.
Turechek, W.W., M.C. Heidenreich, A.N. Lakso, and M.P. Pritts. 2007. Estimation of the impact of leaf scorch on photosynthesis and physiological lesion size in strawberry. Can. J. Plant Path. 29:159-165.
Tzanetakis, I.E. and R.R. Martin. 2007. Strawberry chlorotic fleck: Identification and characterization of a novel Closterovirus associated with the disease. Virus Res. 124:88-94.
Tzanetakis, I.E., R.C. Gergerich and R.R. Martin. 2006. A new Ilarvirus found in rose. Plant Pathol. 55:568.
Tzanetakis, I.E., A. Halgren., N. Mosier, and R.R. Martin. 2007. Identification and characterization of Raspberry mottle virus, a novel member of the Closteroviridae. Virus Res. 127:26-33.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J.D. Postman and R.R. Martin. 2007. First report of Blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus in Rubus sp. in the United States. Plant Dis. 91:463.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J.D. Postman and R.R. Martin. 2006. Mint virus X: a novel potexvirus associated with symptoms in Variegata mint. Arch. Virol. 151:143-153.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J.D. Postman, R.C. Gergerich and R.R. Martin. 2006. A virus between families: nucleotide sequence and evolution of Strawberry latent ringspot virus. Virus Res. 121:199-204.
Tzanetakis, I.E., J. Susaimuthu, R.C. Gergerich and R.R. Martin. 2006. Nucleotide sequence of Blackberry yellow vein associated virus, a novel member of the Closteroviridae. Virus Research 116:196-200.
Tzanetakis, I.E., W.M. Wintermantel, A.A. Cortez, J.E. Barnes, S.M. Barrett, M.P. Bolda and R.R. Martin. 2006. Epidemiology of Strawberry pallidosis associated virus and occurrence of pallidosis disease in North America. Plant Dis. 90:1343-1346.
Wang, S.Y., K.S. Lewers, L. Bowman, and M. Ding. 2006. Strawberries inhibit cancer cell proliferation. HortSci. 41:1082.
Wang, S. Y. and J. R. Ballington. 2007. Free radical scavenging capacity and antioxidant enzyme activity in deerberry (Vaccinium stamineum L.). Food Sci. Technol. 40:1352-1361.
Wang, S. Y., R. Feng, L. Bowman, Y. Lu, J. R. Ballington, and M. Ding. 2007. Antioxidant activity of Vaccinium stamineum L. exhibits anticancer capability in human lung and leukemia cells. Planta Medica 73:451-460.
Wang, S.Y., K.S. Lewers, L. Bowman and M. Ding. 2007. Antioxidant activities and inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in wild strawberries. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:647-658.
Wang, S.Y., and K.S. Lewers. Antioxidant capacity and flavonoid content in wild strawberries. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 132:629-637.
Wegener, L.A., R.R. Martin, M.G. Bernardy, L. MacDonald and Z.K. Punja. 2006. Epidemiology and strain identification of Blueberry scorch virus on highbush blueberry in British Columbia. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 28:250-262.
Wegener, L.A., Z.K. Punja and R.R. Martin. 2007. First Report of Blueberry scorch virus in Black Huckleberry in British Columbia. Plant Dis. 91:328.
Books/Chapters/Review Articles
Clark J.R., E.T. Stafne, K. Hall, and C.E. Finn. 2007. Blackberry breeding and genetics. Plant Breeding Reviews 29:19-144.
Clark J. R. and R. J. Jondle. 2007. Intellectual property rights for fruit crops. Breeding of temperate fruit crops. In: Fruit Breeding (Jim Hancock, ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Strik, B. 2007. Berry crops: Worldwide area and production systems. In: Berry Fruit: Value-Added Products for Health Promotion. Y. Zhao (Ed.), CRC Press- Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL., 3-49.
Symposia Proceedings
Bañados, P., B. Strik, and T. Righetti. 2006. The uptake and use of 15N-nitrogen in young and mature field-grown highbush blueberries. Acta Hort. 715:357-364.
Bañados, P. and B. Strik. 2006. Manipulation of the annual growth cycle of blueberry using photoperiod. Acta Hort. 715:65-71.
Bañados, P., B. Strik, and T. Righetti. 2006. The uptake and use of 15N-nitrogen in young and mature field-grown highbush blueberries. Acta Hort. 715:357-364.
Boches, P.S., N.V. Bassil, K. Hummer, and L.J. Rowland. 2006. Cross-species amplification of SSRs in the genus Vaccinium. Acta Hort. 715:119-128.
Bryla, D.R., and B.C. Strik. 2006. Variation in plant and soil water relations among irrigated blueberry cultivars planted at two distinct in-row spacings. Acta Hort. 715:295-300.
Clark, J.R. and J.N. Moore. 2006. Southern highbush blueberry breeding and at the University of Arkansas. Acta Hort. 715:61-64.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and L.J. Rowland. 2006. Cold-hardiness of Vaccinium ashei and V. constablaei germplasm and the potential for northern-adapted rabbiteye cultivars. Acta Hort. 715:77-80.
Fennell, A., K. Mathiason and J. Luby. 2006. Genetic segregation for indicators of photoperiod control of dormancy induction in Vitis species. Acta Hort. 689:533-539.
Hummer, K. 2007. Development of a global crop conservation strategy for strawberries. Acta Hort. 760:49-54.
Martin, R.R., P.R. Bristow and L.A. Wegener. 2006. Scorch and Shock: Emerging virus diseases of highbush blueberry and other Vaccinium species. Acta Hort. 715:463-467.
Martin, R.R., I.E. Tzanetaki, M. Sweeney and L.A. Wegener. 2006. A virus associated with blueberry fruit drop disease. Acta Hort.715:497-501.
Sabitov, A., P. Cherbukin and K. Hummer. 2007. Plant exploration for fruit genetic resources in Sakhalin Territory. Acta Hort. 760:381-388.
Strik, B. and G. Buller. 2006. The impact of early cropping on subsequent yield of highbush blueberry. Acta Hort. 715:283-288.
Strik, B. 2006. Blueberry production and research trends in North America. Acta Hort. 715:173-183.
Extension Publications
Barney, D. and C. Miles (regional eds). 2007. Commercial Red Raspberry Production in the Pacific Northwest. PNW 598. 104 pp.
Bordelon, B., M. Ellis, and R. Foster (eds). 2007. Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (11 states). Publication no. varies by cooperating institution. 88 pp.
Hart, J., B. Strik, L. White, and W. Yang. 2006. Nutrient management for blueberries in Oregon. EM 8918. 14 pp.
Hart, J., B. Strik, and H. Rempel. 2006. Nutrient management guide for caneberries. EM 8903-E. 8 pp.
Heidenreich, M.C., M.P. Pritts, M.J. Kelly, and K. Demchak. 2007. High tunnel raspberries and blackberries. Cornell Dept. of Horticulture Pub. No. 47. 29 pp. Available on-line at http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/berry.html.
Plant Patents granted:
Moore, P. P. 2005 Cascade Dawn Red Raspberry US Plant Patent 17,985, September 4, 2007.
Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Ballington, J. R. and G. E. Fernandez. 2008. Breeding raspberries adapted to warm humid climates with fluctuating temperatures in winter. Acta. Hort. 777: 87-90.
Ballington, J. R. , Barclay Poling and Kerry Olive. 2008. Day-neutral Strawberry Production for Season Extension in the Midsouth. HortScience 43: 1982 - 1986.
Bell, D., F. Drummond, J. Polashock, and L. J. Rowland. 2008. EST-PCR Markers Developed in Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Can Be Used for Genetic Fingerprinting and Relationship Studies in Lowbush Blueberry (V. angustifolium Ait.). J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133:701-707.
Black, B.L. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2007. Foliar applications of GA4+7 reduce flowering in highbush blueberry. HortScience 42:555-558.
Bordelon, B.P., P.A. Skinkis, P.H. Howard. 2008. Impact of Training System on Vine Performance and Fruit Composition of Traminette. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 59:39-46.
Brevis, P.A., Bassil, N.V., Ballington, J.R., Hancock, J.F. 2008. Impact of wide hybridization on highbush blueberry breedings. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133(3):427-437
Bryla, D.R. 2008. Respiratory response of roots to heterogeneous soil conditions. HortScience 43:1054.
Bryla, D.R. 2008. Respiratory response of roots to heterogeneous soil conditions. HortScience 43:1054.
Bryla, D.R. 2008. Water requirements of young blueberry plants irrigated by sprinklers, microsprays, and drip. Acta Horticulturae 792:135-139.
Bryla, D.R., Kaufman, D., Strik, B.C. 2008. Effects of irrigation method and level of water application on fruit size and yield in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) during the first year of full production. HortScience 43:1112.
Bryla, D.R., Linderman, R.G., Yang, W.Q. 2008. Incidence of Phytophthora and Pythium infection and the relation to cultural conditions in commercial blueberry fields. HortScience 43:260-263.
Bryla, D.R., Strik, B.C. 2008. Do primocanes and floricanes compete for soil water in blackberry? Acta Horticulturae 777:477-482.
Burnes, T.A., J.A. Smith, J. J. Luby, and R.A. Blanchette. 2008. Black currant clonal identity and white pine blister rust resistance. HortScience 43:200-202.
Carpio, C.E., C D. Safley, and E. B.Poling. 2008. Estimated Costs and Investment Analysis of Producing and Harvesting Muscadine Grapes in the Southeastern United States HortTechnology, 18: 308 - 317.
Choski, K., K. Riedl, M. Ozgen, J.C. Scheerens, S.J. Schwartz, B. Black and R.N. Reese. 2008. Nutritional and antioxidant content of buffaloberry in comparison to autumnberry. Botany 2008: 609. (abstr.)
Clark, J.R. 2008. Primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding. HortScience 43:1637-1639.
Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. 2008. New trends in blackberry breeding. Acta Hort. 777:41-48.
Clark, J.R. and J. N. Moore. Natchez thornless blackberry. HortScience 43:1897-1899.
Clark, J.R., C. McCall and C.E. Finn. 2008. Blackberry, p. 1323-1324. In: C.E. Finn and J.R. Clark (eds.). Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 44. HortScience 43.
Dossett, M., J. Lee, and C.E. Finn. 2008. Inheritance of phenological, vegetative and fruit chemistry traits in black raspberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133:408-417.
Dossett, M.P. and C.E. Finn. 2008. Variation and inheritance of vegetative characteristics and reproductive traits in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis). Acta Hort. 777:147-152.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and L.J. Rowland. 2007. Cold hardiness of Vaccinium ashei and V. constablaei germplasm and the potential for northern adapted rabbiteye cultivars. Acta Horticulturae 715:77-80.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., L.J. Rowland, E.L. Ogden, and B. Vinyard. 2007. Bud cold hardiness of Vaccinium ashei, V. constablaei, and hybrid derivatives and their potential for producing northern-adapted rabbiteye cultivars. HortScience 42:1131-1134.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and N. Vorsa. 2007. Inheritance of parthenocarpic fruit development in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.). HortScience 42:1127-1130.
Erkan, M., Wang, S. Y. and Wang, S.Y. Effect of UV treatment on antioxidant capacity, antioxidant enzyme activity and decay in strawberry fruit.
Postharvest Biology and Technology 48:163-171. 2008.
Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark. (eds.). 2008. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 44. HortScience 43:1321-1343.
Finn, C.E., A.L. Thomas, P.L. Byers, and S. Serçe. 2008. Evaluation of American (Sambucus canadensis) and European (S. nigra) elderberry genotypes grown in diverse environments and implications for cultivar development. HortScience 43:1385-1391.
Finn, C.E., B.M. Yorgey, B.C. Strik, and R.R. Martin. 2008. New USDA-ARS blackberry cultivars bring diversity to the market. Acta Hort. 777:81-86.
Finn, Chad, Patrick P. Moore and Chaim Kempler. 2008. Raspberry Cultivars: Whats New? Whats Succeeding? Where are Breeding Programs Headed? Acta Hort. 777:33-40.
Finn, C.E., A.L. Thomas, P.L. Byers, and S. Serçe. 2008. Evaluation of American (Sambucus canadensis) and European (S. nigra) elderberry genotypes grown in diverse environments and implications for cultivar development. HortScience 43:1385-1391.
Fisk, C.L., Strik, B. and Zhao, Y. 2008. Postharvest quality of Hardy Kiwifruit (Actinidia arguta Ananasnaya) associated with packaging and storage conditions. Postharvest Bio. Technol. 47(3), 338-345.
Guthrie, R.S., J.J. Luby, D.S. Bedford, and S.T. McNamara. 2007. Partial dominance in Actinidia kolomikta interspecific hybrids. Acta Hort 753:211-218.
Halgren, A., Tzanetakis, I.E. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Characterization of anAphid-Transmitted Virus Associated with Black Raspberry Decline in Oregon. ActaHort. 777:327-332.
Hoashi-Erhardt, W.K., P.P. Moore, G. Windom and P.R. Bristow. 2008. Resistance of redraspberry genotypes to Phytophthora root rot in field and greenhouse culture. HortScience 43:1367-1370.
Hummer, K. 2008. Currants. In New Fruit and Nut Varieties, HortScience 43:13321-1343.
Hummer, K. and A. Sabitov. 2008. Strawberry Species of Iturup and Sakhalin Islands. HortScience 43(5)2008:1623-1625.
Lee, J. and Martin, R.R. 2009. Influence of grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-2 and -3) on the fruit composition of Oregon Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir: phenolics. Food Chem. 112:889-896.
Lee, J., Rennaker, C., and Wrolstad, R.E. 2008. Correlation of two anthocyanin quantification methods: HPLC and spectrophotometric methods. Food Chem. 110:782-786.
Lewers, K.S., C.A. Saski, B.J. Cuthbertson, D.C. Henry, M.E. Staton, D.S. Main, A.L. Dhanaraj, L.J. Rowland, and J.P. Tomkins. 2008. A blackberry (Rubus L.) expressed sequence tag library for the development of simple sequence repeat markers. Biomed Central Plant Biology 8:69-76.
Lewers, K.S. 2008. Strawberry (p. 1337-1340) In: C.E. Finn and J.R. Clark (eds.) Register of new fruit and nut cultivars: List 44. HortScience: 43:1321-1343.
Lewers, K.S., T.-L. Ashman, J.F. Hancock, D.S. Main. 2008. Genetic mapping with octoploid strawberry, p. 83-86. In : Takeda, F., D.T. Handley, and E.B. Poling (ed.). Proc. 2007 N. American Strawberry Symposium. North American Strawberry Growers Association, Kemptville, ON Canada.
Luby, J. J. and D.S. Bedford. 2008. Apples. In: (J.R. Clark and C.E. Finn, eds.) Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars. HortScience 43:1322.
Machado, R.M.A., Bryla, D.R., Veríssimo, M.L., Sena, A.M., Oliveira, M.R.G. 2008. Nitrogen requirements for growth and early fruit development of drip-irrigated processing tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) in Portugal. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 6:215-218.
Malowicki, S.M.M., Qian, M.C. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Volatile composition inraspberry cultivars grown in the Pacific Northwest determined by Stir Bar Sorptive ExtractionGas ChromatographyMass Spectrometry. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:4128-4133.
Malowicki, S.M.M., Qian, M.C. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Fruit quality of transgenicMeeker red raspberry with resistance to Raspberry bushy dwarf virus. Acta Hort. 780:41-48.
Malowicki, S.M.M., Martin, R.R. and Qian, M.C. 2008. Comparison of sugar, acids, and volatile composition in raspberry bushy dwarf virus-resistant transgenicraspberries and the wild type Meeker (Rubus idaeus L.). J. Agric Food Chemistry 56:6648-6655.
Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 2008. Characterization of three novel virusesinfecting raspberry. Acta Hort. 777:317-322.
Mekuria, T., Martin, R.R. and Naidu, R.A. 2008. First report of the occurrence ofGrapevine fanleaf virus in Washington State vineyards. Plant Dis. 92:1250.
Moore, P.P. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Screening for resistance to raspberry bushy dwarf virus via pollen transmission. Acta Hort. 777:379-384.
Moore, Patrick, Penelope Perkins-Veazie, Courtney A. Weber and Luke Howard. 2008. Environmental Effect on Antioxidant Content of Ten Raspberry Cultivars. Acta Hort. 777:499-504.
Particka, C., and B.L. Black. 2008. Use of gibberellic acid to inhibit flower budformation in newly established blueberries. HortScience 43:1147 (Abstract)
Pinkerton, J.N., Kraus, J., Martin, R.R. and Schreiner, R.P. 2008.
Epidemiology ofXiphinema americanum and Tomato ringspot virus on red raspberry, Rubus ideaus. Plant Dis. 92:364-371.
Poling, E.B. 2008. Anthracnose on Strawberry: Its Etiology, Epidemiology, and Pathology, Together with Management Strategies for Strawberry Nurseries: Introduction to the Workshop. HortScience 43: 59 - 65.
Poling, E.B. 2008. Spring Cold Injury to Winegrapes and Protection Strategies and Methods. HortScience 43: 1652 - 1662.
Puckette, J.A., E.T. Stafne, and B.L. Carroll. 2008. Aerial Root Development on Winegrape Cultivars Following a Spring Freeze. HortScience 43:625 (abstr.)
Resendes, M.L., Bryla, D.R., Eissenstat, D.M. 2008. Early events in the life of an apple root: variation in root growth rate is linked to mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal fungal colonization. Plant and Soil (Online FirstTM) http://www.springerlink.com/content/275k6l4m56234623/fulltext.pdf
Saftner, R., J.J. Polashock, and M. K. Ehlenfeldt. 2008. Instrumental and sensory quality characteristics of blueberry fruit from twelve cultivars. Postharvest Biology and Technology 49:1926.
Sciarappa, W., S. Polavarapu, J. Barry, P. Oudemans, M. Ehlenfeldt, G. Pavlis, D. Polk, and R. Holdcraft. 2008. Developing an organic production system for highbush blueberry. HortScience 43:51-57.
Shellie, K and D.M. Glenn. 2008. Wine grape response to foliar particle film under differing levels of preveraison water stress. HortScience 43(5):1392-1397.
Shellie, K. and D.M. Glenn. 2008. Wine grape response to kaolin particle film under deficit and well-watered conditions. Acta Hort. 792:587-591.
Shulaev V., S.S. Korban , B. Sosinski, A.G. Abbott, H.S. Aldwinckle, K.M. Folta, A. Iezzoni, D. Main, P. Arús, A.M. Dandekar, K. Lewers, S.K. Brown, T.M. Davis, S.E. Gardiner, D. Potter, and R.E. Veilleux. 2008. Multiple models for Rosaceae genomics. Plant Physiology 147:985-1003.
Spigler,R.B., K.S. Lewers, D. Main, and T.-L. Ashman. September 17, 2008. Genetic mapping of sex determination in a wild strawberry, Fragaria virginiana, reveals earliest form of sex chromosome. Heredity: doi:10.1038/hdy.2008.100
Stafne, E.T., B. Kahn, and D. Maronek. 2008. An Extension-based viticulture education program for Oklahoma. HortScience 43:606 (abstr.)
Stafne, E.T., S.K. Peterson, and E.A. Lucas. 2008. Antioxidant properties of Oklahoma grapes. HortScience 43:613 (abstr.)
Stafne, E.T. 2008. Determination of budbreak and frost injury risk for winegrapes in Oklahoma. HortScience 43:1232 (abstr.)
Stanton, M.A., J.C. Scheerens, R.C. Funt, and J.R. Clark. 2007. Floral competence of primocane-fruiting blackberries Prime-Jan® and Prime-Jim® blackberries grown at three temperature regimes. HortScience 42:508-513.
Start, M.A., J. Luby, D. Filler, O. Riera-Lizarazu, and R. Guthrie. 2007. Ploidy levels of cold hardy Actinidia accessions in the United States Determined by flow cytometry. Acta Hort 753:161-168.
Stevens, M.D., J.D. Lea-Cox, B.L. Black, J.A. Abbott. 2007. A comparison of fruit quality and consumer preferences among three cold-climate strawberry productionsystems. HortTechnology 17(4):586-591.
Strik, B.C. 2008. A review of nitrogen nutrition of Rubus. Acta Hort. 777:403-410.
Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn and M. Pilar Bañados. 2008. Worldwide production of blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:209-218.
Strik, B.C., C.E. Finn, J.R. Clark, and G. Buller 2008. Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort. 777:423-428.
Susaimuthu, J., Gergerich, R.C., Bray, M.M., Dennis, K.A., Clark, J.R., Tzanetakis, I.E., Martin, R.R. 2007. The incidence and ecology of Blackberry yellow vein associated virus. Plant Dis. 91:809-813.
Susaimuthu, J., R.C. Gergerich, M.M. Bray, K.A. Dennis, J.R. Clark, I. E. Tzanetakis, and R.R. Martin. 2007. Incidence and ecology of blackberry yellow vein associated virus. Plant Dis. 91:809-813.
Susaimuthu, J., Tzanetakis, I.E., Gergerich, R.C. and Martin, R.R. 2008. A member of a new genus in the Potyviridae infects Rubus. Virus Res. 131:145-151.
Susaimuthu, J., Tzanetakis, I.E., Gergerich, R.C., Kim, K.S. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Synergistic viral interactions lead to decline of blackberry plants. Plant Dis. 92:1288-1292.
Tarara, J.M., Lee, J., Spayd, S.E., and Scagel, C.F. 2008. Berry temperature and solar radiation alter acylation, proportion, and concentration of anthocyanin in Merlot grapes. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 59(3):235-247.
Thomas, A.L., P.L. Byers, C.E. Finn, Y.C. Chen, G.E. Rottinghaus, A.M. Malone, and W.L. Applequist, and C.E. Finn. 2008. Occurrence of rutin and chlorogenic acid in elderberry leaf, flower, and stem in response to genotype, environment and season. Acta Hort 765:197-206.
Thompson, E., B.C. Strik, J.R. Clark, and C.E. Finn. 2007. Flowering and fruiting patterns of primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortScience 42:1174-1176.
Thompson, E., J.R. Clark, B.C. Strik, and C.E.Finn. 2008. Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:281-288.
Tulio Jr., A.Z. R.N. Reese, F.J. Wyzgoski, P.L. Rinaldi, R. Fu, J.C. Scheerens and A.R. Miller. 2008. Cyanidin 3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-xylosylrutinoside as primary phenolic antioxidants in black raspberry. J. Agric. Food Chem. 56:1880-1888.
Tzanetakis, I.E., Bray, M., Susaimuthu, J., Gergerich, R.C. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Evidence of mixed virus infections causing severe symptoms and decline of blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:385-390.
Tzanetakis, I.E., Price, R. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Nucleotide sequence of the tripartite Fragaria chiloensis cryptic virus and presence of the virus in the Americas. Virus Genes 36:267-272.
Tzanetakis, I.E. and Martin, R.R. 2008. How similar are plant and insect viruses?Strawberry latent virus: A case study. Acta Hort. 780:17-20.
Tzanetakis, I.E. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Strawberry chlorotic fleck disease may be caused by a novel closterovirus. Acta Hort. 780:21-26.
Tzanetakis, I.E., Halgren, A. and Martin, R.R. 2008. Complete nucleotide sequenceand properties of raspberry mottle virus. Acta Hort. 780:35-40.
Tzanetakis, I.E., and Martin, R.R., 2008. A new method for extraction of
double-stranded RNA from plants. J. Virol. Methods 149:167-170.
Wang, S. Y., Chen, C. T., Wang, C. Y. and Chen, P. Resveratrol content in strawberry fruit is affected by preharvest conditions. J. Agri. Food Chem.55:8269-8274. 2007.
Wang, S. Y., Bowman, L. and Ding, M. Methyl jasmonate enhances antioxidant activity and flavonoid content in blackberries (Rubus spp.) and promotes antiproliferation of human cancer cells. Food Chemistry 107 (3):1261-1269. 2007.
Wang, S. Y and Fordham, I. M. Differences in chemical composition and antioxidant capacity among different genotypes of autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellate Thunb). Food Technol. Biotechnol.45(4):402-409. 2007.
Wang, C. Y, Wang, S. Y., and Chen, C. T. Increasing antioxidant activity and reducing decay of blueberries by essential oils. J. Agr. Food Chem. 56:3587-3592. 2008.
Wang, S. Y., Chen, C. T., W. Sciarappa, and Wang, C. Y. Fruit quality, antioxidant capacity, and flavonoid content of organically and conventionally grown blueberries. J. Agr. Food Chem. 56:5788-5794. 2008.
Wang, S.Y., Chen, C. T., Wang, C. and Chen, P. Factors affecting resveratrol content in strawberries. HortScience 43(4): 1230. 2008.
Wang, C. Y., Wang, S. Y., and Yin, J. Reducing decay and enhancing free radical scavenging capacity in blueberries by eugenol, thymol, and menthol. HortScience 43(4): 1202. 2008.
Weber, C.A., P. Perkins-Veazie, P. Moore and L. Howard. 2008. Variability of antioxidant content in raspberry gremplasm. Acta Hort. 777:493-498.
Weebadde. C.K., D. Wang, C.E. Finn, K.S. Lewers, J.J. Luby, J. Bushakra, T.M. Sjulin and J.F. Hancock. 2008.Using a linkage mapping approach to identify QTL for day-neutrality in the octoploid strawberry. Plant Breeding 127:94-101.
Yao, S. and J. Luby. 2008. Cold hardiness of strawberries after test winter of 2006-07 in Minnesota. HortScience 43:1230 (abstr.)
Publications in press
Acuña-Maldonado, L. And M.P. Pritts. 2008. Carbon and nitrogen reserves in perennial strawberry affect plant growth and yield. JASHS 133 (in press)
Bassil, Nahla, Adrienne Oda, and Kim Hummer. 2008. Blueberry microsatellite markers identify cranberry cultivars. Proceedings of the 9th Vaccinium Symposium. Acta Hort. xx:xx-xx
Bell, D.J., L.J. Rowland, J.J. Polashock, and F.A. Drummond. Suitability of EST-PCR markers developed in highbush blueberry for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in lowbush blueberry and related species. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., in press.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K and J.J. Polashock. 2009. Disease resistance in blueberry-steps toward an integrated utilization approach. Acta Horticulturae (in press).
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin Jr. 2009. Seed set, fruit weight and yield in highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Duke and Bluecrop. Acta Horticulturae (in press).
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., L.J. Rowland, E.L. Ogden, and B.T. Vinyard. Cold hardiness of southern-adapted blueberry genotypes and the potential for their use in northern-adapted blueberry breeding. Plant Breeding, in press.
Fernandez, Gina E., James R. Ballington and Susan J. Bryson. 2009?. Nantahala Red Raspberry. HortScience. Accepted.
Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark. 200X. p. xx-xx. Blackberry. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Handbook of Plant Breeding: Volume 4: Fruit Species. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin (accepted for publication).
Hummer, K., R. Williams and J. Mota. Pests of blueberries on Sao Miguel, Acores, Portugal. Proceedings of the 9th Vaccinium Symposium. Acta Hort. xx:xx-xx
Hummer, K.E, and J. Hancock. 2008. Strawberry Genomics: Botanical History, Cultivation, Traditional Breeding, and New Technologies. Chapter 11 in: K. Folta and S. Gardiner (eds.) Genetics and genomics of Rosaceae. (accepted Nov. 1, 2007)
Hummer, K.E. and J. Janick. 2008. Rosaceae: Taxonomy, Economic Importance, Genomics. Chapter 1 in: K. Folta K. Folta and S. Gardiner (eds). Genetics and genomics of Rosaceae. (accepted Nov. 1, 2007)
Hummer, K.E., H. Hall, R. Brennan, N. Jennings. 2008. Dedication: Hugh Daubney, geneticist and collaborator extraordinaire. In Hall et al. (eds). Raspberry breeding and genetics. Plant Breeding Reviews Vol. 32. pp.xx-xx
Luby, J.J., J. F. Hancock, A. Dale and S. Serçe. Reconstructing Fragaria ´ananassa utilizing wild F. virginiana and F. chiloensis: Inheritance of winter injury, photoperiod sensitivity, fruit size, female fertility and disease resistance in hybrid progenies. Euphytica (in press)
Njuguna, W., N. Bassil, K.E. Hummer, C. Richards, and T. Davis. 2009. Genetic diversity of Japanese strawberry species based on microsatellite markers. Proceedings of the 6th International Strawberry Symposium. Acta Hort. xx:xx-xx
Postman, Joseph, James Oliphant and Kim Hummer. 2008. Diseases impact USDA clonal Vaccinium genebank. Proceedings of the 9th Vaccinium Symposium. Acta Hort. xx:xx-xx
Rowland, L.J., E.
L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2008. Cold tolerance of blueberry genotypes throughout the dormant period from acclimation to deacclimation. HortScience (in press).
Rowland, L.J., A.L. Dhanaraj, D. Naik, N. Alkharouf, B. Matthews, and R. Arora. Study of cold tolerance in blueberry using EST libraries, cDNA microarrays, and subtractive hybridization. HortScience, in press.
Wang, C.Y., and Wang, S. Y. Effect of storage temperatures on fruit quality of various cranberry cultivars. Acta Hort. (in press). 2008.
Wang, C. Y., Wang, S. Y., and Yin, J. Effect of eugenol, thymol, and menthol on decay and antioxidant activity in blueberries Acta Hort. (in press). 2008.
Warmund, M.R., P. Guinan and G. Fernandez. 2008. Temperatures and Cold Damage to Small Fruit Crops Across the Eastern U.S. Associated with the April 2007 Freeze. HortScience. 43:1643-1647.
Wycislo, A., J.R. Clark, and D.E. Karcher. 2008. Fruit shape analysis of Vitis using digital photography. HortScience 43:677-680.
Books/Chapters/Review Articles
Ballington, J. R. 2008. Vaccinium spp. blueberry, cranberry, lingonberry. Pp. 348-361, In J. Janick and R. E. Paull (eds.), Encyclopedia of Fruits and Nuts. CABI Int. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK
Clark, J.R., C. McCall and C.E. Finn. 2008. Blackberry, p. 1323-1324. In:C.E. Finn and J.R. Clark (eds.). Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 44. HortScience 43:1321-1343.
Clark,J.R., E.F. Stafne, H. Hall and C.E. Finn. 2007 Blackberry Breeding and Genetics. Plant Breeding Reviews, Timber Press, Portland, OR 29:19-144
Finn C.E. and J.F. Hancock. 2008. Raspberries. p. 359-392. In: J. F. Hancock (ed), Temperate fruit crop breeding: Germplasm to genomics. Springer
Hancock, J.F., P. Lyrene, C.E. Finn, N. Vorsa and G.A. Lobos. 2008. Blueberries and cranberries. p. 115-150. In: J. F. Hancock (ed), Temperate fruit crop breeding: Germplasm to genomics. Springer
Hall, H., Hummer K., Brennan, R., Jennings, N. and Weber, C. 2008. Raspberry breeding and genetics. Plant Breeding Reviews Vol. 32. 400 pp.
Hummer, K.E. ed. 2008. Global Conservation Strategy for Fragaria (Strawberry). Biodiversity International with ISHS Leuven, Belgium. Scripta Hort. 6. 87 pp.
Finn C.E. 2008. Blackberries. p 83-114. In: J. F. Hancock (ed), Temperate fruit crop breeding: Germplasm to genomics. Springer
Finn, C. E. 2008. Docynia indica, docynia. p. 642, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Akebia quinata, akebia. p. 439, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008.Arbutus unedo, Strawberry tree. p. 348-349, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008.Aristotelia chilensis, maqui. p. 345, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, bearberry. p. 349, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Berberis spp., barberry, Mahonia spp., Oregon grape holly. p. 161, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Rubus spp., blackberry. p. 348-351, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Corynocarpus laevigatus, karaka nut. p. 276, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Empetrum nigrum, crowberry. p. 348, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008.Sambucus spp., elderberry. p. 236-237, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Schisandra chinensis, schisandra. p. 848-849, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Ugni molinae, ugni. p. 561, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Finn, C. E. 2008. Viburnum spp., viburnums. p. 7-8, In: J. Janick and R.E. Paull (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Fruit and Nuts. CABI Cambridge, Mass.
Reed, B.M. 2008. (ed.) Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide. Springer, New York.
Reed, B.M. 2008. Cryopreservation Practical Considerations, pp. 3-14. In B. Reed (ed.) Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide. Springer, New York.
Reed, B.M. 2008. Cryopreservation in Temperate Berry Crops, pp. 333-364. In B. Reed (ed.) Plant Cryopreservation: A Practical Guide. Springer, New York.
Wrolstad, R.E., T. Ngo, C.E. Finn, and Y. Zhao. 2008. Color quality of fresh and processed strawberries. ACS Symp. Series 983:18-42.
Symposia Proceedings
Bryla, D.R., Strik, B.C. 2008. Do primocanes and floricanes compete for soil water in blackberry? Acta Horticulturae 777:477-482. (also listed under Publications)
Finn, C.E., B.M. Yorgey, B.C. Strik,, and R.R. Martin. 2008. New USDA-ARS blackberry cultivars bring diversity to the market. Acta Hort. 777:81-86. (also listed under Publications)
Lewers, K.S., T.-L. Ashman, J.F. Hancock, D.S. Main. 2008. Genetic mapping with octoploid strawberry, p. 83-86. In: Takeda, F., D.T. Handley, and E.B. Poling (ed.). Proc. 2007 N. American Strawberry Symposium. North American Strawberry Growers Association, Kemptville, ON Canada. (also listed under Publications)
Njuguna, W., N. Bassil, J. Slovin, and K.E. Hummer. 2008. Cross species amplification of microsatellite markers in Fragaria p. 122-124. In : Takeda, F., D.T. Handley, and E.B. Poling (ed.). Proc. 2007 N. American Strawberry Symposium. North American Strawberry Growers Association, Kemptville, ON Canada.
Strik, B.C. 2008. A review of nitrogen nutrition of Rubus. Acta Hort. 777:403-410. (also listed under Publications)
Strik, B.C., C.E. Finn, J.R. Clark, and G. Buller 2008. Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort. 777:423-428. (also listed under Publications)
Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn and M. Pilar Bañados. 2008. Worldwide production of blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:209-218. (also listed under Publications)
Takeda, F., D.T. Handley and E.B. Poling (ed.) 2008. Proceedings of the 2007 North American Strawberry Symposium, Ventura Beach, CA.( 9-12 Feb. 2007), North American Strawberry Growers Association, Kemptville, ON Canada.
Thompson, E., J.R. Clark, B.C. Strik, and C.E.Finn. 2008. Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:281-288. (also listed under Publications)
Wada, S. and Reed, B. 2008. Morphological analysis of Rubus seed. Acta Hort. 782:67-74.
Extension Publications
Black, B., R. Hill and G. Cardon. Strawberry Irrigation. USU Extension Publication: Horticulture/Fruit/2008-5pr. (extension.usu.edu/publications)
Black, B.L., D. Drost, D. Rowley and R. Heflebower. Constructing a Low-cost HighTunnel. USU Extension Publication: HG/High Tunnels/2008-01pr. (extension.usu.edu/publications)
Black, B., R. Hill and G. Cardon. Caneberry Irrigation. USU Extension Publication:Horticulture/Fruit/2007-02pr. (extension.usu.edu/publications)
Demchak, K. (coordinator). 2008. The MidAtlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers. Current contributors: K. Demchak, T. E. Elkner, M. Frazier, S.D. Guiser, J.M. Halbrendt, J.K. Harper, G. Krawczyk, K.M. Richards, E.S. Sánchez, G. J. San Julian, J. W. Travis, B.A. Majek, P. Nitzsche, P. Oudemans, G. Pavlis, D. Polk, C. Rodriguez-Saona, W. J. Sciarappa, P.W. Shearer, D. L. Ward, D.M. Caron, W.E. Kee, G.C. Johnson, B.R. Butler, A. DeMarsay, J.A. Fiola, H.J. Swartz, M. Ehlenfeldt, J.F. Derr, J.A. Pattison, D.G. Pfieffer, K.S. Yoder, J.F. Baniecki, A. Biggs, J. W. Jett, H. Hogmire, E. Mashburn. Penn State Coop. Ext. Pub. AGRS-97. 248 pp.
Detwiler, A.J. and B. Strik. Selecting berry crop varieties for Central Oregon. EC 1621-E, May 2008, 4pp.
Finn, C.E. and B.C. Strik. 2008. Blackberry Cultivars for Oregon (EC 1617-E). Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Ore.
Finn, C.E. and B.C. Strik. 2008. Raspberry Cultivars for Oregon (EC 1310-E). Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Ore.
Finn, C.E. and B.C. Strik. 2008. Strawberry Cultivars for Oregon (EC 1618-E). Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Ore.
Fisk, C., B. Bloodworth, W.O. Cline, and W. Jones. 2008. Propagating muscadine grapes. NC Cooperative Extension Service, AG-698W, p.8. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/muscadines/muscadine/propagating_muscadines.pdf
Heidenreich, M.C., M.P. Pritts, M.J. Kelly, and K. Demchak. 2007. High tunnel raspberries and blackberries. Cornell Dept. of Horticulture Pub. No. 47. 29 pp.
James, D., Skinkis, P., Walton, V. 2008. Grape Pests In 2008 Pacific Northwest Insect Pest Management Handbook. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication.
Kaiser, C., J.W. Pscheidt, V. Walton and P. Skinkis. 2008 How to reduce the risk of pesticide resistance in winegrape pests in Oregon. OSU Extension Service EM 8968
Kaiser, C., P. Skinkis, and M. Olmstead. 2008. Protecting grapevines from winter injury. OSU Extension Service PNW603-E
Mulder, P.G., E.T. Stafne, and D.L. Smith. 2008. Commercial Grape Insect and Disease Control 2008. Oklahoma State University Current Report CR-6252.
Skinkis, P., J. Pscheidt, V. Walton, A. Dreves, N. Allen. 2008 Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon. OSU Extension Service EM 8413E.
Smith, D.L. and E.T. Stafne. 2008. Crown Gall of Grape. Oklahoma State University fact sheet EPP-7669.
Stafne, E.T. 2008. Origins of interspecific hybrid winegrapes. Proc. 27th Annu. Ark. Okla. Hort Indust. Show 94-96.
Stafne, E.T., J. Shrefler, and L. Brandenberger. 2007. Oklahomans Guide to Growing Fruits, Nuts, & Vegetables. E-995.
Stafne, E.T. 2007. Profile and Challenges of the Emerging Oklahoma Grape Industry. Oklahoma State University E-999.
Stafne, E.T., D.L. Smith, and P.G. Mulder. 2008. A Pocket Guide to Oklahoma Grape Diseases, Insects, and Other Disorders. Oklahoma State University E-1004.
Strik, B.C. 2008. Growing blackberries in your home garden. EC 1303 (major revision), March, 8 pp.
Strik, B.C. 2008. Growing blueberries in your home garden. EC 1304 (major revision), March, 8 pp.
Strik, B.C. 2008. Growing raspberries in your home garden. EC 1307 (major revision), March, 8 pp.
Strik, B.C. and C.E. Finn. 2008. Blueberry cultivars for Oregon (EC 1308-E). Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Ore.
Cornell - http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/berry.html
(one of the most visited in the college)
Fruit Chemistry -Jungmin Lee (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/lee)
High Tunnel Raspberry Production in Minnesota - http://fruit.cfans.umn.edu/raspberry/hightunnelrasp.htm.
Horticulture - David Bryla (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/bryla)
Midwest - http://www.hort.purdue.edu/hort/ext/sfg/sfg_sprayguide.html
(small fruit and grape spray guide)
MSU Blueberry Website www.blueberries.msu.edu
(new fact sheets, weekly scouting report, links to pest management and production information)
MSU Grape Website www.grapes.msu.edu
(weekly vineyard scouting reports, weather, pest management, and viticulture information)
MSU Native Plants website www.nativeplants.msu.edu(contains the following slide sets as Powerpoint files, and also PDFs of extension bulletins Common Bees in Michigan and An Intro. to Natural Enemies for Bio. Control of Pest Insects)
Muscadines - http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/muscadines/
(this site was developed to bring together the latest information from the Research and Extension Specialists at NC State University for muscadine growers throughout the state)
Nebraska Viticulture - http://agronomy.unl.edu/viticulture./
Nematology - Inga Zasada (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/zasada)
and http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/pinkerton
Pacific Northwest Insect management handbook: Grape pest management http://pnwpest.org/pnw/insects?12SMFR06.dat
Plant Breeding - Chad Finn (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/finn)
Southern Region Small Fruit Consortium www.smallfruits.org
(regional IPM guides for all small fruit crops and grapes)
Virology - Robert Martin (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/martin)
Viticulture - Julie Tarara, Prosser, Washington (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/tarara)
Viticulture -Plant Physiology, R. Paul Schreiner (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/schreiner)
Wool Mulch Strawberry Production - http://fruit.cfans.umn.edu/strawbsite/index.htm (a website was developed by Emily Hoover, Univ. Minnesota to provide information about this research and to allow growers and other visitors to the site to see images, calendars, and timelines of the processes involved in establishing a wool mulch strawberry plot)
Plant Patents granted
Ballington, J.R., G.E. Fernandez and S.J Bryson. Nantahala red raspberry. PPAF in 2007.
Moore, P. P. Cascade Bounty Red Raspberry . US Plant Patent: 18,246, Patent granted: November 27, 2007
Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Acuna-Maldonado, L.E. and M.P. Pritts. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen reserves in perennial strawberry affect plant growth and yield. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113:1-8.
Barney, D.L., Lopez, O.A., Shafii, B. and Price, W.J. 2009. Effects of stratification and cold storage on seed germination characteristics of dwarf huckleberry. Acta Hort. 810:591-598.
Bassil, N., and K. Lewers. 2008. Chapter 3. Genomics Opportunities, New Crops and New Products, In: K.M. Folta and S.E. Gardiner (eds.), R. Jorgensen (series ed). Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae. Springer, New York, NY. pp 55-70
Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Polashock, J.J., and Drummond, F.A. 2008. Suitability of EST-PCR markers developed in highbush blueberry for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in lowbush blueberry and related species. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133:701-707.
Black, B.L., J.W. Frisby, K.S. Lewers, F. Takeda and C. Finn. 2008. A heat unit model for predicting bloom dates in Rubus. HortScience 43(7):2000-2004.
Black, B.L., D. Drost, D. Rowley and R. Heflebower. 2008. Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel. Publication 2008/2009
Carew, R., Kempler, C., Moore, P.P., & Walters, T.W. 2009. Developments in Raspberry Production, Cultivar Releases, and Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Study of British Columbia and Washington State. International Journal of Fruit Science 9:54-77.
Clark, J.R. 2008. Primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding. HortScience 43:1637-1639.
Clark, J.R. and J. N. Moore. 2008. Natchez thornless blackberry. HortScience 43:1897-1899.
Debnath, S.C., S. Khanizadeh, A.R. Jamieson and C. Kempler. 2008. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity and Relatedness within Strawberry Genotypes. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 88(2): 313-322.
Demchak, K. 2009. Small Fruit Production in High Tunnels. HortTechnology 19:37-43
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., Rowland, L.J., Ogden, E.L., and Vinyard, B.T. 2009. Cold hardiness of southern-adapted blueberry (Vaccinium x hybrid) genotypes and the potential for their use in northern-adapted blueberry breeding. Plant Breeding 128:393-396.
Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark (eds.). 2008. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 44. HortScience 43:1321-1343
Finn, Chad, Patrick P Moore, Chaim Kempler, Brian Yorgey, Bernadine C Strik, Robert R.Martin. 2009. Valley Red Strawberry. HortScience 44:1468-1471
Forge, T.A. and Kempler, C. (2009 submitted). "Organic mulches influence populations of root-lesion nematodes, soil health indicators and root growth of red raspberry."
Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology-Revue canadienne de phytopathologie.
Garris, A., L. Clark, C. Owens, S.J. McKay, J.J. Luby, K. Mathiason, A. Fennell. 2009. Mapping of photoperiod-induced growth cessation in the wild grape Vitis riparia Michx. using microsatellite markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134:261-272.
Hawks, A., G.E. Cardon and B.L. Black. 2009. Comparing strawberry salt tolerance using a low volume near-continuous gradient dosing system. Journal of the American Pomological Society 63(4): in press.
Khanizadeh, S., S. Tao, S. Zhang, R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang and M.T. Charles. 2008. Antioxidant Activities of Newly Developed Day-Neutral and June-Bearing Strawberry Lines. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 6(2): 306-311.
Khanizadeh, S., D. Rekika, B. Ehsani-Moghaddam, R. Tsao, R. Yang, M.T. Charles, J.A. Sullivan, L. Gauthier, A. Gosselin, A.-M. Potel, G. Reynaud and É. Thomas. 2009. Horticultural Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Advanced Raspberry Lines from Quebec and Ontario. LWT - Food Sciences and Technology. 42(4): 893-898.
Luby, J.J. and D.V. Shaw. 2009. Plant breeders perspectives on improving yield and quality traits in horticultural food crops. HortScience 44:20-22.
Ozgen M, F. J. Wyzgoski , A. Z. Tulio, Jr., A. Gazula , A. R. Miller , and J. C. Scheerens, R. N. Reese , and S. R. Wright, 2008. Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Antioxidants of Midwestern Black Raspberries Grown for Direct Markets Are Influenced by Production Site. HortScience 43(7):20392047.
Polashock, J.J. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2009. Molecular detection and discrimination of Blueberry Red Ringspot Virus strains causing disease in cultivated blueberry and cranberry. Plant Dis. 93:727-733.
Qian M. C., Y. Fang, and K. Shellie, Volatile composition of Merlot wine from different vine water status, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 74597463
Rowland, L.J., Dhanaraj, A.L., Naik, D., Alkharouf, N., Matthews, B., and Arora, R. 2008. Study of cold tolerance in blueberry using EST libraries, cDNA microarrays, and subtractive hybridization. HortScience 43:1975-1981.
Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2008. Cold tolerance of blueberry genotypes throughout the dormant period from acclimation to deacclimation. HortScience 43:1970-1974.
Skinkis, P.A., B.P. Bordelon, K.V. Wood. 2008. The Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Monoterpenes in Traminette, Gewürztraminer and Riesling Grapes. Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 59: 440 445.
Stephens M.J., C. Kempler, H.K. Hall. 2008. Moutere Red Raspberry. HortScience 43:1915-1917.
Stevens, M.D., B.L. Black, J.D. Lea-Cox, A.M. Sadeghi, J. Harman-Fetcho, E. Pfeil, P. Downey, R. Rowland and C.J. Hapeman. 2009. A comparison of three cold-climate strawberry production systems: Environmental effects. HortScience 44(2):298-305.
Strik, B.C. and E. Thompson. 2009. Primocane-fruiting blackberries Potential for extending harvest season and production regions. HortScience 44(Feb):23-24
Takeda, F., K. Demchak, D. T. Handley, R. Grube, C. Feldhake, and M. R. Warmund. 2008. Row Cover Improves Winter Survival and Production of Western Trailing 'Siskiyou' Blackberry in the Eastern United States. HortTechnology 18:575-582.
Thompson, E., B.C. Strik, C.E. Finn, Y. Zhao, and J.R. Clark. 2009. High Tunnel vs. Open Field: Management of Primocane-fruiting Blackberry using Pruning and Tipping to Increase Yield and Extend the Fruiting Season. HortScience, 44:1581-1587.
Wang, C.Y., Chen, C.T., and Wang, S.Y. 2009.Changes of flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity in blueberries after illumination with UV-C. Food Chem. 117:426-431.
Wang, S.Y., Chen, C.T., Wang, C.Y. The influence of light and maturity on fruit quality and flavonoid content of red raspberries. Food Chemistry 112: 676-684. 2009.
Wang, S.Y., and Millner, P. 2009. Effect of compost socks system on antioxidant capacity, flavonoid content, and fruit quality of strawberries. HortScience 44 (4): 1124.
Wycislo, A., J.R. Clark, and D.E. Karcher. 2008. Fruit shape analysis of Vitis using digital photography. HortScience 43:677-680.
Xiaofen Du, Chad Finn, Michael C. Qian, Volatile composition and odour activity value of thornless 'Black Diamond' and 'Marion' blackberries, Food Chem. 2009 (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.08.024)
Yao, S., J.J. Luby, D.K. Wildung. 2009. Strawberry cultivar injury after two contrasting Minnesota winters. HortTechnology 19:803-808.
Publications in press
Johnson, K. B., and Mahaffee, W. F. 2010. Factors influencing epidemiology and management of blackberry rust in cultivated Rubus laciniatus. Plant Dis. 93:(accepted with minor revision)
Kempler C., H.K. Hall and C.E. Finn. (in press). Raspberry. In. Badenes M. L. and Byrne D.H.: editors. Handbook of Plant Breeding vol. 6. Fruit Breeding. Springer NY.
Li, D., M.T. Charles, O. Carisse, R. Tsao and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. Changes in Ascorbate-Glutathione pathway Enzymes in response to Mycosphaerella fragariae in Selected Strawberry Genotypes. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection (accepted)
Polashock, J. J., F. L. Caruso, P. V. Oudemans, P. S. McManus, and J. Crouch. 2009. Population structure of the North American cranberry fruit rot complex. Plant Pathology (in press, early view on line at DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2009.02120.x)
Tao, T., S. Zhang, C. Beldica, R. Tsao, M.T. Charles, R. Yang and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. In Vitro Antifungal Activity and Mode of Action of Selected Antioxidants on Botrytis cinerea. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection. (In press)
Thompson, A.E, B.C Strik, J.R. Clark, and C.E. Finn. 2009. of Primocane fruiting Blackberry using Pruning, Tipping, and High Tunnels. HortScience (accepted for publication).
Wang, Q., Y. Hao, D. Rekika, M.T. Charles, X. Wang, R. Tsao, R. Yang and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. Agronomic Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Newly Developed Day-Neutral Strawberry Lines by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. International Journal of Food Properties (in press).
Books/Chapters/Review Articles
Clark, J.R. and R.J. Jondle. 2008. pp. 439-455. Intellectual property rights for fruit crops. In: J.F. Hancock (ed.). Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding: Germplasm to Genomics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands
Clark, J.R., A. Brazelton Aust, and R. Jondle. Intellectual Property Protection and Marketing of New Fruit Varieties. In: D. Byrne and M. Bedenes (eds.). Handbook Of Plant Breeding: Fruit Species. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin (accepted for publication).
Ehsani M. B. and Khanizadeh S. An Overview in Antioxidant Properties of Strawberry. In: New Plant Physiology Research Ed: Robert T. Devane, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated - April 01, 2009. Hardcoverience Publishers, Inc. NY. ISBN: 978-1-60741-102-4
Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark. 200X. p. xx-xx. Blackberry. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Handbook of Plant Breeding: Volume 4: Fruit Species. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin (accepted for publication).
Hall, H.K., Hummer, K.E., Jamieson, A.R., Jennings, S.N., Weber, C.A. 2009. Raspberry breeding and genetics, p.39-353. In: J. Janick (ed.). Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 32. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Rougoor, C.A. 2008. Plant resistance and alternative management to Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), tarnished plant bug, in strawberry genotypes Fragaria x ananassa, and raspberry Rubus idaeus L. M.Sc. thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
Symposia Proceedings
Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. 2008. New trends in blackberry breeding. Acta Hort. 777:41-48.
Dale, A. 2009. How climate change could influence breeding and modern production systems in berry crops. Acta Hort. 838:161-168.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin. 2009. Seed set, fruit weight and yield in highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) 'Duke' and 'Bluecrop'. Acta Hort. 810:325-329.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K and J.J. Polashock. 2009. Disease resistance in blueberry-steps toward an integrated utilization approach. Acta Hort.810:93-96
Friedrich, H., C.R. Rom, J. McAfee, M.E. Garcia, D.T. Johnson, J.S. Popp, and C. Vincent. 2009. Performance of high tunnel organic blackberry and raspberry. HortSci. 44(4):1114
Hancock, J.F. and J.R. Clark. 2009. Intellectual Property Protection and the Funding of Blueberry Breeding in the Future: the New Paradigm. Acta Hort. 810:43-48
Jamieson, A.R. and C. Kempler. 2009. Strawberry genotypes differ in their ratio of shoots to roots, based on dry weight. Acta Hort. 842:589-592.
Khanizadeh, S., S. Tao, S. Zhang, R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang, M.T. Charles, L. Gauthier and A. Gosselin. 2009. Profile of Antioxidant Activities of Selected Strawberry Genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 551-555.
Khanizadeh, S., M. Deschênes, A. Levasseur, O. Carisse, M.T. Charles, D. Rekika, L. Gauthier, A. Gosselin, R. Tsao, R. Yang, J. DeEll and J.A. Sullivan. 2009. 'St-Jean dOrléans' Strawberry. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 275-276.
Khanizadeh, S., R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang, M.T. Charles and H.P.V. Rupasinghe. 2009. Advances in Fruit Breeding in Eastern Canada - Role of Phytochemicals in Designing Specialty Fruits. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 205-207.
Moore, P., P. Perkins-Veazie, C.A. Weber and L. Howard. 2008. Enviromental Effect on Antioxidant Content of Ten Raspberry Cultivars. P. Banados and A. Dale (eds.). Acta Hort. 777:499-504.
Rom, C.R., J. McAfee, H. Friedrich, H. Choi, M.E. Garcia, D. Johnson, J. Popp, and M. Savin. 2008. Early performance during establishment of an organic apple orchard in the upper Mid-South. LXVIII Southern Reg. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. HortSci. 43(3):609.
Rom, C.R., H. Friedrich, J. McAfee, M.E. Garcia, D. Johnson, J. Popp, C. Vincent, and M. van Iersel. 2008. Potential for high tunnel organic berry production for extended and alternative season. LXVIII Southern Reg. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. HortSci. 43(3):610.
Shafii, B., Price, W.J., Barney, D.L. and Lopez, O.A. 2009. Effects of stratification and cold storage on the seed germination characteristics of cascade huckleberry and oval-leaved bilberry. Acta Hort. 810:599-608.
Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn and M. Pilar Bañados. 2008. Worldwide production of blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:209-218.
Strik, B.C., C.E. Finn, J.R. Clark, and G. Buller 2008. Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort. 777:423-428.
Takeda, F. and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2008. The nuts and bolts of high tunnel production and manipulation for specialized applications: Introduction to the workshop. HortScience 44:230.
Thompson, E., J.R. Clark, B.C. Strik, and C.E.Finn. 2008. Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:281-288.
Wang, C.Y. and Wang, S.Y. 2009. Effect of storage temperatures on fruit quality of various cranberry cultivars. Acta Hort. 810, Vol (1):853-861.
Weber, C.A. P. Perkins-Veazie, P. Moore and L. Howard. 2008. Variability of Antioxidant Content in Raspberry Germplasm. P. Banados and A. Dale (eds.). Acta Hort. 777:493-498
Cornell -http://www.fruit.cornell.edu/berry.html (one of the most visited in the college)
Fruit Chemistry -Jungmin Lee (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/lee)
High Tunnel Raspberry Production in Minnesota - http://fruit.cfans.umn.edu/raspberry/hightunnelrasp.htm.
Horticulture - David Bryla (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/bryla)
Midwest - http://www.hort.purdue.edu/hort/ext/sfg/sfg_sprayguide.html (small fruit and grape spray guide)
MSU Blueberry Website www.blueberries.msu.edu (new fact sheets, weekly scouting report, links to pest management and production information)
MSU Grape Website - www.grapes.msu.edu (weekly vineyard scouting reports, weather, pest management, and viticulture information)
MSU Native Plants website http://www.nativeplants.msu.edu(contains the following slide sets as Powerpoint files, and also PDFs of extension bulletins Common Bees in Michigan and An Intro. to Natural Enemies for Bio. Control of Pest Insects)
Muscadines - http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/muscadines/ (this site was developed to bring together the latest information from the Research and Extension Specialists at NC State University for muscadine growers throughout the state)
Nebraska Viticulture - http://agronomy.unl.edu/viticulture./Nematology - Inga Zasada (http://www.ars.usda.gov/pwa/hcrl/zasada
Alston, D., B. Black, M. Murray. 2009. Raspberry horntail (Hartigia cressonii). USU Extension Publication ENT-132-09. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/raspberry-horntail09.pdf
Black, B., G. Cardon and Ehlenfeldt. 2009. Blueberries in Utah? http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Furit_2009-01pr.pdf
Black, B., G. Cardon and C. Ransom. 2009. Iron Chlorosis in Berries. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Fruit_2009-02pr.pdf
Black, B., M. Pace and J. Goodspeed. 2008. Strawberries in the Garden. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Fruit_2008-06pr.pdf
Black, B., R. Hill and G. Cardon. 2008. Strawberry Irrigation http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/publication/Horticulture_Fruit_2008_05pr.pdf
Demchak, K., J.K. Harper, and L.F. Kime. 2009. Agricultural Alternatives: Highbush Blueberry Production. Penn State Coop. Ext. Publ. UA265, 6 pp. (revision).
Julian, J.W., C.F. Seavert, C. Kaiser, P.A. Skinkis. 2009. Vineyard Economics: Establishing and Producing Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Grapes in Eastern Oregon. OSU Extension service EM8974-E.
Julian, J., C. Seavert, B. Strik, and D. Kaufman. 2009. Berry economics: Establishing and producing Marion blackberries in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. EM 8773, 31pp.
Skinkis, P.A., A.J. Dreves, V.M. Walton and R.R. Martin. July 2009. Field Monitoring for Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybug in Pacific Northwest Vineyards. Oregon State University Extension Service EM8985 (English) and EM8985S (Spanish).
Skinkis, P., V. Walton, C. Kaiser. 2009. Grape Phylloxera: Biology and Management in the Pacific Northwest. OSU Extension Service EC1463.
Skinkis, P. 2009. Establishing a Vineyard in Oregon: A Quick-start Resource Guide. OSU Extension Service EM8973-E.
Walton, V., A. Dreves, P. Skinkis, C. Kaiser, M. Buchanan, R. Hilton, R.R. Martin, S. Castagnoli, S. Renquist. Oct 2009. Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybug Prevention and Management in Oregon Vineyards. Oregon State University Extension Service EM8990.
Walton, V., P. Skinkis, A. Dreves, C. Kaiser, S. Renquist, S. Castagnoli, R. Hilton. 2009. Grapevine Growth Distortions: A Guide to Identifying Symptoms. OSU Extension Service EM 8975-E.
Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Alabi, O.J., R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2010. Sequence diversity, population genetics and potential recombination events in Rupestris stem pitting-associated virus in Pacific Northwest Vineyards. J. Gen. Virol. 91:265-276.
Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Zhang, D., and Drummond, F.A. 2009. The spatial genetic structure of lowbush blueberry, Vaccinium angustifolium, in four fields in Maine. Botany 87:932-946.
Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Smagula, J., and Drummond, F. 2009. Recent advances in the biology and genetics of lowbush blueberry. Maine Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Bulletin No. 203, p. 1-28.
Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Stommel, J., and Drummond, F.A. 2010. Yield variation among clones of lowbush blueberry as a function of genetic similarity and self-compatibility. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:259-270.
Blom, P.E. and J.M. Tarara. 2009. Trellis tension monitoring improves yield estimation in vineyards. HortScience 44:678-685.
Bryla, D.R., B. Yorgey, and A.D. Shireman. 2009. Irrigation management effects on yield and fruit quality of highbush blueberry. Acta Hort. 810:649-656.
Bryla, D.R., R.M.A. Machado, and A.D. Shireman. 2010. Effects of method and level of nitrogen fertilizer application on soil pH, electrical conductivity, and availability of ammonium and nitrate in blueberry. Acta Hort. 868:95-101.
Bryla, D.R., T.J. Trout, and J.E. Ayars. 2010. Weighing lysimeters for developing crop coefficients and efficient irrigation practices for vegetable crops. HortScience 45: (in press).
Clark, J.R. 2010.Eastern United States table grape breeding. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 64:72-77.
Clark, J.R and C.E. Finn. 2010. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 45. HortScience 45:716
Conner, P.J. 2010. A century of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia Michx.) breeding at the University of Georgia. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 64:78-82.
Dossett, M. and C.E. Finn. 2010. Identification of resistance to the large raspberry aphid in black raspberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:438-444.
Dossett, M., N.V. Bassil, and C.E. Finn. 2010. Transferability of Rubus microsatellite markers to black raspberry. Acta Hort. 859:103-110.
Du, X. A. C. Finn and M. Qian. 2010. Volatile composition and odour activity value of thornless Black Diamond and Marion blackberries. J. Food Chem. 119:1127-1134.
Du, X. M.C. Qian, and C. Finn. 2010. Distribution of volatile composition in Marion (Rubus spp. Hyb) blackberry pedigree. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:1860-1869.
Du, X., C.E. Finn, and M.C. Qian 2010. Bound volatile precursors in genotypes in the pedigree of Marion blackberry (Rubus sp.). J. Agric. Food Chem. 58: 3694-3699
Du, X.F., A. Kurnianta, M. McDaniel, C.E Finn, and M.C. Qian, 2010. Flavour profiling of Marion and thornless blackberries by instrumental and sensory analysis. Food Chem. 121:1080-1088.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin Jr. 2010. Seed set, fruit weight and yield in highbush blueberry
cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Duke and Bluecrop. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 64:161-170.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., J.J. Polashock, A.W. Stretch, and M. Kramer. 2010. Mummy berry fruit rot and
shoot blight incidence in blueberry: prediction, ranking, and stability in a long-term study.
HortScience 45:92-97.
Ehlenfeldt, M.K., J.J Polashock, A.W. Stretch, and M. Kramer. 2010. Ranking cultivated blueberry
for mummy berry blight and fruit infection incidence utilizing resampling and principle
components analysis. HortScience. 45:1205-1210.
Finn, C.E. and D. Archbold. 2009. Wilder Silver Medal to Dr. James Luby. J. Amer. Pom. Soc. 63:24.
Finn, C.E., B. Strik, B. Yorgey, R. Martin, and M. Peterson. 2010. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of trailing blackberry cultivar Onyx. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B.M. Yorgey, M. Qian, R.R. Martin, and M. Peterson. 2010. Wild Treasure thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience 45:434-436.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B.M. Yorgey, R.R. Martin, and M.M. Stahler. 2010. Newberry trailing blackberry. HortScience 45:437-440.
Finn, C.E., J.R. Clark, and S. Sleezer. 2010. Blackberry, p. 720-721. In: J.R. Clark and C.E. Finn (eds.). Register of new fruit and nut cultivars, list 45. HortScience 45.
Finn, C.E., P.P. Moore, C. Kempler, B. Yorgey, B.C. Strik and R.R. Martin. 2009. Valley Red Strawberry. HortScience 44:1468-1471.
Fuchs, M., G.S. Abawi, P. Marsella-Herrick, R. Cox, K.D. Cox, J.E. Carroll, and R.R. Martin. 2010. Occurrence of Tomato ringspot virus and Tobacco ringspot virus in highbush blueberry in New York State. J. Plant Pathol. 92:451-459.
Garris, A., L. Clark, C. Owens, S.J. McKay, J.J. Luby, K. Mathiason, A. Fennell. 2009. Mapping of photoperiod-induced growth cessation in the wild grape Vitis riparia Michx. using microsatellite markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134:261-272.
Hancock, J.F. and J.R. Clark. 2009. Intellectual property protection and the funding of blueberry breeding in the future: the new paradigm. Acta Hort. 810:43-48
Hancock, J.F. C.E. Finn, J.J. Luby, A. Dale, P.W. Callow, and S. Serce. 2010. Reconstruction of the strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, using native genotypes of F. virginiana and F. chiloensis. HortScience 45:1006-1013.
Jarugula, S., J.A. Olufem, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. Molecular diversity of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-2 in Pacific Northwest vineyards. Phytopathology 100:698-707.
Johnson, D.T., C.R. Rom, J. McAfee, J. McKern, E.T. Stafne, and J.R. Clark. 2010. Differences in defoliation of fruit genotypes by adult Japanese beetle feeding. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. 64:184-198.
Keller, Markus and Julie M. Tarara. 2010. Warm spring temperatures induce persistent season-long changes in shoot development in grapevines. Annals of Botany 106:131 141.
Lee, J. 2010. Caffeic acid derivatives in dried Lamiaceae and Echinacea purpurea products. J. Funct. Foods. 2:158-162.
Lee, J. and R.R. Martin. 2009. Influence of Grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-2 and -3) on the fruit composition of Oregon Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir: Phenolics. Food Chem. 112:889-896.
Lee, J. and C.F. Scagel. 2010. Chicoric acid levels in commercial basil (Ocimum basilicum) and Echinacea purpurea products. J. Funct. Foods. 2:77-84.
Lee, J., K.E. Keller, C. Rennaker, and R.R. Martin. 2009. Influence of grapevine leafroll associated viruses (GLRaV-2 and -3) on the fruit composition of Oregon Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir: free amino acids, sugars, and organic acids. Food Chem. 117:99-105.
Lee, J.C. 2010. Effect of methyl salicylate-based lures on beneficial and pest arthropods in strawberry. Environmental Entomology. 39(2):653-660.
Lee, J.C., S.M. Hamud, J.F. Negron, J.J. Witcosky, and S.J. Seybold. 2010. Semiochemical-mediated flight strategies of two invasive elm bark beetles: a potential factor in competitive displacement. Environmental Entomology. 39(2):642-652 .
Lewers, K.S., S.Y. Wang, and B.T. Vinyard. 2010. Evaluation of Rubus cultivars and breeding selections for fruit quality traits and flowering and fruiting dates. Crop Science 50:2475-2491.
Lewers, K.S. 2010. Strawberry (p. 748-752) In: C.E. Finn and J.R. Clark (eds.) Register of new fruit and nut cultivars: List 45. HortScience 45:716-756.
Liu, C., Callow, P., Rowland, L.J., Hancock, J.F., and Song, G-Q. 2010. Adventitious shoot regeneration from leaf explants of southern highbush blueberry cultivars. Plant Cell, Tissue, and Organ Culture 103:137-144.
Luby, J.J. and D.V. Shaw. 2009. Plant breeders perspectives on improving yield and quality traits in horticultural food crops. HortScience 44:20-22.
Martin, R.R., J.N. Pinkerton, and J. Kraus. 2009. The use of collagenase to improve the detection of plant viruses in vector nematodes by RT-PCR. J. Virol. Methods 155:91-95.
Martin, R.R., Zhou, J., and Tzanetakis, I.E. Blueberry latent virus: An amalgam of the
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Mekuria, T., L.R. Gutha, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. Genome diversity and intra- and inter-species recombination events in Grapevine fanleaf virus. Phytopathology 99:1394-1402.
Mekuria, T.A., A.V. Karasev, R.R. Martin, and R.A. Naidu. 2009. First report of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 in wine grape cultivars in Idaho. Plant Dis. 93:1218.
Moore, Patrick P and Chaim Kempler, Section Editors. 2010. Raspberry. In Finn, Chad and
John Clark (Eds.) Register of Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 45. HortScience 45:747-748.
NeSmith, D.S. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Blue SuedeTM: A southern highbush blueberry for the
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Ozgen, M., J.C. Scheerens, R.N. Reese and A.R. Miller. 2010. Total phenolic, anthocyanin and antioxidant capacity of selected elderberry (Sambucus canadensis L) accessions. Pharmacognacy Mag. 6:198-203
Polashock, J.J., F.L. Caruso, P.V. Oudemans, P.S. McManus, and J.A. Crouch. 2009. The North
American cranberry fruit rot fungal community: a systematic overview using morphological and phylogenetic affinities. Plant Pathology 58:1116-1127.
Polashock, J.J., Arora, R., Peng, Y., Naik, D., and Rowland, L.J. 2010. Functional identification of a C-repeat binding factor transcriptional activator from blueberry associated with cold acclimation and freezing tolerance. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:40-48.
Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. EST-PCR markers developed for highbush
blueberry are also useful for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in rabbiteye
blueberry. Scientia Horticulturae 125:779-784.
Ruple, A., J.R. Clark, and M.E. Garcia. 2010. An Evaluation of fertility in Arkansas primocane-fruiting blackberries. HortScience 45:1-6.
Spigler, R., K. Lewers, A. Johnson, and T.-L. Ashman. 2010. Comparative mapping reveals autosomal origin of sex chromosome in octoploid Fragaria virginiana. Journal of Heredity 101:S107S117.
Stegmeir, T.L., C.E. Finn, R. Warner and J. F. Hancock. 2010. Performance of an elite strawberry population derived from wild germplasm of Fragaria chiloensis and F. virginiana. HortScience 45:1140-1145.
Skinkis, P.A., B.P. Bordelon, and E. Butz. 2010. The Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Monoterpenes in Grapes from Various Cluster Shading Regimes and the Influence on Wine Quality of Traminette. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:2. 147-155.
Strik, B.C. and D. Bryla. 2010. Nutrition of raspberries and blackberries. What we know and dont know. Proc. North American Raspberry Blackberry Conf., Monterey, Calif., 24-26 Feb.
Strik, B.C. and E. Thompson. 2009. Primocane-fruiting blackberries Potential for extending harvest season and production regions. HortScience 44(Feb):23-24
Thompson, A.E, B.C Strik, C.E. Finn, Y. Zhao, and J.R. Clark. 2009. High tunnel versus open field: Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry using pruning and tipping to increase yield and extend the fruiting season. HortScience 44:1581-1587.
Tzanetakis, I.E., T.L. Guzman-Baeny, Z.P. VanEsbroeck, G.E. Fernandez, and R.R. Martin. 2009. First report of Impatiens necrotic spot virus in blackberry in the southeastern United States. Plant Dis. 93:432.
Tzanetakis, I.E., R.R. Martin, and S.W. Scott. 2010. Genomic sequences of blackberry chlorotic ringspot virus and strawberry necrotic shock virus and the phylogeny of viruses in subgroup 1 of the genus Ilarvirus. Arch. Virol. 155:557-561.
Vincent, Christopher I., M. Elena García, Donn T. Johnson, and Curt R. Rom. 2010. Broad Mite on Primocane-fruiting Blackberry in Organic Production in Arkansas. HortTech. 20:718-723.
Wang, S. Y., and Millner, P. 2009. Effect of compost socks system on antioxidant capacity, flavonoid content, and fruit quality of strawberries. J. Agr. Food Chem. 57:96519657.
Wang, S. Y., Chen, C. T., and Yin, J. J. 2010. Effect of allyl isothiocyanate on Antioxidants and fruit decay of blueberries. Food Chem.120:199-204.
Wang, S. Y. and Chen, C. T. 2010. Effect of allyl isothiocyanate on antioxidant enzyme activities, flavonoids and fruit quality of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L., cv. Duke). Food Chem.122:1153-1158. 2010
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Wyzgoski, F.J., L. Paudel, P.L. Rinaldi, R.N. Reese, M. Ozgen, A.Z. Tulio, Jr., A.R. Miller, J.C. Scheerens and J.K. Hardy. 2010. Modeling relationships among active components in black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) fruit extracts using high-resolution 1H NMR spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 58:3407-3414.
Yao, S., J.J. Luby, D.K. Wildung. 2009. Strawberry cultivar injury after two contrasting Minnesota winters. HortTechnology 19:803-808.
Publications accepted or in preparation
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. 2010. Approaches to breeding for parthenocarpic fruit development in blueberry. Proc. 11th No. Amer. Blueberry Res. and Ext. Workers Conference: (in press).
Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin Jr. 2010. Self-fertility evaluations of northern-adapted rabbiteye blueberry hybrid derivatives. (in preparation).
Hanson, E., M. Von Weihe, A.C. Schilder, A.M. Chanon and J.C. Scheerens. High tunnel production of floricane- and primocane-fruiting raspberries. HortTechnology (submitted).
Johnson, J.L., J.A. Bomser, J.C. Scheerens and M.M. Giusti. Effect of black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.) extract variation conditioned by cultivar, production site, and fruit maturity stage on colon cancer cell proliferation. J. Agric. Food Chem. (in press).
Oudemans, P.V., B.I. Hillman, D. Linder-Basso and J.J. Polashock. 2010. Nursery stock is a potential source of Blueberry Scorch Virus in new plantings. Crop Protection: (submitted).
Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2010. Cold hardiness, acclimation, and deacclimation among 7 diverse blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) genotypes under field conditions. (in preparation).
Vincent, Christopher I., and M. Elena García. 2010. A system of defined phenological stages for cold tolerance and development of floricane inflorescences of primocane-fruiting blackberries. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. (En presse).
Wang, S.Y., H. Chen, and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Antioxidant capacity among cultivars of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and V. ashei hybrid derivatives. J. of Ag. and Food Chem. (accepted).
Wang, S.Y., H. Chen, and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2010. Variation in antioxidant enzyme activities among cultivars of rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei Reade) and V. ashei derivatives. Food Chem. (accepted).
Books/Chapters/Review Articles
Aselage, J. and D.T. Johnson. 2009. Chapter 39: from IPM to organic and sustainable agriculture, pp. 489-505. In E.B. Radcliffe, W.D. Hutchison and R.E. Cancelado (eds.), Integrated Pest Management, Cambridge University Press.
Charlebois, D., P.L. Byers, C.E. Finn, and A.L. Thomas. 2010. Elderberry: botany, horticulture, potential. Horticultural Reviews 37:213-280.
Hall, H.K., K. Hummer, A.R. Jamieson, S.N. Jennings and C.A. Weber. 2009. Raspberry Breeding and Genetics. In: Plant Breeding Reviews. Jules Janick (ed.). 32. 290pp.
Pritts, M. (Ed.) 2009. Pest Management Guidelines for Berry Crops. Discipline Editor: Horticulture Courtney Weber et al. Pesticide Management Education Program, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 102 pp.
Swanson J-D., C. Weber. C. Finn, F. Fernandez-Fernandez, D. Sargent, J.E. Carlson, J. Scheerens, L. Alice, and J. Graham. (200X) Chapter X Rubus Genomics In: K. Folta and S. Gardiner (eds.) Genetics and genomics of Rosaceae. Springer. Accepted November 1, 2007. In press.
Extension Publications
Demchak, K. T. E. Elkner, M. Frazier, S.D. Guiser, J.M. Halbrendt, J.K. Harper, G. Krawczyk, H.K. Ngugi, K.M. Richards, E.S. Sánchez, G. J. San Julian, J. W. Travis, B.A. Majek, P. Nitzsche, P. Oudemans, G. Pavlis, D. Polk, C. Rodriguez-Saona, W. J. Sciarappa, D. L. Ward, D.M. Caron, G.C. Johnson, B.R. Butler, J.A. Fiola, W. Lantz, H.J. Swartz, M. Ehlenfeldt, J.F. Derr, C. Johnson, D.G. Pfeiffer, R.A. Straw, K.S. Yoder, J.F. Baniecki, A. Biggs, H. Hogmire, J. W. Jett, L.W. Jett, E. Mashburn. 2010. The Mid-Atlantic Berry Guide for Commercial Growers. Penn State Coop. Ext. Pub. AGRS-97. 275 pp.
Demchak, K., J.K. Harper, L.F. Kime, and W. Lantz. 2010. Agricultural Alternatives: Strawberry Production. Penn State Coop. Ext. Publ. UA290. 10 pp.
Johnson, D., S. Sleezer and B. Lewis. 2010. Biology and management of grape phylloxera. University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet FSA7074.
Johnson, D., R.K. Striegler, R.A. Allen, R. Smeda, E. Bergmeier, J. Harris, and J. Cotta. 2010. Ozark Mountain vineyard sustainability assessment workbook: a self-assessment of management practices. University of Missouri Extension WG2000. Online at: http://extension.missouri.edu/publications/DisplayPub.aspx?P=WG2000.
Lantz, W, H. Swartz, K. Demchak, and S. Frick. 2010. Season-Long Strawberry Production with Everbearers. University of Maryland Coop. Ext. Publ. EB401. 70 pp.
Luby, J., R. Guthrie, E. Theship-Rosales. 2010. Introducing cold hardy kiwifruit to Minnesota. Minn. Dept. of Agric. Greenbook 2010.Pp.21-25 and
Luby, J et al. 2009 Small Fruit Variety Trials in Minnesota. Proc. 2010 Upper Midwest Fruit and Veg Conference. Pp. 30-44 and http://fruit.cfans.umn.edu/breedingprogram.htm
Walton V.M., P. Skinkis, A.J. Dreves, C. Kaiser 2009. Grapevine Growth Distortions: A guide to identifying symptoms. Oregon State University Extension Bulletin EM 8975-E
Walton V.M., A.J. Dreves, P. Skinkis, C. Kaiser, M. Buchanan, R. Hilton, R.R. Martin, S. Castagnoli, S. Renquist 2009. Prevention and Management of Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybugs in Oregon Vineyards. OSU Extension Bulletin EM 8990.
Conner, P.J.http://www.caes.uga.edu/commodities/fruits/muscadines/index.html
Luby, J.J., Mansfield, A.K., Hemstad, P.R. J.R. VanFossan, D. Hansen. content for www.grapes.umn.edu University of Minnesota Grapes
Skinkis, P., J. Pscheidt, V. Walton, E. Peachey, D. Sanchez, I. Zasada, and R.R. Martin. 2010. 2010 Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon. http://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/jspui/bitstream/1957/16093/1/em8413.pdf
Skinkis, P.A., Dreves, A.J., Walton, V.M. and Martin, R.R. 2009. Field monitoring for grapevine leafroll virus and mealybugs in Pacific Northwest vineyards. OSU Extension bulletin 9885. http://wine.oregonstate.edu/files/files/em8985%20proof5.pdf Spanish version available! http://wine.oregonstate.edu/files/files/em8985-Srev.pdf
A Spotted Wing Drosophila website was created in October 2009 (http://swd.hort.oregonstate.edu/). The current format of the new SWD website was launched during March 2010. This website has regular updates of statewide counts, modeling tools, new research information, upcoming meetings and outreach teaching documents.