NECC1010: Use of Residuals in Agriculture in the Northeast

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Akhand N.A., D. Lapen, E. Topp, M. Edwards, R. Roy, B. Ball Coelho, L. Sabourin, P. Duenk, M. Payne. 2005. Evaluation of MACRO for Simulating Liquid Municipal Biosolid and Precipitation Induced Flow in Structured Soils: South-Western Ontario, Canada. Manuscript accepted for publishing in the Agricultural Water Management on April 27, Paper no. AGWAT 356.

Bean C.L., J.J. Brabants, G. Widmer, G. Batzer, H. Balkin and A.B. Margolin. 2005. Class B Alkaline Stabilization to Achieve Pathogen Inactivation.submitted.

Beecher, N., E.Z. Harrison, N. Goldstein, M. McDaniel, P. Field and L. Susskind. 2005. Risk Perception, Risk Communication and Stakeholder Involvement for Biosolids Management and Research. Journal of Environmental Quality 34:122-128.

Brabants J.J.and A.B. Margolin. 2005. Inactivation of Adenovirus Type 5, Rotavirus Wa and Male Specific Bacteriophage During Class B Lime Stabilization. Water Environment Research Foundation:accepted.

Brandt, R.C. and H.A. Elliott. 2005. Sensitivity Analysis of the Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index for Agricultural Recycling of Municipal Biosolids. J. Soil Water Cons. 60:209-219.

Ciparis S. and R.C. Hale. 2005. Bioavailability of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Flame Retardants in Biosolids and Spiked Sediment to the Aquatic Oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(4):916-925.

Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt and G.A. OConnor. 2005. Runoff Phosphorus Losses from Surface-Applied Biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 34:1632-1639.

Elliott, H.A., J. Womer, J-H. Kang, R.C. Brandt and G.A. OConnor. 2005. Neutral Ammonium Citrate Extraction of Biosolids Phosphorus. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36:2447-2459.

Hale, R.C., M.J. La Guardia, E. Harvey, M.O. Gaylor and T.M. Mainor. 2005. Brominated Flame Retardant Concentrations and Trends in Abiotic Media. Chemosphere 64:181-186.

Katz, B.D. and A.B. Margolin. 2005. Inactivation of Hepatitis A HM-175/18f, Reovirus Type 1and Male Specific Bacteriophage During Alkaline Stabilization of Biosolids.submitted.

Markis, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. OConnor, T.A. Obreza and H.A. Elliott. 2005. Physicochemical Properties Related to Long-term Phosphorus Retention by Drinking-Water Treatment Residuals. Environ. Sci. Technol. 39:4280-4289.

McBride, M.B. 2005. Molybdenum and Copper Uptake by Forage Grasses and Legumes Grown on a Metal-Contaminated Sludge Site. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 36:2489-2501.

McBride, M.B. and B.K. Richards. Testing soils for trace metals from land-applied wastes. Working paper for NE 1001.

OConnor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, N.T. Basta, R.K. Bastian, G.M. Pierzynski, R.C. Sims and J.E. Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable Land Application: An Overview. J. Environ. Qual. 34:7-17.

Toschik P.C., B.A. Rattner, P.C. Mcgowan, M.C. Christman, D.B. Carter, R.C. Hale, C.W. Matson and M.A. Ottinger. 2005. Effects of Contaminant Exposure on Reproductive Success of Ospreys (Pandion Haliaetus) Nesting in Delaware River and Bay, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(3):617-628.

Wagenet, L.P., A.T. Lemley, D.G. Grantham, E.Z. Harrison, K. Hillman, K. Mathers and L.H. Younge. 2005. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Television as a Method for Watershed Education ( Journal of Extension 43(2):10.

Zubris, K.A.V. and B.K. Richards. 2005. Synthetic Fibers as an Indicator of Land Application of Sludge. Environmental Pollution 138:201-211.


Akhand N.A., D. Lapen, E. Topp, M. Edwards, R. Roy, B. Ball Coelho, L. Sabourin, P. Duenk and M. Payne. 2005. Evaluation of MACRO for Simulating Liquid Municipal Biosolid and Precipitation Induced Flow in Structured Soils: South-Western Ontario, Canada. Manuscript accepted for publishing in the Agricultural Water Management on April 27, Paper no. AGWAT 356.

Barker, A.V. and G. M. Bryson. 2006. Comparisons of composts with low or high nutrient status for grown of plants in containers. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37:1303-1319.

Bean, C.L., J.J. Brabants, G. Widmer, G. Batzer, H. Balkin and A.B. Margolin. 2007. Class B Alkaline Stabilization to Achieve Pathogen Inactivation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 41:53-60.

Beecher, N., E.Z. Harrison, N. Goldstein, M. McDaniel, P. Field and L. Susskind. 2005. Risk Perception, Risk Communication and Stakeholder Involvement for Biosolids Management and Research. Journal of Environmental Quality 34:122-128.

Brabants J.J.and A.B. Margolin. 2005. Inactivation of Adenovirus Type 5, Rotavirus Wa and Male Specific Bacteriophage During Class B Lime Stabilization. Water Environment Research Foundation: accepted.

Brandt, R.C. and H.A. Elliott. 2005. Sensitivity Analysis of the Pennsylvania Phosphorus Index for Agricultural Recycling of Municipal Biosolids. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60:209-219.

Brock, E.H., Q.M. Ketterings and M.B. McBride. 2006. Copper and zinc accumulation in poultry and dairy manure-amended fields. Soil Science 171:388-399.

Bryson, G.M. and A.V. Barker. 2007. Effect of nitrogen fertilizers on zinc accumulation in fescue. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:1-13.

Bryson, G.M. and A.V. Barker. 2007. Phytoextraction of zinc by Indian mustard and tall fescue. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 38:315-335.

Ciparis S. and R.C. Hale. 2005. Bioavailability of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether Flame Retardants in Biosolids and Spiked Sediment to the Aquatic Oligochaete, Lumbriculus variegatus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(4):916-925.

Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt, P.J.A. Kleinman, A.N. Sharpley, and D.B. Beegle. 2006. Estimating source coefficients for phosphorus site indices. Journal of Environmental Quality 35:2195-2201.

Elliott, H.A. and G. A. O'Connor. 2007. Phosphorus management for sustainable biosolids recycling in the United States. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39:1318-1327.

Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt and G.A. O_Connor. 2005. Runoff Phosphorus Losses from Surface-Applied Biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality 34:1632-1639.

Elliot, H.A., J. Wormer, J.-H. Kang, R.C. Brandt and G.A. OConnor. 2005. Neutral Ammonium Citrate Extraction of Biosolids Phosphorus. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36:2447-2459

Hamlin, R.L. and A.V. Barker. 2006. Influence of ammonium and nitrate nutrition on plant growth and zinc accumulation by Indian mustard. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29:1523-1541.

Hamlin, R.L. and A.V. Barker. 2006. Phytoextraction potential of Indian mustard at various levels of zinc exposure. Journal of Plant Nutrition 29:1257-1272.

Hale, R.C., M.J. LaGuardia, E. Harvey, M.O. Gaylor and T.M. Mainor. 2005. Brominated Flame Retardant Concentrations and Trends in Abiotic Media. Chemosphere 64:181-186.

Katz, B.D. and A.B. Margolin. 2007. Inactivation of Hepatitis A HM-175/18f, Reovirus Type 1and Male Specific Bacteriophage During Alkaline Stabilization of Biosolids.Journal of Applied Microbiology submitted.

Kim, B. and M.B. McBride. 2006. A test of sequential extractions for determining metal speciation in sewage sludge-amended soils. Environmental Pollution 144:475-482.

Kim, B., M.B. McBride, B.K. Richards and T.S. Steenhuis. 2007. The long-term effect of sludge application on Cu, Zn and Mo behavior in soils and accumulation in soybean seeds. Plant and Soil 299(1-2)227-236. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-007-9377-3

Klaber, N, A.V. Barker, B. Xing, G.R. Lanza and J.F. Tyson. 2006. A phytoremediation study: Arsenic accumulation by two perennial grasses in response to chelators. Agronomy Abstracts, Annual Meetings American Society of Agronomy, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 2006.

Kleinman, P.J.A., A.N. Sharpley, A.M. Wolf, D.B. Beegle, H.A. Elliott, J.L. Weld and R.C. Brandt. 2006. Developing an environmental manure test for the phosphorus index. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37:2137-2155.

Kleinman, P.A., D. Sullivan, A. Wolf, R.C. Brandt, Z. Dou, H.A. Elliott, J. Kovar, A. Leytem, R. Maguire, P. Moore, L. Saporito, A. Sharpley, A. Shober, T. Sims, J. Toth, G. Toor, H. Zhang, and T. Zhang. 2007. Selection of a water extractable phosphorus test for manures and biosolids as an indicator of runoff loss potential. Journal of Environmental Quality 36:1357-1367.

Markis, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. OConnor, T.A. Obreza and H.A. Elliott. 2005. Physicochemical Properties Related to Long-term Phosphorus Retention by Drinking-Water Treatment Residuals. Environmental Science and Technology 39:4280-4289.

McBride, M.B. 2007. Attenuation of Metal Toxicity in Soils by Biological Processes. Pp. 113-136. In: R. Hamon, M. McLaughlin and E. Lombi (eds.) Natural Attenuation of Trace Element Availability in Soils. CRC Press, Boca Raton.

McBride, M.B. 2005. Molybdenum and Copper Uptake by Forage Grasses and Legumes Grown on a Metal-Contaminated Sludge Site. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 36:2489-2501.

McBride M.B., K.A. Barrett, B. Kim and B. Hale. 2006. Cadmium sorption in soils 25 years after amendment with sewage sludge. Soil Science 171:21-28.

McBride, M.B. and B.K. Richards. Testing soils for trace metals from land-applied wastes. Working paper for NE 1001.

OConnor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, N.T. Basta, R.K. Bastian, G.M. Pierzynski, R.C. Sims and J.E. Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable Land Application: An Overview. Journal of Environmental Quality 34:7-17.

Richards, B.K., J.F. McCarthy, T.S. Steenhuis, A.G. Hay, Y. Zevi and A. Dathe. 2007. Colloidal transport: the facilitated movement of contaminants into groundwater. (Short feature article on colloidal transport phenomena.) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62(3):55A-56A.

Steenhuis, T.S., A. Dathe, Y. Zevi, J.L. Smith, B. Gao, S.B. Shaw, D. DeAlwis, S. Amaro-Garcia, R. Fehrman, M.E. Cakmak, I.C. Toevs, B.M. Liu, S.M. Beyer, J T. Crist, A.G. Hay, B.K. Richards, D.DiCarlo and J.F. McCarthy. 2006. Biocolloid retention in partially saturated soils. Biologia 61: S229-S233 Suppl. 19.

Toschik P.C., B.A. Rattner, P.C. Mcgowan, M.C. Christman, D.B. Carter, R.C. Hale, C.W. Matson and M.A. Ottinger. 2005. Effects of Contaminant Exposure on Reproductive Success of Ospreys (Pandion Haliaetus) Nesting in Delaware River and Bay, USA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 24(3):617-628.

Wagenet, L.P., A.T. Lemley, D.G. Grantham, E.Z. Harrison, K. Hillman, K. Mathers and L.H. Younge. 2005. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Television as a Method for Watershed Education ( Journal of Extension 43(2):10.

Zevi, Y., A. Dathe, B. Gao, B.K. Richards, and T.S. Steenhuis. 2006. Quantifying colloid retention in partially saturated porous media. Water Resources Research 42, W12S03, DOI: 10.1029/2006WR004929.

Zubris, K.A.V. and B.K. Richards. 2005. Synthetic Fibers as an Indicator of Land Application of Sludge. Environmental Pollution 138:201-211.

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