W1112: Reproductive Performance in Domestic Ruminants
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
1) Alexander B.M., Kiyma Z., McFarland M., Van Kirk E. A., and Moss, G.E. 2007. Influence of Short-Term Fasting during the Luteal Phase of the Estrous Cycle on Ovarian Follicular Development during the Ensuing Proestrus. Animal Reprod Sci 97:356-363.
2) Alexander B.M., Van Kirk E.A., Naughton L. M., Murdoch W.J. 2007.
Ovarian morphometrics in TP-53-deficient mice. The Anatomical Record 290:59-64.
3) Anthony, R.V. and J.D. Cantlon. 2007. RNA Interference: A new approach to in vivo study of gene function. J. Anim. Sci. 85:E18-E19.
4) Arroyo, J.A., R.V. Anthony, T.A. Parker and H.L. Galan. 2006. Differential expression of placental and vascular endothelial nitric oxide Synthase (eNOS) in an ovine model of fetal growth restriction. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 195:771-777.
5) Ashley, R.L., Clay, C.M., Farmerie T.A., Niswender, G.D., and Nett, T.M., 2006. Cloning and characterization of an intracellular seven transmembrane progesterone receptor that mediates calcium mobilization. Endocrinology 147:4151-4159.
6) Assiri, A.M. and Ott, T.L. (2007). Cloning and characterizing of the ovine
Mx1 gene promoter/enhancer region. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 31(8):847-57.
7) Baltes-Breitwisch, MM , RC Bott, DM Larson, JM Martin, AS Cupp. Male biostimulation prior to a short melengesterol acetate (MGA) synchronization protocol increased timed AI conception rates in multiparous cows. (submitted to Journal of Animal Science; In review).
8) Baltes-Breitwisch MM, RA Ten Broeck, DT Clopton, RA Longfellow, and AS Cupp. Both neutralization of inhibitory VEGF isoforms and stimulation with angiogenic isoforms perturb seminiferous cord formation and increase vascular develop during testis morphogenesis in the rat. (In preparation for Biology of reproduction).
9) Beckman JD, Grazul-Bilska AT, Johnson ML, Reynolds LP, Redmer DA. 2006. Isolation and characterization of ovine luteal pericytes and effects of nitric oxide on pericyte expression of angiogenic factors. Endocrine 29:467-476.
10) Berardinelli, J. G., and S. A. Tauck. 2007. Artificial insemination pregnancy rates in primiparous, suckled cows exposed to the biostimulatory effect of bulls before and during a gonadotropin-releasing hormone-based estrus synchronization protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 85:848-852.
11) Berardinelli, J. G., and S. A. Tauck. 2007. Intensity of the biostimulatory effect of bulls on resumption of ovulatory activity in primiparous, suckled, beef cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 99:24:33.
12) Bettegowda, A. and G.W. Smith. 2007. Mechanisms of maternal mRNA regulation: Implications for mammalian early embryonic development. Frontiers in Bioscience 12:3713-3726.
13) Bogan, R.L., Davis, T.L., and Niswender, G.D., 2007. Peripheral-type
benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) aggregation and absence of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR)/PBR association in the mitochondrial membrane as determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET). J. Steroid Biochem. Molec. Biol. 104:61-67.
14) Borowicz PP, Arnold DR, Johnson ML, Grazul-Bilska AT, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP. Placental growth throughout the last two-thirds of pregnancy in sheep: Vascular development and angiogenic factor expression. Biol Reprod 2007; 76:259-267. http://www.biolreprod.org/cgi/content/abstract/biolreprod.106.054684
15) Borowczyk E, Johnson ML, Bilski J, Bilska M, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP, Grazul-Bilska AT. 2007. Role of gap junctions in regulation of progesterone secretion by ovine luteal cells in vitro. Reproduction 133:641-651.
16) Borowczyk, E., Johnson, M.L., J.J. Bilski, P.P. Borowicz, Redmer, D.A., Reynolds, and Grazul-Bilska, A.T. 2006. Expression of mRNA for gap junctional connexins 26, 32 and 43 in ovarian preovulatory follicles and corpora lutea in sheep. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 84:1011-1020.
17) Borowczyk, E., Johnson, M.L., J.J. Bilski, P.P. Borowicz, Redmer, D.A., Reynolds, and Grazul-Bilska, A.T. 2006. Gap junctional connexin 37 is expressed in sheep ovaries. Endocrine 30:223-230.
18) Bott RC, McFee, R M, DT Clopton, CF Toombs and AS Cupp. Vascular
Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGFA) and Kinase Domain Region Receptor Are Involved in Both Seminiferous Cord Formation and Vascular development During Testis Morphogenesis in the Rat. Biol Reprod 2006 Aug; 75:56-67.
19) Burt, B.E., B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2007. Flock
difference in the impact of maternal dietary restriction on offspring growth and glucose tolerance in female offspring. Soc. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 64:411-424.
20) Curley, K. O., Jr., J. C. Paschal, T. H. Welsh, Jr. and R. D. Randel. 2006. Exit velocity as a measure of cattle temperament is repeatable and associated with serum concentration of cortisol in Brahman bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3100-3103.
21) Du, M., Q.W. Shen, M. J. Zhu, S. P. Ford. 2007. Leucine stimulates
mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in C2C12 myoblasts in part through inhibition of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase. J. Anim. Sci. 85:919-927.
22) de Vrijer, B., M.L. Davidsen, R.B. Wilkening, R.V. Anthony and T.R.H.
Regnault. 2006. Altered placental and fetal expression of IGFs and IGF-
binding proteins associated with intrauterine growth restriction in fetal sheep during early and mid pregnancy. Ped. Res. 60:507-512.
23) Echternkamp S.E., K.A.Vonnahme, J.A. Green, S.P. Ford. 2006. Increased
vascular endothelial growth factor and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins, but not insulin-like growth factor-I, in maternal blood of cows gestating twin fetuses. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2057-2064.
24) Edrington, T. S., T. R. Callaway, S. E. Ives, M. J. Engler, T. H. Welsh, D. M. Hallford, K. J. Genovese, R. C. Anderson, and D. J. Nisbet. 2006. Effect of ractopamine HCl supplementation on fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in feedlot cattle. Current Microbiology 53: 340-345.
25) Ferens, W.A., Halver, M., Gustin, K.E., Ott, T.L., Hovde, C.J. (2007)
Differential sensitivity of viruses to the antiviral activity of Shiga toxin 1 A subunit. Virus Research 125: 104-108.
26) Flores, R., M. L. Looper, R. W. Rorie, M. A. Lamb, S. T. Reiter, D. M.
Hallford, D.L. Krieder, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2007. Influence of body condition and bovine somatotropin on estrous behavior, reproductive performance, and concentrations of serum somatotropin and plasma fatty acids in postpartum Brahman-influenced cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85: 1318-1329.
27) Ferreira-Dias G, Pinto Bravo P, Mateus L, Redmer D, Medeiros JA. 2006.Microvascularization and angiogenic activity of equine corpora lutea throughout the estrous cycle. Domestic Anim Endocrinol 30:247-259.
28) Ford, S.P., B.W. Hess, M.M. Schwope, M.J. Nijland, J.S. Gilbert, K.A.
Vonnahme, W.J. Means, H. Han, P.W. Nathanielsz. 2007. Maternal undernutrition during early gestation in the ewe results in altered growth, adiposity and glucose tolerance in male offspring. Journal of Animal Science. 85:1285-1294.
29) Garcia, M.D., J.J. Michal, C.T. Gaskins, J.J. Reeves, T.L. Ott, Y. Liu
and Z. Jiang. 2006. Significant association of the calpastatin gene with fertility and longevity in dairy cattle. Animal Genetics 37:304-305.
30) Geary, T.W., E.E. Grings, M.D. MacNeal, D.M. deAvila & J. J. Reeves. 2006. Use of recombinant gonadotropin-releasing hormone antigens for immunosterilization of beef heifers. J. Animal. Sci. 84:343-350.
31) Gifford, C. A., Racicot, K., Clark, D. S., Austin, K. J., Hansen, T. R., Lucy, M.C.,Davies, C. J., and Ott, T. L. (2007). Regulation of interferon-stimulated genes in peripheral blood leukocytes in pregnant and bred, nonpregnant dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 90, 274-80.
32) Gifford, C. A., J. L. Duffey, R. L. Knight, and D. M. Hallford. 2007.
Serum thyroid hormones and performance of offspring in ewes receiving propylthiouracil with or without melatonin. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 100: 32-43.
33) Gilbert, J.S., S.P. Ford, A.L. Lang, L.R. Pahl, M.C. Drumhiller, S,A.
Babcock, P.W. Nathanielsz, M.J. Nijland. 2007. Nutrient restriction impairs nephrogenesis in a gender- specific manner in the ovine fetus. Pediatr. Res. 61:42-47.
34) Grazul-Bilska AT, Navanukraw C, Johnson ML, Arnold DR, Reynolds LP, Redmer DA. Expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the ovine ovary throughout the estrous cycle. Reproduction 2006; 132:579-587.
35) Grazul-Bilska, A.T., C. Navanukraw, M.L. Johnson, K.A. Vonnahme, S.P.Ford, L.P. Reynolds, and D.A. Redmer. 2007. Vascularity and expression of angiogenic factors in bovine dominant follicles of the first follicular wave. Journal of Animal Science. http://jas.fass.org/cgi/reprint/jas.2007-0044v1
36) Han, H., Austin, K. J., Rempel, L. A., and Hansen, T. R. (2006). Low blood ISG15 mRNA and progesterone levels are predictive of non-pregnant dairy cows. J Endocrinol 191, 505-12.
37) Hansen, T. R., Pru, J. K., Han, H., Rempel, L. A., and Austin, K. J. (2006). Failure of Uterine-Conceptus Interactions in Cattle. J Reprod Devel 52, S111-S120.
38) Harris HL, AS Cupp, A Roberts, RN Funston. Altered reproductive response in beef heifers fed soybeans during pubertal development. (Submitted Journal of Animal Science; In re-review).
39) Hostetler, C.E., Michael, J., Robison, M.R., Ott, T.L. and Kincaid, R.L.
(2006).Effect of selenium intake and fetal age on mRNA expression of two selenoproteins in porcine fetal and maternal liver. Journal of Animal Science 84:2382.
40) Johnson ML, Evoniuk JM, Stoltenow CL, ORourke KI, Redmer DA.
2007.Development of an assay to determine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the prion gene for the genetic diagnosis of relative susceptibility to classical scrapie in sheep. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 19:73-77.
41) Johnson ML, Grazul-Bilska AT, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP. 2007. Effects of estradiol-17ß on expression of mRNA for seven angiogenic factors and their receptors in the endometrium of ovariectomized ewes. Endocrine 30:333-342.
42) Kashiwagi, A., Digirolamo, C. M., Kanda, Y., Niikura, Y., Esmon, C. T.,
Hansen, T. R., Shioda, T., and Pru, J. K. (2007). The Post-Implantation Embryo Differentially Regulates Endometrial Gene Expression and Decidualization. Endocrinology.
43) Killian, G., Miller, L., Diehl, N.K. Rhyan, J. and Thain, D. Long-term efficacy of three contraceptive approaches for population control of wild horses. Proc. Vertebr. Pest Conf. 22: 67-71. 2006.
44) Killian, G., Eisemann, J., Wagner, D. Werner, J., Shaw D, Brooks, J.
Jenny Fisher, J., Hattel, A. and Miller, L. Safety and toxicity evaluation of GonaConTM immunocontraceptive contraceptive vaccine in white-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Proc. Vertebr. Pest Conf. 22: 82-87. 2006
45) King, D. A., C. E. Schuehle-Pfeiffer, R. D. Randel, T. H. Welsh, Jr., R. A.
Oliphint, B. E. Baird, K. O. Curley, Jr., R. C. Vann, D. S. Hale and J. W. Savell. 2006. Influence of animal temperament and stress responsiveness on the carcass quality and beef tenderness of feedlot cattle. Meat Sci. 74:546-556.
46) Lake, S.L., T.R. Weston, E.J. Scholljegerdes, C.M. Murietta, B.M.
Alexander, D.C. Rule, G.E. Moss, and B.W. Hess. 2007. Effects of postpartum dietary fat and body condition score at parturition on plasma, adipose tissue, and milk fatty acid composition of lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85:717-730.
47) Lake, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, D. M. Hallford, G. E. Moss, D. C. Rule, and B. W. Hess. 2006. Effects of body condition score at parturition and postpartum supplemental fat on metabolite and hormone concentrations of beef cows and their suckling calves. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 1038-1047.
48) Li, J., F. Jimenez-Krassel, A. Bettegowda, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2007. Evidence that the preovulatory rise in intrafollicular progesterone is not required for ovulation in cattle. Journal of Endocrinology 192:475-485.
49) Lopez, R., M. G. Thomas, D. M. Hallford, D. H. Keisler, G. A. Silver, B. S. Obeidat, M. D. Garcia, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2006. Case Study: Metabolic hormone profiles and evaluation of associations of metabolic hormones with body fat and reproductive characteristics of Angus, Brangus, and Brahman heifers. Prof. Anim. Scientist 22: 273-282.
50) Luther JS, Grazul-Bilska, Kirsch JD, Weigl RM, Kraft KC, Navanukraw C, Pant D, Reynolds LP, Redmer DA. 2006. The effect of GnRH, eCG and progestin type on estrous synchronization following laparoscopic AI in ewes. Small Rum. Res. [in press].
51) Luther JS, Milne J, Aitken R, Matsuzaki M, Reynolds L, Redmer DA,
Wallace JM. Placental growth, angiogenic gene expression and vascular development in undernourished adolescent sheep. Biol Reprod 2007; http://www.biolreprod.org/cgi/rapidpdf/biolreprod.107.061457v1
52) Luther JS, Aitken R, Milne J, Matsuzaki M, Reynolds L, Redmer DA,
Wallace JM. Maternal and fetal growth, body composition, endocrinology and metabolic status in undernourished adolescent sheep. Biol Reprod 2007; http://www.biolreprod.org/cgi/rapidpdf/biolreprod.107.061440v1
53) MacNeil, M. D., T. W Geary, G. A. Perry, A. J. Roberts and L. J. Alexander. 2006. Genetic partitioning of variation in ovulatory follicle size and probability of pregnancy in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1646-1650.
54) Martin, JL, AS Cupp, RJ Rasby, ZC Hall, RN Funston. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing beef heifers. (Accepted Journal of Animal Science).
55) Martin, JL, DT Clopton, HL Stroh, AS Cupp, RN Funston. Effects of soybeans or dried distillers grains in beef heifer development diets on reproductive performance and granulosa VEGF isoform expression. (In preparation for Animal Reproduction Science)
56) Martin, J.L., K.A. Vonnahme, D.C. Adams, G.P. Lardy, and R.N. Funston. 2007. Effects of dam nutrition on growth and reproductive performance of heifer calves. Journal of Animal Science. 85:841-847.
57) McLean DJ. 2006. Vertebrate reproductive stem cells: Recent
insights and technological advances. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 17(4):534-9.
58) Merrill, M. L., R. P. Ansotegui, P. D. Burns, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W.
Geary. 2007. Effects of flunixin meglumine and transportation stress on pregnancy establishment in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1547-1554.
59) Meza-Herrera, C. A., T. T. Ross, D. E. Hawkins, and D. M. Hallford. 2006. Interactions between metabolic status, pre-breeding protein supplementation, uterine pH, and embryonic mortality in ewes: Preliminary observations. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 38: 407-413.
60) Miller, L.A., Talwar, G.P. and Killian, G. Contraceptive effect of a
recombinant GnRH vaccine in adult female pigs. Proc. Vertebr. Pest Conf. 22:106-109. 2006.
61) Murieta, C.M., B.W. Hess, E.J. Scholljegerdes, T.E. Engle, K.L. Hossner,
G.E. Moss, and D.C. Rule. 2006. Evaluation of milk somatic cells as a source of mRNA for study of lipid metabolism in the mammary gland of lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2399-2405.
62) Niswender, G.D., Davis, T.L, Griffith, R.J., Bogan, R.L., Monser, K., Bott,
R.C., Bruemmer, J.E., and Nett, T.M., 2006. Judge, jury and executioner: The auto-regulation of luteal function. In: Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants VI. J.L. Juengel, J.F. Murray & M.F. Smith (eds.), Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK., pp.191-206.
63) Palmieri C, Loi P, Reynolds LP, Ptak G, Della Salda L. 2007. Placental
abnormalities in ovine somatic cell clones at term: a light and electron microscopic investigation. Placenta. 28:577-584.
64) Patel, O.V., A. Bettegowda, J.J. Ireland, P.M. Coussens, P. Lonergan and
G.W. Smith. 2007 Functional genomics studies of oocyte competence: Evidence that reduced transcript abundance for follistatin is associated with poor developmental competence of bovine oocytes. Reproduction 133:95-106.
65) Perry, G. A., M. F. Smith, A. J. Roberts, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary.
2006. Relationship between size of ovulatory follicle and pregnancy success in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 85:684-689.
66) Pohlmann RM, Ten Broeck RA, RM McFee, DT Clopton, RC Bott, RA
Longfellow, TG Rozell and AS Cupp. Inhibition of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGFA) signal transduction blocks follicle progression to the Pre-antral stage but does not necessarily inhibit vascular development in perinatal rat ovaries. (Submitted to Endocrinology. In review).
67) Reed J.J., M. R. ONeil, G. P. Lardy, K. A. Vonnahme, L. P. Reynolds, and J. S. Caton. 2007. Effect of undegradable intake protein supplementation on intake, digestion, microbial efficiency, in situ disappearance, and plasma hormones and metabolites in steers fed low-quality grass hay. Journal of Animal Science 85:1092-1101.
68) Reeves, J.J. 2007. A researchers perceptions of United States Department of Agriculture funding in animal reproduction. J Anim Sci 2007 85: E16-17E.
69) Regnault, T.R., S.W. Limesand, W.W. Hay, Jr. Aspects of fetalplacental
nutrition in intrauterine growth restriction and macrosomia. Neonatal Nutrition and Metabolism, Ed Thureen and Hay, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
70) Rempel, L. A., Austin, K. J., Ritchie, K. J., Yan, M., Shen, M., Zhang, D. E., Henkes, L. E., and Hansen, T. R. (2007). Ubp43 gene expression is required for normal Isg15 expression and fetal development. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 5, 13.
71) Roberts, A.J., M.J. Al-Hassan, P.M. Fricke, and S.E. Echternkamp. 2006.
Large variation in steroid concentrations and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins exists among individual small antral follicles collected from within cows at random stages of estrous cycle. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2714-2724.
72) Rowell, J.E., M.C. Sousa, and M.P. Shipka. (Submitted). Estrous synchronization in captive muskoxen: progesterone and the bull effect. Can. J. Anim. Sci.
73) Rozance, P.J., S.W. Limesand, G.O. Zerbe, W.W. Hay, Jr. Chronic Fetal
Hypoglycemia Inhibits the Later Steps of Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Pancreatic Beta-Cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab., 292(5):E1256-64 2007.
74) Saama, P.M., O.V. Patel, A. Bettegowda, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2006. A novel algorithm for transcriptome analysis. Physiological Genomics 28:62-66.
75) Scholljegerdes, E.J., Lake, S.L., Weston, T.S., Rule, D.C., Moss, G.E., Nett, T.M., and Hess, B.W., 2007. Fatty acid composition of plasma, medial basal hypothalamus, and uterine tissue in primparous beef cows fed high-linoleate safflower seeds. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1555-1564.
76) Schmidt JA, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2007. Analysis of gene
expression in bovine testis tissue prior to ectopic testis tissue xenografting and during the grafting period. Biol Reprod, 76: 10711080.
77) Schmidt JA, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2006. Effect of vascular
endothelial growth factor and testis tissue culture on spermatogenesis in bovine ectopic testis xenografts. Biol Reprod, 75(2):167-75.
78) Schmidt JA, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2006. Grafting period and
donor age affect the potential for spermatogenesis in bovine ectopic testis xenografts. Biol Reprod, 75(2):160-6.
79) Schmidt JA, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2006. Regulation of protein
tyrosine phosphatase 4a1, B-cell translocation gene 2, nuclear receptor subfamily 4a1, and diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 by follicle stimulating hormone in the rat ovary. Reprod Fert Develop, 18(7):757-65.
80) Schultz, C. L., T. S. Edrington, T. R. Callaway, S. B. Schroeder, D. M.
Hallford, K. J. Genovese, R. C. Anderson, and D. J. Nisbet. 2006. The influence of melatonin on growth of E. coli 0157:H7 in pure culture and exogenous melatonin on faecal shedding of E. coli 0157:H7 in experimentally infected wethers. Letters in Applied Microbiology 43: 105-110.
81) Shipka, M.P., J.E. Rowell, and M.C. Sousa. 2007. Steroid hormone secretion during the estrous cycle and pregnancy in farmed Alaskan reindeer. J. Anim. Sci. 85:944-951.
82) Shirley, K. L., M. G. Thomas, D. H. Keisler, D. M. Hallford, D. M.
Montrose, G. A. Silver, and M. D. Garcia. 2006. Case Study: A Chihuahuan Desert Brangus breeding program: Feed efficiency, metabolic hormones, and puberty in heifers sired by bulls with differing expected progeny differences for growth and scrotal circumference. Prof. Anim. Scientist 22: 48-58.
83) Smith, G.W. and G.J.M. Rosa. 2007. Interpretation of microarray data:
Trudging out of the abyss towards elucidation of biological significance. Journal of Animal Science 85(13 Suppl):E20-23.
84) Sorensen, C. M., Rempel, L. A., Nelson, S. R., Francis, B. R., Perry, D. J.,
Lewis, R. V., Haas, A. L., and Hansen, T. R. (2007). The hinge region between two ubiquitin-like domains destabilizes recombinant ISG15 in solution. Biochemistry 46, 772-80.
85) Tauck, S. A., J. G. Berardinelli, T. W. Geary, and N. J. Johnson. 2006.
Resumption of postpartum luteal function of primiparous, suckled beef cows exposed continuously to bull urine. J. Anim. Sci. 84: 2708-2713.
86) Tauck, S.A., J. R. C. Wilkinson, J. R. Olsen, J. N. Janitell, and J. G.
Berardinelli. 2007. Comparison of controlled internal drug release device and melengesterol acetate as progestin sources in an estrous synchronization protocol for beef heifers. Theriogenology, doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2007.03.027. IN PRESS.
87) Ten Broeck RA, RM Pohlmann, RA Longfellow, MM Baltes, DT
Clopton, AS Cupp. Neutralization of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor inhibitory isoforms is a more effective mechanism than treatment with angiogenic isoforms to stimulate vascular development and follicle progression in the perinatal rat ovary. (Submitted to Endocrinology. In review).
88) Ten Broeck RA, JL Martin, DT Clopton, AS Cupp.Expression of angiogenic and inhibitory Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) mRNA Isoforms- 120, 164 and 164b are differentially regulated during corpus luteum regression and after the LH surge in the bovine pre-ovulatory follicle. (In preparation for Animal Reproduction Science).
89) Toyokawa, K., Carling, S.J. and Ott, T.L. (2007). Cellular localization and
function of the antiviral protein, ovine Mx1 (oMx1): I. Ovine Mx1 is secreted by endometrial epithelial cells via an unconventional secretory pathway. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 57:13-22.
90) Toyokawa, K., Leite, F. and Ott, T.L. (2007). Cellular localization and
function of the antiviral protein, ovine Mx1 (oMx1): II. The oMx1 protein regulates secretion in an ovine glandular epithelial cell line. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology 57:23-33.
91) Vawter, G.A., Tina E. Parks, T.E., Killian, G., Ealy, A.D. and Green, J.A.
A cloning and expression analysis of Pregnancy-Associated Glycoproteins expressed in trophoblasts of white-tail deer placenta. Molec. Reprod. Develop. 2007 Mar 28; [Epub ahead of print]
92) Vonnahme K.A., B.W. Hess, M.J. Nijland, P.W. Nathanielsz, S.P. Ford. 2006. Placentomal Differentiation May Compensate for Maternal Nutrient
Restriction in Ewes Adapted to Harsh Range Conditions. J. Anim. Sci.
93) Vonnahme K.A., D.A. Redmer, E. Borowczyk, J.J. Bilski, M.L. Johnson,
L.P. Reynolds, A.T. Grazul-Bilska. 2006. Changes in angiogenic factor expression, vascular composition and apoptosis in the corpus luteum during prostaglandin F2± - induced luteal regression in sheep. Reproduction. 131:1115-1126.
94) Wallace J, Milne J, Redmer D, Aitken R. 2006. Effect of diet
composition on pregnancy outcome in overnourished rapidly growing adolescent sheep. Brit. J. Nutr. 96:1060-1068.
95) Ward, F., P. Lonergan, F. Jimenez-Krassel, G.W. Smith, JJ Ireland and
ACO Evans. 2007. Follicle numbers are highly repeatable within animal but inversely correlated with FSH concentrations and the proportion of good quality embryos after superstimulation in cattle. Human Reproduction 22:1687-1695.
96) Waterman, R. C., J. E. Sawyer, C. P. Mathis, D. E. Hawkins, G. B.
Donart and M. K. Petersen. 2006. Effects of range supplements that contain increasing amounts of metabolizable protein with or without Ca-propionate salt on postpartum interval and nutrient portioning in young beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84:433-446.
97) Weems, Y.S., L. Kim, V. Tsuda, C. Yin, and C. W. Weems. What
regulates placental (PL) progesterone and estradiol-17² secretion in vitro in 90-day pregnant ewes. Prostaglandins and Other Lipid Mediators. 2007. IN PRESS
98) Weems, C. W., Y. S. Weems, and R. D. Randel. 2006. Prostaglandins and
Reproduction in Female Farm Animals. The Veterinary Journal. 171/172:206-228.
99) Wheaton JE, Lamb GC, 2006. Induction of cyclicity in postpartum
anestrous beef cows using progesterone, GnRH and estradiol cypionate (ECP.) Animal Reproduction Science (print in press; online Animal Reproductive Science doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2006.11.006.)
100) Whitney, T. R., G. Duff, P. Cuneo, D. Henderson, D. W. Schafer, D. M.
Hallford, R. Collier, and P. Gentry. 2006. Effects of weaning programs on serum metabolites and hepatic IGF-1 mRNA of first-calf heifers or mature cows. J. Food Agric. Environ. 4: 49-53.
101) Whitney, T. R., G. C. Duff, J. K. Collins, D. W. Schafer, and D. M.
Hallford. 2006. Effects of diet for early-weaned crossbred beef steers on metabolic profiles and febrile response to an infectious bovine herpesvirus-1 challenge. Livestock Science 101: 1-9.
102) Williams, G.A., Ott, T.L., Michal, J.J., Gaskins, C.T., Wright, R.W. and
Jiang, Z. (2007) Development of a novel model for mapping the genetic complexity of cryptorchidism in sheep and initial evidence for association of INSL3 with the defect. Animal Genetics 38(2):189-91.
103) Zhu, M. J., M. Du, B. W. Hess, W. J. Means, P. W. Nathanielsz, S. P.
Ford. 2007. Maternal nutrient restriction upregulates signaling pathways in the cotyledonary artery of cow placentomes. Placenta 28:361-368.
104) Zhu, M. J., S. P. Ford, W. J. Means, W. J. Hess, B. W. Nathanielsz, M.
Du. 2006. Maternal nutrient restriction affects properties of skeletal muscle in offspring. J. Physiol. 575:241-250.
Book Chapters
1) Blake, J.E., Rowell, J.E. and Shipka, M.P. 2007. Chapter 131;
Reindeer Reproductive Management. pp 970- 974 In: Current Therapy In Theriogenology. 2nd Edition. (Eds) R.S. Youngquist. W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA
2) McLean DJ. 2007. Spermatogonial stem cell
transplantation and testicular function. In Methods in Molecular Biology: Germline stem cells. (Steven Hu, Ed), Humana Press. In press.
3) McLean DJ, Griswold MD. 2007. Germ cell transplantation
techniques in male reproduction research. Molecular Endocrinology: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology). (Kumar R, Ed.) Humana Press, in press.
Refereed Journal Publications
Acosta, T.J., S. Yoshioka, J. Komiyama, S.H. Lee, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, D.J. Skarzynski and K. Okuda. 2007. Effects of storage and passage of luteal endothelial cells on endothelin-1 and prostaglandin F2± production. Journal of Reproduction and Development, 53: 473-480, 2007.
Alexander B.M., E.A. Van Kirk, L.M. Naughton, and W.J. Murdoch. 2007. Ovarian morphometrics in TP-53-deficient mice. The Anatomical Record 290:59-64.
Alexander B.M., Z. Kiyma , M. McFarland, E.A. Van Kirk, and G.E. and Moss. 2007. Influence of Short-Term Fasting during the Luteal Phase of the Estrous Cycle on Ovarian Follicular Development during the Ensuing Proestrus. Animal Reprod Sci 97:356-363.
Alexander, B. M., Z. Kiyma, M. McFarland, E. A. Van Kirk, D. M. Hallford, D. E. Hawkins, K. K. Kane, and G. E. Moss. 2007. Influence of short-term fasting during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle on ovarian follicular development during the ensuing proestrus of ewes. Anim Reprod Sci 97: 356-363.
Alexander, B.M., R.S. Stobart, and G.E. Moss. 2008. Scrapie resistance and production traits in Rambouillet rams: ram performance test 2002-2006. Res. Vet. Sci. In Press.
Alexander, L. J., T. W. Geary, W. M. Snelling, and M. D. MacNeil. Quantitative trait loci with additive effect on growth and carcass traits in a Wagyu-Limousin F*2 population. Animal Genetics 38:413?416.
Alexander, L. J., M. D. MacNeil, T. W. Geary, W. M. Snelling, D. C. Rule, and J. A. Scanda. Quantitative trait loci with additive effect on palatability and fatty acid composition of meat in a Wagyu-Limousin F*2 population. Animal Genetics 38:506?513.
B. J. Renquist, T. E. Adams, B. M. Adams, C. C. Calvert. (2008). Circulating estradiol suppresses luteinizing hormone pulse frequency during dietary restriction. Dom. Animal Endocrinol. 34:301-310.
B. J. Renquist, T. E. Adams, B. M. Adams, C. C. Calvert. (2008). Dietary restriction reduces the rate of estradiol clearance in sheep (Ovis Aries). J. Animal Sci. 86:1124-1131.
Bailey, C.R., G.C. Duff, S.R. Sanders, S.P. Cuneo, C.P. McMurphy, S.W. Limesand, J.A. Marchello, D.W. Schafer, M.L. Rhoads and D.M. Hallford. 2008. Effects of ovariectomy and anabolic steroid implantation on the somatotropic axis in feedlot heifers. S. African J. Anim. Sci. (accepted).
Baltes-Breitwisch, MM , RC Bott, DM Larson, JM Martin, AS Cupp. Male biostimulation prior to a short melengesterol acetate (MGA) synchronization protocol increased timed AI conception rates in multiparous cows. (In revision for Journal of Animal Science).
Barry, J.S. and R.V. Anthony. 2008. The pregnant sheep as a model for human pregnancy. Theriogenology 69:55-67.
Barry, J.S., P.J. Rozance and R.V. Anthony. 2008. An animal model for intrauterine growth restriction. Sem. Perinatol. 32:225-230.
Bettegowda, A., J. Yao, A. Sen, Q. Li, K. Lee, Y. Kobayashi, O.V. Patel, P.M. Coussens, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2007. JY-1, a novel oocyte-specific gene, regulates granulosa cell function and early embryonic development in cattle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104:17602-17607.
Bettegowda, A., K. B. Lee and G.W. Smith. 2008. Cytoplasmic and nuclear determinants of the maternal-to-embryonic transition. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 20:45-53.
Bettegowda, A., O.V. Patel, K. Lee, K. Park, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2008. Identification of novel cumulus cell molecular markers predictive of oocyte competence: Functional and diagnostic implications. Biol Reprod DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.107.067223.
Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Tolnay AE, Reisenhauer CE, Hansen TR, Smirnova N, Van Campen H. Transplacental infection with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea virus types 1b and 2: viral spread and molecular neuropathology. J Comp Pathol 2008; 138: 72-85.
Bott, RC, DT Clopton, AS Cupp. A Proposed Role for VEGF Isoforms in Sex-Specific Vasculature Development in the Gonad. (2008) In Press; Reproduction in Domestic Animals.
Bott RC, DT Clopton, RM McFee and AS Cupp. Kinase Domain Receptor (Kdr) expression is present in sex specific vascular patterns in the developing gonads: Role for VEGF in regulation of testis specific vasculature and spermatogenesis. (Submitted to Molecular Repro and Dev. In review).
Bridges, G. A., L. A. Helser, D. E. Grum, M. L. Mussard, C. L. Gasser and M. L. Day. 2007. Decreasing the interval between GnRH and PGF2± from 7 to 5 days and lengthening proestrus increases timed-AI pregnancy rates in beef cows. Theriogenology 69:843?851.
Burke, C. R., H. Cardenas, M. L. Mussard, C. L. Gasser, and M. L. Day. 2006. Steroidogenic changes and expression of messenger RNA encoding steroidogenic enzymes, gonadotrophin receptors and cell-death signalling in the dominant ovarian follicle during oestradiol-induced atresia in cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 99:244-257.
Burt, B.E., B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2007. Flock difference in the impact of maternal dietary restriction on offspring growth and glucose tolerance in female offspring. Soc. Reprod. Fertil. Suppl. 64:411-424.
Busch, D. C., J. A. Atkins, J. F. Bader, D. J. Schafer, D. J. Patterson, T. W. Geary, and M. F. Smith. 2008. Effect of ovulatory follicle size and expression of estrus on progesterone secretion in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 86:553-563.
Caires KC, Schmidt JA, Oliver AP, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2008. Endocrine regulation of the establishment of spermatogenesis in pigs. Reprod Domest Anim, in press.
Carlson, D.C., J.J. Reed, P.P. Borowicz, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, T.L. Neville, D.A. Redmer, K.A. Vonnahme, J. S. Caton. 2008. Effects of dietary selenium supply and timing of nutrient restriction during gestation on maternal growth and body composition of pregnant adolescent ewes. Accepted with revision to Journal of Animal Science.
Conforti VA, de Avila DM, Cummings NS, Wells KJ, Ulker H, Reeves JJ. 2007. The effectiveness of a CpG motif-based adjuvant (CpG ODN 2006) for LHRH immunization. Vaccine. 25(35):6537-43.
Conforti VA, de Avila DM, Cummings NS, Zanella R, Wells KJ, Ulker H, Reeves JJ. 2008. CpG motif-based adjuvant as a replacement for Freund's complete adjuvant in a recombinant LHRH vaccine. Vaccine. 26(7):907-13.
Curley, K. O., Jr., D. A. Neuendorff, A. W. Lewis, J. J. Cleere, T. H. Welsh, Jr. and R. D. Randel. 2008. Functional characteristics of the bovine hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis vary with temperament. Hormones and Behavior 53:20-27.
Dong, F., S.P. Ford, M.J. Nijland, P.W. Nathanielsz, and J. Ren. 2008. Influence of maternal undernutrition and overfeeding on cardiac ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor and ventricular size in fetal sheep. J. Nutr. Biochem. 19:409-414.
Doyle TJ, Braun KW, McLean DJ, Wright RW, Griswold MD, Kim KH. 2007. Potential Functions of Retinoic Acid Receptor A (RARA) in Sertoli Cells and Germ Cells During Spermatogenesis. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1120:114-30.
Du, M., Q.W. Shen, M. J. Zhu, and S. P. Ford. 2007. Leucine stimulates mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in C2C12 myoblasts in part through inhibition of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase. J. Anim. Sci. 85:919-927.
E. P. Lemke, B. M. Adams, A. Jablonka-Shariff, I. Boime and T. E. Adams. (2008). Single chain gonadotropin analogs induce follicle development in sheep. J. Endocrinol. 196:593-600.
Edrington, T. S., T. R. Callaway, D. M. Hallford, L. Chen, R. C. Anderson, and D. J. Nisbet. 2008. Effects of exogenous melatonin and tryptophan on fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 in cattle. Microbial Ecology 55: 553-560.
Edrington, T. S., T. R. Callaway, D. M. Hallford, R. C. Anderson, and D. J. Nisbet. 2007. Influence of exogenous triiodothyronine (T3) on fecal shedding of Escherichia coliO157 in cattle. Microbial Ecology 53: 664-669.
Evoniuk, J. M., P. P. Borowicz, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, L. P. Reynolds, J. B. Taylor, C. L. Stoltenow, K. I. O'Rourke, and D. A. Redmer 2008. Effects of nutrition and genotype on prion protein (PrPC) gene expression in the fetal and maternal sheep placenta. Placenta. 59:422-428.
Flores, R., M. L. Looper, R. W. Rorie, D. M. Hallford, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2008. Endocrine factors and ovarian follicles are influenced by body condition and somatotropin in postpartum beef cows. J Anim Sci 86: 1335-1344.
Flores, R., M. L. Looper, R. W. Rorie, M. A. Lamb, S. T. Reiter, D. M. Hallford, D. L. Krieder, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2007. Influence of body condition and bovine somatotropin on estrous behavior, reproductive performance, and concentrations of serum somatotropin and plasma fatty acids in postpartum Brahman-influenced cows. J Anim Sci 85: 1318-1329.
Ford, S. P., B. W. Hess, M.M. Schwope, M. J. Nijland, J. S. Gilbert, K.A. Vonnahme, W. J. Means, H. Han, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2007. Maternal undernutrition during early gestation in the ewe results in altered growth, adiposity and glucose intolerance in male offspring. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1285-1294.
Forde N., M. Rogers , M.J. Canty, P. Lonergan, G.W. Smith, P.M. Coussens, J.J. Ireland and ACO Evans. 2008. Association of the prion protein and its expression with ovarian follicle development in cattle. Molecular Reproduction and Development 75:243-249.
Galbreath, C. W., E. J. Scholljegerdes, G. P. Lardy, K. G. Odde, M. E. Wilson, J. W. Schroeder, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effect of feeding flax or linseed meal on progesterone clearance rate in ovariectomized ewes. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. Accepted.
Gasser, C. L., C. R. Burke, M. L. Mussard, E J. Behlke, D. E. Grum, J. E. Kinder, and M. L. Day. 2006. Induction of precocious puberty in heifers II: Advanced ovarian follicular development. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2042-2049.
Gasser, C. L., D. E. Grum, M. L. Mussard, J. E. Kinder, and M. L. Day. 2006. Induction of precocious puberty in heifers I: Enhanced secretion of luteinizing hormone. J Anim Sci 84: 2035-2041.
Gasser, C. L., E. J. Behlke, D. E. Grum, and M. L. Day. 2006. Effect of timing of feeding a high-concentrate diet on growth and attainment of puberty in early-weaned heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3118-3122.
Gasser, C. L., G. A. Bridges, M. L. Mussard, D. M. Dauch, D. E. Grum, J. E. Kinder and M. L. Day. 2006. Induction of precocious puberty in heifers III: Hastened reduction of estradiol negative feedback on secretion of luteinizing hormone. J. Anim. Sci.84:2050-2056.
Gifford CA, Assiri AM, Satterfield MC, Spencer TE, Ott TL. 2008. Receptor Transporter Protein 4 (RTP4) in Endometrium, Ovary, and Peripheral Blood Leukocytes of Pregnant and Cyclic Ewes. Biology of Reproduction. DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.108.069468.
Gifford CA, Racicot K, Clark DS, Austin KJ, Hansen TR, Lucy MC, Davies CJ, Ott TL. Regulation of interferon-stimulated genes in peripheral blood leukocytes in pregnant and bred, nonpregnant dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2007; 90: 274-280.
Gifford, C. A., J. L. Duffey, R. L. Knight, and D. M. Hallford. 2007. Serum thyroid hormones and performance of offspring in ewes receiving propylthiouracil with or without melatonin. Anim Reprod Sci 100: 32-43.
Gilbert, J.S., S.P. Ford, A.L. Lang, L.R. Pahl, M.C. Drumhiller, S,A. Babcock, P.W. Nathanielsz, and M.J. Nijland. 2007. Nutrient restriction impairs nephrogenesis in a gender- specific manner in the ovine fetus. Pediatr. Res. 61:42-47.
Gökdal O, Atay O, Ulker H, Yaral1 E, Helva IB, Deavila DM, Reeves JJ. 2008. GnRH or eCG treatment fails to restore reproductive function in GnRH immunized ewes. Anim Reprod Sci. May 2. [Epub ahead of print]
Goncalves, R.F., Barnabe, V.H. and Killian, G.J. Pre-treatment of cattle sperm and/or oocyte with antibody to lipocalin type prostaglandin D synthase inhibits in vitro fertilization and increases sperm-oocyte binding. Anim Reprod Sci. 2008. 106:181-193.
Grazul-Bilska, A.T., C. Navanukraw, M.L. Johnson, K.A. Vonnahme, S.P. Ford, L.P. Reynolds, and D.A. Redmer. 2007. Vascularity and expression of angiogenic factors in bovine dominant follicles of the first follicular wave. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1914-1922.
Grazul-Bilska, A.T., J. D. Kirsch, J. J. Bilski, K.C. Kraft, E. J. Windorski, J. S. Luther, K. A. Vonnahme, L. P. Reynolds and D. A. Redmer. 2007. Superovulation in sheep: Number and weight of the corpora lutea and serum progesterone. Sheet and Goat Research Journal. 22:26-31.
Grazul-Bilska, Anna T, Jashoman Banerjee, Ilker Yazici, Ewa Borowczyk, Jerzy J. Bilski, Rakesh K. Sharma, Maria Siemionov, Tommaso Falcone. 2008. Morphology and function of cryopreserved whole ovine ovaries after heterotopic autotransplantation. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 6: 16.
Grings, E. E., A. J. Roberts, T. W. Geary and M. D. MacNeil. 2008. Milk yield of primiparous beef cows from three calving systems and two weaning ages. J. Anim. Sci 86:768-779.
Han, H, T.R. Hansen, B. Berg, B.W. Hess, and S.P. Ford. 2008. Maternal undernutrition induces differential cardiac gene expression in pulmonary hypertensive steers at high elevation. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiology May 23. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18502902.
Hansen TR, Galligan, D. Strategies for early diagnosis of open/pregnant cows: Current status, economical Implications. J Dairy Sci 2007; Suppl.
Harris HL, Cupp AS, Roberts AJ, Funston RN. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling byproducts in beef heifer development diets. J Anim Sci. 2007 Oct 16: (Epub ahead of print).
Harris, H. L., A. S. Cupp, A. J. Roberts, and R. N. Funston. 2008. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling by-products in beef heifer development diets. J. Anim. Sci 85:(Accepted).
Hess, B.W., G.E. Moss, and D.C. Rule. 2008. A decade of developments in the area of fat supplementation research with beef cattle and sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 86:E188-E204.
Hiscox, A.M., A.L. Stone, S.W. Limesand, J.B. Hoying, S.K. Williams. An Islet-Stabilizing Implant Constructed Using a Preformed Vasculature. Tissue Engineering, Epub Dec 21, 2007.
Jobgen, W.S., S.P. Ford, S.C. Jobgen, C. Feng, B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and G. Wu. 2008. Baggs ewes adapt to maternal undernutrition and maintain conceptus growth by maintaining fetal plasma concentrations of glucose and amino acids. J. Anim. Sci. 86:820-826.
Kaneko-Tarui T, Zhang L, Austin KJ, Henkes LE, Johnson J, Hansen TR, Pru JK. Maternal and embryonic control of uterine sphingolipid-metabolizing enzymes during murine embryo implantation. Biol Reprod 2007; 77: 658-665.
Kashiwagi A, DiGirolamo CM, Kanda Y, Niikura Y, Esmon CT, Hansen TR, Shioda T, Pru JK. The postimplantation embryo differentially regulates endometrial gene expression and decidualization. Endocrinology 2007; 148: 4173-4184.
Killian G., Fagerstone K., Kreeger T., Miller L., Rhyan J. Management strategies for addressing wildlife disease transmission: Case for fertility control. Wildl Damage Manage Conf. 2008; 12: 265-271.
Lake, S.L., T.R. Weston, E.J. Scholljegerdes, C.M. Murietta, B.M. Alexander, D.C. Rule, G.E. Moss, and B.W. Hess. 2007. Effects of postpartum dietary fat and body condition score at parturition on plasma, adipose tissue, and milk fatty acid composition of lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 85:717-730.
Lamb, G. C., J. E. Larson, T. W. Geary, J. S. Stevenson, S. K. Johnson, M. L. Day, R. P. Ansotegui, D. J. Kesler, J. M. DeJarnette, and D. G. Landblom. 2006. Synchronization of estrus and artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2±, and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3000 - 3009.
Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, K.A. Vonnahme, G.R. Hansen, J.D. Arseneau, G.A Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J.D. Arthington. 2007. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Animal Reproduction Science. In press ANIREP-D-07-988.
Lea, R.G., P. Wooding, I. Stewart, L.T. Hannah, S. Morton, K. Wallace, R.P. Aitken, J.S.
Limesand, S.W., P.J. Rozance, D. Smith, W.W. Hay, Jr. Increased Insulin Sensitivity and Maintenance of Glucose Utilization Rates in Fetal Sheep with Placental Insufficiency and Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab, 293(6):E1716-25, 2007.
Liu W.-S., Wang A., Uno Y., Galtz D., Beattie C.W., Ponce de León F.A. 2007. Genomic structure and transcript variants of the bovine DAZL gene. Cytogenetics and Genome Research 116, 65-71.
Liu, W.-S., Ponce de León, F.A. 2007. Mapping of the Bovine Y Chromosome. Electronic Journal of Biology 3 (1), 5-12.
Lonergan and A.C.O. Evans. 2007. Identification of novel genes associated with ovarian follicle development in cattle. Reproduction Fertility and Development 19:967-975.
Luther, J.S., A.T. Grazul-Bilska, J.D. Kirsch, R.M. Weigl, K.C. Kraft, C. Navanukraw, D. Pant, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer. 2007. The effect of GnRH, eCG and progestin type on estrous synchronization following laparoscopic AI in ewes. Small Ruminant Research; 72:227-231.
Luther, J.S., R.P. Aitken, J.S. Milne, M. Matsuzaki, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, J.M. Wallace. 2007. Maternal and fetal growth, body composition, endocrinology, and metabolic status in undernourished adolescent sheep. Biology of Reproduction; 77, 343-350.
Martin JL, Cupp AS, Rasby RJ, Hall ZC, Funston RN. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing beef heifers. J. Anim Sci. 2007: Sep 85(9): 2298-303. Epub 2007 May 25.
Martin, JL, DT Clopton, HL Stroh, AS Cupp, RN Funston. Effects of soybeans or dried distillers grains in beef heifer development diets on reproductive performance and granulosa VEGF isoform expression. (In revision for Journal of Animal Science)
Meyer, J.P., R.P. Radcliff, M.L. Rhoads, J.F. Bader, C.N. Murphy and M.C. Lucy. 2007. Timed artificial insemination of two consecutive services in dairy cows using prostaglandin F2a and gonadotropin-releasing hormone. J. Dairy Sci. 90(2):691-698.
Meza-Herrera, C. A., D. M. Hallford, J. A. Ortiz, R. A. Cuevas, J. M. Sanchez, H. Salinas, M. Mellado, and A. Gonzalez-Bulnes. 2008. Body condition and protein supplementation positively affect periovulatory ovarian activity by non LH-mediated pathways in goats. Anim Reprod Sci 106: 412-420.
Meza-Herrera, C. A., T. T. Ross, D. M. Hallford, and D. E. Hawkins. 2007. Effects of body condition and protein supplementation on LH secretion and luteal functionin sheep. Reprod. Domest. Anim. 42: 461-465.
Milne, T.R. Regnault, R.V. Anthony and J.M. Wallace. 2007. The expression of ovine placental lactogen, StAR, progesterone associated steroidogenic enzymes in placentae of over-nourished growing adolescent ewes. Reproduction 133: 785-796.
Mussard, M. L., C. R. Burke, E. J. Behlke, C. L. Gasser, and M. L. Day. 2007. Influence of premature induction of an LH surge with GnRH on ovulation, luteal function and fertility in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 85:937-943.
Nijland, M.J., S.P. Ford, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2008. Prenatal origins of adult disease. Current Opinions in Obstet. Gynecol. 20:132-138.
ONeil, M.R., G.P. Lardy, J.S. Caton, L.P. Reynolds, K.A. Vonnahme. 2008. Impacts of linseed meal and estradiol-17² on mass, cellularity, angiogenic factors, and vascularity of the jejunum. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted.
Oatley JM, Avarbock MR, and Brinster RL. 2007. Glial cell line-derived neurotorphic factor regulation of genes essential for self-renewal of mouse spermatogonial stem cell is dependent on Src family kinase signaling. J. Biol. Chem. 282; 25842-25851.
Ocón-Grove, O.M, Cooke, F.N.T., Alvarez, I.M., Johnson, S.E., Ott, T.L. and Ealy, A.D. 2007. Ovine Endometrial and Conceptus Expression of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF)-2 and FGF Receptors during Early Pregnancy. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. doi:10.1016/j.domaniend.2006.12.002.
Oliveira, J.F., L.E. Henkes, S.H. Purcell, N.P. Smirnova, R.L. Ashley, R.V. Anthony and T.R. Hansen. 2008. Expression of ISGs in extrauterine tissues during early pregnancy in sheep is the consequence of endocrine IFN-Ä release from the uterine vein. Endocrinology 149:1252-1259
Perry, G. A., M. F. Smith, A. J. Roberts, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2007. Relationship between size of ovulatory follicle and pregnancy success in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 85:684-689.
Pohlmann RM, Ten Broeck RA, RM McFee, DT Clopton, RC Bott, RA Longfellow, TG Rozell and AS Cupp. Inhibition of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGFA) signal transduction blocks follicle progression but does not necessarily inhibit vascular development in perinatal rat ovaries. (resubmitted to Endocrinology. In review).
Reed, J.J., M.A. Ward, K.A. Vonnahme, T.L. Neville, S.L. Julius, P.P. Borowicz, J.B. Taylor, D.A Redmer, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton. 2007. Effects of selenium supply and dietary restriction on maternal and fetal body weight, visceral organ mass, cellularity estimates, and jejunal vascularity in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science 85:2721-2733.
Rempel LA, Austin KJ, Ritchie KJ, Yan M, Shen M, Zhang DE, Henkes LE, Hansen TR. Ubp43 gene expression is required for normal Isg15 expression and fetal development. Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2007; 5: 13.
Reynolds L. P., P. P Borowicz, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, J. S. Luther, D. S. Buchanan, S. A. Hafez, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, and D. A. Redmer. 2008. Utero-placental vascular development and placental function: An update. Invited review. Internat J. Develop. Biol., Special Issue Placental Developmental Biology, JS Hunt and KL Thornburg (eds.); In press.
Rhoads, M.L., J.P. Meyer, S.J. Kolath, W.R. Lamberson and M.C. Lucy. 2008. Growth hormone receptor, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and IGF-binding protein-2 expression in the reproductive tissues of early postpartum dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91(5):1802-1813.
Rhoads, M.L., J.P. Meyer, W.R. Lamberson, D.H. Keisler and M.C. Lucy. 2008. Uterine and hepatic gene expression in relation to days postpartum, estrus, and pregnancy in postpartum dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91(1):140-150.
Roberts, A. J., S. I. Paisley, T. W. Geary, E. E. Grings, R. C. Waterman, and M. D. MacNeil. 2007. Effects of restricted feeding of beef heifers during the postweaning period on growth, efficiency and ultrasound carcass characteristics. J. Anim Sci 85: 2740-2745.
Rowell, J.E., M.C. Sousa, and M.P. Shipka. 2007. Estrous synchronization in captive muskoxen: progesterone and the bull effect. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 87:535-538.
Rozance, P.J., S.W. Limesand, J.S. Barry, L.D. Brown, S.R. Thorn, D. Loturco, T. Regnault, J.E. Friedman, W.W. Hay, Jr. Chronic Late Gestation Hypoglycemia Up-Regulates Hepatic PEPCK Associated with Increased PGC1± mRNA and pCREB in Fetal Sheep. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab., 294(2):E365-70, 2008.
Rozance, P.J., S.W. Limesand, G.O. Zerbe, W.W. Hay, Jr. Chronic Fetal Hypoglycemia Inhibits the Later Steps of Stimulus-Secretion Coupling in Pancreatic Beta-Cells. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab., 292(5):E1256-64 2007.
Ryu BY, Orwig KE, Oatley JM, Lin CC, Chang LJ, Avarbock MR, Brinster RL. 2007. Efficient generation of transgenic rats through the male germline using lentiviral transduction and transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells. J Androl. 28:353-60.
Schmidt JA, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2007. Analysis of gene expression in bovine testis tissue prior to ectopic testis tissue xenografting and during the grafting period. Biol Reprod, 76: 1071?1080.
Schmitz, T, L.A. Cox, C. Li, B.A. Levine, S.P. Ford, T.J. McDonald, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2007. Prostaglandin E2 receptor expression in fetal baboon lung at 0.7 gestation after betamethasone. Periatr. Res. 61:421-426.
Scholljegerdes, E.J., S.L. Lake, T.R. Weston, D.C. Rule, G.E. Moss, T.M. Nett, and B.W. Hess. 2007. Fatty acid composition of plasma, medial basal hypothalamus, and uterine tissue in primiparous beef cows fed high-linoleate safflower seeds. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1555-1564.
Sen, A., A. Bettegowda, F. Jimenez-Krassel, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2007. Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) regulation of follicle stimulating hormone signal transduction in bovine granulosa cells. Endocrinology 148:4400-4410.
Shwartz, G., M.L. Rhoads, K.A. Dawson, M.J. VanBaale, R.P. Rhoads and L.H. Baumgard. 2008. Effects of a supplemental yeast culture on heat stressed lactating Holstein cows (submitted).
Sorensen CM, Rempel LA, Nelson SR, Francis BR, Perry DJ, Lewis RV, Haas AL, Hansen TR. The hinge region between two ubiquitin-like domains destabilizes recombinant ISG15 in solution. Biochemistry 2007; 46: 772-780.
Souza, C.E.A., Moura, A.A., Monaco, E. and Killian G.J. Binding patterns of bovine seminal plasma proteins A1/A2, 30kDa and osteopontin on ejaculated sperm before and after incubation with isthmic and ampullary oviductal fluid. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 2008. 105:72-89.
Stevenson, J.L., Dalton, J.C., Ott, T.L., Racicot, K.E. and Chebel, R.C. 2007. Correlation between reproductive status and steady-state mRNA levels of the Myxovirus resistance gene, MX2, in peripheral blood leukocytes of dairy heifers. Journal of Animal Science 85(9):2163-72.
Swanson, T. J., C. J. Hammer, J. S. Luther, D. B. Carlson, J. B. Taylor, D. A. Redmer, T. L. Neville, J. J. Reed, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effects of plane of nutrition and selenium supplementation on colostrum quality and mammary development in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted. Epub ahead of print available.
T. E. Adams and I. Boime. (2008). The expanding role of recombinant gonadotropins in assisted reproduction. Reprod. Dom. Anim. 43 (Suppl. 2):1-7.
T. Standley, J. Paterson, K. Skinner, B. Rainey, A. Roberts, T. Geary, G. Smith and R. White. 2008. The use of an experimental vaccine in gestating beef cows to reduce the shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in the newborn calf. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:260-263.
Tauck S. A., and J. G. Berardinelli. 2007. Putative urinary pheromone of bulls involved with breeding performance of primiparous beef cows in a progestin-based estrous synchronization protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 85:1669-1674.
Tauck, S. A., J. R. C. Wilkinson, J. R. Olsen, J. N. Janitell, and J. G. Berardinelli. 2007. Comparison of controlled internal drug release device and melengesterol acetate as progestin sources in an estrous synchronization protocol for beef heifers. Theriogenology 68:162-167.
Tauck, S. A., J. R. Olsen, and J. G. Berardinelli. 2007. Adrenal involvement in the biostimulatory effect of bulls. Reprod. Biol. and Endocrinol. 5:33-39.
Ten Broeck RA, RM Pohlmann, RA Longfellow, MM Baltes, DT Clopton, AS Cupp. Neutralization of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor inhibitory isoforms is a more effective mechanism than treatment with angiogenic isoforms to stimulate vascular development and follicle progression in the perinatal rat ovary. (Submitted to Endocrinology as companion paper to 5 above. In review).
Tong, J., M.J. Zhu, K.R. Underwood, B.W. Hess, S.P. Ford, and M. Du. 2008. AMP-activated protein kinase and adipogenesis in sheep fetal skeletal muscle and 3T3-L1 cells. J. Anim. Sci. 86:1296-1305.
Ulker H, Küçük M, Y1lmaz A, Yörük M, Arslan L, Deavila D, Reeves J. 2008. Changes in Testicular Development, Ultrasonographic and Histological Appearance of the Testis in Buck Kids Immunized Against LHRH Using Recombinant LHRH Fusion Protein. Reprod Domest Anim. May 27. [Epub ahead of print]
Underwood, K.R., J. Tong, M. J. Zhu, Q.W. Shen, W. J. Means, S. P. Ford, S. I. Paisley, B.W. Hess, and M. Du 2007. Relationship between Kinase Phosphorylation, Muscle Fiber Typing and Glycogen Accumulation in Longisimus dorsi Muscle of Beef Cattle with High and Low Intramuscular Fat. J. Agric. Food Chem. 55:9698-9703.
Underwood, K.R., W.J. Means, M.J. Zhu, S.P. Ford, B.W. Hess, and M. Du. 2008. AMP-activated protein kinase is negatively associated with intramuscular fat content in longisimus dorsi muscle of beef cattle. Meat Science (accepted).
Voge, J.L., and Wheaton, J.E., 2007. Effects of immunization against two inhibin antigens on daily sperm production and hormone concentrations in ram lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 85:3249-3255
Vonnahme, K. A., M. J. Zhu, P. B. Borowicz, T. W. Geary, B. W. Hess, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, W. J. Means, and S. P. Ford. 2007. Effect of early gestational undernutrition on angiogenic factor expression and vascularity in the bovine placentome. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2464-2472.
Vonnahme, K.A., J. Evoniuk, M.L. Johnson, P.P. Borowicz, D.A. Redmer, L.P. Reynolds, and A.T. Grazul-Bilska. 2008. Placental vascularity and growth factor expression in singleton, twin, and triplet pregnancies in the sheep. Endocrine. 33:53-61.
Vonnahme, K.A., M. J. Zhu, P. P. Borowicz, T.W. Geary, B. W. Hess, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, W. J. Means, S. P. Ford. 2007. Effect of early gestational undernutrition on angiogenic factor expression and vascularity in the bovine placentome. Journal of Animal Science. 85:2464-2472.
Vonnahme, K.A., M.J. Zhu, P.B. Borowicz, T.W. Geary, B.W. Hess, L.P. Reynolds, J.S. Caton, W.J. Means, and S.P. Ford. 2007. Effect of early gestational undernutrition on angiogenic factor expression and vascularity in the bovine placentome. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2654-2672.
Wang, A., Yasue, H., Lin, L., Takashima, M., Ponce de León, F.A. Liu, W.-S. 2008. Cloning and characterization of the bovine CDYL gene family. Animal Genetics 39, 207-216.
Ward, M. A., T. L. Neville, J. J. Reed, J. B. Taylor, D. M. Hallford, S. A. Soto-Navarro, K. A. Vonnahme, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds, and J. S. Caton. 2008. Effects of selenium supply and dietary restriction on maternal and fetal metabolic hormones in pregnant ewe lambs. J Anim Sci 86: 1254-1262.
Ward, M.E., Neville, T.L., Reed, J.J., Taylor, J.B., Hallford, D.M. Soto-Navarro, S., Vonnahme, K.A., Redmer, D.A., Reynolds, L.P., and Caton, J.S. 2008. Effects of selenium supply and dietary restriction on maternal and fetal metabolic hormones in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 86:1254-1262.
Waterman, R.C., E. E. Grings, T. W. Geary, A. J. Roberts, L. J. Alexander, and M. D. MacNeil. 2007. Influence of seasonal forage quality on glucose kinetics of young beef cows J Anim Sci 2007 85: 2582-2595.
Weems YS, Kim L, Humphreys V, Tsuda V, Blankfein R, Wong A, Weems CW. 2007. Effect of luteinizing hormone (LH), pregnancy-specific protein B (PSPB), or arachidonic acid (AA) on secretion of progesterone and prostaglandins (PG) E (PGE; PGE1 and PGE2 and F2± (PGF2± by ovine corpora lutea of the estrous cycle or pregnancy in vitro. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 84:163-73.
Weems YS, Kim L, Tsuda V, Yin C, Weems CW. 2007. What regulates placental steroidogenesis in 90-day pregnant ewes? Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 84:54-65.
Weems YS, Lennon E, Uchima T, Raney A, Goto K, Ong A, Zaleski H, Weems CW. 2008. Mechanism whereby nitric oxide (NO) infused chronically intrauterine in ewes is antiluteolytic rather than being luteolytic. Prostaglandins Other Lipid Mediat. 85:33-41.
Windorski, E.J., C.S. Schauer, A.K. Wurst, E.K. Inskeep, and J.S. Luther. 2008. Effects of Melengestrol Acetate and P.G. 600 on fertility in Rambouillet ewes outside the natural breeding season. Theriogenology (accepted).
Zhou, Y., M.J. Nijland, M.M. Miller, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, and J. T. Brenna. 2008. The influence of maternal early to mid-gestation nutrient restriction on long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in fetal sheep. Lipids. (Accepted).
Zhu, M. J., M. Du, B. W. Hess, W. J. Means, P. W. Nathanielsz, and S. P. Ford. 2007. Maternal nutrient restriction upregulates signaling pathways in the cotyledonary artery of cow placentomes. Placenta 28:361-368.
Zhu, M.J., B. Han, J. Tong, C. Ma, J.M. Kimzey, K.R.Underwood, Y. Xiao, B.W. Hess, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, and M. Du. 2008. AMP-activated protein kinase signalling pathways are down regulated and skeletal muscle development impaired in fetuses of obese, over-nourished sheep. J. Physiol. 586:2651-2664.
Zhu, M.J., M. Du, B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2007. Periconceptional nutrient restriction in the ewe alters MAPK/ERK1/2 and PI3K/Akt growth signalling pathways in the placentome. Placenta 28:1192-1199.
Ziebell, B.T., R.V. Anthony, T.R.H. Regnault, T.A. Parker, H.L. Galan and J.A. Arroyo. 2007. Ontogeny of endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA in an ovine model of fetal and placental growth restriction. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 197:420.e1-420.e5.
Zielak AE, M.J. Canty, N. Forde, P.M. Coussens, G.W. Smith, P. Lonergan, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2008. Differential expression of genes for transcription factors in theca and granulosa cells following selection of a dominant follicle in cattle. Molecular Reproduction and Development 75:904-914.
Zielak, A.E., N. Forde, S.D.E. Park, F. Doohan, P.M. Coussens, G.W. Smith, J.J. Ireland, P. Lonergan and A.C.O. Evans. 2007. Identification of novel genes associated with ovarian follicle development in cattle. Reproduction Fertility and Development 19:967-975.
Refereed Journal Publications:
Alexander, B.M., P. Singh, K.J. Austin, R.R. Cockrum, K.M. Cammack, B.W. Hess, G.E. Moss, P.W. Nathaneilsz, and S.P. Ford. 2008.
Effect of maternal fatness on fetal steroids and semi-quantitative real-time PCR expression of receptor genes in sheep. Anim. Reprod. Sci. In Press. Dec. 24. [Epub ahead of print].
Alexander, B.M., R.S. Stobart, and G.E. Moss. 2008.
Scrapie resistance and production traits in Rambouillet rams: ram performance test 2002-2006. Res. Vet. Sci. 85(2): 345-348.
Alexander, L. J., L. A. Kuehn, T. P. Smith, L. K. Matukumalli, B. Mote, J. E. Koltes, J. Reecy, T. W. Geary, D. C. Rule, and M. D. MacNeil. 2009.
A Limousin specific myostatin allele affects longissimus muscle area and fatty acid profiles in a Wagyu-Limousin F2 population. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1576-1581.
Anna T. Grazul-Bilska, Jashoman Banerjee, Ilker Yazici, Ewa Borowczyk, Jerzy J. Bilski, Rakesh K. Sharma, Maria Siemionov, Tommaso Falcone. Morphology and function of cryopreserved whole ovine ovaries after heterotopic autotransplantation. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 6: 16; 2008.
Araujo, R. C., Pires, A. V., Susin, I., Mendes, C. Q., Rodrigues, G. H., Urano, F. S., Ribeiro, M. F., Oliveira, C. A., Viau, P., and Day, M. L. 2008.
Postpartum ovarian activity of Santa Inês lactating ewes fed diets containing soybean hulls as a replacement for coastcross (Cynodon sp.) hay. 2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2008.12.015.
Arroyo, J.A., R.V. Anthony and H.L. Galan. 2008. Decreased Placental X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (XIAP) in an Ovine Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 199:80.e1- 0.e8.
Aston K.I., Li G.P., Sessions B.R., Davis A.P., Winger Q.A., Rickords L.F., Stevens J.R., and White K.L. Global Gene Expression Analysis of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Blastocysts and Cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and Development 2009, 76:471-482.
Bailey, C. R., G. C. Duff, S. R. Sanders, S. P. Cuneo, C. P. McMurphy, S. W. Limesand, J. A. Marchello, D. W. Schafer, M. L. Rhoads, and D. M. Hallford. 2008. Effects of ovariectomy and anabolic steroid implantation on the somatotrophic axis in feedlot heifers. South African J. Anim. Sci. 38: 207-216.
Bailey, C.R., G.C. Duff, S.R. Sanders, S.P. Cuneo, C.P. McMurphy, S.W. Limesand, J.A. Marchello, D.W. Schafer, M.L. Rhoads and D.M. Hallford. 2008.
Effects of ovariectomy and anabolic steroid implantation on the somatotropic axis in feedlot heifers. S. African J. Anim. Sci. 38(3):207-216
Bailey, J. D., J. G. Berardinelli, T. E. Rocke, and R. A. Bessen. 2008.
Prominent pancreatic endcrinopathy and altered control of food intake disrupt energy homeostasis in prion diseases. J. Endocrinology 197:251-263.
Behrends, S. M., R. K. Miller, F. M. Rouquette, Jr., R. D. Randel, B. G. Warrington, T.D.A. Forbes, T. H. Welsh, Jr., H. Lippke, J. M. Behrends, G. E. Carstens and J. W. Holloway. 2009.
Relationship of temperament, growth, carcass characteristics and tenderness in beef steers. Meat Sci. 81:433-438.
Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Tolnay AE, Reisenhauer CE, Hansen TR, Smirnova N, Van Campen H. Transplacental infection with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea virus types 1b and 2: viral spread and molecular neuropathology. J Comp Pathol 2008; 138: 72-85.
Bott, RC, DT Clopton, AS Cupp. A Proposed Role for VEGF Isoforms in Sex-Specific Vasculature Development in the Gonad. (2008) ; Reproduction in Domestic Animals. Vol 43(Suppl 2): July; 310-316.
Breen KM, Davis TL, Doro LC, Nett TM, Oakley AE, Padmanabhan V, Rispoli LA, Wagenmaker ER, Karsch FJ,2008. Insight into the neuroendocrine site and cellular mechanism by which cortisol suppresses pituitary responsiveness to gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Endocrinology 149:767-73.
Bridges, G. A., M. L. Mussard, C. R. Burke and M. L. Day. 2009. Influence of the length of proestrus on fertility and endocrine function in female cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2009.05.002.
Bridges, G. A., L. A. Helser, D. E. Grum, M. L. Mussard, C. L. Gasser and M. L. Day. 2008. Decreasing the interval between GnRH and PGF2± from 7 to 5 days and lengthening proestrus increases timed-AI pregnancy rates in beef cows. Theriogenology 69:843851.
Caires KC, Schmidt JA, Oliver AP, de Avila JM, McLean DJ. 2008. Endocrine regulation of the establishment of spermatogenesis in pigs. Reprod Domest Anim, 43(2):280-287.
Carlson, D.C., J.J. Reed, P.P. Borowicz, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, T.L. Neville, D.A. Redmer, K.A. Vonnahme, J. S. Caton. 2008. Effects of dietary selenium supply and timing of nutrient restriction during gestation on maternal growth and body composition of pregnant adolescent ewes. Journal of Animal Science 87:669-680.
Caton, J. S., J. J. Reed, R. P. Aitken, J. S. Milne, P. P. Borowicz, L. P. Reynolds, D. A. Redmer, and J. M. Wallace. 2009. Effects of maternal nutrition and stage of gestation on body weight, visceral organ mass, and on indices of jejunal cellularity, proliferation, and vascularity in pregnant ewe lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 222-235.
Cooke, F.N., Pennington, K.A., Yang, Q.E. and Ealy, A.D. 2009. Several fibroblast growth factors are expressed during pre-attachment bovine conceptus development and regulate interferon-tau expression from trophectoderm. 137:259-269.
Cooke, R.F., Arthington, J.D., Araujo, D.B., Lamb, G.C. and Ealy, A.D. 2008. Effects of supplementation frequency on performance, reproductive, and metabolic responses of Brahman-crossbred females. J. Anim. Sci. 86:2296-2309.
Cupp A. S., J. Matthews, E. Huff-Lonergan, D. Moody Spurlock, and D. McLean. Cell Biology Symposium: The Role of MicroRNA in cell Function. J. Anim.Sci. 2008. Nov 7. [Epub ahead of print].
Cupp AS, Matthews J, Huff-Lonergan E, Spurlock DM, McLean D. 2009. Cell biology symposium: the role of microRNA in cell function. J Anim Sci. 2009 Apr;87(14 Suppl):E19-20.
Cushman RA, MF Allan, LA Kuehn, WM Snelling, AS Cupp, HC Freetly. Evaluation of antral follicle count and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows: Investigation of influence of stage of the estrous cycle, age, and birth weight. J Anim Sci. 2009 Mar 13. [Epub ahead of print]
Ealy, A.D. and Yang Q.E. 2009. Control of interferon-tau expression during early pregnancy in ruminants. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 61:95-106.
Edrington, T. S., T. R. Callaway, D. M. Hallford, L. Chen, R. C. Anderson, and D. J. Nisbet. 2008. Effects of exogenous melatonin and tryptophan on fecal shedding of E. Coli 0157:H7 in cattle. Microbial Ecology 55:553-560.
Elsik, C. G., R. L. Tellam, K. C. Worley, R. A. Gibbs, & L. Alexander, &, A. Roberts, &, R. C. Waterman, &, M. D. MacNeil. 2009. The Genome Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to Ruminant Biology and Evolution. Science 324: 522-528.
Flores, R., M. L. Looper, R. W. Rorie, D. M. Hallford, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2008. Endocrine factors and ovarian follicles are influenced by body condition and somatotropin in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 86:1335-1344.
Galbreath, C. W., E. J. Scholljegerdes, G. P. Lardy, K. G. Odde, M. E. Wilson, J. W. Schroeder, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effect of feeding flax or linseed meal on progesterone clearance rate in ovariectomized ewes. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 35:164-169.
Gonçalves RF, Chapman DA, Bertolla RP, Eder I and Killian GJ. 2008. Pre-treatment of cattle semen or oocytes with purified milk osteopontin affects in vitro fertilization and embryo development. Anim Reprod Sci. 108:375-83.
Gonçalves RF, Staros AL and Killian GJ. 2008.
Oviductal fluid proteins associated with the bovine zona pellucida and the effect on in vitro sperm-egg binding, fertilization and embryo development. Reprod Domest Anim. 43:720-9.
Gonçalves RF, Wolinetz CG, Barnabe VH, Killian GJ. 2009. Influence of osteopontin in bovine uterine tube fluid on sperm binding and fertilization in RCA-1 lectin-treated oocytes. Reprod Domest Anim. 44:152-5.
Grazul-Bilska, A. T., J. S. Caton, W. Arndt, K. Burchill, C. Thorson, E. Borowczyk, J. J. Bilski, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds and K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Cellular proliferation in ovine fetal ovaries: Effects of energy restrictions and selenium in maternal diet. Reproduction. 137:699-707.
Han H, Hansen TR, Berg B, Hess BW, Ford SP. Maternal undernutrition induces differential cardiac gene expression in pulmonary hypertensive steers at high elevation. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2008; 295: H382-389.
Han, H., T. R. Hansen, B. Berg, B. W. Hess, and S. P. Ford. 2008. Maternal undernutrition induces differential cardiac gene expression in pulmonary hypertensive steers at high elevation. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 295: H382-389.
Harris, H. L., A. S. Cupp, A. J. Roberts, and R. N. Funston. 2008. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling by-products in beef heifer development diets. J. Anim. Sci 86:476-482.
Hess, B.W., G.E. Moss, and D.C. Rule. 2008. A decade of developments in the area of fat supplementation research with beef cattle and sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 86:E188-E204.
Hou X, Arvisais EW, Jiang C, Chen DB, Roy SK, Pate JL, Hansen TR, Rueda BR, Davis JS. Prostaglandin F2alpha stimulates the expression and secretion of transforming growth factor B1 via induction of the early growth response 1 gene (EGR1) in the bovine corpus luteum. Mol Endocrinol 2008; 22: 403-414.
Ireland JJ, Zielak AE, Jimenez-Krassel F, Folger J, Bettegowda A, Scheetz D, Walsh S,Ward F, Knight PG, Smith GW, Lonergan P, Evans ACO. 2009.
Evidence that variation in the ovarian reserve is linked to alterations in intrafollicular estradiol production and key ovarian biomarkers of follicular differentiation and oocyte quality in young adult cattle. Biol Reprod DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.108.073791.
Ireland, J.L., D. Scheetz, F. Jimenez-Krassel, A.P. Themmen, F. Ward, P. Lonergan, G.W. Smith, G.I. Perez, A.C. Evans and J.J. Ireland. 2008. Antral follicle count reliably predicts number of morphologically healthy oocytes and follicles in ovaries of young adult cattle. Biology of Reproduction 79:1219-1225.
J. M. Dafoe, R. W. Kott, B. F. Sowell, J. G. Berardinelli, K. C. Davis, and P. G. Hatfield. 2008. Effects of supplemental safflower and vitamin E during late gestation on lamb growth, serum metabolites, and thermogenesis. J. Anim. Sci. 86(11):3194-3202.
Jeckel, K.M. S.W. Limesand, R.V. Anthony. Specificity Protein-1 and -3 Interact with the Ovine Placental Lactogen Gene Promoter. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2009 (ePub April).
Jeckel, K.M., S.W. Limesand and R.V. Anthony. 2009. Specificity protein-1 and -3 trans-activate the ovine placental lactogen gene promoter. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. doi:10.1016/j.mce.2009.04.006.
Jimenez-Krassel F, Folger JK, Ireland JLH, Smith GW, Davis JS, Lonergan P, Evans ACO, Ireland JJ. 2009. Evidence that high variation in ovarian reserves of healthy young adults has a negative impact on the corpus luteum and endometrium during reproductive cycles of single-ovulating species. Biol Reprod 80: 954-964.
Jobgen, W.S., S.P. Ford, S.C. Jobgen, C. Feng, B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, G. Wu. 2008. Baggs ewes adapt to maternal undernutrition and maintain conceptus growth by maintaining fetal plasma concentrations of glucose and amino acids. J. Anim. Sci., 86:820-826.
Killian, G. J., D. Thain, N. K. Diehl, J. C. Rhyan, and L. A. Miller. 2008. Four-year contrception rates of mares treated with single-injection porcine zona pellucida and GnRH vaccines and intrauterine devices. Wildlife Res 35:531-539.
Killian, G. J., D. Wagner, K. A. Fagerstone, and L. A. Miller. 2008. Long-term efficacy and reproductive behavior associated with GonaContm use in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 23:240-243.
Killian, G., T. J. Kreeger, J. Rhyan, K. Fagerstone, and L. Miller. 2009. Observations on the use of Gonacontm in captive female elk (Cervus elaphus). J. of Wildl. Dis. 45:184-188.
Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, K.A. Vonnahme, G.R. Hansen, J.D. Arseneau, G.A Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J.D. Arthington. 2008. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Animal Reproduction Science. 108:269-278.
Lee KB, Bettegowda A, Wee G, Ireland JJ, Smith GW. 2009. Molecular determinants of oocyte competence: Potential functional role for maternal (oocyte-derived) follistatin in promoting bovine early embryogenesis. Endocrinology 150: 2463-2471.
Li Q, Jimenez-Krassel F, Ireland JJ, Smith GW. 2009. Gene expression profiling of bovine preovulatory follicles: gonadotropin surge and prostanoid-dependent up-regulation of genes potentially linked to the ovulatory process. Reproduction 137:297-307.
Limesand, SW.#, P.J. Rozance, L.D. Brown, W.W. Hay, Jr. Effects of Chronic Hypoglycemia and Euglycemic Correction on Lysine Metabolism in Fetal Sheep. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 296(4): E879-887, 2009.
Looper, M. L., R. W. Rorie, C. N. Person, T. D. Lester, D. M. Hallford, G. E. Aiken, C. A. Roberts, G. E. Rottinghaus, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2009. Influence of toxic endophyte-infected fescue on sperm characteristics and endocrine factors of yearling Brahman-influenced bulls J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1181-1191.
Lv, L., F. Jimenez Krassel F, A. Sen, A. Bettegowda , M. Mondal, J. Folger, K.B. Lee K, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2009. Evidence supporting a role for cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) in control of granulosa cell estradiol production associated with dominant follicle selection in cattle. Biology of Reproduction DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.109.077586.
McLean DJ. 2008. Spermatogonial stem cell transplantation and testicular function. Methods in Molecular Biology: Germline stem cells. Methods Mol Biol. 2008;450:149-62.
Meza-Herrera, C. A., D. M. Hallford, J. A. Ortiz, R. A. Cuevas, J. M. Sanchez, H. Salinas, M. Mellado, and A. Gonzalez-Bulnes. 2008. Body condition and protein supplementation positively affect periovulatory ovarian activity by non LH-mediated pathways in goats. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 106:412-420.
Miller, L. A., J.Gionfriddo, K. A. Fagerstone, J. Rhyan, and G. Killian. 2008. The single-shot GnRH imunocontraceptive vaccine (GonaConTM) in white-tailed deer: comparison of several GnRH preparations. Amer J Reprod Immunol 60:214-223.
Miller, L. A., K. A. Fagerstone, D. C. Wagner, and G. J. Killian. 2009. Factors contributing to the success of a single-shot, multiyear PZP immunocontraceptive vaccine for white-tailed deer. Human-Wildlife Conflicts 3:103-115.
Miller, L. A., K. A. Fagerstone, J. Kemp, and G. J. Killian. 2008. Immune mechanisms and characterization of injection site reactions involved in the multi-year contraceptive effect of the GonaContm vaccine. Proceedings of the Vertebrate Pest Conference 23:244-249.
Monaco E, Gasparrini B, Boccia L, De Rosa A, Attanasio L, Zicarelli L, Killian G. 2009. Effect of osteopontin (OPN) on in vitro embryo development in cattle. Therio. 71:450-7.
Montgomery DL, Van Olphen A, Van Campen H, Hansen TR. The fetal brain in bovine viral diarrhea virus-infected calves: lesions, distribution, and cellular heterogeneity of viral antigen at 190 days gestation. Vet Pathol 2008; 45: 288-296.
Nijland, M. J., S. P. Ford, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2008. Prenatal origins of adult disease. Curr. Opin. Obstet. Gynecol., 20: 132-138.
ONeil, M.R., G.P. Lardy, J.S. Caton, L.P. Reynolds, K.A. Vonnahme. 2008. Impacts of linseed meal and estradiol-17² on mass, cellularity, angiogenic factors, and vascularity of the jejunum. Journal of Animal Science. 86:3014-3022.
Oatley JM, Oatley MJ, Avarbock MR, Tobias JW, Brinster RL. 2009. Colony stimulating factor 1 is an extrinsic stimulator of mouse spermatogonial stem cell self-renewal. Development 136:1191-9.
Ocón-Grove, O.M., Cooke, F.N., Alvarez, I.M., Johnson, S.E., Ott, T.L., and Ealy, A.D. 2008. Ovine endometrial expression of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2 and conceptus expression of FGF receptors during early pregnancy. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 34:135-145.
Oliveira JF, Henkes LE, Ashley RL, Purcell SH, Smirnova NP, Veeramachaneni DN, Anthony RV, Hansen TR. Expression of interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes in extrauterine tissues during early pregnancy in sheep is the consequence of endocrine IFN-tau release from the uterine vein. Endocrinology 2008; 149: 1252-1259.
R. Kasimanickam, M. L. Day, J. S. Rudolph, J. B. Hall and W.D. Whittier. 2008. Two doses of prostaglandin improve pregnancy rates to timed-AI in a 5-day progesterone-based synchronization protocol in beef cows. Theriogenology 71:762-767.
Rhoads, M.L., J.P. Meyer, S.J. Kolath, W.R. Lamberson and M.C. Lucy. 2008. Growth hormone receptor, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and IGF-binding protein-2 expression in the reproductive tissues of early postpartum dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91(5):1802-1813.
Rhoads, M.L., J.P. Meyer, W.R. Lamberson, D.H. Keisler and M.C. Lucy. 2008. Uterine and hepatic gene expression in relation to days postpartum, estrus, and pregnancy in postpartum dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91(1):140-150.
Rhoads, M.L., R.P. Rhoads, M.J. VanBaale, R.J. Collier, S.R. Sanders, W.J. Weber, B.A. Crooker and L.H. Baumgard. 2009. Effects of heat stress and plane of nutrition on lactating Holstein cows: I. Production, metabolism and aspects of circulating somatotropin. J. Dairy Sci. 92(5):1986-1997.
Roberts RM, Smith GW, Bazer FW, Cibelli J, Seidel GE, Jr., Bauman DE, Reynolds LP, Ireland JJ . 2009. Research priorities. Farm animal research in crisis. Science 324:468-469.
Rodina, T.M., Cooke, F.N., Hansen, P.J. and Ealy, A.D. 2009. Oxygen tension and medium type actions on blastocyst development and interferon-tau secretion in cattle. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 111:173-188.
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Rozance, P.J., S.W. Limesand, J.S. Barry, L.D. Brown, W.W. Hay, Jr. Glucose Replacement to Euglycemia Causes Hypoxia, Acidosis, and Decreased Insulin Secretion in Fetal Sheep with Intrauterine Growth Restriction. Pediatric Research, 65(1):72-78, 2008.
Schlabritz-Loutsevitch, N. E., J. C. Lopez-Alvarenga, A. G. Comuzzie, M. M. Miller, S. P. Ford, C. Li, G. B. Hubbard, R. J. Ferry, and P. W. Nathanielsz. 2009. The prolonged effect of repeated maternal glucocorticoid exposure on the maternal and fetal leptin/insulin-like growth factor axis in Papio species.
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Sen, A., L. Lv, N. Bello, J.J. Ireland and G.W. Smith. 2008. Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript accelerates termination of follicle-stimulating hormone-induced extracellularly regulated kinase 1/2 and Akt activation by regulating the expression and degradation of specific mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatases in bovine granulosa cells. Molecular Endocrinology 22:2655-2676.
Shoemaker ML, Smirnova NP, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Austin KJ, van Olphen A, Clapper JA, Hansen TR. Differential expression of the type I interferon pathway during persistent and transient bovine viral diarrhea virus infection. J Interferon Cytokine Res 2009; 29: 23-35.
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Smirnova NP, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Van Campen H, Austin KJ, Han H, Montgomery DL, Shoemaker ML, van Olphen AL, Hansen TR. Acute non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus infection induces pronounced type I interferon response in pregnant cows and fetuses. Virus Res 2008; 132: 49-58.
Smirnova NP, Ptitsyn AA, Austin KJ, Bielefeldt-Ohmann H, Van Campen H, Han H, van Olphen AL, Hansen TR. Persistent fetal infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus differentially affects maternal blood cell signal transduction pathways. Physiol Genomics 2009; 36: 129-139.
Swanson, T. J., C. J. Hammer, J. S. Luther, D. B. Carlson, J. B. Taylor, D. A. Redmer, T. L. Neville, J. J. Reed, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2008. Effects of plane of nutrition and selenium supplementation on colostrum quality and mammary development in pregnant ewe lambs. Journal of Animal Science. 86:2415-2423.
Talbot, N. C., Powell, A. M., Ocón, O. M., Caperna, T. J., Camp, M., Garrett, W. M., and Ealy, A. D. 2008. Comparison of the interferon-tau expression from primary trophectoderm outgrowths derived from IVP, NT, and parthenogenote bovine blastocysts. Mol. Reprod. Devel. 75:299-308.
Taylor, J. B., L. P. Reynolds, D. A. Redmer, and J. S. Caton. 2009. Maternal and fetal tissue selenium loads in nulliparous ewes fed supranutritional and excessive selenium during mid- to late pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. jas.2008-1534v1-20081534.
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Tong, J. F., X. Yan, M. J. Zhu, S. P. Ford, P. W. Nathanielsz, and M. Du. 2009. Maternal obesity downregulates myogenesis and b-catenin signaling in fetal skeletal muscle. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 296: E917-924.
Tong, J., M. J. Zhu, K. R. Underwood, B. W. Hess, S. P. Ford, and M. Du. 2008. AMP-activated protein kinase negatively regulates adipogenesis in sheep fetal skeletal muscle and 3T3 cells. J Anim. Sci., 86: 1296-1305.
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Refereed Journal Publications:
Alexander, B.M., P. Singh, K.J. Austin, R.R. Cockrum, K.M. Cammack, B.W. Hess, G.E. Moss, P.W. Nathaneilsz, and S.P. Ford. 2009. Effect of maternal fatness on fetal steroids and semi-quantitative real-time PCR expression of receptor genes in sheep. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 116:58-64. Epub 2008 Dec 24.
Arndt, W. J., A. J. Holle, M. L. Bauer, J. D. Kirsch, D. E. Schimek, K. G. Odde, K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Effects of progesterone supplementation on embryonic survival in dairy cows. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research. 73:271-274.
Araujo, R. C., Pires, A. V., Susin, I., Mendes, C. Q., Rodrigues, G. H., Urano, F. S., Ribeiro, M. F., Oliveira, C. A., Viau, P., and Day, M. L. 2009. Postpartum ovarian activity of Santa Ines lactating ewes fed diets containing soybean hulls as a replacement for coastcross (Cynodon sp.) hay. Small Ruminant Research 81:126-131.
Arreguin-Arevalo J.A., R.L. Ashley , E.R. Wagenmaker , A.E. Oakley, F.J. Karsch, and T.M. Nett. 2010. Membrane-initiated actions of estradiol (E2) in the regulation of LH secretion in ovariectomized (OVX) ewes. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 8:40doi:10.1186/1477-7827-8-40.
Arellano-Rodriguez, G., C. A. Meza-Herrera, R. Rodriguez-Martinez, R. Dionisio-Tapia, D. M. Hallford, M. Mellado, and A. Gonzalez-Bulnes. 2009. Short-term intake of B-carotene-supplemented diets enhances ovarian function and progesterone synthesis in goats. Anim. Physiol. and Anim. Nutr. 93: 710-715.
Arroyo, J.A., R.V. Anthony, T.A. Parker and H.L. Galan. 2010. eNOS, NO, and the
activation of ERK and AKT signaling at mid-gestation and near-term in an ovine
model of intrauterine growth restriction. Syst. Biol. Reprod. Med. 56:6273.
Artac, R.A., R.M. McFee, R.A. Smith, M.M. Baltes-Breitwisch, D.T. Clopton, and A.S. Cupp. 2009. Neutralization of vascular endothelial growth factor antiangiogenic isoforms is more effective than treatment with proangiogenic isoforms in stimulating vascular development and follicle progression in the perinatal rat ovary. Biol. Reprod. 81:966-977.
Arvisais E., X. Hou, T.A. Wyatt, K. Shirasuna, H. Bollwein, A. Miyamoto, T.R. Hansen, B.R. Rueda, and J.S. Davis. 2010. Prostaglandin F2alpha represses IGF-I-stimulated IRS1/phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase/AKT signaling in the corpus luteum: role of ERK and P70 ribosomal S6 kinase. Mol Endocrinol 24: 632-643.
Aston K.I., G.P. Li, B.A. Hicks, B.R. Sessions, A.P. Davis, L.F. Rickords, J.R. Stevens, and K.L. White K.L. 2010. Abnormal Levels of Transcript Abundance of Developmentally Important Genes in Various Stages of Preimplantation Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos. Cellular Reprogramming 12(1):23-32.
Aston K.I., G.P. Li, B.R. Sessions, A.P. Davis, Q.A. Winger, L.F. Rickordsk, J.R. Stevens, and K.L. White. 2009. Global Gene Expression Analysis of Bovine Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Blastocysts and Cotyledons. Molecular Reproduction and Development 76:471-482.
Baltes, M.M., R.A. Ten Broeck, R.A. Longfellow, R.M. McFee, D.T. Clopton, and A.S. Cupp. 2010. Neutralization of VEGF anti-angiogenic isoforms may regulate testis development. Reproduction. May 10 (Epub ahead of print).
Bishop C.V., T. Filtz, Y. Zhang, O. Slayden, and F. Stormshak. 2008.
Progesterone suppresses an oxytocin-stimulated signal pathway in COS-7 cells transfected with the oxytocin receptor. Steroids 73:1367-1374.
Bott, R.C., R.L. Ashley, L.E. Henkes, A.Q. Antoniazzi, J.E. Bruemmer, G.D. Niswender, F.W. Bazer, T.E. Spencer, N.P. Smirnova, R.V. Anthony and T.R. Hansen. 2010. Uterine vein infusion of interferon tau (IFNT) extends luteal lifespan in ewes. Biol. Reprod. 82:725-735.
Bridges, G. A., M. L. Mussard, C. R. Burke and M. L. Day. 2010. Influence of the length of proestrus on fertility and endocrine function in female cattle. Anim Reprod Sci. 117:208-215.
Bryant, T.C., J.J. Wagner, J.D. Tatum, M.L. Galyean, R.V. Anthony and T.E. Engle. 2010.Effect of dietary supplemental vitamin A concentration on performance, carcass merit, serum metabolites, and lipogenic enzyme activity in yearling beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 88:1463-1478.
Burdick, N.C., J.P. Banta, D.A. Neuendorff, J.C. White, R.C. Vann, J.C. Laurenz, T.H. Welsh, Jr. and R.D. Randel. 2009. Interrelationships among growth, endocrine, immune and temperament parameters in neonatal Brahman calves. J. Anim. Sci. 87:3202-3210.
Burdick, N.C. , J.A. Carroll, L.E. Hulbert, J.W. Dailey, S.T. Willard, R.C. Vann, T.H. Welsh, Jr. and R.D. Randel. 2010. Relationships between temperament and transportation with rectal temperature and secretion of cortisol ardepinephrine in bulls. Livestock Sci. 129:166-172.
Burdick, N.C., B. Agado, J.C. White, K.J. Matheney, D>A. Neuendorff, D.G. Riley, R.C. Vann, T.H. Welsh, Jr. and R.D. Randel. 2010. Evolution of exit velocity in suckling Brahman calves. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted).
Caires K.C., J.M. de Avila, and D.J. McLean. 2009. Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) regulates germ cell survival during the establishment of spermatogenesis in the bovine testis. Reproduction. 138(4):667-77.
Cole, L., M.J. Anderson, P.B. Antin, S.W. Limesand. 2009. One Process for Pancreatic ²-cell Coalescence into Islets Involves an Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition. Journal of Endocrinology, 203(1):19-31.
Cooke F.N., K.A. Pennington, Q.E. Yang, and A.D. Ealy. 2009. Several fibroblast growth factors are expressed during pre-attachment bovine conceptus development and regulate interferon-tau expression from trophectoderm. 137:259-269.
Covey, T. L., N. E. Elam, J. A. Carroll, D. B. Wester, M. A. Ballou, D. M. Hallford, and M. L. Galyean. 2010. Supplemental selenium source in Holstein steers challenged with intranasal bovine rhinotracheitis virus: blood metabolites, hormones, and cytokines. Prof. Anim. Scientist 26: 93-102.
Cupp, A.S., J. Mathews, E. Huff-Lonergan, D. Moody Spurlock, and D. McLean. 2009. Cell biology symposium: the role of microRNA in cell function. J. Anim. Sci. 87(Suppl. 14):E19-20.
Cushman, R.A., M.F. Allan, L.A. Kuehn, W.M. Snelling, A.S. Cupp, and H.C. Freetly. 2009. Evaluation of antral follicle count and ovarian morphology in crossbred beef cows: Investigation of influence of stage of the estrous cycle, age, and birth weight. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1971-1980.
Dias C. C., F. S. Wechsler, M. L. Day and J. L. Vasconcelos. 2009. Progesterone concentrations, exogenous equine chorionic gonadotropin, and timing of prostaglandin F(2alpha) treatment affect fertility in postpuberal Nelore heifers. Theriogenology 72:378-385.
Du, M, J. Tong, J. Zhao, K.R. Underwood, M. Zhu, S.P. Ford, and P.W. Nathanielsz. 2010. Fetal programming of skeletal muscle development in ruminant animals. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (13 Suppl):E51-60.
Ealy A.D., M.L. Eroh, and D.C. and Sharp. 2010. Prostaglandin H synthase type 2 is differentially expressed in endometrium based on pregnancy status in pony mares and responds to oxytocin and conceptus secretions in explant culture. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 117:99-105.
Ealy A.D. and Q.E. Yang. 2009. Control of interferon-tau expression during early pregnancy in ruminants. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 61:95-106.
Elsik C.G., R. L. Tellam, K. C. Worley, R. A. Gibbs, L. Alexander,A. Roberts, R. C. Waterman, and M. D. MacNeil. 2009. The Genome Sequence of Taurine Cattle: A Window to Ruminant Biology and Evolution. Science 324: 522-528.
Fan, X., S. Turdi, S. Ford, Y. Hau, M.J. Nujland, M. Zhu, P.W. Nathanielsz, and J. Ren. 2010. Influence of gestational overfeeding on cardiac morphometry and hypertrophic protein markers in fetal sheep. J. Nutr. Biochem. Feb 24 [Epub ahead of print].
Ford, S.P. 2010. Placental Vascularity: A story of survival. In:P. Greenwood and A. Bell (Ed.) Managing Prenatal Development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. IAEA Press pp. 245-258.
Ford, S.P., L. Zhang, M. Zhu, M.M. Miller, D.T. Smith, B.W. Hess, G.E. Moss, P.W.Nathanielsz, and M.J. Nijland. 2009. Maternal obesity accelerates fetal pancreatic ² cell but not ± cell development in the sheep: prenatal and postnatal consequences. Am. J. Physiol. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 297:R835-R843.
Hernandez, L.L., S.W. Limesand, J.L. Collier, N.D. Horseman, R.J. Collier#. 2009. The bovine mammary gland expresses multiple functional isoforms of serotonin receptors. Journal of Endocrinology 203(1):123-131.
Ireland J.J., A.E. Zielak, F. Jimenez-Krassel, J. Folge, A. Bettegowda, D. Scheetz, S. Walsh, F. Ward, P.G. Knight, G.W. Smith, P. Lonergan, and A.C.O. Evans. 2009. Variation in the ovarian reserve is linked to alterations in intrafollicular estradiol production and key ovarian biomarkers of follicular differentiation and oocyte quality in young adult cattle. Biol Reprod 80:954-964.
Geary, T.W., R.P. Ansotegui, M.D. MacNeil, A.J. Roberts, and R.C. Waterman. 2009. Effects of flunixin meglumine on pregnancy establishment in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 88:943-949.
Grazul-Bilska, A. T., J. S. Caton, W. Arndt, K. Burchill, C. Thorson, E. Borowczyk, J. J. Bilski, D. A. Redmer, L. P. Reynolds and K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Cellular proliferation in ovine fetal ovaries: Effects of energy restrictions and selenium in maternal diet. Reproduction. 137:699-707.
Green, A.S., R.P. Rozance, and S.W. Limesand. 2010. Consequences of a Compromised Intrauterine Environment on Islet Function. Journal of Endocrinology (accepted).
Green, A.S. and S.W. Limesand. 2010. Remembering Development Epigenetic Responses to Fetal Malnutrition. Journal of Physiology (accepted).
Greenwood, P.A., A. Thompson, and S.P. Ford. 2010. Postnatal consequences of the maternal environment and of growth during prenatal life for productivity of ruminants. In: P. Greenwood and A. Bell (Ed.) Managing Prenatal development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. IAEA Press. pp. 3-36.
Huang Y., X. Yan, M.J. Zhu, R.J. McCormick, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, and M. Du. 2010. Enhanced transforming growth factor (TGF-beta) signaling and fibrogenesis in ovine fetal skeletal muscle of obese dams in late gestation. Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. Apr 6 [Epub ahead of print].
Jozwik, M., B. Pietrzycki, M. Jozwik and R.V. Anthony. 2009. Expression of enzymes regulating placental ammonia homeostasis in human fetal growth restricted pregnancies. Placenta 30:607-612.
Kasimanickam R., M. L. Day, J. S. Rudolph, J. B. Hall and W.D. Whittier. 2009. Two doses of prostaglandin improve pregnancy rates to timed-AI in a 5-day progesterone-based synchronization protocol in beef cows. Theriogenology 71:762-767.
Lancaster, P. A., G. E. Carstens, D. H. Crews, T. H. Welsh, Jr., T. D. A. Forbes, D. W. Forrest, L. O. Tedeschi, R. D. Randel and F. M. Rouquette, Jr. 2009. Phenotypic and genetic relationships of residual feed intake with performance and ultrasound carcass traits in Brangus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87:3887-3896.
Lekatz, L.A., J.S. Caton, J.B. Taylor, L.P. Reynolds, D.A. Redmer, and K.A. Vonnahme. 2009. Maternal selenium supplementation and timing of nutrient restriction in pregnant sheep: Impacts on maternal endocrine status and placental characteristics. Journal of Animal Science. 88:955-971.
Lekatz, L. A., M. A. Ward, P. P. Borowicz, J. B. Taylor, D. A. Redmer, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, L. P. Reynolds, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2009. Cotyledonary responses to maternal selenium and dietary restriction may influence alterations in fetal weight and fetal liver glycogen in sheep. Animal Reproduction Science. 117:216-225.
Loehle M., M. Schwab, S. Kadler, K.M. Maner, J.S. Gilbert, J.T. Brenna, S.P. Ford, P.W. Nathanielsz, and M.J. Nijland. 2010. Dose-response effects of betamethasone on maturation of the fetal sheep lung. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 202:186.e1-7.
Long, N.M., M.A. Nijland, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2010. The impact of early to mid-gestational nutrient restriction on female offspring fertility and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress. J. Anim. Sci. Feb 26 [Epub ahead of print].
Long, N.M., K.A. Vonnahme, B.W. Hess, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2009. Effects of early gestational undernutrition on fetal growth, organ development, and placentomal composition in the bovine. Journal of Animal Science. 87:1950-1959.
Looper, M. L., R. W. Rorie, C. N. Person, T. D. Lester, D. M. Hallford, G. E. Aiken, C. A. Roberts, G. E. Rottinghaus, and C. F. Rosenkrans. 2009. Influence of toxic endophyte-infected fescue on sperm characteristics and endocrine factors of yearling Brahman-influenced bulls J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1184-1191.
Lv, L., F. Jimenez Krassel, A. Sen, A. Bettegowda , M. Mondal, J. Folger, K.B. Lee, J.J. Ireland, and G.W. Smith. 2009. Evidence supporting a role for cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) in control of granulosa cell estradiol production associated with dominant follicle selection in cattle. Biology of Reproduction 81:580-586.
Ma, Y., M.J. Zhu, L. Zhang, S.M. Hein, P.W. Nathanielsz, and S.P. Ford. 2010. Maternal obesity and overnutrition alters fetal growth rate and cotyledonary vascularity and angiogenic factor expression in the ewe. Apr 28 [Epub ahead of print].
Martin, J., D.M. Larson, H. Stroh, A.S. Cupp, and R.N. Funston. 2010. Effect of dietary crude protein source on hormone and follicle characteristics in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 88:937-942.
McCormack, B., C. Chase, T. Olson, T. Elsasser, A. Hammond, R. Randel, T. Welsh, H. Jiang, C. Okamura, and M. Lucy. 2009. A miniature condition in Brahman cattle is associated with a single nucleotide mutation within the growth hormone gene. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 37:104-111.
McFee, R.M., R.A. Artac, R.M. McFee, D.T. Clopton, R.A. Smith, T.G. Rozell, and A.S. Cupp. 2009. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signal transduction blocks follicle progression but does not necessarily disrupt vascular development in perinatal rat ovaries. Biol. Reprod. 81:966-977.
McLean D, K. Caires, and J. Broady. 2010. Maintaining the male germline: regulation of spermatogonial stem cells. J Endocrinol. Feb 10. [Epub ahead of print].
Meyer, A.M., J.J. Reed, K.A. Vonnahme, S.A. Soto-Navarro, L.P. Reynolds, S.P. Ford, B.W. Hess, and J.S. Caton. 2010. Effects of stage of gestation and nutrient restriction during early to mid-gestation on maternal and fetal visceral organ mass and indices of jejunal growth and vascularity in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. Apr 9 [Epub ahead of print].
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