WERA_OLD89: Potato Virus Disease Control
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Agindotan, B.O., P.J. Sheil, P.H. Berger. 2006. Simultaneous detection of potato viruses, PLRV, PVA, PVX and PVY from dormant potato tubers by TaqManÒ real-time RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, (In Press).
Alvarez, J.M., F. Menalled, and M.A. Hoy. 2006. Molecular tools in biological control. (in Spanish). Forum article in Revista Manejo Integrado de plagas y Agroecología, 74: 4-11.
Alvarez, J.M. and P.J.S. Hutchinson, 2005. Managing hairy nightshade to reduce potato viruses and insect vectors. Outlooks on Pest Management Journal, 16 (6): 249-252.
Alvarez, J.M. and R. Srinivasan. 2005. Evaluation of hairy nightshade as an inoculum source for the aphid-mediated transmission of potato leafroll virus. Journal of Economic Entomology. 98: 1101-1108.
Crosslin, J.M., P.B. Hamm, D.C. Hane, J. Jaeger, C.R. Brown, P.J. Shiel, P.H. Berger, and R.E. Thornton. 2006. The occurrence of PVYO, PVYN, and PVYN:O strains of Potato virus Y in certified potato seed lot trials in Washington and Oregon. Plant Dis., 90:1102-1105.
Crosslin, J.M., G.J. Vandemark, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2006. Development of a real-time, quantitative PCR for detection of the Columbia Basin potato purple top phytoplasma in plants and beet leafhoppers. Plant Dis., 90:663-667.
Goolsby, J.A., B. Bextine, J.E. Munyaneza, M. Setamou, J. Adamczyk, and G. Bester. 2007. Seasonal abundance of sharpshooters, leafhoppers, and psyllids associated with potatoes affected by Zebra Chip disorder. Subtropical Plant Science (in press).
Lee, I.-M., K.D. Bottner, J.E. Munyaneza, R.E. Davis, J.M. Crosslin, L.J. du Toit, and T. Crosby. 2006. Carrot purple leaf: a new spiroplasmal disease associated with carrots in Washington State. Plant Dis. , 90:989-993.
Lee, IM, KD Bottner, GA Secor and VV Rivera-Varas. 2006. Candidatus Phytoplasma americanum, a phytoplasma associated with a potato purple top wilt disease complex. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 56:1593-1597.
Lorenzen, J.H., T. Meacham, P.H. Berger, P.J. Shiel, J.M. Crosslin, P.B. Hamm, and H. Kopp. 2006. Whole genome characterization of Potato virus Y isolates collected in the western USA and their comparison to isolates from Europe and Canada. Arch. Virol., 151:1055-1074.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, and J.E. Upton. 2007. Association of Bactericera cockerelli (Homoptera: Psyllidae) with Zebra Chip, a new potato disease in southwestern United States and Mexico. Journal of Economic Entomology 100(3): in press.
Pappu, H.R., K.B. Druffel, J. Whitworth and M.J. Pavek. 2007. Incidence, transmission and molecular characterization of Potato virus S in selected potato cultivars. Phytopathology 97, In press (abstract).
Salazar, L. F. 2006. Emerging and Re-emerging Potato Diseases in the Andes. Potato Research, 49: 43-47.
Secor, GA, IM Lee, KD Bottner, VV Rivera-Varas, and NC Gudmestad. 2006. First report of a defect of processing potatoes in Texas and Nebraska associated with a new Phytoplasma. Plant Disease, 90:377.
Tenorio, J, Y. Franco, C. Chuquillanqui, R. A. Owens and L. F. Salazar. 2006. Reaction of potato varieties to Potato mop-top virus infection in the Andes. Amer. J. of Potato Res., 83: 423-431.
Thompson, AL, Novy, RG, Farnsworth, BL, Secor, GA, Gudmestad, NC, Sowokinos, JR, Holm, ET, Lorenzen, JH and Preston, DA. 2005. Dakota Pearl: An attractive, bright white-skinned cold chipping cultivar with tablestock potential. Am. J. Potato Res., 82:481-488.
Thompson, AL, GA Secor, JH Lorenzen, BL Farnsworth, RG Novy, NC Gudmestad, ET Holm and DA Preston. 2006. Dakota Rose: A bright red tablestock potato cultivar that retains its skin color in storage. Am. J. Potato Res., 83:317-323.
Thompson, AL, BL Farnsworth, GA Secor, NC Gudmestad, DA Preston and H Hatterman-Valenti. 2006. Dakota Jewel: An attractive, new, bright red-skinned, fresh market potato cultivar with improved storage characteristics. Am. J. Potato Res., 83:373-379.
Srinivasan, R., J.M. Alvarez, S. Eigenbrode, and N. Bosque-Perez. 2006. Influence of hairy nightshade Solanum sarrachoides (Sendtner) and Potato leafroll virus (Luteoviridae: Polerovirus) on the preference of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Environmental Entomology. 35: 546-553.
Kaplan, I. B., Lee, L., Ripoll, D. R., Palukaitis, P., Gildow, F. E., and Gray, S. M. 2007. Point mutations in the potato leafroll virus major capsid protein alter virion stability and aphid transmission. J. Gen. Virol. 88:1821-1830.
Singh, R.P., Valkonen, J. P. T., Gray, S. M., Boonham, N., Jones, R. A. C., Kerlan, C. and Schubert, J. 2008. The naming of Potato virus Y strains infecting potato. Arch. Virol. 153(1): 1-13.
Gudmestad, N.C., I. Mallik, J.S. Pasche, and J.M. Crosslin. 2008. First report of tobacco rattle virus causing corky ringspot in potatoes in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Plant Dis. (in press).
Kirk, W.W., S.L. Gieck, J.M. Crosslin, and P.B. Hamm. 2008. First report of corky ringspot caused by Tobacco rattle virus on potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Michigan. Plant Dis. 92:485.
Boydston, R.A., H. Mojtahedi, J.M. Crosslin, C.R. Brown, and T. Anderson. 2008. Effect of hairy nightshade (Solanum sarrachoides) presence on potato nematodes, diseases, and insect pests. Weed Science 56:151-154.
Mojtahedi, H., R.A. Boydston, J.M. Crosslin, C.R. Brown, E. Riga, T.L. Anderson, and D. Spellman. 2007. Establishing a corky ringspot disease plot for research purposes. J. Nematology 39:313-316.
Crosslin, J.M., P.B. Hamm, K.S. Pike, T.M. Mowry, P. Nolte, and H. Mojtahedi. 2007. Managing diseases caused by viruses, viroids, and phytoplasmas. Pages 161-169 in: Potato Health Management, 2nd edition. D.A. Johnson, editor. APS Press.
J. Lorenzen, P. Nolte, D. Martin, J.S. Pasche and N.C. Gudmestad. 2008. NE-11 represents a new strain variant class of Potato virus Y
Arch Virol. 153:517-525.
N.C. Gudmestad, I. Mallik, J.S. Pasche and J.M. Crosslin. 2008. First Report of Tobacco rattle virus causing Corky Ring Spot in Potatoes Grown in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 92: (in press).
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, and I.-M. Lee. 2007. Phytoplasma diseases and insect vectors in potatoes of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Bulletin of Insectology 60:181-182.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, and J.E. Upton. 2007. Association of Bactericera cockerelli (Homoptera: Psyllidae) with zebra chip, a new potato disease in southwestern United States and Mexico. Journal of Economic Entomology 100:656-663.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.A. Goolsby, J.M. Crosslin, and J.E. Upton. 2007. Further evidence that zebra chip potato disease in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas is associated with Bactericera cockerelli. Subtropical Plant Science 59:30-37.
Munyaneza, J.E., A.S. Jensen, P.B. Hamm, and J.E. Upton. 2008. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of beet leafhopper in the potato growing region of Washington and Oregon Columbia Basin and Yakima Valley. American Journal of Potato Research 85:77-84.
Goolsby, J.A., B. Bextine, J.E. Munyaneza, M. Sétamou, J. Adamczyk, and G. Bester. 2007. Seasonal abundance of sharpshooters, leafhoppers, and psyllids associated with potatoes affected by zebra chip disorder. Subtropical Plant Science 59:15-23.
Goolsby, J.A., J. Adamczyk, B. Bextine, D. Lin, J.E. Munyaneza, and G. Bester. 2008. Development of an IPM program for management of the potato psyllid to reduce incidence of zebra chip disorder in potatoes. Subtropical Plant Science (in press).
Srinivasan, R., and J.M. Alvarez, 2008. Hairy nightshade as a potential Potato leafroll virus (Luteoviridae: Polerovirus) inoculum source in Pacific Northwest potato ecosystems. Phytopathology. (in press).
Srinivasan, R., J.M. Alvarez, N. Bosque-Perez, S. Eigenbrode, and.R. Novy. 2008. Effect of an alternate weed host, hairy nightshade, Solanum sarrachoides (Sendtner), on the biology of the two most important Potato leafroll virus (Luteoviridae: Polerovirus) vectors, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Aphididae: Homoptera). Environmental Entomology. 37: 592-600. :http//docserver.ingentaconnect.com/deliver/connect/esa/0046225x/v37n2/s36.pdf?expires=1214841950&id=0000&titleid=10265&checksum=75D55D321D778836A66535C16B25792E
Hoy, C.W., G. Boiteau, A. Alyokhin, G. Dively, and J.M. Alvarez. 2007. Managing insect and mite pests. In Potato Health Management D.A. Johnson ed. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN. pp. 133-147.
Srinivasan, R., and J.M. Alvarez, 2007. Effect of mixed-viral infections (Potato virus Y-Potato leafroll virus) on the biology and preference of vectors, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 100: 646-655. Available at: http://docserver.esa.catchword.org/deliver/cw/pdf/esa/freepdfs/00220493/v100n3s2.pdf
Novy, R.G., Gillen, A.M., Whitworth, J.L. 2007. Characterization of the expression and inheritance of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) resistance in three generations of germplasm derived from Solanum etuberosum. Theor Appl Genetics 114:1161-1172.
Novy, R. G., Whitworth, J. L., Stark J. C., Love S. L., Corsini, D. L., Pavek, J. J., Vales, M. I., James, S. R., Hane, D. C., Shock, C. C., Charlton, B. A., Brown, C. R., Knowles, N. R., Pavek, M. J., Brandt, T. L., Olsen, N. 2008. Premier Russet: A Dual-Purpose, Potato Cultivar with Significant Resistance to Low Temperature Sweetening During Long-Term Storage. Am J Potato Res. 85 (in press).
Abad, J. A., J.W. Moyer, G.G. Kennedy, G.A. Holmes, and M.A. Cubeta. 2005. An Epidemic of Tomato spotted wilt virus on Potato in Eastern North Carolina. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 82:255-281.
Abad, J. A., C. Loschinkohl, and M. Smither. 2008. Detection of an unknown virus in potato seedlings grown from true seed introduced from South America. 2008. Phytopathology 98:S9.
Abad, J. A., M. Bandla, R. D. French-Monar, L. W. Liefting, and G. R. G. Clover. 2009. First report of the association of 'Candidatus Liberibacter' species with Zebra Chip (ZC) disease of infected potato plants in the USA. Plant Disease 93:108.
Bolotova, Y., Karasev, A.V., and McIntosh, C. Statistical Analysis of the Laboratory Methods Used to Detect Potato Virus Y. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86, 2009 (in press, published on-line).
Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, J.M. Crosslin, S. James, B. Charlton, R.G. Novy, S.L. Love, M.I. Vales, and P. Hamm. 2009. Characterization of resistance to corky ringspot disease in potato: a case for resistance to infection by tobacco rattle virus. Am. J. Pot. Res. 86:49-55.
Crosslin, J.M. and G. Bester. 2009. First report of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous in zebra chip symptomatic potatoes from California. Plant Dis. (in press).
Crosslin, J. M., and J.E. Munyaneza. 2009. Evidence that the zebra chip disease and the putative causal agent can be maintained in potatoes by grafting and in vitro. American Journal of Potato Research (in press).
Crosslin, J.M., P.B. Hamm, K.S. Pike, T.M. Mowry, P. Nolte, and H. Hojtahedi. 2008. Management of Diseases caused by Viruses and Virus-like Pathogens. Potato Health Management 2nd Edition. APS Press. Chapter 17 (pages 160-170).
Crosslin, J.M., and J.E. Munyaneza. 2008. Phytoplasma diseases of potatoes in the Northwest United States, pp. 128-129. In: S. Chiru, G. Olteanu, C. Aldea, and C. Badarau [eds.], 'Potato for a changing world'. Transilvania University of Brasov Publishing House, Brasov, Romania.
Gudmestad, N.C., I. Mallik, J.S. Pasche, and J.M. Crosslin. 2008. First report of Tobacco rattle virus causing corky ringspot in potatoes grown in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 92:1254.
Hu, X., Meacham, T., Ewing, L., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V.. A novel recombinant strain of Potato virus Y suggests a new viral genetic determinant of vein necrosis in tobacco. Virus Res. 2009 (in press).
Karasev, A.V., Meacham, T., Hu, X., Whitworth, J., Gray, S.M., Olsen, N., and Nolte, P. Identification of Potato virus Y strains associated with tuber damage during a recent virus outbreak in potato in Idaho. Plant Dis. 92: 1371-1371, 2008.
Kirk, W.W., S.L. Gieck, J.M. Crosslin and P.B. Hamm. 2008. The First Report of Corky Ringspot caused by Tobacco Rattle Virus on Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in Michigan. Plant Disease 92:485.
Lin, H., H. Doddapaneni, J.E. Munyaneza, E.L. Civerolo, V.G. Sengoda, J.L. Buchman, and D.C. Stenger. 2009. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA from a new 'Candidatus Liberibacter' strain associated with zebra chip disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli Sulc). Journal of Plant Pathology 91: 213-217.
Munyaneza, J.E., A.S Jensen, P.B. Hamm, and J.E. Upton. 2008. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of beet leafhopper in the potato growing region of Washington and Oregon Columbia Basin and Yakima Valley. American Journal of Potato Research 85: 77-84.
Munyaneza, J.E., and J.M. Crosslin. 2008. Zebra chip, a new potato disease in North and Central America, is associated with the potato psyllid, pp. 124-127. In: S. Chiru, G. Olteanu, C. Aldea, and C. Badarau [eds.], 'Potato for a changing world'. Transilvania University of Brasov Publishing House, Brasov, Romania.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.L. Buchman, J.E. Upton, J.A. Goolsby, J.M. Crosslin, G. Bester, G.P. Miles, and V.G. Sengoda. 2008. Impact of different potato psyllid populations on zebra chip disease incidence, severity, and potato yield. Subtropical Plant Science 60:27-37.
Munyaneza, J.E., V.G. Sengoda, J.M. Crosslin, G. De la Rosa-Lozano, and A. Sanchez. 2009. First report of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous in potato tubers with zebra chip disease in Mexico. Plant Disease (in press).
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, J.E. Upton, and J.L. Buchman. 2009. Incidence of BLTVA phytoplasma in local populations of Circulifer tenellus (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in Washington State. Journal of Insect Science (in press).
Navarre, D.A., R. Shakya, J. Holden, and J.M. Crosslin. 2009. LC-MS analysis of phenolic compounds in tubers showing zebra chip symptoms. Am. J. Pot. Res. (in press).
Nitzan, N., R.A. Boydston,D. Batchelor, J.M. Crosslin, L. Hamlin, and C.R.
Brown. 2009. Hairy nightshade is an alternative host of Spongospora subterranea, the potato powdery scab pathogen. Am. J. Pot. Res. (in press).
Ottoman, R.J., D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, S. Yilma, S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, J.M. Crosslin, and M.I. Vales. 2009. Validation and implementation of marker-assisted selection (MAS) for PVY resistance (Ryadg gene) in a tetraploid potato breeding program. Am. J. Pot. Res. http://www.springerlink.com/content/8205108r86227147/fulltext.html DOI 10.1007/s12230-009-9084-0
Srinivasan, R., and J.M. Alvarez, 2008. Hairy nightshade as a potential Potato leafroll virus (Luteoviridae: Polerovirus) inoculum source in Pacific Northwest potato ecosystems. Phytopathology. 98: 985-991.
Srinivasan, R., J.M. Alvarez, N. Bosque-Perez, S. Eigenbrode, and.R. Novy. 2008. Effect of an alternate weed host, hairy nightshade, Solanum sarrachoides (Sendtner), on the biology of the two most important Potato leafroll virus (Luteoviridae: Polerovirus) vectors, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Aphididae: Homoptera). Environmental Entomology. 37: 592-600.
Srinivasan, R., and J.M. Alvarez, 2007. Effect of mixed-viral infections (Potato virus Y-Potato leafroll virus) on the biology and preference of vectors, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 100: 646-655.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, D.G. Hall, J.M. Crosslin, and C.R. Brown. 2009. Characterization of broad spectrum Potato virus Y resistance in a Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena-derived population and select breeding clones using molecular markers, grafting, and field inoculations. Am. J. Pot. Res. http://www.springerlink.com/content/bl05568j57nk2r18/fulltext.html DOI 10.1007/s12230-009-9082-2
Bolotova, Y., Karasev, A.V., and McIntosh, C. 2009. Statistical analysis of the laboratory methods used to detect Potato virus Y. Amer. J. Potato Res. 86, 265-271.
Crosslin, J. M., and J.E. Munyaneza. 2009. Evidence that the zebra chip disease and the putative causal agent can be maintained in potatoes by grafting and in vitro. American Journal of Potato Research 86: 183-187.
Crosslin, J.M. 2009. Detection of tobacco rattle virus RNA in processed potato chips displaying symptoms of corky ringspot disease. HortScience 44:1790-1791.
Crosslin, J.M., I. Mallik, and N.C. Gudmestad. 2009. First report of Tomato spotted wilt virus causing potato tuber necrosis in Texas. Plant Dis. 93:845.
Crosslin, J.M., J.E. Munyaneza, J.K. Brown, and L.W. Liefting. 2010. Potato zebra chip disease: a phytopathological tale. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0317-01-RV.
Crosslin, J.M., K.C. Eastwell, C.M. Davitt, and J.A. Abad. 2010. First report of seed-borne Cherry leaf roll virus in wild potato, Solanum acaule, from South America. Plant Dis. (in press).
Crosslin, J.M., P.B. Hamm, W.W. Kirk, and R.W. Hammond. 2010. Complete genomic sequence of a tobacco rattle virus isolate from Michigan-grown potatoes. Arch. Virol. 155:621-625.
Gharalari, A.H., C. Nansen, D.S. Lawson, J. Gilley, J.E. Munyaneza, and K. Vaughn. 2009. Knockdown mortality, repellency and residual effects of insecticides for control of adult Bactericera cockerelli (Homoptera: Psyllidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 102: 1032-1038.
Hu, X., Karasev, A.V., Brown, C.J., and Lorenzen, J.H. 2009. Sequence characteristics of Potato virus Y recombinants. J. Gen. Virol. 90, 3033-3041.
Hu, X., Meacham, T., Ewing, L., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. 2009. A novel recombinant strain of Potato virus Y suggests a new viral genetic determinant of vein necrosis in tobacco. Virus Res. 143, 68-76.
Karasev, A.V., Nikolaeva, O.V., Hu, X., Sielaff, Z., Whitworth, J., Lorenzen, J.H., and Gray, S.M. 2010. Serological properties of ordinary and necrotic isolates of Potato virus Y: a case study of PVYN misidentification. Amer. J. Potato Res. 87, 1-9.
Lin, H., H. Doddapaneni, J.E. Munyaneza, E.L. Civerolo, V.G. Sengoda, J.L. Buchman, and D.C. Stenger. 2009. Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA from a new Candidatus Liberibacter strain associated with zebra chip disease of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) and the potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli Sulc). Journal of Plant Pathology 91: 213-217.
Lin, Y-H., K.L. Druffel, J. Whitworth, M.J. Pavek, and H.R. Pappu. 2009. Molecular characterization of two Potato Virus S isolates from late blight resistant genotypes of potato (Solanum tuberosum). Arch Virol 154:18611863.
Miles, G.P., J.L. Buchman, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2009. Impact of Zebra Chip Disease on the Mineral Content of Potato Tubers. American Journal of Potato Research 86:481-489.
Miles, G.P., M.A. Samuel, J. Chen, E.L. Civerolo, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2010. Evidence that cell death is associated with zebra chip disease in potato tubers. American Journal of Potato Research (in press).
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, and J.L. Buchman. 2009. Seasonal occurrence and abundance of the potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli, in south central Washington. Am. J. Pot. Res. 86:513-518.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, and J.L. Buchman. 2009. Susceptibility of different potato cultivars to purple top disease. Am J. Pot. Res. 86:499-503.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, J.E. Upton, and J.L. Buchman. 2010. Incidence of the beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent phytoplasma in local populations of the beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus, in Washington State. J. Insect Sci. 10:1-10.
Munyaneza, J.E., J.M. Crosslin, J.L. Buchman, and V.G. Sengoda. 2010. Susceptibility of different potato plant growth stages to purple top disease. Am. J. Pot. Res. 87:60-66.
Munyaneza, J.E., T.W. Fisher, V.G. Sengoda, S.F. Garczynski, A. Nissinen, and A. Lemmetty. 2009. First report of Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum associated with psyllid-affected carrots in Europe. Plant Disease 94: 639.
Munyaneza, J.E., V.G. Sengoda, J.M. Crosslin, G. De la Rosa-Lozano, and A. Sanchez. 2009. First report of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous in potato tubers with zebra chip disease in Mexico. Plant Disease 93: 552.
Munyaneza, J.E., V.G. Sengoda, J.M. Crosslin, J. Garzon-Tiznado, and O. Cardenas-Valenzuela. 2009. First Report of 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' in Tomato Plants in Mexico. Plant Disease 93: 1076.
Munyaneza, J.E., V.G. Sengoda, J.M. Crosslin, J. Garzon-Tiznado, and O. Cardenas-Valenzuela. 2009. First Report of 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' in Pepper in Mexico. Plant Disease 93: 1076.
Nolte, P, JM. Alvarez and JL Whitworth. 2009. Potato Virus Y Management for the Seed Potato Producer. University of Idaho CIS #1165. Available online at: http://info.ag.uidaho.edu/catalog
Pantoja, A., A.M. Hagerty, S.Y. Emmert, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2009. Leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) associated with potatoes in Alaska: species composition, seasonal abundance, and potential phytoplasma vectors. American Journal of Potato Research 86: 68-75.
Riga, E., R. Larsen, K. Eastwell, N. Guerra, L. Guerra, and J.M. Crosslin. 2009. Rapid detection of Tobacco rattle tobravirus in viruliferous Paratrichodorus allius from greenhouse and field specimens. J. Nematology 41:60-63.
Sengoda, V.G., J.E. Munyaneza, J.M. Crosslin, J.E. Buchman, and H.R. Pappu. 2010. Phenotypic and etiological differences between psyllid yellows and zebra chip diseases of potatoes. Am. J. Pot. Res. 87:41-49.
Brown, C.R., K.G. Haynes, M. Moore, M.J. Pavek, D.C. Hane, S.L. Love, R.G. Novy, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2010. Stability and Broad-Sense Heritability of Mineral Content in Potato: Iron. Am. J. Potato Res 87:390-396.
Buchman, J.L., T.W. Fisher, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2011. Zebra chip disease development over time. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Zebra Chip Meeting, Dallas, TX (November 2010) (in press).
Buchman, J.L., V.G. Sengoda, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2011. Potato psyllid density and feeding duration required to cause zebra chip. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Zebra Chip Meeting, Dallas, TX (November 2010) (in press).
Crosslin, J.M., J.A. Goolsby, and J.E. Munyaneza. 2011. Incidence of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum in potato psyllids collected in the south-central United States in 2010. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Zebra Chip Meeting, Dallas, TX (November 2010) (in press).
Crosslin, J.M. and L.L. Hamlin. 2010. First report of Impatiens necrotic spot virus infecting greenhouse-grown potatoes in Washington State. Plant Dis. 94:1507.
Crosslin, J.M., and L.L. Hamlin. 2011. Standardized RT-PCR conditions for detection and identification of eleven viruses of potato and potato spindle tuber viroid. Am. J. Pot. Res. (in press).
David, N., I. Mallik, J.M. Crosslin, and N.C. Gudmestad. 2010. First report of Potato mop-top virus on potatoes in North Dakota. Plant Dis. 94:1506.
Ember, I, Z. Acs, J.E. Munyaneza, J.M. Crosslin, and M. Kolber. 2011.
Survey and molecular detection of phytoplasmas associated with potato in Romania and southern Russia. European Journal of Plant Pathology (in press).
Goolsby, JA., J. Adamczyk, JM. Crosslin, JE. Munyaneza, N. Troxclair, J. Anciso, R. Villaneuva, P. Porter, E. Bynum, C. Rush, F. Workneh, D. Henne, C. Nansen, P. Sloderbeck, A. Joshi, L. Buschmann, J. Bradshaw, B. Lee, B. Zechmann, and G. Bester. 2011. Regional monitoring of potato psyllid populations and the associated pathogen, Ca. Liberibacter psyllaurous. Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Zebra Chip Meeting, Dallas, TX (November 2010) (in press).
Gray, S.M., DeBoer, S.H., Lorenzen, J., Karasev, A.V., Whitworth, J., Nolte, P., Singh, R.P., Boucher, A., and Xu, H. (2010) Potato virus Y: a significant and evolving threat to potato crops in the United States and Canada Feature Article. Plant Disease 94: 1384-1397.
Greenway G.A., J.F. Guenthner, L.D. Makus, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. An Analysis of Organic Potato Demand in the U.S. Am. J. Potato Res. (In-press, online) DOI 10.1007/s12230-010-9180-1.
Greenway, G.A., J.F. Guenthner, L.D. Makus, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Fresh Potato and Meat Preferences by U.S. Region. J of Food Distribution Res 41(2): 12-25.
Karasev, A.V., X. Hu, C. Kerlan, O.V. Nikolaeva, J.M. Crosslin, and S.M.
Gray. 2011. Genetic diversity of Potato virus Y-O and origin of recombinant PVY strains. Phytopathology (in press).
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Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J. L.Whitworth, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek*, S.L. Love ,M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, B.A. Charlton, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, N. Olsen and T. Brandt. 2010. Classic Russet: A Potato Cultivar with Excellent Fresh Market Characteristics and High Yields of U.S. No. 1 Tubers Suitable for Early Harvest or Full-Season Production. Am. J. Potato Res. 87:360-373.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A Yellow-Fleshed Potato Cultivar Suitable for Fresh-Pack and Processing with Resistances to PVYO and Late Blight Am J Potato Res 87:327336.
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Nolte, P., JM Alvarez and J Whitworth. PVY Management for the Seed Potato Producer. Presented at the National Potato Council Potato Expo. Orlando, FL. January 4-6, 2010.
Web Page
Gray, S., A Karasev, J Lorenzen, J Whitworth, P Nolte, R Groves and Amy Charkowski. 2010. The changing face of Potato Virus Y: The science, politics and business of virus management in the US potato Crop. APS Plant Management Network, Focus on Potato Webcast. Web Address Listed Below.