WERA69: Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States & Pacific Basin Territories
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Wee L. Yee1 and Diane G. Alston. 2005. Effects of spinosad, spinosad bait, and chloronicotinyl insecticides on mortality and control of adult and larval western cherry fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 99:1722-1732
Ma, Zhanshan and Edward J. Bechinski. 2005. A survival-analysis-based simulation model for Russian wheat aphid population dynamics. Ecological Modeling. 216: 323-332
William T. Lanier, Michael J. Brewer, Frank B. Peairs, Gary L. Hein, Howard F. Schwartz, John B. Campbell, and Sue Blodgett. 2005. Development and Assessment of an On-Line High Plains Integrated Pest Management Guide for a Regional Audience. American Entomologist, Spring 2006. pp. 30-35
Blodgett, S.L., A.W. Lenssen, and S.D. Cash, 2005. Black grass bug Hemiptera:Miridae) damage to intermediate wheatgrass forage quality. J. Entomol. Sci. 41: 92-94.
Thomas, J.N., C. Daniels. 2005. The Pesticide Notification Network: An E-Source for Agriculture. J. Extension. 42:6
Ellsworth, P.C., J.C. Palumbo, A. Fournier, Y.Carrière, and C. Ellers-Kirk. 2005. Novel measurement of group adoption of IPM in diverse cropping communities. The 2005 ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition. December 15-18, 2005, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Naranjo, S.E. and P.C. Ellsworth. 2005. Mortality dynamics and population regulation in Bemisia tabaci. Entomol. Exp. Applicata. 116: 93-108.
Goodell, P.B. and K. Lynn-Patterson. 2005. Managing Lygus in an ecological context. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences. New Orleans, LA. pp 1694-1701.
Arcinas, A., B.S. Sipes, A.H. Hara, and M.M.C. Tsang. 2005. Effect of conditioning treatments on the survival of Radopholus similis at high temperatures. Journal of Nematology 37: (3): 250-253.
Hara, A.H. 2005. Disinfestation treatments for cut flowers and potted ornamentals. In Proceedings, 2004 Hawaii Floriculture Conference, Kahului, HI, 2004. K.W. Leonhardt and P. Nakao, Eds. University of Hawaii at Manoa, CTAHR, CTAHR Proceedings April 2005 P-04/05, pp. 21-24. (Cold, Heat, Chemical, Irradiation, Systems Approach)
Hara, A.H. and C.M. Jacobsen. 2005. Hot water immersion for surface disinfestations of Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 98(2): 284-288.
Anderson, W., C. Brummer, S. Cianzio, T. Holtzer, R. Streiffer, J.Wolt, G.Zdorkowski. 2005. Public Research in a Corporate World: A Role-Playing Ethics Case Study. Bioethics Institute. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ethics/BioethicsInstitute/Public%20Research%20in%20a%20Corporate%20World%20v3.doc
Walsh, D.B. & G. Grove. 2005. Repellency and repulsiveness of fungicides, petroleum spray oils, and spray adjuvants to two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae Koch. Plant Health Progress.
Leal W. S., A. L. Parra-Pedrazzoli1, K.-E. Kaissling, T. I. Morgan1, F. G. Zalom, D. J. Pesak, E. A. Dundulis, C. S. Burks, and B. S. Higbee. 2005. Unusual pheromone chemistry in the navel orangeworm: novel sex attractants and a behavioral antagonist. Naturwissenschaften 92:101-150
Van Steenwyk, R.A. and F.G. Zalom. 2005. Food Quality Protection Act launches search for pest management alternatives. Calif. Agric. 59:7
Anonymous. 2007. IPM Delivers: Integrated Pest Management: Protecting Arizona's Environment, Human Health and Economic Vitality. Arizona Cooperative Extension, Arizona Delivers series, May 2007. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/IPM_Delivers.pdf
Crowder, D.W., T.J. Dennehy, C. Ellers-Kirk, C.M. Yafuso, P.C. Ellsworth, B.E. Tabashnik, and Y. Carrière. 2007. Field evaluation of resistance to pyriproxyfen in Bemisia tabaci (B Biotype). Journal of Economic Entomology. 100: 1650-1656.
Crowder, D.W., Y. Carrière, B.E. Tabashnik, P.C. Ellsworth, and T.J. Dennehy. 2006. Modeling evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen by the sweetpotato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 99: 1396-1406.
Dennehy, T.J., B.A. DeGain, V. Harpold, and R.J. Nichols. Biotype Designations and Insecticide Susceptibility of Southwestern Bemisia tabaci. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14373b.pdf
Dennehy, T.J., G.C. Unnithan, V. Harpold, Y. Carrière, B. Tabashnik, L. Antilla, and M. Whitlow. Susceptibility of Southwestern Pink Bollworm to Bt toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 in 2005. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14373a.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C. Plant Bug Thresholds in Arizona Cotton. Presented by invitation at the Plant Bug and Stink Bug Management Workshop, 2007 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, Louisiana. January 10, 2007. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/07Beltwide%20LygusThresholdsvF7lo.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C., A. Fournier, and T.D. Smith. 2007. Based on Ellsworth, P.C. and J.S. Jones. 2000. Arizona Cotton Insect Losses. Publ. No. AZ1183. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cooperative Extension, Tucson, Arizona. Available at: http://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/insects/cil/cil.html
Ellsworth, P.C. and J.C. Palumbo. Successful Management Adapted to a Mobile, Polyphagous Whitefly Pest in a Diverse Cropping System. Presented in "Advances in Understanding Insect Dispersal to Improve Pest Management in Vegetable Crops" symposium at the Entomological Society of America 2005 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dec 16, 2005. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/05ESA_WF_6spp.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C. and J.C. Palumbo. Taking Cotton IPM to a New Level: Cross-Commodity Management and Areawide Benefits. Presented at the mini-symposium "Biologically-based IPM in Cotton: Research, Outreach and Grower Adoption," at the Fifth National IPM Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, April 4, 2006. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/06IPM_higher_levelvFlo.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C., J.C Palumbo, and A. Fournier. Building Capacity & Integration in Whitefly Management: Cross-Commodity Cooperation and Areawide Benefits. Presented by invitation at the 4th International Bemisia Workshop, Duck Key, Florida. December 6, 2006. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/06Bemisia%20X-IPMvF4lo.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C., J.C. Palumbo, A. Fournier, Y. Carriere, and C. Ellers-Kirk. Novel Measurement of Group Adoption of IPM in Diverse Cropping Communities. Poster presented at the Entomological Society of America 2005 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dec 17, 2005. Available at: http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/05ESA_Ellsworth_Posterlo.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C., J.C. Palumbo, S. Naranjo, T.J. Dennehy, and R. Nichols. 2006. Whitefly Management in Arizona Cotton. IPM Series No. 18. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Bulletin, AZ1404, May 2006. Available at: http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/insects/az1404.pdf
Ellsworth, P.C., V, Barkley, T. Dennehy, B. DeGain, B. Ellingson, S. Naranjo, and M. Sims. Assessment of Knack Field Performance Through Precision Field and Laboratory Bioassays in Cotton. 2007. Arizona Cotton Report. Available at: http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14374b.pdf
Fournier, A., P.C. Ellsworth, and V.M. Barkley. Economic Impact of Lygus in Arizona Cotton: A Comparative Approach. 2007. Arizona Cotton Report. Available at: http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14374a.pdf
Ludwig, S., P.C. Ellsworth, L. Osborne, and T.J. Dennehy. Technical Advisory Committee of the Q-Biotype Whitefly Taskforce: A Rapid Response to an Emerging Pest. Poster presented at the Fifth National IPM Symposium, St. Louis, Missouri, April 4, 2006. Available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/06QTAC_Ludwig.pdf
Palumbo, J.C. and P.C. Ellsworth. A Grower Initiated Approach for Sustaining Neonicotinoid Efficacy Across Commodities. Presented in "IRAC Symposium on Insecticide Sustainability: Neonicotinoids" at the Entomological Society of America 2005 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dec 17, 2005. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/ESA05_IRAC_Symp_lo.pdf
Palumbo, J.C., P.C. Ellsworth, A. Fournier, T.J. Dennehy, and R. Nichols. Cross-Commodity Guidelines for Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Arizona. Poster presented at the Entomological Society of America 2005 Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Dec 17, 2005. Available at: http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/05ESA_Palumbo_Poster.pdf
Palumbo, J.C., P.C. Ellsworth, T.J. Dennehy, and S.C. Castle. Sustained Insecticide Performance Against Whiteflies in Multi-cropping Systems: Past Success and New Challenges. Presented at the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee meeting, Entomological Society of America 2006 Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, December 10, 2006. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/2006/Palumbo_ESA2006_IRAC.pdf
Fact Sheets:
Alston, Diane, and Marion Murray. Greater Peachtree Borer. ENT-103-07. February 2007.
Alston, Diane and Marion Murray. Peach Twig Borer. ENT-036-07. April 2007.
Alston, Diane and Marion Murray. Pear Psylla. ENT-062-07. August 2007.
Evans, Kent, Clark Israelson, and Michael Pace. Alfalfa Stem Nematode. PLP-001. November 2007.
Evans, Kent, Clark Israelson, Michale Pace, and James Barnhill. Wheat Stripe Rust. PLP-002. November 2007.
Hodgson, Erin. Aphids in Alfalfa. ENT-108-07. July 2007.
Hodgson, Erin. Armyworms and Cutworms in Turf. ENT-107-07. June 2007.
Hodgson, Erin. Billbugs. ENT-106-07. June 2007.
Hodgson, Erin. West Nile Virus in Utah. ENT-105-07. May 2007
Hodgson, Erin. Western Corn Rootworm. ENT-109-07PR. August 2007.
Hodgson, Erin. White Grubs. ENT-104-07. March 2007.
Hodgson, Erin, Alan Roe, and Jay Karren. Bedbugs. ENT-093-07. February 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Cranberry Girdler. ENT-042-07. June 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Hobo Spider. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-086-07. May 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Sod Webworms. ENT-044-07. June 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Yellowjackets, Hornets and Paper Wasps. ENT-019-07. May 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Dan Drost. Asparagus Beetle and Spotted Asparagus Beetle. ENT-075-07PR. November 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Edward Evans. Cereal Leaf Beetle. ENT-084-07PR. December 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Michael Pace. Lygus Bug in Alfalfa Seed. ENT-110-07PR. September 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: Beetles. ENT-114-07. October 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: Mantids. ENT-112-07. October 2007.
Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: True Bugs. ENT-111-07. October 2007.
Murray, Marion and Erin Hodgson. Soft Scales in Utah. ENT-113-07. November 2007
Publications and Presentations:
Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Control Trial of Woolly and Green Apple Aphid in Apple Tree Canopies. December 2007.
Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Control Trial of Woolly Apple Aphid Galling in Apple Tree Roots. December 2007.
Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Western Cherry Fruit Fly Control Trial: Attraction of Adults to
GF-120 Insecticide Bait Droplets by Addition of Potential Attractants. November 2007.
Alston, Diane. Codling Moth Monitoring in Mating Disrupted Apple Orchards: Development of Trap Thresholds and Prediction of Fruit Injury. November 2007.
Alston, Diane. Enhancement of Attraction of Western Cherry Fruit Fly (Rhagoletis indifferens) to Yellow Sticky Traps. December 2007.
Alston, Diane. Utah Onion Thrips Efficacy Insecticide Trial: Influence of Egg Hatch, Survival, and Immigration on Insecticide Importance in Dry Bulb Onion. November 2007.
Anonymous. 2007. IPM Delivers: Integrated Pest Management: Protecting Arizona s Environment, Human Health and Economic Vitality. Arizona Cooperative Extension, Arizona Delivers series, May 2007. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/apmc/docs/IPM_Delivers.pdf
Crowder, D. W., A. R. Horowitz, B. E. Tabashnik, T. J. Dennehy, I. Denholm, K. Gorman, and Y. Carrière. Analyzing haplodiploid inheritance of insecticide resistance in whitefly biotypes. Bull. Entomol. Res, in revision.
Crowder, D. W., C. Ellers-Kirk, B. E. Tabashnik, and Y. Carrière. Lack of fitness costs associated with pyriproxyfen resistance in the B biotype of Bemisia tabaci. Pest Manag. Sci., submitted.
Crowder, D. W., C. Ellers-Kirk, C. Yafuso, T. J. Dennehy, B. A. Degain, V. S. Harpold, B. E. Tabashnik, and Y. Carrière. 2008. Inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) males and females (B biotype). J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 927-932.
Crowder, D. W., P.C. Ellsworth, B. E. Tabashnik and Y. Carriere. 200-. Effects of operational factors on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the sweetpotato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology, in press.
Crowder, D. W., T. J. Dennehy, C. Ellers-Kirk, C. M. Yafuso, P. C. Ellsworth, B. E. Tabashnik and Y. Carrière. 2007. Field evaluation of resistance to pyriproxyfen in Bemisia tabaci (B Biotype). Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 1650-1656.
Dennehy, T. J., B. A. DeGain, V. Harpold and R. J. Nichols. Biotype Designations and Insecticide Susceptibility of Southwestern Bemisia tabaci. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14373b.pdf
Dennehy, T. J., G. C. Unnithan, V. Harpold, Y. Carrière, B. Tabashnik, L. Antilla and M. Whitlow. Susceptibility of Southwestern Pink Bollworm to Bt toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 in 2005. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14373a.pdf
Ellsworth, P. C. Lygus Management: A Western Perspective. Presented by invitation at the Open Forum - Management of the Sucking Bug Complex across the Cotton Belt, 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Nashville, Tennessee. January 9, 2008. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/08Nashville_Western_Lygus_vFlo.pdf
Ellsworth, P. C. Plant Bug Thresholds in Arizona Cotton. Presented by invitation at the Plant Bug and Stink Bug Management Workshop, 2007 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, Louisiana. January 10, 2007. Presentation available at http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/presentations/07Beltwide%20LygusThresholdsvF7lo.pdf
Ellsworth, P. C., A. Fournier and T. D. Smith. 2007. Based on Ellsworth, P. C. and J. S. Jones. 2000. Arizona Cotton Insect Losses. Publ. No. AZ1183. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cooperative Extension, Tucson, Arizona. URL: http://cals.arizona.edu/crops/cotton/insects/cil/cil.html
Ellsworth, P. C., V. Barkley, T. Dennehy, B. DeGain, B. Ellingson, S. Naranjo and M. Sims. Assessment of Knack Field Performance Through Precision Field and Laboratory Bioassays in Cotton 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14374b.pdf
Fournier, A., P. C. Ellsworth and V. M. Barkley. Economic Impact of Lygus in Arizona Cotton: A Comparative Approach. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/crops/az1437/az14374a.pdf
Gouge, D. H. 2005. Applications for Social Insects. In P. S. Grewal, R-U. Ehlers, and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, eds. Nematodes as Biocontrol Agents. CABI Publishing. pp. 317-329.
Gouge, D. H., and J. L. Snyder. 2005. Parasitism of bark scorpions Centruroides exilicauda (Scorpiones: Buthidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 98: 1486-1493.
Gouge, D. H., and J. L. Snyder. 2006. Temporal association of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) and bacteria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 91: 147-157.
Gouge, D. H., M. L. Lame, and J. L. Snyder. 2006. Use of an implementation model and diffusion process for establishing Integrated Pest Management in Arizona Schools. Amer. Entomol. 52 (3): 190-196.
Green, T. A., Gouge, D. H., Braband, L. A., Foss, C. R., and Graham, L. C. 2007. IPM STAR Certification for School Systems: Rewarding Pest Management Excellence in Schools and Childcare Facilities. Amer. Entomol. 53 (3): 168-174.
Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., D. H. Gouge, S. J. Piggott, and J. Patterson Fife. 2006. Application technology and environmental considerations for the use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Biological Control. 38:124-133.
Yu, H., D. H. Gouge, and P. Baker. 2006. Parasitism of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae; Termitidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 99: 1112-1119.
Burrack, H.J. and Zalom, F.G. 2005. Source Olive Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Ovipositional Preference and Larval Performance in Several Commercially Important Olive Varieties in California. J Economic Entomol. 101: 750-758.
Burrack, H.J., Connell, J. H., and Zalom, F. G. 2008. Comparison of olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin)) (Diptera: Tephritidae) captures in several commercial traps in California. Intl J Pest Manag. 54: 227-234.
Burrack, H.J., Zalom, F.G., and Connell, J.H. 2008. Comparison of several traps for use in monitoring the olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) in California. Acta horticulturae. 791: 547-554.
Creech, J.E., Westphal, A., and Ferris, V.R. 2008. Influence of Winter Annual Weed Management and Crop Rotation on Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera Glycines) and Winter Annual Weeds. Weed Science. 56: 103-111.
Crowder, D. W., Ellsworth, P. C., Tabashnik, B. E., and Carriere, Y. 2008. Effects of Operational and Environmental Factors on Evolution of Resistance to Pyriproxyfen in the Sweetpotato Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Env. Entomol. 37: 1514-1524
Hummel, N. A., Leal, W. S., and Zalom, F.G. 2008. Potentially hygroreceptive sensilla on the anal stylus of the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis. J Insect Sci 8 (2008)
Johnson, W. G., Creech, J. E., and Mock, V. A. 2008. Role of Winter Annual Weeds as Alternative Hosts for Soybean Cyst Nematode. Crop management.
Kim, H. G. and D. G. Alston. 2008. Potential of two entomopathogenic nematodes for suppression of plum curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) life stages in northern climates. Environmental Entomology 37: 1272-1279.
Ma, Z. and Bechinski, E. 2008. Developmental and Phenological Modeling of Russian Wheat Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Ann Entomol Soc 101: 351-361.
Metzger, C., R. Boydston, H. Ferguson, M.M. Williams II, R. Zack, and D.Walsh. 2008. Interactions between population density of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, and herbicide rate for suppression of solanaceous weeds. J. of Insect Sci. 8:38.
Palmquist, K.R. and Jepson, P.C. 2008. Impact Of Aquatic Insect Life Stage And Emergence Strategy On Sensitivity To Esfenvalerate Exposure. Env Tox Chem. 27: 1728-1734.
Palmquist, K.R., Jenkins, J.J., and Jepson, P.C. 2008. Clutch Morphology And The Timing Of Exposure Impact The Susceptibility Of Aquatic Insect Eggs To Esfenvalerate. Env Tox Chem. 27: 1713-1720.
Rangel D.E.N., Alston D.G., and Roberts D.W. 2008. Effects of physical and nutritional stress conditions during culture on conidial germination speed, adhesion to host cuticle, and virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae, an entomopathogenic fungus. Mycological Research doi: 10.1016.
Walsh, D. and T.D. Waters. 2008. Thrips Infestations Increase Storage Rots in Dry Bulb Onions. Acta Hort. Proceedings of the World Edible Allium Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Waters, T.D. and D. Walsh. 2008 Seed Corn Maggot Control in Pacific Northwest, USA, Dry Bulb Onions. Acta Hort. Proceedings of the World Edible Allium Conference. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Zalom, F.G., Burrack, H.J., Bingham, R., and others. 2008. Olive fruit fly (Bactrocera oleae) introduction and establishment in California Acta Hort. 791: 619-627.
Alston, D., B. Black, and M. Murray. 2009. Raspberry horntail (Hartigia cressonii). Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet ENT-132-09, 4 pp , Logan, UT.(http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/raspberry-horntail09.pdf
Ashigh J, Corbett CAL, Smith PJ, Laplante, J, and Tardif FJ (2009) Characterization and diagnostic tests of resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors due to an Asp(376)Glu substitution in Amaranthus powellii. Pesticide biochemistry and physiology 95: 38-46
Ashigh J, Tardif FJ (2009) An amino acid substitution at position 205 of acetohydroxyacid synthase reduces fitness under optimal light in resistant populations of Solanum ptychanthum. Weed Research 49: 479-489
Bechinski, E. J., F. Merickel, L. Stoltman and H. Homan. May 2009. Homeowner guide to yellowjackets, bald-faced hornets and paper wasps. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1144. 15-pp.
Bechinski, E.J. and F. Merickel. May 2009. Homeowner guide to minor stinging insects. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1145. 8-pp.
Bechinski, E.J. and F.W. Merickel. Nov 2009. Homeowner guide to centipedes and millipedes. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1170. 6 pp.
Bechinski, E.J. and F.W. Merickel. Nov 2009. Homeowner guide to pillbugs and sowbugs. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1169. 5 pp.
Bechinski, E.J., D.J. Schotzko and C.R. Baird. Jan 2010. Homeowner guide to spiders around the home and yard. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 871. 26 pp.
Bechinski, E.J., D.J. Schotzko and C.R. Baird. Nov 2009. Homeowner guide to scorpions and their relatives. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1168. 3 pp.
Bechinski, E.J., F. Merickel and L. Stoltman. May 2009. Homeowner guide to bees as sting threats around the home. University of Idaho Current Information Series 1146. 10-pp.
Castle, S.J., J.C. Palumbo, and N. Prabhaker. 2009. Newer insecticides for plant virus disease management. Virus Research. 141:131-139.
Castle,S.J., J.C, Palumbo, N. Prabhaker, R. Horowitz, and I. Denholm. 2010. Ecological Determinants of Bemisia tabaci Resistance to Insecticides. In P.A. Stansly, S.E. Naranjo (eds.), Bemisia: Bionomics and Management of a Global Pest, Springer Science+Business Media B.V, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-2460-2_16.
Creamer, R (2009) Management of curly top virus in vegetables. Phytopathology 99: S170
Crowder, D.W., P.C. Ellsworth, B.E. Tabashnik and Y. Carriere. 2008. Effects of operational factors on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the sweetpotato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology, 37(6): 15141524.
Fiore C, Schroeder J, Thomas S, Murray, L. and Ray, I. (2009) Root-knot nematode-resistant alfalfa suppresses subsequent crop damage from the nutsedge-nematode pest complex Agronomy Journal 101: 754-763.
French JM, Heerema RJ, Gordon EA, and Goldberg, NP (2009) Excessive summer rains trigger outbreaks of two fungal leaf spot diseases "new" to pistachio in New Mexico. Phytopathology 99: S37-S37.
French JM, Heerema RJ, Gordon EA, and Goldberg, NP (2009) First report of Septoria leaf spot of pistachio in New Mexico. Plant Disease 93: 762-762
Graham, D, Creamer, R, Cook, D, Stegelmeier, B, Welch, K Pfister, J, Panter, K, Cibilis, A, Ralphs M, Encinias, M, McDaniel, K, Thompson, D and Gardner, K (2009) Solutions to locoweed poisonings in New Mexico and Western US: Collaborative research between New Mexico State University and the USDA-ARS Poisonous Plant Lab. Rangelands 31: 308.
Grasswitz TR, James DG (2009) Influence of hop yard ground flora on invertebrate pests of hops and their natural enemies. Journal of Applied Entomology 133: 210-221
Hanson SF, Solano F, Gil-Vega KK (2009) An improved method for DNA sequence based identification of nematodes. Phytopathology 99: S51-S51
Hirnyck, R., L. Downey Blecker, W. Jones, J.M. Alvarez. 2008. Field Guide to Potato Pests in English and Spanish. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 856. 133-pp.
Hirnyck, R., R.L. Mahler, G.G. Andrews, F. Sorensen, R. Simmons, M. Cochran. S. Collman and K. Loeffelman. 2010. Investigating the Connects Between IPM and Water Quality. PNWWATER173. http://pnwwaterweb.com/WQFlyers PNW173
Hirnyck, R., R.L. Mahler, G.G. Andrews, F. Sorensen, R. Simmons, M. Cochran. S. Collman and K. Loeffelman. 2009. Using Green Manure Crops to Reduce Synthetic Pesticides. PNWWATER160. http://pnwwaterweb.com/WQFlyers PNW160.
Hirnyck, R.E. and C. M. Daniels. 2009. Pacific Northwest Pest Management Workgroup: Leveraging partnerships across large geographic regions. Journal of Extension 47(4): Article Number 4IAW6.
Horowitz AR, Ellsworth PC and I. Ishaaya I. 2009. Biorational pest control: an overview, In Biorational Control of Arthropod Pests: Application and Resistance Management, ed. by Ishaaya I and Horowitz AR, Springer.
Lam N, Creamer R, Rascon J, and Belfon R (2009) Characterization of a new curtovirus, pepper yellow dwarf virus, from chile pepper and distribution in weed hosts in New Mexico. Archives of virology 154: 429-436
Lujan P, Sanogo S, Liess L (2009) Mycelium pigmentation in relation to melanin-inhibiting compounds and pathogenicity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on Valencia peanut Phytopathology 99: S77-S77
Malik MF, Nawaz M, Ellington J, Sanderson R, and El-Heneidy AH (2009) Effect of different nitrogen regimes on onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindemann, on onions, Allium cepa L. Southwestern Entomologist 34: 219-225
Multani PS, Cramer, CS, Steiner, RL and Creamer, R. (2009) Screening winter-sown onion entries for Iris Yellow Spot virus tolerance. Hortscience 44: 627-632
Murray, M. 2009. Community-wide grasshopper control. Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet , ENT-131-09, 2 pp. , Logan, UT.(http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/grasshopper-control09.pdf)
Murray, M. and D. Alston. 2009. Codling moth mating disruption. Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet ENT-137-10, 5 pp., Logan, UT. (http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/pub__6008464.pdf)
Naranjo, S.E. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2009. 50 years of the integrated control concept: moving the model and implementation forward in Arizona. Pest Management Science, 65: 12671286.
Naranjo, S.E. & P.C. Ellsworth. 2009. The contribution of conservation biological control to integrated management of Bemisia tabaci in cotton. Biological Control, 51(3): 458470.
Palumbo, J. C., and Natwick, E. T. 2010. The Bagrada bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae): A new invasive pest of cole crops in Arizona and California. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2010-0621-01-BR.
Palumbo, J.C. Evaluation Of Soil Applied Insecticides For Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae And Whiteflies on Broccoli. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E5, 2 pp.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009 Influence Of Adjuvants On Movento Efficay Against Aphids In Romaine Lettuce, Spring 2008. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E37, 2 pp.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Control Of Sweetpotato Whitefly And CYSDV Incidence With Novel Insecticides On Cantaloupes. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E18.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Spray Timing of Spiromesifen and Buprofezin for Managing Bemisia Whiteflies in Spring Cantaloupes. Plant Health Progress. Online. doi:10.1094/php-2009-047-01-RS.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Western Flower Thrips Control With Radiant On Romaine Lettuce, Spring 2008. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E38, 2 pp.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Evaluation Of Novel Soil Applied Insecticides For Control Of Lepidopterous Larvae On Fall Lettuce. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E33, 2 pp.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Influence Of Adjuvants On Movento As A Pre-Harvest Treatment For Aphid Control In Romaine Lettuce. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E36.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Influence Of Adjuvants On Movento Efficay Against Green Peach Aphids In Baby Spinach, Spring 2008. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E55.
Palumbo, J.C. 2009. Residual Activity Of Movento Against Sweetpotato Whitefly on Broccol. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E4, 2 pp.
Palumbo, J.C. and S. J. Castle. 2009. IPM for fresh-market lettuce production in the desert southwest: the produce paradox. Pest Management Sci., 65:1311-1320.
Palumbo. J.C. 2009. Influence Of Adjuvants And Movento Spray Timing On Aphid Contamination In Head Lettuce. Arthropod Management Tests, Online. Vol 34, Section E34, 2 pp.
Pena, M. et al. 2010. Vegetable IPM Updates. Arizona Crop Information Site. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Available at: http://ag.arizona.edu/crops/vegetables/advisories/advisories.html
Pereault, R. J., M. E. Whalon, and D. G. Alston. 2009. Field efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes targeting caged last-instar plum curculio (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in cherry and apple orchards. Environmental Entomology 38 (4): 1126-1134.
Pitzer JB, Byford RL, Vuong HB, Steiner, RL, Creamer RJ, Caccamise DF (2009) Potential vectors of West Nile Virus in a semi-arid environment: Dona Ana County, New Mexico. Journal of Medical Entomology 46: 1474-1482
Pryor BM, Creamer R, Shoemaker RA, McLain-Romero, J.and Hambleton,S (2009) Undifilum, a new genus for endophytic Embellisia oxytropis and parasitic Helminthosporium bornmuelleri on legumes. Botany-Botanique 87:178-194
Randall JJ, Bosland PW, Hanson SF (2009) Brote Grande, a new phytoplasma-associated disease of chile peppers. Plant Disease 93: 968-969
Randall JJ, Goldberg NP, Kemp JD, Radionenko, M, French JM, Olsen MW and Hanson SF (2009) Genetic analysis of a novel Xylella fastidiosa subspecies found in the Southwestern United States. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75: 5631-5638
Sanogo S, Etarock BF (2009) First report of Phomopsis longicolla causing stem blight of Valencia peanut in New Mexico Plant Disease 93: 965-965
Sanogo S, Etarock BF, Clary M (2009) Recovery of Verticillium dahliae from tall morning-glory (Ipomoea purpurea) in New Mexico and its pathogenicity on chile pepper. Plant Disease 93: 428-428
Sanogo S, Pierce J. (2009) Prevalence of Phymatotrichopsis omnivora in alfalfa fields affected by root rot in southeastern New Mexico. Phytopathology 99: S114-S114
Stafford CA, Walker GP, Creamer, R (2009) Stylet penetration behavior resulting in inoculation of beet severe curly top virus by beet leafhopper, Circulifer tenellus. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 130: 130-137
Teixeira, L. A. F., L. J. Gut, R. Issacs, and D. G. Alston. 2009. Reproductive maturity of cherry fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) in managed and natural habitats. Environmental Entomology 38 (4): 955-961.
**Research Publications
Barbour, J. D., J. G. Millar, J. Rodstein, A. M. Ray, D. G. Alston, M.
Rejzek, J. D. Dutcher, and L. M. Hanks (2011) Synthetic 3,5-
dimethyldodecanoic acid serves as a general attractant for multiple
species of Prionus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Annals of the
Entomological Society (in press).
Keith, L., Sugiyama, L. and Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia quick decline
caused by Phytophthora tropicalis is associated with sap bleeding, frass,
and Nectria in Hawai'i . Plant Disease 94: 128.
Pierce, J. and P. Monk (2010) Environmental stress impacts on egg hatch
and larval survival of cotton bollworm. Crop Management: 10: 1094/CM-2010-1221-01-RS.
**Extension Publications
Alston, D. and K. Kopp. 2010. Turfgrass Cultural Practices and Insect
Management. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-138-10. 4 pp.
Ashigh, J., and E.E. Marquez (2010) Integrated Weed Management in Pecan
Orchards. Guide H-656. College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental
Sciences New Mexico State University publication.
Bechinski, E.J., D.J. Schotzko and C.R. Baird (2010) Homeowner guide to
spiders around the home and yard. University of Idaho Bulletin 871. 26
Creech, E., Shultz, B. and Blecker, L. (2010) Nevada Noxious Weed Field
Guide. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication SP-
Creech, E., Singletary, L., Davison, J., Blecker, L. and Schultz, B.
(2010) Nevada's 2008 Weed Management Extension Program Needs Assessment:
A Survey of Agricultural Producers and Public Land Managers. University
of Nevada Cooperative Extension Special Publication SP-10-03.
Davis, R., D., Alston, and C. Vorel (2010) Spotted Wing Drosophila.
USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-140-10. 3 pp.
Davis, R. (2010) Cockroaches. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-136-10. 8
pp. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publicationsfactsheet/cockroaches2010.pdf.
DuPonte, M. (2010) Constructing the Hubbell Bubble. Available on-line
at http://www2.ctahr.Hawai'i.edu/hnfas/ individualPages/Constructing_the_Hubbell_Bubble_%28NXPowerLite%29.pdf (Last accessed April 1, 2011).
Gent, D.H., Barbour, J.D., Dreves, A. J., James, D. G., Parker, R. and
Walsh, D. B. (2010) Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Hops
(Pocket version, Spanish Edition).
Hara, A.H., K.L. Aoki, S.K. Cabral, and R.Y. Niino-DuPonte (2011) Most
Unwanted Pests in the United States - have you seen these insects?
University of Hawai'i at Manoa, College of Tropical Agriculture and
Human Resources. IP-29. Honolulu, HI.
Hodgson, E., D. Alston, and C. Vorel (2010) Japanese beetle (Popillia
japonica). USU Extension Fact Sheet, ENT-100-06PR. 3 pp.
Hunt, J., M. DuPonte, D. Sato, and A. Kawabata (2010) The Basics of
Biochar: A Natural Soil Amendment University of Hawai'i at Manoa,
College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. SCM-30. Honolulu,
HI. Available on-line at http://www.ctahr.Hawai'i.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SCM-30.pdf (Last accessed April 1, 2011).
Murray, M. (2010) Fire Blight Annual Management Plan. USU Extension Fact
Sheet PLP-013. 5 pp. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/fb-plan.pdf.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Apple Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-006-11. 7 pp. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/apple-pests.pdf.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Apricot Pests.
USU Extension Fact Sheet IPM-007-11. 4 pp. http://extension.usu.edu/files/publications/factsheet/apricot-pests.pdf.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Cherry Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-008-11. 4 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Peach Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-010-11. 6 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Pear Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-009-11. 3 pp.
Murray, M. and D. Alston. (2010) The Backyard Orchard: Pear Pests. USU
Extension Fact Sheet IPM-011-11. 4 pp.
Murray, M., H. Larsen, B. Black, D. Alston, R. Pokharel, G. Cardon, R.
Godin, T. Roper, and B. Hill. (2010) Utah /Colorado Tree Fruit
Production Guide. USU Extension Publications. 137 pp.
Pierce, J. and C. Sutherland (2010) Honeybees in New Mexico. New Mexico
State University. Extension Guide L-100 4 pp.
Walsh, D.B., Bolda, M.P., Goodhue, R.E., Dreves, A.J., Lee, J., Bruck,
D.J., Walton, V.M, O'Neal,S.D., and Zalom, F.G. (2010) Drosophila suzukii
(Diptera: Drosophilidae): Invasive pest of ripening soft fruit expanding
its geographic range and damage potential. Journal of Integrated Pest
Management. Available on-line at: http://esa.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/esa/jipm/pre-prints/ipm001110007p.
**Trade Publications
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(1) Jan
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(3) Mar
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(4)
April 2010.
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(5) May
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(7)
Jul-Aug 2010.
Nagao, M. (2010) Macadamia Orchard Tasks. Pacific Nut Producer 16(9) Nov
Pierce, J. (2010) Biological Control of Alfalfa Weevil. New Mexico Hay
Association Newsletter: 8(1).