NC136: Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Foods
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Adhikari, C., V.M. Balasubramaniam and U.R. Abbott. 2002. A Rapid FTIR Spectroscopic method for screening methyl sulfide and hexanal as indicators of degradation in Meals Ready to Eat product. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft-und-Technologie
Adhikari, C., V.M. Balasubramaniam and U.R. Abbott. 2002. A Rapid FTIR Spectroscopic method for screening methyl sulfide and hexanal as indicators of degradation in Meals Ready to Eat product. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft-und-Technologie
Aguilera, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. Datta, A. K. and H. Ni. 2002. Infrared and hot air additions to microwave heating of foods for control of surface moisture. Journal of Food Engineering, 51(4):355-364.
Anantheswaran, R. C. & Ramaswamy. H. S. 2001. Bacterial destruction and enzyme inactivation during microwave heating. In: Handbook of Microwave Technology for Food Application (Ed. Datta & Anantheswaran). Pg. 191-213 Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Anderson, A. D., Daubert, C.R., and Farkas, B.E. 2002. Rheological characterization of skim milk stabilized with carrageenan at high temperatures, J. Food Sci. 67(2): 649-652.
Anderson, B.A., C. Rovedo and R.P.Singh. 2001. Use of an edible coating extracted from corn for improving the bowl life of cereal. . IN: K Mallikarjunan and G. Barbosa-Canovas (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Food Engineering. AIChE, Reno, NV.
Ayhan, Z., Zhang, Q.H., Farahbakhsh, B. and Kneller, M. 2001. Inspection of Seal Integrity of Food Packages using Ultrasound and Pressure Differential Techniques. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17(2):179-192.
Bakalis, S. and M.V. Karwe, "Velocity distributions and volume flow rates in the nip and translational regions of a co-rotating, self-wiping, twin-screw extruder," Journal of Food Engineering, Vol. 51, Issue 4, pp. 273-282, 2002.
Balasubramaniam, V.M. 2002. High pressure processing of foods. In: Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering. D. Heldman (Ed.) Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (In press).
Banga, J.R., Z. Pan, and R. P, Singh, 2001. On the optimal control of contact cooking processes. Transactions IChemE. 79C:145-151
Barrett, A., Cardello, A., Maguire, P., Richardson, M., Kaletunc, G. and Lesher, L. 2002. Effects of sucrose ester, dough conditioner and storage temperature on the long-term textural stability of shelf-stable bread. Cereal Chemistry. accepted on 5 July 2002.
Barringer SA. Effect of growing conditions, processing and storage on the quality of tomato products. Foods and Food Ingredients Journal of Japan in press
Bell, J.W., Farkas, B.E., Hale, S.A. and Lanier T.C. 2002. Effects of retorting and storage on liquid mass transfer in canned skipjack (Katsuwonas pelamis) muscle. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 26 (4).
Bhandari, B.R. and RW Hartel, Co-crystallization of Sucrose at High Concentration in the Presence of Glucose and Fructose, J. Food Sci.. 67(5), 1797-1802 (2002).
Bhattacharya, M, S.V. Erazo-Casterjsn, D.C. Doehlert, and M.S. McMullen. 2001. Staling of bread as affected by waxy wheat flour blends. Cereal Chemistry 79:178-182.
Bircan C and Barringer SA. 2002. Determination of collagen denaturation of muscle foods using the dielectric properties. J Food Sci 67(1): 202-205.
Bircan C, Barringer SA and Mangino M. 2001. Use of dielectric properties to detect whey protein denaturation. J Microwave Power EE 36(3):179-186.
Bircan C, Barringer SA. 2002. Use of dielectric properties to detect egg protein denaturation. J Microwave Power EE 37(2): 89-96.
Bugusu B., B. Rajwa, B. Hamaker (2002), Interaction of Maize Zein with Wheat Gluten in Composite Dough and Bread as Determined by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Scanning Vol 24, 1-5.
Cao, Y. M. and Chang, K. C. 2002. Edible film making from water extract of soybeans.
J. Food Sci. 67:1449-1454.
Chakraverty, A. and R. P. Singh. 2001. Postharvest Technology Cereals, Pulses, Fruits and Vegetables. Science Publishers Inc., Enfield, New Hampshire, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
Chang, Y-H. and R.W. Hartel, Development of Air Cells in a Batch Ice Cream Freezer, J. Food Eng., 55(1), 71-78 (2002).
Chang, Y-H. and R.W. Hartel, Measurement of Air Cell Distributions in Dairy Foams, International Dairy J., 12, 463-472 (2002).
Chang, Y-H. and R.W. Hartel, Stability of Air Cells in Ice Cream During Hardening and Storage, J. Food Eng., 55(1), 59-70 (2002).
Chen, H., Anantheswaran, R. C. & Knabel, S. J. 2001. Optimization of iron supplementation for enhanced detection of Salmonella enteritidis in eggs. J. Food Protection 64(9):1279.
Chikthimmah, N., Anantheswaran, R.C., Roberts, R., Mills, E.W. & Knabel, S.J. 2001. Influence of sodium chloride on growth of lactic acid bacteria and subsequent destruction on E. coli 0157:H7 during Lebanon bologna processing. J. Food Protection 64(8):1145.
Claybon KT, Barringer SA. 2002. Consumer acceptability of viscosity in processed tomato products by African-American, Latino and Prototypical consumers. J Food Sci 67(6): 2380-2384.
Coronel, P., Sandeep, K.P. 2002. Fluid flow and heat transfer in a helical heat exchanger. In Transport Phenomena in Food Processing. Technomic Publishing Co., Inc.
Datta, A. K. & Anantheswaran, R. C. 2001. Handbook of Microwave Technology for Food Applications. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 511pp.
Datta, A. K. 2001. Integration of tools for computer-aided food process engineering. Invited speaker at the First International Workshop on Mathematical and Computing Technologies for Agro-Food Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, Nov. 26-27.
Datta, A. K. 2002. Engineering issues in industrial food preservation using microwaves. In Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Food Engineering. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Datta, A. K. 2002. Simulation-based design of food products and processes. In Engineering and Food for the 21st Century, Edited by J. Welti-Chanes, G. V. Barbosa-Canovas and J. M.
Datta, A. K. and J. Rattray. 2002. Food process simulation. The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, EOLSS Publishers Co., Ltd., UK.
Datta, A. K. 2002. Biological and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY. ISBN Number 0-8247-0775-3. 383 pages.
Deo, I. and M.V. Karwe, "Effect of die geometry and material on flow
uniformity in an annular food extrusion die, Journal of Food Science, Vol. 67, No. 2, pp. 658-664, 2002.
Dietrych-Szotak, D. and W. Oleszek. 1999. Effect of Processing on the Flavonoid Content in Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) Grain. J. Agric. Food Chem. 47, 4384-4387.
Erdogdu, F, M.North, R.P. Singh, A. Sarkar. 2001. Predicting heat transfer in finite slab shapes during air impingement cooling. . IN: K Mallikarjunan and G. Barbosa-Canovas (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Food Engineering. AIChE, Reno, NV.
Fidelibus, M. W., Teixeira, A. A., Davies, F. S. Mechanical Properties of Orange Peel and Fruit Treated Pre-Harvest with Gibberellic Acid. Transactions of the ASAE. 2002. 45(4)
Garayo, J. And R.G. Moreira. 2002. Vacuum frying of potato chips. J. of Food Engr. 55(2):181-191
Ghosh, V. & Anantheswaran, R. C. 2001. Oxygen transmission rate through microperforated films: Measurement and model comparison. J. Food Process Engineering 24:113.
Goodman C, Fawcett S and Barringer SA 2002. Flavor, viscosity, and color analyses of hot and cold break tomato juices. J Food Sci 67(1): 404-408.
Hartel, R.W., Core Competencies in Food Science: Background Information on the Development of the IFT Education Standards, J. Food Sci. Education, 1, 3-5 (2002).
Hartel, R.W., Crystallization in Foods, in Handbook of Industrial Crystallization (A Myerson, ed), Butterworth-Heinemann, NY, pp. 287-305 (2002).
Hermanowicz, S.W., S.X. Liu, and P.K. Mamidipally. 2002. Mass transfer model of a novel airlift biofilm reactor for wastewater treatment. Submitted to Water Research.
Hou, H. J. and Chang, K. C. 2002. Interconversion of isoflavones in soybeans as affected by storage. J. Food Sci. 67:2083-2089.
Howell, T.A., E. Ben-Yoseph, C. Rao and R.W. Hartel, Sucrose Crystallization Kinetics in Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures and Supersaturations, Crystal Growth and Design, 2(1), 67-72 (2002).
Howell, T.A., Jr. and R.W. Hartel, Drying and Crystallization of Sucrose Solutions in Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures, J. Food Sci., 66(7), 979-984 (2001).
Hsieh, F. 2002. Hot breakfast cereal. In: Food Chemistry Workbook II, pp. 13-18, J. S. Smith and G. L. Christen, eds., Science Technology System, West Sacramento, CA.
Hu, J., Lee, S.O., Hendrich, S., Murphy, P.A. 2002. Quantification of group B soyasaponins by HPLC. J. Agric. Food Chem. 50, 2587-2594.
Joshi, N.S., K. Muthukumarappan, and R.I. Dave. 2002. Role of soluble and colloidal calcium contents on functionality of salted and unsalted part skim Mozzarella cheese. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 57(3): 215-219.
Junus, S., and J.L. Briggs. 2001. Vane sensor systems in small strain oscillatory testing. Applied Rheol. 11:264-270.
Kim, J., Lee, J., Hsieh, F. and Eun, J. 2001. Rice cake production using black rice and medium-grain brown rice. Food Sci. Biotechnol., 10(3):315-322.
Kovalenko, I.V., and J.L. Briggs. 2002. Application of the vane method in textural characterization of soy-based yogurt. J. Texture Studies 33:105-118.
Lee, J. and Kaletunc, G. 2002. Calorimetric determination of inactivation parameters of microorganisms. J Applied Microbiology, 93, 178-189.
Lee, J. and Kaletunc, G. 2002. Evaluation by differential scanning calorimetry of the heat inactivation of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus plantarum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. In press.
Lee, L. P.K. W. Ng, and J.F. Steffe. 2002. A modified procedure (one-stage fermentation) for evaluating flour cracker-making potential. Food Engineering Progress 6: 195-201.
Lee, Y., Bobroff, S. and McCarthy, K.L. March 2002. Rheological characterization of tomato concentrates and the effect on uniformity of processing. Chemical Engineering Communications 189(3):339-351.
Li, S. and Zhang, Q.H. 2001. Advances in the development of functional foods from buckwheat. Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition 41(6):451-464.
Liang, M. and Hsieh, F. 2002. Evaluating energy consumption and efficiency of a twin-screw extruder. J. Food Sci., 67(5):1803-1807.
Liang, M., Huang, S., Huff, H.E., Kerley, M. and Hsieh, F. 2002. Extrusion cooking of rapeseed meal for feeding value improvement. Appl. Eng. Agr., 18(3):325-330.
Lima, I. and R. P. Singh. 2001. Mechanical properties of a fried crust. Journal of Texture Studies 32:31-40
Limanond, B., Castell-Perez, M.E. and Moreira, R.G. 2002. Modeling Staling of Corn Tortilla. Journal of Food Engineering. 53(3): 237-247.
Limanond, B., Castell-Perez, M.E. and Moreira, R.G. 2002. Quantifying Texture Changes in Corn Tortillas due to Staling. Journal of Texture Studies, Volume 33, 1: 35-45
Lin, S., H. E. Huff and F. Hsieh. 2002. Extruder responses, sensory characteristics, and structural properties of high moisture soy protein meat analog. J. Food Sci., 67(3):1066-1072.
Liu, S.X. and M. Peng. 2002. Steady-state analysis of juice aroma transport in the boundary layer of a pervaporation membrane channel. Submitted to Advances in Food Science.
Losanoff, J.E., Foerst, J.R., Huff, H.E., Richman, B.W., Collier, A.D., Hsieh, F., Lee, S. and Jones, J.W. 2002. Biomechanical porcine model of median sternotomy closure. J. Surg. Res., 107:108-112.
Lu, Y; Clifford, L.; Hauck, C.C. Hendrich, S.; Osweiler, G.; Murphy, P.A. Characterization of Fumonisin B1-Glucose Reaction Kinetics and Products. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002,50, 4726-4733.
Luck, P.J., T.C. Lanier, C.R. Daubert and P.K. Kwanyuen. 2002. Viscoelastic behavior of commercially processed soy isolate pastes during heating and cooling. J. Food Sci. 67(4): 1379-1382.
Mahungu, S.M., S.Diaz-Mercado, J.Li, M. Schwenk, K. Singletary, and J. Faller. 1999. Stability of Isoflavones during Extrusion Processing of Corn/Soy Mixture. J. Agric. & Food Chem. 47 (1), 279-284.
Martini, S., M.L. Herrera and R.W. Hartel, Effect of Cooling Rate on
Nucleation Behavior of Milk Fat-Sunflower Oil Blends, J. Agric Food Chem., 49(7), 3223-3229 (2001).
McCarthy K.L., J.J. Gonzalez and M.J. McCarthy. June/July 2002. Change in moisture distribution in lasagna pasta post cooking. Journal of Food Science 67(5):1785-1789.
McCarthy K.L., Y. Lee, J. Green and M.J. McCarthy. 2002. Magnetic resonance imaging as a sensor system for multiphase mixing. Applied Magnetic Resonance 22:213-222.
McCarthy, K.L., Y. Lee, and M.J. McCarthy. 2001. MRI as a sensor for batch mixing. IN: K Mallikarjunan and G. Barbosa-Canovas (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th Conference of Food Engineering. AIChE, Reno, NV.
Miller MJ and Barringer SA. 2002. Effect of salt size and shape on non-electrostatic and electrostatic coating of popcorn. J Food Sci 67(1): 198-201.
Moraru, C.I., Lee, T-C., Karwe, M.V., and J.L. Kokini, "Phase behavior of a meat-starch extrudate illustrated on a state diagram," accepted for publication in Journal of Food Science, 2002.
Moraru, C.I., Lee, T-C., Karwe, M.V., and J.L. Kokini, "Plasticizing and antiplasticizing effects of water and polyols on a meat-starch Plasticizing and antiplasticizing effects of water and polyols on meat-starch extruded matrix," accepted for publication in Journal of Food Science, 2002.
Moreira, R.G. 2001. Deep-fat frying of foods. In: Food Process Operations - modeling and analysis for design. Editor Irudayaraj, J.
Marcel Dekker Inc. New York.
Moreira, R.G. 2001. Frying - Mass Transfer in Foods. In The Encyclopedia of Agricultural and Food Engineering. Ed. Dennis Heldman.
Moreira, R.G. 2002. Process Instrumentation and Control. In Food Engineering. Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). UK.
Murphy, P.A.; Barua, K.; Hauck, C.C. Solvent extraction selection in analysis of isoflavones in soy foods. J. Chromatog. B. 2002, in press. uncorrected proof available electronically
Murphy, P.A.; Hendrich, S. (2002) Phytoestrogens in Foods. Adv. Food Nutri. Res.44:195-246.
Ng, P.K.W. and J.F. Steffe. 2002. Exploring the relationships between flour protein chemistry and dough rheological properties. Chapter 12 in: Ng, P.K.W. and C.W. Wrigley. Wheat Quality Elucidation: The Bushuk Legacy. American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, MN.
Ngadi, M. O., M. S. Chinnan, and P. Mallikarjunan. 2002. Enthalpy and heat capacity of fried shrimp at freezing and refrigeration temperatures. Leb.-Wis.- Tech. In Press.
Orsak, M., J. Lachman, M. Vejdova, V. Pivec. K. Hamouz. 2001. Changes of selected secondary metabolites in potatoes and buckwheat caused by UV, gamma-and microwave irradiation. Rostlinna Vyroba, 47, 2001 (11): 493-500.
Palaniappan, S., and Sastry, S.K. 2002. Microbial inactivation during ohmic heating. Ch. 17 in: Inactivation of Foodborne Microorganisms.
Vijay Juneja and John Sofos, Eds., pp. 451-460, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Palazoglu, T.K., Sandeep, K.P. 2002. Assessment of the effect of hfp on microbial and nutrient destruction during aseptic processing of particulate foods. (Accepted for publication in the Journal of Food Science -- 20010378.R1 -- April 2)
Palazoglu, T.K., Sandeep, K.P. 2002. Computational fluid dynamics modeling of fluid flow in helical tubes. Journal of Food Process Engineering. Vol. 25: 141-158.
Peng, M. and S.X. Liu. 2002. VOC removal from contaminated groundwater through membrane pervaporation. Part I: Water-1,1,1- Trichloroethane system. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Sciences.
Peng, M. and S.X. Liu. 2002. Numerical modeling of mass transfer and concentration polarization of VOC removal by pervaporation. Submitted to Heat and Mass Transfer.
Peng, M. and S.X. Liu. 2002. VOC removal from contaminated groundwater through membrane pervaporation. Part II: 1,1,1- Trichloroethane surfactant solution system. Submitted to Journal of Environmental Sciences.
Rao, M. A. 2002. Phase transitions, food texture and structure, in "Texture in Food, Volume 2: Semi-Solid Foods," edited by B. M. McKenna, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK (Submitted, 8/02).
Ravishankar, S., G. F. Fleischman, and V.M. Balasubramaniam. 2002. The inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment in a static chamber. Food Microbiology 19 (4), 351-361
Resch, J.J. and C.R. Daubert. 2002. Rheological and physicochemical properties of derivitized whey protein concentrate powders. J. Inter. Food Properties 5(2): 419-434.
Ricks NP, Barringer SA, Fitzpatrick JJ. 2002. Food Powder Characteristics Important To Non-Electrostatic and Electrostatic Coating and Dustiness. J Food Sci 67(6): 2256-5563.
Roberts, J.S., Tong, C.H. & Lund, D.B. 2002. Drying kinetics and time-temperature distribution of pre-gelatinized bread. Journal of Food Science, 67(3): 1080-1087.
Rolfe, L.A., Huff, H.E. and Hsieh, F. 2001. Effects of particle size and processing variables on the properties of an extruded catfish feed. J. Aqua. Food Prod. Technol., 10(3):21-33.
Sabliov, C. M., B. E. Farkas, K. M. Keener, and P. A. Curtis. 2002. Parametric Analysis of Cryogenic Carbon Dioxide Cooling of Shell Eggs. J. Poultry Science. Accepted for Publication.
Sabliov, C.M., Boldor, D., Keener, K.M., and Farkas, B.E. 2001. Image processing method to determine surface area and volume of axi-symmetric agricultural products. International Journal of Food Properties. 5(3): pp. 641 - 653.
Sabliov, C.S. and Dennis R. Heldman. 2002. A predictive model for thermal conductivity of an intermediate moisture granular food. J. Food Process Engr. 25(2) 95-110.
Sastry, S.K. 2002. Moderate electric field processes for enhancement of bioprocesses. Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Saving Technologies in Drying and Hygrothermal Processing, Moscow, Russia, Vol. 3: 40-47.
Sastry, S.K., and Cornelius, B.D. 2002. Aseptic Processing of Foods Containing Solid Particulates. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York. (~248 pp).
Sastry, S.K., Yousef, A., Cho, H-Y., Unal, R., Salengke, S., Wang, W-C., Lima, M., Kulshrestha, S., Wongsa-Ngasri, P. and Sensoy, I. 2002. Ohmic Heating and Moderate Electric Field (MEF) Processing. Chapter 47 in: Engineering and Food for the 21st Century., J. Welti-Chanes, G.V. Barbosa-Canovas, J. M. Aguilera, Eds., pp 785-793. Technomic Publishers
Shi, Y., C. Smith and RW Hartel, Compositional Effects on Milk Fat Crystallization, J. Dairy Sci., 84, 2392-2401 (2001).
Shukla, T. P. & Anantheswaran, R. C. 2001. Ingredient interactions and product development for microwave heating. In: Handbook of Microwave Technology for Food Application (Ed. Datta & Anantheswaran). Pg. 355-395. Marcell Dekker, Inc.
Singh, K.K., D. Wiesenborn, D., K. Tostenson, and N. Kangas. 2002. Influence of moisture content and cooking on screw pressing crambe seed. Journal of the American Oil Chemists‘ Society, 79(2): 165-170.
Singh, R. P. and D.R. Heldman, 2001. Introduction to Food Engineering, 3rd Ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA
Singh, R.P, 2000, Scientific principles of shelf-life evaluation, In Shelf Life Evaluation of Foods.(Editors: Dominic Man, Adrian Jones) 2nd Ed. Aspen Publication, Maryland.
Singletary, K., J. Faller, J. Y. Li, and S. Mahungu. 2000. Effect of Extrusion on Isoflavone Content and Antiproliferative Bioctivity of Soy/Corn Mixtures. Agric. & Food Chem. 48(8), 3566-3571.
Sipahioglu O, Barringer SA, I Taub, A Prakash. 2002. Modeling the dielectric properties of ham as a function of temperature and composition. J Food Sci in press
Sizer, C. V.M. Balasubramaniam, E. Ting. 2002. Validating high-pressure processes for low-acid foods. Food Technology. 56(2), 36-42.
Sizer, C. V.M. Balasubramaniam, E. Ting. 2002. Validating high-pressure processes for low-acid foods. Food Technology. 56(2), 36-42.
Smith, S.E., Orta-Ramirez, A., Ofoli, R.Y., Ryser, E.T., and Smith, D.M. 2002. R-Phycoerythrin as a time-temperature integrator to verify thermal processing adequacy of beef patties. J. Food Protection 65(5): 814-819.
Spadaro,V.; D.H. Allen, J.T. Keeton, R.G. Moreira and R. M. Boleman. Biochemical properties of meat and their correlation to tenderness. 2002. Journal of Texture Studies. 33:59-87.
Su, G. and Chang, K. C. 2002. Trypsin inhibitor activity, in vitro digestibility and sensory quality of meat-like yuba products as affected by processing. J. Food Sci. 67:1260-1266.
Sun, Y. and K. Muthukumarappan. 2002. Changes in functionality of soy-based extrudates during single-screw extrusion processing. International Journal of Food Properties 5(2): 379-389.
Swartzel, K.R. 2002. Challenges for the Process Specialist in the 21st Century. Food Preservation Technology Series: Engineering and Food for the 21st Century. Edited by Gustavo V. Barbosa-Canovas. CRC Press LLC , Boca Raton, FL.
Tanaka, F., K. Morita, P. Mallikarjunan, Y.-C. Hung, G.I. Ezeike, 2002. Analysis of dielectric properties of rice vinegar and sake. Transactions of ASAE 45: 733-740.
Tattiyakul, J., Liao, H-J. & Rao, M. A. 2002. Modeling viscosity of starch dispersion and dough during heating: master curves of complex viscosity, in "Engineering and Food for the 21st Century," edited by J. Welti-Chanes, G.V. Barbosa-Canovas & J.M. Aguilera, pp. 381-391, CRC Press, New York.
Tattiyakul, J., Rao, M. A. & Datta, A. K. 2002. Heat transfer to a canned corn starch dispersion under intermittent agitation. J. Food Engineering 54(4): 321-329.
Tattiyakul, J., Rao, M. A. & Datta, A. K. 2002. Heat transfer to three canned fluids of different thermo-rheological behavior under intermittent agitation. IChemE Transactions Part C - Food and Bioproducts Processing. 80: 20-27.
Tessneer, W.A., Farkas, B.E., and Sandeep, K.P. 2001. Use of ablation to determine the convective heat transfer coefficient in two-phase flow. Journal of Food Process Engineering. Vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 315-330.
Tijskens LMM, Barringer SA, Biekman ESA. 2001. Modelling the effect of pH on the colour degradation of blanched Broccoli. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol Vol 2, (4) 315-322.
Ting, E., V.M. Balasubramaniam, E. Raghubeer. 2002. Determining thermal effects in high pressure processing. Food Technology. 56(2), 31-35.
Truong, V.D. and C.R. Daubert. (2002) Rheological Methods for Assessment of Food Freshness and Stability. Chapter 19 in: Freshness and Shelf Life of Foods, H. Weenen and K. Cadwallader, editors.
Truong, V.D., C.R. Daubert, M.A. Drake and S.R. Baxter. 2002. Vane rheometry for textural characterization of cheddar cheeses: correlation with other instrumental and sensory measurements. LWT. 35(4): 305-314.
Urena, M., Galvan, M. , Teixeira, A. A.. Measurement of Aggregate True Particle Density to Confirm Grain Mixture Composition. Transactions of the ASAE. 2002. In Press
Vais, A.E., T.K. Palazoglu, K.P. Sandeep and C.R. Daubert. 2002. Rheological characterization of carboxymethylcellulose solution under aseptic processing conditions. J. Food Process Eng. 25: 41-61.
Van Deventer, D. and P. Mallikarjunan. 2002. Comparative performance analysis of three electronic nose systems using different sensor technologies in odor analysis of retained solvents on printed packaging. J. Food Sci. In Press.
Van Deventer, D. and P. Mallikarjunan. 2002. Optimizing an electronic nose for analysis of volatiles from printing inks on assorted plastic films. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 3(1): 93-99.
Velazquez de la Cruz, G., Gandhi, K., and Torres, J.A. 2002. Hydrostatic pressure processing: A review. Biotam. 12(2): 71-78.
Venugopal, V. and K. Muthukumarappan. 2002. Rheological Properties of Cheddar Cheese during Heating and Cooling. International Journal of Food Properties 5(4): 372-383.
Vieira, M.C., A.A. Teixeira and C.L.M. Silva. Kinetic parameters estimation for ascorbic acid degradation in fruit nectar using the Paired Equivalent Isothermal Exposures (PEIE) method under non-isothermal continuous heating conditions. 2001. Biotechnology Progress. 2001. 17: 175-181.
Viera, M.C., Teixeira, A.A., Silva, F.M., Gaspar, N., and Silva, C.L.M. Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spores as a target for Cupuacu (Theobroma grandiflorum) nectar thermal processing: kinetic parameters and experimental methods. International Journal of Food Microbiology. International J. Food Microbiology.2002. 77: 71-81.
Vittayanont, M., J.F. Steffe, J.F., S. Flegler and D.M. Smith. 2002. Gelling properties of heat-denatured ?-lactoglobulin aggregates in a high-salt buffer. J. Agric. and Food Chem.50: 2987-2992
Wang, T., and J.L. Briggs. 2002. Rheological and thermal properties of soybean oils with modified fatty acid compositions. JAOCS 79:831-836.
Weisenborn, D.P. Best Processing Methods for Edible Flaxseed Oil. On-going Research Project.
Widlak, N., RW Hartel and S. Narine (editors), Crystallization and Solidifcation Properties of Lipids, AOCS Press, Champaign (2001).
Willis, B. 2001. Stress development in pasta during drying and storage due to variations in raw materials and processing conditions. PhD dissertation. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Wright, A.J., M.G. Scanlon, R.W. Hartel and A.G. Marangoni, Rheological Properties of Milk Fat and Butter, J. Food Sci., 66(8), 1056-1071 (2001).
Yeom, H.W., MacCann, K.T., Streaker, C.B. and Zhang, Q.H. 2001. Pulsed electric field processing of high acid liquid foods: A review. Advances in Food & Nutrition Research. 44(1):1-32.
Zhao, Y. and Sebranek, J.G. 1996. Physiochemical and sensory qualities of fresh pork chops as affected by phosphate, ascorbate or sorbate dipping prior to irradiation. J. Food Sci. 61(6): 1281-1284.
Zhao, Y., Flores, R., and Olson, D. 1997. The action of hydrostatic pressure on the rapid thawing of frozen meat. J. Food Sci. 63(2): 272-275.
Zhao, Y., Flugstad, B., Kolbe, E., Wells, J.H., and Park, J.A. 2000. Using capacitive (radio frequency) dielectric heating in food processing and preservation - A review. J. Food Proc. Eng. 23(1): 25-55.
Zhao, Y., Kolbe, E., and Flugstad, B. 1999. A method to characterize electrode corrosion during ohmic heating. J. Food Proc. Eng. 22, 81-89.
Zhao, Y., Sebranek, J.G., Dickson, J, and Lee, M. 1996. Bacteriological, physicochemical, and sensory quality of fresh pork chops with low-dose irradiation and modified-atmosphere packaging. J. Food Prot. 59(5): 1-10.
Zhong, Q., Sandeep, K.P., Swartzel, K.R. 2002. Continuous flow radio frequency heating of liquids. (Accepted for publication in the Journal of Food Science -- 20020111 -- July 11)
Zhu, N., Sheng, S., Sang, S., Wang, M., Li, J., Jhoo, J-W., Bai, N., Li, H., Karwe, M. V., Rosen, R.T., and C-T. Ho, Triterpene Saponins from Debittered Quinoa Seeds, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 50, pp. 865-867, 2002.
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2. Antonova I, Mallikarjunan P, Duncan SE. 2004. Sensory assessment of crispness in a breaded fried food held under a heat lamp. Foodservice Research International. Forthcoming.
3. Ariefdjohan MW, Nelson PE, Singh RK, Bhunia AK, Balasubramaniam VM, Singh N. 2004. The use of high hydrostatic pressure treatment in eliminating Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Listeria monocytogenes in alfalfa seeds. J of Food Sci 69(5):M117-20.
4. Bashor MP, Curtis PA, Keener KM, Sheldon BW, Kathariou S, Osborne JA. 2004. Effects of carcass washers on Campylobacter contamination in large broiler processing plants. J Poultry Sci 83(7):1232-1239.
5. Batmaz E, Sandeep KP. 2004. Overall heat transfer coefficient in a triple tube heat exchanger. J Heat and Mass Transfer. Accepted.
6. Biehl H, Barringer SA. 2004. Comparison of the effect of powder properties on coating transfer efficiency and dustiness in two non-electrostatic and electrostatic systems. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol 5(2):191-198.
7. Birla SL, Wang S, Tang J, Hallman G. 2004. Improving heating uniformity of fresh fruits in radio frequency treatments for pest control. Postharvest Biol Technol 33: 205-217.
8. Caner C, Hernandez R, Pascall MA, Balasubramaniam VM. 2004. The effect of high pressure processing on the sorption of selected food simulants into polymeric films used for food packaging. Packaging Technol and Sci 17:139-153.
9. Castell-Perez ME, Moreno M, Rodriguez O, Moreira RG. 2004. Electron beam irradiation treatment of cantaloupes: effect on product quality. Food Sci Technol Int. December 2004 issue.
10. Castro I, Teixeira JA, Salengke S, Sastry SK, Vicente AA. 2004. Ohmic heating of strawberry products: electrical conductivity measurements and ascorbic acid degradation kinetics. Innov Food Sci & Emerg Technol 5:27-36.
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12. Choi YJ, McCarthy MJ, McCarthy KL. 2004. MRI for process analysis: co-rotating twin screw extruder. J Proc Anal Chem x(xx): 72-85.
13. Cushman JH, Bennethum LS, Singh PP. 2004. Toward rational design of drug delivery substrates: I. Mixture theory for two-scale biocompatible polymers. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary J 2(2):302-334.
14. Cushman JH, Singh PP, Bennethum LS. 2004. Toward rational design of drug delivery substrates: II. Mixture theory for three-scale biocompatible polymers and a computational example. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary J 2(2):335-357.
15. DeJongh JJ, Steffe JF. 2004. Vane method to evaluate the yield stress of hot cereals. J Texture Studies 34:1-9.
16. Evrendilek GA, Li S, Dantzer WR, Zhang QH. 2004. Pulsed electric field processing beer: microbial, sensory and quality analysis. J Food Sci 69(7):x1-x5.
17. Evrendilek GA, Yeom HW, Jin ZT, Zhang QH. 2004. Safety and quality evaluation of a yogurt-based drink processed by a pilot plant PEF system. J Food Proc Eng 27(3):197-212.
18. Evrendilek GA, Zhang QH, Richter ER. 2004. Application of Pulsed Electric Fields to Skim Milk inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus. Biosystems Eng 87(2):137-144.
19. Feng H, Tang J, Plumb OA. 2004. Intrinsic and relative permeability for flow of humid air in unsaturated apple tissues. J Food Eng 62:185-192.
20. Feng X, Hansen JD, Biasi B, Tang J, Mitcham EJ. 2004. Use of hot water treatment to control codling moths in harvested California Bing sweet cherries. Postharvest Biol Technol 31: 41-49.
21. Fleischman GJ, Ravishankar S, Balasubramaniam VM. 2004. The inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes by pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment in a static chamber. Food Microbiol 21(1):91-95.
22. Friant NR, Marks BP, Bakker-Arkema FW. 2004. Drying rate of individual ears of corn. Trans ASAE 47(5): Forthcoming.
23. Gazit Y, Rossler Y, Wang S, Tang J, Lurie S. 2004. Thermal death kinetics of egg and 3rd instar Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis captitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). J Econ Entomol. Forthcoming.
24. Genovese DB, Acquarone VM, Youn KS, Rao MA. 2004. Influence of fructose and sucrose on small and large deformation rheological behavior of heated Amioca starch dispersions. Food Sci Technol Int 10(1):51-57.
25. Gentry TS, Roberts JS. 2004. Design and evaluation of a continuous flow microwave pasteurization system for apple cider. Lebensm Wiss Technol. Forthcoming.
26. Gentry TS, Roberts JS. 2004. Formation kinetics and application of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural as a time-temperature indicator of lethality for continuous pasteurization of apple cider. Innov Food Sci Emerg Technol 5(3):327-333.
27. Gerard KA, Roberts JS. 2004. Microwave heating of apple mash to improve juice yield and quality. Lebensm Wiss Technol 37(5):551-557.
28. Ghosh, V, Ziegler, GR, Anantheswaran, RC. 2004. Moisture migration through chocolate-flavored confectionery coatings. J. Food Engineering 66:177.
29. Ghosh, V, Duda, JL, Ziegler, GR, Anantheswaran, RC. 2004. Diffusion of moisture through chocolate-flavored confectionery coatings. Transactions of IChemE 82(C1):35.
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31. Guan D, Cheng M, Wang Y, Tang J. 2004. Dielectric properties of mashed potatoes relevant to microwave and radio-frequency pasteurilization and sterilization processes. J Food Sci 69(1): 30-37.
32. Han J, Gomes-Feitosa CL, Castell-Perez ME, Moreira RG, da Silva P. 2004. Quality of Packaged Romaine Lettuce Hearts Exposed to Low-dose Electron Beam Irradiation. Lebensm Wiss Technol/Food Sci Technol 37(7):705-715.
33. Hansen J, Wang S, Tang J. 2004. A cumulated lethal time model to evaluate efficacy of heat treatments for codling moth Cydia pomonella (L) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in cherries. Postharvest Biol Technol 33(3): 309-317.
34. Hansen JD, Drake SR, Heidt ML, Watkins MA, Tang J, Wang S. 2004. Potential radio frequency-hot water dip treatment for postharvest codling moth control in fresh apples. HortTechnol. Forthcoming.
35. Hermawan N, Evrendilek GA, Zhang QH. 2004. Pulsed electric field treatment of liquid whole egg inoculated with Salmonella enteritidis. J Food Safety 24(1):71-85.
36. Hiney K, Nielsen B, Orth M, Rosenstein D, Marks BP. 2004. Short duration, high intensity exercise alters bone density and shape. J Animal Sci 82:1612-1620.
37. Hu X, Mallikarjunan P. 2004. Mathematical modeling of heat transfer of microwave heated fish gel. Agricultural Engineering Journal. Forthcoming.
38. Huang Y, Singh PP, Tang J, Swanson BG. 2004. Gelling temperatures of high acyl gellan as affected by monovalent and divalent cations with dynamic rheological analysis. Carbohydrate Polymers 56: 27-33.
39. Johnson JA, Valero KA, Wang S, Tang J. 2004. Thermal death kinetics of red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). J Econ Entomol. Forthcoming.
40. Joshi NS, Dave RI, Muthukumarappan K. 2004. Modeling rheological characteristics and calcium of Mozzarella cheese. J Food Sci 69(3):97-101.
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43. Joshi NS, Muthukumarappan K, Dave RI. 2004. Viscoelastic properties of part skim Mozzarella cheese: effect of calcium, storage and test temperature. Int J Food Prop 7(2):239-252.
44. Keener KM, Anderson KE, Curtis PA, Tharrington JE. 2004. Determination of cooling rates and carbon dioxide uptake in commercially processed shell eggs using cryogenic carbon dioxide gas. J Poultry Sci 83:89-94.
45. Keener KM, Bashor MP, Curtis PA, Sheldon BW, Kathariou S. 2004. Campylobacter contamination and poultry processing. CRFSFS 3(2):105-116.
46. Keener KM, Bottcher RW, Munilla RE. 2004. Dust and odor emissions from tunnel ventilated swine buildings. Appl Eng Agric 20(3):343-347.
47. Komarov V, Tang J. 2004. Dielectric permittivity and loss factor of tap water at 915 MHz. Microw Opti Technol Let 42(5): 419-420.
48. Kubantseva N, Hartel RW, Swearingen PA. 2004. Factors affecting solubility of calcium lactate in aqueous solutions. J Dairy Sci 87(4):863-867.
49. Lee GH, Kang WS, Hsieh F. 2004. The thin-layer drying characteristics of chicory root slices. Trans. ASAE. Forthcoming.
50. Liang B, Hartel RW. 2004. Effects of Milk Powders in Milk Chocolate. J Dairy Sci 87(1):20-31.
51. Liu CC, Tellez MA, Castell-Perez ME. 2004. Physical and Mechanical Properties of Peanut Protein Films. Lebensm Wiss Technol/Food Sci and Technol 37(7):731-738.
52. Liu SX, Mamidiaplly PK, Vane LM, Peng M. 2004. Concentration Polarization Analysis of a Developing Flow in A Pervaporation Process. Chem Eng Communications. Forthcoming.
53. Liu SX, Mamidiaplly PK. 2004. Quality Comparison of Crude Rice Bran Oil Extracted with d-Limonene and Hexane. Accepted to Cereal Chem.
54. Liu SX, Peng M, Vane LM. 2004. CFD Modeling of Pervaporative Mass Transfer in the Boundary Layer. Chem Eng Sci. Forthcoming.
55. Liu SX, Vane LM, Peng M. 2004. Theoretical Analysis of Concentration Polarization Effect on VOC Removal by Pervaporation. J Hazardous Substance Research 4(5):1-21.
56. Lloyd BJ, Farkas BE, Keener KM. 2004. Characterization of radiant emitters used in food processing. Int J Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 38(4).
57. Lloyd BJ, Farkas BE, Keener KM. 2004. Measurement of spectral emissivity from infrared sources. J Microwave Power. Accepted.
58. Lonchampt P, Hartel RW. 2004. Comparative Review of Fat Bloom in Chocolate and Compound Coatings. European J Lipid Sci Technol 106:241-274.
59. Losanoff JE, Collier AD, Wagner-Mann CC, Richman BW, Huff HE, Hsieh F, Diaz-Arias A, Jones JW. 2004. Biomechanical comparison of median sternotomy closures. Ann Thorac Surg 77:203-209.
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61. Mitcham EJ, Veltman RH, Feng X, de Castro E, Johnson JA., Simpson TL, Biasi WV, Wang S, Tang J. 2004. Application of radio frequency treatments to control insects in in-shell walnuts. Postharvest Biol Technol 33(1): 93-101.
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73. Resch JJ, Daubert CR, Foegeding EA. 2004. Beta-Lactoglobulin gelation and derivatization: effect of acidulant selection and heating conditions. J Food Sci. Accepted.
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84. Singh KK, Wiesenborn D, Kangas N, Tostenson K. 2004. Screw pressing characteristics of dehulled crambe seed. Trans ASAE 47(1): 199-204.
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1. Castell-Perez ME, Moreira RG. 2004. Decontamination Strategies. In: Beir RC, Pillai SD, Phillips TD, Ziprin RL, editors. Preharvest and Postharvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. Ames, IA: Iowa State Press: A Blackwell Publishing Company. p 337-347.
2. Datta AK, Almeida M. 2004. Properties relevant to infrared heating of foods. In: Rao MA, Rizvi SSH, Datta AK, editors. Engineering Properties of Foods. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. To be published July 2004.
3. Datta AK, Sumnu G, Raghavan GSV. 2004. Dielectric properties of foods. In: Rao MA, Rizvi SSH, Datta AK, editors. Engineering Properties of Foods. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc. To be published July 2004.
4. Davies CGA. 2004. Effect of Acetate Concentration on the Maillard Browning in Glucose-Glycine Model Systems. In: DK Weerasinghe, MK Sucan, editors. Reaction and Processed Flavors, American Chemical Society. New York: American Chemical Society.
5. Mendoza-Sánchez P, López D, Ramos G, Pless R, Huerta-Ruelas J, Torres JA. 2004. An optical rotation measurement system to control processes in the food industry and to study thermal denaturation of food proteins. In: Memorias del Simposio de Metrología. Querétaro, México: Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM).
6. Metin S, Hartel RW. 2004. Crystallization for Nutritionally-Enhanced Fats and Oils. In: Dunford N, Dunford H, editors. Nutritionally-Enhanced Edible Oil Processing. Champaign, IL: AOCS Press. p 193-210.
7. Moreira RG. 2004. Deep-fat frying. In: Handbook of Food Technology and Food Engineering. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
8. Moreira RG. 2004. Food Irradiation. In: Handbook of Food Technology and Food Engineering. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
9. Sandeep KP, Simunovic J, Swartzel KR. 2004. Developments in aseptic processing. In: Improving thermal processing. Woodhead Publishing Limited.
10. Sandeep KP, Simunovic J. 2004. Aseptic processing: Basic principles and advantages. In: Handbook of food technology and engineering. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.
11. Sarkar A, Singh RP. 2004. Air impingement food processing. In: Richardson P, editor. Improving the Thermal Processing of Foods. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing Limited. 384p.
12. Singh RP, Anderson BA. 2004. The major types of food spoilage: an overview. In: Steele R, editors. Understanding and Measuring the Shelf-life of Food. Cambridge, England: Woodhead Publishing Limited. p3-23.
13. Turner L, Daubert CR. 2004. Inquiry-guided Learning in a Food Science Capstone Course. In: Lee V, editor. Teaching and learning through inquiry: A guidebook for institutions and instructors. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
The attached document lists publications (895), theses/dissertations (95) and patents (9) over the period from 2000-2005.