NC_OLD1029: Applied Animal Behavior and Welfare (NCR131)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications October 2006 - September 2007
Cloutier, S., Newberry, R. C. 2007. Human activity and visual contact with the surrounding environment affect the stress response and behavior of laboratory rats. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE, 46: 91-92
Mader, T. L., Davis, M. S., Gaughan, J. B. 2007. Effect of sprinkling on feedlot microclimate and cattle behavior. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY 51: 541-551
Gustafson, L. A., Cheng, H.-W., Garner, J. P., Pajor, E. A., Mench, J. A. 2007. The effects of different bill-trimming methods on the well-being of pekin ducks. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86: 1831-1839
Rushen, J., Haley, D., de Passille, A. M. 2007. Effect of softer flooring in tie stalls on resting behavior and leg injuries of lactating cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 3647-3651
Kendall, P. E., Verkerk, G. A., Webster, J. R., Tucker, C. B. 2007. Sprinklers and shade cool cows and reduce insect-avoidance behavior in pasture-based dairy systems. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 3671-3680
Endres, M. I., Barberg, A. E. 2007. Behavior of dairy cows in an alternative bedded-pack housing system. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 4192-4200
Imwalle, D. B., Lehrer, A. R., Katz, L. S. 2007. Intravaginal impedance and sexual behavior of ovariectomized goats given estrogen alone or in combination with progesterone. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 85: 1908-1913
Thompson, P., Harris, C., Holt, D., Pajor, E. A. 2007. Livestock welfare product claims: The emerging social context. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 85: 2354-2360
Fregonesi, J. A., Tucker, C. B., Weary, D. M. 2007. Overstocking reduces lying time in dairy cows. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 3349-3354
Sorrells, A. D., Eicher, S. D., Harris, M. J., Pajor, E. A., Richert, B. T. 2007. Periparturient cortisol, acute phase cytokine, and acute phase protein profiles of gilts housed in groups or stalls during gestation. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 85: 1750-1757
Katz, L. S. 2007. Sexual behavior of domesticated ruminants. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR 52: 56-63
Tucker, C. B., Rogers, A. R., Verkerk, G. A., Kendall, P. E., Webster, J. R., Matthews, L. R. 2007. Effects of shelter and body condition on the behaviour and physiology of dairy cattle in winter. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 105: 1-13
Johnson, A. K., Morrow, J. L., Dailey, J. W., McGlone, J. J. 2007. Preweaning mortality in loose-housed lactating sows: Behavioral and performance differences between sows who crush or do not crush piglets. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 105: 59-74
Croney, C. C., Prince-Kelly, N., Meller, C. L. 2007. A note on social dominance and learning ability in the domestic chicken (Gallus gallus). APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 105: 254-258
Webster, A. B. 2007. Animal care guidelines and future directions. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86: 1253-1259
Estevez, I. 2007. Density allowances for broilers: Where to set the limits? POULTRY SCIENCE, 86: 1265-1272
Daniels, K. J., Donkin, S. S., Eicher, S. D., Pajor, E. A., Schutz, M. M. 2007. Prepartum milking of heifers influences future production and health. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 2293-2301
Barberg, A. E., Endres, M. I., Janni, K. A. 2007. Compost dairy barns in Minnesota: A descriptive study. APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE, 23: 231-238
Toscano, M. J., Lay, D. C., Jr., Craig, B. A., Pajor, E. A. 2007. Assessing the adaptation of swine to fifty-seven hours of feed deprivation in terms of behavioral and physiological responses. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 85: 441-451
Croney, C. C., Millman, S. T. 2007. Board-invited review: The ethical and behavioral bases for farm animal welfare legislation. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 85: 556-565
Koch, J. M., Lay, D. C., Jr., McMunn, K. A., Moritz, J. S., Wilson, M. E. 2007. Motivation of hens to obtain feed during a molt induced by feed withdrawal, wheat middlings, or melengestrol acetate. POULTRY SCIENCE 86: 614-620
Estevez, I., Andersen, I. L., Naevdal, E. 2007. Group size, density and social dynamics in farm animals. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 103: 185-204
Croney, C. C., Newberry, R. C. 2007. Group size and cognitive processes. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 103: 215-228
Tucker, C. B., Dalley, D. E., Burke, J. -L. K., Clark, D. A. (2007) Milking cows once daily influences behavior and udder firmness at peak and mid lactation. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 1692-1703
Meller, C. L., Croney, C. C., Shepherdson, D. 2007.Effects of rubberized flooring on Asian elephant behavior in captivity. ZOO BIOLOGY, 26:51-61
Janni, K. A., Endres, M. I., Reneau, J. K., Schoper, W. W. 2007. Compost dairy barn layout and management recommendations. APPLIED ENGINEERING IN AGRICULTURE, 23: 97-102
Gustafson, L. A., Cheng, H.-W., Garner, J. P., Pajor, E. A., Mench, J. A. 2007. Effects of bill-trimming Muscovy ducks on behavior, body weight gain, and bill morphopathology. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 103: 59-74
Leone, E. H., Estevez, I. 2007. Patch discrimination as a function of handling time. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86: 447-452
Barberg, A. E., Endres, M. I., Salfer, J. A., Reneau, J. K. Performance and welfare of dairy cows in an alternative housing system in Minnesota. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 1575-1583
Leone, E. H., Estevez, I., Christman, M. C. 2007. Environmental complexity and group size: Immediate effects on use of space by domestic fowl. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 102: 39- 52
Meehan, C. L., Mench, J. A. 2007. The challenge of challenge: Can problem solving opportunities enhance animal welfare? APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE, 102: 246-261
Byrd, J., Bailey, R. H., Wills, R., Nisbet, D. 2007. Recovery of Campylobacter from commercial broiler hatchery trayliners. POULTRY SCIENCE, 86: 26-29
Miller, K. A., Mench, J. A. 2006. Differential effects of 4 types of environmental enrichment on aggressive pecking, feather pecking, feather loss, food wastage and productivity in Japanese quail. BRITISH POULTRY SCIENCE, 47: 646-658
Espejo, L. A., Endres, M. I. 2007. Herd-level risk factors for lameness in high-producing Holstein cows housed in freestall barns. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, 90: 306-314
Imwalle, D. B., Bateman, H. L., Wills, A., Honda, S.-I., Harada, N., Rissman, E. F. 2006. Impairment of spatial learning by estradiol treatment in female mice:attenuated by estradiol exposure during development. HORMONES AND BEHAVIOR, 50: 693-698
Brown-Brandl, T. M., Nienaber, J. A., Eigenberg, R. A., Mader, T. L., Morrow, J. L., Dailey, J. W. 2006. Comparison of heat tolerance of feedlot heifers of different breeds. LIVESTOCK SCIENCE, 105: 19-26
Amundson, J. L., Mader, T. L., Rasby, R. J., Hu, Q. S. 2006. Environmental effects on pregnancy rate in beef cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, 84: 3415-3420
Webster, A. B., Thompson, S. A., Hinkle, N. C., Merka, W. C. 2006. In-house composting of layer manure in a high-rise, tunnel-ventilated commercial layer house during an egg production cycle. JOURNAL OF APPLIED POULTRY RESEARCH, 15: 447-456
Garner, J. P., Thogerson, C. M., Wuerbel, H., Murray, J. D., Mench, J. A. 2006. Animal neuropsychology: Validation of the Intra-Dimensional Extra-Dimensional set shifting task for mice. BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH, 173: 53-61
October, 2007 September, 2008
Publications Associated with Fear Testing
Pairis, M., J. Garvey, A. Young, A. Johnson and S. Millman. 2008. Can fear be effectively assessed in swine? Accepted October 20th 2008 for presentation at AASV March 2009.
Kanaan, V.T., E.A. Pajor, D.C. Lay Jr., B.T. Richert, and J.P Garner. 2008. A note on the effects of co-mingling piglet litters on pre-weaning growth, injuries and responses to behavioural tests. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 110 (3), p.386-391.
Li, Y. Z. Is maternal fear associated with piglet survival in loose farrowing systems? West Central News. University of Minnesota. Sept. 17, 2008.
Other Publications Associated with Behavior and Welfare
Bearson, B. L., S. M. D. Bearson, J. J. Uthe, S. E. Dowd, J. Houghton, I. Lee, M. J. Toscano, and D. C. Lay Jr. 2008. Iron regulated genes of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in response to norepinephrine and the requirement of fepDGC for norepinephrine-enhanced growth. Microbes and Infection. 10:807-806
Buskirk DD, Siegford JM, Wenner BA. 2007. Performance of beef calves weaned by traditional, fenceline, and two-step methods. 2007 Joint Annual Meeting ADSA PSA AMPA ASAS. J Anim Sci 85(Supplement 1):542.
Carrier, J., S. Godden, J. Fetrow, S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, and M. I. Endres. 2007. Calving behavior and impact on calf survival. In: Proc. Minnesota Dairy Health Conference, pp 98.
Cloutier, S. and R.C. Newberry. 2008. The use of a conditioning technique to reduce the physiological and behavioural stress associated with repeated intra-peritoneal injections in rats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 112:158-173.
Croney, C. and R.C. Newberry. 2007. Group size and cognitive processes. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103:215-228.
Daigle C, Tubbs M, Snider R, Siegford J. 2007. Development and internal utilization of animal welfare assessment scenarios by the zoo industry. Proceedings of the 83rd Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference.
Dennis, R., I. Estevez, R.C. Newberry and H-W. Cheng. 2008. Appearance matters: artificial marking alters aggression and stress. Poultry Science 82:1393-1396.
Eicher, S. D., M. M. Schutz, J. D. Arthington, and D. C. Lay Jr. 2008. Modulation of leukocyte populations by housing flooring. CRWAD. Submitted 8-24-08. Dec,6-8; Chicago
Endres, M.I. 2008. Cow comfort: What have we learned lately? In: Proc. 4-State Dairy Nutr. Manag. Conference, pp 60.
Endres, M.I. and A.E. Barberg. 2007. Behavior of dairy cows in an alternative bedded pack housing system. J. Dairy Sci. 90:41924200.
Endres, M.I. 2007. Progress in compost barns and bedding sources. In: Proc. 41st Annual North Dakota Dairy Convention, pp 23.
Endres, M.I. 2007. Cow performance, welfare and behavior in compost dairy barns. In: Proc. National Compost Dairy Barn Conference, pp 67.
Fregonesi JA, Tucker CB, Weary DM. 2007. Overstocking reduces lying time in
dairy cows. J Dairy Sci, 90: 3349-3354.
Gifford, A.K., S. Cloutier and R.C. Newberry. 2007. Objects as enrichment: effects of object exposure time and delay interval on object recognition memory of the domestic pig. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 107:206-217.
Imwalle, D.B., A. R. Lehrer and L.S. Katz. 2007. Intravaginal impedance and sexual behavior of ovariectomized goats given estrogen alone or in combination with progesterone. J. Animal Science 85: 1908-1913.
Janczak, A. M., R.M. Marchant-Forde, J.N. Marchant-Forde, D. Hogan, D.L. Mathews, C. Dowell, L.J. Freeman, D.C. Lay, Jr.. 2008. Heart rate variability as a welfare indicator in domestic pigs. ISAE, Dublin 2008
Katz, L. S. 2008. Variation in male sexual behavior. Animal Reproduction Science 105: 64-71.
Katz, L.S. 2007. Sexual behavior of domesticated ruminants. Hormones and Behavior 52: 56-63.
Kendall PE, Verkerk GA, Webster JR, Tucker CB. 2007. Sprinklers and shade
cool cows and reduce insect-avoidance behavior in pasture-based dairy
systems. J Dairy Sci, 90: 3671-3680.
Kranendonk, G., D.C. Lay Jr., S. Jarvis, M. Fillerup, C.G. VanReenen, H. Hopster, and V.M. Wiegant. 2008. Regular mixing of pregnant sows reduces their weight gain, but does not affect offspring body weight, behaviour or wound healing. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. Accepted with revision.
Lay, D. C. Jr., H. G. Kattesh, J. E. Cunnick, M. J. Daniels, K. A. McMunn, M. J. Toscano, and M. P. Roberts. 2008. Effects of prenatal stress on sow productivity and piglet response to weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 86:1316-1324.
Lay Jr., D. C. 2008. Functional test of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis of sows which perform various abnormal behaviors. ASAS, Indianapolis 2008
Lay Jr., D. C., M. H. Rostagno, S. D. Eicher, and K. A. McMunn . 2008. Behavior, plasma cortisol, and immune cell populations of pigs experimentally infected with Salmonella Typhimurum . ISAE, Dublin 2008
Marchant-Forde, J.N., D.C. Lay Jr., R. Marchant-Forde, K.A. McMunn, and B.T. Richert. 2008. Effects of r-salbutamol on behavior and physiology of finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci , In Press.
Marchant Forde, J.N., Lay Jr., D.C., McMunn, K.A., Cheng, H.W., Pajor E.A. and Marchant-Forde, R.M. 2009. Post-natal piglet husbandry practices and well-being: The effects of alternative techniques delivered separately. J. of Anim. Sci. (in press)
Newberry, R.C., L.J. Keeling, I. Estevez and Bilk, B. 2007. Behaviour when young as a predictor of severe feather pecking in adult laying hens: the redirected foraging hypothesis revisited. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 107:262-274.
Newberry, R.C. and J.C. Swanson. 2008. Implications of breaking mother-young social bonds. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 110:3-23.
Schenck, E.L., McMunn, K.A., Rosenstein, D.S., Stroshine, R.L., Nielsen, B.D., Richert, B.T., Marchant-Forde, J.N. and Lay Jr., D.C. 2008. Exercising stall-housed gestating gilts: Effects on lameness, the musculo-skeletal system, production and behavior. J. Anim. Sci.
Shane, E. M., M. I. Endres, D. G. Johnson, and J. K. Reneau. 2008. Bedding options for an alternative housing system for dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:254.
Siegford JM, Zanella AJ, Bernardo T, Wickens CL, Laughlin K, Malinowski R. 2007. Leveraging expertise in animal welfare to create educational equity. Animal Welfare 16(2):241-244.
Siegford JM, Rucker G, Zanella AJ. 2008 Effects of pre-weaning exposure to a maze on pigs at weaning and on subsequent performance in spatial and open field tests. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 110:189-202.
Siegford JM, Grimes-Casey HG, Powers W. 2008. Environmental aspects of ethical animal production. Poultry Sci 87: 380-386.
Siegford JM, Buskirk DD, Sharra MK. 2007. Behavior of beef calves weaned by traditional, fenceline, and two-step methods. 2007 Joint Annual Meeting ADSA PSA AMPA ASAS. J Anim Sci 85(Supplement 1):365.
Siegford JM, Daigle C, Tubbs M, Bernardo T, Heleski CR, Malinowksi R, Snider R. 2007. Animal welfare assessment scenarios as a tool for animal production industries. 2007 Joint Annual Meeting ADSA PSA AMPA ASAS. J Anim Sci 85(Supplement 1):582.
Siegford JM, Sharra MK. 2007. Estimating when beef calves are ready to be weaned based on social behavior and time budgets. Proceedings of the 41st International Congress of the ISAE 41:88.
Tubbs M, Daigle C, Siegford J, Snider R. 2007. Creating animal welfare assessment scenarios for the zoo industry. Proceedings of the 83rd Association of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference.
Tucker CB, Dalley DE, Burke JL, Clark DA. 2007. Milking cows once daily
influences behavior and udder firmness at peak and mid lactation. J Dairy
Sci, 90: 1692-1703.
Tucker CB, Rogers A, Verkerk GA, Webster J, Matthews LR. 2007. Effects of
shelter and body condition on the behaviour and physiology of dairy cattle
in winter. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 105: 1-13.
Tucker CB, Rogers AR, Schütz KE. 2008. Effect of solar radiation on dairy
cattle behaviour, use of shade and body temperature in a pasture-based
system. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 109: 141-154.
Wilcox, C.S., N.M. Schutz, S.S. Donkin, D.C. Lay Jr., S.D. Eicher. 2008. Short Communication: Effect of temporary glycosuria on molasses consumption in Holstein calves. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1-4
Archer, G.S. and Mench, J.A. 2009. The effect of exposing chicken embryos to light during incubation on their post-hatch fear, physical asymmetry, and behavioral rhythms. Proc International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Cairns AU.
Chan W. and Newberry, R.C. 2009. Domestic pig responses to playback of barks. Proc. North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Montreal.
Cloutier, S. and Newberry, R.C. 2008. The use of a conditioning technique to reduce the physiological and behavioural stress associated with repeated intra-peritoneal injections in rats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 112:158-173.
Cloutier, S., Panksepp, J. and Newberry, R.C. 2008. Handling during routine care affects responses of laboratory rats toward humans. In: Proc. 2008 National AALAS Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
Dossey, N., Massey, C., Cloutier, S. and Newberry, R.C. 2008. Impact of play experience on fear and anxiety in chickens. P. 50 in: Program of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Animal Behavior Society, Snowbird, UT.
Lay, D.C. Jr. and Garner, J.P. 2009. Making sense of fear testing Validating common behavioral tests used in swine. ADSA, CSAS, ASAS Joint Meeting, Montreal 2009.
Kanaan, V.T., Pajor, E.A., Lay, D.C.Jr., Richert, B.T., and Garner, J.P. 2008. A note on the effects of co-mingling piglet litters on pre-weaning growth, injuries and responses to behavioural tests. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 110, 386-391.
Li, Y.Z. 2008. Is maternal fear associated with piglet survival in loose farrowing systems? West Central News. University of Minnesota. Sept. , 2008.
Pairis, M., Garvey, J., Young, A., Johnson, A., and Millman, S. 2009. Can fear be effectively assessed in swine? American Association of Swine Veterinarians Annual Meeting, Dallas TX, March 2009.
Pairis, M., Garvey, J., Young, A., Johnson, A., and Millman, S. 2009. Can fear be effectively assessed in swine? A study measuring fear levels during a Human Approach Test. North American Regional Meeting of the ISAE, Montreal, July 2009.
Publications Associated with Fear Testing in Agricultural Species
Archer, G.S., R.A. Blatchford, J.A. Mench. 2010. The effect of lighting conditions during incubation and post-hatch on fear responses of broiler chickens. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Botheras, N.A., J.A. Pempek, D.K. Enigk. 2010. Relationship between fear of humans and amount of human contact in commercially reared turkeys. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Chan, W., Newberry, R.C. 2010. Barking pigs: acoustic differences between barks given in alarm and play contexts. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Dennis, R., D.C. Lay, H.-W. Cheng. 2010. Effects of early serotonin programming on fear response, memory and aggression. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Dossey, N., Massey, C., Cloutier, S., Newberry, R.C. 2010. Impact of play enrichment on fear and anxiety in chickens. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Edwards, L.E., Botheras, N.A., Coleman, G.J., Hemsworth, P.H., 2010. Behavioural and physiological responses of laying hens to humans. Animal Production Science 50: 557-559.
Edwards, L.N., T. Grandin, T.E. Engle, M.J. Ritter, A.A. Sosnicki, M.-A. Paradis, J.A. Correa, F. Menard, D.B. Anderson. 2010. The relationship between on-farm loading and pre-stun animal handling with meat quality in swine. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Lay, D.C., Fulton, R.M., Hester, P.Y., Karcher, D.M., Kjaer, J., Mench, J.A., Mullens, B.A., Newberry, R.C., Nicol, C.J., OSullivan, N.P., and Porter, R.E. 2010. A comparison of hen welfare in relation to multiple housing systems. PSA Keynote Symposium on Social Sustainability of Egg Production, Proc. Joint Annual Meeting of ADSA, PSA, AMPA, CSAS, and ASAS, July 11-15, 2010, Denver CO.
Li, Y.Z. 2009. Effects of maternal fear on pre-weaning mortality of piglets in a loose farrowing system. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (Suppl. 3): 42.
Morris, H.M., Croney, C., Newberry, R.C. 2010. Effects of early rearing environment on learning ability and behavior in laying hens. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Newberry, R.C. 2010. Studies on chicken emotion and pleasure. In: Proc. Workshop on Pullet and Laying Hen Well-Being, Management and Assessment, 18 April, 2010, Vancouver, BC. American College of Poultry Veterinarians, Jacksonville FL.
Pairis, M. Young, A., Millman, S. Garvey J., A. Johnson. 2009. Can fear be effectively assessed in swine? A study measuring fear levels during a Human Approach Test. Animal Industry Report. R2470.
Phillips, C., Y. Li, J. Anderson. 2010. Fear responses in gestating sows. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Rumph JM, Ernst C, Siegford J, Daigle C, Buskirk D, Hawkins D. 2009. Correlation of docility and exit velocity with economically relevant traits. Proc Beef Improvement Fed 41st Ann Res Symp. 151-159. April 30-May 3, 2009. Sacramento, CA. http://www.beefimprovement.org/proceedings.html.
Other Publications Associated with Behavior and Welfare
Journal articles
Alexander, B.M., P. Singh, K.J. Austin, R.R. Cockrum, K.M. Cammack, B.W. Hess, G.E. Moss, P.W. Nathaneilsz, and S.P. Ford. 2009. Effect of maternal fatness on fetal steroids and semi-quantitative real-time PCR expression of receptor genes in sheep. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 116:58-64.
Alvino GM, Blatchford RA, Archer GS, Mench JA. 2009. Light intensity during rearing affects the behavioural synchrony and resting patterns of broiler chickens. Br. Poult. Sci. 50(3):275-83.
Alvino, G.M., G.S. Archer, J.A. Mench. 2009. Behavioural time budgets of broiler chickens reared in varying light intensities. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 118, 54-61.
Archer GS, Shivaprasad HL, Mench JA. 2009. Effect of providing light during incubation on the health, productivity, and behavior of broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 88(1):29-37.
Berry, N., A. Johnson, S. M. Lonergan, T. Baas, J. Hill, C. Schultz-Kaster, J. Matthews, L Karriker and K. Stalder. 2010. Loading gantry versus traditional chute: Effect on fresh pork loin quality attributes when properly loaded. Fleischwirtschaft International 1, 60-63.
Bewley, J.M., R.E. Boyce, J. Hockin, L. Munksgaard, S.D. Eicher, and M.M. Schutz. 2009. An exploratory study of management factors influencing lying time using an automated activity monitoring sensor. Journal of Dairy Research 77:1-6.
Blatchford RA, Klasing KC, Shivaprasad HL, Wakenell PS, Archer GS, Mench JA. 2009. The effect of light intensity on the behavior, eye and leg health, and immune function of broiler chickens. Poult Sci. 88(1):20-8.
Cloutier, S. and Newberry, R.C. 2010. Physiological and behavioural responses of laboratory rats housed at different tier levels and levels of visual contact with conspecifics and humans. Appl Anim Behav Sci. 125, 69-79.
Croney, CC. 2010. Words Matter: Implications of Semantics and Imagery in Framing Animal-Welfare Issues. J Vet Med Educ 37: 101-106.
Duffield, T.F., Heinrich, A., Millman, S.T., de Haan, A., James, S., Lissemore, K., 2010. Reduction in pain response by combined use of local lidocaine anesthesia and systemic ketoprofen in dairy calves dehorned by heat cauterization. Can. Vet. J. 51:283-288.
Duffield, T.F., Leslie, K.E., Millman, S.T., Lissemore, K.D., 2009. Research and teaching of dairy cattle well-being: finding synergy between ethology and epidemiology. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 12:132-142.
Edwards, L.N., T.E. Engle, T. Grandin, J.A. Correa and D.B. Anderson. 2010. The relationship between exsanguination blood lactate concentration and carcass quality in slaughter pigs. Meat Science. 85(3): 435-40.
Elmore, M.R.P., Garner, J.P., Johnson, A.K., Richert, B.T. & Pajor, E.A. (2010). "A flooring comparison: The impact of rubber mats on the health, behavior, and welfare of group housed sows at breeding " Applied Animal Behaviour Science 123: 7-15.
Fitzgerald, R. F., K. J. Stalder, J. O. Matthews, C. M. Schultz - Kaster, and A. K. Johnson. 2009. Factors associated with fatigued, injured and dead pig frequency during transport and lairage at a commercial abattoir Journal of Animal Science 87:1156-1166.
Fitzgerald, R. F., K. J. Stalder, P. M. Dixon, A. K. Johnson, L. Karriker and G. F. Jones. 2009. The accuracy and repeatability of sow body condition scoring. Professional Animal Scientist 25:415-425.
Fregonesi, J.A., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G, Tucker, C.B., Veira, D. M., and Weary, D.M. 2009. Neck-rail position in the freestall affects standing behavior, udder and stall cleanliness. Journal of Dairy Science. 92:1979-1985.
Gaskill, B., Gordon, C.J., Pajor, E.A. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "Impact of Nesting Material on Mouse Thermoregulation and Variability." Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science 48(5): 549-549.
Gaskill, B.N., Rohr, S.A., Pajor, E.A., Lucas, J.R. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "Some like it hot: mouse temperature preferences in laboratory housing." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 116: 279-285.
Green, A. R., Wesley, I., Trampel, D. W., Xin, H. 2009. Air quality and bird health status in three types of commercial egg layer houses. J Appl Poult Res 18: 605-621.
Heinrich, A., Duffield, T.F., Lissemore, K.D., Pearl, D.L., Millman, S.T., 2010. The effect of meloxicam on behavior and pain sensitivity of dairy calves following cautery disbudding with a local anesthetic. Journal of Animal Science 93:2450-2457.
Heinrich, A., Duffield, T.F., Lissemore, K.D., Squires, E.J., Millman, S.T., 2009. The impact of meloxicam on post-surgical stress associated with cautery dehorning. Journal of Dairy Science 92:540-547
Jackson, C. J., L. A. Karriker, K. J. Stalder and A. K. Johnson. 2009. Number of visits and length of each visit to a nipple cup drinker by 7-week-old pigs after a water deprivation period or ad libitum access to water. Journal of Swine Health and Production: March April. 76-80.
Johnson, A. K. 2009. Farm Animal Behavior and Welfare: the past, the future and how can ASAS play an integral role? Journal of Animal Science. 2009. 87:21752179.
Johnson, A. K., J. R. Garvey, L. J. Sadler, J. L. Morrow, K. J. Stalder and J. J. McGlone. 2009. Pre-weaning mortality in loose-housed suckling piglets: Behavioral differences between piglets in litters whose co-specifics are killed or not killed in the first 72 hours after parturition. Acta Agriculturae Scand. Section A. 59: 53-58.
Johnson, A. K., L. J. Sadler, L. M. Gesing, C. Feuerbach, H. Hill, M. Faga, R. Bailey, K. J. Stalder, and M. J. Ritter. 2010. Effects of facility design on the stress responses of market weight pigs during loading and unloading. Professional Animal Scientist 2:9-17.
Kim, L.C., Garner, J.P. & Millam, J.R. (2009). "Preferences of Orange-winged Amazon parrots (Amazona amazonica) for cage enrichment devices." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 120(3-4): 216-223.
Li, Y. Z., L.J. Johnston, and A. M. Hilbrands. 2010. Pre-weaning mortality of piglets in a bedded, group-farrowing system. J. Swine Health Prod. Vol. 12 (2): 75-80.
Li, Y.Z. and L.J. Johnston. 2009. Behavior and performance of pigs previously housed in large groups. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 1472-1478.
Lord, LK., Walker, JB., Croney, CC., Golab, GC. 2010. A Comparison of Veterinary Students Enrolled and Not Enrolled in an Animal-Welfare Course. J Vet Med Educ 37: 40-48.
Mader, T.L., L.J. Johnson, and J.B. Gaughan. 2010. A comprehensive index for assessing environmental stress in animals. J. Anim Sci. 88, 2153-2165.
Marchant-Forde, J., D.C. Lay, Jr., K.A. McMunn, H.W. Cheng, E.A. Pajor, and R.M. Marchant-Forde. 2009. Post-natal piglet husbandry practices and well-being: The effects of alternative techniques delivered separately. Journal of Animal Science 87:1479-1492.
Margiasso, M.E. Longpre, K.M. and L.S. Katz. 2010. Partner Preference: Assessing the Role of the Female Goat. Physiology and Behavior 99:587-591.
McGowan, R.T.S., Robbins, C.T., Alldredge, J.R., and Newberry, R.C. 2009. Contrafreeloading in grizzly bears: implications for environmental enrichment. Zoo Biology 28, 1-19.
Meiszberg, A. M., A. K. Johnson, L. J. Sadler, J. A. Carroll, J. W. Dailey, and N. Krebs. 2009. Drinking behavior in nursery pigs: determining the accuracy between an automatic water meter versus human observers. Journal of Animal Science 87:41734180.
Millman, S.T., Johnson, A.K., OConnor, A.M., Zanella, A.J., 2009. Animal welfare and epidemiology Across species, across disciplines and across borders. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 12:83-87.
Millman, S.T., 2009. Animal welfare scientific approaches to the issues. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 12:88-96.
Moulton, K., P. Ryan, D.C. Lay Jr., and S. Willard. 2009. Postmortem photonic imaging of lux-modified Salmonella Typhimurium within the gastrointestinal tract of swine after oral inoculation in vivo. Journal of Animal Science 87:2239-2244.
Moulton, K., P. Ryan, D.C. Lay Jr., and S. Willard. 2009. Photonic plasmid stability of transformed Salmonella typhimurium: A comparison of three unique plasmids. BMC Microbiology 9:152-159.
Niekamp, S.R. and Johnson, A.K. 2009 Transport losses in market weight pigs: I. A review of definitions, incidence and economic impact. Professional Animal Scientist 25:404-414.
Nordgreen, J., Garner, J.P., Janczak, A.M., Ranheim, B., Muir, W.M. & Horsberg, T.E. (2009). "Thermonociception in fish: Effects of two different doses of morphine on thermal threshold and post-test behaviour in goldfish (Carassius auratus)." Applied Animal Behaviour Science 119(1-2): 101-107.
ODriscoll, K. K. M., M. M. Schutz, A. C. Lossie., and S. D. Eicher. 2009. The effect of floor surface on dairy cow immune function and locomotion score. Journal of Dairy Science 92: 4249-4261.
Poletto R., M.H. Rostagno, B.T. Richert, and J.N. Marchant-Forde. 2009. Effects of a "step-up" ractopamine feeding program, sex, and social rank on growth performance, hoof lesions, and Enterobacteriaceae shedding in finishing pigs. Journal of Animal Science 87(1):304-313.
Richter, H., Garner, J.P. & Würbel, H. (2009). "Environmental standardization: cure or cause of poor reproducibility in animal experiments?" Nature Methods 6(4): 257-261.
Richter, H., Garner, J.P., Auer, C., Kunert, J. & Würbel, H. (2010). "Systematic variation improves reproducibility of animal experiments." Nature Methods 7(3): 167-168.
Ritter, M. J., M. Ellis, N. L. Berry, S. E. Curtis, L. Anil, M. Benjamin, E. Berg, D. Butler, C. Dewey, B. Driessen, P. DuBois, A. Green, J. Hill, J. Marchant-Forde, P. Matzat, J. McGlone, P. Mormede, T. Moyer, K. Pfalzgraf, J. Salak-Johnson, M. Siemens, J. Sterle, C. Stull, T. Whiting, B. Wolter, S. R. Niekamp, and A. K. Johnson.. 2009. Transport losses in market weight pigs: Definitions, incidence and economic impact. The Professional Animal Scientist 25:404414
Schütz, K.E., Rogers, A.R. Poulouin, Y., Cox, N.R., Tucker, C.B. 2010. The amount of shade influences the behavior and physiology of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science. 93: 125-133.
Schütz, K.E., Rogers, A.R., Cox, N.R., and Tucker, C.B. 2009. Dairy cows prefer shade that offers greater protection against solar radiation in summer: Shade use, behaviour, and body temperature. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 116:28-34.
Siegford JM, Yue Cottee S, Widowski TM. 2010. Opportunities for learning about animal welfare from online courses to graduate degrees. J Vet Med Educ. 37(1):49-55.
Stanton, A.L., Kelton, D.F., LeBlanc, S.J., Millman, S.T., Wormuth, J., Dingwell, R.T., Leslie, K.E., 2010. The effect of treatment with long-acting antibiotic at post-weaning movement on respiratory disease and on growth in commercial dairy calves. Journal of Dairy Science 93:574-581.
Stewart, M., Stookey, J.M, Stafford, K.J., Tucker, C.B., Rogers, A.R., Verkerk, G.A., Schaefer, A.L., and Webster, J.R. 2009. Effects of local anaesthetic and a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on pain responses of dairy calves to hot-iron dehorning. Journal of Dairy Science. 92:1521-1519.
Sutherland, S.J., Gray, J.T., Menzies, P.I., Hook, S.E., Millman, S.T., 2009. Transmission of food-borne zoonotic pathogens to riparian areas by pastured sheep. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research 73:125-131.
Thogerson, C.M., Hester, P.Y., Mench, J.A., Newberry, R.C., Okura, C.M., Pajor, E.A., Talaty, P. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "The effect of feeder space allocation on productivity and physiology of Hy-Line W-36 hens housed in conventional cages." Poultry Science 88(9): 1793-1799.
Thogerson, C.M., Hester, P.Y., Mench, J.A., Newberry, R.C., Pajor, E.A. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "The effect of feeder space allocation on behavior of Hy-Line W-36 hens housed in conventional cages." Poultry Science 88(8): 1544-52.
Todd, C., McKnight, D., Duffield, T., Leslie, K., Millman, S., 2010. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug therapy for neonatal calf diarrhea complex effects on calf performance and feeding behavior. Journal of Animal Science 88:2019-2028.
Tucker, A.L., Atkinson, J.L., Millman, S.T., Widowski, T.M., 2010. Metabolic indicators of nutritional stress are not predictive of abnormal oral behaviour in piglets. Physiology & Behavior 100:277-283.
Tucker, A.L., Duncan, I.J.H., Millman, S.T., Friendship, R.M., Widowski, T.M., 2010. Dentition in commercial piglets: The effect of premolar eruption on feeding development prior to and after weaning at 28 days. Journal of Animal Science 88:2277-2288.
Tucker, C.B., Cox, N.R. Weary, D.M., and Spinka, M. 2009. Laterality of lying behavior in dairy cattle. Applied Animal Behavior Science. 120:125-131.
Tucker, C.B., Lacy-Hulbert, S.J., and Webster, J.R. 2009. Effect of milking frequency and feeding level before and after dry off on dairy cattle behavior and udder characteristics. Journal of Dairy Science. 92:3194-3203.
Tucker, C.B., Weary, D.M., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G., and Beauchemin, K.A. 2009. Cow comfort in tie stalls: Increased depth of shavings or straw bedding increases lying time. Journal of Dairy Science. 92:2684-2690.
Von Borstel, U.U., Duncan, I.J.H., Keeling, L.J., Shoveller, A.K., Merkies, K.K., Millman, S.T. 2009. Impact of riding in a coercively obtained Rollkur-posture on welfare and fear of performance horses. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 116:228-236.
Chapters in books and proceedings
Dufour, B.D. & J.P. Garner. (2009). An Ethological Analysis of Barbering Behavior. Neurobiology of Grooming Behavior. A. Kalueff, C. Bergner and J. LaPorte. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press.
Edwards, L.N. 2010. Animal well-being and behavioral needs on the farm. In: Improving Animal Welfare: A Practical Approach. Grandin, T., ed. CAB International. Wallingford, UK.
Katz, L.S. Behavior: Reproductive. 2010. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science, 2nd edition; Pond, Wilson G., Bell, Alan W., Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York.
Mench, J. A., Newberry, R,C., Millman, S.T., Tucker, C. B., Katz, L., 2010. Environmental enrichment. In: Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, Third Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Champaign, IL, USA, p. 30-44.
Millman, S.T., Mench, J.A., Malleau, A., 2010. The future of poultry welfare. In: Duncan, I.J.H., Hawkins, P. (Editors), The Welfare of Domestic Fowl and Other Captive Birds, Springer Netherlands, p.279-302.
Newberry, R.C. 2009. Chickens. pp. 108-112. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. 2nd Edition. Volume 1. Ed. by M. Bekoff, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport CT.
Stull, C., Rodiek, A., Coleman, R., Ralston, S., Topcliff, T., Millman, S., 2010. Guidelines for horse husbandry. In: Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching, Third Edition. Federation of Animal Science Societies, Champaign, IL, USA, p. 89-101.
Conference abstracts and other articles
Agnew D, Siegford J, Tubbs M, Daigle C, Snider R, Swanson J. 2009. Virtual animal welfare assessment: educational and husbandry tools for the zoo industry. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual Conference, October 24-30, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Agnew DW, Daigle CL, Siegford JM, Heleski CR, Swanson JC. 2010. Virtual animal welfare assessment: a tool for developing international proficiency. Wildlife Conservation, Health, and Disease Management - a Post-Millenium Approach. February, 3-5, 2010. Chennai, India.
Alexander, B. M., N. Cockett, T.L. Hadfield, G.E. Moss. 2010. Breeding performance of rams in two Wyoming producer flocks. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (suppl) (Denver, CO).
Alvino, G.M., G.S. Archer, J.A. Mench. 2010. Astroturf as a dustbathing substrate for laying hens. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Arp. A., A. K. Johnson. 2010. Independent Study 490A: Do gilts adapt to a confined farrowing stall after being housed in a loose deep bedded gestation environment? Animal Industry Report. R2544.
Baker, R. G., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, and M. S. Honeyman. 2009. Finishing steers in a deep-bedded hoop barn vs. a conventional feedlot: Effects on behavior and temperament in the summer. Animal Industry Report. R2404.
Baker, R. G., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, and M. S. Honeyman. 2009. Finishing steers in a deep-bedded hoop barn vs. a conventional feedlot: Effects on behavior and temperament in the winter. Animal Industry Report. R2407.
Baker, R. G., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, and M. S. Honeyman. 2009. Finishing steers in a deep-bedded hoop barn vs. a conventional feedlot: Effects on performance and meats characteristics in the summer. Animal Industry Report. R2405.
Baker, R. G., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, and M. S. Honeyman. 2009. Finishing steers in a deep-bedded hoop barn vs. a conventional feedlot: Effects on performance and meats characteristics in the winter. Animal Industry Report. R2406.
Baker, R., A. Johnson, K. Stalder M Honeyman, and D. Busby. 2009. Finishing Steers in a Deep-Bedded Hoop Barn and a Conventional Feedlot: Effects on Behavior and Temperament in Iowa. Iowa State University, Armstrong and Neely-Kinyon Research and Demonstration Farms ISRF08-12.
Berry, N. L., A. K. Johnson, S. M. Lonergan, T. J. Baas, L. A. Karriker, J. Hill, C. Schultz-Caster and N. Matthews. 2010. Loading Gantry Versus Traditional Chute for the Finisher Pig: Effect on Fresh Pork Quality Attributes When Properly Loaded at First Pull. Animal Industry Report. R2545.
Berry, N. L., A. K. Johnson, S. M. Lonergan, T. J. Baas, L. A. Karriker, J. Hill, C. Schultz-Caster and N. Matthews. 2010. Loading Gantry Versus Traditional Chute for the Finisher Pig: Effect on Fresh Pork Quality Attributes When Properly Loaded at Close Out. Animal Industry Report. R2545.
Blatchford, R.A., G.S. Archer, J.A. Mench. 2010. The effect of lighting regime on broiler behaviour and health. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Botheras, N., Pempek, J., 2009. Final report to the Ohio Dairy Research Fund. Rubber flooring in a free-stall dairy barn.
Breton, A. B., M.G. Leedy, K.J. Austin, B.M. Alexander. 2009. Effects of neonatal exposure to progesterone on the development and expression of adult male sexual behavior in the rat. Soc. Behavioral Neuroendo
Breton, A.B., K.J. Austin, L. E. Edinger, B.M. Alexander. 2010. Effects of Neonatal Treatment with Progesterone or RU486 on Testes Morphology and Adult Gene Expression in the Hypothalamus and Amygdala. Soc. Behavioral Neuroendo (Toronto, Canada) and Rocky Mountain Reproduction Sciences Symposium (Ft. Collins, CO)
Carson, B. A. A. K. Johnson, P Sunday, and T. Colvin. 2010. Independent Study 490A: What were the reasons for why adopters choose a black dog over other colors? Animal Industry Report. R2511.
Carson, B. A. A. K. Johnson, P Sunday, and T. Colvin. 2010. Independent Study 490A: To determine the effectiveness of the black dog program. Animal Industry Report. R2512.
Cloutier, S. and Newberry, R.C. 2009. Tickled pink. Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly 58(2): 24-25.
Cloutier, S., Panksepp, J. and Newberry, R.C. 2009. Effect of playful handling during routine care on anxiety-related responses of laboratory rats. In: Proc. 60th Congress of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Nov. 8-12, 2009, Denver, CO.
Cloutier, S., Wahl, K., Panksepp, J., Newberry, R.C. 2010. Playful handling reduces stress associated with repeated intra-peritoneal injections in laboratory rats. In: Proc. 49th Annual Symposium of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science, April 24-27, 2010, Quebec City, QC.
Crespo, R. Moore, D, Dhillon, S.A., Newberry, R.C., Faux, C. 2010. Filling the gap: pet poultry for practitioners. In: Proc. 59th Western Poultry Disease Conference, April 19-21, 2010, Vancouver, B.C.
Cressey, N., L Karriker, K Stalder and A Johnson. 2009. How to build a state of the art swine research laboratory. Phi Zeta Gamma poster contest at ISU CVM research day. August 14th.
Croney, C.C., Anthony, R. 2010. Engaging science in a climate of values: Tools for animal scientists tasked with addressing ethical problems. J. Anim Sci. 2010 88: E75-81
Cussen, V.A., J.A. Mench. 2010. Personality dimensions and cognitive bias in Orange-Winged Amazon parrots. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Daigle CL, Quwaider MQ, Siegford JM, Biswas SK, Swanson JC. 2010. Laying hen location and activity can be monitored in a non-cage environment using a wireless body-mounted sensor system. Proceedings of the 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting, May 27-27, 2010 Pullman, WA. 10:22-23.
Dickey, E., A. K. Johnson and K. Bregendahl. 2009. Evaluation of a pre molt calcium and low energy diet molt program: Effects on laying hen behavior before and during molt. Animal Industry Report. R2446.
Dickey, E., K. Bregendahl, and A. K. Johnson. 2009. Evaluation of a pre molt calcium and low energy diet molt program: Effects on laying hen performance before and during molt. Animal Industry Report. R2448.
Dickey, E., K. Bregendahl, and A. K. Johnson. 2009. Evaluation of a pre molt calcium and low energy diet molt program: Effects on laying hen physiology before and during molt. Animal Industry Report. R2447.
Edwards, L.N. 2009. Just one drop: A new way to monitor animal well-being. Pork Exec.4(5): 8,13.
Edwards, L.N., T. Grandin, T. E. Engle, M. J. Ritter, A. A. Sosnicki, M. A. Paradis, J. A. Correa and D. B. Anderson. 2010. Relationship of blood lactate and meat quality in market hogs. In: Proceedings of the Reciprocal Meat Conference. Lubbock, TX.
Endres, M.I. 2009. Compost bedded pack barns Can they work for you? Pp. 271 in Proc. 2009 Western Canadian Dairy Seminar, Alberta, March 2009.
Fuller A.M., K.J. Austin, A.J. Roberts, G.E. Moss, B.M. Alexander. 2009. Fasting lowers gastrin-releasing peptide and FSH mRNA in the ovine anterior pituitary gland. Proc. West Sec Anim. Sci. 60.
Fuller, A. M., K. J. Austin, V. A. Uthlaut, K. M. Cammack, B. M. Alexander. 2010. Gene Expression in Amygdala of Low Sexually-Performing Rams: Are Rams Practicing Abstinence? Soc Behavioral Neuroendo (Toronto, Canada) and Rocky Mountain Reproduction Sciences Symposium (Ft. Collins, CO)
Garner, J.P. (2009). "Enrichment, chronic stress and its impact on research data." ALTEX 26 (Special issue: Abstracts 7th World Congress Rome 2009): 261.
Garner, J.P. (2009). "What makes a stereotypy a stereotypy?" XXXI International Ethological Conference, Rennes, France.
Garner, J.P. (2010). "Refinement, reduction, and enrichment in the biomarker era: Moving beyond replacement in adressing the welfare of laboratory animals". NC3Rs / Society of Biology joint meeting, London, UK.
Garvey, J. R., A. K. Johnson, L. J. Sadler, K. J. Stalder, and J. J. McGlone. 2008. Piglet mortality in an outdoor farrowing hut: What contributes to their demise over the first 72-h after parturition? Animal Industry Report. R2463.
Gaskill, B.N., Lucas, J.R., Pajor, E.A. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "Little and Often? Maintaining Continued Performance in an Automated T-Maze for Mice". International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 18th Annual Meeting, Manzanillo, Mexico.
Gaskill, B.N., Rodda, C. & Garner, J.P. (2009). "Shopping for Parts vs. Final Construction: Fine Grained Nest Building Behavior in Mice." International Behavioral Neuroscience Society 18th Annual Meeting, Manzanillo, Mexico.
Gesing, L., A. Johnson, J. Selsby, K, Stalder, M. Faga, C. Feuerbach, H. Hill, R. Bailey and M. Ritter. 2010. Effects of pre-sorting prior to loading on transport losses of the market weight pigs during loading and unloading. Animal Industry Report. R2551.
Haulenbeek, A. M. Colandreo, A. and L.S. Katz. 2009. Partner preference and sexual performance in male goats. Soc. for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, East Lansing, MI.
Heleski CR, Siegford JM, Waite K, Kaiser L. 2009. Horse-human interactions: a review of recent MSU projects. Animals: Past, Present & Future, April 16-17, 2009. East Lansing, MI.
Higginson, J.H. , Leslie, K.E., Millman, S.T., Kelton, D.F., 2009. Evaluation of the Pedometry Plus system for the detection of activity, resting and lameness in dairy cattle. Second Annual Animal Welfare Research Symposium, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada. [poster presentation]
Higginson, J.H., Millman, S.T., Leslie, K.E., Kelton, D.F., 2010. Validation of the new pedometry system for use in behaviour research and lameness detection in dairy cattle. The 1st North American Conference on Precision Dairy Management, March 2-5, 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Honeyman, M., J. Harmon, A. Johnson, D. Maxwell and D. Busby. 2009. Beef cattle feeding in a bedded hoop barn: three year summary. Animal Industry Report. R2403.
Howerton, C.L., J.A. Mench. 2010. Baubles and squabbles: enrichment for male mice. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Iacobucci, P., Colonnello, V., Newberry, R.C. 2010. Piglets call for mothers attention. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Jackson, C. J., A. K. Johnson, L. J. Sadler, K. J. Stalder, L. A. Karriker, R. E. Edler, J. T. Holck, and P. DuBois. 2009. Drinker to nursery pig ratio: preference for a drinker location within a pen and its effects on aggression. Animal Industry Report. R2467.
Jackson, C. L. A. Karriker, K. J. Stalder and A. K. Johnson. 2009. New study sheds light on pig water consumption. Insight. A publication of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., July 2009 P 2.
Johnson, A. K. 2009. Are your pigs road worthy? Pork Magazine May edition. p 14-16.
Johnson, A. K. 2009. Major in Animal Physiology with a specialization in Ethology. Animal Industry Report. R2475.
Johnson, A. K. 2009. Taking emotion out of animal welfare debate. Iowa Farm Bureau Spokesman. 4A March 11th 2009. Editor Tom Block.
Johnson, A. K., and L. Kilmer. 2010. AnS 495 and 496A: European Perspectives on Farm Animal Welfare in England and Scotland. Animal Industry Report. R2576.
Johnson, A. K., L. A. Karriker, and K. J. Stalder. 2009. How are behavioral measures being used to assess swine well-being during research and commercial practice? The 50th Annual George A. Young Swine health and management conference. Thursday 13th August 2009. Pp 34-47.
Johnson, A. K., L. J. Sadler, J. R. Garvey, T. J. Uhlenkamp, M. Faga, C. Feuerbach, H. Hill, R. Bailey, and M. J. Ritter. 2009. Effects of facility design on the stress response of market weight pigs during loading and unloading. Animal Industry Report. R2469.
Johnson, A. K., L. J. Sadler, K. J. Stalder, and W. Powers. 2009. Corn co-products; How do they affect the behavior of grow-finish swine? Animal Industry Report. R2464.
Johnson, A. K., L. Sadler, L. Gesing, M. Faga, C. Feuerbach, H. Hill R. Bailey, and M. J. Ritter. 2009. Large pens, pre-sorting lessens stress, losses at the packing plant. Published National Hog Farmer: 2009 Swine Research Review. P 40.
Johnson, A. K., T. Hoff, L. J. Sadler, and C. H. Stahl. 2009. Dietary inclusion of Colicin E1.: Effect on behavior over time. Animal Industry Report. R2465.
Johnson, A. K., T. J Fangman, R. Edler, D. A. Baumert, and P. DuBois. 2010. Willingness to approach behavior and feed disappearance of weaned pigs following vaccination with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Animal Industry Report. R2547.
Karriker, L. A., J. Bowden, and A. K. Johnson. 2009. A systematic review of the evidence for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccine efficacy in reproductive disease. The 50th Annual George A. Young Swine health and management conference. Thursday 13th August 2009. Pp 1-4.
Karriker, L. A., S. Millman, K. J. Stalder and A. K. Johnson. 2009. ISU opens house for sow lameness research. PigProgress.net 3rd June 2009.
Kline, J., A. Johnson, R. Witte, L. Sadler, B. de Rodas, D. Brown, L. Layman, W. Holt, L. Karriker, and K. Stalder. 2009. The effect of supplementing dry feed with a nutritional gel additive at the time of vaccination on nursery pig behavior. Animal Industry Report. R2466.
Leslie, K., Kielland, C., Millman, S., 2010. Is mastitis painful and is therapy for pain beneficial? Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the National Mastitis Council, January 31-February 3, 2010. Albuquerque, NM.
Leslie, K., Kielland, C., Millman, S., Baillargeon, J., 2010. Douloureuse la mammite? Si les vaches pouvaient parler& Le Producteur de Lait Quebecois 30:24-27.
Li, Y.Z., J. E. Anderson, and L. J. Johnston. 2010. Effect of parity on pre-weaning mortality and growth performance of piglets in a bedded, group-farrowing system. ASAS Midwest Meeting Abstract, p. 2. Mar 15-17, 2010.
Longpre, K.M. and L.S. Katz. 2009. Females use testosterone regulated cues to assess potential mates. Soc. for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology, East Lansing, MI.
Longpre, K.M. and L.S. Katz. 2010. Males cannot lie: Females use honest cues to assess fitness. Soc. for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Seattle, WA.
Makagon, M., J.A. Mench. 2010. Who did it and why: floor laying by Pekin ducks. Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
McMillan, K. Newberry, R.C., Verrell, P. 2010. Postural laterality in captive Chilean flamingos (Phoenicopterus chilensis). Proc. 10th ISAE North American Regional Meeting of the International Society for Applied Ethology, May 26-27, 2010, Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Meiszberg, A. M., A. K. Johnson, K. J. Stalder, and L. A. Karriker. 2010. To determine the active and inactive hours for sound sows before a chemically induced lameness. Animal Industry Report. R2550.
Meiszberg, A. M., A. K. Johnson, L. I. Engblom, K. J. Stalder, L. L. Layman, and L. A. Karriker. 2009. Parity 2 sows at risk for hoof over growth. Published National Hog Farmer: 2009 Swine Research Review. P 33.
Meiszberg, A. M., A. K. Johnson, L. I. Engblom, K. J. Stalder, L. L. Layman and L. A. Karriker. 2010. A Comparative Study of Hoof Growth in Sows When Housed in Individual Stalls: How Does Parity Affect This? Animal Industry Report. R2548.
Meiszberg, A. M., A. K. Johnson, L. I. Engblom, K. J. Stalder, L. L. Layman and L. A. Karriker. 2010. A Comparative Study of Hoof Lesion Presence in Sows When Housed in Individual Stalls: How Does Parity Affect This? Animal Industry Report. R2548.
Millman, S.T., 2009. Using animal behaviour in management of pain and convalescence. Proceedings: Care & Comfort for Production Animals Symposium, Cairns, Australia, July 4, 2009.
Millman, S.T., 2010. Mechanical euthanasia methods process and physiology. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Association of Swine Practitioners, Omaha, NE, Mar. 6-9, 2010, p.443-446.
Millman, S.T., 2010. Sickness behavior and the convalescent food animal. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Anaheim, CA, June 12, 2010
Millman, S.T., 2010. Using behavior for clinical assessment of pain in bovines. American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Anaheim, CA, June 12, 2010
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