NRSPOLD6: Inter-Regional Potato Introduction Project: Acquisition, classification, preservation, evaluation and distribution of potato (Solanum) germ
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bamberg, J.B., J.P. Palta, and S.E. Vega. 2005. Solanum commersonii cytoplasm does not improve freezing tolerance in substitution backcross hybrids with frost-sensitive potato species. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:251-254.
Busse, J., J.B. Bamberg and J.P. Palta. 2005. Genetic variations for calcium accumulation efficiency in tuber and aerial shoot tissue. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:60. (Abstract)
Del Rio, Alfonso, J.B. Bamberg and C. Fernandez. 2005. Assessment of the genetic structure of in situ populations of wild potato Solanum fendleri eco-geographically dispersed in the Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, USA. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
del Rio, A.H., J.B. Bamberg and Z. Huaman. 2005. Assessment of putative identical germplasm collections at CIP and US Potato genebanks determined by RAPD and SSR markers. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:66. (Abstract)
Fernandez, C.J. and J.B. Bamberg. 2005. A new Solanum fendleri mutant lacking purple pigment. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:69. (Abstract)
Kiru, S., S. Makovskaya, J. Bamberg, and A. del Rio. 2005. New sources of resistance to race Ro1 of the Golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.) among reputed duplicate germplasm accessions of Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena (Juz. et Buk.) Hawkes in the VIR (Russian) and US Potato Genebanks. Genet. Resources and Crop Evol. 52:145-149.
Lara-Cabrera, S. and D.M. Spooner. 2005. Taxonomy of Mexican diploid wild potatoes: (Solanum sect. Petota) morphological and microsatellite data. Monogr. Syst. Bot., Missouri Bot. Gard. 104:199-205.
Lozoya-Saldana, H., O. Barrios and J. Bamberg. 2005. Phytophthora infestans; races vs genotypes in the Toluca Valley, Mexico. Am. J. Potato Res. 83:122. (Abstract)
Nzaramba, Ndambe M., John Bamberg, Douglas C. Scheuring, and J. Creighton Miller, Jr. 2005. Antioxidant activity in Solanum species as influenced by seed type and growing location. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. and W.L.A. Hetterscheid. 2005. Origins, evolution, and group classification of cultivated potatoes. In: Darwins Harvest: New Approaches to the Origins, Evolution, and Conservation of Crops. T.J. Motley, N. Zerega, and H. Cross (eds.). pp. 285-307. Colombia University Press, New York.
Spooner, D.M., K. McLean, G. Ramsay, R. Waugh, and G.J. Bryan. 2005. A single domestication for potato based on multilocus AFLP genotyping. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 120:14694-14699.
Spooner, D.M., J. Nunez, F. Rodriguez, P.S. Naik, and M. Ghislain. 2005. Nuclear and chloroplast DNA reassessment of the origin of Indian potato varieties and its implications for the origin of the early European potato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:1020-1026.
Spooner, D.M., I. Peralta and S. Knapp. 2005. AFLP phylogeny of wild tomatoes (Solanum L. section Lycopersicon [Mill.] Wettst. subsection Lycopersicon. Taxon. 54:43-61.
Vega, S.E., J.B. Bamberg and J.P. Palta. 2005. Characterization of gibberellin requirements for various diploid and tetraploid gibberellin deficient mutants. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:94. (Abstract)
Vega, S.E., J.P. Palta and J.B. Bamberg. 2005. Evidence for the mitigation of gibberellin deficiency symptoms by root zone calcium in GA-deficient mutants of potato. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:94-95. (Abstract)
Villamon, F.G., D.M. Spooner, M. Orillo, E. Mihovilovich, W. Perez, and M. Bonierbale. 2005. Late blight resistance linkages in a novel cross of the wild potato species Solanum paucissectum (series Piurana). Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:1201-1214.
A. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Aversano, R., M.J. Sanchez, D. Carputo, L. Frusciante, and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. Molecular strategies for the efficient characterization of resistance gene marker and allelic diversity in Solanum species. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Ischia, Italy, September 2005. (Abstract)
Aversano, R., R.L. Syverson, E.A. Quirin, D. Carputo, and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. Development of integrated molecular marker resources for resistance gene mapping and exploration of resistance gene diversity in the genus Solanum. Presented at Annual Congress Societa Italiana di Genetica Agraria XLIX, Potenza, September 12-15, 2005. (Abstract)
Aversano, R., R.L. Syverson, E.A. Quirin, D. Carputo, and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. R gene mapping and isolation in the genus Solanum: Towards an expandable, communal resource of integrated physical and genetic maps for candidate R genes. Presented at Triennial Conference of the European Assoc. for Potato Research XVI, Bilbao, Spain, July 2005. (Abstract)
Aversano, R., E.A. Quirin, R.L. Syverson, D. Carputo, and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. Development of integrated Solanum bulbocastanum genetic and physical maps as a communal resource for mapping and isolation of R genes. Presented at Plant & Animal Genome XIII, San Diego, CA, January 2005. (Abstract)
Belknap, W.R. 2005. Modification of potato alkaloids- a lesson in applied metabolomics. Presented at American Chemical Society, Agrochemicals Division Symposium, ACS National Meeting, San Diego, California, March 2005. (Abstract)
Bisognin, D.A., D.S. Douches, L. Buszka, G. Bryan, and D. Wang. 2005. Mapping late blight resistance in Solanum microdontum Bitter. Crop Sci. 45:340-345.
Boltowicz, D., A. Szczerbakowa and B. Wielgat. 2005. RAPD analysis of the interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum. Cell. Mol. Bio. Letters 10(1):151-162.
Braden, J.M., M.J. Sanchez, R.L. Syverson, R. Aversano, D.S. Mollov, and D. Carputo. 2005. Understanding molecular diversity: towards strategic sampling of genebank collections. Solanaceae Genome Workshop, Ischia, Italy, September 2005. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R. 2005. Antioxidants in Potato. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:163-172.
Brown, C.R., D. Culley, C.P. Yang, R. Durst, and R. Wrolstad. 2005. Variation of anthocyanins and Carotenoid contents and associated antioxidant values in potato breeding lines. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130:174-180.
Brown, C.R., W. De Jong and C.-P. Yang. 2005. Inheritance of total Carotenoid in high-content diploid germplasm. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Bu QingYun, Wu Liang, Yang ShiHu, and Wan JianMin. 2005. Cloning, characterization and expression vector construction of potato protease-inhibitor II gene (PIN II-2x) from diploid potato (Solanum phureja). Hereditas 27:417-422.
Burkhart, C.R., B.J. Christ and K.G. Haynes. 2005. The relative virulence of various isolates of Fusarium species on potato. Presented at the American Phytopathology Meeting 2005.
Burkhart, C.R., B.J. Christ and K.G. Haynes. 2005. Heritability of resistance to Fusarium dry rot in a diploid hybrid potato population. Presented at the American Phytopathology Meeting 2005.
Carputo, D. and A. Barone. 2005. Ploidy level manipulations in potato through sexual hybridization. Annals of Appl. Bio. 146:71-79.
Chen, Qin and H.Y. Li. 2005. An improved technique for high-resolution mitotic chromosome studies in Solanum. HortSci. 40:54-56.
Chen, Q., H.B. Zhang and D. De Koeyer. 2005. Development of genomic tools for large-scale physical mapping and map-based cloning of disease and insect resistance genes in potato. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Costanzo, S., I. Simko, B.J. Christ, and K.G. Haynes. 2005. QTL analysis of late blight resistance in a diploid potato family of Solanum phureja x S. stenotomum. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:609-617.
Davenport, J.R., P.H. Milburn, C.J. Rosen, and R.E. Thornton. 2005. Environmental impacts of potato nutrient management. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:321-328.
Davis, Jeffrey A., Edward B. Radcliffe, David W. Ragsdale, and Christian A. Thill. 2005. Identifying resistance to aphids in crosses with somatic fusions of Solanum tuberosum L. and Solanum bulbocastanum Dun. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
De Koeyer, D., Y. Pelletier, D. Ronis, C. Clark, and V. Burns. 2005. Solanum oplocense: A new source of resistance to Colorado potato beetle and processing quality attributes. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Dinu, I.I., R.J. Hayes, R.G. Kynast, R.L. Phillips, and C.A. Thill. 2005. Novel inter-series hybrids in Solanum, section Petota. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:403-415.
Estrada, Maria A. and David S. Douches. 2005. Potato tuberworm (Lepidoptera: Gelichiidae) resistance in potato lines with the Bacillus thuringiensis-cry1Ac gene and natural resistance factors. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Feingold, S., J. Lloyd, N. Norero, M. Bonierbale, and J. Lorenzen. 2005. Mapping and characterization of new EST-derived microsatellites for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:456-466.
Flis, B., J. Hennig, D. Strzelczyk-Zyta, C. Gebhardt, and W. Marczewski. 2005. The Ry-fsto gene from Solanum stoloniferum for extreme resistant to Potato virus Y maps to potato chromosome XII and is diagnosed by PCR marker GP122718 in PVY resistant potato cultivars. Molecular Breeding 15:95-101.
Ganga, Z.N., G.A. Porter, D. Lambert, G. Sewell, and A. Bushway. 2005. Reeves Kingpin: A high yielding mid-season variety suitable for fry processing. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Germain, H., E. Chevalier, S. Caron, and D.P. Matton. 2005. Characterization of five RALF-like genes from Solanum chacoense provides support for a developmental role in plants. Planta 220:447-454.
Gounaris, Y. 2005. Asymmetric potato cybrids derived from protoplast fusion between the selection ND860-2 and the cultivar Russet Burbank. J. Food, Ag. Environ. 3:157-160.
Groza, H.I., B.D. Bowen, D. Kichefski, S.J. Peloquin, W.R. Stevenson, A.J. Bussan, and J. Jiang. 2005. Millennium Russet: A dual purpose russet potato variety. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:211-219.
Hayes, R.J., I.I. Dinu and C.A. Thill. 2005. Unilateral and bilateral hybridization barriers in inter-series crosses of 4x 2EBN Solanum stoloniferum, S. pinnatisectum, S. cardiophyllum, and 2x 2EBN S. tuberosum haploids and haploid-species hybrids. Sexual Plant Reproduction 17:303-311.
Haynes, K.G. and B.J. Christ. 2005. Improvements in foliar late blight resistance in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja S. stenotomum population. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Haynes, K.G., B.J. Christ, R.T. Zink, R.D. Davidson, and J.S. Miller. 2005. Powdery scab trials of potato varieties and advanced selections in 2003. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Ishizaki, T. and A. Kato. 2005. Introduction of the tobacco Retrotransposon Tto1 into diploid potato. Plant Cell Reports 24(1):52-58.
Jung, C.S., H.M. Griffiths, D.M. De Jong, S. Cheng, M. Bodis, and W.S. De Jong. 2005. The potato P locus codes for flavonoid 3,5-hydroxylase. Theor. Appl. Genetics 110:269-275.
Khu, D.M., S.L. Love and J.H. Lorenzen. 2005. Identification of AFLP and SSR markers associated with corky ringspot disease resistance in a tetraploid population (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum). Am. J. Potato Res. 83:117. (Abstract)
Kim-Lee, Neiyoung, J.S. Moon, Y.J. Hong, M.S. Kim, and H.M. Cho. 2005. Bacterial wilt resistance in the progenies of the fusion hybrids between haploid of potato and Solanum commersonii. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:129-137.
Kirk, W.W., F.M. Abu-El Samena, J.B. Muhinyuzaa, R. Hammerschmidt, D.S. Douches, C.A. Thill, H. Groza, and A.L. Thompson. 2005. Evaluation of potato late blight management utilizing host plant resistance and reduced rates and frequencies of fungicide applications. Crop Protection 24:961-970.
Kuhl, Joseph C. and D.S. Douches. 2005. Characterization of RB transgenic potato lines. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Lambert, D.H., M.L. Powelson, and W.R. Stevenson. 2005. Nutritional interactions influencing diseases of potato. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:309-319.
Lebecka, R., E. Nimnoch-Guzowska, and Z. Kaczmarek. 2005. Resistance to soft rot (Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica) in tetraploid potato families obtained from 4x-2x crosses. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:203-210.
Lehesranta, S.J., H.V. Davies, L.V.T. Shepherd, N. Nunan, J.W. McNicol, S. Auriola, K.M. Koistinen, S. Suomalainen, H.I. Kokko, and S.O. Karenlampi. 2005. Comparison of tuber proteomes of potato varieties, landraces, and genetically modified lines. Plant Physio. 138:1690-1699.
Leroux, V., C. Vincent, E. Lucas, Y. Pelletier, D. Quiring, and P. Giordanengo. 2005. Aphid resistance in wild potatoes: A laboratory study. Presented at European Association for Potato Research Triennial Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 17-22, 2005. (Abstract)
Li, H.Y., Q. Chen, D. Beasley, and M. Goettel. 2005. Karyotype and evaluation analysis of Mexican wild species and tetraploid potato Solanum tuberosum by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Li X-Q, H. De Jong, D.M. De Jong, and W.S. De Jong. 2005. Inheritance and genetic mapping of tuber eye depth in cultivated diploid potatoes. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:1068-1073.
Love, S.L., R. Novy, J. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, R.E. Thornton, N.R. Knowles, S.R. James, and D.C. Hane. 2005. Summit Russet: A new russet potato variety with good fresh market and frozen processing qualities. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:425-432.
McCue, K.F., L.V.T. Shepherd, P.V. Allen, M.M. Maccree, D.R. Rockhold, D.L. Corsini, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2005. Metabolic compensation of steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthesis in transgenic potato tubers: using reverse genetics to confirm the in vivo enzyme function of a steroidal alkaloid glycosyltransferase. Plant Science 168:267-273.
McCue, K.F., P.V. Allen, L.V. Shepherd, A. Blake, J. Whitworth, M.M. Maccree, D.R. Rockhold, D. Stewart, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2005. The primary in vivo steroidal alkaloid glucosyltransferase from potato. Phytochemistry. In Press.
McCue, K.F., P.V. Allen, L.V. Shepherd, A. Blake, J.L. Whitworth, D.R. Rockhold, D. Stewart, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2005. Identification and characterization of a novel UDP-glucose: solanidine glucosyltransferase at the committed step in steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthesis in potatoes. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Medeiros, A.H., I. DeLalibera, Jr. and W.M. Tingey. 2005. Aspects of potato leafhopper (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) biology on Solanum berthaultii and other potato genotypes. J. Econ. Entomol. 98:1704-1709.
Meyer, S., A. Nagel and C. Gebhardt. 2005. PoMaMo a comprehensive database for potato genome data. Nucleic Acids Research 33 (Database issue)
Miller Jr., J.C., D.C. Sheuring, J.W. Koym, and D.G. Holm. 2005. TX1523-1Ru/Y a.k.a. Sierra GoldTM: An early maturing, yellow-fleshed russet cultivar for the specialty/gourmet market. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:369-377.
Millett, B.P. and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. Does foliar blight resistance R gene RB function for tuber blight control? Presented at Plant & Animal Genome XIII, San Diego, CA, January 2005. (Abstract)
Mueller, L.A., T.H. Solow, N. Taylor, B. Skwarecki, R. Buels, J. Binns, C.W. Lin, M.H. Wright, R. Ahrens, Y. Wang, E.V. Herbst, E.R. Keyder, N. Menda, D. Zamir, and S.D. Tanksley. 2005. The SOL Genomics Network. A comparative resource for Solanaceae biology and beyond. Plant Phys. 138:1310-1317.
Narayanan, Karthikeyan and Gefu Wang-Pruski. 2005. Gene expression studies on genetic control of after-cooking darkening in diploid potatoes. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Navarre, Roy, R. Shakya and J. Holden. 2005. Analysis of tuber phenolics compounds in diverse potato germplasm. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Novy, R.G., J.S. Miller, L.D. Porter, S. Yilma, and A.R. Mosley. 2005. Identification and use of Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena clones having both foliar and tuber resistance to late blight. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Novy, Richard G., J.M. Alvarez, S.B. Sterret, T.P. Kuhar, and D. Horton. 2005. Progeny of a tri-species potato somatic hybrid express resistance to wireworm in Eastern and Western potato production regions of the U.S. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Novy, Richard G., S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, J.L. Whitworth, A.R. Mosley, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, K.A. Rykbost, C.R. Brown, R.E. Thornton, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, N. Olsen, and D.A. Inglis. 2005. Defender: A high-yielding, processing potato cultivar with foliar and tuber resistance to late blight. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Osumi, T., W.R. Belknap, D.R. Rockhold, M. Maccree, and K.L. Deahl. 2005. Patent approval 11/02/05, Solanum bulbocastanum late blight resistance gene and use thereof #10/647,268.
Oyarzun, P.J., J. Yanez and G.A. Forbes. 2005. Evidence for host mediation of preinfection stages of Phytophthora infestans on the leaf surface of Solanum phureja. J. Phytopath. 152:651-657.
Ozgen, S. and J.P. Palta. 2005. Supplemental calcium application influences potato tuber number and size. HortSci. 40:102-105.
Park, T.H., V.G.A.A. Vleeshouwers, D.J. Huigen, E.A.G. van der Vossen, H.J. van Eck, and R.G.F. Visser. 2005. Characterization and high-resolution mapping of a late blight resistance locus similar to R2 in potato. Theor. Appl. Genet. 111:591-597.
Park, TaeHo, J. Gros, A. Sikkema, V.G.A.A. Vleeshouwers, M. Muskens, S. Allefs, E. Jacobsen, R.G.F. Visser, and E.A.G. van der Vossen. 2005. The late blight resistance locus Rpi-blb3 from Solanum bulbocastanum belongs to a major late blight R gene cluster on chromosome 4 of potato. Mol. Pl.-Mic. Inter. 18:722-729.
Pelletier, Y. 2005. Resistance of a wild potato to the Colorado potato beetle. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Acadian Entomological Society, Fredericton, NB, Canada, June 19-21, 2005. (Abstract)
Pelletier, Y. and C. Clark. 2005. Use of reciprocal grafts to elucidate mode of resistance to Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)) and potato aphid (Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thomas) in six wild Solanum species. Presented at European Association for Potato Research Triennial Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 17-22, 2005. (Poster)
Pelletier, Y., C. Clark and D. de Koeyer. 2005. The use of Solanum oplocense as a source of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Presented at European Association for Potato Research Triennial Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 17-22, 2005. (Abstract)
Pelletier, Y., P. Dexter, R. Coffin, M. Bejan, E. Lucas, C. Vincent, V. Leroux, and P. Giordanengo. 2005. Aphid resistance in wild potatoes: Preliminary results of field and laboratory trials. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Canmore, Alberta, Canada, November 2-5, 2005. (Poster)
Pelletier, Y., P. Dexter, R. Coffin, M. Bejan, E. Lucas, C. Vincent, V. Leroux, and P. Giordanengo. 2005. Aphid resistance in wild potatoes: Preliminary results on colonization and population development. Presented at European Association for Potato Research Triennial Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 17-22, 2005. (Poster)
Pelletier, Y., J. Dutheil and D. de Koeyer. 2005. Mode of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) of Solanum tarijense. Presented at European Association for Potato Research Triennial Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, July 17-22, 2005. (Abstract)
Pianzzola, M.J., L. Zarantonelli, G. Gonzalez, L.F. Fraguas, and A. Vazquez. 2005. Genetic, phytochemical and biochemical analyses as tools for biodiversity evaluation of wild accessions of Solanum commersonii. Biochem. Syst. Eco. 33:67-78.
Qin Xike, J. Soulard, G. Laublin, D. Morese, and M. Cappadocia. 2005. Molecular analysis of the conserved C4 region of the S11-RNase of Solanum chacoense. Planta 221:531-537.
Quirin, E.A. and J.M. Bradeen. 2005. Towards the optimization of resistance gene analog discovery in Solanum species. Presented at Plant & Animal Genome XIII, San Diego, CA, January 2005. (Abstract)
Raimondi, J.P., I.E. Peralta, R.W. Masuelli, S. Feingold, and E.L. Camadro. 2005. Examination of the hybrid origin of the wild potato Solanum ruiz-lealii Brucher. Plant Syst. Evol. 253:33-51.
Reyes, L.F., J.C. Miller, Jr., and L. Cisneros-Zevallos. 2005. Antioxidant capacity, anthocyanins and total phenolics in purple- and red-fleshed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) genotypes. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:271-277.
Sanchez, Maria J. and James M. Bradeen. 2005. Towards efficient isolation of R gene orthologs from multiple genotypes: optimization of Long Range-PCR. Molecular Breeding. (In press)
Simko, I., S. Costanzo, V. Ramanjulu, B.J. Christ, and K.G. Haynes. 2005. Mapping polygenes for tuber resistance to late blight in a diploid Solanum phureja S. stenotomum hybrid population. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Sowokinos, J.S. Gupta and C.A. Thill. 2005. Introduction of an anti-sweetening gene (UgpA) from the cultivar Snowden into chipping cultivar Dakota Pearl. Presented at XVI Triennial Conference of the European Assoc. for Potato Research, Bilbao, Spain.
Stark, J.C. and G.A. Porter. 2005. Potato nutrient management in sustainable cropping systems. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:329-338.
Sterrett, S.B., K.G. Haynes and Dennis J. Timlin. 2005. Temperature regime in growth chamber identified for expression of internal heat necrosis. Presented at 89th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Calgary, Canada, July 17-21, 2005. (Poster Abstract)
Sukhotu, T., O. Kamijima and K. Hosaka. 2005. Genetic diversity of the Andean tetraploid cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. andigena Hawkes) evaluated by chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers. Genome 48:55-64.
Szczerbakowa, A., D. Boltowicz, R. Lebecka, P. Radomski, and B. Wielgat. 2005. Characteristics of the interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum pinnatisectum (+) S. tuberosum H-8105. Acta Phys. Plant. 27(3(A)):265-273.
Thill, C.A. and I.I. Dinu. 2005. Examining chromosomal interactions in inter-series hybrids of Solanum ssp, section Petota. Presented at XVI Triennial Conference of the European Assoc. for Potato Research, Bilbao, Spain.
Thill, C.A. and J. Miller. 2005. Minnesota potato breeding program progress report-2005. Proc. of the 35th Annual Meeting, NCR-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee, Chicago, Illinois, January 2005.
Thompson, A.L., R.G. Novy, B.L. Farnsworth, G.A. Secor, N.C. Gudmestad, J.R. Sowokinos, E.T. Holm, J.H. Lorenzen, and D. Preston. 2005. Dakota Pearl: An attractive, bright white-skinned, cold-chipping cultivar with tablestock potential. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:481-488.
Trabelsi, S., R. Garbouri-Bouzid, F. Vedel, A. Nato, L. Lakhoua, and N. Drira. 2005. Somatic hybrids between potato Solanum tuberosum and wild species Solanum vernei exhibit a recombination in the pastome. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 83:1-11.
Vaananen, T., T Ikonen, V.M. Rokka, P. Kuronen, R. Serimaa, and V. Ollilainen. 2005. Influence of incorporated wild Solanum genomes on potato properties in terms of starch nanostructure and glycoalkaloid content. J. Ag. Food Chem. 53:5313-5325.
Veilleux, R.E. 2005. Cell and tissue culture of potato (Solanaceae). In: Genetic Improvement of Solanaceous Crops, Vol. I: Potato, M.K. Razdan and A.K. Mattoo (eds.), Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield, NH, pp. 184-208.
Westermann, D.T. 2005. Nutritional requirements of potatoes. Am. J. Potato Res. 82:301-307.
Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Dinu, I.I. 2005. Introgression of wild Solanum species germplasm into cultivated potato gene pool using EBN manipulation. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, 138 pp.
Sanchez, Maria J. 2005. Allelic mining for late blight resistance in wild Solanum species belonging to series Bulbocastana. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 180 pp.
Villamon, Francisco. 2005. Late blight resistance linkages in a novel cross of the wild potato species Solanum paucissectum (series Piurana). M.S. Thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Bamberg, John. 2006. Crazy Sepal: A new floral sepallata-like mutant in the wild potato Solanum microdontum Bitter. Am J Potato Res 83:433-435.
Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2006. Seedling transplant selection does not cause genetic shifts in genebank populations of inbred potato species. Crop Sci 46:424-427.
Bamberg, John, Charles Fernandez and Alfonso del Rio. 2006. A new wild potato mutant in Solanum stoloniferum Schltdl. lacking purple pigment. Am J Potato Res 83:437-445.
Bamberg, J., J.P. Palta and M. Martin. 2006. Using a wild species, S. microdontum, to move high calcium trait to the cultivated potatoes. In Potato Association of America/Solanaceae 2006 Annual Meeting. p. 163 (Abstract)
Busse, J.S., J. Bamberg and J.P. Palta. 2006. Correlation between aerial and tuber calcium accumulation in Solanum genotypes segregating for tuber calcium uptake efficiency. In Potato Association of America/Solanaceae 2006 Annual Meeting. p. 204 (Abstract)
Del Rio, A.H., J.B. Bamberg and Z. Huaman. 2006. Genetic equivalence of putative duplicate germplasm collections held at CIP and US Potato Genebanks. Am J Potato Res 83:279-285.
Del Rio, Alfonso, John B. Bamberg and Charles Fernandez. 2006. Assessment of the genetic structure of in situ populations of wild potato Solanum fendleri eco-geographically dispersed in the Chiricahua mountains, Arizona. Am J Potato Res 83:108. (Abstract)
Ghislain, M., D. Andrade, F. Rodriguez, R.J. Hijmans, and D.M. Spooner. 2006. Genetic analysis of the cultivated potato Solanum tuberosum L. Phureja Group using RAPDs and nuclear SSRs. Theor Appl Genet 113:1515-1527.
Jansky, S.H., R. Simon and D.M. Spooner. 2006. Testing taxonomic predictivity. Crop Sci 46:2561-2570.
Kuang, H.H., F.S. Wei, M.R. Marano, U. Wirtz, X.X. Wang, J. Liu, W.P. Shum, J. Zaborsky, L.J. Tallon, W. Rensink, S. Lobst, P.F. Zhang, C.E. Tornqvist, A. Tek, J. Bamberg, J. Helgeson, W. Fry, F. You, M.C. Luo, J.M. Jiang, C.R. Buell, and B. Baker. 2005. The R1 resistance gene cluster contains three groups of independently evolving, type I R1 homologues and shows substantial structural variation among haplotypes of Solanum demissum. Plant J 44(1):37-51.
Lozoya-Saldana, H., O. Barrios and John Bamberg. 2006. Phytophthora infestans: races vs genotypes in the Toluca Valley, Mexico. Am J Potato Res 83:122. (Abstract)
Nzaramba, Ndambe M., John Bamberg, Douglas C. Scheuring, and J. Creighton Miller Jr. 2006. Antioxidant activity in Solanum species as influenced by seed type and growing location. Am J Potato Res 83:127. (Abstract)
Peralta, I.E., S. Knapp and D.M. Spooner. 2006. Nomenclature for wild and cultivated tomatoes. Rep Tomato Genet Coop 56:6-12.
Spooner, D.M. and A. Salas. 2006. Structure, biosystematics, and genetic resources. In: J. Gopal and S.M. Paul Khurana (eds.) Handbook of potato production, improvement, and post-harvest management. Haworths Press, Inc., Binghampton, New York. Pgs.1-39.
Vega, S.E., M. Aziz, J. Bamberg, A. Verma, and J.P. Palta. 2006. Screening potato germplasm for carboxy-peptidase inhibitor and its potential anticancer property. In Potato Association of America/Solanaceae 2006 Annual Meeting. p. 160 (Abstract)
Vega, S.E., J.P. Palta and J. Bamberg. 2006. Exploiting cultivated germplasm to breed for enhanced tuber quality. In A.J. Bussan and M. Drilias (eds.). Proceedings of the Wisconsins Annual Potato Meeting. pp. 143-144. (Abstract)
Vega, Sandra E., John B. Bamberg and Jiwan P. Palta. 2006. Gibberellin-deficient dwarfs in potato vary in exogenous GA3 response when the ga1 allele is in different genetic backgrounds. Am J Potato Res 83:357-363.
Vega, Sandra E., Jiwan P. Palta and John B. Bamberg. 2006. Root zone calcium can modulate GA induced tuberization signal. Am J Potato Res 83:135. (Abstract)
Vega, Sandra E., Jiwan P. Palta and John B. Bamberg. 2006. Exploiting cultivated germplasm to breed for enhanced tuber calcium accumulation ability. Am J Potato Res 83:136. (Abstract)
A. Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel
Alvarez, N.M., I.E. Peralta and D. Spooner. 2007. Morphological evaluation of the Solanum brevicaule complex: a replicated field trial from Argentina. Am J Potato Res 84:73-74. (Abstract)
Ames, M., A. Salas-Lopez and D. Spooner. 2007. Taxonomic evaluation of putatively related wild potato species of Solanum series Cuneoalata, Ingifolia, Olmosiana, Piurana, and Simplicissima, by morphological data from an Andean field station. Am J Potato Res 84:74. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B. 2007. Crazy Sepal: A new floral Sepallata-like mutant in the wild potato Solanum microdontum Bitter. Am J Potato Res 84:76. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B., A. del Rio and C. Fernandez. 2007. Sampling remote in situ sites of USA wild potato captures more diversity. Am J Potato Res 84:76. (Abstract)
Bamberg, John and Alecia Kiszonas. 2007. Variation for tuber acidity among potato species. Am J Potato Res 84:76-77. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B., J.P. Palta and M.W. Martin. 2007. Using a wild species, Solanum microdontum, to move high tuber calcium trait to the cultivated potatoes. Am J Potato Res 84:77. (Abstract)
Busse, J.S., J.B. Bamberg and J.P. Palta. 2007. Correlation between aerial shoot and tuber calcium accumulation in Solanum genotypes segregating for tuber calcium uptake efficiency. Am J Potato Res 84:79-80. (Abstract)
Centeno-Diaz, Ruth, Alberto Salas-Lopez, Alfonso del Rio, John Bamberg, and William Roca. 2007. Impact of crop pesticides on the reproductive ability of wild potato species. Am J Potato Res 84:81-82. (Abstract)
Fajardo, D., A. Salas-Lopez, R. Castillo, and D. Spooner. 2007. Species and series boundaries of Solanum series Conicibaccata and phonetically similar species in ser. Piurana (sect. Petota): Morphological data from a field study in Peru. Am J Potato Res 84:89-90. (Abstract)
Hijmans, R.J., T. Gavrilenko, S. Stephenson, J.B. Bamberg, A. Salas, and D.M. Spooner. 2007. Geographical and environmental range expansion through polyploidy in wild potatoes (Solanum section Petota). Global Ecol Biogeogr 16:485-495 (Supplement 1, Supplement 3, Ploidy paper data)
Knapp, S., D.M. Spooner and B. Leon. 2006. Solanaceae endemicas del Peru. Rev. Peru. Biol. Numero especial 13(2):612s-643s.
Nzaramba, M. Ndambe, J.B. Bamberg and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2007. Effect of propagule type and growing environment on antioxidant activity and total phenolic content in potato germplasm. Am J Potato Res 84:323-330.
Peralta, I.E. and D.M. Spooner. 2007. History, origin and early cultivation of tomato (Solanaceae). Pp 1-27. In: Genetic Improvement of Solanaceous Crops, Vol. 2: Tomato. M.K. Razdan and A.K. Mattoo (eds.), Science Publishers, Enfield, USA.
Rios, D., M. Ghislain, F. Rodriguez, and D.M. Spooner. 2007. What is the origin of the European potato? Evidence from Canary Island landraces. Crop Sci 47:1271-1280.
Rodriquez, F., F. Wu, S. Tanksley, and D. Spooner. 2007. A multiple single-copy gene phylogenetic analysis of wild tomatoes (Solanum L. section Lycopersicon (Mill.) Wettst.) and their outgroup relatives. Am J. Potato Res 84:113. (Abstract)
Salas-Lopez, A., N.M. Alvarez, M. Ames, M. Blancas, D. Fajardo, H. Juarez, I.E. Peralta, W. Roca, E. Rojas, R. Simon, M. Vargas, K. Vivanco, and D. Spooner. Am J Potato Res 84:115. (Abstract)
Simko, I., S.H. Jansky, S. Stephenson, and D.M. Spooner. 2007. Genetics of resistance to pests and disease. In: Potato Biology and Biotechnology: Advances and Perspectives. R. Vreugdenhil, J. Bradshaw, C. Gebhardt, F. Govers, D.K.L. MacKerron, M.A. Taylor, and H.A. Ross (eds.). pp. 117-155, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Spooner, D.M. 2006. Simsia Persoon for Flora of North America North of Mexico. Vol. 21:140-141. Oxford University Press, New York.
Spooner, D.M., L. Bohs, J. Giovannoni, R. Olmstead, and S. Daitsuke (Editors). 2007. Solanaceae VI Genomics meets biodiversity. Acta Hort 1-564.
Spooner, D.M., D. Fajardo and G.J. Bryan. 2007. Species limits of Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and S. tarijense Hawkes and the implications for species boundaries in Solanum sect. Petota. Taxon 56:987-999.
Spooner, D.M., S.H. Jansky and A.J. Bussan. 2007. Experiences of a local arrangement committee for a large scientific conference. Acta Hort 745:513-532.
Spooner, D.M., J. Nunez, G. Trujillo, M. del Rosario Herrera, F. Guzman, and M. Ghislain. 2007. Extensive simple sequence repeat genotyping of potato landraces supports a major reevaluation of their gene pool structure and classification. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:19398-19403.
Vega, S., M. Aziz, J. Bamberg, A. Verma, and J. Palta. 2007. Screening potato germplasm for carboxypeptidase inhibitor and its potential anticancer properties. Am J Potato Res 84:118-119. (Abstract)
B. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Alvarez, A.E. 2007. Resistance mechanisms of Solanum species to Myzus persicae. Wageningen University, Wageningen Netherlands. Iv + 182 pp.
Alvarez, A.E., W.F. Tjallingii, E. Garzo, V. Vleeshouwers, M. Dicke, and B. Vosman. 2006. Location of resistance factors in the leaves of potato and wild tuber-bearing Solanum species to the aphid Myzus persicae. Ent Exp et Appl 121(2):145-157.
Bae, Jinjoo, Shelley Jansky and Douglas Rouse. 2007. Early generation selection for resistance to Verticillium wilt. Am J Potato Res 84:75. (Abstract)
Baldwin, S., R. Genet, R. Macknight, K. Dodds, and J.M.E. Jacobs. 2007. Genetics of resistance to powdery scab (Spongospora subterranean) of potato. Am J Potato Res 84:75-76. (Abstract)
Beketova, M.P., P.E. Drobyazina and E.E. Khavkin. 2006. The R1 gene for late blight resistance in early and late maturing potato cultivars. Russian j Plant Physiol 53(3):384-389.
Beketova, M.P., P.E. Drobyazina, E.A. Sokolova, E.A. Tsarkova, V.A. Vorobiev, I.M. Yashina, and E.E. Khavkin. 2007. DNA markers for potato introgression breeding, In: Potato production and innovative technologies (Haverkort, A.J. and Anisimov, B.V., eds.), Wageningen Acad. Publ., pp. 397-404.
Belknap, W.R., S.S. Chang, D.R. Rockhold, N.T. Taylor, and K.F. McCue. 2007. Solanum bulbocastanum polyubiquitin Bu427 promoter and uses thereof. Patent Pending: United States.
Belknap, W.R., S.S. Chang, D.R. Rockhold, N.T. Taylor, and K.F. McCue. 2007. Solanum bulbocastanum polyubiquitin Bul409 promoter and uses thereof. Patent Pending: United States.
Benoit, Bizimungu and Qin Chen. 2007. Evaluation of interspecific hybrid derivatives possessing disease resistance traits for potential use in a potato breeding program. Am J Potato Res 84:78. (Abstract)
Bernal, A.M., J.E. Arias, J.D. Moreno, I. Valbuena, and L.E. Rodriguez. 2006. Confrontation between an a priori clustering of potato germplasm Solanum tuberosum subspecies andigena vs a non-hierarchic clustering. Agronomia Colombiana 24(2):214-225.
Bizimungu, B., D.R. Lynch, L.M. Kawchuk, Q. Chen, M. Konschuh, C. Schaupmeyer, J. Wahab, D. Waterer, D. Driedger, H. Wolfe, P. McAllister, R. Howard, and H. W. Platt. 2007. Northstar: A high-yielding, white cold-storage chipping potato cultivar with attractive oval tubers resistant to late blight. Am J Potato Res 84:437-445.
Bradeen, J.M. and D.S. Mollov. 2007. Herbicide tolerance in primitive diploid potato species comprising superseries Stellata: Toward establishment of seedling cultivation conditions for field evaluations. Am J Potato Res 84:415-424.
Bradeen, J.M. and D.S. Mollov. 2007. Herbicide tolerance in Diploid 1EBN and 2EBN potato species. Potato Assoc of America Annual Meeting, Idaho Falls, ID, Aug. 2007. (Abstract)
Burkhart, C.R., B.J. Christ and K.G. Haynes. 2007. Non-additive genetic variance governs resistance to Fusarium dry rot in a diploid hybrid potato population. Am J Potato Res 84:199-204.
Carputo, D., L. Castaldi, I. Caruso, R. Aversano, L. Monti, and L. Frusciante. 2007. Resistance to frost and tuber soft rot in near-pentaploid Solanum tuberosum-S. commersonii hybrids. Breed Sci 57(2):145-151.
Carputo, Domenico, Amalia Barone, Immacolata Caruso, Massimo Iorizzo, Astolfo Zoina, and Luigi Frusciante. 2007. Fertile Solanum commersonii-S. tuberosum sexual hybrids as source of resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum. Am J Potato Res 84:80. (Abstract)
Chantha, S.-C. and D.P. Matton. 2007. Underexpression of the plant NOTCHLESS gene, encoding a WD repeat protein, causes pleitropic phenotype during plant development. Planta 225:1107-1120.
Chantha, S.-C., F. Tebbji and D.P. Matton. 2007. From the Notch signaling pathway to ribosome biogenesis. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2:168-170.
Chevalier, E. and D.P. Matton. 2007. RALF, a secreted peptide involved in plant reproduction. Plant Biology & Botany Joint Congress, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7-11 July, 2007. Poster presentation. (Abstract)
Clark, Catherine, Yvan Pelletier, Robert Coffin, and William Hardy. 2007. Field evaluation of resistance of wild Solanum species to aphids. Northeast Potato Technology Forum. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada. March 14-15, 2007.
Colton, L., S. Wielgus, Y. Chen, B. Bowen, F. Nevaro, and J. Jiang. 2007. Continuation of marker-assisted selection for late blight resistant potatoes. Am J Potato Res 84:83-84. (Abstract)
Cortes, C., E. Salazar, H. Prieto, and R. Pertuze. 2006. Determinacion del grado de hibridacion entre papa cultivada (Solanum tuberosum) y especies silvestres relacionadas a partir de polinizacion dirigida (Determination of the degree of hibridization among cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) and wild relative species by manual pollinization). 57° Congreso Agronomico de Chile, Santiago-Chile, October 17-20, 2006. Abstract book, p. 97. (Abstract)
Cortes, C., E. Salazar, H. Prieto, and R. Pertuze. 2007. Antecedentes sobre la Posibilidad de Hibridacion entre Papa Cultivada y Diez Especies de Solanum Silvestres Nativos de Chile (Antecedents about hybridization possibility between cultivated potato and ten wild native Solanum species of Chile). VI Symposium of Genetic Resources for Latin America and the Caribbean. Mexico DF, Mexico. November 13-16, 2007. (Abstract)
Costanzo, S., M. Ospina-Giraldo, K.L. Deahl, C.J. Baker, and R.W. Jones. 2007. Alternate intron processing of family 5 endoglucanase transcripts from the genus Phytophthora. Current Genetics 52:115-123.
DHoop, B.B., M.J. Paulo, R.A. Mank, H.J. van Eck, and F.A. van Eeuwijk. 2007. Association mapping of quality traits in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-007-9565-5.
Domanski, L., E. Zimnoch-Guzowska, M. Domanska, and H. Jakuczun. 2006. The effect of heterosis of diploid potato clone DG.97-943 of cold shipping type and producing 2n gametes. Biuletyn Instyt Hod Aklim Roslin 240/241:307-313.Gray-Mitsumune, M., M. OBrien, C. Bertrand, F. Tebbji, A. Nantel, and D.P. Matton. 2006. Loss of ovule identity induced by over-expression of the fertilization-related kinase 2 (ScFRK2), a MAPKKK FROM Solanum chacoense. J Exp Botany 57(15):4171-4187.
Dorion, S., F. Dumas and J. Rivoal. 2006. Autophosphorylation of Solanum chacoense cytosolic nucleoside diphosphate kinase on Ser117. J Exp Botany 57(15):4079-4088.
Drobyazina, P.E. and E.E. Khavkin. 2007. Structural homologs of CONSTANS and LEAFY in potato and its wild relatives. Acta Hort 745:411-419.
Drobyazina, P.E. and E.E. Khavkin. 2007. Two structural variants of the CONSTANS-LIKE gene in long- and short-day Solanum plants. ASPB Plant Biology & Botany Joint Congress, Chicago, USA, July 2007. (Abstract)
Drobyazina, P.E., E.V. Rogozina, E.A. Sokolova, E.A. Tsarkova, V.A. Vorobiev, I.M. Yashina, G.A. Yakovleva, and E.E. Khavkin. 2007. SCAR-markers of Solanum wild species for introgression potato breeding. II International Vavilov Conference Crop Genetic Resources in the 21st Century: Current Status, Problems and Prospects, St. Petersburg, Russia, November 2007. (Abstract)
Erazzu, L.E. and E.L. Camadro. 2007. Direct and indirect detection of 2n eggs in hybrid diploid families derived from haploid tbr x wild species crosses. Euphytica 155(1/2):57-62.
Franco J. and G. Main. 2006. Screening for resistance to Nacobbus aberrans and Globodera spp. in wild potato species resistant to other pathogens. Nematol Mediterranea 34(2):165-169.
Gabriel, J., A. Coca, G. Plata, and J.E. Parlevliet. 2007. Characterization of the resistance to Phytophthora infestans in local potato cultivars in Bolivia. Euphytica 153(3):321-328.
Germain, H., J. Houde, M. Gray-Mitsumune, R.T. Sawasaki, Y. Endo, and D.P. Matton. 2007. Characterization of ScORK28, a transmembrane functional protein receptor kinase predominantly expressed in ovaries from the wild potato species Solanum chacoense. FEBS Letters 581:5137-5142.
Gillen, A.M. and R.G. Novy. 2007. Molecular characterization of the progeny of Solanum etuberosum identifies a genomic region associated with resistance to potato leafroll virus. Euphytica 155(3):403-415.
Goyer, A. and D.A. Navarre. 2007. Determination of folate concentrations in diverse potato germplasm using a trienzyme extraction and a microbiological assay. J Ag Food Chem 55(9):3523-3528.
Goyer, A., P. Hamm and R. Navarre. 2007. Germplasm mining and metabolic engineering as strategies to boost folates in potato tubers. Am J Potato Res 84:90-91. (Abstract)
Groza, H.I., B.D. Bowen, A.J. Bussan, W.R. Stevenson, F. Navarro, D. Kichefski, S.J. Peloquin, J. Palta, and J. Jiang. 2007. MegaChip A new potato variety for chipping. Am J Potato Res 84:343-350.
Halseth, D.E. and E.R. Sandsted. 2007. Management profile for Marcy, a high yielding chipping variety. Am J Potato Res 84:91. (Abstract)
Haynes, K.G. 2007. Chip color in a high specific gravity Solanum phureja-Solanum stenotomum population. Am J Potato Res 84:92. (Abstract)
Haynes, K.G., R.W. Goth, D.H. Lambert, and B.J. Christ. 2007. Evaluation of a short-day adapted tetraploid potato population with horizontal resistance to Phytophthora infestans under long-day conditions in northern Maine. Am J Potato Res 84:459-466.
Honermeier, B. and G. Knipp. 2006. Fructans potato health improving components in new tubers. Kartoffelbau 7:336-338.
Hudak, I., J. Dobranszki and M. Hevesi. 2006. In vitro methods for testing potato clones against soft rot Erwiniae. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on In Vitro Culture and Horticultural Breeding. Debrecen, Hungary, September 12-17, 2004. (M.G. Fari, I. Holb and G.D. Bisztray, eds.) Acta Hort 725(1):445-449.
Inglis, D.A., C.R. Brown, B.G. Gunderson, L.D. Porter, J.S. Miller, D.A. Johnson, H. Lozoya-Saldana, and K.G. Haynes. 2007. Assessment of Solanum hougasii in Washington and Mexico as a source of resistance to late blight. Am J Potato Res 84:217-228.
Iorizzo, M., J.M. Bradeen, L. Frusciante, and D. Carputo. 2007. Development of a DarT Microarray for Comparative Structural Genomics and Mapping of Agriculturally Significant Genes in Wild Potato Species. ANNUAL CONGRESS SOCIETA ITALIANA DI GENETICA AGRARIA XLXI, Riva del Garda, Italy, Sept. 2007. (Abstract)
Iovene, M., S. Savarese, T. Cardi, L. Frusciante, N. Scotti, P. Simon, and D. Carputo. 2007. Assessment of nuclear and cytoplasmic genome composition in Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids. Am J Potato Res 84:95. (Abstract)
Iovene, M., S. Savarese, T. Cardi, L. Frusciante, N. Scotti, P.W. Simon, and D. Carputo. 2007. Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome composition of Solanum bulbocastanum (+) S. tuberosum somatic hybrids. Genome 50(5):443-450.
Jansky, Shelley. 2007. Characterization of genotypic and environmental contributions to baked potato flavor. Am J Potato Res 84:95-96. (Abstract)
Kelly, K., A. Gillen, J. Whitworth, and R. Novy. 2007. Development of molecular markers for introgression of potato leafroll virus resistance from S. etuberosum into cultivated potato. Am J Potato Res 84:97. (Abstract)
Khu DongMan, S.L. Love, Mo HwangSung, Li KuiHua, and Lim HakTae. 2007. In vitro screening of potato genotypes for resistance to common scab using thaxtomin A. Hort Environ Biotech 48(4):224-227.
Kielbowicz-Matuk, Agnieszka and Tadeusz Rorat. 2007. Expression of gene encoding lipid transfer protein (SsLTP1) is associated with adaptation of S. sogarandinum to dehydration stresses (cold, drought and salinity). XV Ogolnopolskie Seminarium Sekcji Mrozoodpornosci, KNO PAN, Iinstytut Dendrologii PAN w Korniku, 24-25 maj 2007, -str. 5. (Abstract)
Kielbowicz-Matuk, Agnieszka, Pascal Rey and Tadeusz Rorat. 2007. The abundance of a single domain cyclophilin in Solanaceae is regulated as a function of organ type and high temperature and not by other environmental constraints. Physiol Plant 131:387-398.
Kozlov, V., N. Rusetsky, A. Chashinsky, H. Zhuromski, and A. Rajko. 2007. Wild species of Potato, as sources of resistance to Pathogens. Plant protection: Manual of Proceeding/Anniversary of the Institute of Plant Protection Nesvizh, 2007.
Pp 196-203.
Kozlov, V.A., N.V. Rusetsky and A.V. Chashinsky. 2007. Studying and use of wild and cultural kinds at creation of an initial material of a potato//Genetic resources of cultural plants in XXI century: a condition, problems, prospects / Theses of reports II Vavilovs conferences. St. Petersburg, November 26-30, 2007, St. Petersburg, VIR, 2007. C. 483-485.
Kozlov, V.A., N.V. Rusetsky and A.V. Chashinsky. 2007. Results of selecting initial breeding material for potato//Potato growing: Manual of Proceeding/Research and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Potato, Fruit and Vegetable Growing. Minsk, 2007, 12:153-165.
Lafleur, E., C. Kapfer, M. Gray-Mitsumune, and D.P. Matton. 2007. Involvement of the Solanum chacoense MAPKKK SFRK1 in embryo sac development. Plant Biology & Botany Joint Congress, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7-11 July, 2007. Oral presentation. (Abstract)
Lafleur, E., C. Kapfer, M. Gray-Mitsumune, and D.P. Matton. 2007. A family of MAPKKK from Solanum chacoense involved in ovule and embryo sac development. Plant Protein Phosphorylation-Dephosphorylation & Mini-Symposium on Plant Proteomics, Twenty-Fourth Annual Missouri Plant Biology Symposium, May 22-25, 2007, C.S. Bond Life Sciences Center, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA. Poster presentation. (Abstract)
Lawrence, S.D., N.G. Novak and M.B. Blackburn. 2007. Inhibition of proteinase inhibitor transcripts by Leptinotarsa decemlineata regurgitant in Solanum Lycopersicum. J Chem Ecol 33(5):1041-1048.
Levy, D. and R.E. Veilleux. 2007. Adaptation of potato to high temperatures and salinity a review. Am J Potato Res 84:487-506. (Invited Review)
Li, Haiyan, D. Beasley and Q Chen. 2007. Cytological and RAPD analysis of interspecific somatic hybrids Solanum pinnatisectum (+) S. tuberosum. Am J Potato Res 84:100-101. (Abstract)
Lightbourn, G.J., J.G. Jelesko and R.E. Veilleux. 2007. Retrotransposon-based markers from potato monoploids used in somatic hybridization. Genome 50:492-501.
Lightbourn, G.J. and R.E. Veilleux. 2007. Production and evaluation of somatic hybrids derived from monoploid potato. Am J Potato Res 84:425-435.
Liu, Z.Y. and D. Halterman. 2006. Identification and characterization of RB-orthologous genes from the late blight-resistant wild potato species Solanum verrucosum. Physiol Molec Pl Path 69(4/6):230-239.
Liu, Zhenyu and Dennis Halterman. 2007. Proteomic analysis of potato late blight resistance mediated by the RB resistance gene. Am J Potato Res 84:101. (Abstract)
Luczak, Wojciech and Tadeusz Rorat. 2007. Expression of gene encoding cysteine protease (CysP) is induced in Solanum sogarandinum in response to drought. XV Ogolnopolskie Seminarium Sekcji Mrozoodpornosci, KNO PAN, Iinstytut Dendrologii PAN w Korniku, 24-25 maj 2007, -str. 6. (Abstract)
Marcellan, O.N., A. Acevedo and E.L. Camadro. 2006. S16, a novel S-RNase allele in the diploid species Solanum chacoense. Genome 49(8):1052-1054.
Matton, D.P. 2007. Rôles dun famille de MAPKKK et de récepteurs kinases lors de la reproduction sexuée chez les plantes. Département de Biologie, Séminaires du Centre SÈVE, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 12 December 2007. Invited seminar speaker. Seminar given in French. (Abstract)
Matton, D.P. 2007. Functional genomics of signal transduction pathways during reproduction in a Solanaceous species: involvement of MAPK cascades and of receptor-like kinases. Technische Universität München, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany, 15 November 2007. Invited seminar speaker. (Abstract)
McCann, Leah and Philipp Simon. 2007. Reducing sugar, asparagine, and chip color in wild Solanum species. Am J Potato Res 84:103. (Abstract)
McCue, K.F., P.V. Allen, L.V. Shepherd, A. Blake, M.M. Maccree, D.R. Rockhold, R.G. Novy, D. Stewart, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2007. Potato glycosterol rhamnosyltransferase, the terminal step in triose side-chain biosynthesis. Phytochem 68:327-334.
McCue, K.F., P.V. Allen, L.V. Shepherd, A. Blake, D.R. Rockhold, R.G. Novy, D. Stewart, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2007. Manipulation and compensation of steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthesis in potatoes. Acta Hort 745:343-350.
McCue, K.F., P.V. Allen, L.V. Shepherd, D.R. Rockhold, M.M. Maccree, H.V. Davies, and W.R. Belknap. 2007. Solanum tuberosum sterol alkaloid glycosyltransferase a novel solanidine glucosyltransferase SGT2 and uses thereof. Patent Allowed.
Millett, B.P. and J.M. Bradeen. 2007. Development of allele-specific PCR and RT-PCR assays for clustered resistance genes using a potato late blight resistance transgene as a model. Theor Appl Genet 114:501-513.
Millett, B.P. and J.M. Bradeen. 2007. Effects of foliar blight resistance transgene RB on tuber blight resistance. Plant & Animal Genome XV, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2007. (Abstract)
Mizubuti, E.S.G. and W.E. Fry. 2006. Potato late blight. In: The epidemiology of plant diseases (B.M. Cooke, D.G. Jones and B. Kaye, eds.). Dordrecht, Netherlands; Springer SBM (2006) Ed. 2:445-471.
Mojtahedi, H., C.R. Brown, E. Riga, and L.H. Zhang. 2007. A new pathotype of Meloidogyne chitwoodi Race 1 from Washington State. Plant Disease 91(8):1051.
Mollov, D., M. Iorizzo, S. Wielgus, J. Raasch, D. Carputo, L. Frusciante, S. Austin-Phillips, J. Jiang, and J.M. Bradeen. 2007. The transgene RB renders foliar late blight susceptible potato cultivars resistant. Potato Assoc of America Annual Meeting, Idaho Falls, ID, Aug. 2007. (Abstract)
Nath, S.K. Abul Khair and M.R. Ali. 2006. Screening of potato germplasm against root knot (Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica), and lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.). Bangladesh J Pl Path 22(1/2):63-67.
Navarre, Roy, Roshani Shakya, Aymeric Goyer, Joanne Holden, and Richard Novy. 2007. Germplasm mining in potato to enhance nutritional quality and disease resistance. Am J Potato Res 84:106. (Abstract)
Nouri-Ellouz, O., R. Gargouri-Bouzid, D. Sihachakr, M.A. Triki, G. Ducreux, N. Drira, and L. Lakhoua. 2006. Production of potato intraspecific somatic hybrids with improved tolerance to PVY and Pythium aphanidermatum. J Plant Physiol 163(12):1321-1332.
Novy, R.G., A.M. Gillen and J.L. Whitworth. 2007. Characterization of the expression and inheritance of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) and potato virus Y (PVY) resistance in three generations of germplasm derived from Solanum etuberosum. Theor Appl Genetics 114:1161-1172.
Novy, R.G., J.S. Miller, L.D. Porter, J. Whitworth, and H. Lozoya. 2007. Segregation of progeny of Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena for foliar and tuber resistance to late blight. Am J Potato Res 84:106-107. (Abstract)
Nunziata, A., V. Ruggieri, L. Frusciante, and A. Barone. 2007. Allele mining at the locus Gro 1 in Solanum wild species. Am J Potato Res 84:107. (Abstract)
OBrien, M., M. Gray-Mitsumune, C. Kapfer, C. Bertrand, and D.P. Matton. 2007. The ScFRK2 MAP kinase kinase kinase from Solanum chacoense affects pollen development and viability. Planta 225:1221-1231.
Osumi, T., W.R. Belknap, D.R. Rockhold, M.M. Maccree, K.F. McCue, and K.L. Deahl. 2007. United States Patent Number 7,148,397 Solanum bulbocastanum late blight resistance gene and use thereof December 2007. (Patent)
Palumbo, R.E. and R.E. Veilleux. 2007. Variation of GFP expression in diploid and tetraploid transgenic potato. Am J Potato Res 84:393-401.
Pelletier Y. and J. Dutheil. 2006. Behavioural responses of the Colorado potato beetle to trichomes and leaf surface chemicals of Solanum tarijense. Ent Exp Appl 120(2):125-130.
Pelletier, Y., C. Clark and D. De Koeyer. 2007. Level and genetic variability of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)) in wild Solanum species. Am J Potato Res 84:143-148.
Pino, M.-T., J.S. Skinner, E.-J. Park, Z. Jeknic, P.M. Hayes, M.F. Thomashow, and T.H.H. Chen. 2007. Use of a stress inducible promoter to drive ectopic AtCBF expression improves potato freezing tolerance while minimizing negative effects on tuber yield. Plant Biotech J 5:1-14, doi:10.1111/j.1467-7652.2007.00269.x.
Qiu CaiLing, Li Yong, Bai YaMei, Lu WenHe. 2006. Distribution of protein content in diploid potato plants and their relations. Chinese Potato j 20(2):65-67.
Radcliffe, E.B., D.W. Ragsdale and R.A. Suranyi. 2007. IPM case studies: seed potato. In: Aphids as crop pests (H.F. van Emden and R. Harrington, eds.) Wallingford, UK. CABI.
Rorat, Tadeusz. 2007. Genes the expression of which is associated with acclimate to cold in Solanum sogarandinum. XV Ogolnopolskie Seminarium Sekcji Mrozoodpornosci, KNO PAN, Iinstytut Dendrologii PAN w Korniku, 24-25 maj 2007, -p. 3. (Abstract)
Rorat, Tadeusz, Bartosz Szabala and Zhimin Yin. 2007. Expression of SK3-type dehydrin in transporting organsis associated with cold acclimation in Solanum species. 3rd Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, 26-30 August 2007, p. 30.
Roux, V. le, E.D.M. Campan, F. Dubois, C. Vincent, and P. Giordanengo. 2007. Screening for resistance against Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae among wild Solanum. Annals Appl Bio 151:83-88.
Sattarzadeh, A., U. Achenbach, J. Lubeck, J. Strahwald, E. Tacke, H.R. Hofferbert, T. Rothsteyn, and C. Gebhardt. 2006. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping as basis for developing a PCR-based marker highly diagnostic for potato varieties with high resistance to Globodera pallida pathotype PA2/3. Mol Breed 18(4):301-312.
Scotti, N., L. Marechal-Drouard and T. Cardi. 2004. The rpl5-rps14 mitochondrial region: a hot spot for dna rearrangements in Solanum spp. somatic hybrids. Current Genet 45(6):378-382.
ShuLi, Huang, Jin LiFeng, Du JiZhou, Li Hua, Zhao Qian, Ou GuangShuo, Ao GuangMing, and Yuan Ming. 2007. SB401, a pollen-specific protein from Solanum berthaultii, binds to and bundles microtubules and F-actin. Plant J 51(3):406-418.
Simko, I., J.H. van den Berg, D. Vreugdenhil, and E.E. Ewing. 2007. Mapping loci for chlorosis associated with chlorophyll b deficiency in potato. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-007-9595-z.
Sliwka, J., H. Jakuczun, R. Lebecka, W. Marczewski, C. Gebhardt, and E. Zimnoch-Guzowska. 2007. Tagging QTLs for late blight resistance and plant maturity from diploid wild relatives in a cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) background. Theor Appl Genet 115(1):101-112.
Solomon-Blackburn, R.M., H.E. Stewart and J.E. Bradshaw. 2007. Distinguishing major-gene from field resistance to late blight (Phytophthora infestans) of potato (Solanum tuberosum) and selecting for high levels of field resistance. Theor Appl Genet 115(1):141-149.
Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, S.L. Love, J.L. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.E. Thornton, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, N. Olsen, M.I. Vales, and C.R. Brown. 2007. Blazer Russet: An early to mid-season potato cultivar with high U.S. no. 1 yields and good processing and culinary qualities. Am J Potato Res 84:447-457.
Stupar, R.M., P.B. Bhaskar, B.S. Yandell, W.A. Rensink, A.L. Hart, S. Ouyang, R.E. Veilleux, J.S. Busse, R.J. Erhardt, C.R. Buell, and J.M. Jiang. 2007. Phenotypic and transcriptomic changes associated with potato autopolyploidization. Genetics 176:2055-2067.
Stushnoff, C., O. Kulen, P.E. Wilson, and D.G. Holm. 2007. Some antioxidant properties of purple potato cultivars and selections. Am J Potato Res 84:116-117. (Abstract)
Suarez, S., E. Chaves and A.M. Clausen. 2007. Solanum tuber-bearing species behaviour against the false root-knot nematode Nacobbus aberrans. Am J Potato Res 84:117-118. (Abstract)
Syverson, R., B.P. Millett and J.M. Bradeen. 2007. Analysis of haplotype frequency of the late blight resistance gene, RB, in Solanum bulbocastanum using a novel MAMA PCR-based approach. Plant & Animal Genome XV, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2007. (Abstract)
Szabala, Bartosz, Zhimin Yin and Tadeusz Rorat. 2007. Expression of gene encoding a DHN24 dehydrin is associated with acclimation of Solanum sogarandinum to low temperature. XV Ogolnopolskie Seminarium Sekcji Mrozoodpornosci, KNO PAN, Iinstytut Dendrologii PAN w Korniku, 24-25 maj 2007, -str. 7. (Abstract)
Tebbji, F., A. Nantel and D.P. Matton. 2007. Transcriptomic profiling of Solanum chacoense fertilization and embryogenesis. Plant Biology & Botany Joint Congress, American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB), Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7-11 July, 2007. Poster presentation. (Abstract)
Thompson, A., B. Farnsworth, N.C. Gudmestad, G. Secor, J. Sowokinos, D. Preston, M. Glynn, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2007. Dakota Diamond: A new, bright white skinned, chipping cultivar with exceptional yield and long-term storage potential. Am J Potato Res 84:118. (Abstract)
Thompson, A.L., B.L. Farnsworth, G.A. Secor, N.C. Gudmestad, D. Preston, J.R. Sowokinos, M. Glynn, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2007. Dakota Crisp: A new high-yielding, cold-chipping potato cultivar with tablestock potential. Am J Potato Res 84:477-486.
Thompson, A.L., R.J. Taylor, J.S. Pasche, R.G. Novy, and N.C. Gudmestad. 2007. Resistance to Phytophthora erythroseptica and Pythium ultimum in a potato clone derived from S. berthaultii and S. etuberosum. Am J Potato Res 84:149-160.
Veilleux, R.E. and H. De Jong. 2007. Chapter 2: Potato. In: Genetic Resources, Chromosome Engineering, and Crop Improvement: Vegetable Crops. (Ram J. Singh, ed.) CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, pp.17-58.
Velishaeva, N.S., E.E. Khavkin and I.A. Shilov. 2006. Genotyping of potato and its wild relatives by the use of microsatellite analysis. Russian Ag Sci 9:1-3.
Vyetrogon, K., F. Tebbji, D. Olsen, A.R.S. Ross, and D.P. Matton. 2007. A comparative proteome and phosphoproteome analysis of differentially regulated proteins during fertilization in the self-incompatible species Solanum chacoense Bitt. Proteomics 7:232-247. Cover picture of the issue.
Wang, B. and A.R. Langille. 2007. Response of a gibberellin-deficient potato mutant to induction and growth regulators as a working model for tuber initiation. HortSci 42(3):540-543.
Wang MiQia. 2007. Diversity and evolution of resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species. Wageningen University, Wageningen Netherlands. 104 pp.
Watkinson, J.I., L. Hendricks, A.A. Sioson, C. Vasquez-Robinet, V. Stromberg, L.S. Heath, M. Schuler, H.J. Bohnert, M. Bonierbale, and R. Grene. 2006. Accessions of Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena show differences in phytosynthetic recovery after drought stress as reflected in gene expression profiles. Plant Sci 171(6):745-758.
Whitworth, J., R. Novy, H. Lozoya, S. Yilma, and A. Mosley. 2007. Identification of potato breeding clones that confer high levels of late blight resistance to their progeny. Am J Potato Res 84:120-121. (Abstract)
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, H. Lozoya-Saldana, S. Yilma, A.R. Mosley, and M.I. Vales. 2007. Multiple-site identification of potato parent clones conferring high levels of late blight resistance with a corresponding genetic model for resistance. Am J Potato Res 84:313-321.
Winton, L.M., R.H. Leiner, A.L. Krohn, and K.L. Deahl. 2007. Occurrence of Late Blight caused by Phytophthora infestans on potato and tomato in Alaska. Plant Disease 91:634.
Young, Gillian K., Louise R. Cooke, William W. Kirk, Pavani Tumbalam, Frances M. Perez, and Kenneth L. Deahl. 2007. The influence of competition and host plant resistance on selection of Phytophthora infestans populations in Michigan State and Northern Ireland. PhD Thesis 12/07. Paper submitted to European Journal of Plant Disease.
Zhang, L.-H., H. Mojtahedi, H. Kuang, B. Baker, and C.R. Brown. 2007. Marker-assisted selection of Columbia root-knot nematode resistance introgressed from Solanum bulbocastanum. Crop Sci 47:2021-2026.
Zhang, L.-H., H. Mojtahedi, H. Kuang, B. Baker, and C.R. Brown. 2007. Fine mapping and isolation of RMc1(blb) locus to Columbia root-knot nematode resistance from Solanum bulbocastanum. Am J Potato Res 84:123. (Abstract)
C. Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Chantha, Sier-Ching. 2007. Caractérisation fonctionnelle des gènes NOTCHLES et MIDASIN lors du développement végétal. January 2007. PhD Thesis, University of Montreal, Canada.
Cortes Albornoz, Carolina. 2007. Determinacion del grado de hibridacion entre papa (Solanum tuberosum) y especies silvestres relacionadas a partir de polinizacion dirigida (Determination of the hybridization level among potato (Solanum tuberosum) and related wild species by manual pollinization). Thesis to obtain the title of Agricultural Engineer. University of Chile, Faculty of Agronomy.
Germain, Hugo. 2007. Caractérisation chez Solanum chacoense et Arabidopsis thaliana dun homologue du gène Notchless de la Drosophile impliqué dans la différentiation et le destin cellulaire. August 2007. PhD Thesis, University of Montreal, Canada.
Syversoon, R.L. 2007. Towards development of molecular resources in disease resistant wild potato Solanum bulbocastanum, including a linkage map and SNP-based markers. MS Thesis, University of Minnesota.
A complete report of Publications, Accomplishments, and Impact Statements, properly formatted for viewing and printing is provided at http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/admin.html and under the link "Copy of Minutes" in meeting minutes section above
Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel
Alvarez, N.M.B., I.E. Peralta, A. Salas, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphological study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum brevicaule complex: replicated field trials in Peru. Pl Syst Evol 274:37-45.
Ames, M. and D.M. Spooner. 2008. DNA from herbarium specimens settles a controversy about origins of the European potato. Am J Bot 95(2):252-257. (Additional supplemental data)
Ames, M., A. Salas and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphometric study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum series Piurana (Solanaceae) and putatively related species from seven other series in Solanum sect. Petota. Syst Bot 33:566-578.
Bamberg, J.B. 2008. Genetic comparisons of gibberellin mutants in potato. Am J Potato Res 85:2. (Abstract)
Bamberg, John and Alfonso H. del Rio. 2008. Proximity and introgression of other potato species does not explain genetic dissimilarity between Solanum verrucosum populations of Northern and Southern Mexico. Am J Potato Res 85:232-238.
Bamberg, J.B., C.J. Fernandez, M.W. Martin, and J.J. Pavek. 2008. Tuber dormancy lasting eight years in the wild potato Solanum jamesii. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B., M.W. Martin and J.P. Palta. 2008. Variation in Solanum species tuber potassium accumulation and its implication for human nutrition. Am J Potato Res 85:2. (Abstract)
Belmar-Diaz, C., H. Lozoya-Saldana, M. Salgado, and J. Bamberg. 2008. Phytophthora infestans: races and genotypes in Toluca, Mexico. A two-year update. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Del Rio, A.H. and J.B. Bamberg. 2008. Unbalanced bulk of parents seed is not detrimental in potato germplasm regeneration. Am J Potato Res 85:28. (Abstract)
Del Rio, A.H., J.B. Bamberg, C. Fernandez, and C. Zorrilla. 2008. Update on the comparative assessment of genetic diversity between accessible and remote potato populations: AFLP analysis of wild potato Solanum stoloniferum (formerly S. fendleri) distributed in SW regions of the USA. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Fajardo, D., R. Castillo, A Salas, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A morphometric study of species boundaries of the wild potato Solanum series Conicibaccata: a replicated field trial in Andean Peru. Syst Bot 33:183-192.
Hale, Anna L., Lavanya Reddivari, M. Ndambe Nzaramba, John B. Bamberg, and J. Creighton Miller, Jr. 2008. Interspecific variability for antioxidant activity and phenolic content among Solanum species. Am J Potato Res 85:332-341.
Jansky, S.H., R. Simon and D.M. Spooner. 2008. A test of taxonomic predictivity: resistance to early blight in wild relatives of cultivated potato. Phytopath 98:680-687.
Jimenez, J.P., A. Brenes, A. Salas, D. Fajardo, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. The use and limits of AFLP data in the taxonomy of polyploid wild potato species in Solanum series Conicibaccata. Conserv Genet 9:381-387.
Nzaramba, M.N., L. Reddivari, J.B. Bamberg, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2008. Phenolic and glycoalkaloid levels of S. jamesii accessions and their anti-proliferative effect on human prostate and colon cancer cells in vitro. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega. 2008. Moving frost hardy genes from wild to cultivated potatoes. Use of precise screening tools to make real progress. Am J Potato Res 85:23. (Abstract)
Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg and S.E. Vega. 2008. Freezing tolerance of cultivated potatoes: Moving frost hardy genes from wild potatoes and making real progress using precise screening tools. ASHS 2008 Conference, Orlando, Florida. HortSci 43:1108. (Abstract)
Palta, J.P., J.B. Bamberg, S.E. Vega, F.M. Navarro, and B. Bowen. 2008. Genetic improvement of potato for tuber calcium uptake. Proceedings of Annual Wisconsin Potato Meetings 21:15-20.
Palta, J.P., R. Gomez, A.H. del Rio, W. Roca, J.B. Bamberg, A. Salas, and M. Bonierbale. 2008. Supplemental calcium nutrition may have the potential of improving tuber yield of native potatoes in the Peruvian highlands. Am J Potato Res 85:23. (Abstract)
Palta, J.P., F.M. Navarro, J.B. Bamberg, S.E. Vega, and B. Bowen. 2008. The Calcium Solution: Developing potato cultivars with enhanced tuber storage and internal quality by genetic improvement of tuber calcium accumulation ability. The Badger Common Tater 60(11):14-16.
Pendinen G., T. Gavrilenko, J. Jiang, and D.M. Spooner. 2008. Allopolyploid speciation of the Mexican tetraploid potato species Solanum stoloniferum and S. hjertingii revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Genome 51:714-720.
Peralta, I.E., D.M. Spooner and S. Knapp. 2008. The taxonomy of tomatoes: a revision of wild tomatoes (Solanum section Lycopersicon) and their outgroup relatives in sections Juglandifolium and Lycopersicoides. Syst Bot Monogr 84:1-186+3 plates.
Spooner, D.M., D. Fajardo and A. Salas. 2008. Revision of the Solanum medians complex (Solanum sect. Petota). Syst Bot:33:579-588.
Spooner, D.M., F. Rodriquez, Z. Polgar, H.E. Ballard Jr., and S.H. Jansky. 2008. Genomic origins of potato polyploids: GBSSI gene sequencing data. The Pl Genome, a Suppl. to Crop Sci. 48(S1):S27-S36.
Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Almasia, N.I., A.A. Bazzini, H.E. Hopp, and C. Vazquez-Rovere. 2008. Over expression of snakin-1 gene enhances resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Erwinia carotovora in transgenic potato plants. Mol Pl Path 9(3):329-338. (Abstract)
Arvin, M.J. and D.J. Donnelly. 2008. Screening potato cultivars and wild species to abiotic stresses using an electrolyte leakage bioassay. J Ag Sci Tech 10(1):33-42. (Abstract)
Aversano, R., M.R. Ercolano, L. Frusciante, L. Monti, J.M. Bradeen, G. Cristinzio, A. Zoina, N. Greco, S. Vitale, and D. Carputo. 2007. Resistance traits and AFLP characterization of diploid primitive tuber-bearing potatoes. Genet Res Cr Evol 54(8):1797-1806. (Abstract)
Ballou, S.M., K.Y. Yun, C. Cheng, and B.G. de los Reyes. 2007. Cold sensitivity gradient in tuber-bearing Solanum based on physiological and transcript profiles. Crop Sci 47(5):2027-2035. (Abstract)
Bhaskar, P.B., J.A. Raasch, L.C. Kramer, P. Neumann, S.M. Wielgus, S. Austin-Phillips, and J.M. Jiang. 2008. Sgt1, but not Rar1, is essential for the RB-mediated broad-spectrum resistance to potato late blight. BMC Pl Bio 8(8). (Abstract)
Bidani, A., O. Nouri-Ellouz, L. Lakhoua, D. Sihachakr, C. Cheniclet, A. Mahjoub, N. Drira, and R. Gargouri-Bouzid. 2007. Interspecific potato somatic hybrids between Solanum berthaultii and Solanum tuberosum L. showed recombinant plastome and improved tolerance to salinity. Pl Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture 91(3):179-189. (Abstract)
Bradeen, J.M., M. Iorizzo, H. Mann, L. Gao, E.A. Quirin, R. Aversano, and D. Carputo. 2008. Comparative structural genomics of 1EBN potato: DArT markers for improved access to resistance genes. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R. 2008. Breeding for phytonutrient enhancement of potato. Am J Potato Res 85:298-307.
Brown, C.R., D. Culley, M. Bonierbale, and W. Amoros. 2007. Anthocyanin, Carotenoid content, and antioxidant values in native South American potato cultivars. HortSci 42(7):1733-1736. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R., M. Moore, M. Pavek, D. Hane, R. Novy, J.C. Miller Jr., S.L. Love, and S. James. 2008. Genetic variability in mineral content of potato tubers. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Burkhart, C.R., B.J. Christ, K.G. Haynes, and B.T. Vinyard. 2008. Little genetic and no additive genetic variance for resistance to common scab in a Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Poster)
Camadro, E.L., S.K. Saffarano, J.C. Espinillo, M. Castro, and P.W. Simon. 2008. Cytological mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in the wild potato Solanum okadae and pollen-pistil relations with the cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum. Genet Res Crop Evol 55(3):471-477. (Abstract)
Campbell, B.A., J. Hallengren and D.J. Hannapel. 2008. Accumulation of BEL1-like transcripts in solanaceous species. Planta 228:897-906.
Cernak, I., J. Taller, I. Wolf, E. Feher, G. Babinszky, Z. Alfoldi, G. Csanadi, and Z. Polgar. 2008. Analysis of the applicability of molecular markers linked to the PVY extreme resistance gene Rysto, and the identification of new markers. Acta Bio Hungarica 59(2):195-203. (Abstract)
Chatterjee, M., A.K. Banerjee and D.J. Hannapel. 2007. A BELL1-like gene of potato is light activated and would inducible. Pl Physio 145(4):1435-1443. (Abstract)
Cheng, ShanHan, Xie CongHua, Lin ShiSen et al. 2006. Germplasm enhancement and breeding to resist low temperature sweetening in potato. China Vegetables pp 84-88. (Abstract)
Coleman, W.K. 2008. Evaluation of wild Solanum species for drought resistance: 1. Solanum gandarillasii Cardenas. Environ Exp Bot 62(3):221-230. (Abstract)
Dhoop, B.B. 2008. Association mapping in tetraploid potato using SSRs and AFLPS. In: 17th Triennial Conference of the EAPR, Abstracts of papers and posters, Brasov, Romania, July 6-10, 2008, p. 376. (Abstract)
Dhoop, B.B., M.J. Paulo, K. Kowitwanich, R.G.F. Visser, H.J. van Eck, and F.A. van Eeuwijk. 2008. Association mapping in tetraploid potato using SSRs and AFLPs. In: Molecular mapping and marker assisted selection in plants, Programme and abstracts, Vienna, Austria, February 03-06, 2008, p. 88. (Abstract)
Douches, D., J. Coombs, J. Estelle, D. Berry, K. Zarka, W. Kirk, and R. Schafer. 2008. Update on late blight resistance breeding in Michigan. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Drobyazina, P. and E. Khavkin. 2008. Two CONSTANS-LIKE1 genes in long- and short-day Solanum plants. XVI FESPB Congress, Tampere, Finland, 2008. Physiol Pl 133:10-20. (Abstract)
Drobyazina, P.E. and E.E. Khavkin. 2008. Two CONSTANS-LIKE genes in Solanum plants. Control of flowering time and application for plant breeding. Science meeting, Salzau, German, September 2008, p 35. (Abstract)
Fry, W. 2008. Phytophthora infestans: the plant (and R gene) destroyer. Mol Pl Path 9(3):385-402. (Abstract)
Ginzberg, I., J. Tokuhisa and R.E. Veilleux. 2008. Potato steroidal glycoalkaloids: Biosynthesis and genetic manipulation. Potato Res 52:0014-3065 (Print) 1871-4528 (Online).
Gokce, A., M.E. Whalon, H. Cam, Y. Yanar, I. Demirtas, and N. Goren. 2007. Contact and residual toxicities of 30 plant extracts to Colorado potato beetle larvae. Archives Phyto Pl Prot 40(6):441-450. (Abstract)
Gonzalez-Schain, N.D. and P. Suarez-Lopez. 2008. CONSTANS delays flowering and affects tuber yield in potato. Bio Plant 52(2):251-258. (Abstract)
Govers, F. and H.J.G. Meijer. 2007. Phytophthora genomics: new opportunities and challenges. Gewasbescherming 38(5):265-271. (Abstract)
Greco, N., A. Brandonisio, and P. de Cosmis. 2007. Pathotypes and heterogeneity of Italian populations of Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida. Nematol Mediterranea 35(2):137-142. (Abstract)
Halterman, D., Z. Liu, Y. Chen, and S. Stephenson. 2008. Molecular characterization of potato disease resistance genes. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Halterman, D.A., L.C. Kramer, S. Wielgus, and J.M. Jiang. 2008. Performance of transgenic potato containing the late blight resistance gene RB. Pl Disease 92(3):339-343. (Abstract)
Hannapel, D.J., M. Chatterjee, Y.Y. Yu, H. Chen, and A.K. Banerjee. 2008. A light-activated signal for tuberization. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Haynes, Kathleen G. 2008. Heritability of chip color and specific gravity in a long-day adapted Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population. Am J Potato Res 85:361-366.
Haynes, K.G., B.J. Christ and B.T. Vinyard. 2008. Determining the importance of combining ability for late blight resistance in early generations of potato breeding when susceptible clones are discarded. Am J Potato Res 85:445-454.
Heldak, J., M. Bezo, V. Stefunova, and A. Gallikova. 2007. Selection of DNA markers for detection of extreme resistance to potato virus Y in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) F1 progenies. Czech J Genet Pl Breed 43(4):125-134. (Abstract)
Hermanova, V., J. Barta and V. Curn. 2007. Wild potato species: Characterization and biological potential for potato breeding. Czech J Genet Pl Br 43(3):73-81. (Abstract)
Horgan, F.G., D.T. Quiring, A. Lagnaoui, and Y. Pelletier. 2007. Variable responses of tuber moth to the leaf trichomes of wild potatoes. Ent Exp Appl 125(1):1-12. (Abstract)
Horgan, F.G., D.T. Quiring, A. Lagnaoui, A.R. Salas, and Y. Pelletier. 2007. Periderm- and cortex-based resistance to tuber-feeding Phthorimaea operculella in two wild potato species. Ent Exp Appl 125(3):249-258. (Abstract)
Houser, A.J. and R. Davidson. 2008. Development of a greenhouse assay to evaluate potato germplasm for susceptibility to powdery scab. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Jacobs, M.M.J., R.G. van den Berg, V.G.A.A. Vleeshouwers, M. Visser, R. Mank, M. Sengers, R. Hoekstra, and B. Vosman. 2008. AFLP analysis reveals a lack of phylogenetic structure with Solanum section Petota. BMC Evol Bio 88(145). (Abstract)
Jansky, S.H., A.J. Hamernik and J. Bae. 2008. The use of Solanum verrucosum to access 2x, 1EBN germplasm. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Jolivet, K., E. Grenier, J.P. Bouchet, M. Esquibet, M.C. Kerlan, B. Caromel, D. Mugniery, and V. Lefebvre. 2007. Identification of plant genes regulated in resistant potato Solanum sparsipilum during the early stages of infection by Globodera pallida. Genome 50(4):422-427. (Abstract)
Kielbowicz-Matuk, Agnieszka, Pascal Rey and Tadeusz Rorat. 2008. The organ-dependent abundance of a Solanum lipid transfer protein is up-regulated upon osmotic constraints and associated with cold acclimation ability. J Exp Bot, 4/25/2008, pp 1-13.
Lang, ZhiHong, Zhou Peng, Yu JingJuan, Ao GuangMing, and Zhao Qian. 2008. Functional characterization of the pollen-specific SBgLR promoter from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Planta 227(2):387-396. (Abstract)
Le Roux, V., E.Campan, F. Dubois, C. Vincent, and P Giordanengo. 2007. Screening for resistance against Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae among wild Solanum. Ann. Appl. Biol. 151:83-88.
Le Roux, V., S. Dugravot, E.Campan, F. Dubois, C. Vincent, and P Giordanengo. 2008. Wild Solanum Resistance to Aphids: Antixenosis or Antibiosis? J. of Econ. Entomol. 101 (2): 584-591
Liu, XiCai. 2006. Study and utilization of potato germplasm resources. China Vegetables pp 25-27. (Abstract)
Love, S.L. and J.J. Pavek. 2008. Positioning the potato as a primary food source of vitamin C. Am J Potato Res 85:277-285.
Luthra, S.K., J. Gopal, V. Kumar, B.P. Singh, and S.K. Pandey. 2008. Evaluation of potato germplasm for frost tolerance. Indian J Hort 65(3):344-346. (Abstract)
McCue, K.F., D.R. Rockhold, P.V. Allen, and W.R. Belknap. 2008. Useful promoters and terminators from Solanum bulbocastanum for use in potatoes and other crops. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Morante, M.C., I. Tolin Tordoya and N. Montealegre Villanueva. 2007. Resistance to Phytophthora infestans Mont de Bary of phureja potato (Solanum phureja Juzepczuk et Bukasov) and populations of wild species of potato, La Paz, Bolivia. Pl Genet Resources Newsletter 151:43-48. (Abstract)
Morris, W.L., H.A. Ross, L.J.M. Ducreux, J.E. Bradshaw, G.J. Bryan, and M.A. Taylor. 2007. Umami compounds are a determinant of the flavor of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). J Ag Food Chem 55(23):9627-9633. (Abstract)
Mosley, A.R., S. Yilma, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, K.A. Rykbost, C.C. Shock, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, R.E. Thornton, B.A. Charlton, E.P. Eldredge, R.G. Novy, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, J.L. Whitworth, C.R. Brown, J.C. Stark, and M.I. Vales. 2008. Willamette: A chipping cultivar with high yield and specific gravity, low incidence of hollow heart and brown center, and suitability for fresh-market usage. Am J Potato Res 85:85-92.
Mugniery, D., O. Plantard, S. Fournet, E. Grenier, B. Caromel, M.C. Kerlan, D. Picard, and D. Ellisseche. 2007. Evaluation of effectiveness and durability of resistance to Globodera pallida from Solanum vernei, S. spegazzinii and S. sparsipilum. Nematol Mediterranea 35(2):143-153. (Abstract)
Navarre, Roy, Roshani Shakya, Aymeric Goyer, Joanne Holden, Lavanya Reddivari, and Creighton Miller. 2008. Potato phytonutrient analysis and engineering. Phytochemical Society of North America Annual Meeting, Pullman, WA, June 2008. (Abstract)
Nichol, N.L., K. Zarka, J. Coombs, and D.S. Douches. 2008. CBF1 transgenic potatoes studied under drought conditions. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Novy, R.G., K.B. Kelley and J.L. Whitworth. 2008. Introgression of virus resistances from Solanum etuberosum into cultivated potato and the identification of molecular markers linked to it potato leafroll virus (PLRV) resistance. The 17th Triennial Conf. of the European Assoc. for Potato Research, Brasov, Romania. 7/8/08. Abstracts of Papers and Posters, pp. 70-71. (Abstract)
Novy, R.G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, and N. Olsen. 2008. Premier Russet: A dual-purpose, potato cultivar with significant resistance to low temperature sweetening during long-term storage. Am J Potato Res 85:198-209.
Pelletier, Y. and D. De Koeyer. 2008. The use of Solanum oplocense as a source of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say.). Symposium Insects of Solanaceous crop at the International Congress of Entomology, July 6-12, 2008, Durban, South Africa.
Pelletier, Y. and D. De Koeyer. 2008. Solanum oplocense as a source of resistance to the Colorado potato beetle and improved processing quality. XXIIIrd Association Latino Americano de la Papa Annual, Mar del Plata, Argentina, Nov. 30th to Dec. 5th. (Poster)
Peloquin, S.J., L.S. Boiteux, P.W. Simon, and S.H. Jansky. 2008. A Chromosome-specific estimate of transmission of heterozygosity by 2n gametes in potato. J Heredity 99(@):177-181. (Abstract)
Pennycooke, J.C., H.M. Cheng, S.M. Roberts, Q.F. Yang, S.Y. Rhee, and E.J. Stockinger. 2008. The low temperature-responsive, Solanum CBF1 genes maintain high identity in their upstream regions in a genomic environment undergoing gene duplications, deletions, and rearrangements. Pl Mol Bio 67(5):483-497. (Abstract)
Pino, M.T., J.S. Skinner, Z. Jeknic, P.M. Hayes, A.H. Soeldner, M.F. Thomashow, and T.H.H. Chen. 2008. Ectopic AtCBF1 over-expression enhances freezing tolerance and induces cold acclimation-associated physiological modifications in potato. Pl Cell Environ 31(4):393-406. (Abstract)
Polkowska-Kowalczyk, L., B. Wielgat and U. Maciejewska. 2007. Changes in the antioxidant status in leaves of Solanum species in response to elicitor from Phytophthora infestans. J Pl Physio 164(10):1268-1277. (Abstract)
Pompon, J. and Y. Pelletier. 2008. Xylem consumption in Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphid biology. Royal Entomological Society Annual Meeting, Plymouth, UK.
Pompon, J., D. Quiring, P. Giordanengo, and Y. Pelletier. 2008. Search for new means to control aphid potato pests: resistance mechanism of Solanum chomatophilum to Macrosiphum euphorbiae and Myzus persicae. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada, Oct. 19-23, Ottawa, Canada.
Reddivari, L., J. Vanamala, S. Chintharlapalli, S.H. Safe, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2007. Anthocyanin fraction from potato extracts is cytotoxic to prostate cancer cells through activation of caspase-dependent and caspase-independent pathways. Carcinogenesis 38(10):2227-2235. (Abstract)
Rockhold, David R., Sophie Chang, Nathan Taylor, Paul V. Allen, Kent F. McCue, and William R. Belknap. 2008. Structure of two Solanum bulbocastanum polyubiquitin genes and expression of their promoters in transgenic potatoes. Am J Potato Res 85:219-226.
Rosenthal, S. and S.H. Jansky. 2008. Effect of production site and storage on antioxidant levels in specialty potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. J Sci Food Ag 88:2087-2092.
Roshani, S. and D.A. Navarre. 2008. LC-MS analysis of solanidane glycoalkaloid diversity among four wild potato species and three cultivars. J Ag Food Chem 56:6949-6958.
Santa Cruz, J.H., B.J. Christ and K.G. Haynes. 2008. Inheritance of resistance to early blight disease in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population after one cycle of recurrent selection. American Phytopathological Society Meeting, July 26-30, 2008, Minneapolis, MN. (Abstract)
Scotti, N., S. Cozzolino and T. Cardi. 2007. Mitochondrial DNA variation in cultivated and wild potato species (Solanum spp.). Genome 50(8):706-713. (Abstract)
Shakya, Roshani and Duroy A. Navarre. 2008. LC-MS analysis of glycoalkaloid diversity among seven potato genotypes. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Shaterian, J., D.R. Waterer, H. de Jong, and K.K. Tanino. 2008. Methodologies and traits for evaluating the salt tolerance in diploid potato clones. Am J Potato Res 85:93-100.
Simko, I., J.H. van den Berg, D. Vreugdenhil, and E.E. Ewing. 2008. Mapping loci for chlorosis associated with chlorophyll b deficiency in potato. Euphytica 162(1):99-107. (Abstract)
Sliwka, J., I. Wasilewicz-Flis, H. Jakuczun, and C. Gebhardt. 2008. Tagging quantitative trait loci for dormancy, tuber shape, regularity of tuber shape, eye depth and flesh color in diploid potato originated from six Solanum species. Pl Breed 127(1):49-55. (Abstract)
Song, Ye-Su and Andrea Schwarzfischer. 2008. Development of STS markers for selection of extreme resistance (Rysto) to PVY and maternal pedigree analysis of extremely resistant cultivars. Am J Potato Res 85:159-170.
Sorensen, K.K., H.G. Kirk, K. Olsson, R. Labouriau, and J. Christiansen. 2008. A major QTL and an SSR marker associated with glycoalkaloid content in potato tubers from Solanum tuberosum x S. sparsipilum located on chromosome I. Theor Appl Genet 117(1):1-9. (Abstract)
Suttle, Jeff. 2008. Symposium Introduction: Enhancing the nutritional value of potato tubers. Am J Potato Res 85:266.
Tabaldi, L.A., F.T. Nicoloso, G.Y. Castro, D. Cargnelutti, J.F. Goncalves, R. Rauber, E.C. Skrebsky, M.R.C. Schetinger, V.M. Morsch, and D.A. Bisognin. 2007. Physiological and oxidative stress responses of four potato clones to aluminum in nutrient solution. Brazilian J Pl Physio 19(3):211-222. (Abstract)
Thieme, R., E. Rakosy-Tican, T. Gavrilenko, O. Antonova, J. Schubert, M. Nachtigall, U. Heimbach, and T. Thieme. 2008. Novel somatic hybrids (Solanum tuberosum L. + Solanum tarnii) and their fertile BC1 progenies express extreme resistance to potato virus Y and late blight. Theor Appl Genet 116(5):691-700. (Abstract)
Thompson, A.L., B.L. Farnsworth, N.C. Gudmestad, G.A. Secor, D.A. Preston, J.R. Sowokinos, M. Glynn, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2008. Dakota Diamond: An exceptionally high yielding, cold chipping potato cultivar with long-term storage potential. Am J Potato Res 85:171-182.
Thompson, Asunta L., Stephen L. Love, Joseph R. Sowokinos, Michael K. Thornton, and Clinton C. Shock. 2008. Review of the sugar end disorder in potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.). Am J Potato Res 85:375-386.
Tome, L.G.O., L.C. Davide, C.A.B.P. Pinto, A.A. Alves, and C.C. Salgado. 2007. Pollen viability and meiotic analysis of Solanum commersonii commersonii Dun., Solanum commersonii malmeanum Bitt. and Solanum tuberosum L. Crop Breed Appl Biotech 7(4):387-393. (Abstract)
Trofimov, R.N., S.N. Petukhov, N.N., Morozova, and S.I. Liorek. 2007. Using diploid species and dihaploids to intensify potato breeding. Kartofel i Ovoshchi no. 6. (Abstract)
Vales, M.I., R.J. Ottoman, J.A. Ortega, O. Riera-Lizarazu, and S. Yima. 2008. Breeding for resistance to PVY in tetraploid potatoes using marker assisted selection. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Valkonen, J.P.T., K. Wiegmann, J.H. Hamalainen, W. Marczewski, and K.N. Watanabe. 2008. Evidence for utility of the same PCR-based markers for selection of extreme resistance to Potato virus Y controlled by Rysto of Solanum stoloniferum derived from different sources. Ann Appl Bio 152(1):121-130. (Abstract)
Valverde, R. 2007. Genetic mapping and detection of QTLs in Solanum species. Agro Costarricense 31(2):31-47. (Abstract)
Voronkova, E.V., V.M. Lisovskaja, and A.P. Yermishin. 2007. Diploid hybrids between allotetraploid wild potato species Solanum acaule Bitt., S. stoloniferum Schltdl. and dihaploids of S. tuberosum L. Russian J Genet 43(8):882-889. (Abstract)
Vossen, E. van der, R. Hutten, V. Vleeshouwers, E. Jacobsen, and R. Visser. 2007. Development of a sustainable Phytophthora resistance strategy in potato. Gewasbescherming 38(5):257-264. (Abstract)
Vysniauskiene, R., Z. Jancys and R. Spalinskas. 2006. Impact of low temperature on superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity of frost resistant hybrids of potatoes. Sodininkyste ir Darzininkyste 25(4):331-338. (Abstract)
Wang, MiQia, S. Allefs, R.G. van den Berg, V.G.A.A. Vleeshouwers, E.A.G. van der Vossen, and B. Vosman. 2008. Allele mining in Solanum: conserved homologues of Rpi-blb1 are identified in Solanum stoloniferum. Theor Appl Genet 116(7):933-943. (Abstract)
Watkinson, J.I., L. Hendricks, A.A. Sioson, L.S. Heath, H.J. Bohnert, and R. Grene. 2008. Tuber development phenotypes in adapted and acclimated, drought-stressed Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena have distinct expression profiles of genes associated with carbon metabolism. Pl Physio Biochem 46(1):34-45. (Abstract)
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, D.G. Hall, J.M. Crosslin, and C.R. Brown. 2008. Characterization of broad spectrum Potato virus Y resistance in a Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena-derived population and select breeding clones using molecular markers, grafting, and field inoculations. Am J Potato Res (In press)
Yencho, G. Craig, Per H. McCord, Kathleen G. Haynes, and S.B. Rikki Sterrett. 2008. Internal Heat Necrosis of Potato A Review. Am J Potato Res 85:69-76.
Zarka, D., D. Douches and W. Kirk. 2008. Progress in mapping and cloning of a late blight R-gene from S. microdontum. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Zebarth, B.J., T.R. Tarn, H. de Jong, and A. Murphy. 2008. Nitrogen use efficiency characteristics of andigena and diploid potato selections. Am J Potato Res 85:210-218.
Zhang, Y., C.S. Jung and W.S. de Jong. 2008. Loci that influence anthocyanins pigmentation of potato tuber flesh. 92nd Annual Meeting of The PAA, Buffalo, NY, August 10-14, 2008. (Abstract)
Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Butterbach, P. 2007. Molecular evolution of the disease resistance gene Rx in Solanum. Thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands. 141 pp.
Cruz, Aida Juarez. 2008. Defense reactions of wild Solanum ssp. against the attack of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, in Toluca Valley, Mexico State. MS Thesis, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico.
Marcial, Noris Dalia Calderon. 2008. Some defensive reactions in different Solanum ssp. for races of Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. MS Thesis, Universidad Autonoma Chapingo, Mexico.
Santa Cruz Hidalgo, Jose H. 2008. Inheritance and marker-assisted selection for resistance to early blight disease in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population after one cycle of recurrent selection. MS Thesis, Dept. Plant Pathology, Penn State University.
Publications are listed on pages 15-22 of the attached complete document.