NRSPOLD6: Inter-Regional Potato Introduction Project: Acquisition, classification, preservation, evaluation and distribution of potato (Solanum) germ
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NRSPOLD6: Inter-Regional Potato Introduction Project: Acquisition, classification, preservation, evaluation and distribution of potato (Solanum) germ
Duration: 10/01/2005 to 09/30/2010
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
- Support activities. NRSP-6 is designated the sole official NPGS project filling the role of working potato germplasm collection for the US. The US is very poor in native potato (and most other crop) germplasm, but relatively rich in resources to preserve it. Thus, making the NRSP-6 resource freely available to other countries is a key part of US policy of reciprocity to encourage those countries to share their native germplasm with us. The best way to understand the importance of NRSP-6 is to imagine how the US would use potato germplasm resources if no genebank were present. Imagine a scenario in which an individual researcher wanted to investigate a certain trait in exotic potato relatives. How would he intelligently define what "potato relative" means until he had first developed taxonomic information on species boundaries and relatedness to cultivars? And after having determined a taxonomy, how could he hope for any eventual practical application to breeding or genetics without first determining the breeding system, requirements for growth, and interspecific crossing? If, having done this, he settled on a species to study, how would he get a sample? If it did not exist in the US or he could not find or obtain it from a fellow US researcher, could he organize an expedition to Latin America to collect samples for himself? If so, he would first have to gather and organize herbarium records to find out where his species grew and at what time of the year, and gain the expertise to be able to locate and identify it in its wild habitat. He would have to negotiate formal intergovernmental agreements to collect. Then too, potato is a "prohibited" plant, which means it cannot be imported except by APHIS permit. Thus, he would have learn the protocol for coordinating with ARS Quarantine for importation of potato germplasm, and wait one to two years until quarantine had tested it for exotic diseases. When he finally had it back in his lab in the US, would he immediately advertise its existence and availability to all potato researchers worldwide (not several years later when his research results appeared in print)? He would have to determine how to efficiently preserve the material - not only needing to know the requirements for keeping it alive over long-term experimentation, but developing the technology, information and facilities to test and keep the germplasm free of diseases (which in some cases are virtually incurable). If many items were collected, an accessible and accurate system of identifying and tracking individual units would have to be developed. Even if our imaginary researcher was successful in doing all these things and discovered and published a valuable trait, what would then become of the germplasm? If his peers wanted samples for breeding or studies of other traits, would our researcher commit to providing rapid delivery of high quality, disease free propagules to his colleagues indefinitely, and transfer this responsibility to a successor when he retired? Even if availability of the physical germplasm was assured, what about its associated data? Who would catalog, organize and disseminate all the useful information generated on these particular stocks by various researchers over time? Consider also that individual researchers typically study one thing on a limited number of taxa. Who would undertake the important role of understanding the totality of the germplasm in a general sense? That is, having the breadth of experience to notice phenomena that are unique and of potential value to the potato industry and see and report opportunities for cross links between research disciplines? Who would develop such broad perspective and use it to give advice to researchers who needed help in selecting the best stocks and techniques to answer their research questions? Who would take responsibility for asking and answering the questions pertinent to finding the most efficient genebank management of genetic diversity with respect to collecting, preserving and evaluating germplasm? The implication should be obvious. The potato research and breeding community depends on NRSP-6 and its associated programs to perform and/or coordinate all of the above tasks. Doing without NRSP-6 would be like having everyone find, buy, organize, store and share books independently, without the coordinating service of a library. The great confusion and redundancy cost of the resulting disorganization would not just be borne by major potato breeding and research states, but would eventually filter down to everyone in the form of more federal taxes needed to support an inefficient public breeding program, and in the higher development and production costs passed from grower to processor to retailer to consumer.
- development of enabling technologies. The genebank's role in efficient delivery of high quality germplasm requires development of some of the same technologies the recipient needs to exploit the germplasm. For example, both need to know the best techniques for germinating, growing and crossing the stocks. [see Appendices 2 and 3 for specific accomplishments]
- sharing of facilities needed to accomplish high priority research. In some cases the demonstration and extension of technology is not the most practical approach, but rather for the genebank to simply perform the work on behalf of the recipient. Thus, we accept special orders to generate tubers, pretreat seeds for germination, prepare rooted cuttings for immediate planting, give away pollinating devices, etc. [see Appendix 4 for specific accomplishments].
- facilitate a broad array of research activities. The breadth of potato science reflects the significance of potato as the 4th most important world food crop. Thus, NRSP-6 stocks are the subject of studies of breeding, genetics, cytogenetics, pathology, physiology, taxonomy, entomology, nematology, horticulture, biochemistry, and nutrition. For the years 1998-2003, we document 824 research papers, theses and abstracts that in some way involved the use of NRSP-6 stocks and services. [See Appendix 6 for details of support services provided and Appendix 3 for specific evaluation topics that promote stakeholder use of the germplasm].
Prerequisite Criteria
How is the NRSP consistent with the mission?
How does the NRSP pertain to a national issue?
Some states have more direct involvement in potato research or breeding, and some states have larger acreages. Some states, particularly those of the NCR do more of the type of broad, preliminary screening research that uses large number of germplasm items from the genebank. But all regions are actively using NRSP-6 stocks. As documented in Appendix 6, a total of 36 states and DC received germplasm in the past project term (eleven states in the NCR, eight in the NER, seven in the SR and eleven in the WR). Potato breeding and research programs in these states make important contributions to the states' economies, University reputations and agricultural competitiveness. As illustrated in section A., such programs that are pursuing progressive breeding and research using exotic germplasm (some in each region) often depend on NRSP-6 as the only practical source of the materials necessary for their work. Furthermore, the benefits of NRSP-6 activities by potato states by no means stay within their borders. Every state at least has a significant and direct involvement in marketing, transportation and consumption of potato as a major part of the diet of its population. Citizens of every state have an interest in the influence potato is making on world food policy, considering how closely political stability is tied to economic and nutritional stability. Thus every state has a significant interest in potato improvement and should accept responsibility for paying a part of the cost. If a crop could claim the following distinctions, the NRSP genebank that kept it would have a very convincing case for continuation with strong support, because it would have both a high priority with respect to national needs and extraordinary potential for significant impact:
- The major vegetable. Most widely grown and consumed vegetable in the US and world, being among the most palatable and versatile of foods, thus perhaps the most practical hope of delivering improved nutrition to the nation and world.
- Big problems to be solved. Very high requirements for quality, which translates into very high inputs of pesticides, water and fertilizer with the associated production costs and risks of food residues and environmental impact.
- Great genetic opportunities. A narrow genetic base in US cultivars compared to the genetic breadth in exotics forms. More exotic germplasm is available than for any other major crop. Almost all modern varieties have exotic germplasm in their pedigrees. Exotic forms that are more amenable to introgression than any other major crop, including recent first-time demonstration of potential in the biotech transfer of wild relatives' genes to cultivars. Past demonstrations that exotic germplasm can make important contributions in terms of specific traits, general heterosis, and opportunity for more efficient breeding methods. Past investments in this crop's germplasm have now built the world's premier collection of stocks and infrastructure within the US.
- Great potential for economic impact. Among the greatest potential for market expansion. Very high potential value-added profit in processed forms. Great differential between average and demonstrated optimum yield. Among the greatest diversity of cultivation in countries, latitudes and altitudes.
- Finesse needed. Germplasm maintenance requires special knowledge, technology and facilities for seed and clonal preservation, exclusion of systemic diseases, and prevention of genetic erosion in seed populations.
Priority Established by ESCOP/ESS
Challenge 1. We can develop new and more competitive crop products and new uses for diverse crops and novel plant species. This is the heart of what NRSP-6 aims to promote. Genetic diversity of the exotics at NRSP-6 represents the potential diversity of improvements in productivity, quality and resource use efficiency realized in new cultivars. Challenge 3 . We can lessen the risks of local and global climatic change on food, fiber, and fuel production. Potato is cultivated across a broader range of latitudes than any other major crop. Thus, the effects of climate change could be different in different growing regions, and require the screening for multiple new traits in exotic germplasm which can be incorporated into the crop. Potatoes also exist in nature in a great diversity of ecological niches, so the impact of climate change on in situ genetic diversity may be variable and call for especially close monitoring of how diversity in the genebank represents that which exists in nature. For example, changes in natural selection pressures may also implicate the need for recollecting done by genebank staff. Challenge 4 . We can provide the information and knowledge needed to further improve environmental stewardship. As already mentioned, the heart of what NRSP-6 aims to promote is genetic improvement. Research supported by NRSP-6 will continue to find ways to make a crop that is more efficient at using fertilizer and water inputs and can naturally resist pests and diseases. That means less use of pesticides and fuel. Challenge 5 . We can improve the economic return to agricultural producers. This can be achieved through lower input costs keeping all other factors steady. Or, quality can improve to support higher prices at the same market share. Or, yield can improve with expansion of both potato's unit value and market share so current prices are not depressed due to overproduction. The utopian scheme for the potato crop is to use germplasm to make gains in all three areas: less input costs, higher yield per area of land, and higher quality. Other initiatives that will contribute to these general goals are increasing net yield by reducing storage losses, capitalizing on virtual demand by removing the physiological limits to potato production due to the climate and other factors (disease, e.g.) in a certain growing region Challenge 6 . We can strengthen our communities and families. NRSP-6 can have an impact on poor small farmers in developing countries who could improve their standard of living and maintain their culture because germplasm inputs gave them a more marketable and nutritious crop (by increasing frost tolerance for high altitude farmers, for example). Food security in developing countries often has a favorable influence on political stability, which reduces the money US citizens must spend to maintain military clout and foreign aid. Good health is a basic factor in the productivity and well-being of all communities and families. Health is positive in itself, but a healthy populace can also have a higher standard of living due to more productivity and less need to spend the profits from that productivity on insurance, medical care and government intervention programs Challenge 7. We can ensure improved food safety and health through agricultural and food systems. Three points here:
- Improved potato has outstanding potential to have a significant health and nutrition impact on a population basis because it already has a regular, high level of consumption across all demographic categories in the US. Compare, for example, to blueberries which have famous levels of antioxidants per serving, but are very expensive and current consumer preference is such that they are eaten only in small quantities and irregularly.
- Potato has had obvious appeal - it's cheap, good-tasting in many forms, and filling. But since it is not leafy-green, its known and potential contributions to health have not been emphasized. With potato becoming almost the "poster child" for the lifestyle change of 25M US citizens now significantly avoiding high-carb/glycemic foods, we need to identify and quantify, for example, potato antioxidant and anti-cancer compounds that will be eliminated in the US diet, and their likely impact.
- Because about 1.3M acres of potato are cultivated in the US and 48M worldwide, reducing the need for chemical inputs in the potato crop through genetic means could significantly reduce the exposure at all levels at which agrichemical use now poses a health risk (manufacture, transport, storage, grower, consumer). The Environmental Working Group reports potato as being among the "dirty dozen" of fruits and vegetables containing pesticide residues, in fact, having the highest average ppm of any of the items tested (http://www.foodnews.org/reportcard.php on May 4th 2004). This is a striking expression of the need to continue NRSP-6 service so genetic alternatives to pesticides can be found and deployed. [See Appendices 3 and 5 for specific service activities that are promoting use of NRSP-6 germplasm and thereby a more productive, versatile, profitable, nutritious and environmentally safe potato crop]
Relevance to Stakeholders
NRSP-6 stakeholders are researchers, breeders and those who use their product (i.e., producers). Here are the reasons why there is a continued need and relevance of NRSP-6 service to stakeholders, and why US scientists (and foreign ones, for that matter) will depend on NRSP-6 germplasm more, not less in the future:
- No other public or private programs have come forward as being willing or able to provide the unique services of NRSP-6. Fifty years of public support of this genebank has resulted in the world's premier collection of over 5,000 items of germplasm for the world's most important non-cereal crop. At least 40% of these are unique. Failure to acknowledge a continued need for NRSP-6 presumably would call for discarding this germplasm or entrusting it multiple state and private programs with no centralized government oversight. Neither choice would be consistent with the best interests of US agriculture, or historic US germplasm policy.
- The need for potato research and breeding is not declining. Development of technology has enhanced the quantity and impact of research and publications involving germplasm. There are more private breeders, more seedlings grown for yearly selection, more sophisticated facets of evaluation, and more varieties being released. The onus to gather, format and distribute information efficiently has greatly increased because communication and data management technology has made it possible. There is a growing need for adapted varieties in rapidly expanding production areas like Asia. World demand is nowhere near saturation, since there are huge population centers with only a fraction of the per capita consumption potential demonstrated in the US and Europe. Similarly, world yield index is still far below the potential demonstrated in areas where genetics are finely tuned to growing conditions (average yields in India and China are less than half of that in US), showing that there is still a great deal NRSP-6 germplasm can contribute.
- Acquisition of germplasm from foreign genebanks or directly from the wild is getting even less practical for US researchers. Other genebanks have faced financial problems or reorganization which have reduced their capacity to maintain availability of germplasm and services. Countries with native potato germplasm to share are doing so less freely due to policies reflecting feelings of national ownership and problematic expectations of "benefit sharing" that have delayed access indefinitely.
- Despite advances in quarantine testing technology and organization, access to imported germplasm will continue to be delayed by one or two years. And if we want to avoid the wasted time and expense of having quarantine repeatedly process the same material for multiple importers, we need the coordination, information and preservation provided by a genebank.
- Pressure to reduce agrichemical inputs that may threaten the health of humans and the environment has increased, making genetic solutions through germplasm even more urgent.
- Physiological constraints such as a need for cold tolerance (applied especially to the mountain growing regions like the Andes but everywhere subject to the global cycle of wider weather fluctuations), heat and CO2 (global warming), water and fertilizer use efficiency (loss of Klamath basin water rights, phosphates in lakes, nitrates in groundwater, energy costs for pumping water and making fertilizer) have increased, as well as a general need to increase the adapted range of potato to production areas where it would benefit the world economy.
- Technology has increased the possibilities for germplasm use making it more valuable. The prospects of easily identifying and mining genes from exotic germplasm (reducing the long and expensive process of conventional breeding) makes the service of NRSP-6 even more valuable. Even if GMO's are banned, consider this one example: We are just opening the door of genomics that will make it possible to tag genes in very weedy, uncrossable species and then very efficiently screen for those genes in germplasm that can be easily used for conventional breeding. This application of biotech to more efficient screening has enormous potential.
<b>Objectives, milestones and deliverables. </b>Seek and introduce valuable stocks, preserve them in the most effective manner (maintaining maximum genetic diversity and a sufficient quantity of propagules such that nearly 100% of the collection is available for distribution), evaluate them for useful traits, document them and manage records so that germplasm users are aware of this resource and deliver vigorous, healthy stocks to users according to their needs. Follow plan detailed in section C.1.a.i. above
<b>Assessment of Productivity. </b>Section 4 following details how we have produced and measured impact in the past and how we intend to build on that productivity in the future. See also Appendix 6.
Projected Outcomes
Management, Budget and Business Plan
Acquire germplasm. We need to continue to put effort into collecting in Latin America, notably Peru, before native populations are lost to habitat degradation and while local collectors who have first hand knowledge of their locations are still working. We should continue the convenient and inexpensive collecting effort in the USA for the sake of preserving that germplasm and using it as models for genebank studies to identify factors that affect the status and dynamics of genetic diversity in the genebank and the wild. We need to continue to be aware of worldwide developments in germplasm opportunities, and anticipate the needs of US breeders by requesting useful stocks from other ex situ sources.
- Classify germplasm. The ARS taxonomist will continue to assign species names to all items in the genebank and do the research and evaluation work necessary to make the classification system more stable and useful as a predictor of the germplasm's traits. He will continue and extend work to elucidate the systematic relationships of domesticated potato and its wild relatives.
- Preserve germplasm. With the collection at 4600 active populations and growing, we need to be increasing seedlots at the rate of 150-200 per year for a 25-30 year cycle. We need to direct resources to keep pace, and promote research that will provide the knowledge and technology needed to increase efficiency of seed production while keeping the maximum genetic diversity. We need to continue to direct resources toward maintenance of the clonal tissue culture stocks. Potato cultivars and other special selections are propagated clonally, and are subject to systemic viruses that must not be allowed to contaminate production or breeding programs. Botanical seeds are also subject to (notably) PSTV, a highly infectious viroid that cannot be cured. NRSP-6 must not be a source of diseased germplasm, so will continue putting time and resources toward keeping stocks disease-free and doing the testing to confirm them as such.
- Keep records for management and outreach. We need to continue to invest the resources to keep internal records that help us efficiently manage the genebank, and have accurate, up to date data to share with germplasm users (via GRIN, for example).
- Evaluate germplasm. We need to direct resources toward broad and basic evaluation for traits not currently in the mainstream of research. Our goal should be to have a comprehensive outlook on potato germplasm, notice or envision new traits or new sources with economic potential, conduct a preliminary screen and characterization, and announce the discovery to the research community in the form of on-line databases and scientific publications. The subjects of past evaluation will continue. In addition, we intend to expand efforts to prospect for traits with direct consumer impact like nutritional, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer factors. We must be generalists with the common denominator or germplasm so be shrewd about which evaluation projects to choose and how far to take them. Some evaluations pertaining directly to potato germplasm (like seed germination studies) will be best done in-house. But we are convinced that it will usually be much more efficient to partner with programs outside the genebank that have expertise and facilities already in place. This approach has the added benefit of keeping us in tune with the needs of scientists in the respective Regions.
- Manage personnel and resources. We will: Manage staff time and budget to maximize efficiency and flexibility. The emphasis on this is tied to the reality that personnel costs represent the biggest category in the budget. Strive to make prudent decisions on what we should do in-house and what should be hired or purchased. Hold weekly group meetings to make sure the team is working together cooperatively, safely, and respective strengths are matched to the tasks at hand. Conduct annual self-review of overall project progress each year with local staff, and individual staff performance evaluations. Hold TAC meeting on site every other year to report, tour facilities, provide "face time" with all local staff, and solicit management input from national experts. Each year prepare CSREES Annual Report, UW Hort Department Professional Activity Report, and ARS Performance Plan Appraisal, as ways to invite feedback on methods, focus and management.
- Deliver germplasm and services. We need to continue the rapid delivery of high quality germplasm and information. To meet that goal, we will continue the mindset of considering ourselves a business that needs to vigorously compete for the customer's order, and consider his research success to be ours too. But maximum service goes far beyond delivering the particular stocks a customer requests. We need to also be able to advise on selection of research germplasm, and the most appropriate form and techniques by which to study or hybridize it. To do this, we will need to continue to invest time in keeping in touch by being involved in the science, studying the literature, training students, participating in professional societies and collaborating with many state and federal potato researchers in the US, and with our counterparts in potato genebanks abroad.
- Human resource inputs. The plan to accomplish the above will include national administration through a Technical Committee, and local administration by the ARS Project Leader, Taxonomist and Research Leader. Taxonomist and Research Leader will be stationed at UW-Madison, and Project Leader at Sturgeon Bay (see Appendix E).
- ARS inputs. Associated base research budgets from ARS scientists and various sources of outside grant funds obtained by these individuals also support technical research, labor, supplies and equipment that directly enhance NRSP-6 service. ARS Project Leader and Taxonomist are officially designated at 80% and 40% appointment to NRSP-6, respectively. However, the creation of those positions in ARS was primarily motivated by a need to support the genebank with taxonomic and genetic leadership and expertise, and their work is 100% involved with the interests of NRSP-6 germplasm. The same is true of the Germplasm Enhancement Geneticist at Madison involved exclusively in research aimed at prebreeding with NRSP-6 germplasm. Although this position has no formal appointment to NRSP-6, it has a byproduct of generating evaluation data for economic traits and discovering how to make introgression more efficient. All activities by these three programs involve making potato germplasm better understood and more easily used, so all of the resources they expend can be considered a contribution to NRSP-6. In addition, two other positions in the USDA,ARS Vegetable Crop Research Unit are partially involved in studying and breeding the genebank stocks: a Late Blight Plant Pathologist and Post harvest Storage Physiologist. ARS administration costs at the Midwest Area and National Levels are also significant. ARS also provides data management services through GRIN, and a yearly evaluation grant administered by the Crop Germplasm Committee, of which Project Leader is chairman (see Budget Tables 5-7).
- University of Wisconsin inputs. The University of Wisconsin Department of Horticulture (HORT) will provide lab and office space for on-campus research that directly supports the NRSP-6 service, with administrative and secretarial support for Madison personnel provided jointly by ARS and HORT. The University of Wisconsin Peninsula Agricultural Research Station at Sturgeon Bay (PARS) will continue to be the headquarters of NRSP-6. PARS will contribute much of the needed facilities and associated resources: 10 greenhouses, 5 large screenhouses, office and storage buildings, two labs, field plots, travel and farm vehicles, security and maintenance, utilities (including the major input of heat and light for greenhouses), plus some secretarial service. HORT also provides administration of personnel for local state employees and graduate students under the supervision of the ARS personnel. UW provides accounting services for the NRSP-6 budget.
- Grants and Collaborator inputs. ARS scientists will continue to get grants and engage numerous state, federal and international collaborators who contribute expertise, facilities, equipment and funds to joint projects. Project Leader will continue as chairman of the Crop Germplasm Committee, which provides $15-18K in germplasm evaluation funds each year.
- No fees for service. Charging fees for services has been suggested several times in the past, but always determined to be impractical and counterproductive because:
- implementation would be costly and complicated,
- it would depress germplasm distribution and use, and
- it would contradict US policy of free exchange and perhaps inhibit donations of germplasm to NRSP-6.
- CSREES-SAES input. NRSP-6 is the NPGS working genebank for the nation's top vegetable, so is perpetual in nature and national in scope. It would be problematic to effectively support such a project wholly with multiple short-term grants or other soft sources. For over 50 years, the two important elements of funding and administration for NRSP-6 have developed as a partnership of SAES, USDA/ARS, and UW. Continued significant funding and technical/administrative inputs on an interregional basis are seen as necessary to keep this partnership healthy so as to maintain the project's impact and efficiency. The flat budgets of the past (at about $160K-Table 1), combined with necessary increases in the size and services of the project have already resulted in MRF supplying a reduced share of support over the project term, and reduced discretionary funds (Table 2). For MRF resources to cut back to funding only the most core service components of the project (positioned staff salaries, TAC travel, supplies and services most closely tied to preservation, validation, documentation and distribution of germplasm), we estimate the basic need would be about $175K in 2004 dollars (Table 3), or $190+K over the FY2006-10 term (Table 4), anticipating modest inflation. This does not include the historic NRSP-6 efforts related to research (genebank-oriented technical research, graduate student salary and supplies, supplies and equipment shared by NRSP-6 service and ARS research efforts) and would not include 100% FTE salary for the two positions currently filled by staff working at 75% and 80%. The above demonstrates how even a reduced share of inputs by MRF would need a 20% increase in OTT funding for the FY06-10 project. Regardless, we understand that a mandate to reduce overall OTT funding and/or make it more flexible means NRSP project renewals generally must propose smaller budgets. Thus, we propose a reduction of 5% per year to 75% in the final (5th) project year.
- Business plan for 25% reduction. Plan: The budget proposal above anticipates a progressive loss of about 8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 thousand dollars over the project term, or an average of $24K per year. The most transparent and convenient way to shift the burden will be by deferring purchase of non-essential supplies, services, equipment and ad hoc labor or purchasing them with with alternate funds. But even if all other outlays are eliminated, the current staff cannot be maintained with a 5% annual reduction. So a reduction in FTE supported by MRF must occur in FY08. A high priority will be given to finding funding mechanisms that will allow core personnel to continue as UW employees to maintain host-state ownership and minimize disruption of the cohesion of the current staff. Alternate sources: Various possibilitiies for recovering a reduction in OTT funds were discussed at the joint TAC and CSREES Review meetings held in late June 2004. These included a regional or interregional project funded by a consortium of potato states, additional inputs from from ARS, or a CSREES Special Grant. Pursuit of outside competitive grants and unfunded synergistic collaborations that boost the project's impact will be continued. It is difficult to be more specific about the sources and relative significance of alternate funding sources at this time.
- Acquire germplasm to expand genetic diversity contained in the US Solanum germplasm collection. Solanum species will be collected in Latin America each year according to priorities set by NRSP-6 [Peru - 158, US - 56, Honduras & Panama - 5. Major collecting planned in Peru thwarted for reasons beyond our control]. Germplasm of interest will be requested from CIP, BGRC, and other potato genebanks based on the new global evaluation database [207 new clonal stocks incorporated, got LB stocks from BGRC, got 105 rescue stocks from VIR via Poland]. ARS releases will be incorporated into the NPGS collection [NSSL was designated as repository for these]. Documentation of all new introductions will be computerized and entered into the national germplasm database, the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), local databases, and the Intergenebank Potato Database [done].
- Classify accessions with species names which will serve as stable identifiers, and promote efficient utilization. Species names will be assigned to all new accessions [done]. Taxonomic studies using both molecular and classical techniques will be employed to determine stable species boundaries [done-- see Spooner CV]. The herbarium will be updated to include new collections, labels will be printed and affixed where missing, and a catalog listing available herbarium specimens will be printed and distributed [Available on Internet instead of print, duplicate samples of each species now also deposited in National Arboretum herbarium].
- Preserve all NRSP-6 germplasm in secure, disease free, and readily available form according to best current technology and conduct research pursuant to improving that technology. Research to identify less expensive, easier, and more reliable ways to grow and increase potato germplasm will continue [e.g., tentative detection of apomixis]. We will research the potential of remote growouts [done successfully for late blight screening, tested field tuberization in FL, TX, HI, NC], straw mulch for weed control [markedly reduces hand weeding], improved potting media [identified and avoided media that depresses germ], treatments to improve uniformity of germination [evaluated heat pads, germination cabinet, in vitro germination, longer GA presoak, predictivity of tetrazolium viability testing], pollination techniques [tested and incorporated use of bee sticks for difficult crosses, continuous fertilization for better flowering, technique for raising plants above soil to prevent tuberization and enhance flower retention]. Samples of new germplasm will be transferred to NSSL and/or the University of Wisconsin for backup [done-virtually all seed accessions that can be deposited in NSSL are now there]. Rigorous disease prevention and monitoring practices (mainly for viruses) will be continued [4674 PSTV tests done, in vitro collection maintained]. These are important because the potato crop and clonal gemplasm is vegetatively propagated and these systemic viruses can contaminate breeding and research programs, cause seed production fields to be rejected, and disqualify the crop for foreign export. We will add bacterial ring rot screening to the health monitoring protocol for the in vitro collection [done], and will experiment with modified atmospheres to improve long term in vitro storage [not done]. What is the best genetic sample of diversity for each species, and how do we most efficiently collect and maintain it? We will pursue lab equipment and staff for molecular marker analysis to quantify genetic relationships within species [started on site and expanded capacity in Madison. See Appendix 2 for specific accomplishments in this area]. Research into the in situ status of US germplasm will be done as groundwork, and an in situ preservation project will be started in the Southwest US [surveyed and collected populations from the southwest USA each year 1992-2003].
- Distribute germplasm, associated data and advice to all researchers and breeders in a timely, efficient, and impartial manner. Quick and impartial distribution of germplasm will be maintained. [55,390 units distributed, = 44,475 seed packets, 8,443 in vitro tubes, 3,766 tuber families, and 368 herbarium specimens to 291 cooperators from 36 different states and 35 different countries]. An updated catalog of available stocks will be prepared, printed, and distributed to cooperators [now all on-line].
- Evaluate the collection for as many important traits as possible. Unpublished screening data of experiments conducted by cooperators will be requested, and published reports will be reviewed to gather evaluation information [done by Spooner under CGC grant 2002]. Data will be summarized, compiled with previous information, and made available in GRIN, local databases, published research papers and printed catalogs [done. Catalogs now on Internet because print form is obsolete]. We need to do more systematic screening for economic traits, their genetic characterization, and the identification of specific individuals and/or populations which are best candidates for enhancement [began or continued projects on Late blight, cold tolerance, tuber calcium, root mass, antioxidants, glycoalkaloids, hormone mutants, tumor inhibition, resistance to Jelly end disease-- see Appendix 3 for details].
- Collaborate with foreign potato genebanks for global database development, exchange of materials and technology, and free access of germplasm. Intergenebank collaboration initiated in 1990 will be continued and expanded to aid NRSP-6 in meeting its goals. It is essential that the US continue active cooperation with other world genebanks for the most efficient collection and preservation of potato genetic resources, and for building international relations which will insure future access to native germplasm in Latin America. [e.g., published global potato database on the web, joint research conducted on parity of reputed duplicate collections at CIP and VIR and sources of nematode resistance with VIR, hosted VIR colleague at 1999 and 2000 Potato Assn Meetings, led APIC meetings at European Potato Assn in Germany 2003 and at Latin American Potato Assn in Chile 2004 - see also Appendices 1 and 5]. World potato genebanks have overlapping technical challenges, collections, and customers, so NRSP-6 is also a key support and backup for these genebanks.
The close working relationship and involvement of the major participants (ARS, PARS, UW) has already been described. In brief: The Project leadership is composed of ARS employees who must interact with ARS administration and be subject to performance evaluation related to NRSP-6 service appointments. ARS administration is part of the NRSP-6 TAC. PARS provides the physical location of NRSP-6, and coordination between the objectives of the two programs takes place on a daily basis. Most of the local NRSP-6 staff are UW employees. The ARS staff are full professors in the UW Department of Horticulture, have departmental lab and office space, and supervise graduate students who work on potato germplasm projects. ARS staff share equipment and participate in cooperative research with their state HORT peers. Thus, the very strong UW HORT potato research program is fully engaged in NRSP-6 project activities pursuant to the enhancement of NRSP-6 service. NRSP-6 has led the effort to coordinate the activities of world genebanks through the Association of Potato Intergenebank Collaborators (APIC). NRSP-6 is a fully-engaged member of the National Plant Germplasm System. Staff attend all meetings of the advisory committee for genebank directors (PGOC) and the committee for the national germplasm management database (GRIN). NRSP-6 staff are fully engaged in state potato programs. We participate in scientific, grower meetings, and fields days and conduct collaborative research with a view to better understanding the needs of the industry and getting input regarding how NRSP-6 can meet them [see Appendix 5 for details including new partnerships and their positive impact on stakeholders].
Outreach, Communications and Assessment
- Plan (continue and expand the following initiatives)
- Audience and Visibility. The primary recipients of our service are breeders and the scientists doing research that supports breeding. We also serve researchers seeking to optimize germplasm management. Home gardeners and non-professional botanists are not turned away. We have a general educational outreach. For example, we provided free brochures to National Park and Monument visitors in AZ, NM, UT and CO, and routinely give tours, talks to public school classes and other groups, advice on germplasm use technology (e.g., on the web) or in personal correspondence associated with germplasm orders or cooperative research and evaluation projects. We attract publicity in popular media and communicate to scientists through published scientific research papers involving NRSP-6 germplasm. Create, maintain and distribute brochures. Make collaborative partnerships with high-profile national and international potato experts. Contribute to scientific meetings. Serve in leadership roles in potato research associations and journals. Establish an email group and website with which to keep in regular contact with germplasm users. Participate fully with GRIN. Pursue global outreach and awareness of NRSP-6 through involvement in the Association of Potato Intergenebank Collaborators (APIC). Give tours and talks to professional and non-professional visitors or groups and present posters at meetings. Maintain association with strong reputation of Department of Horticulture, UW-Madison. [See Appendix 1. for details of accomplishments and plan for promoting visibility of the NRSP-6 service].
- Engagement of stakeholders. NRSP-6 established an email group and offer stocks and services 3-4 times per year. We will continue to ask Potato Assn of America Breeding and Genetics section members for suggestions on how to improve service each year. Regional Tech reps annually poll germplasm recipients about satisfaction with service. As CGC chair, Project Leader must survey germplasm evaluation needs. We correspond meaningfully with recipients of each order to make sure their needs were completely met, ask for suggestions or other ways we could improve service [see Appendix 5 for details].
- Method to measure accomplishments and impacts. The most important documented evidence with which to measure impact is the advance of practical knowledge about germplasm reflected by formal research publications using NRPS-6 stocks and the presence of exotic germplasm in pedigrees of new cultivar releases (that practical knowledge transformed into a better crop). These milestones of progress are the fruits NRSP-6 distributions of germplasm to the states and regions documented in Appendix 6. Informal, but much more specific and timely is the individual feedback from germplasm recipients who often confirm that their work could not have been accomplished without the materials and advice they were provided.
- communication pieces. Locally generated brochures, web pages, poster at meetings. The "Southwest Potato" brochure as a deliberate effort to connect germplasm with concepts the popular audience already understands and cares about (anthropology, ecology, food). Clearly, the ultimate audience and stakeholder is the individual taxpayer and voter. The danger of doing excellent, important work but not communicating it in terms the public can understand has not escaped us. But while we probably are in the best position to think of points that promote our work, it takes a precious investment of time. Staff are already working at capacity to fulfill the basic work of the Project because budgets are tight. The most promising opportunities to address this problem are in the efficiency of the Internet, and being lucky enough to be invited to tell our story in widely distributed popular outlets like Agricultural Research magazine and various grower magazines.
- mechanisms for distribution of the results. Annual Report, notes of accomplishments and plans in preliminary pages of annual Budget Requests, and TAC meeting minutes are on the web. Technical, administrative, and other ad hoc advisors also receive a one-page monthly report composed of 10-12 bullets of news or accomplishment so that they can have current information about the course of the project, make suggestions and ask questions. Otherwise, IR-1/NRSP-6 has always had the philosophy that the best and only way to catch the attention of germplasm users, communicate effectively with them, and understand their needs is to become their peers by being germplasm users ourselves and vigorously participating in all aspects of the science. Example: Our work with tuber calcium and the example of CSREES/ARS/University cooperation in practical application of germplasm was reported in Agricultural Research Magazine, Business Week and other popular publications read by a broad professional and popular audience. The value of our work in developing gibberellin deficiency mutants was specifically mentioned in three of the four invited talks for the plenary symposium at the 2003 Potato Assn of America meeting: "Recent advances in the physiology of tuberization and dormancy."
- Past successes (see Appendices 1, 5 and 6 for full details. Appendix 7 is CSREES Review Team's report of on-site review held June 30-July 2, 2004).
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationLiterature Cited
Please refer to Appendices 1-6 (attached).