NC1025: Mycotoxins:Biosecurity and Food Safety (NC129)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
(Publications with authors from more than one NC-1025 location are indicated with an asterix.)
*Angawi, R.F., Swenson, D.C., Gloer, J.B., Wicklow, D.T. 2005. Malettins B-D: New polyketide metabolites from an unidentified fungal colonist of Hypoxylon stromata (NRRL 29110). Journal of Natural Products 68 (2): 212-216.
Bluhm, B. H. and Woloshuk. 2005. Amylopectin induces fumonisin B1 production by Fusarium verticillioides during colonization of maize kernels. Mol. Plant Microbiol. Interact. 12:1333-1339.
Bok J-W, Hoffmeister D, Maggio-Hall L, Murillo R, Glassner J, Keller NP. (2006) Genomic mining for Aspergillus natural products. Chemistry & Biology 13: 31-7.
Bok J.-W., Balajee S. A., Marr K. A., Andes D., Fog Nielsen K., Frisvad J. C., Keller N. P. (2005) LaeA, a regulator of morphogenetic fungal virulence factors. Euk Cell 4: 1574-82.
Brown, D.W., Cheung, F., Proctor, R. H., Butchko, R.A.E. Zheng, L., Lee, Y., Utterback, T., Smith, S., Feldblyum, T., Glenn, A., Plattner, R.D., Butchko, R., Kendra, D.F., Town, C.D. and Whitelaw, C.A. 2005. Analysis of 87,000 expressed sequence tags from the fumonisin-producing fungus Fusarium verticillioides. Fungal Genetic and Biology. 42:848-861.
Cooley, C., Bluhm, B. H., Reuhs, B. L., and Woloshuk, C. P. 2005. Glass-fiber disks provide suitable medium to study polyol production and gene expression in Eurotium rubrum. Mycologia 97:743-750.
Dakovic A, Tomasevic-Can0vic M, Dondur V, Rottinghaus GE, Medakovic V, and Zaric S. Adsorption of mycotoxins by organozeolites. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 46:20-25, 2005.
Deshmukh S, Asrani RK, Jindal N, Ledoux DR, Rottinghaus GE, Sharma M, and Singh SP. Effects of Fusarium moniliforme culture material, containing known levels of fumonisin B1 on progress of Salmonella gallinarum infection in Japanese quail: Clinical signs and hematological studies. Avian Diseases 49:274-280, 2005.
Deshmukh S, Asrani RK, Ledoux DR, Jindal N, Rottinghaus GE, Sharma M, and Singh SP. Individual and combined effects of Fusarium moniliforme culture material, containing known levels of fumonisin B1, and Salmonella gallinarum infection on liver of Japanese quail. Avian Diseases 49:592-600, 2005.
*Desjardins, A. E., Jarosz, A. M., Plattner, R. D., Alexander, N. J., Brown, D. W., and Jurgenson, J. E. 2004. Patterns of trichothecene production, genetic variability, and virulence to whear of Fusarium graminearum from smallholder farms in Nepal. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52:6341-6346.
Dombrink-Kurtzman, M.A, Blackburn, J.A. 2005. Evaluation of several culture media for production of patulin by Penicillium species. International Journal of Food Microbiology 98: 241-248.
Dyer, R. B., Plattner, R. D., Kendra, D. F., and Brown, D. B. 2005. Fusarium graminearum TRI14 is required for high virulence and DON production on wheat but not for DON synthesis in vitro. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 53:9281-9287.
*Fernandez-Surumay, G.,Osweiler, G.D., Yaeger, M.J., Rottinghaus, G.E., Hendrich, S., Buckley, L.K., Murphy. P.A. Fumonisin B-glucose reaction products are less toxic when fed to swine. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53: 4264-4271.
Foreman, J. H., Peter D. Constable, A.L. Waggoner, M. Levy, R.M. Eppley, G.W. Smith, M.E. Tumbleson, W.M. Haschek. (2004) Equine leukoencephalomalacia: Neurological abnormalities and cerebrospinal fluid changes in horses administered fumonisin B1 intravenously. Am. J. Vet Int. Med. 18: 223-230.
Gaffoor, I., and F. Trail. 2006. Characterization of two polyketide synthase genes involved in zearalenone biosynthesis in Gibberella zeae. Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. 72:1793-1799.
*Gaffoor, I., Brown, D. W., Plattner, R., Proctor, R. H., Qi, W., and Trail, F. 2005. Functional analysis of the polyketide synthase genes in the filamentous fungus Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum). Euk Cell. 4:1926-1933.
Gupta S, Jindal N, Khokhar RS, Gupta AK, Ledoux DR, and Rottinghaus GE. Effect of ochratoxin A on Salmonella gallinarum challenged broiler chicks. British J Poultry Science 46(4): 443-450, 2005.
Hammond TM, Keller NP. (2005) RNA silencing in Aspergillus nidulans is independent of RNA dependent RNA polymerases. Genetics 169: 607-17.
*Javed, T., Bunte, R.M., Dombrink-Kurtzman, M.A., Richard, J.L., Bennett, G.A., Cote, L.M., Buck, W.B. 2005. Comparative pathologic changes in broiler chicks on feed amended with Fusarium proliferatum culture material or purified fumonisin B1 and moniliformin. Mycopathologia. 159(4):553-564.
Keller N.P, Turner G., Bennett J.W. (2005) Fungal secondary metabolism: from biochemistry to genomics. Nature Reviews Microbiology 3:937-47.
*Kleinschmidt, C.E., Clements, M.J., Maragos, C.M., Pataky, J.K., White, D.G. 2004. Evaluation of food-grade dent corn hybrids for severity of Fusarium ear rot and fumonisin accumulation in grain. Plant Disease. 89(3):291-297.
Kottapalli, B., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and P. Schwarz. 2005. Evaluation of Gaseous Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide Treatments for Reducing Fusarium Survival in Malting Barley. J. Food Protection. 6:1236-1240.
Landgren C. 2005. Murine immunomodulation by low-dose dietary deoxynivalenol and improved detection methods for deoxynivalenol. Ph. D. Dissertation, Iowa State University Library, Ames, IA.
*Li, C., Gloer, J.B., Wicklow, D.T., Dowd, P.F. 2005. Antiinsectan decaturin and oxalicine analogs from Penicillium thiersii. Journal of Natural Products. Journal of Natural Products 68 (3): 319-322.
Maggio-Hall L., Wilson R., Keller N. P. (2005) Fundamental contribution of b-oxidation to polyketide mycotoxin production in planta. Mol Plant Microbe Interactions: 18: 783-793.
Manning BB, Terhune JS, Li MH, Robinson EH, Wise DJ, and Rottinghaus GE. Exposure to feed-borne mycotoxins T-2 toxin or ochratoxin A causes increased mortality of channel catfish challenged with Edwardsiella ictaluri. J Aquatic Animal Health 17(2):147-152, 2005.
Mansfield, M. A., De Wolf, E. D., and Kuldau, G. A. 2005. Effect of weather conditions, cultural practices, and feed quality on deoxynivalenol content in maize silage. Plant Disease, 89:1151-1157.
Maragos, C.M. 2004. Detection of moniliformin in maize using capillary electrophoresis. Food Additives and Contaminants. 21(8):803-810.
Maragos, C.M. 2004. Emerging technologies for mycotoxin detection. Journal of Toxicology Toxin Reviews. 23(2-3):317-344.
McAlpin, C.E., Horn, B.W., Wicklow, D.T. 2005. DNA fingerprinting analysis of vegetative compatibility groups in Aspergillus caelatus. Mycologia 97 (1): 70-76.
*McDonald T., Brown D., Keller N. P., Hammond TM. (2005) Inverted Repeat Transgenes Silence Mycotoxin Production in Aspergillus and Fusarium species. Mol Plant Microbe Interactions 18:539-545.
McDonald T, Noordermeer D, Zhang Y-Q, Hammond T, Keller NP (2005) The ST cluster revisited: Lessons from a genetic model. Book Chapter in Aflatoxin and Food Safety, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
Neirman et al. (many authors) (2005). Genomic sequence of the pathogenic and allergenic filamentous fungus Aspergillus fumigatus. Nature 438:1151-6.
Naudè TW, Botha CJ, Vorster JH, Roux C, van der Linde E, van der Walt SI, Rottinghaus GE, van Jaarsveld L, and Lawrence AN. Claviceps cyperi, a new cause of serious ergotism in dairy cattle consuming maize silage and tef hay contaminated with ergotised Cyperus esculentus (nut sedge) on the Highveld of South Africa. Onderstepoort J Vet Tox 72(1):23-37, 2005.
Ogunbo SO, Ledoux DR, Bermudez AJ, and Rottinghaus GE. Effects of fusaric acid in broiler chicks and turkey poults. International J Poultry Science 4(6): 356-359, 2005.
Peterson, S.W., Bayer, E.B., Wicklow, D.T. 2004. Penicillium thiersii, Penicillium angularae and Penicillium decaturense, new species isolated from wood-decay fungi in North America and their phylogenic placement from multilocus DNA sequence analysis. Mycologia 96 (6): 1280-1293.
*Ravi S. Bojja, Cerny, R.L., Proctor, R.H. and Du, L. 2004. Determining the biosynthetic sequence in the early steps of the fumonisin pathway by use of three gene-disruption mutants of Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 52:2855-2860.
Rooney, A.P., Swezey, J.L., Wicklow, D.T., McAtee, M.J. 2005. Bacterial species diversity in cigarettes linked to an investigation of severe pneumonitis in U.S. military personnel deployed in operation Iraqi freedom. Current Microbiology [serial online] Available: http://www.springerlink.com.
Tessari ENC, Oliveira CAF, Cardoso ALSP, Ledoux DR, and Rottinghaus GE. Effects of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 on the levels of serum aspartate amino-transferase and total protein of broilers. Arquivos do Instituto Biol 72 (2):185-189, 2005.
Tsitsigiannis D I and Keller NP. Oxylipins act as determinants of natural product biosynthesis and seed colonization in Aspergillus nidulans (2006) Mol Microbiol 59:882-92.
Tsitsigiannis D. I., Kunze S, Willis D K, Feussner I, Keller NP. (2005) Aspergillus infection inhibits the expression of peanut 13S-HPODE-forming seed lipoxygenases. Mol Plant Microbe Interactions 18: 1081-1089.
Tsitsigiannis D. I., Koweiski, T., Zarnowski R., Keller N.P. (2005) Three putative oxylipin biosynthetic genes integrate sexual and asexual development in Aspergillus nidulans. Microbiology 151:1809-21.
Tsitsigiannis D. I., Bok J.-W., Andes D., Fog Nielsen K., Frisvad J. C., Keller N. P. (2005) Aspergillus cyclooxygenase-like enzymes are associated with prostaglandin production and virulence. Infect Immunol: 73:4548-59.
Verkley, G.J.M., da Silva, M., Wicklow, D.T., Crous, P.W. 2004. Paraconiothyrium, a new genus to accommodate the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans, anamorphs of Paraphaeosphaeria, and four new species. Studies in Mycology (Centenary Volume) 50: 323-335.
Wicklow, D.T., Roth, S., Deyrup, S.T., Gloer, J.B. 2005. A protective endophyte of maize: Acremonium zeae antibiotics inhibitory to Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium verticillioides. Mycological Research 109 (5): 610-618.
Yu J-H, Keller N.P. Regulation of secondary metabolism in filamentous fungi. (2005) Ann Rev Phytopathology: 43:437-58.
Abstracts and Proceedings
Boddeda, A. and C.E. Wolf-Hall. 2005. Effect of Storage Time and Moisture on Deoxynivalenol and Ochratoxin A in Raw Barley. Annual meeting of the Midwest Section American Society for Microbiology. Ames, Iowa, September 22-23.
Boddeda, A. and C.E. Wolf-Hall. 2005. Multiplex real-time PCR method to simultaneously detect and quantify deoxynivalenol and ochratoxin A producing fungi. Poster at the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 11-13.
Haschek, W. M. (2004) Cardiovascular effects of chronic fumonisin B1 ingestion in Sinclair minipigs. Tox Sci 78(1-S):Abs 828.
Hsiao S-H, Constable P, Tumbleson M, Haschek, W. M. (2004) Both sphinganine and sphingosine are cytotoxic to H9C2[2-1] cardiomyocytes and HEPG2 hepatocytes. Tox Sci 78(1-S):Abs 823.
Kuldau, G. and C. Bacon. 2005. Clavicipitaceous endophytes, their ability to enhance plant resistance to multiple stresses. Phytopathology 95:S138.
Kuldau, G. A., and M. A. Mansfield. 2006. Mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi in silages. Silage for Dairy Farms Conference, pp. 91-99, January 23-25, 2006, Camp Hill, PA, Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service, Ithaca, NY.
Mansfield, M. A. and Kuldau, G. A. 2005. Levels and frequencies of Penicillium mycotoxins in fresh and ensiled maize. Phytopathology 95:S64.
Mansfield, M. A., Archibald, D. D.,Jones,A. D., and Kuldau, G. A. 2005. Frequency and levels of two classes of sphinganine analog mycotoxins in maize silage. Phytopathology 95:S171.
Nita, M., Tilley, K., DeWolf, E., and Kuldau, G. 2005. Effects of moisture during and after anthesis on the development of Fusarium Head Blight of wheat and mycotoxin production. In: Canty, S. M., Lewis, J., Siler, L., and Ward, R. W. (Eds.), Proceedings of the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum; 2005 Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, MN. East Lansing: Michigan State University. pp. 125-128.
Smith, G. W., Constable, P. D., Fredrickson, R. L., Tumbleson, M. E., Eppley, R. M., Haschek, W. M. (2004) Cardiovascular effects of chronic fumonisin B1 ingestion in Sinclair minipigs. Tox Sci 78(1-S):Abs 828.
Smith, G. W., W. M. Haschek, R. L.. Fredrickson, M. E. Tumbleson, R. M. Eppley, J. James, P. D. Constable (2004). Effect of fumonisin B1 ingestion on serum folate, homocyteine, and methionine concentrations in Sinclair minipigs. Experimental Biology, Abs. 8456, APS American Physiological Soc., Topic 1009 APS Blood pressure regulation (Cardiovascular Section Posters)
Riley, R.T., Gelineau-van Waes, J. ,Voss, K.A., Sharma, R.P., Haschek, W. M. and Constable, P. D. Toxicology of the fumonisins and neural tube defects. XI International IUPAC Symposium, May 17-21, 2004, O-20, p 32-33.
Vijayakumar, C., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and F. Manthey. 2005. Fusarium infection, DON content and microbial loads in durum wheat from the Northern Plains: 2001-2004. Poster at the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 11-13.
Zhang, H., C.E. Wolf-Hall, and C.A. Hall III. 2005. Deoxynivalenol and 15-acetyldeoxynivalenol production by Fusarium graminearum strains grown in semi-defined media with different carbohydrate sources. Poster at the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, December 11-13.
Zitomer, N. C., Geiser, D. M., Archibald, D. D., Jimenez-Gasco, M. M., ODonnell, K., and Kuldau, G. A. 2005. The phylogenetics of fumonisin production in the Gibberella fujikuroi species complex. Phytopathology 95(6): S173.
1. Afolabi, C. G., R. Bandyopadhyay, J. F. Leslie & E. J. A. Ekpo. 2006. Effect of sorting on incidence and occurrence of fumonisin and fumonisin-producing Fusarium species on maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria. Journal of Food Protection 69: 2019-2023.
2. Asrani, R.K., Katoch, R.C., Gupta, V.K., Deshmukh, S., Jindal, N., Ledoux, D.R., Rottinghaus, G.E., Singh, S. P. 2006. Effects of feeding Fusarium verticillioides (formerly F. moniliforme) culture material containing known levels of fumonisin B1 in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). Poultry Science 85:1129-1135.
3. Bandyopadhyay, R., M. Mwangi, S. Aigbe & J. F. Leslie. 2006. Fusarium species from the cassava root rot complex in West Africa. Phytopathology 96: 673-676.
4. Bentley, A. R., M. G. Cromey, M. G., R. Farrokhi-Nejad, J. F. Leslie, B. A. Summerell & L. W. Burgess. 2006. Fusarium crown and root rot pathogens associated with wheat and grass stem bases on the South Island of New Zealand. Australasian Plant Pathology 35: 495-502.
5. Bluhm, B.H., Woloshuk, C.P. 2006. Fck1, a C-type cyclin-dependent kinase, interacts with Fcc1 to regulate development and secondary metabolism in Fusarium verticillioides Fungal Genet. Biol. 43:146-154.
6. Bok, J.W., Chung, D.W., Balajee, S. A., Marr, K. A., Andes, D., Fog Nielsen, K., Frisvad, J. C., Kirby, K., Keller, N. P. 2006. GliZ, a transcriptional regulator of gliotoxin biosynthesis, contributes to Aspergillus fumigatus virulence. Infect Immun 74:6761-6768.
7. Bok J.W., Hoffmeister, D., Maggio-Hall, L., Murillo, R., Keller, N.P. 2006. Genomic mining for Aspergillus natural products. Chemistry & Biology 13:31-27.
8. Bok J.W., Noordermeer D, Kale S P, Keller NP 2006. Secondary metabolic gene cluster silencing in Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Microbiol 61:1636-1645.
9. Brodhagen, M., Keller, N.P. 2006. Signaling pathways connecting mycotoxin production and sporulation. Molecular Plant Pathology 7:285-301.
10. Butkeraitis, P., Oliveira, C.A.F., Ledoux, D.R., Rottinghaus, G.E. 2006. Effects of fumonisin B1 on hematology and serum biochemistry of laying Japanese quail Coturnix japonica. J Poultry Science- Japan 43:301-306.
11. Gaffoor, I., Trail, F. 2006. Characterization of two polyketide synthase genes involved in zearalenone biosynthesis in Gibberella zeae. Appl. and Environ. Microbiol. 72:1793-1799.
12. Goswami, R., Xu, J.R., Trail, F. Hilburn, K., Kistler, H. C. 2006. Genomic analysis of host-pathogen interaction between Fusarium graminearum and wheat during early stages of disease development. Microbiology 152:1877-1890.
13. Gueldener, U., Seong, K.-Y., Boddu, J., Cho, S., Trail, F., Xu, J.-R., Adam, G., Mewes, H.-W., Muehlbauer, G.J., Kistler, H. C. 2006. Development of a Fusarium graminearum Affymetrix GeneChip for profiling fungal gene expression in vitro and in planta. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 43:316-325.
14. Hoffmeister, D., Keller, N.P. 2006. Natural products of filamentous fungi: enzymes, genes, and their regulation. Natural Products Reports 24:393-416.
15. Ileleji, K.E., Maier, D.E, Bhat, C., Woloshuk, C.P. 2006. Detection of a developing hot spot in stored corn with a CO2 sensor Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22:275-289.
16. Jansen van Rensburg, C., Van Rensburg, C., Van Ryssen, J., Casey, N., Rottinghaus, G.E. 2006. In vitro and in vivo assessment of humic acid as an aflatoxin binder in broiler chickens. Poultry Science 85:1576-1583.
17. Keller NP, Bok JW, Chung DW, Perrin RM, Shwab K 2006. LaeA, a global regulator of Aspergillus toxins. Med Mycol 44:583-585.
18. Keller, N. P. 2006. Aspergillus nidulans: A Model for Elucidation of Aspergillus fumigatus Secondary Metabolism. In: J. Heitman (Ed.), Chapter 17 in Molecular Principles of Fungal pathogenesis, ASM Press.
19. Kerényi, Z., B. Oláh, A. Jeney, L. Hornok & J. F. Leslie. 2006. The homologue of het-C of Neurospora crassa lacks vegetative compatibility function in Fusarium proliferatum. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 6527-6532.
20. Kottapalli, B., Wolf-Hall, C.E., Schwarz, P. 2006. Effect of Electron-Beam Irradiation on the Safety and Quality of Fusarium-Infected Malting Barley. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 110:224-231.
21. Landgren, C.A., Kohut, M.L., Hendrich, S. 2006. Low-level dietary deoxynivalenol and acute exercise stress result in immunotoxicity in BALB/c mice. J Immunotoxicol 3:173-8.
22. Leslie, J. F. & B. A. Summerell. 2006. The Fusarium Laboratory Manual. Blackwell Professional Publishing, Ames, Iowa. 385 pp.
23. Leslie, J. F. & B. A. Summerell. 2006. Fusarium Laboratory Workshops A recent history. Mycotoxin Research 22: 73-74.
24. Murphy, P.A., Hendrich, S., Landgren, C. 2006. Scientific Status Summary: Understanding Mycotoxins. Food Technol. 60:50-58.
25. Murphy, P.A., Hendrich, S., Landgren, C. 2006. Scientific Status Summary: Food Mycotoxins-An Update. J. Food Sci. 71:R51-R65.
26. Qi, W., Kwon, C., Trail, F. 2006. Microarray analysis of transcript accumulation during perithecium development in Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum). Molecular Genetics and Genomics 276:87-100.
27. Sagarum, U..S., Kolomiets, M., Shim, W.-B. 2006. Regulation of Fumonisin Biosynthesis in Fusarium verticillioides-Maize System. The Plant Pathology Journal 22 (3):203-210.
28. Sagarum, U. S., Butchko, R.A.E., Shim, W.-B. 2006. GBP1, a putative monomeric G-protein, is negatively associated with fumonisin B1 production in Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant Pathology 7:381-389.
29. Schmale, D. G., J. F. Leslie, K. A. Zeller, A. A. Saleh, E. J. Shields & G. C. Bergstrom. 2006. Genetic structure of atmospheric populations of Gibberella zeae. Phytopathology 96: 1021-1026.
30. Schwarz, P.B., Neate, S., Rottinghaus, G.E. 2006. Widespread occurrence of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) in upper Midwestern barley. Plant Disease 90:527.
31. Tessari, E.N., Oliveira, C.A., Cardoso, L.A., Ledoux, D.R., and Rottinghaus, G.E. 2006. Effects of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 on body weight, antibody titers and histology of broiler chicks. British Poultry Science 47:357-364.
32. Tessari, E.N.C, Oliveira, C.A.F, Cardoso, A.L.S.P, Ledoux, D.L., and Rottinghaus, G.E. 2006. Hematological parameters of broiler chicks fed rations containing aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1. Ciencia Rural 36:924-929.
33. Tsitsigiannis, D. I., Keller, N. P. 2006. Oxylipins act as determinants of natural product biosynthesis and seed colonization in Aspergillus nidulans. Mol Microbiol 59:882-892.
34. Tumbleson, M.E., Meerdink, G.L., Singh, V., Constable, P.D. and Haschek, W.M. 2006 Preharvest control of yeast and molds in commodities. Food Protection Trends. 26: 725-728.
Anderson, L. L., Y.-W. Lee, R. L. Bowden & J. F. Leslie. 2007. Relationships between alleles at lineage diagnostic loci in Fusarium graminearum. Fungal Genetics Newsletter 54(Suppl.): 67.
Bandyopadhyay, R., M. Kumar & J. F. Leslie. 2007. Relative severity of aflatoxin contamination of cereal crops in West Africa. Food Additives and Contaminants 24: 1109-1114.
Bouhired S, Weber M, Kempf-Sontag A, Keller NP, and Hoffmeister D. 2007. Accurate prediction of Aspergillus natural product gene cluster boundaries using the transcriptional regulator LaeA. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44:1134-45.
Cuomo, C., Güldener, U., Xu, J.R., Trail, F., Turgeon, B.G., Di Pietro, A., Walton, J.D., Ma, L-J, Baker, S., Rep, M., Adam, A., Antoniw, J., Baldwin, T., Calvo, S., Chang, Y-L, DeCaprio, D., Gale, L.R., Gnerre, S., Goswami, R.S., Hammond-Kosack, K., Harris, L.J., Hilburn, K., Kennell, J.C., Kroken, S., Magnuson, J.K., Mannhaupt, G., Mauceli, E., Mewes, H-W, Mitterbauer, R., Muehlbauer, G., Münsterkötter, M., Nelson, D., O'Donnell, K., Ouellet, T., Qi, W., Quesneville, H., Roncero, M.I., Seong, K-Y, Tetko, I.V., Urban, M., Waalwijk, C., Ward, T.J., Yao, J., Birren, B.W., and Kistler, H.C. 2007. The Fusarium graminearum genome reveals a link between localized polymorphism and pathogen specialization. Science 317:1400-1402.
Dakovic, A., Matijasevic, S., Rottinghaus, G. E., Dondur, V., and Pietraz, T. 2007. Adsorption of zearalenone by organomodified natural zeolitic tuff. J. Colloid and Interface Science 311:8-13.
Dakovic, A., Tomasevic-Canovic, M., Rottinghaus, G. E., and Matijasevic, S. 2007. Fumonisin B1 adsorption on modified clinoptilolite rich zeolitic tuff. Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 105:285-290.
Deshmukh, S., Asrani, R. K., Gupta, V. K., Ledoux, D. R., Rottinghaus, G. E., and Bermudez, A. J. 2007. Pathologic changes in extrahepatic organs and agglutinin response to Salmonella Gallinarum infection in Japanese quail fed Fusarium verticillioides culture material containing known levels of fumonisin B1. Avian Disease 51:705-712.
Gao, X., Shim, W. -B., Göbel, C., Kunze, S., Feussner, I., Meeley, R., and Kolomiets, M. V. 2007. Disruption of a maize 9-lipoxygenase results in increased resistance to fungal pathogens and reduced levels of contamination with mycotoxin fumonisin. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 20: 922-933.
Garscha U, Jerneren F, Chung D, Keller NP, Hamberg M, and Oliw EH. 2007. Effects of gene targeting on oxylipin biosynthesis by Aspergillus spp. and the reaction mechanism of linoleate 5,8- and 8,00-diol synthases and 10R-dioxygenases. J. Biol. Chem. 282:34707-18.
Hallen, H., Huebner, M., Shiu, S.-H., Guldener, U., and F. Trail. 2007. Gene expression shifts during perithecium development in Gibberella zeae (anamorph Fusarium graminearum), with particular emphasis on ion transport proteins. Fungal Genetics and Biology 44: 1146-1156.
Hammond T M, Tsitsigiannis D I, and Keller NP. 2007. Infection of Arabidopsis thaliana seed by mycotoxigenic Aspergillus species. Plant Pathology 5:848-854.
Hornok, L., C. Waalwijk & J. F. Leslie. 2007. Genetic factors affecting sexual reproduction in toxigenic Fusarium species. International Journal of Food Microbiology 119: 54-58.
Hsiao, S.-H., Constable, P.D., Tumbleson, M.E., and Haschek, W.M. 2007. Use of formalin-fixed tissues to determine fumonisin B1 induced sphingolipid alterations in swine. J. Vet. Diagn. Invest. 19:425-430.
Hsiao S-H, Wicklow DT, and Haschek WM. (2007). Cytotoxicity of pyrrocidines in HepG2 hepatocytes and PK15 renal cells. The Toxicologist CD a supplement to Toxicological Sciences 85 (S-1): Abs. 1447.
Jeney, A., E. Béki, A. Keszthelyi, J. F. Leslie & L. Hornok. 2007. Inactivation of Fpmtr, an amino acid transporter gene causes communication disturbances in Fusarium proliferatum. Journal of Basic Microbiology 47: 16-24.
Ileleji, K. E., Maier, D. E. and Woloshuk, C. P. 2007. Evaluation of different temperature management strategies for suppression of Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) in stored maize. J. Stored Prod. Res. 43:480-488.
Kim, J. -E., Myong, K., Shim, W. -B., Yun, S. -H. and Lee, Y. -W. 2007. Functional characterization of acetylglutamate synthase and phosphoribosylamine-glycine ligase genes in Gibberella zeae. Curr. Genet. 51: 99-108.
Kim, Y.-H., Woloshuk, C. P., Cho, E. H., Bae, J. M., Song, Y.-S. and Huh, G.-H. 2007. Cloning and functional expression of the gene encoding an inhibitor against Aspergillus flavus ±-amylase, a novel seed lectin from Lablab purpureus (Dolichos lablab). Plant Cell Reports 26:395-405.
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