NCERA201: Integrated Pest Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Western bean cutworm national pest alert was published online at http://www.ncipmc.org/alerts/wbc.cfm This publication summarizes current knowledge from across the region about this insect pest of corn and dry beans, which has been greatly expanding its range since 2000, from the western corn belt into the eastern corn belt as far east as Ohio. There is a great deal of interest in this new pest, and a need for authoritative research-based information on monitoring and management options. The authors were Marlin Rice and Carol Pilcher (NCERA 201 member), Iowa State University.
Field Crop Fungicides for the North Central United States: A regional publication was published in January 2008 with support from the North Central IPM Center. Historically fungicides have not been used much in the north central region on field crops, with the exception of sugarbeets and potatoes. With the increased commodity value of grain crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat, and concern about the potential movement of soybean rust into the north central region, there is an increased need for educational materials on the use of fungicides on field crops. This publication provides an overview of fungicide use on fields crops in the north central region, including IPM strategies to avoid fungicide resistance.
Publications were not reported for 2011.