OLD SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Harri, A., C. Erdem, K.H. Coble, T.O. Knight. Crop Yield Normality: A Reconciliation of Previous Research. Forthcoming in Review of Agricultural Economics.
Shaik, S., K.H. Coble, T. Hanson, S. Sempier, and J.C. Miller, Willingness to Pay for A Potential Insurance Policy: The Case of Trout Aquaculture. Forthcoming in Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.
Coble, K.H., R, Dismukes, and J.W. Glauber, Private Crop Insurers and the Reinsurance Fund Allocation Decision. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 89(August 2007):582-595.
Lybbert, Travis, J. and David R. Just. Is Risk Aversion Really Correlated with Wealth? /American Journal of Agricultural Economics /Vol. 89 No. 4 (November 2007):964 979.
Just, David R. Calibrating the Wealth Effects of Decoupled Payments: Does Decreasing Absolute Risk Aversion Matter? /Annals of Econometrics (Special issue of the Journal of Econometrics)/. Conditionally accepted, June 10, 2007.
Just, Richard E. and David R. Just Global Identification and Tractable Specification Possibilities for Risk Preference Estimation /Annals of Econometrics (Special issue of the Journal of Econometrics)/.
Conditionally accepted, December 5, 2007.
Larry D. Makus, H. Holly Wang, and Xiaomei Chen. Evaluating Risk Management Strategies for Pacific Northwest Grain Producers. Agricultural Finance Review, 67 (Fall 2007):357-376.
Meyer, Jack. Representing Risk Preferences in Expected Utility Based Decision Models. Annals of Operations Research, accepted.