WERA101: Assessing China as a Market and Competitor

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Carter, C.A. and A. Estrin "Opening of China's Trade, Labor Market Reform and Impact on Rural Wages." The World Economy Vol 28., No 6., June 2005.

Carter, C.A. and X. Li "Trends in China's Horticultural Trade" Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development. Vol 1, No1. 2005.

Dong, Fenxia and Allen Fetherstone. "Technical and Scale Efficiencies for Chinese Rural Credit Cooperatives: A Bootstrapping Approach in Data Envelopment Analysis." Journal of Chinese Economics and Business Studies 4(1) (Feb. 2006): 57-75.

Fuller, Frank, Jikun Huang, Hengyun Ma, and Scott Rozelle. 2005. "The
Rapid Rise of China's Dairy Sector: Factors Behind the Growth in Demand
and Supply" Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State
University, Working Paper 05-WP 394, May.

Fuller, Frank and Hu Dinghuan. Forthcoming. 2005. "Dairy Products in
Southwestern China: Anecdotal Evidence from Kunming." In China's
Agri-Food Value Chain: Opportunities and Challenges, Proceedings of the
WERA-101 Annual Meetings, Reno, Nevada, April 25-26.

Gilmour, B (2006) China's Evolving Agri-Food Sector: Challenges for
NAFTA Countries, discussant's remarks on Rozelle et al's "Rising Demand,
Trade Prospects and the Rise of China's Horticultural Industry" at the
North American Agri-Food Market Integration Workshop, Calgary, Alberta,
1 June (http://naamic.tamu.edu)

Gilmour, B (2006) Aspect politiques en Chine et leurs impacts sur le
secteur agroalimentaire de la Chine, Seminaire, Agriculture et
Agroalimentaire Canada, 9 May, Ottawa

Gilmour, B and G Cheng (2006) Towards a Functioning Credit System in
Rural China, paper presented at the 2006 WERA workshop China's Evolving
Agricultural Economy: Biotechnology, Food Markets and Policy
Liberalization, Washington, DC., April 24-25.

Gilmour, B (2006) Policy Issues in China and their impacts on China's
Agri-Food Sector, paper presented at the OMAFRA Seminar "China's
Agri-Food Market: Opportunities and Threats", Double Tree Hotel,
Toronto, Ontario, March 2.

Rae, A.N., Ma, H., Huang, J. and Rozelle, S. (2006) "Livestock in China: Commodity-Specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data." American Journal of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming, August).

Ma, Hengyun; Rae, Allan; Huang, Jikun and Rozelle, Scott. (2006) "Enhancing Productivity on Dairy Farms in China: Taking the Cows to Town" China Agriculture Project Working Paper 1/06, Centre For Applied Economics and Policy Studies, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. http://econ.massey.ac.nz/caps/China_WP_1_06.pdf.

Simpson, James R., Ou Li and Fuping Li and Yoshio Kawamura. Structural Analysis of Tibetan Minority Pastoralists in the Qinghai Plateau Area of Sichuan Province of China. (Society and Culture: Journal of the Socio-Cultural Research Institute, Ryukoku University,) Vol. 7, March 2005, pp 253-266 (in English).

Wahl, Thomas I. and Kynda Curtis eds. "China's Agri-Food Value Chain: Opportunities and Challenges" a proceedings from WERA-101 annual meeting, April 2005.

Suwen Pan, Mark Welch, Samarendu Mohanty, Mohammadou Fadiga, and Don Ethridge. "Assessing the Impacts of the Chinese TRQ System and U.S.
Subsidies on the World Cotton Market." The Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 6 (No. 2, 2005): 251-273.

Suwen Pan, Samarendu Mohanty, Don Ethridge, and Mohammadou Fadiga.
"Chinese Tariff Rate Quotas vs. U.S. Subsidies: what Affects the Cotton Market More?" American Agricultural Economics Assn. Meetings, 2005.
Paper posted on AgEcon Search (http://agecon.lib.umn.edu).


Bai, Junfei, Thomas I. Wahl, and Jill J. McCluskey. "Fluid Milk Consumption in Urban Qingdao, China" Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, in Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, accepted for publication.

Blanke, Amelia, Scott Rozelle, Bryan Lohmar, Jinxia Wang and Jikun Huang,
"Water Saving Technology and Saving Water in China", Agricultural Water
Management, January, 2007

Brester, Gary, and Vincent H. Smith (2007). "Agricultural Policy and the U.S. Livestock Industry" in Bruce Gardener and Daniel Sumner, U.S. Agricultural Policy and the 2007 Farm Bill, forthcoming, AEI press, Washington, D.C.

Calvin, Linda, Fred Gale, Dinghuan Hu, and Bryan Lohmar, "Food Safety Improvements Underway in China." Amber Waves, November 2006, pp. 16-21.

Curtis, K.R. "Impacts of the Westernization of Food Preferences on Food Away From Home Consumption in China." In progress.

Curtis, K.R. and T.H. Harris. "The Impact of Chinese Garlic/Onion Dumping on the Northern Nevada Economy." In progress.

Curtis, K.R., J.J. McCluskey, and T.I. Wahl, (2007). "Consumer Preferences for Western-Style Convenience Foods in China." China Economic Review, 18, 1-14.

Dimaranan, B., Ianchovichina, E. and Martin, W. (2007), "Competing with giants: Who wins, who loses?" in Winters, L.A. and Yusuf, S. eds. Dancing with Giants: China, India and the Global Economy World Bank and Institute of Policy Studies, Washington DC and Singapore.

Dong, F. and F. Fuller. 2006. "Changing Diets in China's Cities: Empirical Fact or Urban Legend?" Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Working Paper 06-WP 347, November.

Ethridge, Don, Samarendu Mohanty, Suwen Pan, Mohamadou Fadiga, Mark Welch, Margarita Velandia-Parra, and Samantha Yates. "Guide to Foreign Crop Subsidies and Tariffs." Cotton Economics Research Institute, Texas Tech University, CERI-SR07-01, Feb. 2007.

Gale, Fred and Francis C. Tuan,. "China Currency Appreciation Could Boost U.S. Agricultural Exports," USDA/ERS, Outlook Report No. (WRS-0703) 26 pp, August 2007. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/WRS0703/

Gale, Fred. "Chinese Consumers Demand Premium Foods," Amber Waves, June 2007, p. 2. http://www.ers.usda.gov/AmberWaves/June07/PDF/Chinese.pdf

Gale, Fred and Kuo Huang. "Demand for Food Quantity and Quality in China," USDA, Economic Research Report No. (ERR-32) 40 pp, January 2007. http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/err32/

Gale, Fred. "Feeding a Growing Dragon With Global Markets," Farm Policy Journal, February 2007, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 1-9.

Fred Gale, "Supermarkets in China: Fierce Competition Brings Change," Farm Policy Institute Insights, April 2007, pp. 3-5.

Hu, D., F. Fuller, and T. Reardon. 2006. "Impacts of the Rapid Development of Supermarkets on China's Diary Industry." In International Agri-food Chain and Networks: Management and Organization, J. Bijman, O. Omta, J. Trienekens, J. Wijnands, and E. Wubben (eds.), Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 373-386.

Huang, J., Liu, Y., Martin, W. and Rozelle, S. 2007."Agricultural Trade Reform and Rural Prosperity: Lessons from China," NBER Working Paper, forthcoming.

Huang, Qiuqiong, Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang and Jinxia Wang. (2006) "Irrigation, agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China." Food Policy 31(1): 30-52.

Huang, Qiuqiong , Scott Rozelle, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang and Siwa Msangi, "Water management reform and the choice of the contractual form in rural China.", Environment and Development Economics (Forthcoming)

Ianchovichina, E. and Martin, W. (2006), "Trade Impacts of China's World Trade Organization Accession," Asian Economic Policy Review 1(1): 45-65, June.

Koo, Won, Jin, Sul. "The Effects of the Free Trade Agreement among China, Japan, and Korea," Journal of Economic Development, Vol 31, No. 2, 2006, 1-18.

Koo, Won and Zhuang, "The Role of Exchange Rate in Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade," Contemporary Economic Policy, 45-3 (2007): 362-373.

Lohmar, B., Qiuqiong Huang, Bo Lei, Zhanyi Gao, "Water Pricing Policies and Recent Reforms in China: The Conflict Between Conservation and Other Policy Goals", Irrigation Water Pricing Policy in Context: Exploring the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Francois Molle and Jeremy Berkoff (Eds.), International Water Management Institute, 2007.

Lohmar, Bryan, William Wilson and Yibiao Bu, "Wheat Marketing Reform and Quality Enhancement Policies in China", Economic Research Service, Agricultural Information Bulletin, (forthcoming).

Lohmar, B., Hansen, J., Interactions Between Resource Scarcity and Trade Policy: The Effects of China's Water Scarcity on International Agricultural Markets under the Current TRQ Regime, Paper Presented at the International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium, Beijing, July 2007.

Ma, H, Rae, A.N., Huang, J. and Rozelle, S. "Enhancing productivity on suburban dairy farms in China". Agricultural Economics 37:29-42,2007.

Ma, H, Tang, H. and Rae, A.N. "An analysis of the total factor productivity in China's dairy production". Chinese Rural Economy 2: 40-48, 2007. (In Chinese).

Pan, Suwen, Samarendu Mohanty, Mark Welch, Don Ethridge, and Mohamadou Fadiga. "Effects of Chinese Currency Revaluation on World fiber Markets." Contemporary Economic Policy 25 (2, Apr. 2007): 185-205.

Rae, A.N., Ma, H., Huang, J. and Rozelle, S. "Livestock in China:Commodity-Specific Total Factor Productivity Decomposition Using New Panel Data". American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(3): 680-695, 2006

Rae, A.N., Zhong, F., Zhou, Y. and Geng, X. (2006). China's Expanding Role in Horticultural Trade: A Global and New Zealand Perspective. Agricultural Policy Discussion Paper No. 22. Centre for Applied Economics and Policy Studies, Massey University, New Zealand, October.

Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang, Hai Lin, Ruifa Hu and Carl Pray. "Eight Years of Bt Cotton in Farmer Fields in China: Is the Reduction of Insecticide Use Sustainable?" 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University.

Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang, Ruifa Hu and Carl Pray. "Genetically Modified Rice, Yields and Pesticides: Assessing Farm-level Productivity and Health Effects in China." 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University.

Rozelle, Scott, Hengyun Ma and Jikun Huang. "Getting Rich and Eating Out: Consumption of Food Away from Home in China," Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (2006): 101-119.

Rozelle, Scott, Frank Fuller, Hengyun Ma and Jikun Huang. "Got Milk? The Rapid Rise of China's Dairy Sector and Its Future Prospects," 2006. Food Policy 31: 201-215. (with Frank Fuller, Hengyun Ma and Jikun Huang).

Rozelle, Scott, Fangbin Qiao, Jim Wilen and Jikun Huang. "Managing Pest Resistance in Fragmented Farms: An Analysis of the Risk of Bt Cotton in China and its Zero Refuge Strategy and Beyond," Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University, 2006.

Rozelle, Scott, Honglin Wang, Xiaoxia Dong, Jikun Huang and Thomas Reardon. "Producing and Procuring Horticultural Crops with Chinese Characteristics: A Case Study in the Greater Beijing Area," 2006. Freeman Spogli Institute of International Studies, Stanford University.

Rozelle, Scott, Daniel A. Sumner, Mechel Paggi and Jikun Huang. "Rising Demand, Trade Prospects, and the Rise of China's Horticultural Industry," 2007. Working Paper Written for NAAMIC (North American Agricultural Marketing and Industry Consortium

Rozelle, Scott, Ruifa Hu, Carl Pray, Jikun Huang, C. Fan and C. Zhang. "Reforming Intellectual Property Rights, Bio-safety Management and the Bt Cotton Seed Industry in China: Who Benefits from Policy Reform?" 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University, 2006.

Rozelle, Scott, Xiaoxia Dong, Honglin Wang, Jikun Juang and Thomas Reardon. "Small Traders and Small Farmers: The Small Engines Driving China's Giant Boom in Horticulture," 2006. Working Paper, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University.

Rozelle, Scott, Jikun Huang and J. Yang. When Dragons and Kangaroos Trade: China's Rapid Economic Growth and Its Implications for China and Australia," 2007 Australian Farm Policy. 4,1 (February): 35-49.

Wahl, Thomas I. "China's Growing Demand for Apples.: Good Fruit Grower, pp36-37, February 2007.

Wahl, Thomas I. "The Economics of Apples in China." Good Fruit Grower, September 2006.

Wahl, Thomas I. "Is China the Low-Cost Producer?" Good Fruit Grower, p 39, July 2006.

Wahl, Thomas I. "India and Apples." Good Fruit Grower, pp 46-47, May, 2006.

Wang, Jinxia, Jikun Huang, Qiuqiong Huang and Scott Rozelle, 2006, "Privatization of tubewells in North China: Determinants and impacts on irrigated area, productivity and the water table." Hydrogeology Journal 14(3): 275-285.

Wang, Jinxia, Scott Rozelle, Amelia Blanke, Jikun Huang and Qiuqiong Huang, 2006 "Chapter 3. The Development, Challenges and Management of Groundwater in Rural China," in "Groundwater in Developing World Agriculture: Past, Present and Options for A Sustainable Future", Eds. Mark Giordano and Tushaar Shah, International Water Management Institute 2006

Wang, Zhigang, Yanna Mao and Fred Gale, "Chinese consumer demand for food safety attributes in milk products," Food Policy, forthcoming.


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