NE1022: Poultry Production Systems: Optimization of Production and Welfare Using Physiological, Behavioral and Physical Assessments
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Gustafson, L., H-W. Cheng, J.P. Garner, E.A. Pajor, and J.A. Mench. 2006. Effects of bill-trimming on the behavior, bill morphopathology, and weight gain of Muscovy ducks. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. In press.
Koelkebeck, K.W., C.M. Parsons, P. Biggs, and P. Utterback. 2006. Nonwithdrawal Molting Programs. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 15:483-491.
Kassube, H., E. Hoerl Leone, I. Estevez, H. Xin, and S. Noll. 2006. Turkey beak trim and feed form. 2. Effect on turkey behavior. Poultry Sci. 85(Suppl 1):17.
Noll, S. L., C. Parsons, and B. Walters. 2006. What's new since September 2005 in feeding distillers co-products to poultry. In Proceedings 67th Minnesota Nutrition Conference. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Noll, S. L., and J. Brannon. 2006. Inclusion levels of corn distillers grains with solubles and poultry byproduct meal in market turkey diets. Poultry Sci. 85(Suppl 1):106.
Noll, S. L., and H. Xin. 2006. Turkey beak trim and feed form. 1. Effect on turkey performance. Poultry Sci. 85(Suppl 1):17.
Rost, Kenneth F. 2005. Canola Meal in Turkey Diets, M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Harrison, P.C., and K.W. Koelkebeck. 2007. Reducing ammonia emissions from poultry manure and compost. Proc. of Midwest Poultry Federation Convention. St. Paul, MN. 7 pages.
Koelkebeck, K.W., and K.E. Anderson. 2007. Molting layers alternative methods and their effectiveness. Poult. Sci 86:1260-1264.
Leone, E.N.H., I. Estévez, and M. Christman. 2007. Environmental complexity and group size: Immediate effects on the use of space by domestic fowl. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 102:39-52.
Estévez, I., I.L. Andersen, and E. Naevdal. 2007. Group size, density and social dynamics in farm animals. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103:185-204. (Invited paper, ranked #10 in the Top 25 Hottest Articles for the Journal of Applied Animal Behavior Sciences)
Estévez, I. 2007. Too many, too few: The effects of group size and density in captive animals. Preface, Special Issue of Applied Animal Behaviour Science 103:183-184. (Preface)
Leone, E.N.H. and I. Estévez. 2007. Patch discrimination as a function of handling time. Poultry Science 86:447-452.
Estévez, I. 2007. Density allowances for broilers: Where to set the limits? Poultry Science 86:1265-1272. (Poultry welfare symposium, Invited review paper)
Leone, E.H. and I. Estévez. 2007. Space use according to the distribution of resources and level of competition. Poultry Science (in press). *Received the Alltech Student Research Manuscript Award.
Leone, E.H. and I. Estévez. 2007. Economic and Welfare Benefits of Environmental Enrichment for Broiler Breeders. Poultry Science (in press).
Newberry, R.C., L.J. Keeling, I. Estévez, and B. Bilcik. 2007. Behaviour when young as a predictor of severe feather pecking in adult laying hens: the redirected foraging hypothesis revisited. Applied Animal Behavior Science (in press).
Estévez, I. 2007. Behavior and environmental enrichment in Broiler Breeders. In: Biology of Breeding Poultry. CAB (in press).
Leone, E.H., and I. Estévez. 2007. Separating the effects of group size, stocking density and pen size in broilers. Poultry Science, Poscal 86 (supplement 1), pp: 126.
Leone, E.H., and I. Estévez. 2007. Environmental enrichment improves broiler breeder welfare and reproductive performance. Proceedings of the 41st International Congress of the ISAE, Merida, July 30-August 3rd, 2007, pp 31.
Mallapur, A., I. Estévez, C. Miller, and M.C. Christman. 2007. Movement and use of the space in confinement: The effects of group size and pen size in broilers (Gallus gallus domesticus). Proceedings of the 41st International Congress of the ISAE, Merida, July 30-August 3rd, 2007, pp. 152.
S. L. Noll and J. Brannon, 2007. Response of market turkey toms to dietary protein and threonine levels in diets containing corn distillers dried grains. Poult. Sci. 86 (Suppl. 1):68.
S. L. Noll, J. Brannon, and C. Parsons, 2007. Nutritional value of corn distiller dried grains with solubles (DDGs): Influence of solubles addition. Poult. Sci. 86 (Suppl. 1):68.
Ramakrishnan, M. A., B. T. Velayudhan, S. Anantharaman, S. L. Noll, D. A. Halvorson, K. V. Nagaraja, and S. Goyal, 2007. Effects of temperature and stabilizer on the viability of a live attenuated avian metapneumovirus vaccine. Avian Diseases 51:979-981.
Velayudhan, B. T., S. L. Noll, A. J. Thachil, D. P. Shaw, S. M. Goyal, D. A. Halvorson, and K. V. Nagaraja, 2007. Development of a vaccine-challenge model for avian metapneumovirus subtype C in turkeys. Vaccine 25:1841-1847.
Roush, W.B., J. Purswell, and S.L. Branton, 2008. An adjustable nutrient margin of safety comparison using linear and stochastic programming in and Excel spreadsheet. Journal of Applied Poultry Research: In press.
Roush, W.B., J. Purswell, S. Branton, 2008. An adjustable nutrient margin of safety comparison using linear and stochastic programming in an Excel spreadsheet. To be presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta Georgia.
Mench, J.A., G.S. Archer, R.A. Blatchford, H.L. Shivaprasad, G.M. Fagerberg, and P.S. Wakenell. 2008. Lighting programs for broiler chickens: pre- and post-hatch effects on behavior, health, and productivity. In: Proceedings of the International Livestock Environment Symposium VIII of the American Society of Agricultural Engineering, Iguassu Falls City, Brazil.
K.J. Anup, M.J. Darre, T.A. Hoagland, D.T. Schreiber, A.M. Donoghue, D.J. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2008. Antibacterial effect of trans-cinnamaldehyde on Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken drinking water. J. Appl. Poultry Research (in press).
A.K. Johny, S.A. Baskaran, A.S. Charles, M.A.R. Amalaradjou, M.J. Darre, M.I. Khan, T.A. Hoagland, D.T. Schreiber, A.M. Donoghue, D.J. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. Prophylactic supplementation of caprylic acid in feed reduces Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in commercial broiler chicks. J. Food Protection (accepted for publication).
Webster, A.B., B.D. Fairchild, T.S. Cummings and P.A. Stayer. 2008. Validation of a three-point gait-scoring system for field assessment of walking ability of commercial broilers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17:529-539.
Benson, A.P., V.L. Christensen, B.D. Fairchild, and A.J. Davis. 2008. The mRNA for zona pellucida proteins B1, C and D in two genetic lines of turkey hens that differ in fertility. Animal Reproduction Science.
Roche, A.J., N.A. Cox, L.J. Richardson, R.J. Buhr, J.A. Cason, B.D. Fairchild, and N.C. Hinkle. 2009. Transmission of Salmonella to broilers by contaminated larval and adult lesser mealworms, alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Poult. Sci. 88:44-48.
Czarick, M., and B.D. Fairchild. 2008. Housing for Improved Performance in Hot Climates. Poultry Production in Hot Climates 2nd ed. Editor N.J. Daghir. Publish CAB International.
Worley, J.W., M. Czarick, B.D. Fairchild, C.W. Ritz, L.A. Harper, B.D. Hale, and L.P. Naeher. 2008. Monitoring of Ammonia and Fine Particulates Downwind of Broiler Houses (ed.). St. Joseph, MI: ASABE. asabe.org.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. 2008. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 3.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. Bird Migration...a very costly hot weather issue. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 5.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. Thermostat/Sensors Do Not Measure Effective Temperature. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 8.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. Loose Fitting Curtains are Very Costly. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 10.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. Why Litter Treatments are a Good Investment. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 11.
B.D. Fairchild. 2008. Do you know your water quality? Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 12.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. Alternative Heating Systems...an Overview. Poultry Housing Tips. Cooperative Extension Service, Extension Engineering, UGA. Volume 20, No. 14.
Fairchild, B.D. 2008. Water system check-up. The Communicator, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. Spring.
Fairchild, B.D. 2008. Water quality. The Communicator, U.S. Poultry & Egg Association. Summer.
Mauldin, J.M., S. Masoero, J. Santos, and B.D. Fairchild. 2008. Determining best hatch day length or weight. Poultry Times 55(15):1, 11.
Fairchild, B.D. 2008. Utilizing the right lighting program for broilers. Poultry Times 55(17):3, 9.
Fairchild, B.D. 2008. Basics of broiler housing environments. Poultry Times 55(17):5, 14.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. 2008. Better lighting with incandescent bulbs. Poultry Times 55(17):10, 13.
Czarick, M. and B.D. Fairchild. 2008. Guidelines for basic attic inlet operation. Poultry Times 55(21):3, 11.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. 2008. Migration fences needed in cold weather. Poultry Times 55(21):5, 9.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. Reducing Poultry House Heating Costs. Watt Poultry USA. October.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. Reducing Electricity Usage in Tunnel Houses. Watt Poultry USA. July.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. 2008. Loose fitting curtains are very costly. Poultry Times 55(21):16.
Fairchild, B.D., A.J. Roche, N.C. Hinkle, R.J. Buhr, N.A. Cox, L.J. Richardson, and J.A. Cason. 2008. Darkling Beetles as a Potential Transmission Source of Salmonella in Broiler Flocks. Feedinfo News Service Scientific Reviews. www.feedinfo.com
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. 2008. Going real-time on the farm. Poultry USA June p. 32.
Fairchild, B.D. 2008. Check farm water systems on a regular basis. Poultry Times 55(6):24.
Fairchild, B.D. and M. Czarick. 2008. Keeping birds cool during hot weather. Poultry Times 55(7):8.
Cunningham, B.D. and D. Cunningham. 2008. Daily biosecurity basics for poultry growers. Poultry Time 55(23):2.
Mejia, L., P.L. Utterback, C.W. Utterback, C.M. Parsons, and K.W. Koelkebeck. 2008. Evaluation of limit feeding corn and DDGS in nonfeed withdrawal molt programs for laying hens. Poult. Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):27.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin, Y. Liang, A.J. Pescatore, and M.J. Ford. 2008. On-farm fan performance: implications for ventilation and operating cost. J. Appl. Poult. Res 17(2):283-295.
Gates, R.S. and H. Xin. 2008. Extracting poultry behavior from time-series weigh scale records. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 62(1):8-14.
Gates, R.S., K.D. Casey, E.F. Wheeler, X. Xin, and A.J. Pescatore. 2008. U.S. broiler ammonia emissions inventory model. Atmospheric Environment 42(14):3342-3350.
Green, A.R., C.W. Wathes, T.G.M. Demmers, J.M. Clark, and H. Xin. 2008. Development and application of a novel environmental preference test system for assessing responses of laboratory mice to atmospheric ammonia. J. American Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences 47(2):49-56.
Green, A.R., I. Wesley, D.W. Trampel, and H. Xin. 2008. Air quality and hen health status in three types of commercial laying hen houses. J. App. Poult. Res. (accepted).
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, and Y. Liang. 2008. Reduction of ammonia emission from stored poultry manure using additives: Zeolite, Al+Clear, Ferix-3 and PLT. J. App. Poult. Res. 17(4):421-431.
Moody, L., H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, R.S. Gates, S.J. Hoff, and D.G. Overhults. 2008. Broiler gaseous and particulate matter emission monitoring quality assurance project plan. A Special Publication of ASABE. http://asae.frymulti0.com/aqap_handbook.asp?confid=aqap2008
Trabue, S.L., K.D. Scoggin, F. Mitloehner, H. Li, R.T. Burns, and H. Xin. 2008. Field sampling method for quantifying volatile sulfur compounds emitted from animal feeding operations. Atmospheric Environment 42:3332-3341.
Trabue, S.L., K.D. Scoggin, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and H. Li. 2008. Field sampling method for quantifying odorants in humid environments. Environmental Science and Technology 42(10):3745-3750.
Topper, P.A., E.F. Wheeler, J.S. Zajaczkowski, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, Y. Liang, and K.D. Casey. 2008. Ammonia emissions from two empty broiler houses with built-up litter. Transactions of the ASAE 51(1):219-225.
Amaral, M.F.P., R.S. Gates, D.G. Overhults, I.F.F. Tinocol, H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and J.W. Earnest. 2008. Analysis of different methods to compute ammonia concentration and emission rate. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environmental Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Burns, R.T., H. Li, L. Moody, H. Xin, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2008. Quantification of particulate emissions from broiler houses in the southeastern United States. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Gates, R.S., K.D. Casey, H. Xin, R. Burns, and H. Li. 2008. Uncertainty analysis in animal building aerial emissions measurements. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2008. Effects of stocking density and group size on thermoregulatory response of laying hens under heat challenging conditions. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2008. Effects of stocking density and group size on heat and moisture production of laying hens under thermoneutral and heat challenging conditions. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.A. Roberts, and K. Bregendahl. 2008. Effects of dietary modification on laying hens in high-rise houses: Part I Emissions of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.J. Hoff, J.D. Harmon, L.D. Jacobson, and S. Noll. 2008. Ammonia and PM emissions from a tom turkey barn in Iowa. ASABE Technical Paper #:08-4425. St. Joseph, MI:ASABE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.J. Hoff, J.D. Harmon, L.D. Jacobson, and S. Noll. 2008. Effects of bird activity, ventilation rate and humidity on pm10 concentration and emission rate of a turkey barn. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.J. Hoff, J.D. Harmon, L.D. Jacobson, and S. Noll. 2008. Effect of sampling interval on ammonia and particulate matter emissions from turkey grow-out barns. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Roberts, S.A., H. Li, H. Xin, R.T. Burns, and K. Bregendahl. 2008. Effects of dietary modifications on laying hens in high-rise houses: part II hen production performance. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Wheeler, E.F., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, P.A. Topper and Y. Liang. 2008. Ammonia emissions from USA broiler chicken barns managed with new bedding, built-up litter, or acid-treated litter. Proc. of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept. 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R. Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St. Joseph, MI:ASAE.
Green, A.R. 2008. A systematic evaluation of laying hen housing for improved hen welfare. A PhD dissertation, Iowa State University Parks Library, Ames, Iowa 50011.
Ning, X. 2008. Feeding, defecation and gaseous emission dynamics of W-36 laying hens. A M.S. thesis, Iowa State University Parks Library, Ames, Iowa 50011.
Estevez, I. 2008. Behavior and environmental enrichment in Broiler Breeders. In: Biology of Breeding Poultry. CAB. pp 261-283 (in press).
Leone, E.H. and I. Estevez. 2008. Economic and welfare benefits of environmental enrichment for broiler breeders. Poultry Science 87:14-21.
Dennis, R.L., R.C. Newberry, H.W. Cheng, and I. Estevez. 2008. Appearance matters: Artificial marking alters aggression and stress. Poultry Science 87:1939-1946.
Leone, E.H. and I. Estevez. 2008. Use of space in the domestic fowl: Separating the effects of enclosure size, group size, and density. Animal Behaviour 76:1673-1682. Doi:10.10167j.anbehav.2008.08.004.
Mallapur, A., C. Miller, M.C. Christman, and I. Estevez. 2008. Short-term and long-term movement patterns in confined environments by domestic flow: Influence of group size and enclosure size. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, in press.
Velayudhan, B.T., S.L. Noll, A.J. Thachil, D.A. Halvorson, D.P. Shaw, S.M. Goyal, and K.V. Nagaraja. 2008. Comparative pathogenicity of early and recent isolates of avian metapneumovirus subtype C in turkeys. Can. J. Vet. Res. 72(4):371-375.
Jacob, J.P., S.L. Noll, and J.A. Brannon. 2008. Comparison of metabolic energy content of organic cereal grains for chickens and turkeys. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17:540-544.
Noll, S.L. and J. Brannon. 2008. Response of market turkey toms to diets containing high levels of corn distillers dried grains with solubles. Poult. Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):100.
Roush, W.B., J. Purswell, and S.L. Branton. 2007. An adjustable nutrient margin of safety comparison using linear and stochastic programming in and Excel spreadsheet. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:514-520.
Roush, W.B., J. Purswell, and S.L. Branton. 2009. Microsoft Excel Sensitivity Analysis for Linear and Stochastic Program Feed Formulation. J. Appl. Poult. Res. (submitted).
Roush, W.B. .and S.L. Branton. 2009. Risk Constrained Programming: A Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Excel Spreadsheet Program with Solver for Diet Formulation (Abstract). To be presented at International Poultry Scientific Forum, January 26-27, 2009, Atlanta, GA.
Canterbury, J.L., F.J. Struwe, E. Blankenship, H. Taira, S. Scheideler, and M.M. Beck. 2008. Vocalizations as an indicator of distress in laying hens. Poultry Sci. Abstracts, p. 60.
Anup Kollanoor Johny, Sangeetha Ananda Baskaran, Anu Susan Charles, Mary Anne Roshni Amalaradjou, Michael J. Darre Mazhar I. Khan, Thomas A. Hoagland, David T. Schreiber, Annie M. Donoghue, Dan J. Donoghue and Kumar Venkitanarayanan. 2009. Prophylactic supplementation of caprylic acid in feed reduces Salmonella Enteritidis colonization in commercial broiler chicks. J. of Food Protection. 72, #4:722-727.
Johny, A. Kollanoor, M.J. Darre, T.A. Hoagland, D.T. Schreiber, A.M. Donoghue, D.J. Donoghue, and K. Venkitanarayanan. 2008. Antibacterial Effect of Trans-Cinnamaldehyde on Salmonella Enteritidis and Campylobacter jejuni in Chicken Drinking Water. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17:490-497.
L. Mejia, E.T. Meyer, P.L. Utterback, C.W. Utterback, C.M. Parsons, and K. W. Koelkebeck. 2009. Evaluation of limit feeding corn and DDGS in nonfeed withdrawal molt programs for laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88 (in press).
Burns, R.T., H. Li, L. Moody, H. Xin, R. Gates, D. Overhults, and J. Earnest. 2008. Quantification of particulate emissions from broiler houses in the southeastern United States. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Carvalho, V.F., T. Yanagi Jr., H. Xin, R.S. Gates, F. Damasceno, and S.R.P. Moraes. 2008. Mathematical model for thermal environment and broiler chickens performance prediction in acclimatized housing. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Gates, R. S., K.D. Casey, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin and A.J. Pescatore. 2008. U.S. broiler ammonia emissions inventory model. Atmospheric Environment 42(14): 3342-3350.
Gates, R.S., K.D. Casey, H. Xin, R. Burns, and H. Li. 2008. Uncertainty analysis in animal building aerial emissions measurements. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Gates, R.S. and H. Xin. 2008. Extracting poultry behavior from time-series weigh scale records. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 62(1): 8-14.
Green, A.R., C.W. Wathes, T.G.M. Demmers, J.M., Clark, and H. Xin. 2008. Development and application of a novel environmental preference test system for assessing responses of laboratory mice to atmospheric ammonia. J. American Association for Lab oratory Animal Science 47(2):49-56.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2008. Effects of stocking density and group size on thermoregulatory response of laying hens under heat challenging conditions. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Green, A.R. and H. Xin. 2008. Effects of stocking density and group size on heat and moisture production of laying hens under thermoneutral and heat challenging conditions. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, Y. Liang, and R.T. Burns. 2008. Reduction of ammonia emission from stored poultry manure using additives: Zeolite, Al+Clear, Ferix-3 and PLT. J. App. Poult. Res. 17(4): 421-431.
Li, H, H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.A. Roberts, and K. Bregendahl. 2008. Effects of dietary modification on laying hens in high-rise houses: Part I: Emissions of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.J. Hoff, J.D. Harmon, L.D. Jacobson, and S. Noll. 2008. Effects of bird activity, ventilation rate and humidity on pm10 concentration and emission rate of a turkey barn. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Li, H., H. Xin, R.T. Burns, S.J. Hoff, J.D. Harmon, L.D. Jacobson, and S. Noll. 2008. effect of sampling interval on ammonia and particulate matter emissions from turkey grow-out barns. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Moody, L., H. Li, R.T. Burns, H. Xin, and R.S. Gates, S.J. Hoff, and D.G. Overhults. 2008. Broiler gaseous and particulate matter emission monitoring quality assurance project plan. A Special Publication of ASABE: http://asae.frymulti.com/aqap_handbook.asp?confid=aqap2008.
Roberts, S.A., H. Li, H. Xin, R. T. Burns, and K. Bregendahl. 2008. Effects of dietary modifications on laying hens in high-rise houses: Part II: Hen production performance. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Shao, B. and Xin, H. 2008. A real-time computer vision assessment and control of thermal comfort of group-housed pigs. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 62(1): 15-21.
Topper, P.A., E.F. Wheeler, J.S. Zajaczkowski, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, Y. Liang, and K.D. Casey. 2008. Ammonia emissions from two empty broiler houses with built-up Litter. Transactions of the ASAE 51(1): 219-225.
Wheeler, E.F., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, H. Xin, P.A. Topper, and Y. Liang. 2008. Ammonia emissions from usa broiler chicken barns managed with new bedding, built-up litter, or acid-treated litter. Proc of the 8th International Livestock Environment Symposium, Sept 1-3, 2008, Iguassu Falls, Brazil. (eds) R.R Stowell, E.F. Wheeler and H. Xin. St Joseph, MI: ASAE.
Weber, P.A., S. Scheideler, and L. Robeson. 2009. The effects of social and environmental enrichments on leg strength and welfare of tom turkeys. Poultry Sci. 88:79 ( 254P) Suppl. 1.
Masadeh, M.K., A.A. Aljamal, and S.E. Scheideler. 2009. High dietary inclusion of dried distillers grains with soluble in laying hen rations in combination with Allzyme® SSF enzyme.. Poultry Sci. 88:114 (372P).Suppl. 1.
Masadeh, M.K. , A.A. Aljamal, P. Weber, L. Robeson, and S.E. Scheideler. 2009. Dried distillers grains with solubles in pullet rations. M. K. Poultry Sci. 88: International Poultry Scientific Forum p. 56.
Noll, S.L., and J. Brannon. 2009. Utilization of corn co-products in diets for market tom turkeys. Poult. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):113.