NC1021: Nitrogen Cycling, Loading, and Use Efficiency in Forage-Based Livestock Production Systems (formerly NCT-196 and NC-189)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed Publications
Ogden, R. K., W. K. Coblentz, K. P. Coffey, J. E. Turner, D. A. Scarbrough, J. A. Jennings, and M. D. Richardson. 2005. In situ disappearance kinetics of nitrogen an dneutral detergent insoluble nitrogen for common crabgrass sampled on seven dates in northern Arkansas. J. Anim. Sci. (submitted).
Ogden, R. K., W. K. Coblentz, K. P. Coffey, J. E. Turner, D. A. Scarbrough, J. A. Jennings, and M. D. Richardson. 2005. Ruminal in situ disappearance kinetics of dry matter and fiber in growing steers for common crabgrass sampled on seven dates in northern Arkansas. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1142-1152.
Scarbrough, D. A., W. K. Coblentz, J. B. Humphry, K. P. Coffey, T. C. Daniel, T. J. Sauer, J. A. Jennings, J. E. Turner, and D. W. Kellogg. 2005. Evaluation of dry matter loss, nutritive value an din situ dry matter disappearance for wilting orchardgrass and bermudagrass forages damaged by simulated rainfall. Agron. J. 97:604-614.
Non-Refereed Publications
Proceedings (3)
Larsen, J. O., R. L. Miller, L. A. Petersen, and V. J. Thacker. 2004. Characteristic of root growth in a management intensive grazing system. In: Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division Annual Meetings. Ashland, Oregon.
Miller, R. L., V. Thacker, and L. Petersen. 2005. Nutrient leaching under management intensive grazing. Proceedings of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. 6:20-24.
Ogden, R. K., M. J. Alman, K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, J. K. Reynolds, and C. V. Maxwell. 2005. In situ solubility of macrominerals from tall fescue fertilized with different swine manure treatments and harvested on four dates. Proceedings of American Forage and Grassland Council. June 11-15, 2005, Bloomington, IL.
Abstracts (8)
Bauer, B. D., W. H. Schacht, and J. D. Volesky. 2004. Yield and forage quality of cool and warm-season plant communities on wet meadows. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. January 24-30, Salt Lake City, UT.
Elam, N.A., K. R. McLeod, D. L. Harmon, and E. S. Vanzant. 2005. Quantitative assessment of visceral energy metabolism in beef steers consuming graded levels of forage. 2005 Joint ADSA-ASAS-CSAS Meeting Abstracts.
Larsen, J. O., R. L. Miller, L. A. Petersen, and V. J. Thacker. 2004. Root growth characteristics and nutrient leaching in a management intensive grazing system. In 2004 Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy.
MacDonald, J. C., J. Benton, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2005. Variation in digestibility of undegradable intake protein among feedstuffs. ASAS Annual Meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH.
MacDonald, J. C and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2005. Supplementation of grazed forage with distillers dried grains, corn oil, or corn gluten meal. ASAS Annual Meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH.
Petersen, L. A., V. J. Thacker, R. L., Miller, and J. O. Larsen. 2004. Nitrogen leaching in a management intensive grazing system. In: 2004 WSSA Abstracts. Western Soil Science Society of America.
Prohmann, P. E. F., E. S. Vanzant, K. R. McLeod, D. L. Harmon, N.A. Elam, and W. G. Doig. 2005. Influence of increasing ME intake on nutrient utilization by beef steers consuming alfalfa hay. 2005 ASAS ADSA Midwestern Section Meeting Abstracts. March 21-23, 2005. p. 64.
Schlueter, K. R., W. H. Schacht, L. E. Moser, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2005. Seasonal dry matter and crude protein removal by grazing from a grass/legume mixture. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, February 7-11, Fort Worth, TX.
Experiment Station/Field Day Reports (6)
Coblentz, W. K., J. L. Gunsaulis, R. K. Ogden, R. K. Bacon, K. P. Coffey, D. S. Hubbell, III, J. V. Skinner, Jr., R. W. Cox, and K. S. Lusby. 2005. Fall-growth potential of cereal-grain forages for livestock. Proceedings of Batesville Livestock and Forestry Branch Station Field Day. April 19, 2005. Batesville, AR.
Haugen, H. J., S. K. Ivan, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2005. Determination of undegradable intake protein digestibility in forages. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP 83-A:25-27.
Miller, R., J. MacAdam, and R. Koenig. 2004. Management intensive grazing systems and the environment. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. USU Extension AG/Pasture/2004-01. Logan, UT: Utah State University.
Ogden, R. K., W. K. Coblentz, K. P. Coffey, J. E. Turner, D. A. Scarbrough, J. A. Jennings, and M. D. Richardson. 2004. Degradation of NDF for crabgrass harvested on seven dates in northern Arkansas. Research Series 522. Ark. Anim. Sci. 7:14-17.
Ogden, R. K., W. K. Coblentz, K. P. Coffey, J. E. Turner, D. A. Scarbrough, J. A. Jennings, and M. D. Richardson. 2004. Protein degradation kinetics for crabgrass harvested on seven dates in northern Arkansas. Research Series 522. Ark. Anim. Sci. 7:18-22.
Scarbrough, D. A., W. K. Coblentz, J. B. Humphry, K. P. Coffey, T. C. Daniel, T. J. Sauer, J. A. Jennings, J. E. Turner, and D. W. Kellogg. 2004. Evaluation of dry matter loss, nutritive value an din situ dry matter disappearance for wilting orchardgrass forages damaged by simulated rainfall. Research Series 522. Ark. Anim. Sci. 7:35-38.
Scarbrough, D. A., W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, J. E. Turner, J. B. Humphry, K. P. Coffey, T. C. Daniel, T. J. Sauer, J. A. Jennings, and D. W. Kellogg. 2005. Nitrogen partitioning and estimates of degradable intake protein in wilting orchardgrass and bermudagrass hays damaged by simulated rainfall. Agron. J. (submitted).
Refereed Publications
Haugen, H.L., M.J. Lamothe, T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, and MD. Ullerich. 2006. Estimation of undegradable intake protein in forage using neutral detergen insoluble nitrogen at a single in situ incubation time point. J. Anim. Sci. 84:651-659.
Haugen, H.L., S.K. Ivan, J.C. MacDonald, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2006. Determination of undegradable intake protein digestibility in forages using the mobile nylon bag technique. J. Anim. Sci 84:886-893.
Ogden, R.K., W.K. Coblentz, K.P. Coffey, J.E. Turner, D.A. Scarbrough, J.A. Jennings, and M.D. Richardson. 2006. Ruminal in situ disappearance kinetics of nitrogen and neutral detergen insoluble nitrogen from common crabgrass forages sampled on seven dates in northern Arkansas. J. Anim. Sci. 669-677.
Scarbrough, D.A., W.K. Coblentz, R.K. Ogden, J.E. Turner, J.B. Humphry, K.P. Coffey, T.C. Daniel, T.J. Sauer, J.A. Jennings, and D.W. Kellogg. 2006. Nitrogen partitioning and estimates of degradable intake protein in wilting orchardgrass and bermudagrass hays damaged by simulated rainfall. Agron. J. 98:85-93.
Smart, A.J., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and L.E. Moser. 2006. Seasonal changes in dry matter partitioning, yield, and crude protein of intermediate wheatgrass and smooth bromegrass. Agron. J. In press.
Experiment Station/Field Day Reports
Benton, J.R., J.C. MacDonald, G.E. Erickson, T.J. Klopfenstein and D.C. Adams. 2006. Digestibility of undegradable intake protein of feedstuffs. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 84:23-26.
Coblentz, W.K., J.E. Turner, R.K. Ogden, K.P. Coffey., F.W. Pohlman, A.H. Brown, Jr., M.B. Daniels, J.L. Gunsaulis, M.L. Thomas, C.A. Wells, and R.E. Morrow. 2005. Estimating degradable intake protein warm- and cool-season pastures on producer farms in northern Arkansas. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 535:88-91.
Coffey, K.P., R.K. Ogden, M.J. Alman, W.K. Coblentz, J.K. Reynolds, and C.V. Maxwell. 2005. Mineral concentrations of tall fescue fertilized with different swine manure treatments and harvested on four dates. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 535:69-71.
Gunsaulis, J.L., W.K. Coblentz, R.K. Ogden, R.K. Bacon, K.P. Coffey, D.S. Hubbell, III, J.V. Skinner, Jr., R.W. Cox, and K.S. Lusby. 2005. Fall-growth potential of cereal-grain forages. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 535:83-87.
Ogden, R.K., M.J. Alman, K.P. Coffey, W.K. Coblentz, J.K. Reynolds, and C.V. Maxwell. 2005. Solubility of macrominerals from tall fescue fertilized with different swine manure treatments and harvested on four dates. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 535:72-76.
Scarbrough, D.A., W.K. Coblentz, J.B. Humphry, K.P. Coffey, T.C. Daniels, T.J. Sauer, J.A. Jennings, J.E. Turner, and D.W. Kellogg. 2005. Evaluation of dry matter loss, nutritive value, and in situ dry matter disappearance for wilting bermudagrass forages damaged by rainfall. Arkansas Animal Science Department Report. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 535:92-95.
Davis, T.E., E.B. Kegley, K.P. Coffey, W.K. Coblentz, R.K. Ogden, M.D. Ratcliff, and J.A. Hornsby. 2006. Effects of grain by-products in supplements for stocker cattle grazing bermudagrass. Southern Section Meeting of ASAS. February 4-8, 2006. Orlando, FL.
Greenquist, M.A., K.J. Vander Pol, T.J. Klopfenstein, G.E. Erickson, L. Baleseng, and W.H. Schacht. 2006. Dried distillers grains substitute for forage and nitrogen on pasture. ASAS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. July 9-13, 2006.
Kreider, D., K. Coffey, T. Montgomery, K. Ferrell, W. Coblentz, W. Whitworth, J. Caldwell, R. McNew, and R. Ogden. 2006. Effect of supplement timing on blood measurements and reproductive performance of beef heifers grazing annual ryegrass in the spring. Southern Section Meeting of ASAS. February 4-8, 2006. Orlando, FL.
Akins, M. S., E. B. Kegley, J. L. Gunsaulis, W. K. Coblentz, K. S. Lusby, R. K. Ogden, J. D. Caldwell, R. K. Bacon, and K. P. Coffey. 2007. Nutritive value of fall-grown cereal-grain forages over time. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:73-77.
Bailey, C. R., M. L. Looper, K. P. Coffey, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Evaluation of endophyte-infected and novel endophyte-infected tall fescue on growth and grazing behavior of beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2): (Proc. Southern Section ASAS)
Caldwell, J. D., K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, J. A. Jennings, D. S. Hubbell, III, D. L. Kreider, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Growth performance and immune function of fall-born beef calves weaned from endophyte infected tall fescue pastures on different dates in the spring. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:70-72.
Caldwell, J., K. Coffey, D. Philipp, J. Jennings, D. Hubbell, III, T. Hess, D. Kreider, M. Looper, M. Popp, M. Savin, and C. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Performance by spring and fall-calving cows grazing with full access, limited access, or no access to endophyte -infected tall fescue J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2):536.
Caldwell, J.D., K.P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, J.A. Jennings, D.S. Hubbell, III, D.L. Kreider, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Post-weaning performance of fall-born beef steers weaned from endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures on different dates in the spring J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2): (Proc. Midwestern Section ASAS)
Cline, H. B., B. W. Neville, G. P. Lardy, and J. S. Caton. 2008. Influence of advancing season on dietary composition, intake, site of digestion, and microbial efficiency in beef steers grazing a native range in western North Dakota. J. Anim. Sci. 86:(Accepted).
Coffey, K. P., W. K. Coblentz, D. H. Hellwig, M. P. Popp, T. F. Smith, D. S. Hubbell, III, D. A. Scarbrough, J. B. Humphry, J. E. Turner, Z. B. Johnson, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Weaning and post-weaning performance by fall-born calves weaned on different dates from endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures managed with two different rotation frequencies. Livestock Sci. (In press).
Coffey, K. P., W. K. Coblentz, J. D. Caldwell, C. P. West, R. K. Ogden, T. Hess, D. S. Hubbell, III, M. S. Akins, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Cow and calf performance while grazing tall fescue pastures with either the wild-type toxic endophyte or a non-toxic novel endophyte. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:67-69.
Coffey, K., W. Coblentz, J. Caldwell, D. Hubbell, III, T. Hess, C. West, M. Looper, C. Krehbiel, and C. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Post-weaning performance of spring-born calves weaned from tall fescue pastures with a wild-type toxic endophyte or a non-toxic novel endophyte. J. Anim. Sci. 86(Suppl. 2) (Proc. Southern Section ASAS).
Flores, R., W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, K. P. Coffey, M. L. Looper, C. P. West, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2008. Effects of fescue type and sampling date on the N disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpiled tall fescue. J. Dairy Sci. (In press)
Flores, R., W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, K. P. Coffey, M. L. Looper, C. P. West, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Effects of fescue type and sampling date on the ruminal disappearance kinetics of autumn-stockpiled tall fescue. J. Dairy Sci. 90:2883-2896.
Gunsaulis, J. L., W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, R. K. Bacon, K. P. Coffey, D. S. Hubbell, III, J. V. Skinner, Jr., M. S. Akins, J. D. Caldwell, K. S. Lusby, and S. A. Gunter. 2008. Fall growth potential of cereal grain forages in northern Arkansas. Agron. J. (Agron. J. 100:1112-1123).
Hampy, K. R., D. W. Kellogg, K. P. Coffey, and K. Anschutz. 2007. In vitro DM digestibility of crabgrass, bermudagrass, and wheat forages supplemented with four levels of glycerol. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:65-66.
Hampy, K. R., D. W. Kellogg, K. P. Coffey, E. B. Kegley, J. D. Caldwell, M. S. Lee, M. S. Akins, J. L. Reynolds, J. C. Moore, and K. D. Southern. 2007. Glycerol as a supplemental energy source for meat goats. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:63-64.
Haubensak K, Jackson RD, Gratton C, Lubetikin SC, Donaldson J. 2008. Effects of large-mammal grazing and arthropod abundance on ecosystem processes. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI 7 Aug 2008.
Horn, Gerald W, Jeff Edwards, Jim Kountz, Jeff Jaronek and Sam Donica. August 29, 2008. Effect of Type of Energy Supplement on Growth and Intramuscular Fat Development by Wheat Pasture Stocker Cattle. Proc. Wheatland Stocker Conference. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service.
Jensen, J. 2008. Effects of traditional grazing and deferred grazing on nutrient cycling. MS Thesis. Logan, UT: Utah State University.
Kreider, D. L., K. P. Coffey, J. D. Caldwell, W. A. Whitworth, T. G. Montgomery, R. Rorie, R. W. McNew, W. Coblentz, and R. K. Ogden. 2007. Reproductive performance, blood urea nitrogen, and blood glucose concentrations in beef heifers grazing annual ryegrass in the spring and supplemented at different intervals prior to timed AI. Arkansas Agri. Exper. Sta. Research Series 553:41-44.
L. Hardin, A. Killion, J. Caldwell, K. Coffey, D. Philipp, and W. Coblentz. 2008. Effect of a lactic acid-lactobacillus product and bale moisture on forage quality, and voluntary intake and digestibility of crabgrass hay by lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 2): 28.
Lyon AH, Bell MM, Gratton C, Jackson RD. 2008. Maculate Conceptions: Power, Process, and Creativity in Participatory Research." Rural Sociological Society annual meeting, Manchester, NH, July 30, 2008.
Lyon AH, Bell MM, JACKSON RD, Gratton C. 2008. Directions for Grazing research: Agronomic Recipes or Ecological Principles? Organics conference. LaCrosse, WI.
McGinley, B. C., K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, N. W. Galdámez-Cabrera, and J. E. Turner. 2007. Case Study: In situ ruminal nitrogen and neutral-detergent insoluble nitrogen disappearance from bermudagrass fertilized with different nitrogen rates and harvested on two dates. Professional Anim. Sci. 23:556-564.
Miller, R. L, and D. N. Mortensen. 2007. Nutrient leaching and soil compaction in irrigated pastures under management intensive grazing. In 2007 Agronomy Abstracts. Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy.
Miller, R. L. 2008. A Surprising Cause of Air Pollution. Utah Debate Conference. January 26, 2008.
Norman, R. C., W. K. Coblentz, D. S. Hubbell, III, R. K. Ogden, K. P. Coffey, J. D. Caldwell, R. T. Rhein, C. P. West, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Effects of storage conditions on the forage quality characteristics and ergovaline content endophyte infected tall fescue hays. Crop Sci. 47:1635-1646.
Oates LG, Bouressa EL, Duncan DS, Hamingson EE, Kummel H, Woodis JE, Chamberlain SK, Jakubowski AR, Jackson RD. 2008. Ecosystem services as a framework for agroecological research. Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Milwaukee, WI 7 Aug 2008.
Popp, M. P., K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, Z. B. Johnson, D. A. Scarbrough, J. B. Humphry, T. F. Smith, D. S. Hubbell, III, and J. E. Turner. 2007. An empirical analysis of weaning and pasture rotation frequency with implications for retained ownership. Agron. J. 99:747-754.
Sweeney, M. B., P. Tomlinson, M. C. Savin, and K. Coffey. 2008. Response of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities to an experimental cow-calf management system incorporating rotation onto novel endophyte-infected tall fescue. ASA CSSA SSSA International Annual Meeting.