WERA_OLD72: Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Baker, Gregory A. and Michael Mazzocco. Who Should Certify the Safety of Genetically Modified Foods? International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Vol. 8, No. 2 (2005).
Berning, Casie, Stan Ernst and Neal H. Hooker. 2005. Are E-Grocers Serving the Right Markets? Choices. http://www.choicesmagazine.org/ 20(1): Spring pp. 77-79
Boland, M.A., and J.T. Akridge. 2004. Undergraduate Agribusiness Programs: Focus or Falter. Review of Agricultural Economics. 26(4):564-578.

Calum Turvey, Cesar Escalante, and William Nganje. Developments in Portfolio Management and Risk Programming Techniques for Agriculture. Review of Agricultural Finance (Accepted for Publication in Special Issue, May, 2005).

Cannon L. Stephanie, Allen F. Wysocki, and Gary F. Fairchild. (2004). Selling the Satisfied Customer: A Pioneer(r) Hi-Bred International, Inc. Selling Case. Journal of Applied Case Research. 5(1), 13 pages.

Christou, Andreas, Richard Kilmer, James Sterns and Shiferau Feleke. Derived Demand for
Disaggregated Cheese Products. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 21:1 (Winter 2005):1-16.
Dahl, Bruce, William Wilson and William Nganje. Stochastic Analysis of Variety Selection and Release Decision. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Vol. 29, No. 1 (April): 94-111, 2004.
DeVuyst, C. and C.J. Wachenheim. 2005. Genetically enhanced sugarbeets: To be or not to be? Review of Agricultural Economics 27(1), pp 105-116.
Ernst, Stan and Neal H. Hooker. Signaling Quality in an E-Commerce Environment: The Case of an Emerging E-Grocery Sector. Forthcoming in Journal of Food Products Marketing. 21 pp
Fonsah, E. G., G. Krewer, K. Harrison and M. Bruorton (2004) Risk Rated Economic Returns Analysis for Southern Highbush Blueberries in Soil in Georgia. Accepted HORTTECH-00331.

Fulton, Joan, Susan Hine, Jennifer Vandeberg, and Kevin McNamara (2004) Case Study: A Local Cooperatives Financial and Strategic Analysis of the Evaluation of Potential Merger Partners. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, Volume7, Issue 3.

Hall, C.R. 2004. Impacts of Technology on the Development, Production, and Marketing of Nursery Crops Acta Hort. (ISHS) 630:103-111, www.actahort.org/books/630/630_12.htm.

Henderson, J., F. Dooley, and J. T. Akridge. 2004. Internet and e-commerce Adoption by Agricultural Input Firms. Review of Agricultural Economics. 26(4):505-520.

Klingeman, William, David Eastwood, John Brooker, Charles Hall, Bridget Behe, and Patricia Knight. Consumer Survey Identifies Plant Management Awareness and Added Value of Dogwood Powdery Mildew Resistance, HortTechnology, Volume 14, Number 2, April-June 2004.

Knudson, William, Allen F. Wysocki, Joseph Champagne, and H. Christopher Peterson. (2004). Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Agri-Food System. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86(5), 1330-1336.

Lesch, William C., Cheryl J. Wachenheim, and Bård S. Stillerud. Biotechnology: The Healthy Choice? Health Marketing Quarterly 22(3) (forthcoming).
Lim, Heejin, Julia Heilig, Stan Ernst, Richard Widdows, and Neal H. Hooker. 2004. Tracking the Evolution of E-Grocers: A Quantitative Assessment. Journal of Food Distribution Research. 35(2): pp. 66-82.
Loureiro, Maria L. and Susan Hine. (2004) Preferences and Willingness to Pay for GM Labeling Policies. Journal of Food Policy, Volume 29, Issue 5, Pages 467-483.
Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje, and Helene de Chastenet. Economic factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: The Differential Response to Price, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics (Accepted for Publication in May of 2005).

Nganje, William, Kaitibie, S. and A. Sorin. HACCP Implementation and Economic Optimality in Turkey Processing. Special Issue of Agribusiness, An International Journal (Accepted for Publication, March, 2005).

Nganje, William and Simeon Kaitibie, and Thomas Taban. Multinomial Logit Model Comparing Consumers and Processors Risk Perception of Specialty Meats. Agribusiness, An International Journal, Vol. 21, No 3 (Summer 2005).

Nganje, William, Dean Bangsund, Larry Leistritz, William Wilson, and Napoleon Tiapo. Estimating Regional Economic Impacts of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat and Barley. Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol.26, No.3 (Fall):332-347, 2004.

Nganje, William, William Wilson, and James Nolan. "Terrorism and the Grain Handling System in Canada and the United States. Current Agriculture, Food & Research Issues, A Journal of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. Number 2, 37-48, 2004.

Starbird, S. Andrew (with Vincent Amanor-Boadu). Minimizing the Value of Anonymity in Supply Chains in Hide or Confide?: The Dilemma of Transparency edited by G.J. Hoftede, H. Schepers, L. Spaans-Dijkstra, J. Tienekens, and A. Beulens. Doetinchem, The Netherlands: Reed Business Information, 2005.

Starbird, S. Andrew. Supply Chain Contracts and Food Safety. Choices. Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 124-127. 2005

Starbird, S. Andrew (with Vincent Amanor-Boadu). In Search of Anonymity in Supply Chains. Journal on Chain and Network Sciences. Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 5-16. 2005.

Starbird, S. Andrew. Moral Hazard, Inspection Policy, and Food Safety. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.Vol. 87, No. 1, pp. 15-27. 2005.

Starbird, S. Andrew (with Vincent Amanor-Boadu). The Value of Anonymity is Supply Chain Relationships in Dynamics in Chains and Networks edited by H.J. Bremmers, S.W.F. Omta, J.H. Trienekens, and E.F.M Wubben. Wageningen, The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2004.

Sterns, James, Allen Wysocki, Dorothy Comer, Gary Fairchild and Suzanne Thornsbury. The Cost of Delivering Courses via Distance Education. NACTA Journal, 49:2(June 2005):47-52.

Sterns, James A., Kathy Manley, Michael T. Olexa, Gary Fairchild, and Allen F. Wysocki. (2005). Observations about the value of a Legislative Internship. NACTA Journal, 49(2), 23-26.

Valluru, R., Jose, D. and Conley, D. Determinants of Off-Farm Income in Nebraska. Journal of the Nebraska Economics and Business Association, November 2004.

Wachenheim, C.J. Changing Consumer Perceptions about Genetically Modified Foods. Journal of Food Products Marketing 12(1), pp. 30-44.

Wachenheim, Cheryl J. 2004. How an Online Course Compares to Its Classroom Counterpart: A Preliminary Investigation. NACTA Journal (December): 20  26.

Wachenheim, C.J. and W.C. Lesch. 2004. U.S. Executives Views on International Agribusiness Education in the United States; an IAMA Membership Survey. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 7(1): 42-59.

Wysocki, Allen, Karl Kepner and James Sterns. Rockledge Gardens: An Independent Nursery Competing in a Chain-Dominated Marketplace. Journal of Applied Case Research, 6:1(January 2005):21-41.


Ezumah, N.N and E. G. Fonsah (2004). Women in The Banana Industry: A Case Study of Tiko Banana Plantation, South West Province, Cameroon, In: Issues In Gender and Development Studies, New Gender Studies from Cameroon and Caribbean, African Books Collection, Vol. 1, Edited by Joyce Endeley, Ardener Shirley, Richard Goodridge and Nalova Lyonga, ISBN: 0-954538-46-3, pp 79-93.


Sterns, James S. Presentation: "Constraining and Enabling Product Differentiation - A call for Subject Matter Research." A presentation as part of a selected organized symposium at the AAEA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, July 24, 2006.

Wysocki, Allen F. Presentation: "Helping Your Small Farmers to Develop a Business Plan." Presented at Annual IFAS Extension Symposium, May 18, 2006.

Wysocki, Allen F. Presentation: Finding Niche Markets." Presented at the Suwannee Valley Twilight Field Day, May 23, 2006

Wysocki, Allen F. Presentation: "Selling Basics-Communicating Value to Your Customers." Presented at the North Florida Research and Education Center Fall Field Day, November 2, 2006

Ernst, Stan and Neal H. Hooker. 2006. Signaling Quality in an E-Commerce Environment: The Case of an Emerging E-Grocery Sector. Journal of Food Products Marketing. 12(4): pp. 11-26

Ernst, Stan, Leslie Stoel, Neal H. Hooker, and Monica Skolmutch. 2006. IT and E-Commerce Use by Small Food Retailers: Preliminary Findings. Abstract in Journal of Food Distribution Research. 37(1): pp. 183-184

Hooker, Neal H. and Wenjing Shang. 2006b. Using Consumer Information to Improve Recalls. Battelle/John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy Day. Working Paper 06-2

Hall, Charles, Alan Hodges, and John Haydu. "Economic Impact of the Green Industry in the United States," HortTeachnology, accepted for publication., December 2005.

B. Behe, J. Hardy, S. Barton, J. Brooker, T. Fernandez, C. Hall, J. Hicks, R. Hinson, P. Knight, R. McNiel, T. Page, B. Rowe, C. Safley, and R. Schutzki. 2005. "Landscape Plant Material, Size, and Design Sophistication Increase Perceived Home Value," Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 23(3):127-133.

Brooker, John, David Eastwood, Charles Hall, Edmund Estes, Timothy Woods, James Epperson, and Forrest Stegelin, State Department of Agriculture Participation in Fresh Produce Marketing in Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Proceedings Issue, Research Updates, Volume 36, Number 1, March 2005.



" Baker, G., Wysocki, A. F., House, L. O. Fostering Collaboration between Industry and Universities: The View from the Corner Office. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 11(3), 57-80.

" Baker, G., Hansen, K. O. Greene Gardens. To appear in International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.

" Ng, D. 2008. "Understanding the Entrepreneurship of Social Networks and Market Dynamics". Journal of Chain and Network Science (Forthcoming).

" Ng, D, Westgren, R., Sonka, S. 2008. "Competitive Blind Spots in an Institutional Field". Strategic Management Journal (Forthcoming)

" Ng, D. 2008. "Structural Change in Food Supply Chains", International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 11, Issue 2. pp 17-48.

" Nganje, William, Cheryl Wacheinhem and William Lesch. "Multinomial Logit Models Evaluating Perceived Risks and Consumption of GM Foods." Paper Accepted for Publication, Food Distribution Research, November, 2008.

" Onyango, Benjamin, Dragan Miljkovic, William Hallman, William Nganje, Sarah Coundry, and Cara Cuite: "Food Recalls and Food Safety Perceptions: The September 2006 Spinach Recall Case," Journal of Agribusiness, Accepted for Publication on October 3, 2008, In Press.

" Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje, and Benjamin Onyango. "Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Regulation" Paper Accepted for Publication, Journal of Food Safety, December 9th, 2007, In Press.

" Rene hughner, Jill K. Maher, Nancy Childs and William Nganje. "Fish: Friend or Foe? Food policy and subpopulation warnings for consumers." Food policy, 2008. Policy (2008), doi:10.1016/j.foodpol.2008.09.002

" William Nganje, Vicki Bier, Hoa Han, and Lorna Zack. "Models of Interdependent Security along the Milk Supply Chain." Proceeding Issue, American Journal of Agricultural Economic, 90(Number 5, 2008):1265-1271.

" Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje, and Elvis Ndembe. "Offsetting Behavior: Consumers Response to Food Safety Policies." Choices, 3rd Quarter 2008 23(3):1-7.

" William E. Nganje, Simeon Kaitibie, Emmanuel Acquah, Cheryl Wachenheim and Gretchen Johnson. "Price Premium for Bread Marketed as Low-Carbohydrates Bread. Food Distribution Research." July, 2008, Vol. XXXIX (2):66-76.

" Miljkovic, Dragan and William Nganje "Economic factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: A Myopic Addiction Model." Agricultural Economics, 38 (2008):375-384.

" Nganje, William, Robert Hearne, Cole Gustafson and Michael Orth. "Farmers' Preferences for Alternative Crop and Health Insurance Subsidies." Review of Agricultural Economics. Vol. 30, No. 2 (Summer):333-351, 2008.

" Miljkovic, Dragan, William Nganje, and Helene de Chastenet "Economic factors Affecting the Increase in Obesity in the United States: A Differential Response to Price" Food Policy, Vol. 33/1 pp 48-60, 2008.

" Kelley, K.M. 2008. Implementing a customer loyalty program. 2008 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, pgs. 54-55.

" Kelley, K.M. 2008. Creating an e-mail marketing program to build your business. The Pennsylvania State University Farm Management Web site < http://farmmanagement.aers.psu.edu/ValueAddedMrkt.htm>

" Kelley, K.M. 2008. Creating and hosting events at your agribusiness: Providing entertainment, helping families build memories, and increasing sales. The Pennsylvania State University Farm Management Web site < http://farmmanagement.aers.psu.edu/ValueAddedMrkt.htm>

" Kelley, K.M. 2008. Learning about your customer, developing consumer segments, choosing goods and services that appeal. The Pennsylvania State University Farm Management Web site < http://farmmanagement.aers.psu.edu/ValueAddedMrkt.htm>

" Harbor, A.L., M.A. Martin, and J.T. Akridge. "Assessing Input brand Loyalty among U.S. Agricultural Producers". International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 11, Issue 1, 2008, pp. 17-34.

" Gray, A, M. Roucan-Kane, and J.T. Akridge. "The Role of Price in Producers Input Purchase Decisions". Proceedings, 2008 Symposium of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Monterrey, California, June 14-17, 2008. http://dev.ifama.org/library.asp?collection=2008_monterey&volume=symposium_presentation_files/1078_paper.pdf.

" Ubilava, D. and J.T. Akridge. "Management of Agribusiness Services: Precision Service Offerings and Profitability of Retail Crop Input Dealers." Proceedings (Selected Poster), 2008 Symposium of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Monterrey, California, June 14-17, 2008. http://dev.ifama.org/library.asp?collection=2008_monterey&volume=symposium_presentation_files/1085_poster.pdf

" Shadbolt, N., G. Baker, and J.T. Akridge. "Internationalisation and the Challenges it Creates to Agribusiness Executive Education." Proceedings (Selected Poster), 2008 Symposium of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Monterrey, California, June 14-17, 2008. http://dev.ifama.org/library.asp?collection=2008_monterey&volume=symposium_presentation_files/1113_poster.pdf

" Whipker, L.D. and J.T. Akridge. "2008 Precision Agricultural Services Dealership Survey Results." Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, Working Paper No. 08-XX, September 2008. XX pp.

" Foltz, J. and J.T. Akridge. "Do You Make the Grade? A Report Card for Your Feed and Grain Business - Part II." Feed & Grain. XX/XX 2008, pp. XX-XX.

" Akridge, J.T. and M. Marshall. "Hanging On to Talent." CropLife, March 2008, pp. 22-23.

" Whipker, L.D. and J.T. Akridge. "Responding to a Changing Market." CropLife, June 2008, pp. 12-17.

" Whipker, L.D. and J.T. Akridge. "Where is Site-Specific Agriculture Headed?" CropLife, June 2008, pp. 18-23.

" Jones, B., M. Roucan, and J.T. Akridge. "West Coast Seeds: A Vegetable Seed Retailer." Center for Food and Agricultural Business Case Study. March 2007, 7 pages.

" Jones, B., M. Roucan, and J.T. Akridge. "Oliver Seed Company: A Midwest Hybrid Corn Company." Center for Food and Agricultural Business Case Study. March 2007, 7 pages.

" Ndembe, Elvis, William Nganje, and Dragan Miljkovic: "Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Policies in Vegetable Preparation and Consumption," Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report No. 620, North Dakota State University, April 2008.


2009 Publications
Louisiana State University AgCenter

Kinsey, Jean and R. Wes Harrison. Index of Consumer Confidence in the Safety of the Food System. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming. 91(5) (December 2009).

Harrison, R. Wes. The Food Versus Fuel Debate: Implications for Consumers. Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics. In press. 41(2) (August 2009).

University of Florida and Santa Clara University Collaboration

Greg Baker, Santa Clara University, and Al Wysocki and Lisa House, University of Florida.

Baker, G., Wysocki, A. F., House, L. O. Fostering Collaboration between Industry and Universities: The View from the Corner Office. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 11(3), 57-80. (PRJ, S)
University of Illinois

Novotorova, Nadezhda and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Preferences and Trade-Offs for Locally Grown and Genetically Modified Apples: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 11(4):31-53 (2008).

Novotorova, Nadezhda and Michael A. Mazzocco. Impact of Product Attribute Wording on Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology Applications in Produce. Journal of Food Distribution Research, Forthcoming, November, 2009.

Novotorova, Nadia and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Preferences and Trade-Offs for Locally Grown and Genetically Modified Apples: A Conjoint Analysis Approach. Presented at the Annual Meeting of WERA-72 Regional Research Project, Santa Clara, CA, June, 2008.

Michael A. Mazzocco. The University of Illinois Agribusiness Executives in Residence Program: The Why and How. Presented at Arizona State University, Mesa, AZ, December 5, 2008.

Michael A. Mazzocco. The Illinois Food Technology Sector: An Overview. Presented at SPRING Singapore (Standards Productivity and Innovation Board, Ministry of Trade and Industry), Singapore, June 4, 2008.

University of Nebraska

Food versus Fuel: Adoption and Distribution of Distillers Grains from Ethanol
Dr. Dennis M. Conley Symposium of the International Food & Agribusiness Management Association, 19th Annual Meeting, Budapest, Hungry

Texas A&M University

Siebert, John., Amy Hagerman and John Park. "Virtual Investment Concepts and the Ethanol Industry." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Volume 11, Issue 4, 2008.

Texas A&M University and Texas Tech University Collaboration

Siebert, John and Conrad Lyford. "U.S. Dairy Industry Supply Control: Managing the Cooperatives Working Together Program." Review of Agricultural Economics. (Accepted and forthcoming)

2008 and earlier publications are available on 2005 through 2008 annual reports

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