W1190: Interfacing technological, economic, and institutional principles for managing inter-sector mobilization of water
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aillery, M., N. Gollehon, G. Schaible, M. Roberts, and W. Quinby. Policy Directions to Mitigate Water-Supply Risk in Irrigated Agriculture: A Federal Perspective. A Selected Paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings in Denver, CO, August 1-4, 2004.
Brown, C., A. Granados, J. Greenlee, M. Hendrie, and B.H. Hurd. Developing Indicators of Water Resource Vulnerability in the Paso del Norte Region. Paper presented at the 2004 annual Conference of the Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR), Portland, Oregon, July 20-22, 2004,
Coleman, E. Determinants of Residential Water Conservation: The Case of Salt Lake City, Utah. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, August 2004.
Easterling, W.J., B.H. Hurd, and J.B. Smith. Coping With Climatic Change: The Role of Adaptation in the United States. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA, 2004.
Garbett, D. Water to the Masses: Municipal Water Issues in Utah. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, December 2003.
Huffaker, R.G., N. Whittlesey, and J. Hamilton. Irrigated Agriculture and Endangered
Species Policy. Encyclopedia of Water Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 2003.
Huffaker, R.G., and N. Whittlesey. A Theoretical Analysis of Economic Incentive Policies Encouraging Agricultural Water Conservation. International Journal of Water Resources Development (March 2003):37-53.
Hurd, B.H. and J.M. Callaway with J.B. Smith and P.Kirshen. Climatic Change and U.S. Water Resources: From Modeled Watershed Impacts to National Estimates. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 40(2004): 129-148.
Hurd, B.H. Residential Water Conservation: Landscape Attitudes and Choices. Paper presented at the Community Water Conference, Water Conservation: Protecting Our Most Valued Treasure, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 2004.
Johansson, R.C. and J.D. Kaplan. A Carrot and Stick Approach to Environmental Improvement: Marrying Agri-Environmental Payments and Water Quality Regulations. Agriculture and Resource Economics Review 31(2004): 91-104.
Johansson, R.C., P. H. Gowda, D. Mulla, and B. Dalzell. Metamodeling Phosphorus BMPs for Policy Use: A Frontier Approach. Agricultural Economics 30(2004): 63-74.
Jorgenson, D. Goettle, R., B.H. Hurd, J. Smith, L. Chestnut, and D. Mills. Market Consequences and Climate Change: A U.S. Perspective. Pew Center on Global Climate Change, Arlington, VA, 2004.
Kaplan, J.D., R.C. Johansson, and M.A. Peters. The Manure Hits the Land: Economic and Environmental Implications When Land Application of Nutrients is Constrained. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(2004): 688-700.
Keith, J.E. Impacts of the Water Policy Reform Program. Chapter 9 in G. Ender and J.S. Holtzman (editors), Does Agricultural Policy Reform Work? USAID and Abt Associates, 2003.
Koteen, J., S. Alexander, and J. Loomis. Evaluating Benefits and Costs of Changes in Water Quality. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-548. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Portland, OR.
Loomis, J., K. Quattlebaum, T.C. Brown and S. J. Alexander. Expanding Institutional Arrangements for Acquiring Water for Environmental Purposes: Transactions Evidence for the Western United States. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 19(March 2003): 21-28.
Peterson, J.M. and R.N. Boisvert. Incentive Compatible Pollution Control Policies under Asymmetric Information on Both Risk Preferences and Technology. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86(May 2004): 291-306
Ramanhi, T. Effects of Water Supply Adjustments on Farm Returns and Resource Use: Findings from the Rio Grande Basin. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, May 2004.
Raucher, R.S., J. Goldstein, A. Huber-Lee, W. DeOreo, P. Mayer, B.H. Hurd, R. Linsky, E. Means, and M. Renwick. The Value of Water: Concepts, Measures, and Empirical Evidence, And Their Application to Water Management Decisions. American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Report for project #2855. June 4, 2004.
Ribaudo, M. "Dead Zone in the Gulf: Addressing Agriculture's Contribution." Amber Waves, Vol. 1, Issue 5, Economic Research Service, USDA, November 2003.
Schaible, G.D. Western Irrigation Characteristics by Farm Size. An ERS Data Product including 147 Excel spreadsheet tables summarizing 1998 FRIS data by farm-size class by State (for 17 western States). Economic Research Service, USDA, June 2004.
Schaible, G.D. Irrigation, Water Conservation, and Farm Size in the Western United States. Amber Waves, Findings, Vol. 2, Issue 3, Economic Research Service, USDA, June 2004.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, and T. Ramanhi. Effects of Water Supply Adjustments on Farm Returns and Resource Use: Findings from the Rio Grande Basin. Final report. Cooperative Agreement 43-3AEL-2-80125 between New Mexico State University and USDA, Economic Research Service. October 2004.
Ward, F.A. and L. DeMouche. Optimizing Resource Management Decisions at New Mexico State Parks. Final Report. New Mexico State Parks Department, October 2004.
Aillery, M., N. Gollehon, and V. Breneman (2005). Technical Documentation of the Regional Manure Management Model for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. TB # 1913, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (March) (electronic only at www.ers.usda.gov/publications/tb1913/tb1913.pdf ).
Booker, J.F., A.M. Michelsen, and F.A. Ward. 2005. Economic Impacts of Alternative Policy Responses to Prolonged and Severe Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research. 41: (February) 2026.1-2026.15.
Cai, Ximing, L. Lasdon, A.M. Michelsen. 2004. Group Decision Making in Water Resources Management Using Multiple Objective Analysis. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 130(1):4-14.
Gopalakrishnan, C. and J.K. Levy. 2005. Optimal Water Reallocation in Hawaii: Towards a Revised Water Code and a Revamped Water Commission. Impact . 7(3):16-19.
Gopalakrishnan, C., J. Levy, K.W. Li, and K.W. Hipel. 2005. Water Allocation among Multiple Stakeholders: Conflict Analysis of the Waiahole Water Project, Hawaii. Water Res. Devl. 21:283-295.
Guerrero, B., S. Amosson and T. Marek. 2005. Natural Gas Prices Impact on Irrigated Agriculture Water Demands. Report prepared for Texas Water Development Board by Texas Agricultural Extension Center and Texas Cooperative Extension. April. 18 p
Harman, W.L., S.J. Maas, R.E. McDonald, Naveen Musunuru, and Eduardo Segarra. 2005. Economic impacts of seasonal weather information in dryland grain sorghum production. Southwestern Journal of economics Vol. VII(1):79-95.
Hearne, R. 2004. Evolving Water Management Institutions in Mexico. Water Resources Research, 40(12) W12S04. December 2004.
Hearne, R. and G. Donoso. 2005. Water Institutional Reforms in Chile Water Policy. 7(1):53-70.
Heflebower R, T Cerny-Koenig, M Waters and RA Ward. 2005. Water-wise plant recognition program. Journal of Extension 43(1).
Hurd, B.H., R. St-Hilaire, and J. White. Residential Landscapes, Homeowner Attitudes and Water-Wise Choices in New Mexico, forthcoming in HortTechnology, Nov. 2005.
Hurd, B.H. and J. Smith. 2005. Landscape Attitudes and Choices: A Survey of New Mexico Homeowners. Water Task Force Report 5, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. 60 p.
Johansson, R.C. and A. Moledina (2005). Comparing Policies to Improve Water Quality When Firms are Strategic, Water International 30(2): 166-173.
Johansson, R.C., J. Cooper, and U. Vasavada (2005). Greener Acres or Greener Waters? U.S. Adjustments to Agricultural Trade Liberalization, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 34(1): 42-53.
Kim, C. S., C. Hallahan, W. Lindamood, G. Schaible, and J. Payne (2004). A Note on the Reliability Tests of Estimates from ARMS Data, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 33/2 (October): 293-297.
Kim, C. S., G. Schluter, G. Schaible, A. Mishra, and C. Hallahan (2005). A Decomposed Negative Binomial Model of Structural Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Application to U.S. Agriculture, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 53: 161-176 [http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/toc/cjag/53/2-3].
Levy, J.K., C. Gopalakrishnan. and Z. Lin. 2005. Advances in Decision-Support Systems for Flood Disaster Management: Challenges and Opportunities. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 21(4): 593-611.
Loomis, J. A. Smith and P. Huszar. 2005. Estimating the Economic Benefits of Maintaining Residential Lake Levels at an Irrigation Reservoir: A Contingent Valuation Study. Water Resources Research. Vol 41, W0805: 1-9.
Malone, Elizabeth L. Joel B. Smith, Antoinette. L. Brenkert, Brian H. Hurd, Richard H. Moss, and Daniel Bouille. 2004. Developing Socioeconomic Scenarios: For Use in Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments. United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Global Environment Facility, New York. 48 p.
Marek, T., Amosson, S., Muttiah, R., Almas, L., New, L., Howell, T.A., Bretz, F., Guerrero, B., Simpson, N. 2004. Development of an agricultural water use estimating methodology. Prepared for Texas Water Development Board by Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and Texas Cooperative Extension in cooperation with U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/RWPG/rpgm_rpts/2003483009.pdf (15.2 Mb).
Ribaudo, M., Aillery, M., Gollehon, N., Johansson, R., Key, N. (2005). Managing Manure to Improve Air and Water Quality, ERR-9, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
Michelsen, A.M. and T. Brown. Water Market Development and Prices in the Western United States. 50th Annual New Mexico Water Conference. Las Cruces, NM. Oct. 18-20, 2005. Invited. (forthcoming)
Peterson, J.M. and Y. Ding. (2005): Economic Adjustments to Groundwater Depletion in the High Plains: Do Water-Saving Irrigation Systems Save Water? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(1): 148-160.
Ribaudo, M.O., Heimlich, R., Peters, M. (2004). Nitrogen Sources and Gulf Hypoxia: Potential for Environmental Credit Trading. Ecological Economics, Vol. 52, pp. 159-168.
Ribaudo, M.O., Johansson, R. (2005). Water Quality Impacts of Agriculture, Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.
Schaible, Glenn D. and Marcel Aillery (2005). Irrigation Water Management. Chapter 4.6 in Agricultural Resources and Environmental Indicators, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture [ www.ers.usda.gov/publications/ ].
Schaible, G., N. Gollehon, M. Aillery, C. Kim, M. Roberts, W. Quinby, B. Smith, and U. Vasavada (2005). Agricultural Risks in a Water-Short World: Producer Adaptation and Policy Directions. A Workshop Summary for the ERS/Farm Foundation workshop held May 24-25, 2004, U.S. Department of Agriculture (February) [published at http://www.farmfoundation.org/documents/Z4C1-WaterWorkshopSummary-Final-V1c_11-8-04.pdf ].
Sheng, Z., Y., Liu, A. Michelsen and D. Xu. 2005. Comparative Study in Water Resources Development of Western Regions in the United States and China. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 48(3):1015-1024.
Tesfamichael, AA, AJ Caplan, and J Kaluarchchi. 2005. Risk-cost-benefit analysis of atrazine in drinking water from agricultural activities and policy implications. Water Resources Research 41: 1-13.
Sheng, Z., Sturdivant, A., Michelsen, A. and R. Lacewell. 2005. Rapid Economic Assessment of Flood-control Failure Along the Rio Grande: A Case Study. International Journal of Water Resources Development. (in press).
Ward, F.A, 2006. Decision Support for Water Policy: A Review of Economic Concepts and Tools. Water Policy (forthcoming).
Tidwell, V., A.M. Michelsen, J. Aparicio and H. Passell. 2004. The Rio Grande/Rio Bravo - River of Change. Water Resources Impacts. American Water Resources Association. 6(3):14-17.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, T. Rahmani, and N. Gollehon. 2006. Economic Impact of Federal Policy Responses to Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research (forthcoming).
Ward, F.A., J.F. Booker, and A.M. Michelsen. 2006. Integrated Economic, Hydrological, and Institutional Analysis of Policy Responses to Mitigate Drought Impacts in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (forthcoming).
Ward. F.A. and J.F. Booker. 2006. Economic Impacts of Instream Flow Protection for the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow in the Rio Grande Basin. Reviews in Fisheries Science. 14: 1-16.
Ward, F.A. 2005. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Prentice-Hall (610 pages).
Arumí, J.L., D. L. Martin and D. G. Watts. 2005. Semi-Analytical Model of the Flow of Water through the Intermediate Vadose Zone. Accepted, Journal of Irrig. and Drain. Eng., ASCE.
Arumí, J.L., D. L. Martin and D. G. Watts. 2005. Modeling the Effects of Agriculture Management Practices on Groundwater. Accepted, Journ. Irrig. and Drain. Eng., ASCE.
Auvermann, B., T. Marek, C. Rogers, G. Marek, K. Heflin, J. Bush and B. Chaffin. 2005. The Water Curtain An Edge of Feedyard Dust Control Technique. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Amosson, S., L. Almas, F. Bretz, D. Gaskins, B. Guerrero, D. Jones, T. Marek, L. New, and N. Simpson. 2005. Water Management Strategies for Reducing Irrigation Demands in Region A. Prepared for Agricultural Sub Committee Panhandle Water Planning Group. Texas A&M University Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Amarillo, Texas. January. 79 p.
Booker, J.F., A.M. Michelsen and F.A. Ward. 2005. Economic Impact of Alternative Policy Responses to Prolonged and Severe Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research. 41(WO2626):1-15.
Brozovi, N., Sunding, D.L., and Zilberman, D., 2006, Optimal management of groundwater over space and time, in Frontiers in Water Resource Economics, eds. R. Goetz and D. Berga, Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Vol. 29, Springer, 275 p.
Foltz, John, Stacie Woodall Philip Wandschneider and R. G. Taylor The Contribution of the Grape and Wine Industry to Idahos Economy -Agribusiness and Tourism Impacts. Journal of Agribusiness Vol. 25 No. 1; 2007.
Golden B.B., and J.M. Peterson. Evaluation of Water Conservation from More Efficient Irrigation Systems. Staff Paper 06-03, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, June 2006.
Golden, B., T. Kastens, K. Dhuyvetter, and J.M. Peterson. Developing an Economic Tool to Predict the Value of Water Rights. Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, May 2006.
Granados-Olivas, A., C. Brown, J. Greenlee, B. Creel, J. Hawley, J. Kennedy, O. Dena-Ornelas, and B. Hurd. 2006. Geographic Information Systems At the Paso Del Norte Region: The Academic Accomplishments and Challenges for a Transboundary Water GIS Cooperation, New Mexico Journal of Science, Vol. 44 (Aug), pp. 59-70.
Harman, Wyatte L., T.J. Gerik, M. Magre, E. Steglich, and J.R. Robinson. 2005. Irrigation yield response of crops in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas. BRC Report 05 05, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Temple, Texas.
Harman, Wyatte L., M. Dozier, and T.J. Gerik. 2006. Atrazine field losses: A simulation study of mitigation strategies. BRC Report 2007 1, Blackland Research and Extension Center, Temple, Texas.
Houk, Eric, R. G. Taylor, and M. Frasier. Evaluating Water Transfers from Irrigated Agriculture for Endangered Species in the Platte River Basin .Journal of Water Management accepted 2007.
Huffaker, R., and R. Hotchkiss. Economic Dynamics of Reservoir Sedimentation Management: Optimal Control with Singularly Perturbed Equations of Motion. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 30(2006):2553-2575. (Objective 1)
Huffaker, R.G., and J. Hamilton. Conflict in U.S. Irrigation. Irrigation of Agricultural Crops Monograph. Eds. R. Lascano and R. Sojka, USDA-ARS. In press.
Hurd, B.H. Water Conservation and Residential Landscapes: Household Preferences, Household Choices, 2006. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 173-192.
Hurd, B.H., C. Brown, J. Greenlee, A. Granados, and M. Hendrie, 2006. Assessing Water Resource Vulnerability for Arid Watersheds: GIS-based Research in the Paso del Norte Region. New Mexico Journal of Science, Vol. 44 (Aug), pp. 39-61.
Hurd, B.H., R. St-Hilaire, and J. White. 2006. Residential Landscapes, Homeowner Attitudes and Water-Wise Choices in New Mexico, HortTechnology, 16(2): pp. 241-246.
Lacewell, R.D., R. Freeman, D. Petit, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, L. Ribera, and M. Zinn. "Update of Estimated Agricultural Benefits Attributable to Drainage and Flood Control in Willacy County, Texas Raymondville Drain Static and Stochastic Implications." Contract report provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston, Texas. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-294. College Station, TX. August 2006.
Larsen, Ryan, Garth Taylor, and Steve Hines. The Economic Impact of Snowmobiling in the Valley County. University of Idaho, Agricultural Experiment Station, BUL 844. 2006.
Larsen, Ryan, Garth Taylor, and Steve Hines. Snowmobiling and the Valley County. University of Idaho, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin 844. 2006.
Marek, T., T. Moore and E. Cox. 2005. The Future of Cotton in the Northern Texas High Plains. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T., S. Amosson, L. Almas, F. Bretz, D. Gaskins, B. Guerrero and D. Jones. 2005. Feasibility of Water Management Strategies for the Declining Ogallala Aquifer in the Northern Texas High Plains During the Next 60 Years. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. Marek and B. Auvermann. 2005. Irrigation Variable Rate Development. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. and B. Auvermann. 2005. Lysimetry and Water Use Measurement. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T. 2005. North Plains Research Field Etter Precision Agriculture Effort. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Highlights Sheet.
Marek, T., D. Porter and T. Howell. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration (TXHPET) Network. Report to TWDB for contract # 2004 358 008. 16 p.
Marek, T., D. Porter and T. Howell. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network An Irrigation Scheduling Technology Transfer Tool. Report to TWDB, Austin, TX. 17 p.
Marek, T., S. Amosson, L. New, F. Bretz, and B. Guerrero. 2005. Senate Bill 2 Region A Task 3 Memorandum on Water Supply Analysis. Report submitted to Freese and Nichols for TWDB Contract PPC02218.
Marek, T. and D. Porter. 2005. The Texas High Plains Evapotranspiration Network (TXHPET) A Technology Transfer and Research Support Program FY06 FY09 Project Plan. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Amarillo Lubbock. 28p.
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R. G. Taylor. Travel Cost Model Specification on Estimated Consumer Surplus: The Case of Steelhead Trout Fishing Demand in Idaho. Selected Paper, Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Conference, Alaska, July, 2006.
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R. G. Taylor. The Effect of Travel Cost Model Specification on Estimated Consumer Surplus: The Case of Steelhead Trout Fishing Demand in Idaho. Selected Paper, Eastern Economics Association. New York, NY March 4-6 2005.
Michelsen, A.M. and T. Brown. 2005. Western Water Markets: Transactions, Prices and Diversity. 50th New Mexico Annual Water Conference. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Las Cruces, NM, October 18-20. Proceedings. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. 2006. Water Marketing Opportunities for the Paso del Norte Region. Paso del Norte Economic Development Group. El Paso, TX. June 7, 2006. Invited.
Peterson, J.M. Review of Water Institutions: Policies, Performance and Prospects, C. Gopalakrishnan, C. Tortajada, and A.K. Biswas, Eds. International Journal of Water Resources Development 21(December 2005): 679-682.
Peterson, J.M., Y. Ding, L.K. Almas, S. Amosson, W.A. Colette, J.W. Johnson, S.C. Park, E. Segarra, E. Wheeler. Projecting Income and Hydrologic Changes in the Southern Ogallala Region using Economic Optimization Models. Presented at the USDA-ARS Ogallala Aquifer Program Workshop, Amarillo, Texas, March 2006.
Rister, M.E., R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. "Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: United Irrigation District of Hidalgo County (United) Rehabilitation of Main Canal, Laterals, and Diversion Pump Station Final." Texas Water Resources Institute. TR 288. College Station, TX. March 2006.
Robinson, J.R., A.M. Michelsen and N. Gollehon. 2005. Economic Impact of International Treaty Water Shortages. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November 7-10.
Rodríguez, A. and R. G. Taylor. 2005. Synthesis and Linkages of Initiative Countries in Watershed Improvement. Presented at the Fourth Regional Thematic Workshop, Reading, UK, 3-5 April, 2005. Regional Initiative for Dryland Management, Multilateral Working Group on the Environment, Cairo, Egypt.
Rodríguez, A. and R.G. Taylor. 2005. Synthesis and Linkages of Initiative Countries in Treated Wastewater and Biosolids Use. Presented at the Fourth Regional Thematic Workshop, Reading, UK, 3-5 April, 2005. Regional Initiative for Dryland Management, Multilateral Working Group on the Environment, Cairo, Egypt.
Rogers, C.A., A.W. Sturdivant, M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. Goal Seek Pamphlet for VIDRA© using Microsoft® Excel®. Texas Water Resources Institute. SR 2006-02. August 2006.
Ryan Larsen, John McKean, and Garth Taylor. Value of Snowmobiling in Valley County Idaho. Selected paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Conference, Alaska, July, 2006.
S. Irmak, J.O. Payero, D.L. Martin, R.G. Allen and T.A. Howell. 2005. Sensitivity Analyses and Sensitivity Coefficients for the Standardized 24-hr Timestep ASCE-Penman-Monteith Equation. Accepted. Journal Irrig. and Drain. Eng. ASCE.
S. Irmak, T. A. Howell, R. G. Allen, J. O. Payero and D. L. Martin. 2005. Standardized ASCE Penman-Monteith: Impact of Sum-of-Hourly vs. 24-Hour Timestep Computations at Reference Weather Station Sites. Trans. ASAE. 48(3):1063-1077.
Saak, A.E. and J.M. Peterson. Groundwater Use under Incomplete Information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, accepted pending final revisions, 2006.
Sheng, Z., Y., Liu, A. Michelsen and D. Xu. 2005. Comparative Study in Water Resources Development of Western Regions in the United States and China. Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 48(3):1015-1024.
Sheng, Z. A.W. Sturdivant, A.M. Michelsen, and R.D Lacewell. Rapid Economic Assessment of Flood-Control Failure Along the Rio Grande: A Case Study. International Journal of Water Resources Development, Vol 21, No. 4, pp. 629-649 (December 2005).
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, C.S. Rogers, J. Garza, and J. Adams. Economic Costs of Desalination in South Texas A Case Study of the Southmost Facility. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-295. College Station, TX.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and C.S. Rogers. "Validating the Estimated Cost of Saving Water Through Infrastructure Rehabilitation in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley A Case Study Using Actual Construction Costs for the Interconnect and Pumping Plant Project, Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Benito)." Texas Water Resources Institute. SR 2006-04. College Station, TX.
Sturdivant, A.W. Costs of Delivering Water in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Survey Results for the LRGVWDMA. Lower Rio Grande Valley Water District Managers Association. Edinburg, TX. December 20, 2005. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W. and L.A. Ribera. The Presence and Impacts of Agricultural Economists in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Meeting of the Abriendo Puertas program. Weslaco, TX. January 25, 2006. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. Economists: Task 1. Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. Ruidoso, NM., March 28, 2006.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. RGBI Agricultural Economists: Bringing Economics, Finance, Accounting, and Computer Modeling to Water Planning in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Poster presented at Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. Ruidoso Conference Center. Ruidoso, NM. March 27-30, 2006.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. The Costs of Saving Water with Infrastructure Rehabilitation - Economic Perspectives. Poster presented at Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. Ruidoso Conference Center. Ruidoso, NM. March 27-30, 2006.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. The Value of Water, the Costs of Delivery, the Interaction of Rates, and Their Relevance to LRGV. Members of the Lower Rio Grande Valley Water District Managers Association and Various Municipality Representatives. Weslaco, TX. January 23, 2006. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. "Validating the Estimated Cost of Saving Water Through Infrastructure Rehabilitation in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley A Case Study Using Actual Construction Costs for the Wisconsin Pipeline Project, Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan)." Texas Water Resources Institute. SR 2005-03. College Station, TX. December 2005.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. Water, Agricultural Economists and the Rio Grande Valley. Monthly meeting of the Sustainable Agriculture Task Force. Edinburg, TX. April 11, 2006. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, and J. Leal. Economic Implications of Desalination in South Texas. Proceedings of Increasing Freshwater Supplies Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Meeting. Santa Fe, NM. July 18-20, 2006. (abstract)
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, and J. Leal. Economic Implications of Desalination in South Texas. Annual meeting of Universities Council on Water Resources. Santa Fe, NM. July 18, 2006.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and L.A. Ribera. The Value of Water, the Interaction of Rates, and Their Relevance to LRGVWDMA - II. Lower Rio Grande Valley Water District Managers Association. Weslaco, TX. December 9, 2005. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and L.A. Ribera. The Value of Water, the Interaction of Rates, and Their Relevance to LRGVWDMA. Lower Rio Grande Valley Water District Managers Association. Weslaco, TX. November 10, 2005. Invited.
Supalla, R. J., D. Aiken, R. Davis, D. Munger, N. Gollehon, T. Buell, B. McMullen and R. Brewster. 2006. Market Mechanisms for Addressing Water Supply and Environmental Needs in the North Platte Basin: The Potential for Water Leasing, Option Contracts and Other Exchange Mechanisms. Final Report, ERS-UNL Cooperative Agreement on Water Marketing, Agreement No. 43-3AEL-3-80043.
Supalla, R. J., T. Buell and S. Stricker. 2006. Economics of Management Options for Lake McConaughy. Department of Agricultural Economics Research Report, University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
Supalla, R.J., D. Martin and S. Nedved. 2005. Water Optimizer, Decision Support Tool for Deficit Irrigation. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Instruction manual available at http://extension-water.unl.edu.
Supalla, R. J., T. Buell and B. McMullen. 2006. The Cost of Reducing Irrigation, Department of Agricultural Economics Research Report, University of NebraskaLincoln.
Taylor, Garth, Leroy Stodick, Joel Hamilton, R D Schmidt, and Zena Cook Economic/Hydrologic Externalities and Spatial Water Allocation Modeling 2006 Idaho Water Resources Research Symposia, Research to Support Management of Idaho's Waters Idaho University of Idaho, Water Resources Research Institute November 23 -24, 2006 Boise ID.
Thimmes, A., R. Huffaker, and R. Hotchkiss. A Law and Economics Approach to Resolving Reservoir Sediment Management Conflicts. Journal of American Water Resources Association 41(December 2005):1449-1456.
Williams, J.R., W.L. Harman, M. Magre, U. Kizil, J.A. Lindley, G. Padmanabhan, E. Wang. 2006. APEX feedlot water quality simulation. Trans ASABE 49(1):61-73.
Wang, X., R.D. Harmel, J.R. Williams, and W.L. Harman. 2006. Evaluation of EPIC for assessing crop yield, runoff, sediment, and nutrient losses from watersheds with poultry litter fertilization. Trans ASABE 49(1):47 59.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, T. Rahmani, and N. Gollehon. 2006. Economic impacts of federal policy responses to drought in the Rio Grande Basin, Water Resources Research, VOL. 42, W03420, doi:10.1029/2005WR004427, pp. 1-13.
Ward, F.A., J.F. Booker and A.M. Michelsen. 2006. Integrated Economic, Hydrologic and Institutional Analysis of Policy Responses to Mitigate Drought Impacts in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Mangement. (in press).
Ward, F.A., J.F. Booker, and A.M Michelsen, "Economic Impacts of Policy Responses to Severe Droughts in the Rio Grande Basin (USA)," presented at the International Workshop on Hydroeconomic Modeling and Tools for Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive, January 30-31, 2006, Valencia, Spain.
Ward, F.A., A.M. Michelsen and L. DeMouche. 2005. Institutional Barriers to Water Conservation: Challenges and Opportunities. 50th New Mexico Annual Water Conference. New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Las Cruces, NM, October 18-20. Proceedings. Invited.
Ward, F.A., A.M. Michelsen and J.F. Booker. 2006. Sustainable Policy Design through Integrated Basin Models: Findings from the Rio Grande. Increasing Fresh Water Supplies, Universities Council on Water Resources, Santa Fe, NM. July 18-20. Proceedings CD.
Ward, F.A., A.M. Michelsen and L DeMouche. 2006. Barriers to Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. (in press)
Wolfe, C.D., M.J. Stubbs, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, and E.L. Pennington. An Overview of Operational Characteristics of Selected Irrigation Districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley: Harlingen Irrigation District Cameron County No. 1. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-270. College Station, TX.
Wolfe, C.D., M.J. Stubbs, E.L. Pennington, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, and R.D. Lacewell. An Overview of Operational Characteristics of Selected Irrigation Districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley: Delta Lake Irrigation District. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-290. College Station, TX.
BenDor, T.K. and Brozovi, N., 2007, Determinants of spatial and temporal patterns in compensatory wetland mitigation, Environmental Management, v. 40, p. 349-364, DOI 10.1007/s00267-006-0310-y.
BenDor, T.K. and Brozovi, N., 2007, The role of regulatory change on wetlands mitigation, National Wetlands Newsletter, v. 29, no. 4, p. 10-13.
BenDor, T.K., Brozovi, N., and Pallathucheril, V., 2007, Assessing the socioeconomic impacts of wetland mitigation in the Chicago region, Journal of the American Planning Association, v.73, p. 263-282, DOI: 10.1080/01944360708977977.
BenDor, T.K. and Brozovi, N., 2007, Wetland mitigation method selection and developer decision-making processes. Paper presented at the Associated Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Brozovi, N., Sunding, D.L., and Zilberman, D., 2007, Estimating business and residential water supply interruption losses from catastrophic events, Water Resources Research, v. 43, W08423, doi:10.1029/2005WR004782.
Brozovi, N. and Schlenker, W., 2007, Resilience, uncertainty, and the role of economics in ecosystem management. Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Portland, Oregon.
Buell, Thomas and R. Supalla. Economic Implications of Alternative Futures for Lake McConaughy. Poster Paper, 2007 Water Colloquium, October 12, 2007, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Golden B.B., and J.M. Peterson. Evaluation of Water Conservation from More Efficient Irrigation Systems. Staff Paper 06-03, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, June 2006.
Gopalakrishnan C. 2007. Natural Disasters and Extreme Climate Change: Policy Implications for Water Resources Management. Book of Abstracts. 7th IIASA-DPRI Forum on Coping with Regional Disasters, September 19-21, 2007.
Gopalakrishnan, C. Desalination in: Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World, New York: Oxford University Press.
Greenlee, Janet. Brian Hurd, Mark Heil, Christopher Brown, Nori Koehler, Alfredo Granados. 2007. Using GIS to Assess Water Resource Vulnerability on the Border. Poster presented the University Research Conference, October 6, 2006.
Harman, W.L., M. Dozier, T.J. Gerik, J.R. Williams, and M. Magre. 2007. Management Strategies to Reduce Field Losses of Atrazine: Long-term Implications Using Simulation. In process, Journal of Environmental Quality.
Hearne. R Evolving Water Management Institutions in the Red River Basin. Forthcoming Environmental Management.
Hearne, R. 2007.Water Markets as a Mechanism for Intersectoral Water Transfers: The Elqui Basin in Chile Forthcoming Paddy and Water Environment. December 2007.
Hurd, B.H. and J. Coonrod. 2007. Climate Change and Its Implications for New Mexicos Water Resources and Economic Opportunities. Prepared for the National Commission on Energy Policy, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. 46 p.
Hurd, Brian H., L. Allen Torell, and Kirk C. McDaniel. 2007. Ranch and Rangeland Management: Perspectives of the Rangeland Economy and its Relationship to Weather Information, Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Associate (NOAA), June 5, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. 2007. Adaptation Challenges in the Southwest under Climate Change. Invited presentation to the Climate Change Adaptation Workshop for New Mexico Natural Resource Managers, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), and Institute for the Study of Planet Earth. Albuquerque, NM; October 22, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. and Julia Coonrod. 2007. Climate Change and its Implications for New Mexicos Water Resources and Economic Opportunities. Presentation at the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM; November 12, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. and Julia Coonrod. 2007Climate Change and its Implications for New Mexicos Water Resources and Economic Opportunities. . Presentation for the NMSU Water Lecture Series. Las Cruces, NM; November 8, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. and Julia Coonrod. 2007Climate Change and its Implications for New Mexicos Water Resources and Economic Opportunities. Invited presentation at the 52nd Annual New Mexico Water Conference, Beyond the Year of Water: Living within Our Water Limitations, Santa Fe, NM; November 29, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. and Julia Coonrod. 2007 Economic Impacts of Climate Change on New Mexico's Water Resources, Brian H. Hurd and Julia Coonrod. Poster presented at the University Research Conference, October 5, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. 2007. Water Rights: A New Mexico Perspective, Invited presentation to the Four State Water Forum, Oklahoma City, OK, March 29-30, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. 2007. Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate, Invited presentation to the UCLA School of Law, Frankel Symposium, Coping With Global Warming, Los Angeles, CA, March 2, 2007.
Hurd, Brian H. 2007. Challenges and Opportunities in Adapting to Climate Changes, , invited presentation to the NM Governors Drought Task Force, 4th Annual Drought Summit 2006, Climate Change: What Does It Mean For New Mexico?, Albuquerque, NM, October 18, 2006.
Lacewell, R.D., M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, M.M. DuBois, C.S. Rogers, and E.K. Seawright. 2007. Expected Economic Benefits of the El Morillo Drain. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-299. College Station, TX. January 2007.
Lacewell, R.D., M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, M.M. DuBois, C.S. Rogers, and E.K. Seawright. 2007. Preliminary Results Expected Economic Benefits of the El Morillo Drain. Presented to the Rio Grande Regional Water Planning Group. Weslaco, TX. January 4, 2007.
Lagos, L. O., D. L. Martin, S. Irmak and X. Zhou. 2007. Evaluating Evapotranspiration with SWAT a Distributed Watershed Model and the FAO-56 Penman-Monteith Method. Presented at ASABE International Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. ASABE Paper Number: 07-2294. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. St. Joseph, MI.
Magre, M., W. Harman, T. Gerik, and E. Steglich. 2007. IRRG-AID: Irrigation Strategy Worksheet for Producers, High Plains of Texas. In process, BREC publication.
Magre, M., W. Harman, T. Gerik, and E. Steglich. 2007. IRRG-AID: Irrigation Strategy Worksheet for Producers, Winter Garden, Texas. In process, BREC publication.
Masanan Kanagaraj and Brian Hurd. 2007. Investigating the Sensitivity of Agriculture to Salinity in the Lower Rio Grande of New Mexico, poster presented the University Research Conference, October 6, 2006.
McMullen, Brian, C. Thompson, R. Supalla and D. Martin. . Managing Limited Water Under Alternative Geographic and Economic Conditions. Poster Paper. 2007 Water Colloquium, October 12, 2007, Lincoln, Nebraska
Michelsen, A.M. 2007. Economic Evaluation of Salinity Impacts. Rio Grande Region Salinity Management Workshop. El Paso, TX. Proceedings. May 21-22, 2007.
Michelsen, A.M. 2007. Rio Grande Basin Initiative Collaboration Highlights. Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. South Padre Island, TX. May 14-17, 2007.
Michelsen, A.M. and Z. Sheng. 2007. El Paso Floods, Federal Agency Responses and Recommendations. Natural Hazards in Water Resources, Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Bosie, ID. July 24-26, 2007. Abstract, Proceedings CD.
Michelsen, A.M. and Z. Sheng. 2007. Paso del Norte 2006 Floods: Water Resource Agency Assessments and Recommendations for Improved Management and Preparation. American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. November 12-15, 2007. Abstract, Proceedings CD.
Peterson, J.M. J.A. Fox, N. Hendricks, J.C. Leatherman, and C. Smith. Choice Experiments to Assess Farmers Willingness to Participate in a Water Quality Trading Market. Selected Paper at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, July 2007.
Rister, M.E., R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2007. Economic and Financial Costs of Saving Water and Energy: Preliminary Analysis for Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan) - Replacement of Pipeline Units I-7A, I-18, and I-22. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-303. College Station, TX. June 2007.
Robinson, R.C., A.M. Michelsen and N.R. Gollehon. 2007. Mitigating Water Shortages in a Multiple Risk Environment. Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Bosie, ID. July 24-26, 2007. Abstract, Proceedings CD.
Rogers, C.S., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2007. Identifying Most Economic Sources of Potable Water: Case Study in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Proceedings of Hazards in Water Resources, Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. July 24-26, 2007. Abstract only.
Saak, A.E. and J.M. Peterson. Groundwater Use under Incomplete Information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 54(September 2007): 214-228.
Saak, A.E. and J.M. Peterson. Groundwater Pumping with Heterogeneous Users. Selected Paper at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Portland, July 2007.
Smith, C.M., J.M. Peterson, and J.C. Leatherman. Attitudes of Great Plains Producers About Best Management Practices, Conservation Programs, and Water Quality. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 62(September-October 2007): 97A-103A.
Sheng, Z., E. Herrera and A.M. Michelsen. 2007. Conceptual Model for Flood Control Planning in the Lower El Paso Valley. Natural Hazards in Water Resources, Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Conference. Bosie, ID. July 24-26, 2007. Abstract, Proceedings CD.
Sheng, Z., S. Tillery, J.P. King, B. Creel, C. Brown, A.M. Michelsen, R, Srinivasan, and A. Granados. 2006. The Development of a Coordinated Database for Water Resources and Flow Model in the Paso Del Norte Watershed. For the Paso del Norte Watershed Council. Texas Water Resources Institute TR-297.
Sturdivant, A.W., R.D. Lacewell, M.E. Rister, M.M. DuBois, C.S. Rogers, and E.K. Seawright. 2007. Final Results Expected Economic Benefits of the El Morillo Drain. Scheduled meeting of Rio Grande Regional Water Authority. McAllen, TX. January 16, 2007.
Sturdivant, A.W., R.D. Lacewell, M.E. Rister, M.M. DuBois, C.S. Rogers, and E.K. Seawright. 2007. Salinity Control by the El Morillo Drain, South Texas. Annual meeting of Universities Council on Water Resources. Boise, ID. July 24, 2007.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2007. VIDRA - Valley Irrigation District Rate Analyzer II for Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2. Hidalgo County Irrigation District No 2. San Juan, TX. September 2007.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, C.S. Rogers, J. Garza, and J. Adams. 2006. Economic Costs of Desalination: A Focus on South Texas with Extended Lessons. Proceedings of Environmental Sustainability: U.S.-Mexico Issues CREST-RESACCA Annual Conference. Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. November 15-17, 2006. Abstract only.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, C.S. Rogers, J. Garza, J. Adams, and C.N. Boyer. 2007. Economic Costs of Desalination in South Texas A Case Study of the Southmost Facility. Texas Water Resources Institute. TR-295. College Station, TX. September 2007.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and C.S. Rogers. 2006. Water & Economics: Contemporary Issues in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley. Texas Cooperative Extension, District 12 Fall Faculty Conference. Weslaco, TX. November 14, 2006.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, C.S. Rogers, E.K. Seawright, C. Boyer, A. Leidner. 2007. Economists: Task 1. Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. South Padre Island, TX, May 16, 2007.
Sturdivant, A.W., C.S. Rogers, M.M. DuBois, R.D. Lacewell, and M.E. Rister. 2007. Salinity Control by the El Morillo Drain, South Texas. Proceedings of Hazards in Water Resources Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. July 24-26, 2007. Abstract only.
Sturdivant, A.W., C.S. Rogers, M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, J.A. Garza, and J. Adams. 2007. Economic Costs of Desalination in South Texas: A Case Study. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, Issue 137, Pages 21-39. September 2007.
Supalla, R. J., T. Buell and S. Stricker. 2007. Economics of Management Options for Lake McConaughy. Department of Agricultural Economics Research Report 181, University of Nebraska- Lincoln.
Supalla, Raymond J. Biofuels: An Emerging Water Resources Hazard. Presentation at annual meeting of Universities Council of Water Resources, Boise, Idaho, July 25-27, 2007.
Thompson, Christopher, B. McMullen, R. Supalla and D. Martin. Cap and Trade as a Groundwater Management Policy: Evidence from Frontier County, Nebraska. Poster Paper. 2007 Water Colloquium, October 12, 2007, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Torell, L. Allen, Kirk C. McDaniel, and Brian H. Hurd. 2007. Exploratory Case Study on the Value of Improving Soil Moisture Forecast Information for Rangeland Management, Report to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Associate (NOAA), June 5, 2007.
Torell, L. Allen, Kirk C. McDaniel, and Brian H. Hurd. 2007. Using Soil Moisture to Estimate the Economic Value of Rainfall Events for Range Forage Production., presention to the Society for Range Management and the American Forage and Grassland Council, January 26 - 31, 2008.
Upendram, S. and J.M. Peterson. Irrigation Technology and Water Conservation in the High Plains Region. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 137(September 2007): 40-46.
Ward, F.A., A.M. Michelsen and L DeMouche. 2007. Barriers to Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 43.1, p.237-253.
Wittler, J.M., G. E. Cardon , T. K. Gates, C. A. Cooper and P. L. Sutherland. 2006. Calibration of Electromagnetic Induction for Regional Assessment of Soil Water Salinity in an Irrigated Valley. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. (in press).
Colby, B.G. Assessing the Value of Adjudications in a World of Uncertainty: An Economic Perspective, University of Denver Law Review, 2007.
Bark-Hodgins, D Osgood, b. Colby et al. Habitat Preservation and Restoration: Preferences for Habitat Quality, Ecological Economics, 2008 (in press).
Frisvold, G. and J. Reeves. "Trends in Water Conservation Among U.S. Cotton Producers," Poster Presentation, World Cotton Research Conference, September 10-14, 2007m Lubbock, TX.
Frisvold, G. and K. Emerick. Rural-Urban Water Transfers with Applications to the U.S.-Mexico Border Region. In A. Dinar, J. Albiac, and J. Sanchez-Soriano (eds.) Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment. New York: Routledge Press. (2008).
New Mexico
Hurd and Coonrod, 2008. Climate Change Risks New Mexicos Waterways: Its Byways and Its Flyways. Water Resources Impact, 10(4), pp 5-11.
Hurd, B. 2008. Challenges of Adapting to a Changing Climate. UCLA Journal of Environmental Policy, 26, 77-92.
Alimova, N., Lillywhite, J., B.H. Hurd, E. Hadjigeorgalis. 2008. High Desert Wine: A Discrete Choice Analysis of Consumer Preferences for New Mexican Wine, Journal of Food Products Marketing, 14(1), pp. 1-10.
Hurd, B.H. and J. Coonrod. 2007. Climate Change and Its Implications for New Mexicos Water Resources and Economic Opportunities, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, 52nd Annual New Mexico Water Conference, p. 33.
Hurd, Brian H., L. Allen Torell, and Kirk C. McDaniel. 2007. Ranch and Rangeland Management: Perspectives of the Rangeland Economy and its Relationship to Weather Information, Research Report #759, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University.
Hurd, B. and J. Coonrod. In Review. Management and Policy Implications for Managing Water Resources under Climate Change, Climate Research.
Rango, A., B. Hurd, D. Gutzler, and E. Vivoni. In Review. Effects of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrology and Water Management in the Upper Rio Grande Watershed: Assessment Methods and Strategies, Climate Research.
Ward, F.A. and M. Pulido-Velazquez, Water Conservation in Irrigation Can Increase Water Use, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, in press, 2008.
Ward, F.A. and M. Pulido-Velazquez, Pricing and Cost Recovery at the Basin Scale, Journal of Environmental Management, in press, 2008.
Ward, F.A., M.J. Kealy, G. Guy, and L. Manning. 2008. "Efficient Conservation Measures in Irrigated Agriculture to Sustain Urban and Environmental Water Demands," Review of Agricultural Economics. Fall, 2008.
Ward, F.A. and M. Pulido-Velazquez, Efficiency, Equity, and Sustainability in a Water Quantity-Quality Optimization Model for the Rio Grande Basin, Ecological Economics, May 2008.
Abstracts and Proceedings:
Hurd, B. and P. Ghosh. 2008. Valuing Groundwater Resources in Arid Watersheds under Climate Change: A Framework and Estimates for the Upper Rio Grande, Proceedings of the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Big Sky, MT, June.
L. Allen Torell, Kirk C. McDaniel, Brian H. Hurd, and Shad Cox. 2008. Using Soil Moisture to Estimate the Economic Value of Rainfall Events for Range Forage Production, Proceedings, Corona Range and Livestock Research Center 2008 Field Day. Pp 5.
Torell, L.A., K.C. McDaniel, B.H. Hurd, and S. Cox. 2008. Using Soil Moisture to Estimate the Economic Value of Rainfall Events for Range Forage Production. 2008 Society for Range Management Meetings, Louisville, KY, January 30. Abstr. No. 1790.
A Hydro-Economic Perspective on the Value and Management of Groundwater Resources in New Mexico. Prasenjit Ghosh and Brian Hurd. Poster displayed at the New Mexico State Univ. Research Council Fair, October 3, 2008.
Climate Change and the Upper Rio Grande Watershed: Assessing Impacts and Developing Insights for Strategic Adaptations, Brian Hurd. Presented to AGE580, Las Cruces, NM. September 2008.
Selected Issues on the Economics of Climate Change and Examples, Brian Hurd, Presented to Dr. Hansens Engineering Class, Las Cruces, NM, July 2008.
Valuing Groundwater Resources in Arid Watersheds under Climate Change: A Framework and Estimates for the Upper Rio Grande. Brian Hurd and Prasenjit Ghosh, Presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Big Sky, MT, June 27, 2008.
Climate Change and the Upper Rio Grande Watershed: Assessing Impacts and Developing Insights for Strategic Adaptations. Brian Hurd. Presented at the Far West Texas Climate Change Conference, Sponsored by the Texas Water Development Board, El Paso, TX, June 17, 2008.
An Overview of Climate Change Impacts on the Water and Economy of the Upper Rio Grande Watershed, Brian Hurd and Albert Rango. Presented at the Border-Area Climate Change Impacts & Water Sector Adaptation Workshop, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, April 1-2, 2008.
Using Soil Moisture to Estimate the Economic Value of Rainfall Events for Range Forage Production. Torell, L. Allen, Kirk C. McDaniel, Shad Cox and Brian H. Hurd, Poster presention to the Society for Range Management and the American Forage and Grassland Council, January 26 - 31, 2008.
McKean, John R and R G Taylor. Regional Economic Impacts of the Snake River Steelhead and Salmon Recovery Society & Natural Resources forthcoming
Contor, Bryce and Garth Taylor. Irrigation Demand. Western Governors Association, Western States Water Council Water Management Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah Nov. 17-19, 2008.
Taylor, Garth and RD Schmidt. Hydro-economic externalities and the Boise Valley Spatial Partial Equilibrium Model. West Groundwater Conference, Boise Idaho, Sept. 23-25, 2008.
Contor, Bryce, Garth Taylor, Greg Moore. Irrigation Demand Calculator. West Groundwater Conference, Boise Idaho, Sept. 23-25, 2008.
McKean, J. R. , Donn Johnson, R. G. Taylor The Value Added to Outdoor Recreation from Having a Backup Site. Eastern Economic Conference. March 7, 2008.
Schmidt, R. D. Garth Taylor, Leroy Stodick. Modeling Spatial Water Allocation and Hydrologic Externalities in the Boise Valley Boise Valley Water Use Planning Program Technical Series No.1-2008. USDI Bureau of Reclamation, Boise ID.
Russ Qualls and Garth Taylor. Climate Change and Idaho Water Resources. Testimony to the Senate Agricultural Affairs Committee. Feb 2008.
Russ Qualls and Garth Taylor. Climate Change and Idaho Water Resources. Testimony to the House Agricultural Affairs Committee. Feb 2008
Watson, Philip, Garth Taylor, and S Cooke. The Contribution of Agriculture to the Idaho Economy. Idaho Ag. Exp Stn. Bul. 481 2008.
Taylor, R. G. John McKean, Donn Johnson. The Location Value of a Recreation Site. Western Regional Science Association Annual Meeting, Kona Hawaii Feb. 2008.
Taylor, R. G. and Robert A. Young. Rural to Urban Water Transfers: Measuring Foregone Regional Irrigation Water Benefits Under Uncertain Water Supplies. The International Library of Critical Writing in Economics, Economics of Water Resources Volumes 1 and 2. edited by R. Quentin Grafton. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, Cheltenham, UK.
Gelso, B.R., J.A. Fox, and J.M. Peterson. The Cost of Wetlands: Effects of Size, Hydration, and Dispersion. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90 (February 2008): 172-185.
Peterson, J.M. and K. Schoengold. Using Numerical Methods to Address Water Supply and Reliability Issues: Discussion. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, in press.
Wheeler, E., J. Johnson, B. Golden, and J. Peterson. Economic Efficiency of Short-Term vs Long-Term Water Rights Buyout. Invited paper presented at the symposium on Evaluating Water Conservation Strategies and Policies during the 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting in Dallas, Texas. February, 2008.
Golden, B., J. Peterson, and D. OBrien. Potential Economic Impact of Water Use Changes in Northwest Kansas. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Staff Paper No. 08-02 March, 2008.
Golden, B., J. Peterson, and M. Clark. Possible Impacts of Climate Change in the Ogallala Aquifer Region of Northwest Kansas. Selected Paper presented at the Western Agriculture Economic Association annual meeting. June, 2008.
Saak, A.E. Groundwater Use in Asymmetric Aquifer under Incomplete Information. Selected Paper: AAEA Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, July 27-29, 2008.
Buell, Thomas V. R., Economic Implications of Alternative Futures for Lake McConaughy, Unpublished M.S. Thesis, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Thompson, Christopher L., R. Supalla, B. McMullen and D. Martin. 2008. Evidence Supporting Cap and Trade as a Groundwater Policy Option for Reducing Irrigation Consumptive Use, Journal of American Water Resources Association (In Review).
Thompson, Christopher L., R. Supalla, D. Martin and B. McMullen. 2008 Evidence Supporting Cap and Trade as a Groundwater Policy Option in Nebraska, AWRA 2008 Annual Resources Conference, New Orleans, November 17-20, 2008.
Martin, Derrel, R. Supalla, B. MuMullen, C. Thompson, G. Hergert and P. Burgener. 2008. Water Optimizer: A Deficit Irrigation Management Tool, AWRA 2008 Annual Resources Conference, New Orleans, November 17-20, 2008.
Adams, R. M. and D. E. Peck. 2008. Effects of climate change on water resources. Choices: 23(1): 12-14
Peck, D. E., D. M. McLeod, J. P. Hewlett, and J. R. Lovvorn. 2004. Irrigation-dependent wetlands versus instream flow enhancement: economics of water transfers from agriculture to wildlife uses. Environmental Management 34(6):842-855.
Book Chapters:
Adams, R. M. and D. E. Peck. Effects of climate change on drought frequency: potential impacts and mitigation opportunities. In Dinar, A. and A. Garrido (eds.). Managing water resources in a time of global change: mountains, valleys and flood plains. Routledge Publishing: Oxford. (forthcoming)
Published Abstracts & Proceedings:
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2008. Effectiveness of the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Programs prevented planting provision as a drought preparedness tool. In Abstract of invited and selected papers and organized symposia, WAEA Annual Meetings, Big Sky, Montana, June 25-27, 2008. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (forthcoming).
Adams, R. M. and D. E. Peck. 2006. Climate change and water resources: potential impacts and implications. pp120-129 in Proceedings from the 5th Biennial Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy: Managing upland watersheds in an era of global climate change. The Banff Centre: Banff, Alberta.
Peck D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2006. Optimal response to drought in a stochastic and dynamic farm system. In Abstracts of invited and selected papers and organized symposia, WAEA Annual Meetings, Anchorage, Alaska, June 28-30, 2006. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 31(3):684.
Peck, D. E., D. McLeod, J. Lovvorn, J. Hewlett. 2003. Opportunity costs of water leasing: irrigation, instream flow, and wetland considerations in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. In Invited and selected paper abstracts of the WAEA Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado, July 11-15, 2003. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 28(3):659.
Other Publications:
Peck, D. E. (forthcoming). Book review of Water and Disasters by Gopalakrishnan et al. (eds). American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2008. Influence of incentives and property rights on future water demand and disputes. EXPO 2008 Spain, Thematic Week 7: The role of market instruments in integrated water management, Zaragoza, Spain, July 28 August 1, 2008.
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2008. Effectiveness of the Multi-Peril Crop Insurance Programs prevented planting provision as a drought preparedness tool. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Big Sky, Montana, June 25-27, 2008.
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2008. Effects of climate change on water resources. Symposium & webinar hosted by the Council on Food, Agricultural, and Resource Economics; American Agricultural Economics Association, and USDA-Economic Research Service: Environmental Choices: outlook and investigation on climate change as it relates to agriculture and natural resources, Washington, D.C., April 1.
Adams, R. M. and D. E. Peck. 2007. Climate change and water resources: potential impacts on water supply and water users. Latin American and Caribbean Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Annual Meeting, Talca, Chile, September 26-28.
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2007. Persistence of drought impacts across growing seasons: a dynamic stochastic analysis. 101st Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists: Management of Climate Risks in Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, June 5-6.
Adams, R. M. and D. E. Peck. 2006. Climate change and water resources: potential impacts and implications. Rosenberg International Forum on Water Policy: Managing upland watersheds in an era of global climate change, Banff, Canada, September 6-11, 2006.
Peck, D. E. and R. M. Adams. 2006. Farm management during prolonged drought: the role of path-dependence. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska, June 28-30, 2006.
BenDor, T., Brozovi, N., and Pallathucheril, V., 2008, Exploring the social impacts of wetland mitigation policies in the United States, Journal of Planning Literature, v. 22 (4), p. 341-357, DOI: 10.1177/08854122073140111.
Optimal management of an ecosystem with an unknown threshold, 2008, University of Nebraska Lincoln, Department of Agricultural Economics.
Optimal management of an ecosystem with an unknown threshold, 2008, Texas A & M University, Department of Agricultural Economics.
The Role of Economics in Water Supply Planning and Management, 2008, Illinois State Water Survey, 2008.
On the Spatial Nature of the Groundwater Pumping Externality, 2008, Spatial Environmental Economics Workshop, Centennial, Wyoming.
Boyer, C.N., C.S. Rogers, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, and A.J. Leidner. 2008. AEconomics of Potable Water Alternatives Along an International Boundary.@ Proceedings of >International Water Resources: Challenges for the 21st Century and Water Resources Education= Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Meeting. Durham, NC. July 22-24, 2008. (abstract)
Boyer, C.N., M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, C.S. Rogers, and B.L. Harris. 2008. AIdentifying Economies of Size in Conventional Surface Water Treatment and Brackish-Groundwater Desalination: Case Study in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.@ Proceedings of the 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Adams Mark Hotel. Dallas, TX. February 2-6, 2008.
Galloway, G.E. and A.M. Michelsen. 2008. ANew Directions in Water Policy: Water Resources Development Act of 2007.@ Southwest Hydrology. May/June. 7(3):8.
Jia, S., Z. Sheng, R. Li, and A.M. Michelsen. 2008. Agricultural Water Conservation: Great Potential for Industrial Development in Northwest China. Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Durham, NC. July 22-24. Abstract. Proceedings CD.
Michelsen, A.M., R.L. Lacewell, J. Gilley, M. Chavez and Z. Sheng. 2008. Water Conservation in Agriculture: How Much More Can be Saved? American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. Nov. 17-20. Abstract. (Forthcoming)
Michelsen, A.M., R.L. Lacewell, J. Gilley, M. Chavez and Z. Sheng. 2008. Applicability and Effectiveness of Water Conservation Practices to Mitigate Drought Impact. Universities Council on Water Resources and National Institutes for Water Resources Annual Conference. Durham, NC. July 22-24. Abstract. Proceedings CD.
Michelsen, A.M. and Z. Sheng. 2008. Southwest Desert Floods: Agency Responses, Assessment of Flood Risks and Recommendations to Mitigate Damages and Improve Flood Management. Association of State Flood Plain Managers, 2008 Annual Conference. Reno, NV. May 18-23. Abstract. Proceedings CD.
Michelsen, A.M., F. Cortez and M. Fahy. 2008. AReturn Flow Water Acquisition Policies and Institutions.@ Draft Technical Report Chapter for Membrane Treatment of Impaired Irrigation Return and Other Flows for Creating New Sources of High Quality Water. Research sponsored by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, American Water Works Association Research Foundation, El Paso Water Utilities, Texas AgriLife Research, New Mexico State University, University of Texas at El Paso and U.S.D.A. Rio Grande Basin Initiative.
Rogers, C.S., A.W. Sturdivant, M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and B.L. Harris. 2008. AEconomic Implications of Conventional Water Treatment Versus Desalination: A Dual Case Study.@ Proceedings of the 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Adams Mark Hotel. Dallas, TX. February 2-6, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.A. Goolsby, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2008. ABiological Control of Giant Reed Along the Rio Grande: An International Boundary.@ Proceedings of >International Water Resources: Challenges for the 21st Century and Water Resources Education= Universities Council on Water Resources Annual Meeting. Durham, NC. July 22-24, 2008. (abstract)
Sheng, Z. A.W. Sturdivant, A.M. Michelsen, and R.D Lacewell. 2008. ARapid Economic Assessment of Flood-Control Failure Along the Rio Grande: A Case Study.@ In Chennat Gopalakrishnan and Norio Okada (Eds.), Water and Disasters (pp. 86-106). New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
Wolfe, C.D., M.J. Stubbs, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, E.L. Pennington, and C.S. Rogers. 2007. "An Overview of Operational Characteristics of Selected Irrigation Districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley: Harlingen Irrigation District Cameron County No. 1." Texas Water Resources Institute. TR 270. College Station, TX. December, 2007.
Wolfe, C.D., M.J. Stubbs, E.L. Pennington, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, and C.S. Rogers. 2007. "An Overview of Operational Characteristics of Selected Irrigation Districts in the Texas Lower Rio Grande Valley: Delta Lake Irrigation District." Texas Water Resources Institute. TR 290. College Station, TX. December, 2007.
Boyer, C.N., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, A.W. Sturdivant, C.S. Rogers, and B.L. Harris. 2008. ACost of Producing Potable Water for the La Sara Brackish-Groundwater Desalination Facility and the Southmost Brackish-Groundwater Desalination Facility.@ Meeting with North Alamo Water Supply Corporation and NRS Consulting Engineers. Harlingen, TX. February 26, 2008.
Boyer, C.N., C.S. Rogers, M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, and A.J. Leidner. 2008. AEconomics of Potable Water Alternatives Along an International Boundary.@ Annual Meeting of the Universities Council on Water Resources and The National Institutes for Water Resources. Durham, NC. July 23, 2008.
Boyer, C.N., M.E. Rister, A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, C.S. Rogers, and B.L. Harris. 2008. AIdentifying Economies of Size in Conventional Surface Water Treatment and Brackish-Groundwater Desalination: Case Study in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.@ Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Dallas, TX. February 5, 2008.
Galloway, G.E. and A.M. Michelsen. 2007. Water Resources Development Act of 2007: Who, What, Where, How? American Water Resources Association Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Nov. 14.
Michelsen, A.M. 2008. Economics, Public Goods, and Environmental Management Methods and Analysis Approaches. Pan American Advanced Study Institute, Sustainability Workshop, EULA, University of Concepcion, Chile. August 10-22. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. 2008. Water Resources and Management in the Paso del Norte Region. Joint Management of Shared Resources, Groundwater Management District Association Conference. El Paso, TX, June 11-13. Invited.
Michelsen, A.M. and D. Doremus. 2008. ARio Grande Salinity Management: First Steps Toward Interstate Solutions.@ New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. October 21-22.
Rister, M.E., R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2008. AEconomic Performance Cost Analysis for Best Management Practices.@ Steering Committee Meeting for the Cedar Creek Reservoir Watershed Protection Plan. Kaufman, TX. September 11, 2008.
Rister, M.E., A.W. Sturdivant, and R.D. Lacewell. 2008. AEconomic Analyses of BMPs for The Cedar Creek Watershed.@ Stakeholder Meeting for the Watershed Protection Plan Development for the Cedar Creek Watershed. Kaufman, TX. July 24, 2008.
Rister, M.E., A.W. Sturdivant, R.D. Lacewell, C.N. Boyer, A.J. Leidner, C.S. Rogers, E.K. Seawright, and S.R. Yow. 2008. AEconomists: Task 1.@ Joint Rio Grande Basin Initiatives Annual Conference. Las Cruces, NM., July 16, 2008.
Rogers, C.S., A.W. Sturdivant, M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and B.L. Harris. 2008. AEconomic Implications of Conventional Water Treatment Versus Desalination: A Dual Case Study.@ Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Dallas, TX. February 5, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, A.W. Sturdivant, and J.A. Goolsby. 2008. ABiological Control of Giant Reed Along the Rio Grande: An International Boundary.@ Annual Meeting of the Universities Council on Water Resources and The National Institutes for Water Resources. Durham, NC. July 24, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, A.W. Sturdivant, and J.A. Goolsby. 2008. "Progress on Economic Report for the USDA ARS Biological Control of Arundo donax." Arundo donax Biological Control Team Meeting. College Station, TX. June 26, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., C.N. Boyer, S.R. Yow, A.J. Leidner, M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2008. AStudent Research B the Rio Grande Basin Initiative. Meeting of Agricultural Economics Faculty Retirees.@ College Station, TX. March 4, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.A. Goolsby, and A.W. Sturdivant. 2008. APreliminary Economic Results of the Benefits from Biological Control of Giant Reed.@ Arundo donax Biological Control Team Meeting. Edinburg, TX. January 23, 2008.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2008. AVIDRA8 - Valley Irrigation District Rate Analyzer II for Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1.@ Hidalgo County Irrigation District No 1. Edinburg, TX. August 28, 2008. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2008. AVIDRA8 - Valley Irrigation District Rate Analyzer II for Delta Lake Irrigation District.@ Delta Lake Irrigation District. Ed Couch, TX. August 13, 2008. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, and R.D. Lacewell. 2008. AVIDRA8 - Valley Irrigation District Rate Analyzer for United Irrigation District.@ United Irrigation District. Mission, TX. December 4, 2007. Invited.
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, C.S. Rogers, E.K. Seawright, C.N. Boyer, S.R. Yow, and A.J. Leidner. 2008. AEconomists: Task 1.@ RGBI meeting with TCEQ Texas Environmental Excellence Awards Committee. College Station, TX., February 5, 2008. Invited.
Yow, S.R., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, A.W. Sturdivant, C.S. Rogers, and F.O. Boadu. 2008. "Rio Grande Valley Water Markets and Legislative Influences." Annual Meeting of the Universities Council on Water Resources and The National Institutes for Water Resources. Durham, NC. July 23, 2008.
Yow, S.R. "Unintended Consequences of Water Legislation." 2008. Student Section of the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association. Orlando, FL. July 29, 2008.
Yow, S.R. 2008. "Evaluating the Possible Impacts of State Legislation on Water Treatment Technology Adoption." Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Inquiry-based Learning Community. College Station, TX. September 12, 2008
Forthcoming Publications
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and C.S. Rogers. AGoal Seek Pamphlet II for VIDRA8 - HCID#1 using Microsoft7 Excel7.@ Texas Water Resources Institute. SR 2008-xyz. October 2008. - forthcoming
Sturdivant, A.W., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, and C.S. Rogers. AGoal Seek Pamphlet for VIDRA8 - DLID using Microsoft7 Excel7.@ Texas Water Resources Institute. SR 2008-xyz. October 2008. - forthcoming
Goolsby, J., P. Moran, J. Adamczyk, A. Kirk, W. Jones, J. Everitt, C. Yang, P. Parker, L. Wood, T. Roland, R. Penk, K. Jones, D. Spencer, A. Pepper, J. Manhart, D. Tarin, G. Moore, D. Watts, R. Lacewell, E. Rister, E. Seawright, A. Sturdivant, E. Contreras Arquieta, M. Martinez Jiménez, E. Galante, M. Marcos, E. Cortés Mendoza, E. Chilton, L. Gilbert, T. Vaughn, A. Rubio, A. Cohen, and F. Nibling. AArundo donax B giant reed; an invasive weed of the Rio Grande Basin. Arundo donax Biological Control Team Meeting. College Station, TX. June 26, 2008.
Leidner, A.J., C.S. Rogers, A.W. Sturdivant, M.E. Rister, R.D., Lacewell, J.G. Santiago, J.W. Norris, J. Leal, J. Garza, and J. Adams. AEconomic Implications of Conventional Water Treatment Versus Desalination: A Dual Case Study.. Poster presented at the 2008 Texas A&M AgriLife Conference. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX. January 7-11, 2008. (winner 1st Place Graduate Student Poster Competition).
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.A. Goolsby, and A.W. Sturdivant. APreliminary Economic Implications of Beneficial Insect Control of Giant Reed (Arundo donax).@ Poster presented at the 2008 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Adams Mark Hotel. Dallas, TX. February 2-6, 2008.
Seawright, E.K., M.E. Rister, R.D. Lacewell, J.A. Goolsby, and A.W. Sturdivant. APreliminary Economic Contributions to USDA-ARS Biological Control of Arundo donax in the Rio Grande Basin. Poster presented at the Arundo donax Biological Control Team Meeting. Edinburg, TX. January 23, 2008.
North Dakota
Hearne, R. 2007. Evolving Water Management Institutions in the Red River Basin. Environmental Management. 40(6):842-852.
Torpen D. and R. Hearne. 2008. Stakeholder Preferences for Water Management Alternatives in the Red River Basin. Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report N0. 639. Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics. North Dakota State University. April, 2008.
2008 Characteristics of Active Water Management Organizations in the Red River Basin. (with Craig Kritsky). Presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting. Big Sky, Mt. June 2008.
2008 Stakeholder Preferences for Water Management Alternatives in the Red River Basin (with D. Torpen). Paper Presented at the W-2133 Annual Meeting Kona Hi., February 2008.