S1020: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency of Poultry (S285)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


None as the objectives of DC305 was the development of a new multistate project as opposed to the completion of experimental objectives as evidenced by peer-reviewed journal articles.


Bilcik, B., and I. Estévez. 2005. Impact of male-male competition and morphological traits on mating strategies and reproductive success in broiler breeders. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 92:307-323.

Bilcik, B., I. Estévez, and E. Russek-Cohen. 2005. Reproductive success of broiler breeders in natural mating systems: The effect of male-male competition, sperm quality, and morphological characteristics. Poult. Sci. 84:1453-1462.

Froman, D. P., and A. J. Feltmann. 2005. Fowl (Gallus domesticus) sperm motility depends upon mitochondrial calcium cycling driven by extracellular sodium. Biol. Reprod. 72:97-101

Froman, D. P., and J. D. Kirby. 2005. Sperm mobility: Phenotype in roosters (Gallus domesticus) determined by mitochondrial function. Biol. Reprod. 72:562-567.

Kang, S.W., A. Thayananuphat, I. Rozenboim, J. R. Millam, J. A. Proudman and M. E. El Halawani. 2005. Expression of hypothalamic GnRH-I mRNA in the female turkey at different reproductive states and following photostimulation. General and Comparative Endocrinology (In press.)

Proudman, J. A., and T. Siopes. 2005. Thyroid hormone and prolactin profiles in male and female turkeys following photostimulation. Poult. Sci. 84:942-946.

Rathiam, T., and W. J. Kuenzel. 2005. Attenuation of gonadal response to photostimulation following ablation of neurons in the lateral septal organ of chicks. Brain Res. Bull. 64:455-461.

Scanes, G. G., S. Jeftinija, A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, J. A. Proudman, and C. Aramburo. 2005. The anterior pituitary gland: Lessons from livestock. Domestic Anim. Endocrinol. 29:23-33.

Siopes, T. 2005 Spontaneous recovery of photosensitivity by turkey breeder hens given prolonged exposure to long day lengths. Poult. Sci. 84:1470-1476.

Wilhelms, K. W., S. A. Cutter, J. A. Proudman, L. L. Anderson, and C. G. Scanes. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in sexually maturing precocial birds: Studies in male Japanese quail. Toxicological Sci. 86:152-160.




Bailes, S., J. Devers, J. D. Kirby, and D. D. Rhoads. 2007. An inexpensive, simple protocol for DNA isolation from blood for high throughput PCR or restriction endonuclease-based genotyping. Poult. Sci. 86:102-106.

Lábaque, M. C., D. G. Satterlee, D. A. Guzman, and R. H. Marin. 2007. Ontogeny of the cloacal gland in male Japanese quail classified in a T-maze. Poult. Sci. 86:2013-2119.

Madison, F. N., A Jurkevich, and W. J. Kuenzel. 2007. Sex differences in plasma corticosterone release in undisturbed chickens (Gallus gallus) in response to arginine vasotocin and corticotrophin releasing hormone. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. (in press), available on line:doi:1016/j.ygen.2007.08.014.

Perrin, S. L., J. Lin, and J. M. Grizzle. 2007. The iosolation and purification of tricothethene 3-O-acetyltransferase for protection against T-2 toxin. Department of Animal Science Research Report, University of Tennessee. http://animalscience.ag.utk.edu/pdf/Reports/2007/IsolationPurification-SLP-JL.pdf

Satterlee, D. G., C. A. Cole, and S. A. Castille. 2007. Maternal corticosterone further reduces the reproductive function of male offspring hatched from eggs laid by quail hens selected for exaggerated adrenocortical stress responsiveness. Poultry Sci. 86: 572-581.

Satterlee, D. G., M. Tong, S. A. Castille, and R. H. Marin. 2007. Cloacal gland growth differences in high and low plasma corticosterone stress response line male quail reared under short daylengths. Poultry Sci. 86: 1213-1217.

Siopes, T. D. 2007. Lighting for summer egg production in turkeys: Day length and light intensity. Poult. Sci. 86:2413-2419.



Bailes, S., J. Devers, J. D. Kirby, and D. D. Rhoads. 2007. An inexpensive, simple protocol for DNA isolation from blood for high throughput PCR or restriction endonuclease-based genotyping. Poult. Sci. 86:102-106.

Bahr, J. M., M. Dalponte, S. J. Janssen, and M. Nakai. 2006. Ion transporters for fluid resorption in the rooster (Gallus domesticus) epididymal region. Animal. Reprod. Sci. 95:331-337.

Bilcik, B., and I. Estévez. 2005. Impact of male-male competition and morphological traits on mating strategies and reproductive success in broiler breeders. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 92:307-323.

Bilcik, B., I. Estévez, and E. Russek-Cohen. 2005. Reproductive success of broiler breeders in natural mating systems: The effect of male-male competition, sperm quality, and morphological characteristics. Poult. Sci. 84:1453-1462.

Boltz, D. A., C. R. Zimmerman, M. Nakai, D. Bunick, G. Scherba, and J. M. Bahr. 2006. Epididymal stone formation and decreased sperm production in roosters vaccinated with a killed strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Diseases 50:594-598.

Christensen, V. L., J. L. Grimes, R. D. Rowland, and D. T. Ort. 2006. Effect of chelated calcium proteinate fed in the maternal diet of turkey breeders on embryo cardiac physiology. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 5:337-343.

Christensen, V. L., L. G. Bagley, T. Olson, J. L. Grimes, R. D. Rowland, and D. T. Ort. 2006. Shell thickness of turkey eggs affects cardiac physiology and embryo survival. Int. J. Poult. Sci. 5:796-803.

El Halawani, M., S. W. Kang, B. Leclerc, S. Kosonsiriluk, and Y. Chaiseha. 2009. Dopamine-melatonin neurons in the avian hypothalamus and their role as photoperiodic clocks. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 163:123-127.

Froman, D. P., and A. J. Feltmann. 2005. Fowl (Gallus domesticus) sperm motility depends upon mitochondrial calcium cycling driven by extracellular sodium. Biol. Reprod. 72:97-101

Froman, D. P., and J. D. Kirby. 2005. Sperm mobility: Phenotype in roosters (Gallus domesticus) determined by mitochondrial function. Biol. Reprod. 72:562-567.

Froman, D. P., J. D. Kirby, and D. D. Rhoads. 2006. An expressed sequence tag analysis of the chicken reproductive tract transcriptome. Poult. Sci. 85:1438-1441.

Jackson, U., D. A. Boltz, M. Nakai, D. Bunick, G. Scherba, and J. M. Bahr. 2006. Prepubertal exposure to the avian infectious bronchitis virus induces epididymal stones in the rooster after puberty. Poult. Sci. 43:280-285.

Jurkevich, A. L. R. Berghman, L. E. Cornett, and W. J. Kuenzel. 2008. Immunohistochemical characterization of chicken pituitary cells containing the vasotocin VT2 receptor. Cell Tiss. Res. 333:253-262.

Kang, S.W., A. Thayananuphat, I. Rozenboim, J. R. Millam, J. A. Proudman and M. E. El Halawani. 2006. Expression of hypothalamic GnRH-I mRNA in the female turkey at different reproductive states and following photostimulation. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 146:91-99.

Kuenzel, W. J., and C. D. Golden. 2006. Distribution and change in number of gonadotropin-releasing hormone-1 neurons following activation of the photoneuroendocrine system in the chick (Gallus gallus). Cell Tissue Res. 325:501-512.

Lábaque, M. C., D. G. Satterlee, D. A. Guzman, and R. H. Marin. 2007. Ontogeny of the cloacal gland in male Japanese quail classified in a T-maze. Poult. Sci. 86:2013-2119.

Li, H., J. Proudman, and W. J. Kuenzel. 2009. Differential regulation of gene expression and release of FSH and prolactin by long day and sulfamethazine in chicks. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 161:262-266.

Madison, F.N., A. Jurkevich, and W. J. Kuenzel. 2008. Sex differences in plasma corticosterone release in undisturbed chickens (Gallus gallus) in response to arginine vasotocin and corticotrophin releasing hormone. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 155:566-573.

Madison, F. N., A Jurkevich, and W. J. Kuenzel. 2008. Sex differences in plasma corticosterone release in undisturbed chickens (Gallus gallus) in response to arginine vasotocin and corticotrophin releasing hormone. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 155:566-573.

Perrin, S. L., J. Lin, and J. M. Grizzle. 2007. The iosolation and purification of tricothethene 3-O-acetyltransferase for protection against T-2 toxin. Department of Animal Science Research Report, University of Tennessee. http://animalscience.ag.

Proudman, J. A., and T. Siopes. 2005. Thyroid hormone and prolactin profiles in male and female turkeys following photostimulation. Poult. Sci. 84:942-946.

Proudman, J. A., and T. D. Siopes. 2006. Potential role of thyroid hormones and prolactin in the programming of photorefractoriness in turkey hens. Poult. Sci. 85:1457-1461.

Rathiam, T., and W. J. Kuenzel. 2005. Attenuation of gonadal response to photostimulation following ablation of neurons in the lateral septal organ of chicks. Brain Res. Bull. 64:455-461.

Satterlee, D. G., C. A. Cole, and S. A. Castille. 2007. Maternal corticosterone further reduces the reproductive function of male offspring hatched from eggs laid by quail hens selected for exaggerated adrenocortical stress responsiveness. Poultry Sci. 86: 572-581.

Satterlee, D. G., M. Tong, S. A. Castille, and R. H. Marin. 2007. Cloacal gland growth differences in high and low plasma corticosterone stress response line male quail reared under short daylengths. Poultry Sci. 86: 1213-1217.

Scanes, G. G., S. Jeftinija, A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, J. A. Proudman, and C. Aramburo. 2005. The anterior pituitary gland: Lessons from livestock. Domestic Anim. Endocrinol. 29:23-33.

Schmidt, J. B., C. A. Cole, R. B. Zanes, and D. G. Satterlee. 2009. Length of incubation and hatchling body weight in quail selected for reduced or exaggerated adrenocortical responsiveness to brief restraint. Brit. Poult. Sci. 50:266-271.

Siopes, T. 2005 Spontaneous recovery of photosensitivity by turkey breeder hens given prolonged exposure to long day lengths. Poult. Sci. 84:1470-1476.

Siopes, T. D. 2007. Lighting for summer egg production in turkeys: Day length and light intensity. Poult. Sci. 86:2413-2419.

Siopes, T. D, and J. A. Proudman. 2008. Exposure duration to long day lengths associated with the expression of photorefractoriness in turkey hens. Poult. Sci. 88:191-198.

Steinman, M. Q., S. C. Dinius, T. D. Siopes, and J. R. Millam. 2008. Photostimulated expression of type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase mRNA is greatly attenuated in the rostral tuberal hypothalamus of the photorefractory hen. J. Neuroendocrinol. 20:1260-1269.

Wilhelms, K. W., S. A. Cutter, J. A. Proudman, L. L. Anderson, and C. G. Scanes. 2005. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in sexually maturing precocial birds: Studies in male Japanese quail. Toxicological Sci. 86:152-160.

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