S1018: Irrigation Management for Humid and Sub-Humid Areas

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Publications, Oct. 1, 2004  Sept. 30, 2005.

Alarcon, V.J., Sassenrath, G.F. 2005. Synthetic imagery for visualization of crop canopy status. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Baltimore, MD, March 7-11, 2005. 7 pgs.

Bajwa, S. and E. D Vories. 2005. Plant response to irrigation treatments in Arkansas Cotton. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station publication (in press).

Baum, M.C., M.D. Dukes, and G. L. Miller. 2004. Comparison of irrigation uniformity by soil moisture to catch-can test. ASAE paper no. FL04-1011. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Boken, V. K., G. Hoogenboom, J. E. Hook, D. L. Thomas, L. C. Guerra and K. A. Harrison. 2004. Agricultural water use estimation using geospatial modeling and a geographic information system. Agricultural Water Management. 67(2004):185-199.

Boken, V. K., G. Hoogenboom, F. N. Kogan, J. E. Hook, D. L. Thomas, and K. A. Harrison. 2004. Potential of using NOAA-AVHRR data for estimating irrigated area to help solve an interstate water dispute. International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 25(12): 2277-2286.

Borhan, M. S., L. R. Parsons, W. Bandaranayake. 2004. Evaluation of a Low Cost Capacitance ECH2O Soil Moisture Sensor for Citrus in a Sandy Soil. Irrigation Assoc. Conf. Proceedings. Pp. 447-458.

Cornejo C., H. Beck, D.Z. Haman. 2005. Developing an Ontology for Irrigation Information Resources - ASAE Annual International Meeting - Paper Number : 053034 - American Society of Agricultural Engineers,2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA

Cornejo C., D.Z. Haman, T.H. Yeager. 2005. Evaluation of Soil Moisture Sensors and Their Use to Control Irrigation Systems for Containers - ASAE Annual International Meeting - Paper Number : 054056 - American Society of Agricultural Engineers,2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA

Dougherty, M., Fulton, J., Curtis, L.M., Harkin, H.D., and C.H. Burmester. 2005. Subsurface drip irrigation and fertigation in Northern Alabama. ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Tampa, FL.

Dukes, M.D., M.B. Haley, and G.L. Miller. 2004. Reducing residential irrigation water use in Florida. Irrigation Association Annual Show, Nov. 14-16 CD-ROM. Irrigation Association, Falls Church, VA.

Dukes, M.D. and J.M. Scholberg. 2004. Automated subsurface drip irrigation based on soil moisture. ASAE Paper No. 04-2188. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Dukes, M.D., S. Irmak, and J.M. Jacobs. 2004. An automatic system for recording evaporation for ET gages. ASAE Paper No. 04-2191. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Dukes, M.D., M.C. Baum, and G.L. Miller. 2004. Determination of residential irrigation water use in Florida. Proceedings of the 2004 ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resource Congress CD-ROM, June 27-July 1, Salt Lake City, UT.

Fares, A., P. Buss, M. Dalton, A. I. El-Kadi, and L. R. Parsons. 2004. Dual field calibration of capacitance and neutron soil water sensors in a shrinking-swelling clay soil. Vadose Zone J. 3:1390-1399.

Fares, A., L. R. Parsons, T. A. Obreza, and K. T. Morgan. 2004. Spatial and Temporal Plant Water Use and Rain Inputs as Affected by Citrus Canopy and Microsprinkler Irrigation System. Irrigation Assoc. Conf. Proceedings. Pp. 37-45.

Fares, A., M. Zekri, and L. R. Parsons. 2004. TheHelper, a User-Friendly Irrigation Scheduling Tool in Florida and Hawaii. Irrigation Assoc. Conf. Proceedings. Pp. 413-423.

Fisher, D.K. 2004. Simple and Inexpensive Lysimeters for Monitoring Reference- and Crop-ET. Paper No. IA04-1117. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Irrigation Show, Tampa, Florida USA, 14 - 16 November 2004. Irrigation Association. pp 161-169, CD-ROM.

Fisher, D.K. 2004. Modern Electronics for Agriculture. Paper No. IA04-1118. Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Irrigation Show, Tampa, Florida USA, 14 - 16 November 2004. Irrigation Association. pp 302-313, CD-ROM.

Fulton, J., Shaw, J., Dougherty, M., and R. Raper. 2005. An overview: Merging of subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) and autoguidance for cotton production in Alabama. 2005 Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference, June 27-29, Florence, SC.

Fulton, J., Dougherty, M., Curtis, L.M., Harkin, H.D., and C.H. Burmester. 2005. Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) scheduling and tape placement for cotton production in Alabama. ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting, July 17-20, Tampa, FL.

Grabow, G. L., K. Harrison, M. D. Dukes, E. Vories, W. B. Smith, H. Zhu, and A. Khalilian. Considerations for the design and installation of SDI systems in humid areas. Proceedings World Water Congress 2005, ASCE, Reston, VA. Online at: http://ascelibrary.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&id=ASCECP000173040792000518000001&idtype=cvips

Grabow, G.L., K. Harrison, W. B. Smith, E. Vories, H. Zhu, A. Khalilian. 2005. Design of Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems in Humid Areas. Presented at the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, EWRI, ASCE. Egan Civic and Convention Center, Anchorage, AK, May 15-19.

Grabow, G.L., R. L. Huffman, and K. Edmisten. 2004. Automated Control of Subsurface Drip Irrigation using Rainfall and Soil-Water Data. Paper No. 042190 presented at the 2004 ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by ASAE/CSAE Fairmont Chateau Laurier, The Westin, Government Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 1 - 4 August 2004.

Grabow, G.L. R. L. Huffman, R.O. Evans, and K. Edmiston. 2004. Evaluating Subsurface Drip Irrigation Applicability and Drip Line Spacing for Cotton in North Carolina. Presented at the Annual Beltwide Cotton Conference, San Antonio, TX, Marriot Riverwalk, Jan. 6-9.

Guerra, L. C., G. Hoogenboom, J. E. Hook, D. L. Thomas, V. K. Boken, and K. A. Harrison. 2005. Evaluation of on-farm irrigation applications using the simulation model EPIC. Irrigation Science 23(4):171-181. 10.1007/s00271-005-0105-6 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00271-005-0105-6.

Guerra, L. C., G. Hoogenboom, V. K. Boken, J. E. Hook, D. L. Thomas, and K. A. Harrison. 2004. Evaluation of the EPIC model for simulating crop yield and irrigation demand. Transactions of ASAE. 47(6):2091-2100.

Haman D.Z. 2005. Irrigation and Fertigation of Fresh Market Tomatoes. The Tomato Magazine. February 2005:20-21

Haman D. Z. 2005. Produccion de Tomate  Saquelle Jugo al Tomate . Productores de Hortalizas. March 2005. 14(3): 13-14.

Haman D.Z., C. Cornejo, T.H. Yeager, S. Irmak. 2005. Use of Multipot Box System for Container Production of Parennial Plants - ASAE Annual International Meeting - Paper Number : 054058 - American Society of Agricultural Engineers,2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA

Haman D.Z., L.C. Nogueira, R.H. Stamps, M.D. Dukes. 2005. Outdoor Ebb and Flow Irrigation System for Containerized Ornamental Plants in Humid Climate. 19-th ICID Congress, Beijing, China.  Conference proceedings.

Haman D. Z., R. B. Sorensen, D. S. Ross, R. O. Evans, P. Tacker. 2005. Critical Management Issues When Using SDI In Humid Areas  Proc. of EWRI World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2005 - Anchorage, AK

Haman D. Z. 2005. Media Filters for Micro-irrigation. Encyclopedia of Water. Surface and Agricultural. John Wiley & Sons Publishing: 752-754.

Haman D. Z. 2005. Screen filters for Micro-irrigation. Encyclopedia of Water. Surface and Agricultural. Wiley & Sons Publishing . 748-550.

Haman D. Z. 2005. Microirrigation. Encyclopedia of Water. Surface and Agricultural. John Wiley & Sons Publishing : 615-620.

Hook, J. E., K. A. Harrison, G. Hoogenboom, and D. L. Thomas. 2005. Ag Water Pumping, Statewide irrigation monitoring. Project Report 52 for EPD Cooperative Agreement Number 764-890147. 145 pp. (Received a peer review from a CAST panel). http://www.nespal.org/awp/previous.asp

Huffman, R. L., G. L. Grabow, R. O. Evans, and K. L. Edmisten. 2004 Nitrate concentrations in the soil water under subsurface drip- and sprinkler-irrigated cotton. Paper No. 042035 presented at the 2004 ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting Sponsored by ASAE/CSAE Fairmont Chateau Laurier, The Westin, Government Centre Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 1-4 August 2004.

Irmak, S. D.Z. Haman, A. Irmak, J.W. Jones, B. Tonkinson, D. Burch, T.H. Yeager, and C. Larsen. 2005. Root-zone temperatures of V. odoratissimum grown in the MPBS and Conventional Systems: Measurement and analyses of temperature profiles and predicting root-zone temperatures. J. Am. Soc. HortSci Vol. 40(3):808-818.

Khalilian, A., Young Han, Sam Moore, Tom Owino and Burhan Niyazi. 2005. "Variable-Rate Lateral Irrigation System,. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, http://www.cotton.org/beltwide/proceeding.

Moore, S., Y. J. Han, A. Khalilian, T. O. Owino, B. Niyazi. 2005. Instrumentation for Variable-Rate Lateral Irrigation System. ASAE Technical Paper No. 05-2184, ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085.

Morgan, K., Obreza, T., Scholberg, J., Parsons, L. R., and Wheaton, T. A. 2005. Citrus Water Uptake Dynamics on Central Florida Sandy Soils. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. In press.

Munoz-Carpena, R., M.D. Dukes. 2004. Water conservation through soil moisture sensing  field evaluation. Vegetarian Newsletter, 04-10. Department of Horticultural Sciences. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Munoz-Carpena, R., M.D. Dukes, and L.W. Miller. 2004. Design and field evaluation of a new controller for soil moisture based irrigation. ASAE Paper No. 04-2244. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Nogueira L.C., D.Z. Haman, R.H. Stamps, M.D. Dukes. 2005. Effects of Three Irrigation Systems on Runoff Water Quality in Containerized Plant Production  ASAE Annual International Meeting - Paper Number : 054059 - American Society of Agricultural Engineers,2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA

Nogueira L.C., D.Z. Haman, R.H. Stamps, M.D. Dukes. 2005. Water Harvesting and Recycling Ebb and Flow System in a Container Nursery  ASAE Annual International Meeting - Paper Number : 054060 - American Society of Agricultural Engineers,2950 Niles Road, Saint Joseph, MI 49085-9659 USA

Noling, J. W., L. R. Parsons, & T. A. Wheaton. 2004. 2005 Florida citrus pest management guide: Best Management Practices for soil-applied agricultural chemicals. HS-185. 5 pp. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/CG027

NRCS, 2005. Alabama Irrigator Pocket Guide. National Center for Appropriate Technology. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, State Office, Auburn, AL.

Parsons, L. R. and K. T. Morgan. 2004. Management of microsprinkler systems for Florida citrus. HS-958. 7 pp. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS204

Parsons, L. R. 2004. Unwanted Visitors. Florida Grower. Vol. 97(10). October. P. 28.

Parsons, L. R. 2004. Is a Freeze Likely this Winter? Florida Grower. Vol. 97(12). December. P. 26.

Parsons, L. R. 2005. Weather and irrigation for the New Year. Citrus Industry. Vol. 86(1). Pp. 16-17.

Parsons, L. R. 2005. Essential IrrigationThe Right Time. Florida Grower. Vol. 98(2). Feb. P. 30.

Parsons, L. R. 2005. Sensors Equal Savings. Florida Grower. Vol. 98(4). April. P. 42.

Parsons, L. R. 2005. Population Boom. Florida Grower. Vol. 98(7). July. P. 29

Parsons, L. R. 2005. Predictions for the 2005 Hurricane Season. Florida Grower Vol. 98(9). Sept. P. 34.

Parsons, L. R., E. Etxeberria. 2004. Effects of Reduced Fall and Winter Irrigation on Citrus Fruit Quality. HortScience 39(4). Pp. 886.

Parsons, L. R. 2004. Changes in Reclaimed Water Use in Florida. HortScience 39(4). Pp. 855-856.

Parsons, L. R. and B. Boman. 2005. Best Management Practices in Florida Citrus Production. HortScience 40(4). P. 942.

Perry, C.D., M.Dukes, S. Pocknee, and K. Harrison. 2004. Effects of variable-rate sprinkler cycling on irrigation uniformity. ASAE Paper No. 04-1117. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Popp, M., P. Manning, P. Counce and T. Keisling. 2005. Rice-soybean rotations: opportunities for enhancing whole farm profits or water savings. Agricultural Systems 86:223-238.

Sadler, E.J., K. A. Sudduth, N. R. Kitchen, R. N. Lerch, R. J. Kremer, and E. D. Vories. 2005. Newly developed technologies for soil and water conservation. Proc. International Workshop on Newly Developed Innovative Technology for Soil and Water Conservation. May 31  June 02, 2005, Suwon, Korea. Chung, N.-J., Kim, W.-S., Kim, H.-S., Kim, J.-K., Eom, K.-C., Lee, I.-W., eds. Rural Development Administration, Suwon, Korea.

Simonne, E., D. Studstill, M. Dukes, J. Duval, R. Hochmuth, G. McAvoy, T. Olczyk, and E. Lamb. 2004. How to conduct an on-farm dye test and use the results to improve drip irrigation management in vegetable production. HS980, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Thomas, D. L., K. A. Harrison, and J. E. Hook. 2004. Sprinkler irrigation scheduling with the UGA EASY Pan: Performance Characteristics. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 20(4): 439-445.

Thomas, D. L., K. A. Harrison, M. D. Dukes, R. M. Seymour, F. N. Reed. 2004. Landscape and turf irrigation auditing: A mobile laboratory approach for small communities. GA Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin no. 1253 (also LAES in Louisiana and IFAS in Florida). http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/B1253.htm

Thomson, S.J. and J.E. Hanks. 2004. Thermal Imaging, Soil Characterization, and Yield Response for Site-Specific Crop Management. Abstract, Applications Showcase Session 1, ASPRS Annual Conference, Denver, CO, May 23-28

Thomson, S.J., Sudbrink, D.L. 2004. Digital imaging from agricultural aircraft: system configurations and constraints for integrated pest management, weed detection, and determination of crop status. Proceedings of the 18th Biannual Workshop in color Photography and Videography in Resource. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Amherst, MA. CD-ROM, paper number 0025. pdf. 4 pgs.

Tichenor, J., M.D. Dukes, and L.E. Trenholm. 2004. Using the irrigation controller for a better lawn on less water. Fact Sheet ENH-978. Department of Environmental Horticulture, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Triebel, G.W., M.D. Dukes, and J.M. Jacobs. 2004. Estimation of crop water use of bahia grass using lysimeters. ASAE paper no. FL04-1003. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Vellidis, G., M. A. Tucker, C. D. Perry, D. L. Thomas, N. Wells, and C. K. Kvien. 2004. Predicting cotton lint yield maps from aerial photographs. Precision Agriculture 5:547-564.

Vories, E. D., P. L. Tacker, and R. Hogan. 2005. Multiple inlet approach to reduce water requirements for rice. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 21(4):611-616.

Vories, E. D., P. L. Tacker, and I. Chaubey. 2005. Field studies of water requirements for rice production and the effect on water quality. Proceedings World Water Congress 2005, ASCE, Reston, VA. Online at: http://ascelibrary.aip.org/getpdf/servlet/GetPDFServlet?filetype=pdf&id=ASCECP000173040792000531000001&idtype=cvips



Alfonso, A. 2006. Creation of Geodatabase and geoprocessing methodologies for geologic and hydrologic appraisals of agricultural water withdrawal permits. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of GA. 124.p.

Alfonso, A. 2006. Creation of Geodatabase and geoprocessing methodologies for geologic and hydrologic appraisals of agricultural water withdrawal permits. M.S. Thesis. Univ. of GA. 124.p.

Branch, B. and G Daniels. 2006. Irrigation of soybeans on precision-graded and level fields. Report to Louisiana Soybean and Feed Grain Promotion and Marketing Board. Baton Rouge.

Branch, B. and G. Daniels. Irrigation of cotton on level basin fields in Louisiana. Paper presented at Cotton Beltwide Meeting, New Orleans, Janaury, 2007.

Branch, B and G. Daniels. Irrigation water conservation through use of level basins in Louisiana. Paper presented at: USDA CSREES Water Resource Conference, Savannah, GA; MS Water Resource Conference, Jackson, MS; and accepted for presentation at National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Grand Rapids, MI.

Cantliffe, D. J., Gilreath, P. R., Haman, D. Z., Hutchinson, C. M., Li, Y., McAvoy, E. J., Migliaccio, K. W., Olczyk, T., Olson, S. M., Parmenter, D. M., Santos, B. M., Shukla, S., Simonne, E. H., Stanley, C. D. & Whidden, A. J. 2006. "Review of Nutrient Management Systems for Florida Vegetable Producers." Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society: 1-12.

Cardenas-Lailhacar, B., M.D. Dukes. 2006. Expanding disk rain sensor performance and potential irrigation water savings. ASABE paper no. FL06-022. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Chase, C.A., W.M. Stall, E.H. Simonne, R.C. Hochmuth, M.D. Dukes, and A.W. Weiss. 2006. Nutsedge control with drip-applied 1,3-dichloropropene plus chloropicrin in a sandy soil. HortTechnology 16(4):641-648.

Clawson, E.L. and A.B. Coco. 2006. Timing of irrigation termination on Sharkey clay in northeast Louisiana. Proc. 2006 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 3-6.

Clawson, E.L., D.K. Fisher, A.B. Coco, R. Husser, R.L. Hutchinson, and D. Thomas. 2006. Weighing lysimeters for measurement of cotton water use in Louisiana. Proc. 2006 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, San Antonio, TX, Jan. 3-6.

Counce, P.A. 2006. A computer program for draining rice by growth stages. Arkansas Soil & Water Education Conference, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, January 13, 2006 (Invited presentation.)

Counce, P.A., L.C. Purcell, K.B. Watkins and T.J. Siebenmorgen. 2006. A computer program for prediction of safe growth stages for draining rice fields. Proceedings of the 30th Rice Technical Working Group, The Woodlands, Texas.

Counce, P.A.. 2006. Draining rice for harvest. Arkansas County Conservation District January Newsletter.

Counce, P.A., L.C. Purcell, K.B. Watkins and T.J. Siebenmorgen. 2006. Water savings for rice producers using a model to predict safe growth stages for rice-field drainage. Pp. 263-269. In R.J. Norman, J-F.C. Meullenet and K.A.K. Moldenhauer (Eds.) Rice Research Series 2005. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series 540.

Dougherty, M., Baynes, D., Reutebach, E., Seesock, W., and L. Curtis. 2006. Water quality in a non-traditional off-stream polyethylene-lined reservoir. J. Enviro. Mgmt. (in press). Accessed at doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.11.026.

Dougherty, M., Fulton, J., Burmester, C., Curtis, L., and D. Monks. 2007. Precision fertilization using sub-surface drip irrigation (SDI) for site-specific management of cotton. Proceedings of the 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, 17 - 20 June 2007.

Dukes, M.D. 2006. Effect of wind speed and pressure on linear move irrigation system uniformity. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 22(4):541-548.

Dukes, M.D. and R.O. Evans. 2006. Land use and water quality in the North Carolina Middle Coastal Plain. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 132(3):250-262.

Dukes, M.D., M.B. Haley, and S.A. Hanks. 2006. Sprinkler irrigation and soil moisture uniformity. Irrigation Association Annual Show, Nov. 5-7 CD-ROM. Irrigation Association, Falls Church, VA.

Dukes, M.D. and C.D. Perry. 2006. Uniformity testing of variable rate center pivot irrigation control systems. Precision Agriculture 7(3):205-218.

Dukes, M.D., L. Zotarelli, J.M.S. Scholberg, and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2006. Irrigation and nitrogen best management practices under drip irrigated vegetable production. Proceedings of the 2006 ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress CD-ROM, May 21-25, Omaha, NE.

Fisher, D.K. 2007. Automated collection of soil-moisture data with a low-cost microcontroller circuit. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Accepted for publication.

Grabow, G. L., R.L. Huffman, R.O. Evans, D. L Jordan, and R.C. Nuti. 2006. Water Distribution from a Subsurface Drip Irrigation System and Dripline Spacing Effect on Cotton Yield and Water Use Efficiency in a Coastal Plain Soil. Transactions of the ASABE 49(6): 1823-1835

Gregory, J.H., M.D. Dukes, P.H. Jones, and G.L. Miller. 2006. Effect of urban soil compaction on infiltration rate for low impact development. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 61(3):117-124.

Haley, M.B., M.D. Dukes, and G.L. Miller. 2006. Evaluation of sensor based residential irrigation water application. Irrigation Association Annual Show, Nov. 5-7 CD-ROM. Irrigation Association, Falls Church, VA.

Harbuck, T., Fulton, J., Dougherty, M., and L. Curtis. 2007. Subsurface drip irrigation research at Tennessee Valley Research and Extension Center, Belle Mina, Alabama  Past and Present. Poster presented at Auburn University Water Conference, Auburn, AL, June 18, 2007.

Harbuck, T., Fulton, J., Dougherty, M., and L. Curtis. 2007. Precision irrigation strategies for the Alabama farmer. Poster presented at Auburn University Water Conference, Auburn, AL, June 18, 2007.

Harmsen, E.W., V.H. Ramirez Builes, J.E. Gonzalez, M.D. Dukes, and X. Jia. 2006. Estimation of short-term actual crop evapotranspiration. Proceedings Caribbean Food Crops Society, July.

Harrison, K. Chemigation in Georgia. B-1298. Print and web based publication.

Harrison, K. Irrigation Scheduling Methods. B-974. Print and web based publication.

Harrison, K. UGA EASY Pan Irrigation Scheduler: Pan Size Considerations. B-1201-A. Print and web based publication.

Harrison, K. Gary Hawkins. Water Meters as a Water Management Tool. B-1296. Print and web based publication.

Icerman, J., M.D. Dukes, and R. Muñoz-Carpena. 2006. 2-D water distributions under drip irrigation: measurement and modeling applications. FL ASABE paper. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Femminella, K.L. M.D. Dukes. 2006. Effects of soil moisture based irrigation controllers on bell pepper yield and nitrogen leaching. FL ASABE Paper. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Guerra, L.C., A. Garcia y Garcia, J.E. Hook, K.A. Harrison, D.L. Thomas, D.E. Stooksbury, and G. Hoogenboom. 2007. Irrigation water use estimates based on crop simulation models and kriging. Agric. Water Mngt. 89:199-207.

Haley, M.B., M.D. Dukes, and G.L. Miller. 2006. Evaluation of sensor based residential irrigation water application. ASABE paper no. FL06-021. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

He, J., and M.D. Dukes. 2006. BMP development with the CERES-Maize model for sweet corn production in North Florida. ASABE paper no. FL06-011. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

He, J., W.D. Graham, M.D. Dukes, and J.W. Jones. 2006. Uncertainty analysis of the CERES-Maize model with the Monte Carlo method. ASABE paper no. 06-3027. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Jia, X., M.D. Dukes, and J.M. Jacobs. 2006. Estimating evapotranspiration and crop coefficient for mature citrus in Central Florida. ASABE paper no. 06-2083. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.

Jia, X., M.D. Dukes, J.M. Jacobs. 2006. Development of bahiagrass crop coefficients using weighing lysimeters and eddy correlation methods. Proceedings of the 2006 ASCE/EWRI World Water and Environmental Resource s Congress CD-ROM, May 21-25, Omaha, NE.

Jia, X., M.D. Dukes, J.M. Jacobs, and S. Irmak. 2006. Large scale weighing lysimeters for evapotranspiration research in a humid environment. Transactions ASAE, 49(2):401-412.

Kenworthy, K., L. Trenholm, M. Dukes, G. Miller, F. Altpeter, E. Buss, and J. Sartain. 2006. New turfgrass research underway at Pine Acres&See it all at our July 19 field day. Florida Turf Digest 23(4):10-14.

Khalilian, A., Will Henderson, Young Han, Tom Owino, and Burhan Niyazi. 2007. Scheduling site-specific irrigation for cotton production using a linear move system. Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, National Cotton Council of America, Memphis, TN. http://www.cotton.org/beltwide/proceeding.

Massey, Joe. 2006. Water-saving irrigation for Mississippi rice production. Res. Report  Mississippi Rice Promotion Board. [on-line]. Available at http://www.msstate.edu/dept/drec/news/2007/MRPB_2006/MRPB_2006.pdf (verified 24 May. 2007).

Massey, Joe. 2006. Water-saving irrigation for Mississippi rice production. Res. Report  Mississippi Rice Promotion Board. [on-line]. Available at http://www.msstate.edu/dept/drec/news/2007/MRPB_2006/MRPB_2006.pdf (verified 24 May. 2007).

McCann, Ian R., and James L. Starr . 2007. Use Of Multisensor Capacitance Probes As Irrigation Management Tool In Humid Areas: Case Studies And Experiments From The Mid Atlantic Region. In Press. Applied Engineering in Agriculture.

McCann, Ian, Ed Kee, James Adkins, Emmalea Ernest and Jeremy Ernest. 2007. Effect of Irrigation Rate on Yield of Drip-Irrigated Seedless Watermelon in a Humid Region. Scientia Horticulturae 113:155-161.

McCann, I.R., and J. Adkins. 2006. Center-pivot irrigation system evaluations in Delaware: preliminary results. Mid-Atlantic Grain and Forage Journal 10:5-8.

McCann, I., R.W. Taylor, C.P. Davis, and J. Lakatosh. 2006. Irrigation Management of Corn on the Delmarva Peninsula: A 2005 Case Study from New Castle County, Delaware Mid-Atlantic Grain and Forage Journal 10:9-15.

McCann, Ian and Jim Starr. 2006. The Use of Multi-sensor Capacitance Probes as a Tool for Drip Irrigation Management in Humid Regions. Irrigation Association Annual meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Morgan, K., Obreza, T., Scholberg, J., Parsons, L. R., and Wheaton, T. A. 2006. Citrus Water Uptake Dynamics on a Sandy Florida Entisol. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:90-97.

Munoz-Carpena, M.D. Dukes, Y.C. Li, and W. Klassen. 2006. Design and field evaluation of a new controller for soil moisture-based irrigation control. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. Accepted pending minor revisions.

Muñoz-Carpena, R., J. Schroder, M.D. Dukes, W. Klassen. 2006. Low cost injection system combined with soil moisture-based irrigation for precision fertigation of vegetable crops. AE389, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Muñoz-Carpena, R., J. Schroder, M.D. Dukes, W. Klassen. 2006. Selecting and calibrating and venturi injectors for fertigation of vegetable crops. AE389, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Muñoz-Carpena, R., J. Schroder, M.D. Dukes, W. Klassen. 2006. Fertigation methods for soil moisture-based irrigation of field-grown tomatoes on coarse soils in Florida. AE390, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

Nogueira L.C., D.Z. Haman, R.H. Stamps, M.D. Dukes  2006  Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients of Magnolia Graniflora Under Three Different Irrigation Systems. HortTechnology (submitted)

Obreza, T. A. 2007. Crop water use and irrigation scheduling guide for North Florida. UF-IFAS Extension EDIS publication (in press). http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu

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