S1016: Impacts of Trade and Domestic Policies on the Competitiveness and Performance of Southern Agriculture (S-287)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Mumma, Gerald, Albert J. Allen, Warren C. Couvillion and Terry Obert, "ISO 9000 and U.S. Agribusiness: A Nonparametric Analysis of Selected Reasons for Seeking Registration to a Model of ISO 9000 Standards," Southwestern Journal of Economics, Volume VI, Number I, March 2004, Pp. 121-146.

Allen, Albert J., Porfirio Fuentes, Joselito Estrada, Safdar Muhammad, and Haiyuan Wang, "An Analysis of Strategic and Performance Changes of Truck Carriers in the Agricultural Commodity and Food Markets," Proceedings Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp.18-23. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.

Estrada, Joselito and Albert J. Allen, "Sources of Change in State-Level Agricultural Production in Mexico: Implications from the Peso Crisis of 1994-1995," Proceeding Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp. 78-85. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.

Fuentes, Porfirio, Warren C. Couvillion, and Albert J. Allen, "Potential Effect of Transportation Technological Advances on Trade of Food Products Between the US and Latin America," Proceedings Issue, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXV, Number 1, March 2004, Pp. 100-106. Edited by Wojciech J. Florkowski, University of Georgia and Allen Wysocki, University of Florida.

McAnally, William H., Yunlong Zhang, Albert J. Allen, Royce O. Bowden, and Aaron Tan, Transportation Responses to Increased Latin American Trade, Final Report Submitted to the National Center for Intermodal Transportation and Mississippi Department of Transportation, September 2004.

Couvillion, Warren C., Albert J. Allen, and David Parish, Planning for Intermodal Facilities and Infrastructure Changes to Enhance Traffic Flow, Final Report Submitted to National Center for Intermodal Transportation and the U.S. Department of Transportation, September 2004.

Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "A Financial Performance Analysis of the Refrigerated Food Products Truck Carriers in the United States," Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, 31st Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004, Volume 28, Pp.8-13. Edited by Robert T. Burrus, Jr., and J. Edward Graham, Jr., University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

Reeves, Jeanne and Albert J. Allen, "Standardized Record-keeping-The Case of Cotton," poster presented at the 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.

Estrada, Joselito and Albert J. Allen "An Assessment of the Impact of the Rural Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program on Texas Rio Grande Valley," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.

Fuentes, Porfirio, Albert J. Allen, and Warren C. Couvillion "Potential Economic Effects of CAFTA on Agricultural Trade Between Central America, Southern U.S. Region, and Its Implications for Rural Development," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.

Allen, Albert J., Albert E. Myles, Porfirio Fuentes, and Safdar Muhammad "Agricultural Terrorism: Potential Economic Effects on the Poultry Industry in Mississippi," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 14-18, 2004.

Fuentes, Porfirio, Albert J. Allen, and Warren C. Couvillion. "Distribution and Interpolation of Low Frequency Economic Time Series, Using Related High Frequency Time Series: An Application of the Modified Chow-Lin Procedure," paper presented at the Academy of Economics and Finance 2004 Annual Meeting, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004.

Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "Inter-Regional Performances of Agricultural Carriers in the United States: A Strategic Dimension Analysis," paper presented at the Southwestern Economics Association 84th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 17-20, 2004.

Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "Agricultural Imports: Contribution to the U. S. Economy," paper presented at the Southwestern Economic Association 84th Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 17-20, 2004.

Allen, Albert J. and Porfirio Fuentes "A Financial Performance Analysis of the Refrigerated Food Products Truck Carriers in the United States," paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Economics and Finance, Biloxi, Mississippi, February 11-14, 2004.

Allen, Albert J. and Albert E. Myles "Changes in Concentration and Performance of Agricultural Commodity Carriers in the United States," paper presented at the 2004 Professional Agricultural Workers Conference (PAWC), December 5-7, 2004, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama.

Fletcher, S.M. and C.L. Revoredo. 2004. Does the US Need the Peanut Tariff Rate Quota Under the 2002 US Farm Act? 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 10.

Fletcher, S.M. and C.L. Revoredo. 2004. Supplier Reputation and Price Premium: The Case of Peanuts in Rotterdam. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 11.

McCorvey, A.E., A.S. Luke-Morgan, and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Comparison of Returns Above Variable Cost Given Potential 2004 Commodity Price Scenarios for the Southeastern Representative Peanut Farms. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 16-17.

McCorvey, A.E., A.S. Luke-Morgan, and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Impact of the Financial Viability of Southeastern Representative Peanut Farms of Potential Yield Restricting Factors. 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 18-19.

Revoredo, C.L. and S.M. Fletcher. 2004. Does the Existence of Market Power Affect Marketing Loan Programs? 2003 Georgia Peanut Research Extension Report, UGA/CPES Research-Extension Publication No. 2-2004, pg. 20.

Henneberry, Shida R. and Walter Armbruster. "Emerging Roles for Food Labels: Inform, Protect, Persuade", Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, November 2003, pp. 62-69.

Chung, Chanjin, Shida Henneberry, and Emilio Tostao. "Optimal Advertising and Free-Riding Under a Voluntary Beef Checkoff Program". NICPRE Quarterly, third Quarter 2004.

Henneberry, Shida (Presenter). An Overview of Labeling Issues related to International Trade of Food and Agricultural Products. A paper presented at Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, February 2004.

Henneberry, Shida (Presenter). "The Impacts of Country-of-Origin Labeling Requirement on U.S./Mexico Trade". Seminario Internacional Para El Desarrollo de la Industria Alimentaria (International Seminar for the Development of Food Industries). Sponsored by SAGDR (Secetaria de Agricultura Y Ganaderia Y Desarrollo Rural) and Durango State. Presentations given in Durango City and in Gomez Palacio, State of Durango, November 14 & 17, 2003.

Henneberry, Shida and Haerani Agustini (Presenter). "An Examination of Factors Affecting Purchasing Decisions at Farmers Markets". An invited paper presented at the meeting of Stillwater Horticultural Grower Association, Stillwater, Oklahoma, December 11, 2003.

Chung, Chanjin (presenter) and Shida Henneberry. "Will Voluntary Programs be the Answer? An Analysis of Optimal Advertising and Free-Rider Problem in the U.S. Beef Industry." A Selected Paper presented at the Conference on Structural Change Commodity Checkoff Programs: Impacts and Opportunities, sponsored by NEC-63 Committee on Commodity Promotion Programs, Baltimore, Maryland, March 25-26, 2004.

Kenkel, Phil, Shida Henneberry, and Haerani Agustini. An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment. February, 2004. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2004.

Henneberry, Shida R. and Haerani Agustini. An Analysis Of Oklahoma Direct Marketing Outlets: Case Study Of Produce Farmers Markets. February, 2004. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association, Tulsa, Oklahoma, February 2004.

Mario Raul Moreno M.S. Creative Component, August 2004. Title: An Analysis of Demand for Prepared and Preserved Meats in Three of the Pacific Rim Countries of Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore. Oklahoma State University.

Watson, S., D. Hudson, and E. Segarra. Economic vs. Biological Goals in Technology Adoption. 2004 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Proceedings, Cotton Economics and Marketing Conference, Memphis, TN, available on-line at http://www.cotton.org/beltwide/

Watson, S., D. Hudson, and E. Segarra. Quantifying the Differences in Management Goals and Technology Choice in Peanut Production. Paper presented at the 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Tulsa, OK, February 2004.

Hudson, D. Mandatory Country-of-Origin Labeling: Implications for Applied Research and Extension: A Discussion. Organized Symposium Presentation, 2004 Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, Tulsa, OK, February 2004.

Ibendahl, Gregg, and Darren Hudson. New Labor Laws: Fair Pay. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2004.

Hudson, Darren, and Bill Herndon. The European Union and Tariffs Against the U.S. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2004.

Hudson, Darren, Albert Allen, and Tian Xia. It's Raining Trade Agreements. Agricultural Economic and Policy Perspectives, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2004.

Hudson, Darren. International Trade and Trade Agreements. Presentation to the Southern Extension Outlook Meetings, Atlanta, GA, September 27, 2004.

Hudson, Darren. The 'Truth' About International Trade. Presentation to the Starkville Kiwanis Club, Starkville, MS, March 9, 2004.






Adcock, Flynn, Darren Hudson, Parr Rosson, Hal Harris, and Cary Herndon. The Global Competitiveness of the North American Livestock Industry. Choices, 21(2006): 171-176.

Adcock, Flynn, Joe Outlaw, Parr Rosson, Roland Fumasi and Yan Xia. Southwest Regional Perspectives on Specialty Crop Policy Options and Consequences: Views of Vegetable, Melon, and Fruit Producers in Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas on the 2007 Farm Bill Policy Options. California Institute for the Study of Specialty Crops, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA, cissc.calpoly.edu, July 2006.

Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of Technical Requirements for Food and Agricultural Imports, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 1-6.

Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of Technical Requirements for Food and Agricultural Imports, paper presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Economics and Finance, Houston, TX on February 8-11, 2006.

Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and A. A. Farhad Chowdhury, An Analysis of U.S. Agricultural and Food Import Refusals by the Food and Drug Administration, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 7-12.

Allen, Albert J., Saleem Shaik, and Albert E. Myles, Discrete Choice Analysis of the Factors Affecting Food Import Refusals by the Food and Drug Administration, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Baek and Koo, Price Dynamics in the North American Wheat Market, Review of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 35, No.2 (2006):265-275.

Briggeman, Brian, Shida Henneberry, and Bailey Norwood (Senior Authorship Shared). How do Employers Access Job Candidate Attributes? Under the Review Process of NACTA Journal (a publication of the National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture), Submission Date: October 25, 2006.

Chavez, E.C. and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Production consumption, trade and price projections of the U.S. and global rice economy, 2005-2006. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007. http://www.uaex.edu/RTWG/Meetings.htm

Chowdhury, A. A. Farhad and Albert J. Allen, Impact of NAFTA on U.S. Feed Grain Trade with Mexico, Academy of Economics and Finance, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 30, November 2006, Pages 62-66

Durand-Morat, A. and E. Wailes. 2006. Sensitive product designation in the Doha Round: the case of rice. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007. http://www.uaex.edu/RTWG/Meetings.htm

Engman, Michael, Osamu Onodera and Norbert Wilson, Facilitating Adjustment: Sector Experience in Agriculture, Telecommunications and Chemicals, OECD Working Paper No. 41 (2006).

Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute. FAPRI 2006 U.S. and World Agricultural Outlook. FAPRI Staff Report 06-FSR 1. http://www.fapri.iastate.edu/outlook2006/text/10Rice.pdf

Henneberry, David M., Adele Tongco, and Shida Henneberry. The Role of an International Agricultural Programs Office in a Land Grant University, Revista Mexicana de Agronegocias (Agribusiness Review for Mexico and Latin America), Forthcoming, Year 11, Volume 20, January-June 2007.

Henneberry, Shida and Seong-huyk Hwang. Meat Demand in S. Korea: An Application of the Restricted Source-Differentiated AIDS Model. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Forthcoming: April 2007, Volume 39, No. 1 issue.

Hignight, J. and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Investment in on-farm reservoirs to sustain rice production in Arkansas: the impact of land rental arrangements. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007. http://www.uaex.edu/RTWG/Meetings.htm

Hignight, J., E.J. Wailes, J. Popp, J. Smartt. 2006. Investing in on-farm reservoirs under alternative land tenure arrangements. B.R. Well Rice Research Studies 2005. Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture, Research Series 540, August 2006.

Hill, J., E. Wailes, M. Popp, J. Popp, K. Young and B. Watkins. 2006. Surface water diversion impacts on farm income and sources of irrigation water: the case of the Grand Prarie in Arkansas. J. Soul and Water Conservation 61(4):185-191.

Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Economic Research Service, Washington, DC, November 14, 2006.

Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Canadian Cattlemans Association Annual Meeting, Niagra Falls, Canada, August 16, 2006.

Hudson, Darren. The Future of North American Animal Agriculture: Globalization and Trade. Presentation to the Mexican Livestock and Policy Sectors, Mexico City, Mexico, May, 2006.

Keefe, A. M., and C. M. Jolly, Integrating Supply and Demand Factors in the Diffusion Rates of Aquaculture Technology for the International Shrimp Industry, Shrimp Culture: Economics, Market and Trade, ed. P. Leung & C. Engle. Blackwell Publishing, Iowa (2006):63-76.

Jin, Koo, Sul. The Effects of the Free Trade Agreement among China, Japan, and Korea,
Journal of Economic Development, Vol 31, No. 2, 2006, 1-18.

Jin and Koo, Offshore Hedging Strategy of Japan-based Wheat Trader under Multiple
Sources of Risk and Hedging Cost, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 25-
2(2006); 220-236.

Jin, Elder, and Koo, A re-examination of Fractional Integrating Dynamics in the Foreign
Exchange Rates, International Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 15, No.1 (2006):

Kenkel, Phil and Shida Henneberry. "An Economic Analysis of Unit-Train Facility Investment, Revista Mexicana de Agronegocias (Agribusiness Review for Mexico and Latin America), Year 10, Volume 19, Number 4, July- December, 2006, pages 52-81.

Kinnucan, H.W. A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Agricultural Trade Promotion. Empirical Economics. Submitted 18 October 2006.

Kinnucan, H. W. Ø. Myrland. The Effectiveness of Antidumping Measures: Some Evidence for Farmed Atlantic Salmon. Journal of Agricultural Economics. 57 (2006): 459-477.

Kinnucan, H. W., and Ø. Myrland. Welfare Effects of Supply Expansion with Trade Restrictions: The Case of Salmon. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development. 2 (2006): 165-84.

Koo and Zhuang, The Role of Exchange Rate in Sino-U.S. Bilateral Trade, Contemporary Economic Policy, 45-3 (2007): 362-373.

Koo and Uhm, Effects of Dumping vs. Anti-dumping Measures: the U.S. Trade Remedy Laws Applied to Wheat Imports from Canada, Journal of World Trade (forthcoming).

Koo and Kennedy, The Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies on Global Welfare, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 88 (2006): 1219-1226.

Koo and Zhuang, U.S. Trade Deficit with China: the Role of Exchange Rate, Western
Economic Forum, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006: 10-14.

Koo, Kennedy, and Sprencheko, Regional Preferential Trade Agreements: Trade Creation
and Diversion Effects, Review of Agricultural Economics (forthcoming on Nov. 2006)

Malik, Mostafa, Henry Thompson, and Osei Yeboah. 2006. FTAA and North Carolina Textile and Apparel: Adjustments in an Industrial Specific Factors Model. Submitted to Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade.

Mane, Ranjitsinh U. 2007. Impact of the trade reform under the Doha Round of WTO negotiations on global rice trade. M.S. thesis. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.

Mane, R and E.J. Wailes. 2006. Impacts of trade liberalization results from the Arkansas Global Rice Model. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007. http://www.uaex.edu/RTWG/Meetings.htm

Mane, R. and E. Wailes. 2006. Impact of trade liberalization in rice: assessing alternative proposals. Selected paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Long Beach, CA. July 2006.

Mattson and Koo, Effects of BSE Outbreaks on U.S. Cattle and Beef Prices, Review of
agricultural Economics (forthcoming)

Mutondo, Joao and Shida Henneberry. Reworking of the U.S. Meat Demand: A Source Differentiated Analysis, Abstract published in the Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, Forthcoming, December 2006.

Mutondo, Joao E. and Shida Rastegari Henneberry. Reworking of the U.S. Meat Demand: A Source Differentiated Analysis. Under the Review Process of the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Submission Date: November 3, 2006. Submission ID: 2006-0131.

Myles, Albert E., Albert J. Allen, and Saleem Shaik, Measuring the Impact of Natural Disasters on Key Sectors of the Food Industry in Mississippi, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Norwood, Bailey and Shida Henneberry. Show me the Money: The Value of College Graduates as Expressed by Employers and Perceived by Students, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 88, No. 2, pages 484-498, May 2006.

Norwood, F. Bailey and Shida R. Henneberry. Employers Rank what they Seek for a New Hire. Feedstuffs, January 30, 2006.

Osei Yeboah, Henry Thompson, and Victor Ofori-Boadu. 2006. US Adjustments to Free Trade with China: A Focus on Pork Exports." Agricultural Economics Journal.

Penson, John B., Oral Capps, Jr., C. Parr Rosson, III and Richard T. Woodward. Introduction to Agricultural Economics, Prentice-Hall, Fourth Edition, 2006.

Rosson, Parr, Michelle Niemeyer and Flynn Adcock. Economic Impacts of Immigration Reform Options, October 25, 2006.

Rosson, Parr, Michelle Niemeyer, Marco Palma and Luis Ribera. Economic Impacts of Zebra Chip on the Texas Potato Industry, Center for North American Studies, Issue Brief, December 21, 2006.

Rosson, Parr, Flynn Adcock., and Alejandro Varela A Preliminary Study of Supply and Demand Balance and Market Windows for Chihuahua Agricultural Products. Mid-Project Report for the project entitled The North American Market for Chihuahua Agricultural Products. Delivered to Fundacion Produce, Chihuahua City, Chihuahua, Mexico, January 5, 2006.

Shaik, Saleem, Albert J. Allen, and Albert E. Myles, Enumerate the Impact of Global, Regional and Country Trade Agreements on U.S. Food Industry, paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, October 15-18, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Swift, Rebecca Little, Shida Henneberry, and Kim Anderson. Implications of Chinas WTO Concessions for the U.S. Wheat Industry. OSU Extension Facts No. F-605, Cooperative Extension Service, Division of Agriculture, Oklahoma State University, March 2006.

Thompson, H., The applied theory of energy substitution in production, Energy Economics, July 2006, 410-25

Thompson, H., International Economics, World Scientific Publishing, 2nd edition, 2006

Tomlinson, Jackie Michelle Niemeyer The Economic Impacts of a Permenant Water Shortage in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Professional Study Paper, Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. December 2006.

Wailes, E.J. 2006. Challenges and prospects for U.S. rice policy in the 2007 Farm Bill debate. Proceedings, 31st Rice Technical Working Group Meeting, The Woodlands, TX, February, 2007. http://www.uaex.edu/RTWG/Meetings.htm

Wailes, E.J. 2006. The 2007 Farm Bill debate: a balancing act. Arkansas Agriculture. Arkansas Farm Bureau. Vol 3 Issue 1. Little Rock, AR. http://www.arfb.com/publications/ark_agri/2006v3i1/farm_bill.asp

Wailes, E.J. and K.L. Young 2007. Economic analysis of the Grand Prairie Area Demonstration Project. SP 01 2007, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, January, 2007.

Wailes, E.J. and K.L. Young. 2006. Impact of the Bayou Meto Project on the Arkansas Economy. SP 01 2006. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, January 2005.

Wilson, Norbert L. W. and Jesús Antón. Combining Risk Assessment and Economics in Managing a Sanitary-Phytosanitary Risk. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 88(February 2006):194-202


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