NC1020: Beef Cattle Grazing Systems that Improve Production and Profitability While Minimizing Risk and Environmental Impacts (NC225)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Anderson, R. V., R. J. Rasby, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. T. Clark. 2005. An evaluation of production and economic efficiency of two beef systems from calving to slaughter. J. Anim. Sci. 83:694-704.

Klopfenstein, T., and D. Adams. 2005. Using ethanol industry coproducts in diets for forage-fed cattle. Midwest ASAS annual meeting, March 21-23, Des Moines, IA.

Morris, S., T. Klopfenstein, and D. Adams. 2005. Effects of dried distillers grains on heifer consumption of low or high quality forage. Midwest ASAS annual meeting, March 21-23, Des Moines, IA.

Morris, S., T. Klopfenstein, and D. Adams. 2005. Predicting forage intake of steers supplemented dried distillers grains while grazing native summer Sandhills range. ASAS Animal Meeting, July 24-28, Cincinnati, OH.

Morris, S. T., T. J. Klopfenstein, D. C. Adams, G. E. Erickson, and K. J. Vander Pol. 2005. The effects of dried distillers grains on heifers consuming low or high quality forage. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP 83-A:18-20.

Mousel, E.M., W.H. Schacht, C.W. Zanner, and L.E. Moser. 2005. Effects of summer grazing strategies on organic reserves and root characteristics of big bluestem. Crop Sci. (In press)

Moyer, J. L. and J. O. Fritz. 2005. Allocating grazing resources with KansasGrazer© and making management decisions in a stocker operation. Proc. XX International Grassland Congress, Dublin Ireland. (In press)

Schacht, W.H., A. Guru, P.E. Reece, J.D. Volesky, and D. Cotton. 2005. Using geospatial information technologies and field research to enhance classroom learning. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. (In press)

Stalker, L. A., D. C. Adams, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2005. Effects of supplemental protein during gestation and grazing subirrigated meadow during the postpartum interval on pregnancy rates of spring calving cows and calf growth. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP 83-A:7-9.

Stalker, L. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, and D. C. Adams. 2005. Effects of dried distillers grains supplementation frequency on heifer growth. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report MP 83-A:13-14.

Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, P.E. Reece, and T.J. Vaughn. 2005. Spring growth and use of cool-season graminoids in the Nebraska Sandhills. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. (In press)


Geisert, B.G., T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, and J.A. Musgrave. 2006. Determination of diet protein and digestibility of native Sandhills Upland Range. Proc. Western Section, ASAS, Vol. 57.

Geisert, B.G., T.J. Klopfenstein, D.C. Adams, and J. C. MacDonald. 2006. Comparison of in vivo digestibility of five forages fed to steers. Midwest ASAS abstracts.

Gustad, K.H., T.J. Klopfenstein, G.E. Erickson, J.C. MacDonald, K.J. Vander Pol, and M.A. Greenquest. 2006. Dried distillers grains supplementation to calves grazing corn residue. Midwest ASAS abstracts.

Lomas, L.W., and J.L. Moyer. 2006. Distillers grains supplementation for grazing stocker cattle. p.1-5. In: 2006 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Report of Progress 960. 78p.

Morris, S.E., J.C. MacDonald, D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein. R.L. Davis, and JR. Teichert. 2006. Effects of supplementing dried distillers grains on performance of cattle grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 84:30-32.

Moyer, J.L., and E.C. Brummer. 2006. Dry matter of stockpiled forages. p.37-39. In: 2006 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Report of Progress 960. 78p.

Moyer, J.L., J.O. Fritz, and S.L. Fogleman. 2006. Using KansasGrazer to aid in pasture management decisions. AFGC Proceedings 15:112-116.

Moyer, J.L., and K.J. Moore. 2006. Growing annual crops for summer forage. p.34-36. In: 2006 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn. Report of Progress 960. 78p.

Stalker, L.A., D.C. Adams, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2006. Influence of dried distillers grains supplementation frequency on forage digestibility and growth performance. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 84:33-35.


Adams, D., T. Klopfenstein, and G. Erickson. 2007. Evaluation of storage methods for wet distillers grains plus soluble with forages and byproducts in silo bags and bunker silos. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):833.

Adams, D., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, M. Luebbe, and M. Greenquist. 2007. The effects of sorting steers by weight into calf-fed, summer yearling and fall yearling feeding systems. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):661

Barnhardt, B.B., M.P. Epp, A.M. Bryant, P.J. Guiroy and D.A. Blasi.2007. Supplementation of stocker steers grazing native Flint Hills pasture with a protein and mineral supplement increases average daily gains. In KSU Cattlemens Day Proceedings. Kansas Agr. Exp. Stn. Rept. of Progress 978.

Corrigan, M., G. Erickson, T. Klopfenstein, K. Vander Pol, M. Greenquist, M. Luebbe, K. Karges, and M. Gibson. Effect of distillers grains composition and level on steers consuming high-quality forage. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:17-18.

Corrigan, M., G. Erickson, T. Klopfenstein, K. Vander Pol, M. Greenquist, M. Luebbe, K. Karges, and M. Gibson. Effect of distillers grains composition and level on performance of steers consuming high-quality forage. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:17-18.

Florine, Sara E., Kenneth J. Moore, Steven L. Fales, Todd A. White, and C. Lee
Burras. 2006. Yield and composition of herbaceous biomass harvested from
naturalized grassland in southern Iowa. Biomass and Bioenergy 30:522-528.

Geisert, B., T. Klopfenstein, D. Adams, and J. MacDonald. 2007. Comparison of in vivo digestibility to in vitro digestibility of five forages fed to steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:109-111.

Griffin, W., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, D. Feuz, and J. MacDonald. 2007. Comparison of a long yearling system and calf-fed performance and economics. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:58-60.

Griffin, W., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, W. Luedtke, and M. Schroeder. 2007. The effect of tillage practice and corn stalk grazing on crop yields. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):832.

Harmoney, K.R. 2007. Persistence of Heavily-Grazed Cool-Season Grasses in the Central Great Plains. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-0625-01-RS.

Klopfenstein, T.J., L. Lomas, D. Blasi, D. Adams, W. Schacht, S. Morris, K. Gustad, M. Greenquist, R. Funston, J. MacDonald, and M. Epp. 2007. Summary analysis of grazing yearling response to distillers grains. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:10-11.

Lomas, L.W. and J.L. Moyer. 2007. Supplementation of grazing stocker cattle with distillers's grains. p.9-16. In 2007 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agr. Exp. Stn. Rept. of Progress 979.

MacDonald, J., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, C. Macken, J. Folmer, and M. Blackford. 2006. Sorting strategies for long yearling cattle grown in an extensive forage utilization beef production system. Prof. Anim. Sci. 22:225-235.

Martin, J.L., A.S. Cupp, R.J. Rasby, Z.C. Hall, and R.N. Funston. 2007. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted.

Martin, J., A. Cupp, R. Rasby, and R. Funston. 2006. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing replacement heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 2):130.

Martin, J.L., A.S. Cupp, R.J. Rasby, K.L. Moline, J.W. Bergman, M. Dragastin, and R.N. Funston. 2007. Utilization of dried distillers grains for developing beef heifers. MP 90 2007 Nebraska Beef Report.

Mousel, E.M., W.H. Schacht, C.W. Zanner, and D.A. Wedin. 2007. Comparison of botanical composition, soil carbon content, and root distribution of subirrigated meadows in the Nebraska Sandhills. Great Plains Research. 17:47-60.

Moyer, J. L., J. O. Fritz, and S. L. Fogleman. 2006. Using electronic decision aids in pasture management decisions. 265-6. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA Abstracts 2006. [CD-ROM] ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Moyer, J. L. and K. J. Moore. 2007. Growing annual crops for summer forage. p. 31-33. In: 2007 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center. Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn Rept. of Progress 979.

Reece, P.E., W.H. Schacht, and J.D. Volesky. 2007. Skillful grazing management on semiarid rangelands. EC162, Ext. Circ., IANR, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Singer, J. W., K. J. Moore, R. L. Hintz, P. K. Patrick, and P. Summer. 2007.
Effect of source and rate of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizer on yield, quality, and mineral composition of stockpiled tall fescue. Crop Management

Skinner, Howard R., and Kenneth J. Moore. 2006. Growth and development of
forage plants. p. 53-66. In R. F Barnes, C. J. Nelson, K. J. Moore, and M.
Collins, (ed.) Forages, 6th edition: The Science of Grassland Agriculture.
Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA.

Smart, A.J., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and L.E. Moser. 2006. Seasonal changes in dry matter partitioning, yield, and crude protein of intermediate wheatgrass and smooth bromegrass. Agron. J. 98:986-991.

Sweeney, D. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2007. Nitrogen management affects sorghum grown for grain and forage. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2007-0323-01-RS.

Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, P.E. Reece, and T.J. Vaughn. 2007. Diet composition of cattle grazing Sandhills range during spring. Rangeland Ecol. Manage. 60:65-70.


Harmoney, K.R. 2007. Persistence of heavily-grazed cool-season grasses in the Central Great Plains. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-0625-01-RS.

Harmoney, K.R. 2007. Grazing and burning japanese brome (Bromus japonicus) on mixed grass rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 60:479-486.

Harmoney, K., and J. Jaeger. 2008. Modified intensive-early stocking on shortgrass rangeland. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts # 1661.

Leiker, J., R. Nicholson, and K. Harmoney. 2007. Artificial lawns as an attractant to steer foraging behavior. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts #255.

Lomas, L.W., and J.L. Moyer. 2008. Evaluation of forage production, stand
persistence, and grazing performance of steers grazing tall fescue cultivars with the novel endophyte. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 996. Pg. 1-10.

Lomas, L.W., and J.L. Moyer. 2008. Supplementation of grazing stocker cattle with distillers grains. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 996. Pg. 11-22.

Moyer, J.L. 2008. Evaluation of tall fescue cultivars. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 996. Pg. 23-24.

Moyer, J.L. 2008. Performance of legumes interseeded into tall fescue. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 996. Pg. 25-29.

Moyer, J.L., and K.J. Moore. 2008. Growing annual crops for summer forage.
Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 996. Pg. 30-31.

Schmidt, C.D., K.R. Hickman, R. Channell, K. Harmoney, and W. Stark. 2007.
Competitive abilities of native grasses and non-native ( Bothriochloa spp.) grasses. Plant Ecology doi: 10.1007/s11258-007-9361-2.

Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2007. Defoliation effects on production and nutritive value of four irrigated cool-season perennial grasses. Agronomy Journal. 99:494-500.

Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2008. Nebraska 2005 - 2006 Orchardgrass Variety Trial Results - North Platte. Forage and Grazinglands. available at:

Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2008. Nebraska 2005 - 2006 Cool-season Grass Variety Trial Results - North Platte. Forage and Grazinglands. available at:

Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, P.E. Reece, and A.M. Petersen. 2008. Grazing and Hay Records: Spreadsheet Template. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC-165.

Loy, T. W., J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2007. Effect of distillers grains or corn supplementation frequency on forage intake and digestibility. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2625-2630.

MacDonald, J. C., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, and W. A. Griffin. 2007. Effects of dried distillers grains and equivalent undegradable intake protein or ether extract on performance and forage intake of heifers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2614-2624.

Griffin, W. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson. D. M. Feuz, J. C. MacDonald and D. J. Jordon. 2007. Comparison of performance and economics of a long-yearling and calf-fed system. The Prof. Anim. Sci 23:490-499.

Stalker, L. A., D. C. Adams, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2007. Urea inclusion in distillers dried grains supplements. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. 23:390-394.

Stockton, M. C., D. C. Adams, R. K. Wilson, T. J. Klopfenstein, R. T. Clark, and G. L. Carriker. 2007. Production and economic comparisons of two calving dates for beef cows in the Nebraska Sandhills. The Prof. Anim. Scientist 23: 500-508.

Kirch, B. H., L. E. Moser, S. S. Waller, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Aiken, and J. R. Strickland. 2007. Selection and dietary quality of beef cattle grazing smooth bromegrass, switchgrass, and big bluestem. The Prof. Anim. Scientist 23:672-680.

Griffin, W. A., J. D. Folmer, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2007. Comparison of yearling steers sorted into heavy, medium, and light weight groups at feedlot entry. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #23, page 8.

Corrigan, M., T. Klopfenstein, G. Erickson, K. Vander Pol, M. Greenquist, M. Luebbe, K. Karges, and M. Gibson. 2007. Effects of distillers grains composition and level on performance of steers consuming high quality forage. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #279, page 89.

Buckner, C. D., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, K. J. Vander Pol, K. K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson. 2007. Characterization of a modified dry distillers byproduct and dry distillers grains for use in growing beef cattle. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #284, page 91.

Greenquist, M. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, L. Lomas, D. Blasi, D. C. Adams, W. H. Schacht, S. E. Morris, K. H. Gustad, R. N. Funston, J. C. MacDonald and M. Epp. 2007. Summary analysis of yearling cattle response to distillers grains supplementation. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #290, page 92.

Baleseng, L. B., M. A. Greenquist, K. J. Vander Pol, T. J. Klopfenstein, W. H. Schacht, and G. E. Erickson. 2007. The quality of smooth bromegrass in monoculture pastures before and after grazing by yearling steers. Midwest ASAS/ADSA Abstract #293, page 93.

Adams, D. R., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, M. K. Luebbe, and M. A. Greenquist. 2007. The effects of sorting steers by weight into calf-fed, summer yearling and fall yearling feeding systems. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):661.

Griffin W. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, W. Luedtke, and M. A. Schroeder. 2007. The effect of tillage practice and corn stalk grazing on crop yields. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):832.

Adams, D. R., T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. Evaluation of storage methods for wet distillers grains plus solubles with forages and byproducts in silo bags and bunker silos. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):833.

Klopfenstein, Terry J., Lyle Lomas, Dale Blasi, Don C. Adams, Walter H. Schacht, Sarah E. Morris, Kristin H. Gustad, Matthew A. Greenquist, Rick N. Funston, Jim C. MacDonald, and Marc Epp. 2007. Summary analysis of grazing yearling response to distillers grains. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:10-11.

Greenquist, Matthew A., Kyle J. Vander Pol, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Leonard Baleseng, and Walter H. Schacht. 2007. Dried distillers grains substitute for forage and nitrogen on pasture: N dynamics and use efficiency. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:12-14.

Buckner, Crystal D., Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Kip K. Karges, and Matthew L. Gibson. 2007. Comparing a modified dry by-product to dry distillers grains with solubles in growing calf diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:15-16.

Corrigan, Mark C., Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew A. Greenquist, Matthew K. Luebbe, Kip Karges, and Matt L. Gibson. 2007. Effect of distillers grains composition and level on steers consuming high-quality forage. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:17-18.

Griffin, William A., Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Dillon M. Feuz, and Jim C. MacDonald. 2007. Comparison of a long yearling system and calf-fed performance and economics. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:58-60.

Geisert, Bobbi Gene, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Don C. Adams, and Jim C. MacDonald. 2007. Comparison of in vivo digestibility to in vitro digestibility of five forages fed to steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP-90:109-111.

Schacht, W.H., J.D. Volesky, and P.R. Schroeder. 2008. Herbage production and animal performance response to grazing system in the Nebraska Sandhills. Abstract, Society for Range Management, Louisville, KY.


Bartosh, A.J. 2008. Effect of supplemental fat from dried distillers grains with solubles or corn oil on cow performance, nutrient digestibility, and plasma concentrations of long chain fatty acids, insulin-like growth factor-1, growth hormone, and non-esterified fatty acids. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.

Folmer, J. D., W. A. Griffin, C. N. Macken, M. P. Blackford, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2008. Effect of intensive winter management, partial season grazing, and sorting on performance and economics of a long yearling steer production system. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:411-419.

Kalscheur, K., A. Garcia, K. Rosentrater, and C. Wright. 2008. Ethanol co-products for ruminant livestock diets. FS974. South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service.

Loy, T. W., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, C. N. Macken, and J. C. MacDonald. 2008. Effect of supplemental energy source and frequency on growing calf performance. J. Anim. Sci. published on line August 15, 2008 as dois: 10.2527/,as.2008-0920.

Milby, J. 2008. Botanical composition response to topographical position in the Nebraska Sandhills. Abstract, Society for Range Management, Albuquerque, NM.

Rosentrater, K.A., K.L. Kalscheur, A. Garcia and C. Wright. 2008. The South Dakota fuel ethanol industry. FS945. South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service.

Schacht, W.H., J.D. Volesky, and P.R. Schroeder. 2008. Timing of grazing affects sandhills grassland productivity and diet quality (p. 76). In: Organizing Committee of 2008 IGC/IRC Conference (eds.), Multifunctional grasslands in a changing world, Volume II. Proceedings of the XXI International Grassland Congress and VIII International Rangeland Congress, June/July 2008, Hohhot, China. Guangdong Peoples Publishing House, Guangzhou, China.

Schacht, W.H. and P.E. Reece. 2008. Impact of livestock grazing on extensively-managed grazing lands. In: R. McDowell (ed.), Impacts of pastoral grazing on the environment. CAB International.

Stalker, L. A., D. C. Adams, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2008. Influence of distillers dried grains supplementation frequency on forage digestibility and growth performance of beef cattle. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24:

Adams, Daniel R., Matt K. Luebbe, William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson. 2009. Effects of sorting cattle by weight and time of year on finishing performance, carcass characteristics and economics. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:43-46.

Greenquist, Matthew A., Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, Galen E. Erickson, Kyle J. Vander Pol, Matthew K. Luebbe, Kelly R. Brink, Andrea K. Schwarz, and Leonard B. Baleseng. 2009. Replacing fertilizer nitrogen with dried distillers grains supplement to yearling steers grazing bromegrass pastures: Daily gain and nitrogen use efficiency. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:22-24.

Greenquist, Matthew A., Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, and Galen E. Erickson. 2009. Replacing fertilizer nitrogen with dried distillers grains supplement to yearling steers grazing bromegrass pastures: Economics and modeling. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92: 25-27.

Griffin, William A., Virgil R. Bremer, Terry J. Klopfenstein, L. Aaron Stalker, Lyle W. Lomas, Joe L. Moyer, and Galen E. Erickson. 2009. Summary of grazing trials using dried distillers grains supplementation. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:37-39.

Harmoney, K.R., and J.R. Jaeger. 2009 Beef production and vegetation trends from modified intensive-early stocking. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station. Report of Progress 1016. p. 36-42.

Harmoney, K.R., and J.R. Jaeger. 2009. Comparison of stocker calf replacement on native rangeland vs direct feedlot finishing. 62nd Society for Range Management Annual Meeting. Paper 65-4.

Lomas, L.W., and J.L. Moyer. 2009. Supplementation of grazing stocker cattle with distillers grains. Kansas State University Ag Experiment Station Report of Progress 1013. p. 1-8.

Meyer, T. L., Don C. Adams, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Jerry D. Volesky, L. Aaron Stalker, and Rick N. Funston. 2009. Estimating livestock forage demand: Defining the animal unit. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:13-14.

Nuttelman, Brandon L., Matthew K. Luebbe, Josh R. Benton, Terry J. Klopfenstein, L. Aaron Stalker, and Galen E. Erickson. 2009. Energy value of wet distillers grains in high forage diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:28-29.

Smart, A. 2009. Mixing roughages with wet corn distillers grains. Midwest Forage Focus. April Issue, p. 8.

Wilken, Mallorie F., Matthew K. Luebbe, Galen E. Erickson, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Josh R. Benton. 2009. Feeding corn distillers solubles or wet distillers grains plus solubles and cornstalks to growing calves. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:30-32.

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