W1186: Genetic Variability in the Cyst and Root-Knot Nematodes
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Avendano, F., O. Schbenberger, F.J. Pierce and Melakeberhan. 2003. Geostatistical analysis of field spatial distribution patterns of the soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines. Agronomy Journal, 93: 936-948.
Bosland, P.W., Y. Zewdie, and S.H. Thomas. 2003. NuMex Nematador, southern root-knot resistant cayenne pepper. HortScience 38:631-632.
Chen, J., and E.P. Caswell-Chen. 2003. The ecology of C. elegans: Phenotypic plasticity, survival, and facultative vivipary. Journal of Nematology. 35:329-330 (Abstr.).
Chen, J., and E.P. Caswell-Chen. 2003. Bagging as a part of the C. elegans life cycle. Program and Abstracts of 14th International C. elegans meeting. pg. 192 (Abstr.).
Chen, P. and P.A. Roberts. 2003. Virulence in Meloidogyne hapla differentiated by resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Nematology 5:39-47.
Fiore, C., L.W. Murray, I. Ray, J. Schroeder and S.H. Thomas. 2003. Chile response to rotational crops for nutsedge and nematode suppression. Proceedings, Western Society of Weed Science 56:60.
Gray, F.A., D.W. Koch, H.J. Smith, L.J. Held and J.M. Krall. 2003. Controlling the sugar beet nematode (Heterodera schachtii) in the U.S. A., p. 251, Proceedings of the 2003 International Congress of Plant Pathology, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb. 2-7.
Greenfield, B.J., J. Schroeder, S.H. Thomas, and L.W. Murray. 2003. Root-knot nematodes and tuber size affect early season growth of purple and yellow nutsedges. Proceedings, Western Society of Weed Science 56:92.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2001. Chemical nematicides for the suppression of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. hapla on potato. International Journal of Nematology. 11: 192 - 194.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2001. Impact of nematode management options on the yield and nutrition status of potato, solanum tuberosum. International Journal of Nematology. 11: 195 1999.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2001. Nonchemical alternatives for sugarbeet cyst nematode management in Idaho. Proceedings of Annual International Conference on Methyl bromide alternatives and emission reductions held on Novemebr 5-9, 2001 at San Diego, California. 86-1 to 86-4.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Chemical options for the management of Heterodera schachtii on sugar beet under field conditions. Nematology. 4:1, 295.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Chemical options for the management of stubby root nematodes on potato. International Journal of Nematology. 12: 73 - 75.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Comparative efficacy of fosthiazate formulations for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in Idaho potatoes. Nematology. 4:1, 296.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Efficacy of chemical nematicides for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato. International Journal of Nematology. 12: 76 - 78.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Evaluation of nematicides for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato in Idaho. Nematology. 4:1, 295-296.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Integrated nematode management options for the sustainable potato production. Proceedings of the University of Idaho Winter Commodity Schools 2002. 111-116.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2002. Sugarbeet cyst nematode management options in Idaho. Proceedings of the University of Idaho Winter Commodity Schools 2002. 231-236.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj, and B. A. Hatjian. 2002. Evaluation of nematicides for the management of Columbia root-knot nematode in potato, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57:N10.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj, and B. A. Hatjian. 2002. Fosthiazate 500 EC for control of Columbia root-knot nematode in potato, 2000. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 57:N11.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj, and B. A. Hatjian. 2002. Nematicides for the management of Columbia root-knot nematode in potato, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 57:N13.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj and D. Miller. 2002. Reaction of twenty one alfalfa cultivars to the lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans and the root knot nematode Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Proceedings of the North American Alfalfa Improvement Conference held at Sacramento, California from July 27 to 31, 2002.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj, and R. Portenier. 2002. Application and placement of Temik, Vydate and Admire for control of stubby root nematode and corky ringspot disease of potato, 1999. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 57:N09.
Hafez, S.L., P. Sundararaj, and R. Portenier. 2002. Fosthiazate 900 EC for control of Columbia root-knot nematode in potato, 1998. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests. 57:N12.
Hall, A.E., N. Cisse, S. Thiaw, H.O.A. Elawad, J.D. Ehlers, A.M. Ismail, R.L. Fery, P.A. Roberts, L.W. Kitch, L.L. Murdock, O. Boukar, R.D. Phillips and K.H. McWatters. 2003.
Development of Cowpea Cultivars and Germplasm. Field Crops Research 82:103-134.
Held, L.J., T.J. Opp, D.W. Koch, F.A. Gray and J.W. Flake. 2003. Profitability of variable versus uniform rate nematicide for sugar beets. Journal of ASFMRA, pp. 74-83.
Hurchanik, D., D.P. Schmitt, N.V. Hue, and B.S. Sipes. 2003. Relationship of Meloidogyne konaensis population densities to nutritional status of coffee roots and leaves. Nematropica, 33:55-64.
Luna, E., J. Schroeder, S.H. Thomas and L.W. Murray. 2003. Purple nutsedge growth and biomass partitioning in response to root-knot nematodes. Proceedings, Western Society of Weed Science 56:36.
McSorley, R. and S.H. Thomas. 2003. Root-knot nematodes. Pp. 46-47. In: Compendium of Pepper Diseases. K. Pernezny, P. A. Roberts, J. F. Murphy, and N. P. Goldberg eds., APS Press. St. Paul, MN.
Melakeberhan, H. and J. Dey. 2003. Competition between Heterodera glycines and Meloidogyne incognita or Pratylenchus penetrans: Independent infection rate measurements. Journal of Nematology, 35: 1-6.
Riga, E., Mojtahedi, H., Ingham R.E. and A.M. McGuire. 2003. Green manure
amendments and management of root knot nematodes on potato in the Pacific
Northwest of USA. Nematology Monographs and Perspectives. 2: 151-158.
Smith, H.J., F.A. Gray and D.W. Koch. 2003. Evaluation of resistant trap crop radish cultivars for control of the sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii. Phytopathology 93:S80.
Thomas, S.H., J. Schroeder, J.M. Fuchs, C. Fiore, I. Ray, and L.W. Murray. 2003. The efficacy of alfalfa as a rotation crop for simultaneous suppression of Meloidogyne incognita and nutsedges. Journal of Nematology 35:366 (abstr.).
Boydston, R. A., Mojtahedi, H., Brown, C.R., Anderson, T., and E. Riga. 2007. Hairy Nightshade Undermines Resistance of Potato Breeding Lines to Columbia Root-Knot Nematode. The American Journal of Potato Research. 84:245-251
Cabos, R.M., B.S. Sipes, D.P. Schmitt, H. J. Atkinson, C. Nagai. 2007. Plant proteinase inhibitors as a natural and introduced defense mechanism for root-knot nematodes in Coffea arabica. Journal of Nematology 39:100.
Collins, H.P., Navare, R., E. Riga and F.J. Pierce. 2006. Effect of foliar applied plant elicitors on microbial and nematode populations in the root zone of potato. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37:1747-1759.
Donald, P.A., Kilen, T., and Mengitsu, A. 2007. Registration of soybean germplasm line D99-2018 resistant to Phytophthora rot (Rps6) and soybean cyst nematode races 3 (HG Type 0) and 14 (HG Type Crop Science. 47:451-452.
Donald, P.A., Hayes, R., and Walker, E. 2007. Potential for soybean cyst nematode reproduction on winter weeds and cover crops in Tennessee. Online. Plant Health Progress do8i:10.1094/PHP-2007-0226-01-RS.
Hafez, S.L.; P. Sundararaj; Z. A. Handoo; A. M. Skantar; L. K. Carta and D. J. Chitwood. 2007. First Report of the Pale Cyst Nematode, Globodera pallida, in the United States. Plant Disease. 91 : (3). pp. 325.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Evaluation of fumigant and nonfumigant nematicides for the control of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in potato. Nematologia Mediterranea. 34: 145-147.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Efficacy of applications of aldicarb at plant and post plant for control of Heterodera schachtii on sugar beet. International Journal of Nematology. 16: 2, 153 -156.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Efficacy of nemathorin for the control of Paratrichodorus spp. and Meloidogyne chitwoodi in potato. International Journal of Nematology. 16: 2, 157-160.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Chemical nematicides efficacy for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato in Idaho. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists held at Kauai, Hawaii from June 19-21, 2006.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Biofumigation An alternative approach for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato in Idaho. Presented at the World Potato Congress held at Boise, Idaho, USA from August 20-26, 2006.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Use of chemical nematicides in the management strategy of Columbia root knot nematode, Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato in Idaho. Presented at the World Potato Congress held at Boise, Idaho, USA from August 20-26, 2006.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2006. Green manure crops evaluation for the suppression of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Heterodera schachtii. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Nematologists held at Kauai, Hawaii from June 19-21, 2006.
Ingham, R.E., M. Dillon, N.L. David, and J. Delgado. 2007. Using green manure crops to suppress Columbia root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in potato in the San Luis Valley. Journal of Nematology 39:93.
Khaithong, T., B.S. Sipes, and A.R. Kuehnle. 2007. Transgenic Anthurium andraeanum expressing modified rice cysteine protease inhibitor and resistance to Radopholus similis. Journal of Nematology 39:99-100.
Mebrahtu, T., Devine, T.E., Donald, P.A. and Abney, T.S. 2007. Registration of Owens vegetable soybean. Journal of Plant Registrations 1:95-96.
Melakeberhan, H. 2007. Effect of starter nitrogen on soybeans under Heterodera glycines infestation. Plant and Soil 301:000-000.
Melakeberhan. H., S. Mennan, M. Ngouajio, and T. Dudek 2007. Effect of Meloidogyne hapla on multi-purpose use of oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus). Nematology 00: In press.
Melakeberhan, H. 2007. Nutrient use efficiency and precision management of nematodes-Concepts and possibilities. Brazilian Journal of Nematology 00: In press.
Melakeberhan. H. 2007. Nutrient use efficiency and precision management of nematode-Concepts and possibilities. 27th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Nematologists Program Abstracts. 34.
Melakeberhan, H., S. Mennan, S. Chen, B. Darby, and T. Dudek 2007. Integrated biological approaches to understanding and managing Meloidogyne hapla populations' parasitic variability. Crop Protection 26:894-902.
Melakeberhan. H., S. Mennan, M. Ngouajio, and T. Dudek 2007. What form of oil seed radish (Raphanus sativus) is best for managing Meloidogyne hapla? Journal of Nematology 39:73.
Melakeberhan, H., Xu, A., Kravchenko, A., Mennan, S., and E. Riga. 2006. Potential use of arugula (Eurica sativa L.) as a trap crop for Meloidogyne hapla. Nematology. International J. Fundamental and Applied Nematological Research. 8:793-799.
Mengistu, A., Kilen, T.C., and Donald, P.A. 2007. Registration of D95-5048 soybean germplasm line resistant to Phytophthora rots and soybean cyst nematode races 3 and 14. Crop Science 47:452.
Mennan, S., S. Chen, and H. Melakeberhan. 2007. Effects of Hirsutella minnesotensis and N-Viro soil on populations of Meloidogyne hapla. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17:233-246.
Miyasaka, S.C., J. DeFrank, B.S. Sipes, and A. Blas. 2007. Green manure effects on root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne javanica) and following taro (Colocasia esculenta) crop. American Society of Agronomy.
Mojtahedi, H., Brown, C.R., Riga, E., and L.-H Zhang. 2007. A new pathotype of Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1 from Washington State. Plant Disease. (In Press).
Norsworthy, J. H., J. Schroeder, S. H. Thomas, and L. W. Murray. 2006. Purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus) management in direct-seeded chile peppers (Capsicum annuum) using halosulfuron and cultivation. Weed Technology 21:636-641.
Ou, Z., L. Murray, S. H. Thomas, J. Schroeder, and J. Libbin. 2007. Nutsedge counts predict Meloidogyne incognita juvenile counts in an integrated management system. Journal of Nematology (in review).
Poinar, G. O. Jr., S. D. Porter, S. Tang and B. C. Hyman. 2007. Allomermis solenopsii sp. new. (Mermithidae: Nematoda) parasitizing the fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Argentina. Systematic Parasitology 68:115-128.
Riga, E., Karanastasi E., C.M.G. Oleveira, and R. Neilson. 2007. Molecular identification of two stubby root nematode species. The American J. Pot. Res. 84:161-167.
Schroeder, J., S. Nunez, S. H. Thomas, and L. W. Murray. 2007. Early season irrigation affects initial development of yellow and purple nutsedge and root-knot nematode. Weed Science Society of American Abstracts 47:69.
Sipes, B., M.-L. Wang, C. Nagai, J. Hu, K. Cheah, P. Moore, R. Paull, and H. Atkinson. 2007. Reproduction of Meloidogyne javanica on pineapple genetically modified to express a rice cystatin. Phytopathology 97:S108.
Tang, S. and B. C. Hyman. 2007. Mitochondrial genome haplotype hypervariation within the isopod parasitic nematode Thaumamermis cosgrovei. Genetics 176:1139-1150.
Trojan, J. M., S. H. Thomas, J. Schroeder, and L. W. Murray. 2006. Host suitability of yellow nutsedge and purple nutsedge for Meloidogyne javanica, M. hapla, and M. incognita races 1,2, and 3. Journal of Nematology 38:299.
Zasada, I., M. F. Avendano, Li, Y. C., T. Logan, H. Melakeberhan. , S. R. Koanning, G. L. Tylka 2007. Potential of alkaline-stabillized biosolid to manage nematodes: Case studies on soybean cyst and root-knot nematodes. Feature Artcile. Plant Disease 00: In press.