(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Articles in Refereed Journals

Baek, E., & DeVaney, S. A. (2004). Assessing the baby boomers financial wellness using financial ratios and a subjective measure. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 32(4), 321-348.

Chang, C.C., DeVaney, S. A., & Chiremba, S. T. (2004). Determinants of subjective and objective risk tolerance. Journal of Personal Finance, 3(3), 53-67.

DeVaney, S. A., Chiremba, S., & Vincent, A. M. (2004). Life cycle stage and housing cost burden. Financial Counseling and Planning, 15(1), 31-39.

Guion, L., Turner, J., & Wise, D. (2004). Design, implementation and evaluation of a financial elder abuse program. Journal of Extension. Available at:

Gustafson, C. (2004). Rural small business finance: Evidence from the 1998 Survey of Small Business Finances. Agricultural Finance Review, 64, 33-44.

Hogan, M. J., Solheim, C., Wolfgram, S., Nkosi, B., & Rodrigues, N. (2004). The working poor: From the economic margins to asset building. Family Relations, 53(2).

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Bishoff, M. C., Gorham, E. E., Pankow, D., & Healy, B. (2004, November). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare. Proceedings of the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education. Denver, CO. 17-20.

Chase, M., Leech, I., Hayhoe, C. R., & ONeill, B. (2004, February). Strategies to enhance young adults financial decision-making. Proceedings of the 32nd Conference for Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management: Taking Risks in Research and Education, Tampa, FL. 3-7.

Gordon, G. M., Bankston, J., Gorham, E. E., & Porter, N. (2004). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare curriculum showcase. Proceedings of Western Family Economics Association, Honolulu, HI. Available at

Gorham, E. E., Bankston, J., & Pankow, D. L. (2004). Motivation for getting legal papers in place. Proceedings of Western Family Economics Association, Honolulu, HI. Available at

Hayhoe, C. R., & White, A. B. (2004). Practical applications of financial counseling techniques for students: An inter-departmental project. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Denver, CO.

Mimura, Y., & Mauldin, T. (2004). Poverty dynamics and changes in marital status among mothers with special focus on mothers in Georgia. Poster session presented at the fall meeting of the Public Service/Outreach Annual Meeting, Athens, GA.

Vanderford, S. E., Mauldin, T., & Mimura, Y. (2004). Financial resources earned and non-earned: A comparison of complicated and biological low-income families. Poster session at the fall conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, Atlanta, GA.

Zhang, H., & DeVaney, S. A. (2004). The impact of households ability, willingness, and uncertainty on the probability of emergency funds adequacy. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 94-103.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Porter, N., Bischoff, M., Stovall, C., Sweedler, K., & Wise, D. (2004). Financial security in later life showcase of programming success. National Extension Association Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, October 3-7.

Wise, D. (2004). Gaining economic empowerment through financial literacy. Tennessee Economic Summit for Women, Nashville, TN, December 3. Invited panelist.

Wise, D. (2004). Seven steps to building wealth. Tennessee Jump$tart Teacher Training Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, July 14-15. Invited presenter.

Wise, D. (2004). What teenagers dont know about financial education and what we need to do. Tennessee Jump$tart Teacher Training Conference, Murfreesboro, TN, July 14-15, 2004. Keynote speaker.

Wise, D. (2004). Tennessee Saves: Partnerships for financial education. National Savings Forum, Washington, DC, June 23. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., Gault, J., & Neilson, B. (2004). Developing a comprehensive state financial education program. National Extension Association Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, October 3-7.

Wise, D., George, V., Reid, F., & Powers, M. (2004). Homebuyer education and Money Smart programs. Capacity Building for Non-Profits Conference, Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Nashville, TN, October 12. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., Puett, J., Gault, J., Bell, B., & Sheeley, B. (2004.) Seven steps to wealth building. Tennessee Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Joint Conference, Paris Landing State Park, TN, March 2-7. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., Rupert, M., Haynes-Bordas, R., & Janke, B. (2004). Working with financially vulnerable populations. National Extension Association Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference, Nashville, TN, October 3-7. Invited presenter.

Extension Publications

Gorham, E. (2004). Medicare Part D: Prescription drug insurance, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State Uni

versity Extension Service Website at

Hayhoe, C. R. (2004). (354-045). Deciding if bankruptcy is an option for you. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2004). (354-041). 2004 tax law changes. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., Chase, M., & ONeill, B. (2004). (354-080). What young adults need to know about money. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S. (2004). (354-0460). Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S. (2004). (354-025). Home equity conversions: Reverse mortgages. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S. (2004). (354-047). Refinancing your mortgage. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Wise, D. (2004). Tools for money management: Net worth statement instructions. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.

Wise, D. (2004). Tools for money management: Net worth statement worksheet. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.

Wise, D. (2004). Tools for money management: Saving-spending plan instructions. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.

Wise, D. (2004). Tools for money management: Saving-spending worksheet. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service.


Bowen, C., Radhakrishna, R., & Furry, M. (2004). Pennsylvania Saves. College of Agricultural Sciences Seed Grant. The Pennsylvania State University. (2004-2005). $14,900.

Gorham, E. (2004). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Gorham, E. (2004). Legally Secure Your Financial Future Curriculum Development. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education. $2,000.

Gorham, E. (2004). Legally Secure Your Financial Future: Communicate, Organize, Prepare. Sub-contract for data analysis. $5,000.

Porter, N. M. (2004). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Solheim, C. A. (2004). Financial Coaches Training Program Evaluation. Minnesota Department of Human Services Grant. (March 2004  May 2005). $8,500.

Trautman, K., & Gorham, E. (2004). Medicare-Approved Drug Discount Card Sign-Up Campaign for Low-Income Eligible Beneficiaries and Medicare Education. USDA/CSREES. $50,000.


Book Chapters

DeVaney, S. A., & Chen, Z. (2003). Economic status of older men and women. In Lois A. Vitt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance, 1, 208-211. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

DeVaney, S. A. (2003). Pension plans for the self-employed. In Lois A. Vitt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance, 2, 594-597. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

DeVaney, S. A. (2003). Research applications in financial preparation for retirement. Research Methods in Family and Consumer Sciences. Alexandria, VA: AAFCS. 114-122.

Porter, N. (2003). Financial education for seniors. In Lois A. Vitt (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance, 1, 280-285. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Baeck, S., & DeVaney, S. A. (2003). Determinants of the type of mortgage: Conventional or federally guaranteed mortgage. Financial Counseling and Planning, 14(2), 53-62.

DeVaney, S. A., & Chen, Z. (2003). The accumulation of net worth as workers approach retirement. Journal of Personal Finance, 2(1), 54-77.

DeVaney, S. A., & Kim, H. (2003a). Older self-employed workers and planning for the future. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 37(1) 101-120.

DeVaney, S. A., & Kim, H. (2003b). Womens knowledge of their pension plans. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 95(2) 19-25.

Kim, H., & DeVaney, S. A. (2003). The expectation of partial retirement among family business owners. Family Business Review, 16(3), 199-210.

Wise, D. (2003). Re-framing expectations of employment: providing experiences for building life skills. Fueling Dreams by Promoting Family Resilience. Family Relations and Human Development/Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial: The Journal of the FRHD and FERM Divisions of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.

Wise, D., & Ezell, P. (2003). Characteristics of effective training: Developing a model to motivate action. Journal of Extension, 41(2). Available at:

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

DeVaney, S. A., Presley, S., & Chen, Z. (2003). Consumer bankruptcy filing and repayment of debt. Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts, 17, p. 11.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2003). Retirement and other financial information for family caregivers. Family Economics and Resource Division of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Conference, Washington, DC.

Leach, L., Hayhoe, C. R., Allen, M., & Brewster, B. (2003). Improving parent-college student discussions about credit. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Savannah, GA.

Lee, Y., & DeVaney, S. A. (2003). Determinants of savings behavior. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 91-97.

Moore, W., & Wise, D. (2003) Employee education: a win-win situation. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interest Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.

Porter, N. M. (2003). Financial security in later life: A national initiative maximizing the national, state, territory, and local organizational model of the CES. Proceedings of the Galaxy II Conference (p. 344). Salt Lake City, UT.

Presley, S., & DeVaney, S. A. (2003). Examining the financial recovery period after the loss of a spouse. The Gerontologist, 43(1), 109.

Schuchardt, J., DeVaney, S., Vohs, K., Faber, R., Gutter, M., & Finke, M. (2003). The economic and psychological determinants of household savings behavior. Consumer Interests Annual, (49),

Wise, D., Bower, L., Gault, J., & Puett, J. (2003). Marketing and evaluation tools for welfare-to-work audiences and facilitators. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Savannah, GA.

Wise, D., Gault, J., & Puett, J. (2003). Partnerships for savings education. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Savannah, GA.

Wise, D., & Puett, J. (2003). Effectively using simulations to teach youth financial education skills. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference. Savannah, GA.

Wright, K., & Porter, N. M. (2003). BE-SMART: An interagency educational program for seniors. Proceedings of the Galaxy II Conference (p. 487). Salt Lake City, UT.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Chase, M., ONeill, B., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2003). Enhancing financial literacy using Newspapers in Education. Workshop at the Annual Meeting of Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Savannah, GA.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Chase, M. (2003). What is money and the cost of parenting. Workshop at the annual meeting of Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Savannah, GA.

Moore, W., & Wise, D. (2003). An employee education program for limited resource employees: A win-win situation. Strengthening & Building Partnerships for Workforce Development Conference, Orlando, FL, March 2-7.

Moore, W., & Wise, D. (2003). Employee education: a win-win situation.
American Council on Consumer Interest Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 4-5.

Wise, D., Bower, L., Brandon, D., & Puett, J. (2003). Facilitating adult learning. Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 21-25.

Wise, D., & Carroll, D. (2003). Classroom tools for teaching financial management. Tennessee Association Family & Consumer Science/Tennessee Association Extension Family & Consumer Science Annual Meeting. Johnson City, TN, April 2-4. (Invited presenter.)

Wise, D., Puett, J., Gault, J., & Bell, B. (2003). Partnerships for statewide savings education. Galaxy II Extension Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 21-25.

Wise, D., Puett, J., Gault, J., & Bower, L. (2003). Tennessee Saves. Entrepreneurial Extension Pre-Conference, Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference, Savannah, GA. November 18-20.

Extension Publications

Bowen, C. F. (2003 revision). Cutting Credit Costs: Understanding Credit Fees. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Flashman, R. H., Hayhoe, C. R., & Lesueur, A. Jr. (2003). (354-141). Emergencies: Are You Prepared? Your Personal Checklist of Important Documents.

Gorham, E. (2003). Household account book. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2003). EXTFCS 40-B: Reduce your debt&the PowerPay way. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Electronic Publication.

Gorham, E. (2003). Setting up a budget. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2003). Tracking your spending I. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2003). Tracking your spending II. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2003). PowerPay© computer program: A tutorial. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Publication.

Gorham, E., & Pankow, D. (2003). (ExEx14082) Consequences of living on the credit card. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2003). (354-028). How to make your money go further. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2003). (354-027). Getting out of debt. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., Dillard, A.F., Jamison, S., & Chase, M. (2003). (354-031). Planning for baby - Consumer issues. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., Jamison, S., Dillard, A.F., & Chase, M. (2003). (354-030). Planning for baby - Financial issues. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Gorham, E. (2003). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

ONeill, B, Hayhoe, C. R., & Chase, M. E. (2003). Financial Literacy Using Newspapers in Education. J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation. $25,000.

Porter, N. M. (2003). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Wise, D. (2003). Homebuyer Education. Tennessee Housing Development Agency. (2004-2006). $50,000.



Articles in Refereed Journals

Baek, E., & DeVaney, S. A. (2005). Human capital, bequest motives, risk, and the purchase of life insurance. Journal of Personal Finance, 4(2), 62-82.

DeVaney, S. A., & Chiremba, S. T. (2005). Comparing the retirement savings of the baby boomers with other cohorts. Compensation and Working Conditions, posted Jan 24, 2005.

Gorham, E. E., Daniels, A. M., & Enevoldsen, B. E. (2005). Empowering rural families to create secure rural communities. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 7(1), 1-17.

Gustafson, C., Pederson, G., & Gloy, B. (2005). Credit risk assessment. Agricultural Finance Review, 65(2), 201-217.

Gustafson, C. (2005). Rural small business trade credit: A paradox. Agricultural Finance Review, 65(1), 45-57.

Hayhoe, C. R., Leach, L., Allen, M.W., & Edwards, R. (2005). Credit cards held by college students. Financial Counseling and Planning, 16 (1), 1-10.

Johnson, L. H., Carswell, A. T., Palmer, L., Sweaney, A. L., Mullis, R. M., Leonas, K. K., Moss, J. K., & Mauldin, T. (2005). Life skills literacy: An Intervention model to alleviate family poverty. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 97(4), 73-76.

Porter, N. M., DeVaney, S., Poling, R. L., Stum, M. S., & Schuchardt, J. (2005, December). Financial security in later life: A national initiative and model for eXtension. Journal of Extension, 43(6), Article 6FEA6. Retrieved December 19, 2005 from

Wise, D. (2005). Building financial security in Tennessee communities. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 97(1).

Yilmazer, T., & DeVaney, S. A. (2005). Household debt over the life cycle. Financial Services Review, 14(4), 285-304.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Bankston, J., Bishoff, M., Gorham, E., Healy, B., & Schuchardt, J. (2005). Helping people legally secure their financial future. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education Annual Conference, November, p. 86.

Gourgova, A., & DeVaney, S. A. (2005). The determinants of propensity to consume out of wealth. Consumer Interests Annual.

Han, P., & DeVaney, S. A. (2005). Understanding mutual fund and stock investors. Consumer Interests Annual.

Jin, R., & DeVaney, S. A. (2005). Determinants of debit card use: A study from the consumers perspective. Consumer Interests Annual.

Mauldin, T., & Moss, J. K. (2005). What can financial ratios tell us about low-income households? Consumer Interests Annual, 51, 283-284.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Porter, N. M. (2005). Planning for the Future. Panel presentation at the South Carolina White House Conference on Aging. Myrtle Beach, SC.

Porter, N. M. (2005). eXtension and Financial Security in Later Life: A communication partnership. National Epsilon Sigma Phi Conference. Colorado Springs, CO.

Porter, N. M. (2005). Financial Security in Later Life and eXtension. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences. Philadelphia, PA.

Wise, D. (2005). Practical evaluation strategies for showing impact. Epsilon Sigma Phi National Conference, Colorado Springs, CO, November 9-11.

Extension Publications

Bowen, C. F. (2005 revision). Cutting credit costs: Understand grace periods. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Bowen, C. F. (2005). Cutting credit costs: Its a matter of FACTA. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Bowen, C. F. (2005). Credit cards and college: Know the facts. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Bowen, C. F. (2005) Thwarting identity theft. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Cox R. H., & Hayhoe C. R. (2005). (348-722). 55 ways to save at the grocery store. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Flashman, R. H., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-142). Life insurance: The impact of ownership. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-6). A glossary of estate planning terms. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-7). Dying without a will in South Dakota: Who gets the property? Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-2). Estate planning for families with minor children. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-1). Estate planning for families: Getting started. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-3). Estate planning: Wills. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-4). Estate planning: Letter of last instruction. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-5). Estate planning: Property ownership. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-9). Power of attorney. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-8). South Dakota rights of the terminally ill. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2005). (FS928e-10). What is a personal representative? Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Goetting, M. (2005). Selecting a credit card. Brookings, SD. SDSU Extension Service.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-041). 2005 tax law changes. Major revision of the 2004 publication for tax law changes. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Smith, M. (2005). (354-170). Medical expense insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Smith, M. (2005). (354-171). Disability income insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Smith, M. (2005). (354-172). Long-term care insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Smith, M. (2005). (354-173). Homeowners insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-143). Life insurance: Different types of policies. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-144). Life insurance: Term insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-145). Life insurance: Whole life insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-146). Life insurance: Universal life insurance. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-147). Life insurance: Variable universal life. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-148). Life insurance: Payout options. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Smith, M., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). (354-149). Life insurance: Calculating life insurance needs. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Bowen, C. (2005). Fostering Family Financial Education. Heinz Endowments Foundation. (2005-2007). $100,000.

Gorham, E. (2005). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Gutter, M. S. (2005) CS 275: Financial Survival Skills for Life. Great Lakes Higher Education Guaranty Corporation. (2005-2007). $140,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (consultant). (2005). Future 4-H Millionaires Club. Friends of Kentucky 4-H as part of a National Association of Securities Dealers Foundation grant. (2005-2008). $27,291.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). Virginia LifeSmarts. Various donors. $5,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2005). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Stevenson, M. (2005). Indicators for Intergenerational Resource Transfers - Phase II - Scale Development. College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. $7,495.50.

Porter, N. M. (2005). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Porter, N. M. (2005). eXtension and Financial Security in Later Life Initiative Partnership. eXtension/University of Nebraska Lincoln. $20,000.

Porter, N. M. (2005). BE SMART Program Expansion. South Carolina Lt. Governors Office on Aging. $33,000.

Solheim, C.A. (2005). Comparison of Financial Education Train-the-Trainer Models. McKnight Foundation. (January 2005  February 2006). $52,000.

Wise, D. (2005). Young Employee Investor Education at the Worksite (PI on multi-state grant). NASD Foundation. (2005-2007). $237,800.

Wise, D. (2005). Future 4-H Millionaires Club. Subcontractor to Kentucky Cooperative Extension in multi-state grant funded by NASD Foundation. (2005-2008). $29,000.


Publications, Presentations, and Grants (2006-2007)


Articles in Refereed Journals

Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., & Leach, L. (2007). Imagined interaction, attitudes towards money and credit, and family coalitions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 3-22.

DeVaney, S. A., Anong, S., & Whirl, S. E. (2007). Household savings motives. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1) 174-186.

DeVaney, S. A., Anong, S., & Yang, Y. (2007). Asset ownership of Black and White families. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 2-14.

Fang, M. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Racial/ethnic differences in risk tolerance in the 2004 Health and Retirement Study. Academy of Financial Services.

Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. R., & Wang, L. (2007). Examining participation behavior in defined contribution plans using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 46-60.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Stevenson, M. (2007). Financial attitudes and inter vivo resource transfers from older parents to adult children. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 123-135.

ONeill, B., Schuchardt, J., Pankow, D., Porter, N., Seiling, S., Branch, J., & Miller, J. (2007). eXtension: A high tech resource for improving financial security. NEAFCS Reporter.

Rodriguez-Flores, A., & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). The effect of employment status on households emergency funds. Journal of Personal Finance, 5(4), 65-82.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Cho, S. H., Fang, M. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Who has emergency related savings goals? Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007a). Credit constraints of U.S. households: The effect of race/ethnic group. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007b). Changes in stock ownership by race/Hispanic status, 1998-2004. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2007c). Do lenders discriminate against Blacks and Hispanics? Academy of Financial Services.

Hanna, S. D., & Wang, C. (2007a). Racial/ethnic disparities in stock ownership: A decomposition analysis. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Hanna, S. D., & Wang, C. (2007b). Racial/ethnic disparities in risky asset ownership: A decomposition analysis. Academy of Financial Services.

Lee, J., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Attitudes toward using credit for loss of income. Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2007). Household background risk and portfolio choices. Academy of Financial Services.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Cavanagh, J., Wise, D., & Shaffett, B. (2007). Personal financial management education for bankruptcy filers. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Neilson, B., Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Wise, D. (2007). The changing workplace. 21st Century Families Conference, Little Rock, AR, April 17-19.

Wise, D., Berry, A., & Gault, J. (2007). Building wealth through IDAs, homeownership and innovative banking products. Tennessee Council on Social Work Conference, April 3-5, Nashville, TN. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., & Taylor, S. (2007a). On my own financial education simulation.
Tennessee JumpStart Teacher Training Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, June 20-22. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., & Taylor, S. (2007b). Ready to work. Tennessee JumpStart Teacher Training Conference, Gatlinburg, TN, June 20-22.

Extension Publications

Bischoff, M., Gorham, E., Healy, B., Anderson, E. & Fritz, M. (2007). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare eXtension website revision. Retrieved August 1, 2007 at under Financial Security for All.

Bittiker, D., Gorham, E., & Nicolai, D. (2007). (ExEx 14094) Fuel savings: Family transportation. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., Nicolai, D., & Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14092) Energy savings: Home appliances and lighting. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., Nicolai, D., & Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14093) Fuel savings: Home heating and cooling. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2007). Impact report for statewide Medicare Part D: Prescription drug insurance. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Electronic Publication.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). (354-066) Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Nicolai, D., Gorham, E., and Bittiker, D. (2007). (ExEx 14095) Fuel savings: Farm/ranch enterprise. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Pankow, D., Schuchardt, J., Porter, N., Branch, J., O'Neill, B., Miller, J., Seiling, S., & Anderson, E. (2007). Financial security for all eXtension online, interactive web site.

Porter, N. M., & Schneider, M. R. (2007). Is a reverse mortgage right for you? FL 533. Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Sizing up your financial situation. HML 692-1 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Making the most of what you have. HML 692-2 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times - Controlling spending. HML 692-3 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Stretching your food dollar. HML 692-4 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Deciding which bills to pay first. HML 692-5 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Keeping a roof overhead. HML 692-6 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Taking charge in challenging times  Meeting your insurance needs. HML 692-7 Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Wise, D. (2007). On my own financial education simulation curriculum (Second edition). Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.


Gorham, E. (2007). Promotion of High School Financial Planning Program: Launch of New Materials. National Endowment for Financial Education. $2000.

Gorham, E., & Swanson, N. (2007). Weaving Your Future: Teacher/AfterSchool Coordinator Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation. (2008-2009). $15,000.

Gutter, M. S., & Way, W. (2007) Financial Management Practices of College Students from States with Varying Financial Education Mandates. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). (2007-2008). $112,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). Virginia LifeSmarts. Various donors. $5,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) $2,000.

Porter, N. M. (2007). Financial Security for All Community of Practice. North Dakota State University Sub-Contract. $6,085.

Porter, N. M. (2007). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Bowen, C. F., & Jones, H. M. (2006). Empowering young adults to control their financial future. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 98(1), 33-39.

Gustafson, C. (2006, April). Engaging producers in risk management education. Journal of Extension. 44(2), 4.

Gustafson, C., & Nganje, W. (2006). Value of social capital to mid-sized northern plains farms. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. 54, 421-38.

Gutter, M. S., & Fontes, A. (2006). Racial differences in risky asset ownership: A two-stage model of the investment decision making process. Financial Counseling and Planning, 17(2), 64-78.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Helping families in transition due to unemployment. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 13(1), 63-73.

Pankow, D. L., Porter, N. M., & Schuchardt, J. (2006, February). Training educators and community collaborators using a satellite videoconference format. Journal of Extension, 44(1), Article 1TOT6. Retrieved March 1, 2006 from

Rha, J. Y., Montalto, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). The effect of self-control mechanism on household savings behavior. Financial Counseling and Planning Education, 17(2), 3-16.

Sabri, M. F., Hayhoe, C. R., & Ai, G. L. (2006). The Psychology of Money: Gender and working sector comparison in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, 14(2), 121-130.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Bankston, J., Pankow, D., & Gorham, E. (2006). Educating consumers to legally secure their financial future. Educational Resource Exchange in Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association, Annual Conference, Knoxville, TN, February 23-25.

Bi, L., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Do financial planners serve the interests of their clients? Use of financial planners, credit card balances and liquid assets. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Chen, C. C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Changes in retirement adequacy, 1995-2001: Accounting for stages of retirement. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Chen S. C., & Hanna S. D. (2006). Change in retirement adequacy, 1995-2004: Accounting for stages of retirement, Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Chen, C. C, Peng, T. C., Evans, D. A., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Putting your money where your mouth is. Do households optimize their investment portfolios based on their subjective risk tolerance? Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Delpechitre, D., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Credit card usage by white, African American, and Hispanic households. Consumer Interests Annual.

Evans, D., Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Factors related to meeting the five times annual income guideline for life insurance. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2006). Subjective assessment of emergency fund adequacy. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Protecting your retirement and other financial issues for family caregivers: What every adult child needs to know. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management Association Conference, Knoxville, TN.

Lee, J. H., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). Factors related to consumer credit attitudes. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Lindamood, S., & Hanna, S. D. (2006). The more financially knowledgeable person in older couple households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

ONeill, B., Schuchardt, J., Weagley, R., & Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Starting over: Financial education for bankruptcy filers. Consumer Interest Annual, 22, 392-395.

Pankow, D. L., Schuchardt, J., Porter, N., Branch, J., O'Neill, B., & Miller, J. (2006). Creating an eXtension financial security community of practice. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, San Antonio, TX.

Rodriguez, A., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Women and net worth over the life cycle. Consumer Interests Annual.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006a). Factors related to households owning and managing a business. Proceedings of the Academy of Financial Services.

Wang, C., & Hanna, S. D. (2006b). The risk tolerance and stock-ownership of business-owning households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Yang, Y., & DeVaney, S. A. (2006). Determinants of the extent of external search for information about savings and investment. Consumer Interests Annual.

Zhao, J., Hanna, S. D., & Lindamood, S. (2006). Credit constraints and the debt service burden of households. Consumer Interests Annual, 52.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Porter, N. M. (2006). Financial security in later life. From baby boom to silver boom: Are we ready? Gerontology Research Interdisciplinary Team Symposium, Clemson University, Clemson, SC.

Solheim, C. A. (2006, May 3). Financial literacy enhancing asset-development. Presented at the Family Assets for Independence Minnesota Annual Conference, Alexandria, MN.

Vanderford, S.E., Mimura, Y., Mauldin, T., & Linnenbrink, M. (2006). Income resources of low-income families with children in the United States: Does family structure matter? Paper presented at the fall conference of the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management, Madison, WI, November 2-4.

Wise, D. (2006). Marketing Tennessee Saves new programs. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Wise, D. (2006). Financial education in the workplace. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Wise, D. (2006). A success story: Using simulations to teach youth financial literacy skills. American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Annual Conference & Expo, Charlotte, NC, June 22-25.

Wise, D. (2006) The changing workplace. Securing the Future of Tennessees Workforce Conference, Nashville, TN, June 8-9.

Wise, D. (2006). Financial education in the workplace. Securing the Future of Tennessees Workforce Conference, Nashville, TN, June 8-9.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). The minimalist guide to family financial management. Tennessee Joint Extension Association Meeting, Paris Landing State Park, TN, April 19-21. Invited presenter.

Wise, D., Gault, J., & Smith, K. (2006). Update: Bankruptcy education as a fee-based program. Tennessee FCS Professional Development Conference, Franklin, TN, August 1-4.

Extension Publications

Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Tools for money management: Tracking your spending instructions. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension Publication SP697-A.

Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Do you have what it takes to deal with debt? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Berry, A., & Wise, D. (2006). Does your teen have what it takes to deal with debt? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Parents. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Bischoff, M., Bankston, J., Gorham, E., Healy, B., & Anderson, E. (2006). Legally secure your financial future: Organize, communicate, prepare. Retrieved August 1, 2007 at under Financial Security for All.

Bowen, C. F. (2006). Four steps to a secure financial future. University Park, PA. The Pennsylvania State University.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14087) How to activate Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14065) #8 How to talk to your children about money problems. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14065) #7 How to talk to your children about unemployment, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (FS 912) When your income drops. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E. (2006). (EX14077) When your income drops&survival strategies. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Huber, C. (2006). (EX14102) Enrolling in Medicare: Steps to take. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Huber, C. (2006). (EX14101) Exploring Medicare: Is it for me? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Gorham, E., & Pauly, N. (2006). (EX14088) How to enroll in Medicare Part D prescription drug insurance after May 15, 2006. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service.

Hayhoe, C.R. (2006). (354-041) 2006 tax law changes. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). (354-103) Families taking charge  Talking with spouses. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S. (2006). (392-103). Survivor management curriculum. Blacksburg, VA. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Porter, N. M. (2006). Revised choices budget planning game board. Clemson, SC. Clemson University Cooperative Extension Service.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). Tools for money management: tracking your spending worksheet. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Wise, D., & Berry, A. (2006). Do you have what it takes to be on your own? Spotlighting Teen Issues for Teens. Knoxville, TN. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Theses/Dissertations Directed

Linnenbrink, M. L. (2006). Factors associated with savings and the achievement of savings goals in individual development accounts: Evidence from the American Dream Demonstration. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. Major Professor: Teresa Mauldin.


Gorham, E. (2006). Promotion of the High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $1,000.

Gorham, E., Enevoldsen, B., & Boellaard, R. (2006). Economic and Psychological Determinants of Savings Behavior of South Dakota Native Americans. SDSU FCS/HDFCS Department Research Grant. $1,000.

Gorham, E., & Jennings, S. (2006). Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Insurance Sign-Up Campaign for Low-Income Eligible Beneficiaries and Medicare Education. National AARP. (2006-2007). $20,000.

Gorham, E., & Swanson, N. (2006). Weaving Your Future: Teacher Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation. (2007-2008). $15,000.

Gutter, M. S. (2006) The Economic and Psychological Determinants of Savings Behavior: Pilot. Northwestern Mutual Foundation. $32,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Bankruptcy Education Programs. U. S. Department of Justice, Office of the U. S. Trustees. $7,200.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). Virginia LifeSmarts. Various donors. $5,000.

Hayhoe, C. R. (2006). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Johnson, L. N., Carswell, A. T., Palmer, L., Leonas, K. K., Moss, J. K., Mauldin, T., Mullis, R. M., & Bower, D. (2006-2007). The Effectiveness of Life Skills Literacy: A Pilot Study. University of Georgia, Poverty and Economy Faculty Research Grants Program. $20,808.

Johnson, L. N., Carswell, A. T., Palmer, L., Leonas, K. K., Moss, J. K., Mauldin, T., Mullis, R. M., & Bower, D. (2006). Life Skills Literacy Services. Georgia Department of Human Resources  Clarke County Office. (2007-2008). $15,000.

Mauldin, T. A., Mimura, Y., Koonce, J., Rupured, M., & Jordon, J. (2006). Intergenerational Transmission of Savings Behavior and Family Communication. Take Charge America Institute for Consumer Financial Education and Research. (2006-2007). $3,500.

Mincemoyer, C., Bowen, C., & Furry, M. (2006). Reading Makes Cents: A 4-H Afterschool Financial Literacy Curriculum. USDA/CSREES. (2006-2009). $20,961.

Porter, N. M. (2006). High School Financial Planning Program. National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). $2,000.

Porter, N. M. (2006). Financial Security for All Community of Practice. North Dakota State University Sub-Contract. $5,650.

Solheim, C. A. (2006). Financial Management in Immigrant Families. University of Minnesota Grant-In-Aid. (July 2006  January 2008). $24,956.

Wise, D. (2006) Teaching Young Tennesseans to Manage Money. First Tennessee Foundation. (2007-2017). $500,000.

Yao, R., & Gorham, E. (2006). Factors That Affect the Risk Tolerance of Chinese Households in the US. SDSU FCS Research/Scholarship Support Fund 2006 (continuing status) (2006-2007). $4,995.


Publications, Presentations, and Grants (October 2007-September 2008)
NC 1013 Station Reports

In Press

Book Chapters and Articles

Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., Leach, L., & Waldhart, E. (2008), College students imagined interactions about money and credit use. In J. Honeycut (Ed.), Imagine that: Studies in imagined interaction. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, in press.

Andersen, J. D. (2008). Advice from a pro: Applying the large-loss principle to property and liability insurance. In E. T. Garman, & R. E. Forgue, Personal Finance (9th ed., p. 275). Boston: Houghton Mifflin, in press.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Koonce, J., Mimura, Y., Rupured, M., & Mauldin T. (2008). Financial information: Is it related to savings and investing knowledge and financial behavior? Financial Counseling and Planning, in press.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Anaza, N. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Characteristics of households who contribute both money and time to charitable organizations. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press.

Gorham, E., Gutter, M. S., & ONeill, B.(2008, November). An online chat: A new way to communicate financial information, Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference, Orange County, California, in press. Accepted for presentation.

Liu, P. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, in press). What factors affect income from wages and salaries? Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press.

Song, S. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Factors that influence the amount of net worth of older households: A comparison of retired and working households. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press

Wang, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, in press). Determinants of the percentage of income spent on food eaten at home and away from home. Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, in press.

Yang, T. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The determinants of the amount of home equity over the life-cycle. Housing Education and Research Association, in press.


Book Chapters

DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Financial issues of older adults. In J. J. Xiao, (Ed.) Handbook of consumer finance research. NY: Springer, pp. 209-221.

Articles in Refereed Journals

Cho, Y. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Promotion of a smoke-free campus, Consumer Interests Annual, online.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Handbook of Consumer Finance Research. Financial Counseling and Planning, 19(1), 64-66. [Book Review]

Gerrior, S. A., Crocoll, C., Hayhoe. C. R., & Wysocki, J. (2008). Challenges and Opportunities Impacting the Mental Health of Rural Women. Journal of Rural Community Psychology.

Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model. Consumer Interests Annual, online.

Gutter, M.S. & Hatcher, C.B. (2008). Racial differences in the demand for life insurance. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 75(3), 677-689.

Lawrence, F. C., Lyons, A., & Gorham, E. E. (2008). Family economics research priority set. Financial Counseling and Planning, Vol. 19(1), 61-62.

Linnenbrink, M., Koonce, J., Mauldin, T., Rupured, M., Schlanger, K. (2008). The earned income tax credit: Experiences from and implications of the voluntary income tax assistance program in Georgia. Journal of Extension, 46(1). Retrieved from

Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? Gerontology Association of American Program Abstracts, p. 451.

Rutherford, L. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The effect of campus shootings on the quality of graduate students college experiences. Consumer Interests Annual, online.

Yang, P.N.D., & Solheim, C.A. (2008). Financial management in Hmong immigrant families: Change and adaptation. Hmong Studies Journal, 8, 1-33.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Cho, Y. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Promotion of a smoke-free campus, Consumer Interests Annual, online.

Copur, Z. Gutter, M.S., Eisen, J., & Way, W. (2008). Exploring the relationship between financial behaviors and financial distress/financial well-being of college students, Consumer Interests Annual, 54.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008). India: Land of opportunity. Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management, 18.

DeVaney, S. A. & Yang, T. Y. (2008). What factors determine whether households spend less than income? Eastern Family Economics and Resource Management, 25.

Gutter, M. S., Hayhoe, C. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model. Consumer Interests Annual, online.

Rutherford, L. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008). The effect of campus shootings on the quality of graduate students college experiences. Consumer Interests Annual, online.

Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? Gerontology Association of American Program Abstracts, p. 451.

Gutter, M.S., Eisen, J., & Way, W. (2008). Financial management practices of college students from states with varying financial education mandates, Consumer Interests Annual, 54.

Gutter, M.S., Hayhoe, C., & DeVaney, S. (2008). Economic and psychological determinants of savings behavior: A conceptual model, Consumer Interests Annual, 54.

Ferstan, A., Nagle, St., Ouverson, K., & Solheim, C. (2008, May). FAIM: A financial fitness model. Presented at the Grassroots and Groundworks National Conference, Northwest Area Foundation, St. Paul, MN.

Mauldin, T., Mimura, Y., Kabaci, M.J., Koonce, J., & Rupured, M. (2008, July). Communication among parents and youth about savings and investments: Impact of parents marital status. Poster abstract in Consumer Interests Annual, Conference of the American Agricultural Economic Association and American Council on Consumer Interest, Orlando, FL.

Nganje, W., Hearne, R., Gustafson, C., & Orth, M. (2008). Farmers preference for alternative crop and health insurance subsidy, Review of Agricultural Economics, 30(2), 333-51.

Yao, R., Ke, W. & Gorham, E. (2008). Financial risk tolerance profile of Chinese American households, Proceedings of the American Association of Council on Consumer Interests, 54.

Presentations at Professional Conferences

Bankston, J., Anderson, E., Gorham, E., & Hardison, C. (2008, September). Legally secure your financial future: Online curriculum to teach estate planning, Roundtable discussion at Galaxy III, Indianapolis, Indiana.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008, September). Aging successfully: Financial preparation for the silver tsunami. Pre-conference to Galaxy III. Indianapolis, Indiana.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008, July). Savings services for the rural poor. Gates Foundation Panel. American Council on Consumer Interests. Orlando, Florida.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Retirement and Estate Planning for Farm Families Website. Women in Agriculture (WIA) National Conference for Educators. Available on the National AgRisk Library web site, University of Minnesota.

Gorham, E. (2008, March). Leader of round-table discussion, Extension Communities of Practice. Four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) Family and Consumer Sciences Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa.

Gorham, E. (2008, March). Extension Communities of Practice. Leader of round-table discussion at four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) Family and Consumer Sciences Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa.

Gorham, E., & Snorteland, I. M. (2008, March). A, B, C, Ds of Medicare. Four-state (MN, NE, IA, & SD) FCS Mid-West Conference, Lake Okoboji, Iowa.

Pallone, K. & DeVaney, S. A. (2008, August). What influences net worth accumulation across the life cycle? American Sociological Association.

Solheim, C.A. (2008, May). Evaluation: Purpose, process and pizzazz! Presented at the Minnesota Financial Fitness Conference, Alexandria, Minnesota.

Solheim, C.A., Ferstand, A., & Ouverson, K. (2008, September). Designing and implementing a comprehensive IDA program evaluation. Presented at the 2008 Assets Learning Conference, Washington, D.C.

Wachwithan, P., Solheim, C.A., and Popovich, P. (2008, July). Using Thailands sufficiency economy philosophy to develop global citizens. Presented at the XXI World Congress of the International Federation for Home Economics, Lucerne, Switzerland.

Yao, R., Ke, W. & Gorham, E. (2008). (2008, July). Refereed poster on Factors that Affect the Financial Risk Tolerance of Chinese Households in the U.S., American Agriculture Education Association and American Council on Consumer Interests Joint Annual Meeting, Orlando Florida. (Second place poster).

Other Presentations

Andersen, J. D. (2008, June). Keeping Up With the Joneses. Utah State Office of Education FACS Summer Conference, Kaysville, UT.

Anderson, J. D. (2008, June). Cutting fuel and food costs: Utah EFNEP State Training, Logan, UT.

Andersen, J. D. (2008, April). One can never buy too much happiness, Utah Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Ogden, UT.

Andersen, J. D. (2008, March). Financial first aid, Utah State University, Logan, Utah.

Andersen, J. D. (2008, February). Who Said Money Cant Buy Happiness? Issues Community Conference, Heber City, UT.

Solheim, C.A. (2008, June). Family resource management through multicultural lenses. In the National Council on Family Relations Report  Focus on& Families and Resource Management. Minneapolis: National Council on Family Relations.

Extension Publications

Andersen, J. D. (2008, August). Saving Your Future: Ten great things to do with rebates, refunds, and unexpected income (Revised). Available at

Andersen, J. D. & Jewkes, M. D. (2008, February). Saving your future: Strategies and guidelines to avoid foreclosure. Available at

Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Debt repayment plan worksheet. Publication SP710-B. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Debt repayment plan instructions. Publication SP710-A. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2008). Tools for money management: Creditor's list
worksheet. Publication SP710-B. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: It's a family affair! Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: Family options in stressful times, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

Daniels, A. M. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Communication: Goal setting, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

DeVaney, S. A. (2008). Retirement and Estate Planning for Farm Families web site. 3 new sections: Financial Literacy, Property Rights, and Second Careers. Available at

Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Dos and Don'ts. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 2 pp. Available at

Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Card Basics. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 4pp. Available at

Elmore, J.P., Gutter, M.S., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Managing Your Credit. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 6pp. Available at

Gorham, E. (2008, February). Impact report for statewide Medicare Part D: Prescription drug insurance. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Electronic Publication.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Where do I start? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Living on your income, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household Prices Bookmarks - Household spending plan: Survival strategies, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Are you a 'plastic addict?' Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Understanding the terms of the deal! Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Managing debt: Which bill do I pay first? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Stretch your household spending $$: For transportation, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: Do you drop or add insurance in stressful financial times? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: What kinds of insurance are a waste of money? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Insurance Protection: Does your child have health insurance? Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available from South Dakota County Extension offices.

Gorham, E. & Pankow, D. (March 2008). (FS943) When Prices Rise: Living on Your Income. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Service. Available at

Gutter, M. S. (2008). Managing During Tough Times (flipbook). IFAS Publication, University of Florida.

Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Reports. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 8pp. Available at

Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Credit Scores. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 3pp. Available at

Gutter, M.S., Elmore, J.P., & Mountain, T.P. (2008). YOU and YOUR CREDIT: Home Ownership and Credit. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 1pp. Available at

Pohl, S., Carlson, G., & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmarks - Energy wise housing: Home conservation practices; Energy wise housing: Household heating and cooling costs. Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

Stluka, S. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmark - Stretch your household spending $$: Supermarket food cent$, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

Stluka, S. & Gorham, E. (2008, August). Emerging Issues Task Force for Managing Change: Rising Household Prices Bookmark - Stretch your household spending $$: EASY solutions to help a family EAT SMART on a limited budget, Brookings, SD. South Dakota State University Extension Publications. Available at South Dakota County Extension offices.

Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2008). Tools for money management: Creditor's list
instructions. Publication SP709-B. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2008). Tools for money management: Who gets paid
first. Publication SP708. The University of Tennessee Extension.

Financial Software

Andersen, J. D. & Andersen, A. J. (2008). Break-a-habit savings calculator
(Version 2) [Computer software]. Available at


Andersen, J. D. (2008, May). Is keeping up with the Joneses getting you down? Utah Farm Bureau News, 54, 11.


Gorham, E. (2008). Promotion of High School Financial Planning Program: Launch of New Materials. National Endowment for Financial Education. $2000.

Gorham, E. & Swanson, N. (2008). Weaving Your Future: Teacher/AfterSchool Coordinator Training for Personal Finance of Native American Youth. Citigroup Foundation, Inc. through the SD 4-H Foundation, $15,000.


Articles in Refereed Journals

Allen, M. W., Edwards, R., Hayhoe, C. R., & Leach, L. (2007). Imagined interaction, attitudes towards money and credit, and family coalitions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 28(1), 3-22.

Delpechitre, D. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Understanding the savings behavior and risk tolerance of Asian Indians in the United States. Journal of Personal Finance, 6(1) 60-80.

DeVaney, S. A. & Anong, S. T. (2007). The likelihood of having employer-sponsored health insurance. Compensation and Working Conditions, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from

DeVaney, S. A. & Anong, S. (2007). Income quintiles: Examining changes in the characteristics of respondents. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(2),

Lee, Y., Bei, L. T. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Acculturation experiences of Taiwanese students during exchanges in the United States. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(4), 56-61.

Rodriguez-Flores, A. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). The effect of employment status on households emergency funds. Journal of Personal Finance. 5(4), 67-84.

Schuchardt, J.,1 Bagwell, D. C., Bailey, W. C., DeVaney, S. A., Grable, J. E., Leech, I. E., Lown, J. M., Sharpe, D. L. & Xiao, J. J. (2007). Personal finance: An interdisciplinary profession. Financial Counseling and Planning, 18(1), 61-69.

Articles in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Babiarz, P. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Adopters of Internet Banking in 2001 and 2004. Consumer Interests Annual.

Berry, A. & Wise, D. (2007). Teaching financial education to youth using simulations. Leech, I. (Ed.). Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education.

Gutter, M.S. & Mountain, T.P. (2007). Understanding minority preferences for investor education: Results from African-American and Hispanic focus groups. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 AFS.

Gutter, M.S. & Zhu, D. (2007). Are perceptions of retirement financial resource adequacy consistent with estimated ex ante financial resource retirement adequacy? Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference

Lee, A., Bei, L., & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Acculturation of Taiwanese exchange students in the US. Consumer Interests Annual.

Mountain, T.P. & Gutter, M.S. (2007). Impacts of race and ethnicity on retirement adequacy, life insurance adequacy, and dual adequacy. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference

Park, M.J. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Economic well-being based on financial ratios. Consumer Interests Annual.

Renner, C. & Gutter, M.S. (2007). Exploring perceived norms, financial education and college student behavior. Status: Accepted for Presentation at 2007 Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Educators Conference

Whirl, S. E. & DeVaney, S. A. (2007). Generativity and legacy behavior of older American female veterans. International Reminiscence and Life Review Proceedings, 265-272.

Wise, D., Neilson, B. & Gault, J. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. Leech, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education.

Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2007). Young Investor Education. Leech, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education.

Wise, D. & Berry, A. (2007). Financial education at the worksite. Shaffett, B. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Eastern Family Economics Resource Management Association.

Zhu, D. & Gutter. M. S. (2007). An exploration of the relationship of debt and retirement planning for full-time workers, American Financial Services.

Extension Publications

Gutter, M. S. (2007). How to Prevent Foreclosure on Your Home. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 3 pp. HE724. Available at

Gutter, M. S. & Walker, K. (2007). Goals and Standards in Resource Management. Gainesville, Florida: IFAS/EDIS. 5 pp. HE 169. Available at

Hayhoe, C. R. (2007). Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics (354-066). 12 pages. Revision of Hayhoe, C. R., & Williamson, S.* (2004). Renters rights and responsibilities: The basics.


Andersen, J. D. (2007). Financial Behaviors and Well-Being of Students at Utah State University. Utah State University. $13,000.

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