NCERA194: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Presented Papers and Posters, NCR-194 2003 Annual Meeting, Kansas City
Fabio R. Chaddad and Michael L. Cook, "The Emergence of Non-Traditional Cooperative Structures: Public and Private Policy Issues" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Constantine Iliopoulos, "Long-term Financing in US and European Agricultural Co-operatives: Emerging Methods for Ameliorating Investment Constraints" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
David Trechter, "A Neo-Institutional Assessment of Cooperative Evolution: Comparing the Australian Wheat Board and the Fonterra Dairy Group" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
David Barton, "Can Local Cooperatives Survive the Impact of Farmland's Bankruptcy?" hhttp://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Dave Hahn, JoAnne Paynter and Tom Sporleder, "Mutual Funds as Potential Source of Equity Capital for Traditional Ag Co-ops" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
James Baarda, "Current Law and Economics Debates: Tools for Assessing Fundamental Cooperative Changes?" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Peter Goldsmith and Karen Bender, "Ten Conversations About Identity Preservation: Implications for Cooperatives" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Bruce Anderson and Brian Henehan, "What Gives Cooperatives a Bad Name?" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Kim Zeuli, Elizabeth Howard, Brian Gould and Bob Cropp, "The Future Viability of the Federated Structure" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Julie Hogeland, "How Culture Drives Economic Behavior in Cooperatives" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Phil Kenkel, "Post Merger Financial Performance of Oklahoma Cooperatives" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
James Pritchett and Sue Hine, "A Warehouse Expansion for Potato Marketing Cooperatives" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Bruce Reynolds, "Selection and Compensation of Farmer Cooperative Directors - A Statistical Analysis" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
Joan Fulton, "Producer Investment in Value-Added Business" http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/ncr%20publications.htm
David Barton. "A Comparison of Traditional and Newly Emerging Forms of Cooperative Capitalization" paper
David Barton. "A Comparison of Traditional and Newly Emerging Forms of Cooperative Capitalization" presentation
Phil Kenkel and Amy Hagerman. "Impact of the Farmland Bankruptcy on Oklahoma Cooperatives" paper
Phil Kenkel and Fredy Kilima. "Optimal Fertilizer Warehousing and Distribution for Farm Supply Cooperatives" presentation
Phil Kenkel and Fredy Kilima. "Optimal Fertilizer Warehousing and Distribution for Farm Supply Cooperatives" paper
Shermain Hardesty and Vikas D. Salgia. "Comparative Financial Performance of Agricultural Cooperatives and Investor-Owned Firms" paper
James Baarda. "'Outside' Cooperative Equity: Obligations, Trade-Offs, and Fundamental Cooperative Character" paper
Michael A. Cook, Brad Plunkett, Frayne Olson, Fred Parker, Molly Chambers, Elaine Farmer and Kristi Livingston (GICL Team A). "Capital Formation in Cooperatives. Economic Analysis of State Incorporation Initiatives: A Pilot Framework" presentation
Christopher Merrett. "The Political Economy of Scale: The Role of Closed-Membership Cooperatives in Rural Development" presentation
Jennifer Keeling."Lessons in Cooperative Failure: The Rice Growers Association Experience" paper
Kim Zeuli and Mark Rickenbach. "Incentives to Join Forestry Cooperatives" presentation
Anthony Crooks."The Horizon Problem and New Generation Cooperatives: another look at Minnesota Corn Processors" paper
Sue Hine and Jim Pritchett."A Sweet Deal? Real Options Analysis of A Thick Juice Plant in Western Colorado" poster
Julie Hogeland."Family Farm or Factory Farm? How Cooperatives Struggled with Member and Co-op Identity in the Pork Industry" poster paper
Amanor-Boadu, V., M.A. Boland, and D. Barton. Welch Foods In Cases in Strategic Management, Seventh edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, February 2006.
Bhuyan, S. 2004. The People Factor In Cooperatives: Does Members' (Negative) Attitude Affect Their Participation? Paper presented at the Principal Paper session (Session organizer: Professor Ellen Goddard, University of Alberta) entitled What's Happening in the Cooperative Sector? at the 2004 Canadian Agricultural Economics Society (CAES) annual meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 20-23, 2004.
Bhuyan, S., 2005. Role of Cooperatives in Economic Development: What Have We Learned So Far? presented at the organized symposium Role of Cooperatives in Rural Economic Development: Myth or Reality? presented at 2005 Annual NAREA meetings, Providence, Rhode Island, July 24-27, 2005.
Boland, Michael. Status of Cooperative Classes in the U.S. presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November, 9 2005.
Boland, M.A., and T. Marsh. Input Quality in the Sugar Beet Industry Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 31, 1 (2006):
Bond, Jennifer Keeling. Linkages Between Cooperative Performance and Board of Director Characteristics: A Quantitative Equity Drives presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Boyd, Scott, M.A. Boland, and David Barton. Analyzing Determinants of Profitability and Persistence of Profitability in Local Grain Marketing and Farm Supply Cooperatives presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Crooks, T. The Role of Information Technology in the Fuel Ethanol Industry presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005. www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/Events/2005meeting/TonyCrooks.pdf
Crooks, Anthony and John Dunn, Ethanol marketing/contracting, Rural Cooperatives, Vol. 72, No. 5.
Crooks, Anthony and John Dunn,Farmer-owned ethanol and the role of information technology, Rural Cooperatives, Vol. 72, No. 5.
Crooks, Anthony and John Dunn, IT having major impact on farmer-owned ethanol plants, Rural Cooperatives, Vol. 72, No. 6.
Crooks, Anthony and John Dunn, Fuel ethanol industry, past & present, Rural Cooperatives, Vol. 72, No. 6.
Fox, J.A., M.A. Boland, and L. Perez. Grassfed Certification: The Case of Uruguyan Beef. Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, May 2005, 21 pages.
Hardesty, Shermain. Impacts of the Conversion of Diamond Walnut Growers presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November, 9 2005.
Hine, Susan, and James Pritchett. Opportunities and Insights for Cooperative Board Education presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Holland, Steven J., Robert P. King. Co-op Stock Exchange: Why choice of training rules matters for new-generation co-op stockholders, Rural Cooperatives Vol. 72, No. 1, January/February 2005, pp. 12-14, 2005.
Holland, Steven J., Robert P. King. Trading Mechanisms for New-Generation Cooperative Stock: The Architecture of Organizational Formation and Demise, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 86, No. 5, December 2004, pp. 1262-1268.
Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, November 9, 2005. www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/Events/2005meeting/KenkelandHolcombpaper.pdf
Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel. The Thrill of Victory and the Agony of Defeat: A Comparison of Two Cooperative Equity Drives presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Kalogeras, N., Pennings, J.M.E Dijk van G., and I.A. van der Lan. Modeling the Effects of Heterogeneity on Producers Preferences presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Kenkel P. and S. Henneberry, An Economic Analysis of Unit Train Facility Investment Mexican Journal of Agribusiness (Revusta Mexicana de Agronegocios), Spring 2006.
Kenkel, P., and R.B. Holcomb. Feasibility Templates for Value-Added Manufacturing Businesses. Journal of Food Distribution Research 36, 1(March 2005):232-235.
Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005. www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncr194/Events/2005meeting/KenkelandHolcombpaper.pdf
Kenkel, P. Evolving Credit Needs of Cooperatives and Producer-Owned Businesses invited paper for Farm Credit System Publication: Serving the Changing Financial Needs of American Farmers and Ranchers, 2005 2016 February 2005.
Ortmann, Gerald F., and Robert P. King, Small-scale farmers in South Africa: can agricultural cooperatives facilitate access to input and product markets? University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2005
Pritchett, James, and Susan Hine. Financial Characteristics of Top Performing Cooperatives presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minneapolis, November 9, 2005.
Pincheira P. and K. Zeuli. Cooperatives and Area Wide Yield Insurance: A Theoretical Analysis presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Reynolds, B. A Property Rights Approach to Preserving Subsidized Multifamily Rural Housing with Cooperatives presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9, 2005.
Zeuli K. and A. Bentancor The Effects of Cooperative Competition on Member Loyalty presented at NCERA-194 Regional Research on Cooperatives Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 9 2005.
Anderson, B.L. and B. Henehan, "What Gives Agricultural Co-operatives a Bad Name?"
International Journal of Co-operative Management. Vol. 2, No. 2. University of Leicester, Leicester, UK. December, 2005.
Baarda, J. Current Issues in Cooperative Finance and Governance: Background and Discussion Paper (April, 2006) 196pp.
Baarda, J. USDA/Co-op Partnership Aids Producer Quest for Market Power, Rural Cooperatives (July\August 2006)
[Available at http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/pub/openmag.htm]
Baarda, J. Needs and Justification for Supportive Cooperative Statutes. Memorandum. Response to inquiry on legal issues in Indian cooperative law, Mr. Rama Reddy, Hyderabad, Andreh Pradish, India (April 4, 2006)
Barton, D. "Midway Co-op, Inc." Unpublished case study, Arthur Capper Cooperative Center, Kansas State University, (2006).
Barton, D. "Farmers Cooperative Grain Association." Unpublished case study, Arthur Capper Cooperative center, Kansas State University, 2006.
Barton, D. "Midland Co-op." Unpublished case study, Arthur Capper Cooperative center, Kansas State University, 2006.
Boland, M.A. "Sun-Maid Growers." Review of Agricultural Economics, Resubmitted for 2nd review)
Boyd, S., M.A., K. Dhuyvetter, and D. Barton. "The Persistence of Profitability in Local Farm Supply and Grain Marketing Cooperatives." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2007
Boland, M.A., A.M. Bosse, and G.W. Brester. "Mountain States Lamb Cooperative." Review of Agricultural Economics, 29,1(2007):157-169.
Boland, M.A. and T. Marsh. "Input Quality in the Sugar Beet Industry." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 31,1(2006): 114-128.
Boland, M.A. and David Barton. "Good-to-Great Local Farm Supply and Grain Marketing Cooperatives" NCERA-194 2006 Meeting presentation. November, 2006.
Boland, M.A. "Agency Problems in Food Processing Firms and Cooperatives" NCERA-194 2006 Meeting presentation. November, 2006.
Fulton, Murray and Kathy Lang. "Declining Economic Linkage: SWP Share Conversion Story" NCERA-194 2006 Meeting presentation. November, 2006.
Gilkey, Tyler, Jeffrey Royer and Darrell Mark. "Equity Redemption in Cooperatives: Transitioning to a Revolving Fund" NCERA-194 2006 Meeting presentation. November, 2006.
Gilkey, Tyler W., Jeffrey S. Royer, and Darrell R. Mark. "Equity Redemption in Cooperatives: Transitioning to a Revolving Fund Plan." Submitted to Agricultural Finance Review November 18, 2006.
Hardesty, S.D. Alternative State Co-op Laws Broaden Investment Capital Sources. Rural Cooperatives Review, September 2006.
Hilchey, D. Gillespie, and B. Henehan. "Small-Scale Grower Cooperatives in the Northeast", USDA RBS Research Report 210 August, 2006 Wash, DC
Hueth, Brent. "Marketing Specialty Hogs: A Comparative Analysis of Two Firms from
Iowa," with Maro Ibarburu and James Kliebenstein, Forthcoming, Review of Agricultural Economics, 2007.
Hueth, Brent. "Information Sharing and Oligopoly in Agricultural Markets: The Role
of Bargaining Associations," with Philippe Marcoul, Amer. J. Agri. Econ, 88(4), 2006.
Hueth, Brent. "Information Transmission in Cattle Markets: A Case Study of the
Chariton Valley Beef Alliance," with John Lawrence, 2006. J. of Agribusiness
Kenkel, P. and R. B. Holcomb. Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 38, No. 2 July 2006.
Kenkel, P. Evolving Credit Needs of Cooperatives and Producer-Owned Businesses invited paper for Farm Credit System Publication: Serving the Changing Financial Needs of American Farmers and Ranchers, 2005 2016 Feb. 2006.
Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb, Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery selected paper at NCERA-194 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Mn.
Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. "Feasibility of a Cooperative Winery" presentation. November, 2006.
Mark, Darrell R., Jeffrey S. Royer, and Rik R. Smith. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Cooperative Analytical Simulation Tool (NebCAST): NebCAST Program with Instruction Guide. CD13. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, 2006.
McKee, G., P. Kenkel and B. Henehan. Challenges in Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives selected paper at NCERA-194 2006 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Mn.
Gregory McKee, Phil Kenkel and Brian Henehan. "Challenges in Measuring the Economic Impact of Cooperatives" presentation. November, 2006.
Pozo, V. and M.A. Boland. "Sunkist Growers." Review of Agricultural
Economics, Submitted for review.
Royer, Jeffrey S. "Cooperative Forward Integration in Oligopsonistic Markets: A Simulation Analysis of Incentives and Impacts" In Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies, edited by Jerker Nilsson and Kostas Karatininis. Springer, forthcoming.
Royer, Jeffrey S., and Darrell R. Mark. "A New Tool for Analyzing Cooperative Equity Plans." Cornhusker Economics, April 19, 2006.
Royer, Jeffrey S., and Darnell B. Smith. "Patronage Refunds, Producer Expectations, and Optimal Pricing by Agricultural Cooperatives." Journal of Cooperatives, forthcoming.
Barton, D. and M.A. Boland South Dakota Soybean Processors. Prepared for Farmer Cooperatives 2007, St. Paul, MN, November 3, 2007.
Barton, D. and M.A. Boland FC Stone. Prepared for Farmer Cooperatives 2007, St. Paul, MN, November 3, 2007.
Barton, D. and M.A. Boland Goldkist. Prepared for Farmer Cooperatives 2007, St. Paul, MN, November 3, 2007.
Boland, M.A. book review: Truman Torgensen: Straight from the Shoulder Journal of Cooperatives, Vol. 20, 2007 p 64.
Boyd, S., M.A. Boland, K. Dhuyvetter, and D. Barton. The Persistence of Profitability in Local Farm Supply and Grain Marketing Cooperatives. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 59,1(2007):201-210.
Boland, M.A., A.M. Bosse, and G.W. Brester. Mountain States Lamb Cooperative. Review of Agricultural Economics, 29,1(2007):157-169.
Briggeman, B. and P. Kenkel. Farm Credit Employees Perceptions of Loan Business Relative to Different Types of Borrowers selected paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007
Hardesty SD, Salgia VD. Most West Coast agricultural cooperatives are financially space competitive. California Agriculture, October-November 2007 61(4):1726.
Hogeland, Julie A., "The Role of Culture and Social Norms in Theories of Institutional Change: The Case of Agricultural Cooperatives," in Alternative Institutional Structures, Nicholas Mercuro and Sandra S. Batie (eds.). Part of the book series, The Economics of Legal Relationships. Routledge, forthcoming, 2008
Hogeland, J.A. (2007) An interpretation of the competitive yardstick model using critical discourse analysis, Journal of Cooperatives, 20, 34-48.
Hogeland, J.A. (2006) The economic culture of U.S. agricultural cooperatives, Culture & Agriculture, 28:67-79.
Kenkel, P. and R. Park. Business Models and Producer-Owned Ventures: Choices, Challenges and Changes, Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 39, No. 2 July 2007
Kenkel, P and G. Long. Options for Joint Machinery Ownership OSU Department of Agricutlural Economics AE07041, July 2007
Kenkel, P and G. Long. Organizing a Machinery Cooperative OSU Department of Agricutlural Economics AE07042, July 2007
Kenkel, P and G. Long. Feasibility of a Shared Machinery Cooperative OSU Department of Agricutlural Economics AE07042, July 2007
Kenkel P., R. Holcomb and T. Bowser. Feasbility of a Producer Owned Winter Canola Processing Venture Proceedings, National Value Added Conference, Lexington KY June 4, 2007
Long G. and P. Kenkel Feasibility Of Machinery Cooperatives In The Southern Plains Region, selected paper, SAEA 2006 Annual Meeting, Mobile Alabama, Feb 4-7, 2007
Royer, J.S. and Darnell B. Smith. "Patronage Refunds, Producer Expectations, and Optimal Pricing by Agricultural Cooperatives" , Journal of Cooperatives, Vol 20, 2007 pp 1-16.