NE1005: Management of Wildlife Damage in Suburban and Rural Landscapes
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Research Publications:
Curtis, P. D., E. D. Rowland, and G. L. Good. 2002. Developing a
plant-based vole repellent: screening of ten candidate plants. Crop
Protection 21(4):299-306.
Research Abstracts:
Curtis, P. D. 2002. The science and politics of suburban deer
management. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference 58:7.
Curtis, P. D. and B. Boldgiv. 2002. Estimating deer abundance in
suburban areas with infrared-triggered cameras. Northeast Fish and
Wildlife Conference 58:76.
Riley, S. J., D. J. Decker, J. W. Enck, P. D. Curtis, T. B. Lauber, and T. L. Brown. 2003. Deer populations up, hunter populations down: implications of interdependence of deer and hunter population dynamics on management. Ecoscience. (In press for September 2003).
Merrill, J. A., E. G. Cooch, and P. D. Curtis. 2003. Time to reduction: factors influencing management efficacy in sterilizing overabundant white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 67(2):267-279.
Curtis P. D., R. L. Pooler, M. E. Richmond, L. A. Miller, G. F. Mattfeld, and F. W. Quimby. 2002. Comparative efficacy of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and porcine zona pellucida immunocontraceptive vaccines for controlling reproduction in white-tailed deer. Reproduction-Supplement 60:131-141.
Brown, T.L., D.J. Decker, and P.D. Curtis. 2004. Farmers estimates of economic damage from white-tailed deer in New York State. HDRU Series No. 04-3, Dept. of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Curtis, P.D. and P.G. Jensen. 2004. Habitat factors affecting beaver occupancy along roadsides in New York State. Journal of Wildlife Management 68(2):278-287.
Curtis, P.D., W.F. Siemer, and J.E. Shanahan. 2004. The role of educational intervention in community-based deer management. Transactions North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 68:197-208.
Hedlund, J.H., P.D. Curtis, G. Curtis, and A.F. Williams. 2004. Methods to reduce traffic crashes involving deer: what works and what does not. Traffic Injury Prevention 5:1-10.
Riley, S.J., D.J. Decker, J.W. Enck, P.D. Curtis, T.B. Lauber, and T.L. Brown. 2003. Deer populations up, hunter populations down: implications of interdependence of deer and hunter population dynamics on management. Ecoscience 10(4):356-362.
Curtis, P. D., G. J. San Julian, and G. F. Mattfeld. 2005. A model of collaborative programming to address wildlife issues: The Northeast Wildlife Damage Management Research and Outreach Cooperative. Urban Ecosystems: (in press).
Posner, L. P., J. B. Woodie, P. D. Curtis, H. N. Erb, R. O. Gilbert, W. A. Adams, and R. D. Gleed. 2005. Acid-base, blood gas, and physiologic parameters during laparoscopy in the head-down position in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine:(in press).
Drake, D., J. B. Paulin, P. D. Curtis, D. J. Decker, and G. J. San Juliuan. 2005. Assessment of negative economic impacts from deer in the northeastern United States. Journal of Extension 43(1):1RIB5.
Stedman, R., D. R. Diefenbach, C. B. Swope, J. C. Finley, A. E. Luloff, H. C. Zinn, G. J. San Julian, and G. A. Wang. 2004. Integrating wildlife and human-dimensions research methods to study hunters. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:762-773.
Weaver, H. W., J. T. Anderson, J. W. Edwards, T. L. Dotson, and C. W. Ryan. 2004. Conditioning response of nuisance black bears to physical and auditory stimuli in southern West Virginia. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference 60:41-42 (abstract).