W190: Water Conservation, Competition and Quality in Western Irrigated Agriculture
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aillery, M., R. Shoemaker and M. Caswell. Agriculture and Ecosystem Restoration in South Florida: Assessing Tradeoffs from Water-Retention Development in the Everglades Agricultural Area, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 83, No. 1 (February 2001): 183-195.
Caswell, M., K. Fuglie, C. Ingram, S. Jans and C. Kascak. Adoption of Agricultural Production Practices: Lessons Learned from the USDA Area Studies Project. Agricultural Economic Report No. 792, Economic Research Service, USDA, pp. 110.
Colby, B. G. Resolving Interjurisdictional Disputes over Water and Environmental Quality, Water Resources Update 36, (2000).
Colby, B. G. and T. P. dEstree. Economic Evaluation of Mechanisms to Resolve Water Conflicts, International Journal of Water Resource Development 16(2):239-251, 2000.
Colby, B. G. and T. P. dEstree. Evaluating Market Transactions, Litigation and Regulation as Tools for Implementing Environmental Restoration, Arizona Law Review 42:381-394, 2000.
Frisvold, G. and M. Caswell, Transboundary Water Management: Game-Theoretic Lessons for Projects on the U.S. Mexico Border, Agricultural Economics 24(2000):101-111.
Gollehon, N. and M. Caswell. Confined Animal Production Poses Manure Management Problems. Agricultural Outlook, AGO-274, USDA/ERS, (September 2000): 12-18.
Gollehon, N., M. Caswell, M. Ribaudo, R. Kellogg, C. Lander and D. Letson. Confined Animal Production and Manure Nutrients. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 771, Economic Research Service, USDA.
Hamilton, J. R., D. Huppert, K. Boire, K. Casavant, L. Peters, J. Richards, A. Scott and P. Sorensen, Economics of Water Acquisition Projects. Report of the Independent Economic Analysis Board to the NW Power Planning Council, December 2000. Note that the report includes an appendix Pacific Northwest Water Markets, Promise and Problems, by J. R. Hamilton.
Howitt, R. E. Is Californias Future Hydraulically Sustainable? California Agriculture, (March-April) 2000, Vol. 54, 3:10-15.
Huffaker, R. G. and N. K. Whittlesey. The Allocative Efficiency and Conservation Potential of Water Laws Encouraging Investments in On-Farm Irrigation Technology, Agricultural Economics 24(2000):47-60.
Huffaker, R. G., A. Michelsen, J. Hamilton and M. Frasier. The Uneasy Hierarchy of Federal and State Water Laws and Policies, Water Resources Update (January 2001): 3-10.
Huffaker, R. G., M. Frasier and J. Hamilton. The Intrastate-Trade-Restriction Defense in Commerce-Clause Challenges of State-Imposed Restrictions on Water Exports to Neighboring States, International Journal of Water Resources Development (June 2000):275-279.
Huffaker, R. G., N.K. Whittlesey and J. Hamilton. The Role of Prior Appropriation in Allocating Water Resources into the 21st Century, International Journal of Water Resources Development (June 2000):265-275.
Huffaker, R., A. M. Michelsen, J. Hamilton and M. Frasier. Western Water Allocation Issues Arising from the Hierarchy of International, Federal, State and Local Laws Regulating Water Transfer, Complexities With Transboundary Water Resource Management, Water Resources Update, 118:3-10, 2001.
Kellogg, R. L., C. H. Lander, D. C. Moffitt and N. Gollehon. Manure Nutrients Relative to the Capacity of Cropland and Pastureland to Assimilate Nutrients: Spatial and Temporal Trends for the United States. Pub. No. nps00-0579, Natural Resource Conservation Service, USDA.
Kim, C. S. and G. D. Schaible. Economic Benefits Resulting from Irrigation Water Use: Theory and an Application to Groundwater Use, Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 17, No. 1 (September 2000): pp. 73-87.
Michelsen, A. M. Key Economic Issues in Water Planning. In Economic Considerations in State Water Planning, Texas Water Resources Institute, Special Report 1-2000, College Station, TX, December 7, 2000.
Murphy, J. J., A. Dinar, R. E. Howitt, S. J. Rassenti and V. L. Smith. The Design of Smart Water Market Institutions Using Laboratory Experiments, Environmental and Resource Economics, 17: (2000) 375-394.
Ribaudo, M., R. Heimlich, R. Claassen and M. Peters. Least-Cost Management of Nonpoint Source Pollution: Source Reduction vs. Interception Strategies for Controlling Nitrogen Loss in the Mississippi Basin, Ecological Economics, Vol. 37, 2001, pp. 183-197.
Supalla, R. J., R. Klaus, J. Allen and O. Yeboah. Game Theory as a Watershed Management Tool: A Case Study of the Middle Platte Ecosystem. A report on work supported by USEPA National Center for Environmental Assessment, Cincinnati, OH, Assistance Agreement R8268701, June 15, 2001.
Taylor, R. G., A. M. Michelsen and R. G. Huffaker. Why the Price Chain for Federally-Developed Irrigation Water Doesnt Promote Conservation, Choices, Third Quarter, 2000.