NC1014: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition (NC221, NCT-194)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NC1014 Publication list
Oct 05-Sept 06
Blank, Steven C.; Erickson, Kenneth W.; Moss, Charles B., 2005. Profit Patterns across American Agriculture, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 30(2), pp. 205-30.
Diersen, Matthew A.; Sherrick, Bruce J., 2005. Valuation and Efficient Allocation of GSM Export Credit Guarantees; Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 30(1), pp. 151-66.
Featherstone, Allen M. Roessler, Laura M. Barry, Peter J., 2006. Determining the Probability of Default and Risk-Rating Class for Loans in the Seventh Farm Credit District Portfolio, Review of Agricultural Economics. 28(1) p. 4-23.
Gloy, Brent A.; Gunderson, Michael A.; LaDue, Eddy L., 2005. The Costs and Returns of Agricultural Credit Delivery, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,87(3), pp. 703-16.
Gloy, Brent A.; LaDue, Eddy L.; Gunderson, Michael A., 2005. Credit Risk Migration and Downgrades Experienced by Agricultural Lenders, Agricultural Finance Review, 65(1), pp. 1-16.
Gustafson, Cole, 2005. Rural Small Business Trade Credit: A Paradox, Agricultural Finance Review, 65(1), pp. 45-57.
Gustafson, Cole R.; Nganje, William E., 2006. Value of Social Capital to Mid-sized Northern Plains Farms; Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(3), pp. 421-38.
Hartarska, Valentina; Gonzalez-Vega, Claudio, 2006. Evidence on the Effect of Credit Counseling on Mortgage Loan Default by Low-Income Households Journal of Housing Economics 15(1), pp. 63-79.
Huang, Haixiao; Miller, Gay Y.; Sherrick, Bruce J.; Gomez, Miguel I., 2006. Factors Influencing Illinois Farmland Values, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(2), pp. 458-70.
Huffman, Sonya K.; Kilkenny, Maureen, 2006. Regional Welfare Program and Labor Force Participation, Iowa State University, Department of Economics, Staff General Research Papers.
Johnson, James P.; Lenartowicz, Tomasz; Apud, Salvador, 2006. Cross-Cultural Competence in International Business: Toward a Definition and a Model, Journal of International Business Studies, 37(4), pp. 525-43.
Jolly, Robert W.; Roe, Josh D. 2005. Selling a Piece of the Farm Credit System; Choices, 20(1), pp. 19-24.
Katchova, Ani L.; Sheldon, Ian M.; Miranda, Mario J, 2005. A Dynamic Model of Oligopoly and Oligopsony in the U.S. Potato-Processing Industry, Agribusiness, 21(3), pp. 409-28.
Katchova, Ani L., 2005. The Farm Diversification Discount, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(4), pp. 984-94.
Kilkenny, Maureen; Jolly, Robert W., 2005. Are Rural Credit Markets Competitive? Is There Room for Competition in Rural Credit Markets? Choices, 20(1), pp. 25-29.
Lence, Sergio H.; Hayes, Dermot J. Genetically Modified Crops: Their Market and Welfare Impacts; American Journal of Agricultural Economics, November 2005, v. 87, iss. 4, pp. 931-50
Lence, Sergio H.; Hayes, Dermot J., 2006, EU and US Regulations for Handling and Transporting Genetically Modified Grains: Are Both Positions Correct? EuroChoices, 5(2), pp. 20-27.
Lence, Sergio H.; Hayes, Dermot J.; McCunn, Alan; Smith, Stephen; Niebur, William S., 2005. Welfare Impacts of Intellectual Property Protection in the Seed Industry, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(4), pp. 951-68.
Livanis, Grigorios; Moss, Charles B.; Breneman, Vincent E.; Nehring, Richard F., 2006. Urban Sprawl and Farmland Prices, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88 (4), pp. 915-29.
McBride, William D.; Johnson, James D., 2006. Defining and Characterizing Approaches to Farm Management, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(1), pp. 155-67.
Mishra, Ashok K.; Lence, Sergio H., 2006. Risk Management by Farmers, Agribusinesses, and Lenders, pp. 26 pages, Iowa State University, Department of Economics, Staff General Research Papers
Mishra, Ashok K.; Moss, Charles B., 2006. Adapting a Nonparametric Pooling Test for Use in Panel Cointegration Models, Applied Economics Letters, 13(6), pp. 355-57.
Mishra, Ashok K.; Park, Timothy A., 2005. An Empirical Analysis of Internet Use by U.S. Farmers, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 34(2), pp. 253-64.
Moss, Charles B., 2006. Valuing State-Level Funding for Research: Results for Florida, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(1), pp. 169-83.
Nadolnyak, Denis A.; Fletcher, Stanley M.; Hartarska, Valentina M., 2006. Southeastern Peanut-Production Cost Efficiency under the Quota System: Implications for the Farm-Level Impacts of the 2002 Farm Act, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 38(1), pp. 213-24.
Park, Timothy A.; Lohr, Luanne, 2005. Organic Pest Management Decisions: A Systems Approach to Technology Adoption, Agricultural Economics, 33(3), pp. 467-78.
Settlage, Latisha, 2005. Examining the Use of Farm Service Agency Guaranteed Loans by Commercial Banks, 2005 Purdue University.
Siebert, John; Litzenberg, Kerry; Gallagher, Richard; Wilson, Christine; Dooley, Frank; Wysocki, Al., 2006. Factors Associated with Students' Academic Motivation in Agricultural Economics Classes, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3), pp. 750-62.
Stokes, Jeffrey R., 2006. Dynamic Cash Discounts When Sales Volume Is Stochastic, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 45(1), pp. 144-60.
Tavernier, Edmund M.; Turvey, Calum G., 2006. Determinants of a Social Clause in International Trade Negotiations, Agricultural Economics, 34(1), pp. 51-57.
Turvey, Calum G.; Komar, Sridar, 2006. Martingale Restrictions and the Implied Market Price of Risk, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(3), pp. 379-99.
Turvey, Calum G.; Weersink, Alfons; Chiang, Szu-Hsuan Celia, 2006. Pricing Weather Insurance with a Random Strike Price: The Ontario Ice-Wine Harvest, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 88(3), pp. 696-709.
Wilson, Christine; Featherson, Allen; Kastens, Terry; Jones, John, 2006. Determining What's Really Important to Lenders: Factors Affecting the Agricultural Loan Decision-Making Process, pp. 71 pages, Purdue University, College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Working Papers: 06-07.
Wilson, Christine; Featherstone, Allen, 2006. Adjusting the CAPM for Threshold Effects: An Application to Food and Agribusiness Stocks, pp. 31 pages, Purdue University, College of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Working Papers: 06-08.
Katchova, A.L., M.J. Miranda, and C. Gonzalez-Vega. A Dynamic Model of Individual and Group Lending in Developing Countries. Agricultural Finance Review 66(2006):251-267.
Hennings, E., and A.L. Katchova. Growth Strategies of Farm Businesses: A Quantile Regression Approach. The Journal of American Academy of Business 12(2007): in press.
Friedrichsen, M., W. Nganje, Greg McKee, and C. Gustafson. Marginal Impact of Sales Consultant Visits and Financing Opportunities on the Adoption of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application. Agricultural Finance Review, Fall 2007, Forthcoming.
Gustafson, C. and W. Nganje. Value of Social Capital to Mid-Sized Northern Plains Farms Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(2006):421-38.
Gustafson, C., W. Wilson, and B. Dahl. Malt Barley Risk Management Strategies Western Economics Forum, 5,2(Fall 2006):15-22.
Nganje, W., R. Hearne, and C. Gustafson. Farmers Preferences for Alternative Crop and Health Insurance Subsidies Review of Agricultural Economics, Forthcoming.
Boumtje, P.I., W. Florkowski, G. Landry, and C.L. Escalante. Determinants of Profitability Under Different Golf Business Ownership Structures: The Case of Golf Courses in Georgia. Southwestern Economic Review, forthcoming, Spring 2008.
Rejesus, R. M., B.J. Sherrick, G.D. Schnitkey, and C.L. Escalante. Factors Influencing Producers Perceptions about the Importance of Government Support Programs in Agriculture: Application of a Semi-Parametric Ordered Response Model. Applied Economics, forthcoming, 2008.
Byrd, M. M., C.L. Escalante, E.G. Fonsah, and M.E. Wetzstein. Feasible Fumigant-Herbicide System Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for Bell Pepper Producers. Journal of Agribusiness 25,1 (2007) 31-46.
Deng, X., C.L. Escalante, P.J. Barry, and Y. Yu. Markov Chain Models for Farm Credit Risk Migration Analysis. Agricultural Finance Review 67,1(Spring 2007): 99-117.
Escalante, C.L. and C. G. Turvey. Business Start-Up Survival Challenges and Strategies of Agribusiness and Non-agribusiness Entrepreneurs. Agricultural Finance Review 66,1 (Spring 2006) 61-75.
Byrd, M.M., C. L. Escalante, E.G. Fonsah, and M.E. Wetzstein. Financial Efficiency of Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Georgias Bell Pepper Industries. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 69,1 (2006) :31-39.
Escalante, C. L., R. Brooks, J. E. Epperson, and F. E. Stegelin. Credit Risk Assessment and Racial Minority Lending at the Farm Service Agency. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics,38,1 (2006): 61-75.
Enahoro, D.K. and B.A. Gloy. Examining the Benefits of Federally Subsidized Farm Savings Accounts for Dairy Farmers. Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Long Beach, CA, July 25, 2006.
Hyde, J. and B.A. Gloy. "Dynamic strategic responses among advertisers: the case of meat products." Economics Bulletin, 13:3(2007):1-14.
Stokes, J.R. and B.A. Gloy. Mortgage Delinquency Migration: An Application of Maximum Entropy Econometrics. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 13:2(2007):153-160.
Stokes, J.R. and B.A. Gloy. Delinquency and Default on Agricultural Mortgages. Agricultural Finance Review, 67:1(2007):75-85.
Gunderson, M. A., B.A. Gloy, and E.L. LaDue. Accounting for Loan Size and Credit Rating when Calculating Lifetime Value of Agricultural Lending Relationships. Agricultural Finance Review, 66:1(2006):109-123.
Nwoha, John O., Bruce L. Ahrendsen, Bruce L. Dixon, Daniel M. Settlage, and Eddie C. Chavez. FSA Direct Loan Targeting: Successful and Financially Necessary? Agricultural Finance Review 67,1(Spring 2007):35-53.
Briggeman, Brian C., Shida R. Henneberry, and F. Bailey Norwood, How Do Employers Assess Job Candidate Attributes?, NACTA Journal, September 2007, Forthcoming
Briggeman, Brian C., Allan W. Gray, Mitchell J. Morehart, Timothy G. Baker, and Christine A. Wilson, A New U.S. Farm Household Typology: Implications for Agricultural Policy, Review of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 29(4): 765, Forthcoming
Briggeman, Brian C., Allan W. Gray, and Joshua D. Detre, Using Limited Information to Support the Decision to Launch a New Product in the Fruit Juice Market: A Teaching Case Study, Review of Agricultural Economics, 2008, Forthcoming
Hartarska V. and D. Nadolnyak (2007), Do Regulated Microfinance Institutions Achieve Better Sustainability and Outreach? Cross-Country Evidence, Applied Economics 39(10-12):1207-1222.
Hartarska V. and M. Holtmann (2006), An Overview of Recent Developments in the Microfinance Literature, Agricultural Finance Review, 66(2): 147-165.
Hartarska V. and C. Gonzalez-Vega (2006), Evidence on the Effect of Credit Counseling and Mortgage Loan Default by Low-Income Households, Journal of Housing Economics, 15 (1): 63-79.
Featherstone, A.M. and M..W. Woolverton. Biofuels Production in the United States. New Zealand Journal of Primary Industry Management. September 2007.
Pendell, D.L. and A.M. Featherstone. Structural Breaks and Agricultural Asset Allocation. Agricultural Finance Review, Forthcoming.
Zaher, Mohammad and A.M. Featherstone. Productive Efficiency in the Middle East and North America. Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Christev, Atanas and A.M. Featherstone. A Note on Allen Uzawa Partial Elasticities of Substitution: The Case of the Translog Cost Function. Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
Serra, T., D. Zilberman, J.M. Gil, and A.M. Featherstone. The Effects of Decoupling on Land Allocation. Applied Economics, Forthcoming.
Featherstone, A.M., C.A. Wilson, T.L. Kastens, and J.D. Jones. Factors Affecting the Agricultural Loan Decision-Making Process. Agricultural Finance Review, 67(Spring 2007):13-33.
Abaru, B.M., A.W. Mugera, D.W. Norman, and A.M. Featherstone. The Uganda Rural Farmers Scheme: Womens Accessibility to Agricultural Credit. Agricultural Finance Review, 66(Fall 2006):215-34.
Hyde, J. and B.A. Gloy. "Dynamic strategic responses among advertisers: the case of meat products." Economics Bulletin, 13:3(2007):1-14.
Stokes, J.R. and B.A. Gloy. Mortgage Delinquency Migration: An Application of Maximum Entropy Econometrics. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 13:2(2007):153-160.
Stokes, J.R. and B.A. Gloy. Delinquency and Default on Agricultural Mortgages. Agricultural Finance Review, 67:1(2007):75-85.
Andersson, C., Holmgren, E., MacGregor, J., and Stage, J., Giving credit to the microlenders. Formal microlending, credit constraints and adverse selection: a case study of shrimp farmers in Bangladesh, International Institute for Environment and Development, Environmental Economics Programme, 2008.
Asjaha, T.A., and Jooste, A., The Effect of Monetary Changes on Relative Agricultural Prices, Agrekon, Volume 46, Issue 4, December 2007.
Bartolini, F., Gallerani, V., Raggi, M., and Viaggi, D., Modeling the Effectiveness of Cross-compliance Under Asymmetric Information, European Association of Agricultural Economists, 2008.
Beyne, A.D., Determinants of off-farm participation decision of farm households in Ethiopia, Agrekon, Volume 47, Issue 1, March 2008.
Briggeman, Brian C., Charles A. Towe, and Mitchell J. Morehart, Credit Constraints: Their Existence, Determinants, and Implications for U.S. Farm and Non-Farm Sole-Proprietors, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2008, Forthcoming
Lusk, Jayson L. and Brian C. Briggeman, Food Values, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2008, Forthcoming
Briggeman, Brian C. and Philip Kenkel, Customer Segmentation Perceptions of Farm Credit Associations, Agricultural Finance Review, 68(2008): 227-236
Briggeman, Brian C., Allan W. Gray, and Joshua D. Detre, Using Limited Information to Support the Decision to Launch a New Product in the Fruit Juice Market: A Teaching Case Study, Review of Agricultural Economics, 30(2008): 370-378
Boumtje, P.I., W. Florkowski, G. Landry, and C.L. Escalante. Determinants of Profitability Under Different Golf Business Ownership Structures: The Case of Golf Courses in Georgia. Southwestern Economic Review, forthcoming, Spring 2008.
Brady, M., and Breneman, V., A Spatial Analysis of Farm Payment Recipients Using the FSA 1614 Dataset, American Agricultural Economics Association, 2008. http://purl.umn.edu/6418
Ciaian, P.; and Swinnen, J.F.M, Credit Market Imperfections and the Distribution of Policy Rents: The Common Agricultural Policy in the New EU Member States, European Association of Agricultural Economists, 107th Seminar, January 2008. http://purl.umn.edu/6591
Dixon, Bruce L., Bruce L. Ahrendsen, O. John Nwoha, Sandra J. Hamm, Diana D. Danforth. FSA Direct Farm Loan Program Graduation Rates and Reasons for Exiting. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 39,3(December 2007):471-487.
Featherstone, A.M. and M..W. Woolverton. Biofuels Production in the United States. New Zealand Journal of Primary Industry Management. September 2007.
Friedrichsen, M., W. Nganje, Greg McKee, and C. Gustafson. Marginal Impact of Sales Consultant Visits and Financing Opportunities on the Adoption of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application. Agricultural Finance Review, Fall 2007.
Good, D., and Irwin, S., So How Do I Make Corn and Soybean Pricing Decisions?, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, 2008.
Hartarska V. and D. Nadolnyak (2007), Do Regulated Microfinance Institutions Achieve Better Sustainability and Outreach? Cross-Country Evidence, Applied Economics 39(10-12):1207-1222.
Hennings, E., and A.L. Katchova. Growth Strategies of Farm Businesses: A Quantile Regression Approach. The Journal of American Academy of Business 12(2007): in press.
Hyde, J. and B.A. Gloy. "Dynamic strategic responses among advertisers: the case of meat products." Economics Bulletin, 13:3(2007):1-14.
Nganje, W., R. Hearne, and C. Gustafson. Farmers Preferences for Alternative Crop and Health Insurance Subsidies Review of Agricultural Economics, Forthcoming.
Pendell, D.L. and A.M. Featherstone. Structural Breaks and Agricultural Asset Allocation. Agricultural Finance Review, Forthcoming.
Rejesus, R. M., B.J. Sherrick, G.D. Schnitkey, and C.L. Escalante. Factors Influencing ProducersPerceptions about the Importance of Government Support Programs in Agriculture: Application of a Semi-Parametric Ordered Response Model. Applied Economics, forthcoming, 2008.
Richter, Susan M., The Insurance Role of Remittances on Household Credit Demand, American Agricultural Economics Association>2008 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2008. http://purl.umn.edu/6261
Rubin, O.D., Carriquiry, M., and Hayes, D.J., Implied Objectives of U.S. Biofuel Subsidies, Iowa State University, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, 2008.
Sanders, D., Irwin, S., and Merrin, R.P., The Adequacy of Speculation in Agricultural Futures Markets: Too Much of a Good Thing?, University of Illinois>Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, 2008.
Sanning, L.W., Shaffer, S., and Sharratt, J.M., Alternative investments: the case of wine, American Association of Wine Economists, 2007.
Stokes, J.R. and B.A. Gloy. Mortgage Delinquency Migration: An Application of Maximum Entropy Econometrics. Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 13:2(2007):153-160.
Stranlund, J.K., and Zhang, W., Bankruptcy Risk and Imperfectly Enforced Emissions Taxes, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Department of Resource Economics, 2008.
Swenson, A. L., Financial Charactaristics of North Dakota Farms 2006-2007, Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report No. 633, Department of Agribusiness and Applied Economics, North Dakota State University, Fargo, 2008.
Tannura, M., Irwin, S., and Good, D., Are Corn Trend Yields Increasing at a Faster Rate?, University of Illinois, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, 2008.
Veyssiere, L., and Marcoul, P., Impact of Supermarket Procurement System on Farmers' Credit Access, European Association of Agricultural Economists, 2008 International Congress, August 26-29, 2008.
Yano, Y., and Blandford, D., Use of Penalties and Rewards in Agri-Environmental Policy, Agricultural Economics Society, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK March 31-April 2, 2008.
Zimmel, P., and Carpenter, B., A Farm-level Economic Analysis of Wildlife Habitat Buffers in Missouri, Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at University of Missouri, 2007-2008.