W187: Interactions Among Bark Beetles, Pathogens, and Conifers in North American Forests
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Scientific Articles:
Bentz, B.J., J.A. Logan, and J.C. Vandygriff. 2001. Latitudinal life history variation in Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) development time and size. The Canadian Entomologist 133:375-387.
Blodgett, J. T., and P. Bonello. 2001. Systemic induction of ferulic acid and other phenolic compounds in Pinus nigra inoculated with Sphaeropsis sapinea. Phytopathology 91 (6 Supplement):S9.
Bonello, P., T.R. Gordon, and A.J. Storer. 2001. Systemic induced resistance in Monterey pine. Forest Pathology 31:99-106.
Bonello, P., W.R. McNee, A.J. Storer, D.L. Wood, and T.R. Gordon. 2001. The role of olfactory stimuli in the location of weakened hosts by twig-infesting Pityophthorus spp. Ecological Entomology 26:8-15.
Cherry, S. J. 2001. Integrating geographical information systems and remote sensing to improve hazard rating of Dendroctonus frontalis infestations. M. S. University of Idaho, Department of Geography.
Erbilgin, N. and K.F. Raffa. 2001. Kairomonal range of generalist predators in specialized habitats. Entomol. Exper. et Applic. 99: 205-210.
Erbilgin N and Raffa K.F. 2001. Modulation of predator attraction to pheromones of two prey species by stereochemistry of plant volatiles. Oecologia. 127: 444 - 453.
Erbilgin, N., A. Szele, K.D. Klepzig, & K.F. Raffa. 2001. Trap type, chirality of alpha-pinene, and geographic region affect sampling efficiency of root and lower stem insects in pine. J. Econ. Entomol. 94:1113-1121.
Ganz, D.J., Community Based Fire Management in Asia; Lessons Learned and Implications. Proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention and Management; November 27th December 1, 2000. San Diego, California.
Ganz, D.J., Communities in Flames: A Summary of the International Conference. Proceedings of Californias 2001 Wildfire Conference: Ten Years after the 1991 Oakland/East Bay Hills Fire. October 10-12th, 2001. Berkeley, California.
Ganz, D.J., Troy, A., Mu Lan, and Toa Duan. Fire Risk in Strawberry Canyon. Proceedings of Californias 2001 Wildfire Conference: Ten Years after the 1991 Oakland/East Bay Hills Fire. October 10-12th, 2001. Berkeley, California.
Ganz, D.J., Dahlsten, D.L., and S. Stephens. The Bark Beetle Response to a Fall Prescribed Burn in Lake Tahoe Basin: Implications for Management. Proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress on Fire Ecology, Prevention and Management; November 27th December 1, 2000. San Diego, California.
Gordon, T.R., A.J. Storer and D.L. Wood. 2001. The Pitch Canker Epidemic in California. Plant Disease 85: 1128-1139.
Hansen, E.M., B.J. Bentz, and D.L. Turner. 2001. The physiological basis for flexible voltinism in the spruce beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). The Canadian Entomologist 133:805-818.
Hansen, E.M., B.J. Bentz, and D.L. Turner. 2001. A temperature-based model for predicting univoltine brood proportions in spruce beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). The Canadian Entomologist133: 827-842.
Extension publications.
Kelly, N.M. and B.A. McPherson. 2001. Multi-scale approaches taken to SOD monitoring. California Agriculture 55: 15-16.
Logan, J.A., J.A. Powell, B.J. Bentz. 2000. Evaluating the potential for climate change induced bark beetle invasion of high elevation ecosystems. In A. Menzel (ed) Progress in Phenology, Monitoring, Data Analysis, and Global Change Impacts, Freising, Germany, Oct 4-6, 2000.
McPherson, B. A, D. L. Wood, A. J. Storer, N. M. Kelly, and R. B. Standiford. 2002 (accepted). Sudden Oak Death: Disease Trends in Marin County Plots after One Year In: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Oak Woodlands, October 22-25, 2001, San Diego, CA, USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Technical Report. This will also be available on CD ROM.
Powell, J.A., J. L. Jenkins, J.A. Logan, and B.J. Bentz. 2000. Seasonal temperature alone can synchronize life cycles. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 62:977-998.
Raffa, K.F. 2001. Mixed messages across multiple trophic levels: The ecology of bark beetle chemical communication systems. Chemoecology 11: 49-65.
Redmer, J. S., K. F. Wallin, and K. F. Raffa. 2001. Effect of host tree seasonal phenology on substrate suitability for the pine engraver, Ips pini (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Implications to population dynamics and enemy free space. J. Econ. Entomol. 94: 11-14.
Seybold, S.J., Bohlmann, J., & K.F. Raffa. 2000. Biosynthesis of coniferophagous bark beetle pheromones and conifer isoprenoids: an evolutionary perspective and synthesis. Can. Entomol. 132: 1-57.
Storer, A.J., D.L. Wood, T.R. Gordon, and W.J. Libby. 2001. Native Monterey pine forest restoration in the presence of an exotic pathogen on the Monterey Peninsula. Journal of Forestry 99: 14-18.
Wallin, K.F., & K.F. Raffa. 2001. Host - mediated interactions among feeding guilds: Incorporation of temporal patterns can integrate plant defense theories to predict community level processes. Ecology 82: 1387-1400.
Popular Articles:
Cervenka, V.J., Skalbeck, T.C., Kyhl, J.F., Blackford, D.C., Juzwik, J.J., and Seybold, S.J. 2001. How to identify common nitidulid beetles associated with oak wilt mats in Minnesota. USDA Forest Service North Central Research Station, HT-71, 16 pp.
Fragile Ecosystems. Earth & Sky Feature, National Public Radio, Nov. 7, 2000.
Beetles are Supercool! Understanding the life cycle of mountain pine beetles. 2001. Natural Inquirer, USDA FS, Washington D.C.
Palkovsky, N.K. and A.J. Storer. 2001. Emergency Regulations to Protect Our Neighbors from Sudden Oak Death. Oaks `n` Folks 17 (2). Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program, UC Berkeley, CA
Storer, A.J., D.L. Wood and T.R. Gordon. 2001. Frequently asked questions about pitch canker. DANR Publication 8025, University of California. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8025_FAQPitchCanker.pdf
Storer, A.J., D.L. Wood and T.R. Gordon. 2000. FAQs about pitch canker. http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/forestry/faqpitch.html
Storer, A.J., D.L. Wood and T.R. Gordon. 2000. University of California Pitch Canker Severity Rating System. http://www.cnr.berkeley.edu/forestry/pitch_rate.html
Storer, A.J., K.E. Keirnan, N.K. Palkovsky, B.W. Hagen, G.W. Slaughter, N.M. Kelly and P.Svihra. 2001. Sudden Oak Death: Diagnosis and Management. University of California Cooperative Extension. Pest Alert 5, 12p.
Svihra, P., K.E. Keirnan, N.K. Palkovsky and A.J. Storer. 2001. Sudden Oak Death: An Update of the Facts. University of California Cooperative Extension. Pest Alert 4a.
Svihra, P., N.K. Palkovsky and A.J. Storer 2000.Sudden Oak Death: The Facts as We Know Them. University of California Cooperative Extension. Pest Alert 4, 2p.