W186: Genetic Variability in the Cyst and Root-Knot Nematodes
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Avendano, F., F. Pierce, O. Schabenberger, and H. Melakeberhan. (2001). Application of geostatistical tools to assess the spatial distribution of Heterodera glycines. Journal of Nematology, 33: in press.
Bosland, P. W., Y. Zewdie, and S. H. Thomas. 2001. NuMex Nematador: southern root-knot nematode resistant cayenne. New Mexico Crop Improvement Association Variety Release. July 16, 2001.
Caswell-Chen, E. P., H. Ferris, B. B. Westerdahl, and R. L. Sloan. 1995. A PC/MAC -platform database on the host status of crop and weed species to plant-parasitic nematodes. Nematology Newsletter: An official publication of the Society of Nematologists. 41(2): 7-8.
Ehlers, J.D., W.C. Matthews, A.E. Hall, and P.A. Roberts. 2002. Breeding and Evaluation of Cowpeas with High Levels of Broad-based Resistance to Root-knot Nematodes. In: Proceedings of the Third World Cowpea Conference, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. (In press).
Fallon, D.J., H. K. Kaya, and B.S. Sipes. 2001. Effect of native and non-native entomopathogenic nematodes on Meloidogyne javanica in Hawaii. Journal of Nematology (in press).
Gray, F. A. and D. W. Koch. 2001. Trap Crops. Pages 852-854. In: Cultural Practices, Encyclopedia of Pest Management. Marcel Decker, Inc., NY, NY.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Application and placement of nematicides in the management of stubby root nematode and corky ringspot disease of potato. (in press).
Hafez, S.L., D. Miller and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Screening of alfalfa cultivars to the lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans for commercial release. Nematologia Mediterranea. 28 : 157-162.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Evaluation of mocap for management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in Idaho potatoes. Nematropica. 30 : 130.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Nematode management research in Idaho and its impact on the growers economy. Nematropica. 30 : 130-131.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Application and placement of nematicides in the management of stubby root nematode and corky ringspot disease of potato. American Journal of potato Research. 77 : 400.
Hafez, S.L., Garo Haroutunian and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Biofumigation and bassamid An alternative integrated approach to methyl bromide for vegetable and fruit production in Lebanon. Proceedings of the Annual International Research conference on Methyl Bromide alternatives and emission reductions, at Orlando, Florida, November 6-9, 2000.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Resistant reaction of alfalfa cultivars to the lesion nematode Pratylenchus penetrans. Journal of Nematology. 32 : 433.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Evaluation of fosthiazate for management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi in Idaho potatoes. Journal of Nematology. 32 : 433.
Hafez, S.L., and P. Sundararaj. 2001. Impact of agronomic and cultural practices of green manure crops for the management of Heterodera schachtii in sugarbeet. International Journal of Nematology. 10 : 177-182.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Concomitant interaction of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Pratylenchus neglectus in potato cropping system. Nematologia Mediterranea. 28: 89 92.
Hafez, S. L. and P. Sundararaj. 2000. Evaluation of chemical strategies along with cultural practices for the management of Meloidogyne chitwoodi on potato. International Journal of Nematology. 10: 89 93.
Hafez, S.L. and P. Sundararaj. 1999. Efficacy of seed crop meals for the management of Columbia root-knot nematode Meloidogyne chitwoodi on tomato under green house conditions. Nematropica. 29 : 171 - 177.
Hafez, S. L. 1999. Potato nematode management. Proceedings of the winter commodity schools.121 125.
Ingham R.E. 2000. Alternatives to nematicides for nematode management. In: Fresh Perspectives: Proceedings of the 2000 Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Annual Convention and Trade Show. Pp 113-119.
Ingham, R.E. 2000. Nematode management with and without nematicides; Opportunities and challenges. In: Shenk, M. and M. Kogan (eds.) IPM in Oregon: Achievements and future directions. Oregon State University Extension Service Special Report 1020, Corvallis, OR. Pp.89-97
Jennings, J.W., L.J. Held, D.W. Koch and F.A. Gray. 1999. Economics of growing trap crop radish and grazing lambs with a sugar beet and malt barley rotation. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin. B-1077.
Jin, R., B.S. Sipes, and D. Borthakur. 2001. Reproduction of Heterodera schachtii on Bt-transgenic cabbage. Russian Journal of Nematology: in press.
Kaitany, R., H. Melakeberhan, G. W. Bird and G. Safir. (2000). Association of Phytophthora sojae with Heterodera glycines and nutrient stress. Nematropica, 30: 193-199.
Koch, D.W., F.S. Gray and J.R. Gill. 1999. Ten steps to sucessful trap crop use in the Big Horn Basin. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin. B-1072.
Koch, D.W., F.S. Gray and J.M. Krall. 1999. Trap crops: A promising alternative for sugar beet nematode control. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin. B-1029R.
Melakeberhan, H. (2001). Embracing the emerging precision agriculture technologies-symposium introduction. Journal of Nematology, 33: in press.
Melakeberhan, H., A. L. Jones and G.W. Bird. (2001). Soil pH affects nutrition balance of cherry rootstocks. HortScience, 36: 916-917.
Melakeberhan, H., A.L. Jones and G.W. Bird. (2000). Effects of soil pH and Pratylenchus penetrans on the pathogenesis of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae and Mazzard seedling mortality. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 22: 131-137.
Melakeberhan, H., A. L. Jones and G.W. Bird. (2001). Soil pH affects nutrition balance of cherry rootstocks. HortScience, 36: 916-917.
Ndeme, A., P. Donald, G. Noel, H. Melakeberhan, G. Tylka, S. Chen, R. Riggs, T. Niblack, D. Herschman, J. Faghihi, A. MacGuidwin, T. Welacky, and T. Anderson (2001). Soybean yield and Heterodera glycines population dynamics in the Midwestern U.S. and Ontario, Canada. Journal of Nematology, 33: in press.
Ouedraogo, J.T., B.S. Gowda, M. Jean, T.J. Close, J.D. Ehlers, A.E. Hall, A.G. Gillaspie, P.A. Roberts, A.M. Ismail, G. Bruening, P. Gepts, M.P. Timko and F.J. Belzile. 2002. An improved genetic map for Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) combining AFLP, RFLP, RAPD and biochemical markers and biological resistance traits. Genome 45: 175-188.
Petrillo, M.D. 2001. Virulence and fitness of Meloidogyne incognita in response to susceptible and resistant cowpea. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Riverside.
Potenza, C., S. H. Thomas, and C. Sengupta-Gopalan. 2001. Genes induced during early response to Meloidogyne incognita in roots of resistant and susceptible alfalfa cultivars. Plant Science 161:289-299.
Roberts, P.A. 2002. Concepts and Consequences of Resistance. Pages 23-41 In: Plant Resistance to Parasitic Nematodes (J.L. Starr, R. Cook and J. Bridge, eds.) CAB International: Wallingford, UK.
Sipes, B.S. 2001. Spatial pattern of Radopholus similis in the roots and shoots of Anthurium andreanum. Nematropica: in press.
Smith, H. J., F. A. Gray, D.W. Koch, J. M. Krall and L.J. Held. 2001. New technologies for integrated management of the sugar beet nematode, Heterodera schachtii. Phytopathology 91: No. 6 Supplement, S143.
Smith, H. J., F. A. Gray, D. W. Koch, J. M. Krall and L. J. Held. 2001. Evaluation of resistant radish and mustard trap crop varieties for sugar beet nematode control. Western Society of Crop Science Meeting, Tucson, AZ., June 11-12 (In Press).
Thomas, S. H., S. A. Sanderson, and Z. A. Handoo. 2001. First report of Columbia root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi) in potato in New Mexico. Plant Disease 85:924.
Thomas, S. H., J. M. Fuchs, and Z. A. Handoo. 2001. First report of Meloidogyne partityla on pecan in New Mexico. Plant Disease 85:1030.
Thomas, S. H., J. M. Fuchs, and A. L. Jacobson. 2001. Meloidogyne partityla: an emerging nematode pest of pecan in New Mexico. Phytopathology 91:S144.
Thomas, S. H. 2001. The status of nematodes in western pecan orchards: what we know and what we dont. Thirty-fifth Western Pecan Conference Proceedings. March 4-6, 2001. Las Cruces, NM. Pp. 2-5.
Thomas, S. H. and T. L. Kirkpatrick. 2001. Root-knot nematodes. Pp. 40-42. In: Compendium of Cotton Diseases, second edition. T. L. Kirkpatrick and C. S. Rothrock, eds., APS Press. St. Paul, MN.
Tsang, M. M. C., A. H. Hara and B. S. Sipes. 2001. A hot water drenching system for disinfesting roots and media of potted palms of the burrowing nematodes. Agricultural Engineering :in press.
Wang, K.H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2001. Crotalaria as a cover crop for nematode management: a review. Nematropica: accepted August 2001.
Wang, K.H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2001. Management of Rotylenchulus reniformis in pineapple, Ananas comosus, by intercycle cover crops. Journal of Nematology 33: accepted July 2001.
Wang, K.H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2001. Suppression of Rotylenchulus reniformis by Crotalaria juncea, Brassica napus, and Tagetes erecta. Nematropica: accepted April 2001.
Wang, J., P. A. Donald, T. L. Niblack, G. W. Bird, J. Faghihi, J. M. Ferris, D. J. Jardine, C. Grau, P. E. Lipps, A. E. MacGuidwin, H. Melakeberhan, G. R. Noel, P. Pierson, R. M. Riedel, P. R. Sellers, W. C. Stienstra, T. C. Todd, G. L. Tylka, T. Wheeler, D. S. Wysong. (2000). Soybean cyst nematode reproduction in the north central United States. Plant Disease, 84: 77-82.