NC1008: Advanced Technologies for the Genetic Improvement of Poultry (was NC-168)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Cisar C.R., J.M. Balog, R. Okimoto, N.B. Anthony, and A.M. Donoghue. 2003. The chicken bone morphogenetic protein receptor type II (BMPR2) gene maps to chromosome 7. Animal Genetics. 34: 465-476.

Cornett, L.E., J.D. Kirby, J.A. Vizcarra, J.C. Ellison, J. Thrash, P. R. Mayeux, M.D. Crew, S.M. Jones, N. Ali and D.A. Baeyens. 2003. Regulatory Peptides 110:231-239.

Jurkevich, A., L.R. Berghman, L.E. Cornett and W.J. Kuenzel. 2003.Immunohistochemical visualization of the vasotocin VT2 receptor in the pituitary gland of the domestic chicken. Poultry Sci. 82 (Suppl.): 81.

Jurkevich, A., L.R. Berghman, L.E. Cornett and W.J. Kuenzel. 2003.

Immunohistochemical characterization of chicken pituitary cells containing the vasotocin VT2 receptor. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 33: #710.10.

Kuenzel, W.J. 2003. Neurobiology of molt in avian species. Poultry Science 82:981-991.

Kuenzel, W.J., M.M. Abdel-Maksoud, T. Elsasser and J.A Proudman. 2003. Sulfamethazine advances puberty in male chicks by effecting a rapid increase in gonadotropins. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A (in press)

Kuenzel, W.J., M.B. Ferrari, T. Rathinam and H. Li. 2003. Cerebrospinal fluid-

contacting neurons in the lateral septal organ (LSO) appear to function as encephalic photoreceptors. Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 33: #827.9.

Li, H., M. Ferrari and W. Kuenzel. 2003. Light-induced reduction of cytoplasmic free calcium in neurons proposed to be encephalic photoreceptors (EPRs) in chick brain. Poultry Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1): 45-46.

Ling, M.K., M.C. Lagerstrom, R. Fredriksson, R. Okimoto, N.I. Mundy, S. Takeuchi, H.B. Schioth. 2003. Association of feather colour with constituatively active melanocortin 1 receptors in chicken. Eur. J. Biochem. 270: 1441-1449.

Reiner, A., D.J. Perkel, L.L. Bruce, A.B. Butler, A.Csillag, W. Kuenzel, L. Medina, G.Paxinos, T. Shimizu, G. Striedter, M. Wild, G.F. Ball, S. Durand, O. Güntürkün, D.W. Lee, C.V. Mello, A. Powers, S.A. White, G. Hough, L. Kubikova, T.V. Smulders, K. Wada, J. Dugas-Ford, S. Husband, K. Yamamoto, J. Yu, C. Siang, and E.D. Jarvis. 2004. Revised nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some related brainstem nuclei. J. Comp. Neurol. (in press).

Reiner, A., D.J. Perkel, L.L. Bruce, A.B. Butler, A. Csillag, W. Kuenzel, L.Medina, G.Paxinos,T. Shimizu, G. Striedter, M. Wild, G.F. Ball, S. Durand, O. Güntürkün, D.W. Lee, C.V. Mello, A. Powers, S.A. White, G. Hough, L. Kubikova, T.V. Smulders, K. Wada, J. Dugas-Ford, S. Husband, K. Yamamoto, J. Yu, C. Siang, and E.D. Jarvis. 2004. The Avian Brain Nomenclature Forum: Terminology for a new century in comparative neuroanatomy. J. Comp. Neurol. (in press).

Scarbrough, K., J.D. Kirby, L.E. Cornett and R. Okimoto. 2003. Chromosomal

assignment and mapping of the vasotocin receptor 1, homologue to the

mammalian V1a and Vasotocin receptor 2 homogogue to the mammalian V1b receptors in the domestic fowls. Anim. Genetics 34:384-397.

Sharma, P.M., D.W. Salter, W.S. Payne, and R. Okimoto. 2003. Chicken melanosomal matrix protein is a candidate gene for the dominant white phenotype. Plant, Animal, and Microbe, Genome XI. Abstract guide.

Sharma, P.M., W.G. Bottje, and R. Okimoto. 2003. Association of variant alleles of the uncoupling protein with feed efficiency in broiler chickens. Poultry Sci. 82 (suppl. 1) page 23.

Takeuchi, S., S. Takahashi, R. Okimoto, H. B. Schiöth, T. Boswell. 2002. Avian

melanocortin system: alpha MSH may be acting as an autocrine/paracrine

hormone. 5th International Melanocortin meeting. Sunriver Oregon. Published in Ann NY Acad Sci. 2003, 994: 366-372.

Thilakar, R. and W. Kuenzel. 2003. Effect of electrolytic lesions of the lateral septal organ on gonadal development in male broiler chicks (Gallus domesticus). Poultry Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1): 44.

Ugrankar, R.B., K. Cheng, and R. Okimoto. 2003. DNA sequence of melanocortin 1-receptor gene in Coturnix japonica: correlation with three E locus alleles, E, e+, and erh. Discovery. 4: 83-88.


Goto, R.M., Afanassieff, M., Ha, J., Iglesias, G.M., Ewald, S.J., Briles, W.E., and Miller, M.M. 2002. Single strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) assays for major histocompatibility complex B genotyping in chickens. Poultry Science 81:1832-1841.

Iglesias, G.M., Soria, L.A., Goto, R.M., Jar, A., Miquel, M.C., Lopez, O.J., and Miller, M.M. 2003. Genotypic variability at the major histocompatibility complex (B and Rfp-Y) in Camperos broiler chickens. Animal Genetics 34:88-95.

Liu, W. Miller, M.M. and Lamont, S.J. 2002. Association of MHC class I and class II gene polymorphisms with vaccine or challenge response to Salmonella enteritidis in young chicks. Immunogenetics 54: 582-590.

Thoraval, P., Afanassieff, M., Bouret, D., Luneau, G., Esnault, E., Goto, R.M., Chausse, A.-M., Zoorob, R., Soubieux, D., Miller, M.M., and Dambrine, G. 2003. Role of nonclassical class I genes of the chicken major histocompatibility complex Rfp-Y locus in transplantation immunity. Immunogenetics. 55:647-651.


Daniels, L.M. and M.E. Delany. 2003. Molecular and cytogenetic organization of the 5S ribosomal DNA in chicken (Gallus gallus). Chromosome Research 11:305-317.

Delany, M.E.. 2003. Genetic diversity and conservation of poultry. In Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology (editors: W.E. Muir and S.E. Aggrey). Chapter 15, pp. 257-281. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

Delany, M.E. 2003. Organization and dynamics of chicken telomeres. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual National Breeders Roundtable, St. Louis MO.

Delany, M.E., L.M. Daniels, S.E. Swanberg, and H.A. Taylor. 2003. Telomeres in the chicken: Chromosome ends and genome stability. Poultry Science 82:917-926.

Delany, M.E., and L.M. Daniels. In press. The chicken telomerase RNA gene: Conservation of sequence, regulatory elements and synteny among viral, avian and mammalian genomes. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.

Fulton, J.E. and M.E. Delany. 2003. Diminishing poultry genetic research resources: Rescue needed. Science 300:1667-1668.

Swanberg, S.E., and M.E. Delany. In press. Dynamics of telomere erosion in transformed and non-transformed avian cells in vitro. Cytogenetic and Genome Research.


Bliss, T. W., M. G. Emara, and C. L. Keeler, Jr. 2003. Construction and Characterization of EST libraries From Differentially Stimulated Avian Macrophage Cells. 103rd American Society for Microbiology general meeting, Washington, DC, May 18-22.

Emara, M. G., and H. Kim. 2003. Genetic markers and their application in poultry breeding. Poultry Sci. 82:952-957.

Kim, H., and M. G. Emara. 2003. Characterization of the F-box Protein Family in Chickens. J. Heredity, submitted.

Kim, H., C. J. Schmidt, K. S. Decker, and M. G. Emara. 2003. A double-screening method to identify reliable candidate non-synonymous SNPs from chicken EST data. Animal Genetics 34:249-254.


Cheng, H.W., P. Singleton and W.M. Muir. 2003. Social stress differentially regulates neuroendocrine responses in laying hens: I. Genetic basis of dopamine responses under three different social conditions. Psychoneuroendocrinology 28:597-611.

Cheng, H.W., P. Singleton and W.M. Muir. 2003. Social stress in laying hens: Differential effect of stress on plasma dopamine concentrations and adrenal function in genetically selected chickens. Poult. Sci. 82:192-198.

Muir, W.M.. 2003. Indirect Selection for Improvement of Animal Well-Being. Chapter 14, p247-256. In Poultry Breeding and Biotechnology Eds. WM Muir and S Aggrey. CABI Press Cambridge MA.

Muir, W.M.. 2003. Incorporating Molecular Information in Breeding Programs, Applications and Limitations. Chapter 28 p549-562. In Poultry Breeding and Biotechnology Eds. WM Muir and S Aggrey. CABI Press Cambridge MA.


Deeb, N. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Use of a novel outbred by inbred F1 cross to detect genetic markers for growth. Anim. Genet. 34:205-212.

Goodenbuhr, J.M., Kaiser, M. G., and Lamont, S.J. 2004. Linkage mapping of Inhibitor of apoptosis protein-1 (IAP1) to chicken chromosome 1. Anim. Genet. (in press).

Kaiser, M. G., Lakshmanan, N., Arthur, J. A., O?Sullivan, P., Kuhn, M., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Experimental population design for estimation of dominant molecular marker effect on egg-production traits. Anim. Genet. 34:334-338.

Kaiser, M. G., Lanning, J. D., Ingleby, L. J., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Interval mapping of QTL for salmonella colonization in F1 crosses if outbred by inbred chickens. In: Proc. Plant and Animal Genome XI, San Diego, CA, January 11-15.

Kramer, J., Malek, M., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Association of twelve candiate gene polymorphisms and response to challenge with Salmonella enteritidis in poultry. Anim. Genet. 34 339-348.

Kramer, J., Malek, M., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Candidate gene analysis to salmonella resistance in meat-type chickens. In: Proc. Plant and Animal Genome XI, San Diego, CA, January 11-15.

Lamont, S. J. 2003. Unique population designs used to address molecular genetics questions in poultry. Poultry Sci. 82:882-884.

Lamont, S. J., Pinard-van der Laan, M.-H., Cahaner, A., van der Poel, J. J., and Parmentier, H. K. 2003. Selection for disease resistance: direct selection on the immune response. Pp. 399-418. In: Poultry Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology. Muir, W. M. and Aggrey, S. E., eds., CAB International.

Li, H., Deeb, N., Zhou, H., Mitchell, A.D., Ashwell, C.M., and Lamont, S.J. 2003. Chicken quantitative trait loci for growth and body composition associated with transforming growth factor-b genes. Poultry Sci. 82:347-356.

Liu, W. and Lamont, S.J. 2003. Candidate gene approach: potential association of Caspase-1, Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein-1, and Prosaposin gene polymorphisms with response to Salmonella enteritidis challenge or vaccination in young chicks. Anim. Biotech. 14:61-76.

Liu, W., Kaiser, M.G., and Lamont, S.J. 2003. Natural Resistance-Associated Macrophage Protein 1 Gene Polymorphisms and Response to Vaccine against or Challenge with Salmonella enteritidis in Young Chicks. Poultry Sci. 82:259-266.

Lonergan, S. M., Deeb, N., Fedler, C. A., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Breast meat quality and composition in unique chicken populations. Poultry Sci. 82:1990-1994.

Lonergan, S. M., Deeb, N., Fedler, C. A., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Breast meat quality and composition in unique chicken populations. Poultry Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):48.

Malek, M. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Association of INOS, TRAIL, TGFb2, TGFb3, and IgL genes with response to Salmonella enteritidis in poultry. Genet. Sel. Evol. 35 (Suppl. 1):S99-S111.

Malek, M., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Response to Salmonella enteritidis in chickens associated with INOS, TRAIL, TGFB2, TGFB3, and IGL genes. In: Proc. Plant and Animal Genome XI, San Diego, CA, January 11-15.

Malek, M., Hasenstein, J., and Lamont, S. J. 2004. Analysis of chicken TLR4, CD28, MIF, MD-2, and LITAF genes in a Salmonella enteritidis resource population. Poultry Sci. (in press).

McElroy, J. P., Cheng, H. H., Fulton, J., Soller, M., Lipkin, E., Dekkers, J. C. M., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Markers associated with Marek?s disease survival in commercial layers. Poultry Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):24.

Wang, J. 2003. Interval mapping of QTL with selective DNA pooling data. Ph.D. Dissertation, Iowa State University.

Wang, J., Fulton, J., and Dekkers, J. 2003. Mapping quantitative trait loci affecting economic traits in layers. Poultry Sci. (Suppl. 1):49.

Wang, J., Fulton, J., and Dekkers, J. 2003. Accuracy of detecting quantitative trait loci by selective DNA pooling. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 2):

Wang, J., Koehler, K., Soller, M., and J.C.M. Dekkers, J.C.M., 2003. Least squares interval mapping to detect QTL with selective DNA pooling. Plant and Animal Genome XI: 69.

Zhou, H., Deeb, N., Mitchell, A., Ashwell, C., and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Associations of BMP genes with skeletal integrity traits in chickens. Poultry. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):23.

Zhou, H. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Associations of six candidate genes with antibody response kinetics in hens. Poultry Sci. 82:1118-1126.

Zhou, H. and Lamont, S.J. 2003. Association of transforming growth factor b genes with quantitative trait loci for antibody response kinetics in hens. Anim. Genet. 34:275-282.

Zhou, H. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Chicken MHC class I and II gene effects on antibody response kinetics in adult chickens. Immunogenet. 55:133-140.

Zhou, H. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Network interactions among fifteen candidate genes for immunity hens. In: Proc. Plant and Animal Genome XI, San Diego, CA, January 11-15.

Zhou, H., Li, H. and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Genetic markers associated with antibody response kinetics in adult chickens. Poultry Sci. 82:699-708.


Cogburn LA, Wang X, Carre W, Rejto L, Porter TE, Aggrey SE, Simon J (2003) Systems-wide chicken DNA microarrays, gene expression profiling, and discovery of functional genes. Poult Sci. 2003 Jun;82(6):939-51.


Dodgson, J.B. 2003. The future of molecular genetics in poultry breeding. In W. M. Muir and S.E. Aggrey (eds.), Poultry genetics, breeding and biotechnology. CABI Publishing, New York, NY, pp. 685-695.

Dodgson, J.B. 2003. Chicken genome sequence: a centennial gift to poultry genetics. Cytogenetics and Genome Research, in press.

Dodgson, J.B. and Romanov, M.N. 2004. Use of chicken models for the analysis of human disease. In N.C. Dracopoli, J.L. Haines, B.R. Korf, D.T. Moir, C.C. Morton, C.E. Seidman, J.G. Seidman, and D.R. Smith (eds.) Current Protocols in Human Genetics. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, in press.

Lee, M.-K., C.W. Ren, B. Yan, B. Cox, H.-B. Zhang, M.N. Romanov, F.G. Sizemore, S.P. Suchyta, E. Peters, and J.B. Dodgson 2003. Construction and characterization of three BAC libraries for analysis of the chicken genome, Animal Genetics 34:151-152.

Ren C., M.K. Lee, B. Yan, K. Ding, B. Cox, M.N. Romanov, J.A. Price, J.B. Dodgson and H.B. Zhang. 2003. A BAC-based physical map of the chicken genome. Genome Research 13:2754-2758.

Romanov M.N., J.A. Price, and J.B. Dodgson. 2003. Integration of animal linkage and BAC contig maps using overgo hybridization. Cytogenetics and Genome Research, in press.


Alvarez, R., H.C.Lwamba, D.R. Kapczynski, M.K. Njenga, B.S. Seal. 2003. Nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequence-based analysis of the avian metapneumovirus type C cell attachment glycoprotein gene: Phylogenetic analysis and molecular epidemiology of U.S. Pneumoviruses. J. Clin. Microbiol. 41:1730-1735.

Chaves, L.D., B.J. Ostroski, and K.M. Reed. 2004. Myosin light chain genes in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Cytogenet Genome Res. In press.

Christman S.A., B.-W. Kong, M.M. Landry, H. Kim, and D.N. Foster. 2003 Fluctuations in the p53 and Rb/p16INK4a pathways contribute to the spontaneous immortalization of a chicken embryo fibroblast cell line. Molec. Biol Cell. (suppl)14: 165a-166a.

Dranchak, P, L.D. Chaves, J.A. Rowe, and K.M. Reed. 2003. Turkey microsatellite loci from an embryonic cDNA library. Poultry Sci. 82:526-531.

Harry, D.E., P.J. Marini, D. Zaitlin, and K.M. Reed. 2003. A first generation map of the turkey genome. Genome. 46:914-924.

Kong, B-W., H. Kim, and D. N. Foster. 2003. Expression analysis and mitochondrial targeting properties of the chicken manganese-containing superoxide dismutase. Biochem. Biophys. Acta. 1625:98-108.

Kong, B-W., H. Kim, and D. N. Foster. 2003. Cloning and expression analysis of chicken phospholipid-hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase. Animal Biotechnology. 14:19-29.

Lwamba H.C., D.A. Halvorson, K.V. Nagaraja, E.A. Turpin, D. Swayne, B.S. Seal, M.K. Njenga. 2002. Antigenic cross-reactivity among avian pneumoviruses of subgroups A, B, and C at the matrix but not nucleocapsid proteins. Avian Dis 46:725-729.

Lwamba H.C., R.S. Bennett, D.C. Lauer, D.A. Halvorson, M.K. Njenga. 2002. Characterization of avian metapneumoviruses isolated in the USA. Anim. Health Res Rev. 3:107-117.

Munir, S. and V. Kapur. 2003. Regulation of hohst cell transcriptional physiology by the avian pneumovirus provides key insights into host-pathogen interactions. J. Virol. 4899-4910.

Njenga, M. K., H.C.M. Lwamba, B.S. Seal. 2003. Metapneumoviruses in birds and humans. Virus Res. 91:163-169.

Reed, K.M., L.D. Chaves, M.K. Hall, T.P. Knutson, J.A. Rowe, and A.J. Torgerson. 2003. Microsatellite loci for genetic mapping in the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo). Animal Biotech. 14:119-131.

Reed K.M., L.D. Chaves, J.J. Garbe, Y. Da, and D.E. Harry. 2004. Allelic variation and genetic linkage of avian microsatellites in a new turkey population for genetic mapping. Cytogenet Genome Res. In press.


Giamario C., J.N. Petitte and P.E. Mozdziak. 2003. Hatchability of chicken embryos following somite manipulation. Biotechniques 34:1128-1130.

Mozdziak, P.E., S. Borwornpinyo, D.W. McCoy and J.N. Petitte. 2003. The development of transgenic chickens expression bacterial beta-galactosidase. Developmental Dynamics 226:439-445.

Mozdziak, P.E., C. Giamario and J.N. Petitte. 2003. Myonuclear accretion a brief review. Animal Science Papers and Reports 21 (supplement 1):121-131.

Mozdziak, P.E., S. Pophal, S. Borwornpinyo, and J.N. Petitte. 2003. Transgenic chickens expressing beta-galactosidase hydrolyze lactose in the intestine. J. of Nutrition 133:3076-3079.

Petitte, J.N. 2003. Strategies for the production of transgenic poultry. In W. M. Muir and S.E. Aggrey (eds.), Poultry genetics, breeding and biotechnology. CABI Publishing, New York, NY, Chapter 33.


Cheng, H.H. Molecular genetic techniques for identifying disease resistance genes. 2003. In Poultry Breeding and Biotechnology. W. Muir and S. Aggrey, eds. (CABI Publishing), pp. 385-398.

Liu, H.C., and Cheng, H.H.. 2003. Genetic mapping of the chicken stem cell antigen 2 (SCA2) gene to chromosome 2 via PCR primer mutagenesis. Animal Genetics 34:158-160.

Liu, H.C., Niikura, M., Fulton, J., and Cheng, H.H. Identification of chicken stem lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E (LY6E, alias SCA2) as a putative Marek?s disease resistance gene via a virus-host protein interaction screen. Cytogen. Genome Res., in press.

Niikura, M., Liu, H.-C., Dodgson, J.B., and Cheng, H.H. A comprehensive screen for chicken proteins that interact with proteins unique to virulent strains of Marek?s disease virus. Submitted.

Okumura, F., Shimogiri, T., Shinbo, Y., Yoshizawa, K., Kawabe, K., Mannen, H., Okamoto, S., Cheng, H.H., and Maeda, Y. Linkage mapping of four chicken calpain genes. Submitted.

Zhu, J.J., Lillehoj, H.S., Allen, P.C., Van Tassell, C.P., Sonstegard, T.S., Cheng, H.H., Pollock, D., Sadjadi, M., Min, W., and Emara, M.G. 2003. Mapping quantitative trait loci associated with resistance to coccidiosis and growth. Poultry Science 82:9-16.


Li, H., Deeb, N., Zhou, H.t Mitchell, AD., Ashwell, C.M., and Lamont, S.J. 2003.

Chicken quantitative trait loci for growth and body composition associated with transforming growth factor-? genes. Poultry Sci. 82:347-356.

Zhou, H., Deeb, N.,Mitchell,A.,Ashwell,C.,and Lamont, S. J. 2003. Associations of BMP genes with skeletal integrity traits in chickens. Poultry. Sci. 82(Suppl.1):23.




D.P. Froman, J.D. Kirby, and D.D. Rhoads. (2006) An Expressed Sequence Tag Analysis of the Chicken Reproductive Tract Transcriptome. Poultry Science 85:1438-1441.
Klein S., Jurkevich A., Grossmann R. (2006). Sexually dimorphic immunoreactivity of galanin and colocalization with arginine vasotocin in the chicken brain (Gallus gallus domesticus). J Comp Neurol 499:828-839.
Kuenzel, W.J. and C.D. Golden. 2006. Distribution and change in number of Gonadotropinreleasing hormone-1 neurons following activation of the photoneuroendocrine the chick, Gallus gallus. Cell Tissue Res. 325(3):501-512.
Kuenzel, W.J., A.M. Rowland, P.B. Pillai, T.I. OConnor-Dennie, J.L. Emmert and Wideman. 2006. The use of vitamin A-deficient diets and jugular vein ligation intracranial pressure in chickens, Gallus gallus. Poultry Sci. 85:537-545.

Miller, MM. 2006. Why do we need to conserve what we have? A post-genome sequencing perspective on existing chicken strains. Poult Sci. 85:243-245
Hunt, H.D., Goto, R.M., Foster, D.N., Bacon, L.D., and Miller, M.M. 2006. At least one YMHCI molecule in the chicken is alloimmunogenic and dynamically expressed on spleen cells during development. Immunogenetics, 58:297-307.

Chang, H., and M.E. Delany. 2006. Complicated RNA splicing of chicken telomerase reverse transcriptase revealed by profiling cells both positive and negative for telomerase activity. Gene 379:33-39.
van de Lavoir M.-C., Diamond, J.H., Leighton, P.A., Mather-Love, C., Heyer, B.S., Bradshaw, R., Kerchner, A., Hooi, L.T., Gessaro, T., Swanberg, S.E., Delany, M.E., and Etches, R.J. 2006. Germline transmission of genetically modified primordial germ cells. Nature 441: 766-769.
van de Lavoir, M.-C., Mather-Love, C., Leighton, P., Diamond, J.H., Heyer, B.S., Roberts, R., Zhu, L., Winters-Digiacinto, P., Kerchner, A., Gessaro, T., Swanberg, S., Delany, M.E., and R.J. Etches. 2006. High-grade transgenic somatic chimeras from chicken embryonic stem cells. Mechanisms of Development 123:31-41.
Delany, M.E. 2006.Avian genetic stocks: the high and low points from an academia researcher. Poultry Science 85:223-226.
OHare, T.H., and M.E. Delany. 2005. Telomerase gene expression in the chicken: telomerase RNA (TR) and reverse transcriptase (TERT) transcript profiles are tissue-specific and correlated with telomerase activity. AGE 27:257-266.
Swanberg, S.E. and M.E. Delany. 2006. Telomeres in aging: Birds. In Handbook of Models for Human Aging (editor: M. Conn), Chapter 29, p. 339-349. Academic Press (Elsevier, Inc.). Burlington MA (USA).

Lagarrigue S., Pitel F., Carré, W, Abasht B., Le Roy P., Neau A., Amigues Y. Sourdioux M., Simon, J., Cogburn L., Aggrey S., Leclercq B., Vignal A., and Douaire M., 2006. Mapping quantitative trait loci affecting fatness and breast muscle weight in experimental meat type chicken lines divergently selected on fatness. Genetics Selection Evolution. 38:8597.
Nahashon, S.N., S.E. Aggrey, N.A. Adefope, A. Amenyenu, and D. Wright, 2006. Growth characteristics of pearl gray Guinea Fowl as predicted by the Richards, Gompertz, and Logistic models. Poultry Science 85:359363.
Abasht B. Pitel F., Lagarrigue, S.,BihanDuval, E., Pascal, P., Olivier, D., Simon J., Cogburn L., Aggrey S., Vignal A., and Douaire M., 2006. Fatness QTL on chicken chromosome 5 and interaction with sex. Genetics Selection Evolution 38: 297311.
Nahashon, S.N., S.E. Aggrey, N.A. Adefope, A. Amenyenu, and D. Wright, 2006. Modeling growth characteristics of meat type Guinea Fowl. Poultry Science 85: 943946.
Carre, W., X. Wang, T. E. Porter, Y Nys, J. Tang, E. Bernberg, R. Morgan, J. Burnside, S. E. Aggrey, J. Simon and L. A. Cogburn, 2006. Chicken genomic resources: sequencing and annotation of 37,557 ESTs from single and multiple Tissue cDNA libraries and CAP3 assembly of a chicken gene index. Physiological Genomics 25:514524.

Devlin, RH Sundström, LF and WM Muir. 2006. Interface of biotechnology and ecology for environmental risk assessments of transgenic fish. Trends in Biotechnology 24:89-97.
Sun,W., V. M. Margam, L. Sun, G. Buczkowski, G. W. Bennett, B. Schemerhorn, W. M. Muir and B. R. Pittendrigh 2006. Genome-wide analysis of henobarbitalinducible genes in Drosophila melanogaster Insect Molecular Biology. Insect Molecular Biology 15: 455464
W.M. Muir, J. Romero-Severson, S.D. Rider Jr., A. Simons, and J. Ogas. 2006. Application of One Sided t-tests and a Generalized Experiment Wise Error Rate to High-Density Oligonucleotide Microarray Experiments: An Example Using Arabidopsis. J. Data Science 4, 323-341.
Muir, W.M. and P. Bijma. 2006. Incorporation of competitive effects in breeding programs for improved performance and animal well-being. WCGALP 17:806-812
Bijma, P. and W. M. Muir 2006. Genetic analysis and improvement of traits affected by interaction among individuals WCGALP 17:974-980

Abasht, B. Dekkers, J.C.M, and Lamont, S.J. 2006. Review of quantitative trait loci Identified in the chicken. Poultry Sci. 85:2079-2096.
Cheeseman, J.H., Kaiser, M.G., Ciraci, C., Kaiser, P. and Lamont, S.J. 2006. Breed effect on early cytokine mRNA expression in spleen and cecum of chickens with and without Salmonella enteritidis infection. Devel. Comp. Immunol. 31: 52-60.
Grapes, L., M. Z. Firat, J.C.M. Dekkers, M.F. Rothschild, and R.L. Fernando. 2006. Optimal haplotype structure for linkage disequilibrium-based fine mapping of quantitative trait loci using identity-by-descent. Genetics 172: 1955-1965.
Hangalapura, B. N., Kaiser, M. G., van der Poel, J.J., Parmentier, H. K., and Lamont, S. J. 2006. Cold stress equally enhances in vivo pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression in chicken lines divergently selected for antibody responses. Develop. Comp. Immunol. 30:503-511.
Hasenstein, J.R., Zhang, G., and Lamont, S.J. 2006. Analyses of five gallinacin genes and the Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis response in poultry. Infect. Immun. 74:3375-3380.
Kaiser, M.G., J.H. Cheeseman, Kaiser, P., and Lamont, S.J. 2006. Cytokine expression in chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cells after in vitro exposure to Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis. Poultry Sci 85:1907-1911.
Lamont, S.J. 2006. Perspectives in chicken genetics and genomics. Poultry Sci. 85:2048-2049.
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