OLD_NRSP8: National Animal Genome Research Program
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Argue, B., Liu, Z.J., and Dunham, R.A. 2003. Dress-out and fillet yields of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, blue catfish, I. furcatus, and their F1, F2 and backcross hybrids. Aquaculture 228, 81-90.
Cnaani A, Lee B-Y, Ron M, Hulata G, Kocher TD, and Seroussi E. 2003. Linkage mapping of major histocompatibilty complex class I loci in tilapia (Oreochromis spp.). Animal Genetics 34:390-391.
He, C., Chen, L., Simmons, M., Li, P., Kim, S., and Liu, Z.J. 2003. Putative SNP discovery in interspecific hybrids of catfish by comparative EST analysis. Animal Genetics 34, 445-448.
Jenny, M. J., A. H. Ringwood, et al. (2002). "Potential indicators of stress response identified by expressed sequence tag analysis of hemocytes and embryos from the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica." Marine Biotechnology 4: 81-93.
Lee B-Y, Penman, DJ and Kocher TD. 2003. Identification of a sex-determining region in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) using bulked segregant analysis. Animal Genetics 34(5): 379-383.
Li, L. and X. Guo. 2003. AFLP-based genetic linkage maps of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Thunberg. Marine Biotechnology, in press.
Liu, Z.J. 2003. A review of catfish genomics: progress and perspectives. Comparative and Functional Genomics 4, 259-265.
Liu, Z.J., Karsi, A., Li, P., Cao, D., and R. Dunham. 2003. An AFLP-Based Genetic Linkage Map of Channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Constructed by Using an Interspecific Hybrid Resource Family. Genetics 165, 687-694.
Mickett, K., Morton, C., Feng, J., Li, P., Simmons, M., Dunham, R.A., Cao, D., and Liu, Z.J. 2003. Assessing genetic diversity of domestic populations of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Alabama using AFLP markers. Aquaculture 228, 91-105.
Patterson, A., Karsi, A., Feng, J., and Liu, Z. J. 2003. Translational Machinery of Channel Catfish: II. Complementary DNA and Expression of the Complete Set of 47 60S Ribosomal Proteins. Gene 305, 151-160.
Reece, K.S, Ribeiro, W.L., Gaffney, P.M., Carnegie, R.B. and Allen, S.K. Jr. Microsatellite marker development and analysis in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica: Confirmation of null alleles and non-Mendelian segregation ratios. J. Heredity (in press).
Streelman, J.T. and T.D. Kocher. 2002. Microsatellite length variation is associated with prolactin expression and growth response of salt-challenged tilapia. Physiological Genomics 9:1-4.
Yu, Z. and X. Guo. 2003. Genetic linkage map of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Biol. Bull. 204: 327?338.
Adelson, D.L., Cam, G.R., DeSilva, U. and Franklin, I.R. (2004) Gene Expression in Sheep Skin and Wool (Hair).Genomics 83 (1): 95-105.
Agca, C., C.A. Bidwell, and S.S. Donkin. (In Press) Cloning of bovine pyruvate carboxylase and 5‘‘‘‘ untranslated region variants. Animal Biotechnology.
Ashwell, M. S., D. W. Heyen, T. S. Sonstergard, C. P. Van Tassell, Y. Da, P. M. Van Raden and H. A. Lewin. 2004. Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting female fertility and milk production in ten Dairy Bull DNA Repository families. J. Dairy Sci. (In press)
Brunner, R.M., Sanftleben, H., Goldammer, T., Kühn, C., Weikard, R., Kata, S.R., Womack, J.E., and Schwerin, M.: The telomeric region of BTA18 containing a potential QTL region for health in cattle exhibits high similarity to the HSA19q region in humans. Genomics, 81:270-278, 2003.
Chowdhary, B.P., Raudsepp, T., Kata, S.R., Goh, G., Millon, L.V., Allan, V., Piumi, F., Guérin, G., Swinburne, J., Binns, M., Lear, T.L.. Mickelson, J., Murray, J., Antczak, D.F., Womack, J.E., and Skow, L.C.: The first-generation whole-genome radiation hybrid map in the horse identifies conserved segments in human and mouse genome. Genome Research, 1:742-751, 2003.
Denniston, D.J., M.G. Thomas, K.K. Kane, C.N. Roybal, L. Canales, D.M. Hallford, M.D. Remmenga, and D.E. Hawkins. 2003. Effect of Neuropeptide Y on GnRH-induced LH release from bovine anterior pituitary cell cultures derived from heifers in a follicular, luteal, or ovariectomized state. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 78:25-31.
DeSilva, U, I.R. Franklin, B. van Hest, J.F. Maddox and D.L. Adelson Systematic screening of sheep skin cDNA libraries for microsatellite sequences. J. Cytogenetics and Genome Research (in press).
Eun-Joon Lee, Terje Raudsepp, Srinivas R. Kata, David L. Adelson, James E. Womack, Loren C. Skow, Bhanu P. Chowdhary. A 1.4 Mb interval RH map of horse chromosome 17 provides detailed comparison with human and mouse homologues. Genome Research (In press).
Farber, C.R. and J. F. Medrano 2003. In silico anchoring of ESTs, genes and genomic sequence to bovine, porcine and chicken genome maps using SSLP markers. Animal Genetics 34:11-18.
Farber, C.R. and J.F. Medrano 2004. Identification of putative homology between horse microsatellite flanking sequences and cross-species ESTs, mRNAs and genomic sequences. Animal Genetics (In press)
Hamernik DL, Adelson DL (2003) USDA stakeholder workshop on animal bioinformatics: summary and recommendations. Comparative And Functional Genomics, 4 (2): 271-274.
Hamernik, D. L., H. A. Lewin, and L. B. Schook. 2003. Allerton III. Beyond Livestock Genomics. Animal Biotechnology 14:77-82.
Kim, K.-S., J.M. Reecy, W.H. Hsu, L.L. Anderson, and M.F. Rothschild. 2003. Functional and phylogenetic analyses of a melanocortin-4 receptor mutation in domestic pigs. Domestic Animal Endocrinology (In Press).
Krum, S.A., Womack, J.E., and Lane, T.F.: Bovine BRCA1 shows classic responses to genotoxic stress but low in vitro transcriptional activation activity. Oncogene, 22:6032-6044, 2003.
Kurar, E., J.E. Womack and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2003. A radiation hybrid map of bovine chromosome 24 and comparative mapping with human chromosome 18. Animal Genetics 34:198-204.
Larkin, D. M., A. Everts-van der Wind, M. Rebeiz, P. A. Schweitzer, S. Bachman, C. Green, C. L. , Wright, E. J. Campos, L. D. Benson, J. Edwards, L. Liu, K. Osoegawa, J. E. Womack, P. de Jong, and H. A. Lewin. 2003. A cattle-human comparative map built with cattle BAC-ends and human genome sequence. Genome Research 13: 1966-1972.
Larkin, D.M., der Wind, A.E., Rebeiz, M., Schweitzer, P.A., Bachman, S., Green, C., Wright, C.L., Campos, E.J., Benson, L.D., Edwards, J., Liu, L., Osoegawa, K., Womack, J.E., de Jong, P., and Harris, A.L.: A cattle-human comparative map built with cattle BAC-ends and human genome sequence. Genome Research 13:1966-1973, 2003.
Lewin, H. A. 2004. The future of cattle genomics: the beef is here. Cytogenetics and Genome Research (in press)
McKay, S.D., White, S.N., Kata, S.R, Loan, R., and Womack, J.E.: The bovine 5? AMPK gene family: mapping and single nucleotide polymorphism detection. Mammalian Genome, 14:853-858, 2003.
Mishra, B.P. and J. M. Reecy. 2003.Mutations in the limbin gene previously associated with dwarfism in Japanese brown cattle are not responsible for dwarfism in the American Angus breed. Animal Genetics 34(4):311-2
Moody, D.E., A.J. Rosa, and J.M. Reecy. 2003. Current status of livestock DNA microarrays. AgBioTech (In Press).
Morrison, C.D., J.A. Daniel, J.H. Hampton, P.R. Buff, T.M. McShane, M.G. Thomas, and D.H. Keisler. 2003. Regulation of luteinizing hormone and growth hormone in ewes treated with Neuropeptide Y. Domestic Anim. Endocrinol. 24:69-80.
Narro, L.A. , M.G. Thomas, G.A. Silver, K.J. Rozeboom, and D.H. Keisler. 2003. Body composition, leptin, and the leptin receptor and their relationship to the growth hormone (GH) axis in wethers treated with zeranol. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 24:243-255.
Potts, J.K., S.E. Echternkamp, T.P.L. Smith, and J.M. Reecy. 2003. Characterization of Gene Expression In Double-Muscled and Normal-Muscled Bovine Embryos. Animal Genetics 34, 438?444
Schwerin, M., Czernek-Schafer, D., Goldammer, T., Kata, S.R., Womack, J.E., Pareek, R., Pareek, C., Krzysztof, W., and Brunner, R.M.: Application of disease-associated differentially expressed genes - Mining for functional candidate genes for mastitis resistance in cattle. Genet. Sel. Evol., 35:S19-S34, 2003.
Soller, M. and J.M. Reecy. 2003. QTL Mapping and Cloning in Beef Cattle. AgBioTech (In Press).
White, S.N., Kata, S.R., and Womack, J.E.: Comparative fine maps of bovine toll-like receptor 4 and toll-like receptor 2 regions. Mammalian Genome, 14:149-155, 2003.
White, S.N., Taylor, K.H., Abbey, C.A., and Gill, C.A., and Womack, J.E.: Haploytype viaration in bovine Toll-like receptor 4 and computational predication of a positively selected ligand-binding domain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100:10364-10369, 2003.
Ainsworth, D.M., Appleton, J.A., Eicker, S.W., Luce, R., Flaminio, J.B.F., Antczak, D.F. (2003a) The effect of strenuous exercise on mRNA concentration of interleukin-12, interferon-gamma and interleukin-4 in equine pulmonary and peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Vet Immunol. Immunopath. 91:61-71.
Ainsworth, D.M., Grunig, G., Matychak, M.B., Young, J., Wagner, B., Erb, H.N., and Antczak, D.F. (2003b) Recurrent airway obstruction (RAO) in horses is characterized by IFN-g and IL-8 production in bronchoalveolar lavage cells. Vet Immunol. Immunopath. 96:83-91.
Bryan, T.M., C.A. Abbey, T. Raudsepp, B.P. Chowdhary, C.A. Gill, T.L. Blanchard, N.H. Ing and T.H.Welsh, Jr. ( 2003) Characterization of equine bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) relevant to endocrine and immune system regulation. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl.1):102-103.
Chowdhary, B.P., Raudsepp, T., Kata, S.R., Goh, G., Millon, L.V., Allan, V., Piumi, F., Guérin, G., Swinburne, J., Binns, M., Mickelson, J., Murray, J., Antczak, D.F., Womack, J.E., Skow, L.C. (2003) The first generation whole genome radiation hybrid map in the horse identifies conserved segments in human and mouse genomes. Genome Research 13:742-751.
Chowdhary B.P. & Bailey E. (2003) Equine Genomics: Galloping to new frontiers. Cytogenetics & Genome Research, in press.
Curik,I., Fraser,D., Eder,C., Achmann,R., Swinburne,J., Binns,M., Crameri,R., Brem,G., Sölkner,J. and Marti,E. (2003) Association between the MHC gene region and variation of serum IgE levels against specific mould allergens in the horse. Genetics Selection Evolution 35: S177-S190.
Gallagher PC, Morrison S, Bernoco D & Bailey E. (2003) Measurement of back curvature in American Saddlebred horses: structural and genetic basis for early-onset lordosis. The Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 23: 71-76.
Guérin, G., Bailey, E., Bernoco, D., Anderson, I., Antczak, D.F., Bell, K., Biros, I., Bowling, A.T., Brandon, R., Cholewinski, G., Colling, D., Eggleston, M., Flynn, J., Gralak, B., Hasegawa, T., Ketchum, M., Lindgren, G., Lyons, L., Millon, L.V., Mariat, D., Murray, J., Neau, A., Røed, K., Sandberg, K., Skow, L.C., Tammen, I., Van Dyk, E., Weiss, B., and Ziegle, J. (2003) The Second Iteration of the International Equine Gene Mapping Workshop: Half-Sibling Linkage Map. Animal Genetics 34:161-168.
Gustafson A.L., Tallmadge R.L., Ramlachan N., Miller D., Bird H., Antczak D.F., Raudsepp T., Chowdhary B.P., and Skow L.C. (2003) An ordered BAC Contig Map of the Equine Major Histocompatibility Complex. Cytogenetics & Genome Research (in press).
Hamernik DL, Adelson DL (2003) USDA stakeholder workshop on animal bioinformatics: summary and recommendations. Comparative And Functional Genomics, 4 (2): 271-274.
Lee, E-J, Raudsepp T., Kata S.R., Adelson D., Womack J.E., Skow L.C., Chowdhary B.P. (2003) A 1.4 Mb interval RH map of horse chromosome 17 provides detailed comparison with human and mouse homologues. Genomics (in press).
Mariat D, Taourit S, Guérin G. (2003) A mutation in the MATP gene is associated to the cream coat colour in the horse. Genetics, Selection and Evolution 35:119-133.
Marti, E., Horohov, D.W., Antczak D.F., Lazary S., Lunn D.P. (2003) Advances in equine immunology: Havemeyer workshop reports from Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Hortobagy, Hungary. Vet. Immunol. Immunopath. 91:233-43.
Mickelson, J.R., Wu J.T., Morrison L.Y., Swinburne J.E., Binns M.M., Reed K.M., Alexander L.J. (2003) Eighty-three previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Animal Genetics 34: 71-74.
Milenkovic D, Chaffaux St, Taourit S, Guérin G. (2003) A mutation in the LAMC2 gene causes the Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa (H-JEB) in two French draft horse breeds. Genetics, Selection and Evolution 35: 249-256.
Mousel M.R., Harrison L., Donahue M. and E. Bailey (2003) Molecular typing of transferrin from paraffin embedded tissues of thoroughbred foals that succumbed to Rhodococcus equi. Vet Lab Investigation 15:470-472.
Myka JL, Lear TL, Houck ML, Ryder OA, Bailey E (2003). FISH analysis comparing genome organization in the domestic horse (Equus caballus) to that of the Mongolian Wild horse (E. przewalskii). Cytogenetic and Genome Research (in press).
Myka JL, Lear TL, Houck ML, Ryder OA, Bailey E (2003). Homologous fission event(s) implicated for chromosomal polymorphisms among 5 species in the genus Equus. Cytogenetic and Genome Research (in press).
Raudsepp T., Lee E.J., Kata S., Brinkmeyer C., Mickelson J.R., Womack J.E., Skow L.C., Chowdhary B.P. (2003). Exceptional conservation of horse human gene order on X chromosome revealed by high resolution radiation hybrid mapping. PNAS (in press).
Swinburne J.E., Turner A., Alexander L.J., Mickelson J.R., and Binns M.M. (2003). Characterization and linkage map assignments for 61 new horse microsatellite loci (AHT49-109). Animal Genetics 34, 65-68.
Takahashi, T., Yawata, M., Raudsepp, T., Lear, T. L., Chowdhary, B. P., Antczak, D. F., and Kasahara, M. Natural killer cell receptors in the horse: evidence for the existence of multiple transcribed LY49 genes. European Journal of Immunology, in press.
Tallmadge, R.L., Lear, T.L., Johnson, A.K., Guérin, G., Millon, L.V., Carpenter, S.L. and Antczak, D.F. (2003) Characterization of the ??-2-microglobulin gene of the horse. Immunogenetics 54:725-733.
Tozaki T, Takezaki N, Hasegawa T, Ishida N, Kurosawa M, Tomita M, Saitou N, and Mukoyama H. (2003) Microsatellite variation in Japanese and Asian horses and their phylogenetic relationship using a European horse outgroup. Journal of Heredity 94(5): 374-80.
Wagner, B., Greiser-Wilke, I., and Antczak, D.F. (2003) Characterization of the horse (Equus caballus) IGHA gene. Immunogenetics 55:552-560.
Wagner M., Goh G., Wu J.T., Raudsepp T., Morrison L.Y., Alexander L.J., Skow L.C., Chowdhary B.P., Mickelson J.R. (2003). Radiation hybrid mapping of 75 previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Animal Genetics, in press.
Wagner M, Goh G, Wu JT, Raudsepp T, Morrison LY, Alexander LJ, Skow LC, Chowdhary B.P., Mickelson J.R. (2003). Radiation hybrid mapping of 65 previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Animal Genetics, submitted.
Ward TL, Valberg SJ, Lear T, Guerin G, Milenkovic D, Swinburne J, Binns MM, Chowdhary BP, Raudsepp R, Skow S and Mickelson JR (2004) Genetic mapping of GBE1 and its association with glycogen storage disease IV in American Quarter Horses. Cytogenetics and Genome Research, in press.
Ward TL, Valberg SJ, and Mickelson JR Glycogen branching enzyme (GBE1) mutation causing fatal glycogen storage disease IV in American Quarter Horse foals. Mammalian Genome, submitted.
Ward TL, Valberg SJ, Lear TL, Guerin G, Milenkovic D, Swinburne J, Binns MM, Chowhary BP, Raudsepp T, Skow L, Mickelson JR (2003). Mapping of GBE1 and flanking human chromosome 3p11-p12 genes to equine chromosome 26. Cytogenetic and Genome Research, in press.
Agca, C., C.A. Bidwell, and S.S. Donkin (2004) Cloning of bovine pyruvate carboxylase and 5‘‘‘‘ untranslated region variants. Anim. Biotech. (in press).
Cockett, N. E. (2003) The genetic mutation responsible for spider lamb syndrome in sheep. Suffolk News 9(45):25.
Cockett, N. E. (2003) Current status of the ovine genome map. Cytogenetic and Genome Research (in press).
Cockett, N. E. (2003) Radiation hybrid mapping and its application to the ovine genome. INRA Informer, May 2003.
Cockett, N. E., C. A. Bidwell, C. Charlier, M. Smit, K. Sergers, T. L. Shay, L. Karim, G. D. Snowder and M. Georges (2003) Muscle enhanced traits in sheep. Progess in Obesity Research 9:272-274.
Farber, C.R. and J. F. Medrano (2003) In silico anchoring of ESTs, genes and genomic sequence to bovine, porcine and chicken genome maps using SSLP markers. Anim. Genet. 34:11-18.
Georges, M., C. Charlier and N. E. Cockett (2003) Polar overdominance at the ovine callipyge locus supports trans interaction between the products of reciprocally imprinted genes. Trends in Genetics 19:248-252.
Guo, X., Kupfer, D. M., Fitch, G. Q., Roe, B. A., and DeSilva, U (2003) Identification of a novel lysine- 171 allele in the ovine prion protein (PRNP) gene. Anim.Genet. 34:303-305.
Notter, D. R., N. E. Cockett and T. L. Shay (2003) Evaluation of melatonin receptor 1a as a candidate gene influencing reproduction in an autumn-lambing sheep flock. J. Anim. Sci. 81:912-917.
Smit, M., K. Segers, T. Shay, F. Baraldi, G. Gyapay, G. Snowder, M. Georges, N. Cockett and C. Charlier (2003) Mosaicism of Solid Gold supports the causality of the SNP in determinism of the callipyge phenotype. Genetics 163:453-456.
DeSilva, U*., Guo, X., Kupfer, D. M., Fernando, S. C., Pillai, A. T. V., Najar, F. Z., So, S., Fitch, G. Q., and Roe, B. A. (2004) Allelic variants of ovine prion protein gene (PRNP) in Oklahoma sheep. (In press).
Farber, C.R. and J.F. Medrano (2004) Identification of putative homology between horse microsatellite flanking sequences and cross-species ESTs, mRNAs and genomic sequences. Anim. Genet. (In press).
Laughlin, A. M., D. F. Waldron, B. F. Craddock, G. R. Engdahl, R. K. Dusek, J. E.
Huston, C. J. Lupton, D. N. Ueckert, T. L. Shay and N. E. Cockett (2004) Use of
DNA markers to determine paternity in a multiple-sire mating flock. Sheep and
Goat Res. J. (In press).
Bannerman, D., Paape, M.J., Lunney, J.K. 2004.Immunity: Innate. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science; Pond, W.G., Bell, A.W. Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Bertani G, Gladney C, Johnson RK, Pomp D (2004) Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. II: Anterior Pituitary. J Anim Sci (In Press).
Bertani G, Johnson RK, Pomp D (2003) Mapping of porcine ESTs putatively differentially expressed in anterior pituitary. Animal Genetics 34:132-134.
Bidwell, C. A., M. Spurlock, and D. E. Moody. 2003. Serial analysis of gene expression of pig adipose and muscle tissue. Plant and Animal Genome Conference XI, San Diego, CA. January, 2003. www.intl-pag.org/11/abstracts/P01_P69_XI.html
Blowe, C. D., E. J. Eisen, O. W. Robison, and J. P. Cassady. 2003. Characterization of a line of pigs selected for increased litter size for genes known to affect reproduction. Abstract. Accepted. American Society of Animal Science, Midwest Sectional Meetings.
Caetano A, RK Johnson, D Pomp (2003) Generation and Sequence Characterization of a Normalized cDNA Library from Swine Ovarian Follicles. Mammalian Genome 14:65- 70.
Chaiwong, N., J.C.M. Dekkers, R.L. Fernando and M.F. Rothschild. 2002. Introgressing Multiple QTL through Backcross Breeding Programs. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University.
Ciobanu, D.C., S.M. Lonergan, M. Malek, J.R. Woollard, E.J. Lonergan and M.F. Rothschild. 2002. New Alleles in the Calpastatin Gene Associated with Improved Tenderness in Pigs. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University
Dawson H., Nishi S., Beshah E., Solano-Aguilar G., Zarlenga D., Urban J.F., Lunney J.K. 2002. Functional genomic assessment of porcine disease resistance: real time assays of porcine immune gene expression. Proceedings 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. #13-41.
Dawson, Harry, Sandra Nishi, Ethiopia Beshah, Gloria Solano-Aguilar, Dante Zarlenga, Joseph F. Urban, Joan Lunney. 2003. Use of real-time assays of immune gene expression to assess the genetic basis of disease resistance. http://www.intl-pag.org/11/abstracts/W52_W330_XI.html
Ernst, C.W., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, G.A. Rohrer, J.A. Brouillette and P.J. Venta. 2004. Mapping of the FES and FURIN genes to porcine chromosome 7. Anim. Genet. In Press.
Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, D.L. Kuhlers, K. Nadarajah and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Identification of genetic markers between two pig populations using representational difference analysis. Anim. Biotech. 14:87-102.
Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, P.J. Venta and C.W. Ernst. 2004. Comparative mapping of genes flanking the human chromosome 12 evolutionary breakpoint in the pig. Cytogenet. Genome Res. In Press.
Flaherty L, O Abiola, J Angel, P Avner, A Bachmanov, J Belknap, B Bennett, E Blankenhorn, D Blizard, V Bolivar, G Brockmann, K Buck , J Bureau, W Casley, E Chesler, J Cheverud, G Churchill, M Cook, J Crabbe, W Crusio, A Darvasi, G de Haan, P Demant, R Doerge, R Elliott, C Farber, J Flint, H Gershenfeld, J Gibson, W Gu, H Himmelbauer, R Hitzemann, HC Hsu, K Hunter, F Iraqi, R Jansen, T Johnson, B Jones, G Kempermann, F Lammert, L Lu, K Manly, D Matthews, J Medrano, M Mehrabian, G Mittleman, B Mock, J Mogi, X Montagutelli, G Morahan, J Mountz , H Nagase, R Nowakowski, B O‘‘‘‘Hara, A Osadchuk, B Paigen, A Palmer, J Peirce, D Pomp, M Rosemann, G Rosen, L Schalkwyk, Z Seltzer, S Settle, K Shimomura, S Shou, J Sikela, L Siracusa, J Spearow, C Teuscher, D Threadgill, L Toth, A Toye, C Vadasz, G Van Zant, E Wakeland, R Williams, H-G Zhang, Fei Zou (2003) The nature and identification of quantitative trait loci: a community?s view. Nature Genetics Reviews 4:911- 916.
Gladney C, G Bertani, MK Nielsen, D Pomp (2004) Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. I: Ovarian Follicles. J Anim Sci (In Press).
Jiang, Z. and J.J. Michal. 2003. Linking porcine microsatellite markers to known genome regions by identifying their human orthologs. Genome 46:798-808.
Jiang, Z., M. Zhang, V.D. Wasem, J.J. Michal, H. Zhang and R.W. Wright Jr. 2003. Census of genes expressed in porcine embryos and reproductive tissues by mining EST database based on the human genes. Biology of Reproduction 69:1177-1182.
Jiang, Z., Xiao-Lin Wu, Ming Zhang and Raymond W. Wright Jr. (2003) In Silico Gene Expression Profiling of Basic Active Genes (BAGs) in Porcine Embryos and Reproductive tissues using a comparative gene-based approach. Computational Biology and Genome Information, Cary, North Carolina, USA.
Kim, K.S., N. T. Nguyen, J. M Reecy, L. L. Anderson, and M. F. Rothschild. 2002. Molecular genetic studies of porcine genes for obesity. Swine Research Reports. Iowa State University.
King, A.M., Z. Jiang, J.P. Gibson, C.S. Haley and A.L. Archibals. 2003. Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Female Reproductive Traits on Porcine Chromosome 8. Biology of Reproduction 68: 2172-2179.
Lunney, J.K. 2003. Are there immune gene alleles that determine whether a pig will be healthy? Genetics of Pig Health Symposium, Des Moines, IA.
Lunney, J.K. 2003. In Search of Disease-Resistant Pigs. National Hog Farmer, Apr 15, 2003, pp.30-34.
Lunney, J.K., Paape, M.J., Bannerman, D. 2004. Immunity: Acquired. In Encyclopedia of Animal Science; Pond, W.G., Bell, A.W. Eds.; Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
Malek, M., D. C. Ciobanu, and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Genetic and physical mapping of ACACB, PPP1CC and GPR49 genes on porcine chromosomes 5 and 14 help to define a break point on human chromosome 12. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15, San Diego, CA.
Martens G W, Lunney J K, Baker J E, Smith D M. 2003. Rapid Assignment of Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) Haplotypes in Pedigreed Herds using a Polymerase Chain Reaction Based Assay. Immunogenetics. 55: 395-401.
N.-T. Nguyen, K.-S. Kim, H. Thomsen, J. Helm and M. F. Rothschild 2003. Investigation of candidate gene for growth and fatness QTL on the pig chromosome 7. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15 San Diego, CA.
Nishi, S., Dawson, H., Dubey, J.P., Urban, J.F., Lunney, J. 2003. Immune responses controlling Toxoplasma gondii infection in pigs. Proceedings of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, 2003. v.48. Abstract. p.52.
Otieno, C.J., S. Vleck, C. Jelks, K.-S. Kim, N. T. Nguyen and M. F. Rothschild. 2003. Mapping of diabetes-related genes in the pig. Proceedings Plant & Animal Genome XI meeting, January 11-15, San Diego, CA.
Pan, P.-W., K. Li, C.K. Tuggle, M. Yu, B. Liu, and S.-H. Zhao. 2003. Sequencing, tissue distribution and physical mapping of the porcine homologue of cardiomyopathy associated 3 (CMYA3). Anim. Genet. 34:1-4.
Patil, A., Y. Sang, K. Rune, F. Blecha, J.E. Minton, and G. Zhang. 2003. Porcine Innate Immunity: Distinct Tissue Expression and Transcriptional Regulation Patterns of Porcine Beta-Defensin-1 and ?2. Proceedings of the 84th Annual Meeting of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD), Chicago, IL.
Pomp D, Allan MF, Wesolowski S. Quantitative Genomics: Exploring the genetic architecture of complex trait predisposition. J Anim Sci (In Press).
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Peterson, B.C., G.C. Waldbieser, and A.L. Bilodeau. 2004. IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA expression in slow and fast growing families of USDA103 channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 139:317-323.
Peterson, B.C., G.C. Waldbieser, and A.L. Bilodeau. 2005. Effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin on growth and abundance of mRNA for IGF-I and IGF-II in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Journal of Animal Science, accepted for publication 12/20/04).
Phillips, R. B. 2004. Chromosome Morphology. In Stock Identification Methods, edited by Kevin Friedland, John Waldman and Steve Cadrin. Academic Press.
Phillips, R. B. 2004. Adaptive evolution or genetic drift? Does genome complexity produce organismal complexity? (Invited commentary paper) Heredity 93:122-123.
Phillips, R. B., Noakes, M.A., Morasch, M., Felip, A. and G. H. Thorgaard. 2004. Does differential selection on the 5S rDNA explain why the rainbow trout sex chromosome heteromorphism is NOT linked to the SEX locus? Cytogenetics and Genome Research 105:122-125.
Pridgeon J.W., Liu, Z.J., and Liu, N. 2004. Identification of Mariner Elements from House Flies ( Musca domestica ) and German Cockroaches (Blattella germanica). Insect Molecular Biology 13, 443-447.
Quiniou, S.M.-A., M. Wilson, E. Bengtén, G.C. Waldbieser, L.W. Clem, and N.W. Miller. 2004. MHC RFLP analyses in channel catfish full-sibling families: Identification of the role of MHC molecules in spontaneous allogeneic cytotoxic responses. Developmental and Comparative Immunology, accepted for publication 8/18/2004.
Quiniou, S.M.A., M. Wilson, E. Bengtén, G.C. Waldbieser, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller. 2004. MHC RFLP analyses in channel catfish full-sibling families: Identification of the role of MHC molecules in spontaneous allogeneic cytotoxic responses. Dev. Comp. Immunol. in press.
Reece, K. S., W. L. Ribeiro, P. M. Gaffney, R. B. Carnegie, and S. K. Allen, Jr. 2004. Microsatellite marker development and analysis in the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica): confirmation of null alleles and non-Mendelian segregation ratios. Journal of Heredity 95:346-352.
Rise, ML, SRM Jones, GD Brown, KR von Schalburg, WS Davidson, and BF Koop. 2004 Microarray analyses identify molecular biomarkers of Atlantic salmon macrophage and hematopoietic kidney response to Piscirickettsia salmonis infection. Physiological Genomics (Sept 28 Epub ahead of print).
Rise, ML. K. von Schalburg, GD. Brown, RH. Devlin, MA. Mawer, N Kuipers, M Busby, M Beetz-Sargent, R Alberto, AR Gibbs, P Hunt, R Shukin, JA. Zeznik, C Nelson, SRM. Jones, D Smailus, S Jones, J Schein, M Marra, WS. Davidson, and BF. Koop. 2004. Development and application of a salmonid EST database and cDNA microarray: data mining and interspecific hybridization characteristics. Genome Research 14:478-49.
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Serapion, J., Waldbieser, G.C., Wolters, W., Liu, Z.J. 2004. Development of Type I markers in channel catfish through intron sequencing. Animal Genetics 35, 463-466.
Shen, L., T.B. Stuge, E. Bengtén, M. Wilson, V.G. Chinchar, J.P. Naftel, J.M. Bernanke, L.W. Clem and N.W. Miller. 2004. Identification and characterization of clonal NK-like cells from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Dev. Comp. Immunol.,28: 139-152.
Tanguy, A., X. Guo and S.E. Ford. 2004. Discovery of genes expressed in response to Perkinsus marinus challenge in eastern (Crassostrea virginica) and Pacific (C. gigas) oysters. Gene, 338:121-131.
von Schalburg, KR, ML Rise, GD Brown, WS Davidson, BF Koop. 2004. A comprehensive survey of the genes involved in maturation and development of the rainbow trout ovary. Biology of Reproduction (Oct 20 Epub ahead of print)
Waldbieser, G.C., S.M.A. Quiniou, and A. Karsi. 2003. Rapid development of gene-tagged microsatellite markers from BAC clones using anchored TAA-repeat primers. Biotechniques 35: 976-979.
Wang, H. X. Guo, G. Zhang and F. Zhang. 2004. Classification of jinjiang oysters Crassostrea rivularis (Gould, 1861) from China, based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis. Aquaculture, 242:137-155.
Wang, Y. and X. Guo, 2004. Chromosomal rearrangement in Pectinidae revealed by rRNA loci and implications for bivalve evolution. Biol. Bull., 207:247-256.
Wang, Y., Z. Xu and X. Guo. 2004. Differences in the rDNA-bearing chromosome divide the Asian-Pacific and Atlantic species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia, Mollusca). Biological Bulletin., 206:46-54.
Wang, Y., Z. Xu and X. Guo. Characterization of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin) chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization with bacteriophage P1 clones. Marine Biotechnology, in press.
Zhang, Q, Allen, S.K., Jr., and Reece, K.S. Genetic variation in wild and hatchery stocks of the Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) assessed by PCR-RFLP and microsatellite markers. Marine Biotechnology, in press.
Nihsen, M.E., E.L. Piper, C.P. West, R.J. Crawford, Jr., T.M. Denard, Z.B. Johnson, C.A. Roberts, D.A. Spiers, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2004. Growth rate and physiology of steers grazing tall fescue inoculated with novel endophytes. J. Anim. Sci. 82:878-883.
Schroeder, S.B., T.S. Edrington, M.L. Looper, C.L. Schultz, C.F.Rosenkrans, Jr., R. Flores, T.R. Callaway, R.C. Anderson, and D.J. Nisbet. 2004. Incidence of foodborne pathogens and antimicrobial susceptibility of fecal coliforms in stocker calves fed ionophore. Proc. Western Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 55:353-356.
Turner, J. E., W. K. Coblentz, K. P. Coffey, R. T. Rhein, B. C. McGinley, N. W. Galdamez-Cabrerra, C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr., Z. B. Johnson, D. W. Kellogg, and J. V. Skinner, Jr. 2004. Effects of natural rainfall and spontaneous heating on voluntary intake, digestibility, in situ disappearance kinetics, passage kinetics, and ruminal fermentation characteristics of tall fescue hay. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 116:15-33
Ashwell, M. S., D. W. Heyen, T. S. Sonstergard, C. P. Van Tassell, Y. Da, P. M. Van Raden and H. A. Lewin. 2003. Detection of quantitative trait loci affecting female fertility and milk production in ten Dairy Bull DNA Repository families. J. Dairy Sci. 87:468-475.
Lewin, H. A. 2004. The future of cattle genomics: the beef is here. Cytogenetics and Genome Res. 102:10-15.
Cohen, M., M. Reichenstein, A. Everts-van der Wind, J. H. Lee, M. Shani, H. A. Lewin, J. I. Weller, M. Ron and E. Seroussi. 2004. Cloning and characterization of FAM13A1: evidence for population-wide linkage disequilibrium with a milk protein QTL on BTA6 in Israeli Holsteins. Genomics 84:374-383.
Everts-van der Wind, A., S. R. Kata, M. R., Band, M.Rebeiz, D. M., Larkin, R. E. Everts, C. A. Green, L. Liu, S. Natarajan, T. Goldhammer, J. H. Lee, S. Mckay, J. E. Womack and H. A. Lewin. 2004. A 1,463 gene cattle-human comparative map with anchor points defined by human genome sequence coordinates. Genome Research 14:1424-1437.
Kumar, C. G., R. LeDuc, G. Gong, L. Roinishivili, H. A. Lewin and L. Liu. ESTIMA, a tool for EST management in a multi-project environment. 2004. BMC Bioinformatics 5:176-185.
Hu, Z.-L., K. Glenn, A.M. Ramos, C.J. Otieno, J.M. Reecy, and M.F. Rothschild. 2005. Expeditor: A pipeline for designing primers Using Human Gene Structure and Livestock Animal EST Information. Journal of Heredity 96:1-3.
Soller, M. and J.M. Reecy. 2004. QTL mapping and cloning in beef cattle. AgBioTechNet Proceedings 004 paper 3:1-8.
Max F. Rothschild, Susan J. Lamont, James M. Reecy. Current Status of Animal Genomics. Proceedings Annual AAAS meeting, Washingon DC Feb 17-19, 2005
Agca, C., C.A. Bidwell, and S.S. Donkin. 2004. Cloning of bovine pyruvate carboxylase and 5' untranslated region variants. Animal Biotechnology 15:47-66.
Rodriguez, S.M., C.A. Bidwell, and S.S. Donkin. 2004. Cloning the genomic sequence and proximal promoter of bovine pyruvate carboxylase. Journal of Animal Sciences 82(1):365.
Farber, C.R. and J.F. Medrano 2004. Identification of putative homology between horse microsatellite flanking sequences and cross-species ESTs, mRNAs and genomic sequences. Animal Genetics 35:28-33.
Warden, C.H., S. Stone, S. Chiu, A.L. Diament, D. Shattuck, R.Riley, P.Corva, J.Easlick, J.S. Fisler and J.F. Medrano 2004. Identification of a congenic mouse line with obesity and body length phenotypes. Mammalian Genome 15:460-71.
Corva, P.M., N.C. Mucci, K. Evans and J.F. Medrano 2004. Diet effects on reproduction in high growth (hg/hg) female mice that are deficient in the Socs-2 gene. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development 44:303-312.
J.F. Medrano, The Complex Trait Consortium 2004. The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics 36:11331137.
Arias, J. and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2004. Mapping of bovine ovulation rate QTL; an analytical approach for three-generation pedigrees. Animal Genetics 35:7-13.
Cruickshank, J., M.R. Dentine, P.J. Berger and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2004. Evidence for quantitative trait loci affecting twinning rate in North American Holstein cattle. Animal Genetics 35:206-212.
Gonda, M.G., J.A. Arias, G.E. Shook, K.E. Gregory and B.W. Kirkpatrick. 2004. Identification of an ovulation rate QTL in cattle on BTA14 using selective DNA pooling and interval mapping. Animal Genetics 35:298-304.
Bidwell, C. A., L. N. Kramer, A. C. Perkins, T. S. Hadfield, D. E. Moody and N. E. Cockett 2004. Expression of PEG11 and PEG11AS transcripts in normal and callipyge sheep. BMC Biology 2:17. DOI:10.1186/1741-7007-2-17.
Cockett, N. E. 2004. Summary of the 2004 International Conferences for Animal Genetics, held in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Journal of Animal Breeding (in press).
Cockett, N. E., M. Smit, C. A. Bidwell, K. Sergers, T. L. Hadfield, G. D. Snowder, M. Georges and C. Charlier. 2004. The callipyge mutation and other genes that affect muscle hypertrophy in sheep. Genetics Selection Evolution 37(Suppl. 1):S65-S81.
Bidwell, C.A., L.N. Kramer, T.S. Hadfield, D.E. Moody, C. Charlier, M. Georges, and N.E. Cockett. 2004. Expression of PEG11 and AntiPEG11 transcripts in normal and callipyge sheep. Keystone Symposia: Emerging Mechanisms of Epigenetic Regulation. Tahoe City, CA. January, 2004.
Perkins, A.C., L. N. Kramer, D.E. Moody, T.S. Hadfield, S. Eng, N.E. Cockett and C.A. Bidwell. 2004. Developmental expression of paternally expressed genes from the callipyge locus of sheep chromosome 18. 29th International Conference on Animal Genetics, Tokyo, Japan September 2004.
Davis, E., C. H. Jensen, H. D. Schroder, T. Hadfield, A. Kiem, N. Cockett, M. Georges and C. Charlier (2004) Ectopic expression of DLK1 protein in skeletal muscle of padumnal heterozygotes causes the callipyge phenotype. Current Biology 14:1858-1862.
Notter, D. R. and N. E. Cockett (2004) Opportunities for detection and use of QTL influencing seasonal reproduction. Genetics Selection Evolution (in press).
Cockett, N. E. And F. Galibert (2004) Genome Mapping at the Molecular Level. In: Mammalian Genomics. Editor: A. Ruvinsky. CAB International, UK (in press).
De Donato, M., Brenneman, R.A., Stelly, D.M., Womack, J.E. and Taylor, J.F. 2004. A methodological approach for the construction of a radiation hybrid map of bovine chromosome 5. Genetics and Molecular Biology 27:22-32, 2004.
Dindot, S., Kent, K.C., Evers, B., Loskutoff, N., Womack, J. and Piedrahita, J.A. 2004. Conservation of genomic imprinting at the XIST, IGF2, and GTL2 loci in the bovine. Mammalian Genome. 15:966-974, 2004.
Everts-van der Wind, A., Kata, S.R., Band, M.R., Rebeiz, M., Larkin, D.M., Everts, R., Green, C.A., Liu, L., Natarajan, S., Goldammer, T., Lee, J.H., McKay, S., Womack, J.E. and Lewin, H.A. 2004 A 1463 gene cattle-human comparative map with anchor points defined by human genome sequence coordinates. Genome Res, 14:1424-1437, 2004.
Goldammer, T., Kata, S.R., Brunner, R.M., Kühn, C., Weikard, R., Womack, J.E. and Schwerin, M. 2004. High-resolution comparative mapping between human chromosomes 4 and 8 and bovine chromosome 27 provides genes and segments serving as positional candidates for udder health in cattle. Genomics 84:696-706, 2004.
Johnston, J.S. and Elsik, C.G. 2004. Strepsipteran gene ontology. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. Accepted.
Ramlachan, N., Womack, J.E. and Skow, L.C. 2004. Analyses of bovine major histocompatibility (BoLA) class I loci reveal a novel frameshift mutation in a BoLA-A allele prevalent in wild and feral bovids. Immunology 51-62, 2004.
Seabury, C., Womack, J., Piedrahita, J.A., and Derr, J. 2004. Comparative PRNP genotyping of U. S. cattle sires for potential association with BSE. Mammalian Genome 15:828-833, 2004.
Annandale E, Valberg SJ, Mickelson JR and Seaquist, E. (2004). Insulin sensitivity and skeletal muscle glucose transport in equine polysaccharide storage myopathy. Neuromuscular Disorders 14: 666-674.
Brenig B, Beck J, Hall AJ, Broad TE, Chowdhary BP, Piumi F. (2004). Assignment of the equine solute carrier 26A2 gene (SLC26A2) to equine chromosome 14q15-->q21. Cytogenet Genome Res. 107:139.
Farber CR, Medrano JF. (2004). Identification of putative homology between horse microsatellite flanking sequences and cross-species ESTs, mRNAs and genomic sequences. Anim Genet. 35: 28-33.
Flaminio, M. J. B. F., Yen, A., and Antczak, D. F. (2004) The proliferation inhibitory proteins p27Kip1 and retinoblastoma are involved in the control of equine lymphocyte proliferation. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 102: 363-377.
Lee, E-J, Raudsepp T., Kata S.R., Adelson D., Womack J.E., Skow L.C., Chowdhary B.P. (2004). A 1.4 Mb interval RH map of horse chromosome 17 provides detailed comparison with human and mouse homologues. Genomics 83:203-215.
Lindgren, G., Backström, N., Swinburne, J., Hellborg, L., Einarsson, A., Sandberg, K., Cothran, G., Vilà, C., Binns, M. and Ellegren, H. (2004). Limited number of patrilines in horse domestication. Nature Genetics 36: 335-336.
Mickelson JR, Wagner ML, Goh G, Wu JT, Morrison LY, Alexander LJ, Raudsepp T, Skow LC, Chowdhary BP, Swinburne JE, and Binns MM. (2004). Thirty-seven new equine microsatellite loci assigned to the genetic linkage and radiation hybrid maps. Animal Genetics 35, 481-484.
Raudsepp T, Lee E-J, Kata SR, Brinkmeyer C, Mickelson JR, Skow LC, Womack JE, and Chowdhary BP. (2004). Exceptional conservation of horse-human gene order on X chromosome revealed by high-resolution radiation hybrid mapping. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 101, 2386-2391.
Raudsepp T., Santani A., Wallner A., Kata S.R., Ren C., Zhang H., Womack J.E., Skow L.C. and Chowdhary B.P. (2004). A detailed map of the horse Y chromosome. PNAS (USA) 101: 9321-9326.
Takahashi, T., Yawata, M., Raudsepp, T., Lear, T. L., Chowdhary, B. P., Antczak, D. F., and Kasahara, M. (2004) Natural killer cell receptors in the horse: evidence for the existence of multiple transcribed LY49 genes. European J. of Immunology 34: 773-784.
Terry RB, Archer S, Brooks S, Bernoco D, Bailey E. (2004). Assignment of the appaloosa coat colour gene (LP) to equine chromosome 1. Anim Genet. 35:134-137.
Tozaki T, Penedo MC, Oliveira RP, Katz JP, Millon LV, Ward T, Pettigrew DC, Brault LS, Tomita M, Kurosawa M, Hasegawa T, Hirota K. (2004). Isolation, characterization and chromosome assignment of 341 newly isolated equine TKY microsatellite markers. Anim Genet. 35:487-496.
Wagner B, Miller DC, Lear TL, Antczak DF. (2004). The complete map of the Ig heavy chain constant gene region reveals evidence for seven IgG isotypes and for IgD in the horse. J Immunol. 2004 Sep 1;173(5):3230-42.
Wagner ML, Goh G, Wu JT, Raudsepp T, Morrison LY, Alexander LJ, Skow LS, Chowdhary BP, Mickelson JR. (2004) Radiation hybrid mapping of 75 previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Anim Genet. 35:68-71.
Wagner ML, Goh G, Wu JT, Raudsepp T, Morrison LY, Alexander LJ, Skow LC, Chowdhary BP, Mickelson JR. (2004) Radiation hybrid mapping of 63 previously unreported equine microsatellite loci. Anim Genet. 35:159-162.
Wagner ML, Goh G, Wu JT, Morrison LY, Alexander LJ, Raudsepp T, Skow LC, Chowdhary BP, and Mickelson JR. (2004). Sixty-seven new equine microsatellite loci assigned to the radiation hybrid map. Animal Genetics 35, 484-46.
Ward TL, Valberg SJ, Adelson DL, Abby CA, Binns MM, and Mickelson JR (2004). Glycogen Branching Enzyme (GBE1) Mutation Causing Equine Glycogen Storage Disease IV. Mammalian Genome 15, 570-577.
Refereed manuscripts published or accepted: 12
Agca, C., C.A. Bidwell, and S.S. Donkin (2004) Cloning of bovine pyruvate carboxylase and 5' untranslated region variants. Animal Biotechnology15:47-66.
Bidwell, C. A., L. N. Kramer, A. C. Perkins, T. S. Hadfield, D. E. Moody and N. E. Cockett (2004) Expression of PEG11 and PEG11AS transcripts in normal and callipyge sheep. BMC Biology 2:17. DOI:10.1186/1741-7007-2-17.
Cockett, N. E. (2004) Summary of the 2004 International Conferences for Animal Genetics, held in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese Journal of Animal Breeding (in press).
Cockett, N. E., M. Smit, C. A. Bidwell, K. Sergers, T. L. Hadfield, G. D. Snowder, M. Georges and C. Charlier (2004) The callipyge mutation and other genes that affect muscle hypertrophy in sheep. Genetics Selection Evolution 37(Suppl. 1):S65-S81.
The Complex Trait Consortium (2004) The Collaborative Cross, a community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics 36:1133-1137.
Corva, P. M., N. C. Mucci, K. Evans and J. F. Medrano (2004) Diet effects on reproduction in high growth (hg/hg) female mice that are deficient in the Socs-2 gene. Reproduction, Nutrition, Development 44:303-312.
Cousens, C., Bishop, J.V., Philbey, A.W., Carlson, J.O., Gill, C.A. DeMartini, J.C., and Sharp, J.M. (2004) Analysis of integration sites of Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus in ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Journal of Virology 78 (16): 8506-8512.
Davis, E., C. H. Jensen, H. D. Schroder, T. Hadfield, A. Kiem, N. Cockett, M. Georges and C. Charlier (2004) Ectopic expression of DLK1 protein in skeletal muscle of padumnal heterozygotes causes the callipyge phenotype. Current Biology 14:1858-1862.
Farber, C.R. and J.F. Medrano (2004) Identification of putative homology between horse microsatellite flanking sequences and cross-species ESTs, mRNAs and genomic sequences. Animal Genetics 35:28-33.
Notter, D. R. and N. E. Cockett (2004) Opportunities for detection and use of QTL influencing seasonal reproduction. Genetics Selection Evolution (in press).
Rodriguez, S. M., C. A. Bidwell and S. S. Donkin (2004) Cloning the genomic sequence and proximal promoter of bovine pyruvate carboxylase. Journal of Animal Sciences 82:365.
Warden, C. H., S. Stone, S. Chiu, A. L. Diament, D. Shattuck, R. Riley, P. Corva, J. Easlick, J. S. Fisler and J. F. Medrano (2004) Identification of a congenic mouse line with obesity and body length phenotypes. Mammalian Genome 15:460-71.
Book chapters: 2
Cockett, N. E. And F. Galibert (2004) Genome Mapping at the Molecular Level. In: Mammalian Genomics. Editor: A. Ruvinsky. CAB International, UK (in press).
Brenig, B., T. E. Broad, N. E. Cockett and A. Eggen (2004) Achievements of Research in the Field of Molecular Genetics. In: The World Association for Animal Production, Book of the Year for 2003. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (in press).
Published abstracts and proceedings: 6
Bidwell, C.A., L.N. Kramer, T.S. Hadfield, D.E. Moody C. Charlier, M. Georges and N.E. Cockett (2004) Expression of PEG11 and AntiPEG11 transcripts in normal and callipyge sheep. Keystone Symposia: Emerging Mechanisms of Epigenetic Regulation. Tahoe City CA.
Cockett, N. E. (2004) Advances in Livestock Genomics. Conference on Agricultural Genomics: Who, What and Why. AAAS, Pacific Division.
Eng, S. L., E. Owens, J. E. Womack and N. E. Cockett (2004) Development of an ovine-whole genome radiation hybrid panel. Proc., Plant and Animal Genome XII, poster P650, p. 233.
Liu, W-S., C. W. Beattie, N. E. Cockett and F. A. Ponce de Leon (2004) Comparative analysis of 38 bovine Y-chromosome microsatellites in cattle, sheep and goats. Proc., Plant and Animal Genome XII, poster P632, p. 229.
Perkins, A. C., L. N. Kramer, D. E. Moody, T. S. Hadfiled, S. Eng, N. E. Cockett and C. A. Bidwell (2004) Developmental expression of paternally expressed genes from the callipyge locus of sheep chromosome 18. Proc., 29th International Conference on Animal Genetics, p. 73.
Smit, M., F. Baraldi, E. Davis, X. Tordoir, T. Hadfield, G. Gyapay, N. Cockett, M. Georges and C. Charlier (2004) Extending the boundaries of the callipyge imprinted gene cluster on ovine chromosome 18. Proc., Plant and Animal Genome XII, poster P649, p. 233.
Takeda, H., X. Tordoir, M. Smit, N. Cockett, M. Georges and C. Charlier (2004) Dnase I hypersensitive sites around the ovine callipyge mutation. Proc., 29th International Conference on Animal Genetics, p. 73.
Dissertations: 1
Maria Smit. PhD in Animal Science with Molecular Genetics specialization, Utah State University. Dissertation Title: Long Range Transcriptional Regulation at the Ovine Callipyge Imprinted Gene Cluster.
Bertani G, Gladney C, Johnson RK, Pomp D 2004. Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. II: Anterior Pituitary. J Anim Sci 82:32-40.
Blowe, C. D., E. J. Eisen, O. W. Robison, and J. P. Cassady. 2004. Characterization of a line of pigs selected for increased litter size for two RFLPs identified in follistatin. Abstract. J. Anim. Sci Supplement 1.
Caetano AC, JB Edeal, K Burns, RK Johnson, C Tuggle, D Pomp 2005. Physical mapping of the differentially expressed porcine ovarian transcriptome. Animal Genetics (Accepted).
Caetano A, J Ford, RK Johnson, D Pomp 2004. Microarray profiling for differential gene expression in ovaries and ovarian follicles of pigs selected for increased ovulation rate. Genetics 168: 1529-37.
Cao H, Robinson JA, Jiang Z, Melville JS, Golovan SP, Jones MW and Verrinder Gibbins AM. 2004. A high-resolution radiation hybrid map of porcine chromosome 6. Anim. Genet. 35:367-378.
Churchill GA and 101 others including D Pomp 2004. The Collaborative Cross: A community resource for the genetic analysis of complex traits. Nature Genetics 36:1133-1137.
Ciobanu, D.C., J.W.M. Bastiaansen, S.M. Lonergan, H. Thomsen, J.C.M. Dekkers, G.S. Plastow and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs. J. Animal Sci. 82:2829-2839.
Ciobanu, D.C., Lonergan, S.M., Bastiaansen, J.W.M., Mileham A, Miculinich, Schultz-Kaster, C., Sosnicki, A.A., Plastow , G.S. and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. Association of new Calpastatin alleles with meat quality traits in commercial pigs. 50th Int. Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Helsinki, Finland.
Dawson HD, Royaee AR, Nishi S, Kuhar D, Schnitzlein WM, Zuckermann F, Urban JF, Lunney JK. 2004. Identification of Key Immune Mediators Regulating T helper 1 Responses in Swine. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 100: 105-111.
Dawson HD, Beshah E, Nishii S, Solano-Aguilar G, Morimoto M, Zhao A, Madden KB, Ledbetter TK, Dubey JP, Shea-Donohue T, Lunney JK, Urban, JF Jr. 2005. Localized multi-gene expression patterns support an evolving Th1/Th2-like paradigm in response to infections with Toxoplasma gondii and Ascaris suum in pigs. Infection and Immunity. 73: 1116-1128.
Dvorak, C.M.T., K.A. Hyland, J.G. Machado, Y. Zhang, S.C. Fahrenkrug, and M.P. Murtaugh. 2004. Gene discovery and expression profiling in porcine Peyers patch. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. In press.
Ernst, C.W., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, G.A. Rohrer, J.A. Brouillette and P.J. Venta. 2004. Mapping of the FES and FURIN genes to porcine chromosome 7. Anim. Genet. 35:142-143.
Farber, C.R., N.E. Raney, V.D. Rilington, P.J. Venta and C.W. Ernst. 2003. Comparative mapping of genes flanking the human chromosome 12 evolutionary breakpoint in the pig. Cytogenet. Genome Res. 102:139-144.
Flickinger, G.H., C.M.T. Dvorak, J.A. Hendrickson, M.P.Murtaugh, and M.S. Rutherford, 2004. Radiation hybrid mapping of porcine ESTs from porcine Peyers Patch. Plant and Animal Genome XII, San Diego, CA, January 11-14.
Gaboreanu, A.M., L. Grapes, A. M. Ramos, J.-J. Kim and M. F. Rothschild. 2004. Characterization of an X-chromosome PCR-RFLP marker associated with fat deposition and growth in the pig. Animal Genetics 35: 401-403.
Galina-Pantoja L, Solano-Aguilar GI, Mellencamp MA, Bastiaansen J, Lunney JK. 2004. Relationship between immune cells and pig growth on a commercial farm. Proc. 18th IPVS Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2004, Vol. I. p.381.
Gladney C, G Bertani, MK Nielsen, D Pomp 2004. Evaluation of gene expression in pigs selected for enhanced reproduction. I: Ovarian Follicles. J Anim Sci 82:17-31.
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