NE185: Commodities, Consumers, and Communities: Local Food Systems in a Globalizing Environment

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports




Harmon, A. H. 2000. Building youth awareness about the food system: Putting research to work for educators. Kids Can Make a Difference, a program of World Hunger Year (WHY). Levine, J. F and Levine, L., eds. Winter 2001:Vol. 6 (1)10-11.

Lyson, Thomas A., Robert Torres, and Rick Welsh. 2001. Scale of agricultural production, civic engagement and community welfare. Social Forces 80:311-327.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2001. The promise of a more civic agriculture. Catholic Rural Life 43(2):40-43.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2001. How do agricultural scientists view advanced biotechnologies? Chemical Innovation 31(4):50-53.

Sharp, Julie T. and C. Clare Hinrichs. 2001. Farmer Support for Publicly Funded Sustainable Agriculture Research: The Case of Hoop Structures for Swine. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 16(2): 81-88.

Thomson, J. S., J. L. Abel, and A. N. Maretzki. 2001. Edible Connections: A Model to Facilitate Citizen Dialogue and Build Community Collaboration. Journal of Extension 39:2 April (4 pages) .

Thomson, J. S., J. L. Abel, and A. N. Maretzki. 2001. Edible Connections: A Model for Citizen Dialogue Used to Discuss Local Food, Farm, and Community Issues. Journal of Applied Communications, 85:1: 25-42 (March).


Abel, J. L. and J. S. Thomson. 2000. Food System Planning: A guide for county and municipal planners (4 pages). College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park, PA, 16802. Reprinted 2001

Abel, J., J. S. Thomson, and A. N. Maretzki. 2000. Food Matters: Evaluating the Participation of County, City, and Town Planners in Community Food Systems. Final Report, (11 pages plus appendices), November. Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development.

Abel, J.L., J.S. Thomson, and A.N. Maretzki. 1999. Extension's Role with Farmers' Markets: Working with Farmers, Consumers, and Communities. Journal of Extension, 37 (5) 5 pages. October

Abel, J.L. and J.S. Thomson. 2000. Working with Planners on Community Food System Issues: A guide for community organizations (4 pages). Available from the Penn State College of Agriculture Publication Distribution Center, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 16802.

Abel, J. and J.S. Thomson. 2000. Assessing the Involvement of Pennsylvania Professional Planners in Food System Activities. Abstracts: Millennial Stews: Food and Food Systems in the Global City. Joint annual meeting of Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food, and Society (ASFS), New York, NY, p. 3, June 2.

Adamchak, Donald J., Bloomquist, Leonard E., Bausman, Kent, Qureshi, Rashida. 1999. Consequences of Population Change for Retail/Wholesale Sector Employment in the Non-metropolitan Great Plains: 1950-1996. Rural Sociology, Vol. 64 (March): 92-112.

Barham, Elizabeth. 2001. Translating 'Terroir': Social Movement Appropriation of a French Concept. Invited paper presented at the workshop, International Perspectives on Alternative Agro-Food Networks: Quality, Embeddedness, and Bio-Politics, held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, October.

Baase, Karen Ann. 2000. Production agriculture in Madison County, New York: An industry in transition. Unpublished thesis. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.
Bellows, A.C. and M.W. Hamm. International Origins of Community Food Security Policies and Practices in the U.S. (Submitted to Critical Public Health; under review).

Bellows, AC, V. Robinson, J. Guthrie, T. Meyer, N. Peric, and MW Hamm. Urban Livestock Agriculture in the State of New Jersey, USA. Urban Agriculture Magazine. Vol. 1(2), p. 8-9 (also available at

Bellows, A.C. and M.W. Hamm. 2000. Syllabus for Local Food Systems in a Globalizing Environment. D. Myhre, N.Davis, and A. Bentley (eds.) Agriculture, Food, and Society Syllabi and Course Materials Collection: 2000 Edition. Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS) and the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS).

Bellows, A.C. The Praxis of Food Work in Marianne DeKoven (ed.) Feminist Locations: Global/Local/Theory/Practice in the Twenty-First Century. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. (In press, 2001)

Bellows, A.C. and M.W. Hamm. Local Autonomy and Sustainable Development: Testing Import Substitution in Local Food Systems. Agriculture and Human Values. (Late 2001)

Bellows, AC, V. Robinson, J. Guthrie, T. Meyer, N. Peric, and MW Hamm. Extant, Yet Invisible: Urban Livestock Agriculture in New Jersey. Submitted to Middle States Geographer.

Benedict, Abbey. 2001. The CLEAR Eco-Label: Finding Partner Organizations and Developing a Message for Consumers. Unpublished thesis. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Bloomquist, Leonard E., and Williams, Duane D. 2002. From Dust Bowl to Green
Circles: A Restudy of Haskell County, Kansas. In Al Luloff and Richard Krannich (eds.), Persistence and Change in Rural Communities: A Fifty Year Follow-Up to Six Classic Studies. Wollingford, England: CABI Publishing. Bloomquist, Leonard E., Oehme, Frederick W., Pontius, Jeffrey S. (2001). The Prevalence of Cancer and Neurological Diseases in Scott County. Unpublished research report.

Campbell, David and Gail Feenstra. 2001. A Local Partnership for Sustainable Food and Agriculture: the Case of PlacerGROWN in Mark R. Daniels (Ed.) Creating Sustainable Community Programs: A Casebook for Public Administrators. Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT.

Carro Figueroa, V. and Weathers, G. Livelihood Strategies of Farming Operations in Puerto Rico's Central Region: Survival in the Context of Economic Restructuring and Policy Change. Book chapter submitted for publication in: Falk, Schulman and Tickamayer (eds.) Communities of Work: Rural Restructuring in Local and Global Contexts. Ohio State University Press.

Carro-Figueroa, Vivian and Carmen Alamo-Gonzalez. Cambio en la estructura agrmcola de la regisn central de Puerto Rico: tipos de finca y caractermsticas de sus operaciones; Ag. Exp. Station Bulletin; Approved for publication.

D'Souza, G.E. and T.G. Gebremedhin. 1998. Sustainability in Agricultural and Rural Development. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Co.

D'Souza, Gerard. USVI Agriculture: Structure and Trends, 1987-97 Census Data. Working paper.

D'Souza, Gerard. Comparison of Agricultural Production and Consumer Food Expenditure Patterns in the Virgin Islands: Implications for Marketing. Working paper.

Davis, Z. N. and J. S. Thomson. 2001. Credit Card Use among Low-Income Households and the Role of Extension Programming. 15 pp. Journal of Extension. September.

Davis, Z. N. and J.S. Thomson. 2000. Credit Card Use In our Supermarkets: What Are the Impacts on Urban Food Security? Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Penn State University, University Park, PA.

Donaldson, J.L. and J.S. Thomson. 1999. Interpersonal Communication Strengthens Web-Based Instruction. Journal of Applied Communications, 83 (3) 22-32.

Eggerling, K. and H. Murray. 2001. Northland Food and Farming Initiative: Food Systems Assessment. Report available from the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, U of MN.

Feenstra, Gail and Christopher Lewis. 1999. Farmers' markets offer new business opportunities for farmers. California Agriculture. 53(6): 25-29.

Feenstra, Gail and Kozloff, Robin. 2000, June. Increasing connections between farmers and communities in Stanislaus and Merced counties. Davis, CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Fidler, Frank. The Economics of Trout Production in West Virginia, M.S. thesis, West Virginia University (forthcoming).

Fincham, Ryan. The Economics of Aquaculture Processing in West Virginia, M.S. thesis, West Virginia University (forthcoming).

Godfrey, R.W. and G.E. D'Souza. 2001. Hair Sheep Production in the US Virgin Islands: Management Practices and Economic Analysis. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of the Virgin Islands, St. Croix.

Guptill, A. y Carro Figueroa, V. 2001. La situacisn agrmcola de Barranquitas, PR. Leaflet printed and distributed in the seminar on Direct Marketing Alternatives for Small and Mid-sized farmers, Barranquitas, PR, July 5.

Guptill, Amy E. and Jennifer L. Wilkins. 2000. Buying Into the Food System: Trends in Food Retailing in the U.S., and Implications for Local Foods. Agriculture and Human Values 19: 39-51.l.

Hage, Rachel. Building Community Within a Local Foodshed: An Expoloratory Case Study of an Alternative Food System. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. Kansas State University.

Hamm, M.W. Farmland, Farms, Farming, and Farmers: The Four F's of Food Production Gastronomique, Spring (2001) p.27-31.

Hamm, M.W. and Bellows, A.C. Community food security and nutrition educators. (Submitted to Journal of Nutrition Education, Viewpoint Section; under review).

Hamm, MW and M. Baron. 2000. Systemes alimentaires integres et durables en milieu urbain: l'exemple du New Jersey, aux Etats-Unis. in Mustafa Koc, Rod MacRae, Luc J.A. Mougeot, Jennifer Welsh (eds.) Armer les Villes contre la Faim: Systemes Alimentaires Urbains Durables. Centre de recherches pour le development international and The Centre for Studies in Food Security, Ryerson Polytechnic University. pp. 58-63.

Harmon, A. H. 2000. Building youth awareness about the food system: Putting research to work for educators. Kids Can Make a Difference, a program of World Hunger Year (WHY). Levine, J. F and Levine, L., eds. Winter 2001:Vol. 6 (1)10-11.

Harmon, A. H., Stefanou, S. E, and Zoumas, B. L. 2001. Definitions of food and agricultural systems. Submitted to United Nations Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, January.

Harmon, A.H. 1999. Food System Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences. Ph.D. Dissertation, Intercollege Graduate Program in Nutrition, Department of Food Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA.

Harmon, A.H., R.S. Harmon, and A.N. Maretzki. 1999. The Food System: Building Youth Awareness through Involvement (142 pages). Available from the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Publication Distribution Center, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802. This guidebook is for parents and educators who carry out community youth development programs (AGRS-79: $15.).

Harmon, A. H. and A.N. Maretzki. Youth Awareness About the Food System: A Pilot Study and Interviews. Submitted to Journal of Extension.

Harmon, A.H. and A.N. Maretzki. Case Studies Of Food System Awareness Among Youth. Submitted to Journal of Extension.

Harmon, A.H. and A.N. Maretzki. Food System Knowledge, Attitudes And Experiences: Results from a Survey of High School Students in Pennsylvania. In progress.

Harmon, A.H. 1999. Food System Knowledge, Attitudes and Experiences. Ph.D. Dissertation, Intercollege Graduate Program in Nutrition, Department of Food Science, Penn State University, University Park, PA.

Harmon, A.H. 2000. Assessing Food System Knowledge and Attitudes among Youth: Survey Design and Evaluation. Proceedings of Society for Nutrition Education Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC, p. 35, July 25.

Harmon, A.H. 2000. Involving Youth in the Food System. Second Annual Future of Our Food and Farms Summit. Philadelphia, PA, (90 minutes), November 30.

Hinrichs, C. Clare and Kathy S. Kremer. 2002. Social Inclusion in a Midwest Local Food System Project. Journal of Poverty 6(1): 65-90.

Hinrichs, Clare. 2001. The Experiences and Views of Iowa Farmers' Market Vendors: Summary of Research Findings. Iowa State University, Department of Sociology. April. 4 pp. (available at: ; also reprinted in Iowa Cafi: Resource and Workshop Manual on Community Agriculture and Food Enterprises).

Hinrichs, C. Clare. 2000. Embeddedness and local food systems: Notes on two types of direct agricultural market. Journal of Rural Studies 16: 295-303.

Hinrichs, Clare. 2001. Observations and Concerns of Iowa Farmers' Market Managers: Summary of Research Findings. Iowa State University, Department of Sociology. April. 2 pp. (available at: ; also reprinted in Iowa Cafi: Resource and Workshop Manual on Community Agriculture and Food Enterprises).

Hinrichs, Clare and Julie Tranquilla. 1998. A Multiple Stakeholder View of the Potential for Hoop Structures in Iowa Swine Production. Pp. 711-716 in Proceedings of the Conference on Animal Production Systems and the Environment, Vol. II. Des Moines, IA, July 19-22.

Hinrichs, Clare. 1998. Sideline and Lifeline: The Cultural Economy of Maple Syrup Production. Rural Sociology 63(4): 507-532.

Jussaume, Raymond A. Jr., Theresa Selfa, and Andrew Thomson. 2001. Gurobaruka no Moto de no Rokaru Agurifudo Shisutemu. (Local Agri-Food Systems Within the Context of Globalization) pp. 253-270 in Sugiyama, Michio and Isshin Nakano. Gurobarizashon to KokusaiNougyou Shijo. (Globalization and International Agricultural Marketing) Tsukuba, Japan: Tsukuba Shobo.

Jussaume, Raymond A. Jr. and Lorie Higgins. 1998. Attitudes Towards Food Safety and The Environment: A Comparison of Consumers In Japan and The U.S. Rural Sociology. 63(3):394-411.}

King, Shawn and Gail Feenstra. 2001 (October). Placer County Foodshed Report. Davis, California: University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program.

Kloppenburg, Jack Jr., Sharon Lezberg, Kathryn De Master, G. W. Stevenson, and John Hendrickson. 2000. Tasting Food, Tasting Sustainability: Defining the Attributes of an Alternative Food System with Competent, Ordinary People. Human Organization. Vol. 59, No.2: 177-185.

Kloppenburg, Jack, Jr. 2000. Lettuce, Love, and Locality. Just Eating (Spring): 1-2.

Lezberg, Sharon and Kathy De Master. 2000. The Foodshed Directory: A Compendium of Sustainable Farm and Food Organizations Serving Dane County, Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Foodshed Research Project, Occasional Paper No. 1.

Lewis, Christopher. 2001, May. The Saturday Stockton Certified Farmers' Market: An Urban Community Market. Davis, CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. 2001.

Lewis, Christopher. 2000, March. A case study of the Laytonville Farmers' Market: A rural community market. Davis, CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Lewis, Christopher. 2000, March. A case study of the Laytonville Farmers' Market: A rural community market. Davis, CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Lyson, Thomas A. (forthcoming). Advanced agricultural biotechnologies and sustainable agriculture. Trends in Biotechnology.

Lyson, Thomas A., Robert Torres, and Rick Welsh. 2001. Scale of agricultural production, civic engagement and community welfare. Social Forces 80:311-327.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2001. The promise of a more civic agriculture. Catholic Rural Life 43(2):40-43.

Lyson, Thomas A. 2001. How do agricultural scientists view advanced biotechnologies? Chemical Innovation 31(4):50-53.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Judy Green. 1999. The agricultural marketscape: A framework for sustaining agriculture and communities in the Northeast. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 15(2/3): 133-150.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Annalisa Lewis Raymer. 2000. Stalking the wily multinational: Power and control in the U.S. food system. Agriculture and Human Values, 17:199-208.

Lyson, Thomas A., Amy Guptill, and Gilbert W. Gillespie. 2000. Community engagement and dairy farm performance: A study of farm operators in upstate New York. Research in Rural Sociology and Development 8:309-323.

Lyson, Thomas A. (forthcoming). Moving toward civic agriculture. Choices.

Lyson, Thomas A. and Elizabeth Barham.1998. Civil Society and Agricultural Sustainability. Social Science Quarterly, 79(3): 554-567.

Lyson, Thomas A., Charles C. Geisler, and Charles Schlough. 1998. Preserving Community Agriculture in a Global Economy. Pp. 181-216, in R.K. Olson and T.A. Lyson (eds.), Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landscapes. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Mangan, F., R. Hazzard, and K. Johnson. 2001. Asian crops for Massachusetts. New England Direct Marketing conference. Nasua NH, February 27, 2001.

Mangan, F., C. Kozower, A. Barker, W. Bramlage, H. Costello, M. Anderson, J. Baranek, L. Sullivan Werner, D. Anziani, F. Caminero, K. Johnson, M. Pearson, D. Webber. 1999. Effects of Organic Soil Ammendments, Seeding Density, Cultivar Selection, and Postharvest Practices on Cilantro (Coriandum sativum L) Yield and Quality. Proc. 1999 Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture. Interamer. Soc. Trop. Soc. In Press.

Mangan, F. A. Carter, M. Mazzola, M. Rulevich, R. Hazzard, R. Bernatzky, M.Pearson, A. Smith, J.Baranek, P. Harmsen, L. Dow, M. Anderson, L. Colangione, D.Webber, P. Belanger, C. Touchette, and P. Fischer. 2000. The Introduction of Latino Crops to Farmers in the State of Massachusetts, USA. 1998 Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture. pp. 391-393.

Maretzki, Audrey N. 2000. Our Food - Our Future: Sustainability and Impact of Selected Community Food Projects (13 pages plus Executive Summary). Submitted to USDA/CSREES. Available from the author or Elizabeth Tuckermanty, December.

Thomson, J. S. and A. N. Maretzki. 2001. Expanding the Dialogue About the Food System: Using a Media Forum to Enhance Communications Among Food System Stakeholders. Year 3 Final Project Report. (7 pages plus appendices), February. Keystone 21 PA Food System Professions Education, W.K. Kellogg Foundation.

Maretzki, A. N and J. S. Thomson. 2000. Edible Connections: Changing the Way We Talk About Food, Farm, and Community Strategic Action Plan (10 pages). Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences, University Park, PA. December.

Maretzki, Audrey N., Jennifer Wilkins and Elizabeth Tuckermanty 2001. Our Food - Our Future. A community food security video (27 minutes). Produced and directed by Frances Mc Elroy, Shirley Road Productions, Narberth, PA. Available from Penn State Ag Sciences ICT, or Cornell University for $19.95. (NY residents must add 8% sales tax if ordering from Cornell). Video highlights four community food projects in the Northeast (WV, NJ, NY, PA). For further information, check . Accompanying educational materials are under development.

Maretzki, A.N. and J. Wilkins. Community Food Projects in the Northeast. Funding from W.K. Kellogg Foundation in cooperation with CSREES/USDA. In production by Shirley Road Productions, Philadelphia PA. This 27-minute video, which is being produced for possible PBS distribution, highlights community food security projects in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Maretzki, A.N., S. Nunnery, L. Wolf, and J. Greenstone. 2000. Edible Connections. Second Annual Future of Our Food and Farms Summit. Philadelphia, PA, (90 minutes), December 1.

Maretzki, A.N. and S. Nunnery. 2000. Edible Connections: A Model to Facilitate Dialogue on Community Food Security. Community Food Security Coalition 4th Annual Conference. Santa Fe, NM, (90 minutes), October 30.

Miller, Dan. A GIS Data Base for Spring and Mine Water Sources in West Virginia, Division of Resource Management, West Virginia University. Working paper.

Nelson, Mary Katherine. 2000. Characterizing a food system: An analysis of the food and nutrition system of Tompkins County, New York. Unpublished thesis. Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.

Norman, D.W., Bloomquist, L.E., Janke, R., Freyenberger, S., Jost, J., Schurle, B.W., and Kok, H. 2000. The Meaning of Sustainable Agriculture: Reflections of Some Kansas Practitioners. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, Vol. 15: 126-133.

Nunnery, S., J. S. Thomson, and A. N. Maretzki. 2000. Edible Connections: Changing the Way We Talk About Food, Farm, and Community: A Planning Guide for Conducting a Food Communications Forum (40 pages; 12:30 minute video). . Available from the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences Publication Distribution Center, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802 (MISC-15: $30).

Olson, Richard K. and Thomas A. Lyson (eds.). 1998. Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landscapes. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Olson, Richard, Alan Olson, and Thomas A. Lyson. 1998. AA National Policy for Farmland Preservation. Pp. 247-268 in R.K. Olson and T.A. Lyson (eds.), Under the Blade: The Conversion of Agricultural Landscapes. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Mangan, F. C. Casey, A. Rogers, C. Rounds, R. Hazzard, C. Anderson, M. Verson, R. vanDriesche, K. Stoner, K. Johnson, J. Bosch, H. Joseph, A. Heiderman, S. Sun, H. Merheb, J. Patton, E. Grossman, P. Fischer, K. Graham, and D. Webber. 2002. Production and Marketing Activities on Asian Crops in Massachusetts, USA. Proceedings of the Interamerican Society for Tropical Horticulture 47th Meeting. Morelos, Mexico. Pp. 98-103.

Peters, Christian J., Nelson Bills, Jennifer L. Wilkins, and David Smith. 2002. Vegetable Consumption, Dietary Guidelines and Agricultural Production in New York State - Implications for Local Food Economies. Report Series from Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University.

Podoll, Heather. 2000, March. A case study of the Davis Farmers' Market: Connecting farms and community. Davis, CA: UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Raymond A. Jussaume Jr., Theresa Selfa and Andrew Thomson. (forthcoming) Local Agri-Food Systems within the Context of Globalization: Theoretical and Empirical Reflections. Sugiyama, Michio and Isshin Nakano (eds). Globalization and International Agricultural Marketing. Tsukuba, Japan: Tsukuba Shobo.

Robinson, R., C. Smith, H. Murray, J. Ennis. Psychosocial and Sociodemographic
Factors Associated with Consumer Purchases of Sustainably Produced Foods.
Abstract, Society for Nutrition Education, July 2001 Annual Meeting.

Robinson, R., C. Smith, H. Murray, J. Ennis. 2001. Associations Between Consumer Health Consciousness and Purchases of Sustainably Produced Foods. Poster presentation. AFHV/ASFS Annual Meeting. June 7-10, 2001, Minneapolis, MN

Robinson, R., C. Smith, H. Murray, and J. Ennis. 2002. Promotion of Sustainably Produced Foods: Customer Response in Minnesota Grocery Stores.
American Journal of Alternative Agriculture. Volume 17:2

San, Nu Nu. Economic Impacts of the Aquaculture Industry in West Virginia, Division of Resource Management, West Virginia University. Working paper.

Sharp, Julie T. and C. Clare Hinrichs. 2001. Farmer Support for Publicly Funded Sustainable Agriculture Research: The Case of Hoop Structures for Swine. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 16(2): 81-88.

Smith, J.A. and A. Maretzki. 2000. Citizen Dialogue: A Guidebook about One Group's Experience (61 pages). Available from the Department of Food Science, 205 Borland, Penn State University, University Park, PA, 16802.

Stevenson, G. W., Sharon Lezberg, and Kathryn Ruhf. Warrior, Builder, and Weaver Work: Exploring Resistance Activities in Modern Food Systems. Draft.

Stringer, S. B. and J. S. Thomson. 2001. The Importance of Agricultural News. Proceedings of Agricultural Communicators in Education Research Paper Presentations, Toronto, Canada. p. 71-79, July 30.

Stringer S.B. 1999. The Gatekeeping Effect of Agricultural News: An Evaluation of Sources. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Agricultural and Extension Education, Penn State University, University Park, PA.

Stringer, S.B. and J.S. Thomson. 2000. Sources of Agricultural News: An Evaluation by Pennsylvania Media. Proceedings of the Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) Research Paper Presentations, Washington, DC, p. 37-52, July 25.

Stringer, S.B. and J.S. Thomson. 2000. An Applied Approach to Public Education and Outreach: Meeting Criteria for Local Media. Proceedings of the Eastern Regional Adult Education Research Conference, K.P. King and T.R. Ferro, editors. University Park, PA, p. 221-226, March 17.

Stringer, S.B. 1999. An Evaluation of Sources of Agricultural News by Pennsylvania Daily Newspaper Reporters and Editors workshop. Cooperative Extension Annual Conference, University Park, PA, (40 minutes), November 18.

Thomson, J. S., J. L. Abel, and A. N. Maretzki. 2001. Edible Connections: A Model to Facilitate Citizen Dialogue and Build Community Collaboration. Journal of Extension, 39:2 April (4 pages) .

Thomson, J. S., J. L. Abel, and A. N. Maretzki. 2001. Edible Connections: A Model for Citizen Dialogue Used to Discuss Local Food, Farm, and Community Issues. Journal of Applied Communications, 85:1: 25-42 (March).

Thomson, J.S. and S.B. Stringer. 2000. First-Year Seminar: Using Technology to Explore Professional Issues and Opportunities Across Locations. Journal of General Education, 49 (1) 66-73.

Thomson, J.S. and A.N. Maretzki. 1999. Expanding the Dialogue About the Food System: Using a Media Forum to Enhance Communications Among Food System Stakeholders. Keystone 21 Year 2 Project Summary (7 pages plus appendices) November.

Thomson, J.S., J.L. Abel, and A.N. Maretzki. Edible Connections: A Tool to Stimulate Public Discourse on Food, Farm, and Community. Submitted to Journal of Applied Communications.

Thomson, J.S., J.L. Abel, and A.N. Maretzki. Edible Connections: A Model to Facilitate Citizen Dialogue on Food System Issues. Submitted to Journal of Extension.

Thomson, J.S. and S.B. Stringer. 2000. First-Year Seminar: Using Technology to Explore Professional Issues and Opportunities Across Locations. Journal of General Education, 49 (1) 66-73.

Thomson, J.S., J. Abel, and A.N. Maretzki. 2000. Edible Connections: A Model for Community-Based Education on the Food System. Preprints for Second Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EuroSafe 2000) Paul Robinson, editor; Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark, p. 263-266, August 26.

Thomson, J.S. and A.N. Maretzki. 2000. Edible Connections: A Planning Guide for Conducting a Food Communications Forum. Educational session, American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences, Chicago, IL, June 25.

Thomson, J.S. and A.N. Maretzki. 2000. Edible Connections: Building Partnerships to Create Best Practices. Outreach and Cooperative Extension Systemwide Conference, University Park, PA, (60 minutes), February 8.

Thomson, J.S., A.N. Maretzki, S. Nunnery, and S.B. Stringer. 1999. Edible connections: Forging Linkages Among Universities and Local Communities. Best Practices in Outreach and Public Service Conference, University Park, PA, October 12.

Thomson, Andrew. 2000. Assessing the Potential Sustainability of the Local Food System on Lopez Island, Washington: A Case Study. Master of Science Thesis in Environmental Science: Washington State University.


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