NC1006: Methods to Increase Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (Rev. NC-113)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
HARD, D. L., R. K. BHATNAGAR, J. R. MOLINA and L. L. ANDERSON. 2001. Secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine in hypophyseal portal blood and prolactin in peripheral blood of Holstein cattle. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 20:89-100.
WILLIAMS, G. L., O. S. GAZAL, L. S. LESHIN, R. L. STANKO, and L. L. ANDERSON. 2001. Physiological regulation of maternal behavior in heifers: roles of genital stimulation, intracerebral oxytocin release, and ovarian steroids. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 65:295-300.
KIM, K.-S., J.M. REECY, L.L. ANDERSON and M.F. ROTHSCHILD. 2001. Functional characterization of the missense variation in the porcine melanocortin-4 receptor gene associated with obesity-related traits in the pig. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PLANT & ANIMAL GENOME IX, Page 210. (San Diego)
CHO, S.-J., K. JEFTINIJA, A. GLAVASKI, S. JEFTINIJA, B.P. JENA and L.L. ANDERSON. 2001. Fusion pores in GH-secreting cells. 31st Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE, Nov. 10-15, 2001. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE 27:Abstract (San Diego)
CAAMAQO, J. N., S. OOKUTSU, M. L. PUGH, L. L. TIMMS, L. L. ANDERSON, P. M. DIXON and C. R. YOUNGS. 2001. Effect of FSH treatment on the developmental competence of oocytes recovered from postpartum dairy cows. 27th Annual Conference of the INTERNATIONAL EMBRYO TRANSFER SOCIETY (IETS), Jan. 14-16, 2001. Abstract (Omaha)
WILSON, M.E., K.A. VONNAHME and S.P. FORD. 2001. Role of altered uterine-embryo synchrony on conceptus growth in the pig. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).
VONNAHME, K.A., M.E. WILSON and S.P. FORD. 2001. Relationship between placental vascular endothelial growth factor expression and placental/endometrial vascularity in the pig. Biol. Reprod. 64:1821-1825.
YOUNGS, C.R. 2001. Factors influencing the success of embryo transfer in the pig. THERIOGENOLOGY 56:1311-1320.
SIEREN, K.R. 2001. The Use of BoviPure for the separation of X and Y chromosome-bearing bovine sperm cells. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State Univ., 61 pp.
YOUNGS, C.R. 2001. Cattle breeding in the 21st century. Proc. Of the 30th Annual Cornbelt Cow-Calf Conference, Feb. 24, Ottumwa, IA, pp. 1-9.
DIKEMAN, M.A., D.R. STROHBEHN, and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Development of a web-based scheduling program for synchronization of estrus in cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 79(Suppl. 2):15 (abstr.)
FUNK, D.J. and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, cloning and transgenic production in farm animals: A review. Proc. Of the Student American Veterinary Medical Association Symposium, March 8-10, Ames, IA, p. 89 (abstr.)
PUGH, M.L., K.R. SIEREN, L.L. TIMMS, and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Use of a vaginal mucus electrical resistance probe to alter insemination time and calf gender distribution in dairy heifers. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 84(Suppl. 1):64 (abstr.).
Cartmill, J.A., S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Stage of cycle, incidence and timing of ovulation , and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle after three timed breeding protocols. J. Dairy Sci. 84:84:1051-1059.
Lamb, G.C., J. S. Stevenson, D. J. Kesler, H.A. Garverick, D.R. Brown, and B. E. Salfen. 2001. Inclusion of an intravaginal progesterone insert plus GnRH and prostaglandin F2 for ovulation control in postpartum suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. In press.
Medina-Britos, M.A., A.M. Richardson, G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, S.K. Johnson, S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Ovulation synchronization using progestins, GnRH, and PGF2 before timed AI (TAI) and resetting follicular waves for resynchronization of repeat inseminations of suckled beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):249-250 (Abstr. #1031).
Richardson, A.M., B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Characteristics of estrus before and after insemination and fertility after estrus synchronization with GnRH , PGF2, and progesterone in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 84:(Suppl. 1):249 (Abstr. #1029).
Stevenson, J.S. 2001. Incidence of anestrous in suckled beef cows and milked dairy cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):116 (Abstr. #481).
Johnson, S.K., J.S. Stevenson, K.R. Harmoney, and J.R. Brethour. 2001. Effects of pre and/or postpartum fat supplementation on reproduction in mature beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):275 (Abstr. #1136).
El-Zarkouny, S.Z., J.A. Cartmill, A.M. Richardson, M.A. Medina-Britos, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Presynchronization of estrous cycles in lactating dairy cows with Ovsynch + CIDR and resynchronization of repeat estrus using the CIDR. J. Dairy Sci. 84:(Suppl. 1):249 (Abstr. #1028).
Pursley, J.P., P.M. Fricke, H.A. Garverick, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottobre, J.S. Stevenson, and M.C. Wiltbank. 2001. Improved fertility in noncycling lactating dairy cows treated with progesterone during Ovsynch. Midwest ADSA/ASAS Mtg., Des Moines, IA, March19-21 (Abstr. #251).
Cartmill, J. A., S. Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Stage of cycle, incidence and timing of ovulation , and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle after three timed breeding protocols. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1051-1059.
Dahlen, C.R., G.C. Lamb, B. Lindsay, A. DiCostanzo, D.R. Brown, A.R. Spell, and L.R. Miller. 2001. Pregnancy rates in recipients after receiving either two-identical demi-embryos or a single whole embryo. Theriogenology (In Press).
Medina-Britos, M.A., A.M. Richardson, G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, S.K. Johnson, S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. Ovulation synchronization using progestins, GnRH, and PGF2 before timed AI (TAI) and resetting follicular waves for resynchronization of repeat inseminations of suckled beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):249.
Spell, A.R., W.R. Beal, L.R. Corah, and G.C. Lamb. 2001. Evaluating recipient and embryo factors that affect pregnancy rates of embryo transfer in beef cattle. Theriogenology 56:287-298.
Laughlin, M.H., W.G. Schrage, R.M. McAllister, H.A. Garverick and A.W. Jones. 2001. Interaction of gender and exercise training: vasomotor reactivity of porcine skeletal muscle arteries. J. Applied Physiology 90:216-227.
Calder, M.D., M. Manikkam, B.E. Salfen, R.S. Youngquist, D.B. Lubahn, W.R. Lamberson and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Dominant voine ovarian follicular cysts express increased levels of messenger RNAs for luteinizing-hormone receptor and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4, 5 isomerase compared to normal dominant follicles. Biol. Reprod. 65:471-476.
Salfen, B.E., F.N. Kojima, J.F. Bader, M.F. Smith and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Effect of short-term calf removal at three stages of a follicular wave on fate of a dominant follicle in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).
M. Manikkam, M.D. Calder, B.E. Salfen, R.S. Youngquist, D.H. Keisler, and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Concentrations of steroids and gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes and gonadotropin receptors in bovine ovarian follicles of first and second waves and changes in second wave follicles after pulsatile LH infusion. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 67:189-203.
Hampton, J.H., M. Manikkam, D.B. Lubahn, M.F. Smith and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Androgen receptor mRNA expression inbovine ovarian follicles. Annual Mt Society of Study Reprod., Ottowa, Canada. July.
Pursley, J.R., P.M. Fricke, H.A. Garverick, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottober, J.S. Stevenson and M.C. Wiltbank. 2001. Improved fertility in noncycling lactating dairy cows treated with exogenous progesterone during ovsynch. NC-113 Regional Research Project. American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Assoc. Midwest Section Annual Mtg, March.
Ching, S., D.C. Mahan, J.S. Ottobre, and K. Dabrowski. 2001. Ascorbic acid synthesis in fetal and neonatal pigs and in pregnant and postpartum sows. J. Nutrition 131:1997-2001.
Glogowski, J., J. Jankowski, A. Faruga, J.S. Ottobre, and A. Ciereszko. 2001. Acrosin activity in turkey spermatozoa: assay by clinical method and effect of zinc and benzamidine on the activity. Theriogenology 56:889-901.
Sartori R, Fricke P, Ferreira JCP, Ginther OJ, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Follicular deviation and acquisition of ovulatory capacity in bovine follicles. Biology of Reproduction 65:1403-1409.
Cordoba MC, Sartori R, Fricke PM, 2001. Assessment of a commercially available Early Conception Factor (ECF) test for determining pregnancy status of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 84:1884-1889.
Tsai SJ, Wiltbank MC, 2001 Differential effects of prostaglandin F-2 alpha on in vitro luteinized bovine granulosa cells. Biology of Reproduction. 122:245-253.
Vasconcelos JLM, Sartori R, Oliveira HN, Guenther JG, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Reduction in size of the ovulatory follicle reduces subsequent luteal size and pregnancy rate. Theriogenology. 56:307-314.
Beg MA, Bergfelt DR, Kot K, Wiltbank MC, Ginther OJ, 2001. Follicular-fluid factors and granulosa-cell gene expression associated with follicle deviation in cattle. Biology of Reproduction 64:432-441.
Wu Z, Kanneganti VR, Massingill LJ, Wiltbank MC, Walgenbach RP, Satter LD, 2001. Milk production of fall-calving dairy cows during summer grazing of grass or grass-clover pasture. Journal of Dairy Science. 84:1166-1173.
Olson KK, Anderson LE, Wiltbank MC, Townson DH, 2001. Action of prostaglandin F2a and prolactin on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression and monocyte/macrophage accumulation in the rat corpus luteum. Biology of Reproduction 64:890-897.
Wu Y-L, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Differential regulation of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 transcription in ovine granulosa and large luteal cells. Prostaglandin and Other Lipid Mediators, in press.