NC1006: Methods to Increase Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (Rev. NC-113)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


HARD, D. L., R. K. BHATNAGAR, J. R. MOLINA and L. L. ANDERSON. 2001. Secretion of dopamine and norepinephrine in hypophyseal portal blood and prolactin in peripheral blood of Holstein cattle. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 20:89-100.

WILLIAMS, G. L., O. S. GAZAL, L. S. LESHIN, R. L. STANKO, and L. L. ANDERSON. 2001. Physiological regulation of maternal behavior in heifers: roles of genital stimulation, intracerebral oxytocin release, and ovarian steroids. BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION 65:295-300.

KIM, K.-S., J.M. REECY, L.L. ANDERSON and M.F. ROTHSCHILD. 2001. Functional characterization of the missense variation in the porcine melanocortin-4 receptor gene associated with obesity-related traits in the pig. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PLANT & ANIMAL GENOME IX, Page 210. (San Diego)

CHO, S.-J., K. JEFTINIJA, A. GLAVASKI, S. JEFTINIJA, B.P. JENA and L.L. ANDERSON. 2001. Fusion pores in GH-secreting cells. 31st Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE, Nov. 10-15, 2001. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE 27:Abstract (San Diego)

CAAMAQO, J. N., S. OOKUTSU, M. L. PUGH, L. L. TIMMS, L. L. ANDERSON, P. M. DIXON and C. R. YOUNGS. 2001. Effect of FSH treatment on the developmental competence of oocytes recovered from postpartum dairy cows. 27th Annual Conference of the INTERNATIONAL EMBRYO TRANSFER SOCIETY (IETS), Jan. 14-16, 2001. Abstract (Omaha)

WILSON, M.E., K.A. VONNAHME and S.P. FORD. 2001. Role of altered uterine-embryo synchrony on conceptus growth in the pig. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).

VONNAHME, K.A., M.E. WILSON and S.P. FORD. 2001. Relationship between placental vascular endothelial growth factor expression and placental/endometrial vascularity in the pig. Biol. Reprod. 64:1821-1825.

YOUNGS, C.R. 2001. Factors influencing the success of embryo transfer in the pig. THERIOGENOLOGY 56:1311-1320.

SIEREN, K.R. 2001. The Use of BoviPure for the separation of X and Y chromosome-bearing bovine sperm cells. M.S. Thesis, Iowa State Univ., 61 pp.

YOUNGS, C.R. 2001. Cattle breeding in the 21st century. Proc. Of the 30th Annual Cornbelt Cow-Calf Conference, Feb. 24, Ottumwa, IA, pp. 1-9.

DIKEMAN, M.A., D.R. STROHBEHN, and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Development of a web-based scheduling program for synchronization of estrus in cattle. JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 79(Suppl. 2):15 (abstr.)

FUNK, D.J. and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, cloning and transgenic production in farm animals: A review. Proc. Of the Student American Veterinary Medical Association Symposium, March 8-10, Ames, IA, p. 89 (abstr.)

PUGH, M.L., K.R. SIEREN, L.L. TIMMS, and C.R. YOUNGS. 2001. Use of a vaginal mucus electrical resistance probe to alter insemination time and calf gender distribution in dairy heifers. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 84(Suppl. 1):64 (abstr.).

Cartmill, J.A., S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Stage of cycle, incidence and timing of ovulation , and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle after three timed breeding protocols. J. Dairy Sci. 84:84:1051-1059.

Lamb, G.C., J. S. Stevenson, D. J. Kesler, H.A. Garverick, D.R. Brown, and B. E. Salfen. 2001. Inclusion of an intravaginal progesterone insert plus GnRH and prostaglandin F2 for ovulation control in postpartum suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. In press.

Medina-Britos, M.A., A.M. Richardson, G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, S.K. Johnson, S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Ovulation synchronization using progestins, GnRH, and PGF2 before timed AI (TAI) and resetting follicular waves for resynchronization of repeat inseminations of suckled beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):249-250 (Abstr. #1031).

Richardson, A.M., B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Characteristics of estrus before and after insemination and fertility after estrus synchronization with GnRH , PGF2, and progesterone in dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 84:(Suppl. 1):249 (Abstr. #1029).

Stevenson, J.S. 2001. Incidence of anestrous in suckled beef cows and milked dairy cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):116 (Abstr. #481).

Johnson, S.K., J.S. Stevenson, K.R. Harmoney, and J.R. Brethour. 2001. Effects of pre and/or postpartum fat supplementation on reproduction in mature beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):275 (Abstr. #1136).

El-Zarkouny, S.Z., J.A. Cartmill, A.M. Richardson, M.A. Medina-Britos, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Presynchronization of estrous cycles in lactating dairy cows with Ovsynch + CIDR and resynchronization of repeat estrus using the CIDR. J. Dairy Sci. 84:(Suppl. 1):249 (Abstr. #1028).

Pursley, J.P., P.M. Fricke, H.A. Garverick, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottobre, J.S. Stevenson, and M.C. Wiltbank. 2001. Improved fertility in noncycling lactating dairy cows treated with progesterone during Ovsynch. Midwest ADSA/ASAS Mtg., Des Moines, IA, March19-21 (Abstr. #251).

Cartmill, J. A., S. Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, G.C. Lamb, and J.S. Stevenson. 2001. Stage of cycle, incidence and timing of ovulation , and pregnancy rates in dairy cattle after three timed breeding protocols. J. Dairy Sci. 84:1051-1059.

Dahlen, C.R., G.C. Lamb, B. Lindsay, A. DiCostanzo, D.R. Brown, A.R. Spell, and L.R. Miller. 2001. Pregnancy rates in recipients after receiving either two-identical demi-embryos or a single whole embryo. Theriogenology (In Press).

Medina-Britos, M.A., A.M. Richardson, G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, S.K. Johnson, S.Z. El-Zarkouny, B.A. Hensley, and J.S. Stevenson. Ovulation synchronization using progestins, GnRH, and PGF2 before timed AI (TAI) and resetting follicular waves for resynchronization of repeat inseminations of suckled beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):249.

Spell, A.R., W.R. Beal, L.R. Corah, and G.C. Lamb. 2001. Evaluating recipient and embryo factors that affect pregnancy rates of embryo transfer in beef cattle. Theriogenology 56:287-298.

Laughlin, M.H., W.G. Schrage, R.M. McAllister, H.A. Garverick and A.W. Jones. 2001. Interaction of gender and exercise training: vasomotor reactivity of porcine skeletal muscle arteries. J. Applied Physiology 90:216-227.

Calder, M.D., M. Manikkam, B.E. Salfen, R.S. Youngquist, D.B. Lubahn, W.R. Lamberson and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Dominant voine ovarian follicular cysts express increased levels of messenger RNAs for luteinizing-hormone receptor and 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4, 5 isomerase compared to normal dominant follicles. Biol. Reprod. 65:471-476.

Salfen, B.E., F.N. Kojima, J.F. Bader, M.F. Smith and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Effect of short-term calf removal at three stages of a follicular wave on fate of a dominant follicle in postpartum beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).

M. Manikkam, M.D. Calder, B.E. Salfen, R.S. Youngquist, D.H. Keisler, and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Concentrations of steroids and gene expression of steroidogenic enzymes and gonadotropin receptors in bovine ovarian follicles of first and second waves and changes in second wave follicles after pulsatile LH infusion. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 67:189-203.

Hampton, J.H., M. Manikkam, D.B. Lubahn, M.F. Smith and H.A. Garverick. 2001. Androgen receptor mRNA expression inbovine ovarian follicles. Annual Mt Society of Study Reprod., Ottowa, Canada. July.

Pursley, J.R., P.M. Fricke, H.A. Garverick, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottober, J.S. Stevenson and M.C. Wiltbank. 2001. Improved fertility in noncycling lactating dairy cows treated with exogenous progesterone during ovsynch. NC-113 Regional Research Project. American Society of Animal Science and American Dairy Science Assoc. Midwest Section Annual Mtg, March.

Ching, S., D.C. Mahan, J.S. Ottobre, and K. Dabrowski. 2001. Ascorbic acid synthesis in fetal and neonatal pigs and in pregnant and postpartum sows. J. Nutrition 131:1997-2001.

Glogowski, J., J. Jankowski, A. Faruga, J.S. Ottobre, and A. Ciereszko. 2001. Acrosin activity in turkey spermatozoa: assay by clinical method and effect of zinc and benzamidine on the activity. Theriogenology 56:889-901.

Sartori R, Fricke P, Ferreira JCP, Ginther OJ, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Follicular deviation and acquisition of ovulatory capacity in bovine follicles. Biology of Reproduction 65:1403-1409.

Cordoba MC, Sartori R, Fricke PM, 2001. Assessment of a commercially available Early Conception Factor (ECF) test for determining pregnancy status of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science 84:1884-1889.

Tsai SJ, Wiltbank MC, 2001 Differential effects of prostaglandin F-2 alpha on in vitro luteinized bovine granulosa cells. Biology of Reproduction. 122:245-253.

Vasconcelos JLM, Sartori R, Oliveira HN, Guenther JG, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Reduction in size of the ovulatory follicle reduces subsequent luteal size and pregnancy rate. Theriogenology. 56:307-314.

Beg MA, Bergfelt DR, Kot K, Wiltbank MC, Ginther OJ, 2001. Follicular-fluid factors and granulosa-cell gene expression associated with follicle deviation in cattle. Biology of Reproduction 64:432-441.

Wu Z, Kanneganti VR, Massingill LJ, Wiltbank MC, Walgenbach RP, Satter LD, 2001. Milk production of fall-calving dairy cows during summer grazing of grass or grass-clover pasture. Journal of Dairy Science. 84:1166-1173.

Olson KK, Anderson LE, Wiltbank MC, Townson DH, 2001. Action of prostaglandin F2a and prolactin on intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression and monocyte/macrophage accumulation in the rat corpus luteum. Biology of Reproduction 64:890-897.

Wu Y-L, Wiltbank MC, 2001. Differential regulation of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase-2 transcription in ovine granulosa and large luteal cells. Prostaglandin and Other Lipid Mediators, in press.


Indiana (Purdue University)- Peer reviewed manuscripts

Bormann, C.L.*, Ongeri, E.M., Krisher R.L.* (2003) The effect of vitamins during maturation of caprine oocytes on subsequent developmental potential in vitro. Theriogenology 59:1373-1380.

Brad, A.M.*, Bormann, C.L., Swain, J.E., Durkin, R.E., Johnson, A.E., Clifford, A.L., Krisher, R.L.* (2003) Glutathione and adenosine triphosphate content of in vivo and in vitro matured porcine oocytes. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 64:492-498.

Herrick, J.R.*, Brad, A.M., Krisher, R.L.*, Pope, W.F.* (2003) Relationship between intracellular adenosine triphosphate or glutathione concentration and in vivo developmental potential of porcine oocytes. Animal Reproduction Science 78: 123-131.

Herrick, J.R.*, Conover-Sparman, M.L.*, Krisher, R.L.* Reduced polyspermic fertilization of porcine oocytes utilizing elevated bicarbonate and reduced calcium concentrations in a single medium system. Reproduction, Fertility and Development


Stroble, K.A.*, Stewart, T.S., Krisher, R.L.* (2003) Length of cyropreservation has no effect on fertilizing ability of boar spermatozoa. Theriogenology 59:212.

Krisher, R.L.* (2003) The impact of oocyte quality on development. J. Anim. Sci. 81 (Suppl. 1):15.

Herrick, J.R.*, Brad, A.M., Krisher, R.L.* (2003) Manipulation of the pentose phosphate pathway in porcine oocytes: Effects on nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. Biol. Reprod. 68 (Suppl.1): 353.

Brad, A.M.*, Herrick, J.R., Lane, M., Gardner, D.K., Krisher, R.L.* (2003) Glucose and lactate concentrations affect the metabolism of in vitro matured porcine oocytes. Biol. Reprod. 68 (Suppl.1): 356.

Clifford, A.L.*, Krisher, R.L.* (2003) Effects of recipient oocyte metabolism on development and viability of porcine nuclear transfer embryos. Biol. Reprod. 68 (Suppl.1): 557.

Iowa (Iowa State University)- Books:

1. Perspectives of World Food and Agriculture: 2004 (C.G. Scanes and J. Miranowski) Iowa State Press/Blackwell (in press)

2. Biology of growth of domestic animals (C.G. Scanes) Iowa State Press/Blackwell 2003

3. Poultry Science (C.G. Scanes, G. Brant and M.E, Ensminger) Prentice Hall 2004




Anderson LL. Invited book review of !‘Biology of the Domestic Pig!( Edited by Wilson G. Pond and Harry J. Mersmann, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, pp 1-745. 2001, hardcover ISBN 0-8014-3468-8, for The Quarterly Review Of Biology 78:105-106, 2003.

Anderson LL, Glavaski A, Jeftinija K, Scanes CG, Jeftinija S. Effect of ghrelin on calcium transient in isolated porcine pituitary cells. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society For Neuroscience, November 2-7, 2002. Proceedings Of Society For Neuroscience 27:Abstract, Orlando.

Anderson LL, Jeftinija S, Scanes CG. 2003. Invited mini-review entitled: Molecular mechanism and regulation of growth hormone secretion. Experimental Biology and Medicine.

Anderson LL, Jena BP. Invited chapter entitled, !‘Fusion pores in growth hormone secreting cells of the pituitary gland: An AFM study!(. In: AFM In Biology And Medicine. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2003.

Glavaski-Joksimovic A, Jeftinija K, Scanes CG, Anderson LL, Jeftinija S. Stimulatory effect of ghrelin on isolated porcine somatotropes. Neuroendocrinology 77:366-378, 2003.

Glavaski A, Rowe EW, Scanes CG, Anderson LL, Jeftinija S. Effects of leptin on calcium transient in isolated porcine somatotropes. 33rd Annual Meeting of the Society For Neuroscience, November 3-7, 2003. Proceedings Of Society For Neuroscience 28:Abstract, New Orleans.

Godke RA, Sansinena M, Youngs CR. Assisted reproductive technologies and embryo culture methods for farm animals. In (C.A. Pinkert, ed.) Transgenic Animal Technology: A Laboratory Handbook, 2nd Ed. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, pp. 513-568, 2002.

Jo M, Komar CM, Fortune JE. Gonadotropin surge induces two separate increases in messenger RNA for progesterone receptor in bovine periovulatory follicles. Biol Reprod 67:1981-1988, 2002.

Kim KS, Anderson LL, Reecy JM, Nguyen NT, Plastow GS, Rothschild MF. Molecular genetic studies of porcine genes for obesity. In: Progress In Obesity Research. Edited by G. Medeiros-Neto, A. Halpern and C. Bouchard. John Libbey Eurotext Ltd. pp. 269-271, 2003.

Kim KS, Anderson LL, Tuggle CK, Rothschild MF. 2002. Mapping and functional analysis of the porcine ghrelin gene !V A candidate for growth and appetite traits. Proceedings of the Plant & Animal Genome X, San Diego.

Kim KS, Ciobanu DC, Anderson LL, Reecy JA, Hsu WH, Plastow GS, Rothschild MF. Molecular genetics of porcine genes for obesity and diabetes. 84th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 143:400, Abstract P2-338, San Francisco, 2002.

Komar CM, Curry TE Jr. Localization and expression of mRNAs for the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in ovarian tissue from naturally cycling and pseudopregnant rats. Biol Reprod 66:1531-1539, 2002.

Komar CM, Curry TE Jr. Inverse relationship between the expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor and P450 side chain cleavage in the rat ovary. Biol Reprod 69:549-555, 2003.

Lee JS, Jeftinija K, Jeftinija S, Stromer MH, Anderson LL. Immunocytochemical distribution of growth hormone cells in the porcine pituitary. Anatomical Record (Submitted for review), 2003.

Lee JS, Jeftinija S, Stromer MH, Anderson LL. Immunohistochemical study on the distribution pattern of growth hormone cells in porcine anterior pituitary. 85th Annual Meeting of The Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 144:554, Abstract P3-341, Philadelphia, 2003.

Lee JS, Mayes MS, Stromer MH, Jeftinija K, Jeftinija S, Jena BP, Anderson LL. Immunocytochemical study of spatial distribution pattern and number of secretory vesicles of somatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. Eighth International Pituitary Congress, June 22-25, 2003, Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, Abstract P55, New York.

Lee JS, Mayes MS, Stromer MH, Jena BP, Anderson LL. Number of secretory vesicles in GH cells of the pituitary remain unchanged after secretion. 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society For Cell Biology, December 14-18, 2002, Moscone Convention Center. Proceedings Of American Society For Cell Biology 13:86a, Abstract 483, San Francisco.

Madan P, Bridges PJ, Komar CM, Beristain AG, Rajamahendran R, Fortune JE, MacCalman CD. Expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for ADAMTS subtypes changes in the periovulatory follicle after the gonadotropin surge and during luteal development and regression in cattle. Accepted for publication in Biol Reprod, 2003.

Simpson KS, Komar CM, Curry TE Jr. Localization and expression of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4 (TIMP-4) in the immature gonadotropin-stimulated and adult rat ovary. Biol Reprod 68:214-221, 2003.

White SB, Wilhelms KW, Scanes CG. Interactions between xenobiotics and the avian glucocorticoid-binding globulin. Ozark-Prairie Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), August 11-12, 2003; St. Louis, Missouri.

Wilhelms KW, Johannsen SA, Proudman JA, Scanes CG. Failure of Dietary Atrazine to Alter Reproductive Development in Male Japanese Quail. Ozark-Prairie Regional Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), August 11-12, 2003; St. Louis, Missouri.




Youngs CR. Synchronization of estrus in dairy cattle using prostaglandin F2Q (Part I). Iowa Jersey Today 8:10, 2002.

Youngs CR. Synchronization of estrus in dairy cattle using prostaglandin F2Q (Part II). Iowa Jersey Today 8:9-10, 2002.

Kansas (Kansas State University)

El-Zarkouny, S. Z., J. A. Cartmill, B. A. Hensley, and J. S. Stevenson. 2003. Presynchronization of estrous cycles before Ovsynch and progesterone in dairy cows: Ovulation, pregnancy rates, and embryo survival. J. Dairy Sci. 86:In press.

Stevenson, J. S., S. K. Johnson, M. A. Medina-Britos, A. M. Richardson, and G. C. Lamb. 2003. Resynchronization of estrus in cattle of unknown pregnancy status using estrogen, progesterone, or both. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1682-1692.

Stevenson, J. S., J. A. Cartmill, B. A. Hensley, and S. Z. El-Zarkouny. 2003. Conception rates of dairy cows following early not-pregnant diagnosis by ultrasonography and subsequent treatments with shortened Ovsynch protocol. Theriogenology 60:475-483.

Stevenson, J. S., S. K. Johnson, and G. A. Milliken. 2003. Incidence of postpartum anestrus in suckled beef cattle: Treatments to induce estrus, ovulation, and conception. Prof. Anim. Sci. 19:124-134.

Cavestany, D., J. Cibils, A Freire, A. Sastre, and J. S. Stevenson. 2003. Evaluation of two different oestrus-synchronisation methods with timed artificial insemination and resynchronisation of returns to oestrus in lactating Holstein cows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 77:141-155.

Stevenson, J. S.,G. C. Lamb, S. K. Johnson, M.A. Medina-Britos, D. M. Grieger, K. R. Harmoney, J. A. Cartmill, S. Z. El-Zarkouny, C. R. Dahlen, and T. J. Marple. 2003. Supplemental norgestomet, progesterone, or melengestrol acetate increases pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows after timed inseminations. J. Anim. Sci. 81:571-586.

Richardson, A. M., B. A. Hensley, T. J. Marple, S. K. Johnson, and J. S. Stevenson. 2002. Characteristics of estrus before and after first insemination and fertility of heifers after synchronized estrus using GnRH, PGF2p, and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 80:2792-2800.

Johnson, S. K., and J. S. Stevenson. Strategies for synchronizing estrus and ovulation in cows and heifers. Kansas State University, March 2003. MF-2573.

Johnson, S. K., and J. S. Stevenson. Tips for successful synchronization program. Kansas State University, March 2003. MF-2574.

Johnson, S. K., and J. S. Stevenson. 2002. Use of MGA or MGA plus ECP to resynchronize estrus in previously inseminated beef heifers of unknown pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):27 (Abstr. #105).

El-Zarkouny, S.Z. 2002. Hormonal control of estrus, ovulation, and follicular dynamics in high-producing dairy cows before and after timed insemination. Ph.D. Dissertation, Kansas State University, 221 pages.

Michigan (Michigan State University)

Peters, MW and JR Pursley. 2003. Timing of final GnRH injection of Ovsynch affects ovulatory follicle size, subsequent progesterone concentrations, and fertility. Theriogenology 60:1197-1204.

Peters, M. W. and J. R. Pursley. 2002. Fertility of lactating dairy cows treated with Ovsynch after presynchronization injections of PGF"Q and GnRH. Journal of Dairy Science 85:2403-2406.

Dow, M.P.D., L.J. Bakke, C.A. Cassar, M.W. Peters, J.R. Pursley and G.W. Smith. 2002 Gonadotropin surge-induced upregulation of the plasminogen activators (tissue plasminogen activator and urokinase plasminogen activator) and the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor within bovine periovulatory follicular and luteal tissue. Biology of Reproduction 66:1413-1421

Cassar, C.A., M.P.D. Dow, J.R. Pursley and G.W. Smith. 2002. Effect of the preovulatory LH surge on bovine follicular progesterone receptor mRNA expression. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 22:179-187.

Bakke, L.B., Dow, M.P.D., Cassar, C.A., Peters, M.W., Pursley, J.R. and G.W. Smith. 2002. Effect of the preovulatory gonadotropin surge on matrix metalloproteinase-14, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 expression within bovine periovulatory follicular and luteal tissue. Biology of Reproduction 66: 1627-1634.

Dow, M.P.D., L.J. Bakke, C.A. Cassar, M.W. Peters, J.R. Pursley and G.W. Smith. 2002. Gonadotropin surge-induced upregulation of messenger RNA for plasminogen activator inhibitors 1 and 2 within bovine periovulatory follicular and luteal tissue. Reproduction 123: (711-719).

Minnesota (University of Minnesota)

Arthington, J.D., G.C. Lamb, and F.M. Pate. 2003. Effect of Supplement type on growth and pregnancy rate of yearling, Brahman-crossbred heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).

Dahlen, C.R, A. DiCostanzo, R.T. Ethington, T.L. Durham, J.E. Larson, and G.C. Lamb. 2003. Evaluation of forage sources for finishing diets containing wet corn gluten feed. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):61.

Dahlen C.R., G.C. Lamb, C.M. Zehnder, L.R. Miller, and A. DiCostanzo. 2003. Fixed-time insemination in peripuberal, light-weight replacement beef heifers synchronized with PGF2alpha and GnRH. Theriogenology 59(8):1827-1837.

Dahlen, C.R., and G.C. Lamb. 2002. Feeding melengestrol acetate (MGA) to resynchronize repeat estrus in beef heifers previously synchronized using a MGA/prostaglandin F2Q protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):56.

Dahlen, C.R., G.C. Lamb, B. Lindsay, A. DiCostanzo, D.R. Brown, A.R. Spell, and L.R. Miller. 2002. Pregnancy rates in recipients after receiving either two-identical demi-embryos or a single whole embryo. Theriogenology 57:539.

Fricke, P.M., and G.C. Lamb. 2002. Practical applications of ultrasound for reproductive management of beef and dairy cattle. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. Manhattan, KS.

Hafliger, III, H.C., L.H. Baumgard, W.J. Weber, M. Chahine, G.C. Lamb, T.H. Klusmeyer, M.F. McGrath, J.L. Vicini, and B.A. Crooker. 2003. Effects of induced lactation on milk fatty acid profiles in multiparous Holstein cows. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):189.

Lamb, G.C. 2002. GnRH estrus and ovulation control systems for beef cattle. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. Manhattan, KS.

Lamb, G.C., and C.R. Dahlen. 2002. Long-term effects of nutrition on reproduction !V how can cattlemen manipulate their operations for optimum reproductive performance. 2002 MN Beef Cow/Calf Day Report pp. 44-58.

Lamb, G.C., J.A. Cartmill, and J.S. Stevenson. 2003. Effectiveness of Select Synch (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2[alpha]) for synchronizing estrus in replacement beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).

Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, and D.R. Brown. 2002. Reproductive Ultrasound Technology for Monitoring Ovarian Structure Development, Fetal Development, Embryo Survival, and the incidence of Twinning in Beef Cows. Prof. Anim. Sci. 19:135-143.

Lamb, G.C., D.R. Brown, R.C. Wasson, J.E. Larson, C.R. Dahlen, and A. DiCostanzo. 2003. Effect of Trace Mineral Nutrition on Follicular Response, Ovulation, and Embryo Production in Superovulated Angus Heifers. J. Reprod. Fertil.

Lamb, G.C., R.C. Wasson, D.R. Brown, and C.R. Dahlen. 2003. Induced twinning by artificial insemination and embryo transfer fails to increase pregnancy rates but increases total fetus numbers in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):178.

Lamb, G.C., D.R. Brown, R. D. Mathison, J.B. Hall. 2002. Effect of pasture forage specie and management on animal performance. J. Agronomy (Suppl. 1).

Lamb, G.C., D. R. Brown, C. R. Dahlen, and A. R. Spell. 2002. Inducing twinning in postpartum suckled beef cows using artificial insemination and embryo transfer. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):268.

Lamb, G.C., and C.R. Dahlen. 2002. Past, Present, and Future impact of ultrasound technology on beef cattle reproductive research and management strategies. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 2):54.

Lamb, G.C. 2003. Estrous synchronization using the newly approved CIDR. 2003 MN Beef Cow/Calf Day Report pp. 28-42.

Lamb, G.C. 2003. Estrous synchronization in beef cattle using the CIDR. In: Proc. VII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 199-211.

Lamb, G.C. 2003. Melengestrol acetate (MGA) for synchronizing beef females. In: Proc. VII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 239-247.

Lamb, G.C. 2003. Nutrition/reproduction interactions affecting performance of beef cattle. In: Proc. VII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 139-151.

Lamb, G.C. 2003. Reproductive ultrasound for management of beef cattle. In: Proc. VII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 183-193.

Miller, L.R., A. DiCostanzo, C.M. Zehnder, G.C. Lamb, and L. Smith. 2003. Effects of two protein supplementation systems on feedlot performance and nitrogen retention by feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted:E2002-368).

Stevenson, J.S., S.K. Johnson, M.A. Medina-Britos, A.M. Richardson, and G.C. Lamb. 2003. Resynchronization of estrus in cattle of unknown pregnancy status using estrogen, progesterone, or both. J. Anim. Sci. 81:1681-1692.

Stevenson, J.S., G.C. Lamb, S.K. Johnson, M.A. Medina-Britos, D.M. Grieger, K.R. Harmoney, J.A. Cartmill, S.Z. El-Zarkouny, C.R. Dahlen, and T.J. Marple. 2003. Supplemental norgestomet, progesterone, and MGA increases pregnancy rates in suckled beef cows after inseminations. J. Anim. Sci. 81:571-586.

Wasson, R.C., J.E. Larson, D.R. Brown, and G.C. Lamb. 2003. Inclusion of a CIDR after initial artificial insemination concentrations of progesterone and corpus luteum volume in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Suppl. 1):53.

Ohio (The Ohio State University)

Danforth, D. R., L. K. Arbogast, S. Ghosh, A. Dickerman, R. Rofagha, and C. I. Friedman. 2003. Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulates preantral follicle growth in the rat ovary. Biol. Reprod. 68:1736-1741.

Wiltbank, M.C. and J.S. Ottobre. 2003. Regulation of intraluteal production of prostaglandins. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol.: In press.

Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin)

Haughian JM, Sartori R, Guenther JN, Gumen A, Wiltbank MC, 2002. Extending the postpartum anovulatory period in dairy cattle with estradiol cypionate. Journal of Dairy Science 85:3238-3249.

Rupnow HL. Phernetton TM, Modrick ML, Wiltbank MC, Bird IM, Magness RR, 2002. Endothelial vasodilator production by uterine and systemic arteries. VIII. Estrogen and progesterone effects on cPLA(2), COX-1, and PGIS protein expression. Biology of Reproduction. 66:468-474.

Sangsritavong S, Combs DK, Sartori R, Armentano LE, Wiltbank MC, 2002. High feed intake increases liver blood flow and metabolism of progesterone and estradiol-17R in dairy cattle. Journal Dairy Science 85:2831-42.

Sartori R, Sartor-Bergfelt R, Mertens SA, Guenther JN, Parrish JJ, Wiltbank MC, 2002. Fertilization and early embryonic development in heifers and lactating cows in summer and lactating and dry cows in winter. Journal of Dairy Science 85:2803-12.

Sartori R, Rosa GJM, Wiltbank MC, 2002. Ovarian structures and circulation steroids in heifers and lactating cows in summer and lactating and dry cows in winter. Journal of Dairy Science 85:2813-22.

Gumen A, Wiltbank MC, 2002. An alteration in the hypothalamic action of estradiol due to lack of progesterone exposure can cause follicular cysts in cattle. Biology of Reproduction 66:1689-95.

Wu YL, Wiltbank MC, 2002. Transcriptional regulation of the cyclooxygenase-2 gene changes from protein kinase (PK) A- to PKC-dependence after luteinization of granulosa cells. Biology of Reproduction 66:1505-14.

Diaz FJ, Anderson LE, Wu YL, Rabot A, Tsai SJ, Wiltbank MC, 2002. Regulation of progesterone and prostaglandin F2Q production in the CL. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 191:65-80.

McKusick BC, Wiltbank MC, Sartori R, Marnet PG, Thomas DL, 2002. Effect of presence or absence of copora lutea on milk production in East Friesian dairy ewes. Journal of Dairy Science 85:790-96.

Gumen, A, Sartori R, Costa FMJ, Wiltbank MC, 2002. A GnRH/LH surge without subsequent progesterone exposure can induce development of follicular cysts. Journal of Dairy Science 85:43-50.

Reinemann DJ. Wiltbank MC. Rasmussen MD. Sheffield LG. LeMire SD., 2003. Comparison of behavioral to physiological response of cows exposed to electric shock. Transactions of the ASAE. 46:507-512.



Journal Articles and Abstracts

Arthington, J.D., G.C. Lamb, and F.M. Pate. 2004. Effect of supplement type on growth and pregnancy rate of yearling, Brahman-crossbred heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:282-285.

Dahlen, C.R., C.M. Zehnder, K.A. Hachmeister, M.E. Dikeman, A. DiCostanzo, G.C. Lamb, L.R. Miller, and H. Chester-Jones. 2004. Effects of Including Malting Industry Byproducts in Feedlot Diets on Performance and Beef Quality. Prof. Anim. Sci. Accepted (# 04-282).

Lamb, G.C., J.A. Cartmill, and J.S. Stevenson. 2004. Effectiveness of Select Synch (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2[alpha]) for synchronizing estrus in replacement beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:27-33.

Lamb, G.C. D.R. Brown, R.C. Wasson, J.E. Larson, C.R. Dahlen, and A. DiCostanzo. 2004. Effect of Trace Mineral Nutrition on Follicular Response, Ovulation, and Embryo Production in Superovulated Angus Heifers. J. Reprod. Fertil. 16(1,2):289

Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, T.W. Geary, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, D. J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, and D. Landblom. 2004. Synchronization of estrus in replacement beef heifers using GnRH, prostaglandin F2a (PG), and progesterone (CIDR): a multi-location study. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):368.

Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, T.W. Geary, D. J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, F.N. Schrick, and J.D. Arseneau. 2004. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows using GnRH, prostaglandin F2a (PG), and progesterone (CIDR): a multi-location study. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):369.

Wasson, R., J.E. Larson, D.R. Brown, A. DiCostanzo, J.D. Arthington, and G.C. Lamb. 2004. Cow and calf performance in a management system including twinning and early weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):59.

Conference Proceedings:

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Estrus synchronization systems  CIDR. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. Northe Platte NE. Pp 75-85.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Beef estrous synchronization systems. In: Proc. NAAB 58th Technical Conference (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Synchronization of estrus in embryo transfer recipients using CIDRs and GnRH. In: Proc. AETA Annual Conference (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Factors influencing reproductive efficiency in beef herds. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 161-173.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Estrous synchronization using the CIDR and GnRH. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 215-224.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Donor and recipient factors affecting embryo transfer programs. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 247-255.

Lamb, G.C. and P.M. Fricke. 2004. Ultrasound  Early Pregnancy Diagnosis and Fetal Sexing. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. Northe Platte NE. Pp 219-229.


Books and Articles Within Edited Books:

Stevenson, J. S., and D. L. Davis. 2004. Estrus Synchronization: Cattle. Page xxx in Encyclopedia of Animal Science, A. W. Bell and W. G. Pond (Ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Stevenson, J. S., and D. L. Davis. 2004. Estrus Synchronization: Horses, Pigs, Sheep, and Goats. Page xxx in Encyclopedia of Animal Science, A. W. Bell and W. G. Pond (Ed.), Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Handbooks, Technical Bulletins, Theses, Dissertations, and Circulars:

Blevins, C. A. 2004. Effect of milking frequency, estradiol cypionate, and bST on lactation and reproductive outcomes in dairy cows. M.S. Thesis, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan.

Journal Articles and Abstracts:

Stevenson, J. S., and A. P. Phatak 2004. Inseminations at estrus induced by presynchronization before application of synchronized estrus and ovulation. J. Dairy Sci. In press (JDS-04-0404).

Stevenson, J. S., and S. M. Tiffany. 2004. Resynchronizing estrus and ovulation in Holsteins after not-pregnant diagnosis and various ovarian states. J. Dairy Sci. In press (JDS 04-0320).

El-Zarkouny, S. Z., and J. S. Stevenson. 2004. Resynchronization of estrus with progesterone or progesterone plus estrogen in lactating dairy cows of unknown pregnancy status. J. Dairy Sci. 87:3306-3321.

Stevenson, J. S., S M. Tiffany, and M. C. Lucy 2004. Use of estradiol cypionate as a substitute for GnRH in protocols for synchronizing ovulation in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 87:3298-3305.

El-Zarkouny, S. Z., J. A. Cartmill, B. A. Hensley, and J. S. Stevenson. 2004. Presynchronization of estrous cycles before Ovsynch and progesterone in dairy cows: Ovulation, pregnancy rates, and embryo survival. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1024-1037.

Lamb, G. C., J. A. Cartmill, and J. S. Stevenson. 2004. Effectiveness of Select Synch (gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2a) for synchronizing estrus in replacement beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:27-33.

Stevenson, J. S. and S. M. Tiffany. 2004. Resynchronization of ovulation in Holsteins after not pregnant diagnosis. J. Dairy. Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):256 (Abstr.).

Portaluppi, M. A. and Stevenson, J. S.. 2004. Variations in the Ovsynch protocol after presynchronization of estrous cycles alter pregnancy rates in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy. Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):256 (Abstr.).

Johnson, S. K., K.R. Harmoney, and J.S. Stevenson. 2004. Addition of ECP or calf removal to a modified MGA + CO-Synch protocol for synchronization of ovulation in beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):372 (Abstr.).

Conference Proceedings:

Stevenson, J. S. 2004. Puberty and anestrus: Dealing with non-cycling females. Page 117 in Proc. of Appl. Reprod. Strategies in Beef Cattle. North Platte, NE.


Journal articles:

Herrick, J.R., P. Bartels, and R.L. Krisher. 2004. Cryopreservation and post-thaw evaluation of in vitro function in epididymal spermatozoa from four species of free-ranging African bovids. Biol. Reprod. 71:948-958.

Herrick, J.R., E. Behboodi, E. Memili, S. Blash, Y. Echelard, and R.L. Krisher. 2004. Effect of macromolecule supplementation during in vitro maturation of goat oocytes on developmental potential. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 69:338-346.


Herrick, J.R., E. Behboodi, E. Memili, S. Blash, Y. Echelard, and R.L. Krisher. 2004. Effect of macromolecule supplementation during in vitro maturation on the developmental competence of goat oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 16:276 (abstr. 314).

Brad, A.M., T. Spies, F. Olivier, M. Lane, D.K. Gardner, P. Bartels, and R.L. Krisher. 2004. Timing of In Vitro Oocyte Maturation in Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis), Black Wildebeest (Connechaetes gnu), Blesbok (Damaliscus dorcus phillipsi), and Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum). Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 16:223 (abstr. 203).

Conover-Sparman, M.L., and R.L. Krisher. 2004. Ion composition of culture medium influences mitochondrial distribution and blastocyst development of preimplantation porcine embryos. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 16:195 (abstr. 147).

Swanson, W.F., J.B. Bond, H.L. Bateman, A.L. Manharth, R.L. Krisher, and J.R. Herrick. 2004. Effects of extracellular ion concentrations on in vitro development of domestic cat IVF embryos. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 16:202 (abstr. 160).

Krisher, R.L. In Press. Inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway results in meiotic arrest in porcine oocytes that can be overcome by the addition of pathway cofactors and end products. Reprod. Fert. Dev.

Tubman L., A. Peter, and R. Krisher. In Press. Effect of energy substrates on metabolism, nuclear maturation, and development of gilt and sow oocytes during in vitro maturation. Reprod. Fertil. Dev.


Conference Proceedings:

Kesler, D.J. and Marika Constantaras. 2004. Estrus synchronization systems: GnRH. Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Symposium. pp. 41-52.


Journal Articles:

Wilson, R. D., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, J. J. Rutledge, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, D. L. Matthews, and V. R. Shutzkus. In vitro production of Holstein embryos using sex-sorted sperm with ova recovered from selected cull cows on commercial dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Navanukraw, C., L. P. Reynolds, J. D. Kirsch, A. T. Grazul-Bilska, D. A. Redmer, and P. M. Fricke. 2004. A modified presynchronization protocol improves fertility to timed artificial insemination in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 87:1551-1557.

Fricke, P. M., D. Z. Caraviello, K. A. Weigel, and M. L. Welle. 2003. Fertility of dairy cows after resynchronization of ovulation at three intervals after first timed insemination. J. Dairy Sci. 86:3941-3950.

Wilson, R. D., P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, J.J. Rutledge, C. M. Syverson Penfield, and K. A. Weigel. In vitro production of bovine embryos using sex-sorted sperm. Theriogenology (In press).

Book Chapters:

Fricke, P. M. and G. C. Lamb. In press. Potential Applications and Pitfalls of Reproductive Ultrasonography in Bovine Practice. In: Vet Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice. G. Frazier (Ed.). Elsevier Inc., Philadelphia, PA.

Fricke, P. M. In press. Methods for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Pregnancy in Dairy Cattle and their Implementation. In: Bovine Theriogenology. R. L. de la Sota and G. A. Bo (Eds.).


Fricke, P. M. and M. L. Welle. 2003. Resynchronization of ovulation using Ovsynch to induce second timed artificial insemination service in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):52.

Fricke, P. M. 2003. Invited: Systems for early identification of nonpregnancy and resynchronization of ovulation in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 86:3805. (Midwest Branch ADSA Meetings, Des Moines, IA, Abstract 63).

Navanukraw, C., L. P. Reynolds, A.T. Grazul-Bilska, D. A. Redmer, and P.M. Fricke. 2002. Effect of presynchronization on pregnancy rate to a timed artificial insemination protocol in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):263.

Wilson, R. D., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, D. L. Matthews, J. J. Rugledge, and V. R. Schutzkus. 2004. In vitro production of Holstein embryos using Beltsville method sex-sorted sperm. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):366.

Wilson, R. D., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, D. L. Matthews, and V. R. Schutzkus. 2004. System for in vitro production with sexed sperm in commercial dairy herds. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):258.

Wilson, R. D., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, D. L. Matthews, and V. R. Schutzkus. 2004. In vitro production of Holstein embryos using sex-sorted semen. Proc. International Embryo Transfer Society (accepted).

Wilson, R. D., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, D. L. Matthews, and V. R. Schutzkus. 2003. Combining in vitro embryo production and sexed semen technologies. J. Dairy Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):118.

Extension Proceedings:

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Potential applications and pitfalls of ultrasound for managing reproduction in dairy cattle. Proc. Southeast Dairy Herd Management Conference, November 16-17, Macon, GA, pp. 39-52.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Getting lactating dairy cows pregnant: Are problem cows really the problem? Proc. Southeast Dairy Herd Management Conference, November 16-17, Macon, GA, pp. 93-103.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Systematic resynchronization of lactating dairy cows failing to conceive to first postpartum timed artificial insemination. Proc. 20th National Association of Animal Breeders Technical Conference, September 17-18, Milwaukee, WI.

Fricke, P. M., D. Z. Caraviello, K. A. Weigel, and M. L. Welle. 2004. Fertility of dairy cows after resynchronization of ovulation at three intervals following first timed insemination. Proc. DIGAL Conference, September 9-10, Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico, pp. 81-102.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Scanning the Future  Ultrasonography as a reproductive management tool for dairy cattle. Proc. DIGAL Conference, September 9-10, Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico, pp. 103-123.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. The implementation and evolution of timed artificial insemination protocols for reproductive management of lactating dairy cows. Proc. Monsanto Eastern Regional Science Symposium, April 14, Harrisburg, PA, 16 pages.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Synchronization and resynchronization systems for lactating dairy cows. Proc. 4-State Dairy Management Seminars, February 16-19, Norwood Young America, MN; Sheldon, IA; Breese, IL, Arlington, WI.

Fricke, P. M. 2004. Synchronization and resynchronization systems for lactating dairy cows. Proc. Leading Producers Conference, January 21, Wisconsin Dells, WI.

Fricke, P. M. 2003. Ovsynch, Presynch, Resynch, the Kitchen Synch: An Overview of Timed AI Protocols for Lactating Dairy Cows. Proc. Mid-Atlantic Extension Inservice, June 13, Wilkes-Barre, PA, pp.

Fricke, P. M. 2003. Scanning the future: Ultrasound as a reproductive management tool for dairy cattle. Proc. Mid-Atlantic Extension Inservice, June 13, Wilkes-Barre, PA, pp.
Fricke, P. M. 2003. Monitoring reproduction from the starting gate. Proc. Western Dairy Management Conference, March 12-14, Reno, NV, pp. 77-87.

Fricke, P. M. 2003. Reproductive management - how to conceive and maintain a pregnancy in high genetic merit/liveweight cows on low input systems. Proc. South African Large Herds Conference, February 3-5, Drakensburg, South Africa, pp. 169-183.

Fricke, P. M. 2003. USA results - optimizing reproductive efficiencies using practical information on the latest techniques. Proc. South African Large Herds Conference, February 3-5, Drakensburg, South Africa, pp. 99-112.


Conference Proceedings:

Vislisel, J. and Komar, C. (2004) PPAR³ expression in the neonatal rat ovary. Merck Veterinary Summer Scholar Research Program Meeting, Auburn, Alabama.


Banerjee, J., Vislisel, J. and Komar, C. M. (2004) Mechanisms involved in the effect of LH on mRNA and protein corresponding to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ³ in the periovulatory rat ovary. Biology of Reproduction. (Suppl 1) 37th meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Komar, C. M. and Rasweiler IV, J. J. (2004) Highly polarized ovaries of the long-tongued bat  a novel model system for studying ovarian development, long-term oocyte storage, folliculogenesis, and ovulation. Serono Symposium: XV Ovarian Workshop, British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Tinfo, N. S. and Komar, C. M. (2004) PPAR³ is not a major player in luteal steroidogenesis in the rat. Serono Symposium: XV Ovarian Workshop, British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.


Journal Article:

Wiltbank, M.C. and J.S. Ottobre. 2003. Regulation of intraluteal production of prostaglandins. Reprod. Biol. Endocrinol. 1:91.


Journal Articles:

Bakke, L.B., Q. Li, C.A. Cassar, M.P.D. Dow, J.R. Pursley and G.W. Smith. 2004. Gonadotropin surge induced differential upregulation of collagenase-1 (MMP-1) and collagenase-3 (MMP-13) mRNA and protein in bovine preovulatory follicles. Biol. Reprod. 71:605-612.

Peters, M.W., J.R. Pursley and G. W. Smith. 2004. Inhibition of intrafollicular PGE2 synthesis and ovulation following ultrasound-mediated intrafollicular injection of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor NS-398 in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1656-1662.

Peters, M.W. and J.R. Pursley. 2003. Timing of final GnRH injection of Ovsynch affects ovulatory follicle size, subsequent progesterone concentrations, and fertility. Theriogenology 60:1197-1204.



Conference Proceedings

Ceddia, R.P., M.P. Wick, and J.S. Ottobre. 2005. Sodium dependent vitamin C transporter in the sheep corpus luteum: sequence analysis. In: Society for the Study of Reproduction 38th Annual Meeting. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue. July 24-27, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Abstract W513. p.195.


Handbooks, Technical Bulletins, Theses, Dissertations, and Circulars

Harris, H.L. 2005. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling co-products in beef heifer development diets. M.S. Thesis, Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln.

Stalker, L.A. 2005. Protein and energy supplements in range beef production systems. Ph.D. Diss., Univ. Nebraska, Lincoln.

Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, K.W. Creighton, R.L. Davis, J.R. Teichert, and R.N. Funston. 2005. Reproductive response in heifers fed soybeans during post weaning development. NE Beef Report.

Martin, J.L., K.A.Vonnahme, G.P. Lardy, D.C. Adams, R.N. Funston. 2006. Effects of dam nutrition on growth and reproductive performance of heifer calves. NE Beef Report (in press)

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Funston, R.N. and G.H. Deutscher. 2004. Comparison of target breeding weight and breeding date for replacement beef heifers and effects on subsequent reproduction and calf performance. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3094.

Funston, R.N., R.J. Lipsey, T.W. Geary, and R.P. Ansotegui. 2004. Evaluation of three estrous synchronization protocols in beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:384.

Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, and R.N. Funston. 2004. Altered reproductive response in beef heifers fed soybeans during late pubertal development. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):86.

Funston, R.N., R.J. Lipsey, T.W. Geary, and A.J. Roberts. 2005. Effect of administration of human chorionic gonadotropin after artificial insemination on concentrations of progesterone and conception rates in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 83:1403.

Conference Proceedings

Olson, J.L., A.J. Roberts, R.P. Ansotegui, J.A. Paterson, and R.N. Funston. 2004. Efficacy of an intravaginal progesterone insert and an injection of PGF2± to advance date of breeding in postpartum beef cows while utilizing natural service. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 55:11.

Funston, R.N. 2004. Nutrition and reproduction interactions. Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. North Platte, NE. Pp. 132-146.

Stalker, L.A., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, and R.N. Funston. 2005. Effects of pre- and postpartum nutrition on reproduction in spring calving cows and calf feedlot performance. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:40.

Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, and R.N. Funston. 2005. Utilization of whole soybeans or corn milling co-products in beef heifer development diets. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:317.

Electronic Publications

Funston, R.N. 2004. Fat supplementation and reproduction in beef females. J. Anim. Sci. 82(E. Suppl): E154-E161.


Journal Articles

Herrick, J.R., Behboodi, E., Memili, E., Blash, S., Echelard, Y., Krisher, R.L. In press. Metabolism, protein content and in vitro embryonic development of goat cumulus-oocyte complexes matured with physiological concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. Mol. Reprod. Dev.


Krisher, R.L. 2005. Inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway results in meiotic arrest in porcine oocytes that can be overcome by the addition of pathway cofactors and end products. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17:293 (abstr. 287).

Tubman, L., Peter, A., Krisher, R.L. 2005. Effect of energy substrates on metabolism and meiosis of porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17:301 (abstr. 301).

Paczkowski, M., Terry, D., Krisher, R. 2005. Differential Protein Expression of In Vitro Matured Porcine Oocytes Derived from Gilts and Sows. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue 2005 abstr. 526:197.

Tubman, L., Peter, A., Krisher, R.L. In Press. Pentose phosphate pathway activity controls nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes. Reproduction, Fertility and Development.


Books and Articles Within Edited Books

Stevenson, J. S., and D. L. Davis. 2004. Estrus Synchronization: Cattle. A. W. Bell and W. G. Pond (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Science, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 349-352.

Davis, D. L. and J. S. Stevenson. 2004. Estrus Synchronization: Horses, Pigs, Sheep, and Goats. A. W. Bell and W. G. Pond (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Science, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 353-355

Stevenson, J. S. 2005. Breeding strategies to optimize reproductive efficiency in dairy herds. Vet. Clinics No. Amer. Food Anim. Pract. 21(2):349-365.

Handbooks, Technical Bulletins, Theses, Dissertations, and Circulars

Portaluppi, M. A. 2004. Pregnancy rates in lactating dairy cows after presynchronization of estrous cycles and variations of the Ovsynch protocol. M.S. Thesis, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan.

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Portaluppi, M. A., and J. S. Stevenson. 2005. Pregnancy rates in lactating dairy cows after presynchronization of estrous cycles and variations of the Ovsynch protocol. J. Dairy Sci. 88:914-921.

Stevenson, J. S., and A. P. Phatak. 2005. Inseminations at estrus induced by presynchronization before application of synchronized estrus and ovulation. J. Dairy Sci. 88:399-405.

Stevenson, J. S., and S. M. Tiffany. 2004. Resynchronizing estrus and ovulation after not-pregnant diagnosis and various ovarian states including cysts. J. Dairy Sci. 87:3658-3664.


Journal Articles and Abstracts

SCANES, C.G., S. JEFTINIJA, A. GLAVASKI-JOKSIMOVIC, J. PROUDMAN, C. ARÁMBURO and L.L. ANDERSON. 2005. The anterior pituitary gland: lessons from livestock. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology, July 4-6, 2004, Budapest, Hungary. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 29:23-33.

ANDERSON, L.L., S. JEFTINIJA, C.G. SCANES, M.H. STROMER, J.-S. LEE, K. JEFTINIJA and A. GLAVASKI-JOKSIMOVIC. 2005. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinology, July 4-6, 2004, Budapest, Hungary. DOMESTIC ANIMAL ENDOCRINOLOGY 29:111-144.

WILHELMS, K.W., S.A. CUTLER, J.A. PROUDMAN, L.L. ANDERSON and C.G. SCANES. 2005. Effects of atrazine on sexual maturation in female Japanese quail induced by photostimulation or exogenous gonadotropin. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY (In press).

WILHELMS, K.W., S.A. CUTLER, J.A. PROUDMAN, L.L. ANDERSON and C.G. SCANES. 2005. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the sexually maturing precocial bird: studies in male Japanese quail. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES 86:152-160.

BOHAN, M.M., G. JANDA, L. ANDERSON, A. TRENKLE and D. BEITZ. 2005. Effect of dietary macronutrients on appetite-related hormones in blood on body composition of lean and obese rats. FASEB J. 19:A76. (San Diego)

ANDERSON, L.L., A. GLAVASKI-JOKSIMOVIC, K. JEFTINIJA, C.G. SCANES and S. JEFTINIJA. 2005. Effect of motilin on calcium transient in isolated porcine pituitary cells. 35th Annual Meeting of the SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE, November 12-16, 2005. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE Abstract 433. (Washington, D.C.)

LEE, J.-S., M.H. STROMER, S. JEFTINIJA, K. JEFTINIJA, C.G. SCANES and L.L. ANDERSON. 2005. Immunocytochemical distribution of somatotrophs, mammotrophs and mammosomatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. 45th Annual Meeting of the AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR CELL BIOLOGY, December 10-14, 2005, Moscone Convention Center. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL 14:Suppl.1: (San Francisco)

Tinfo, Nicole and Komar, Carolyn M. (2005) A role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor in cell survival, not steroid production, in luteal tissue from the rat. In preparation.

Banerjee, J., Long, M. J. and Komar, C. M. (2005) Effects of LH on PPAR in the rat ovary before and after the gonadotropin surge. Reproduction. In press

Komar, C. M. (2005) Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) and ovarian function - implications for regulating steroidogenesis, differentiation, and tissue remodeling. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. 31: 41

Komar, C. M. (2005) Initiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor expression in the neonatal rat ovary. Biology of Reproduction. 73 (Suppl 1) #463.

Conference Proceedings

Pugh, M.L., M.B. Moreira, G.R. Gilbert and C.R. Youngs. 2004. Influence of prostaglandin F2a synthesis inhibitors on pregnancy rate of embryo transfer recipient heifers. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 2:399.

Youngs, C.R., A.M. Powers-Meyer, M.G. Wonderlich and M.B. Moreira. 2004. The effect of cloprostenol or dinoprost, administered at two different sites, on the expression of estrus in postpartum dairy cattle. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 1:60.

Electronic Publications

Godke, R.A. and C.R. Youngs. 2004. Biotechnology: Embryo Technology for Cattle. In (W. Pond, Ed.) Encyclopedia of Animal Science (on-line). Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, DOI:10.1081/E-EAS 120019483, pp. 136-138.


Books and Articles Within Edited Books

Pursley, J. R. and Bello, N. M. 2004. Synchronization of ovulation strategies in dairy cattle using PGF2a and GnRH. Submitted. Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenolgy.

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Li, Q., L. J. Baake, J. R. Pursley, and G. W. Smith. 2004. Localization and temporal regulation of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases 3 and 4 in bovine preovulatory follicles. Reproduction, Nov; 128(5): 555-564.

Bakke, L.B., Q. Li, C.A. Cassar, M.P.D. Dow, J.R. Pursley and G.W. Smith. 2004. Gonadotropin surge induced differential upregulation of collagenase-1 (MMP-1) and collagenase-3 (MMP-13) mRNA and protein in bovine preovulatory follicles. Biol. of Reprod. 71:605-612.

Peters, M.W., J.R. Pursley and G. W. Smith. 2004. Inhibition of intrafollicular PGE2 synthesis and ovulation following ultrasound-mediated intrafollicular injection of the selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor NS-398 in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1656-1662.

Macfarlane, M., B. Macfarlane, and J. R. Pursley. 2004. Effect of prolonged in vivo incubation of sperm from high and low fertility bulls on pregnancy survival in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):368. (Abstr.)

Macfarlane, M., B. Macfarlane, and J. R. Pursley. 2004. Prolonged in vivo incubation of sperm affects fertility of lactating dairy cows and gender ratio of resulting offspring. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):370. (Abstr.)

Pursley, J. R. 2004. Deep uterine horn AI improves fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):372. (Abstr.)

M.G .Diskin1, R Pursley2, D.A. Kenny3 J.F Mee4 and J.M. Sreenan1. 2004. The effect of deep intrauterine placement of semen on conception rate in dairy cows. Teagasc Research Centre, Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland. 2Dept. of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1225, USA. 3Faculty of Agriculture, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. 4Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy Co. Cork, Ireland. J. Dairy Sci. 87(Suppl. 1):257. (Abstr.)

Conference Proceedings

Pursley, JR. 2004. Preventing pregnancy losses in lactating dairy cows. Michigan Veterinary Conference.

Electronic Publications

Pursley, JR. 2004. Ovsynch: Common Questions Answered. Michigan Dairy Review. Volume 9, No. 2.

Pursley, JR. 2004. Seven Surefire Ways to Improve Fertility of Dairy Cows. Michigan Dairy Review. Volume 9, No. 4.

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Cushman, R. A., M. F. Allan, G. D. Snowder, R. M. Thallman, and S. E. Echternkamp. 2005. Evaluation of ovulation rate and ovarian phenotype in puberal heifers from a cattle population selected for increased ovulation rate. J Anim Sci 83: 1839-1844.

Gigli, I., R. A. Cushman, C. M. Wahl, and J. E. Fortune. 2005. Evidence for a role for anti-mullerian hormone in the suppression of follicle activation in mouse ovaries and bovine ovarian cortex grafted beneath the chick chorioallantoic membrane. Mol Reprod Dev 71: 480-488.

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Christenson RK, Echternkamp SE. Differential gene expression in the ovarian cortex of cattle selected for multiple ovulations. Biol Reprod 2005; 72(Suppl 1):483.

Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Christenson RK. Increased mRNA expression for FSH receptor in small antral follicles in the ovarian cortex of twin-producing cattle. Biol Reprod 2005; 72(Suppl 1):53.

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Snowder GD, Thallman RM, Echternkamp SE. Evaluation of ovulation rate and ovarian phenotype in puberal heifers from a cattle population selected for multiple births. J Anim Sci 2005; 83(Suppl 1):229.

Snowder GD, Cushman RA, Allan MF, Thallman, Echternkamp SE. Heritability estimates for bilateral ovulations in heifers. J Anim Sci 2005; 83(Suppl 1):18.


Journal Articles

Perry, G. A., M. F. Smith, M. C. Lucy, J.A. Green, Parks, T. E., A. J. Roberts, M. D. MacNeil and T. W. Geary. 2005. Relationship between follicle size at ovulation and pregnancy success in beef cattle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 102(14):5268-5273.

Perry, G. A., W. V. Welshons, R. C. Bott and M. F. Smith. 2005. Basis of melengestrol acetate action as a progestin. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 28(2):146-161.


Perry, G. A., and D. C. Busch. 2005. Effect of ovulatory follicle size and standing estrus on estradiol concentrations, LH surge, and ovulation. J. Anim. Sci. 83(suppl 1): 217 (abstr 306)

Salverson, R. R., H. H. Patterson, G. A. Perry, and M. L. Gibson. 2005. Evaluation of performance and costs of two heifer development systems. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl 2): 128 (abstr 111)

Patterson H. H., P. S. Johnson, G. A. Perry, and R. N. Gates. 2005. Effects of sulfates in water on performance of cow-calf pairs. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 2):130 (abstr 117)
Burkhart M. N., H. A. Garverick, J. L. Juengel, P. Smith, D. A. Heath, G. A.

Perry, and M. F. Smith. 2005. Localization of proteins encoding estrogen receptors (ER) ± and ² during later development of bovine fetal ovaries. Bio. Reprod. abstr 463

Garverick H. A., J. L. Juengel, P. Smith, D. A. Heath, M. N. Burkhart, J. L. Schenk, M. F. Smith, G. A. Perry, and K. P. McNatty. 2005. mRNA and protein expression of P450 aromatase (arom) and estrogen receptors (ER) ± and ² during early development of bovine fetal ovaries. Bio. Reprod. abstr 467

Conference Proceedings

Salverson, R. R., H. H. Patterson, G. A. Perry, and M. L. Gibson. 2005. Evaluation of performance and costs of two heifer development systems. Proceedings of the Western Section American Society of Animal Science. La Cruces, NM, June 22-24 2005 56:409-412.

Patterson H. H., P. S. Johnson, G. A. Perry, and R. N. Gates. 2005. Effects of sulfates in water on performance of cow-calf pairs. Proceedings of the Western Section American Society of Animal Science. La Cruces NM, June 22-24 2005 56:451-453.

Perry, G. A. Fertility of natural vs synchronized estrus. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. North Platte, NE. September 1-2, 2004. p. 86-98.

Patterson, D. J., F. N. Kojima, J. E. Stegner, G. A. Perry, D. J. Schafer, and M. F. Smith. 2004. Review of estrus synchronization systems: MGA. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. North Platte, NE. September 1-2, 2004. p. 53-73.


Journal articles

Lopez H, Caraviello DZ, Satter LD, Fricke PM, Wiltbank MC. Relationship between level of milk production and multiple ovulations in lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 2005;88:2783-2793.

Lopez H, Sartori R, Wiltbank MC, 2005. Reproductive hormones and follicular growth during development of one or multiple dominant follicles. Biology of Reproduction 72:788-795.

Gumen A, Wiltbank MC, 2005. Length of progesterone exposure needed to resolve large follicle anovular condition in dairy cows. Theriogenology 63:202-218.

Rastani RR, Grummer RR, Sertics SJ, Gumen A, Wiltbank MC, Mashek DG, Schwab MC, 2005. Reducing dry period length to simplify feeding transition cows: Milk production energy balance, and metabolic profiles. Journal of Dairy Science 88:1004-1014.

Diaz FJ, Wiltbank MC, 2005. Acquisition of luteolytic capacity involves differential regulation by prostaglandin F2a of genes involved in progesterone biosynthesis in the porcine corpus luteum. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 28:172-189.

Lopez H, Satter LD, Wiltbank MC, 2004. A brief report on the relationship between level of milk production and estrous behavior of lactating diary cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 88:359-363.

Mattos R, Staples CR, Arteche A, Wiltbank MC, Diaz FJ, Jenkins TC, Thatcher WW, 2004. The effects of feeding fish oil on uterine secretion of PGF2a, milk composition, and metabolic status of periparturient Holstein cows. Journal of Dairy Science 87:921-932.

Sartori R, Haughian JM, Shaver RD, Rosa GJM, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Comparison of ovarian function and circulating steroids in estrous cycles of Holstein heifers and lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science 87:905-920.

Gibson TC, Phernetton TM, Wiltbank MC, Magness RR, 2004. Development and use of an ovarian synchronization model to study the effects of endogenous estrogen and nitric oxide on uterine blood flow during ovarian cycles in sheep. Biology of Reproduction 70:1886-1894.

Lopez H, Satter LD, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Relationship between level of milk production and estrous behavior of lactating dairy cows. Animal Reproduction Science 81:209-223.

Haughian JM, Ginther OJ, Kot K, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Relationships between FSH patterns and follicular dynamics and the temporal associations among hormones in natural and GnRH-induced gonadotropin surges in heifers. Reproduction 127:23-33.

Lopez H, Wu Z, Satter LD, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Effect of dietary phosphorus concentration on estrous behavior of lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 61:437-445.

Lopez H, Kanitz FD, Moreira VR, Wiltbank MC, Satter LD, 2004. Effect of dietary phosphorus on performance of lactating diary cows: Milk production and cow health. Journal of Dairy Science 87:139-145.

Lopez H, Kanitz FD, Moreira VR, Satter LD, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Reproductive performance of dairy cows fed two concentrations of phosphorus. Journal of Dairy Science 87:146-157.

Diaz FJ, Wiltbank MC, 2004. Acquisition of luteolytic capacity: Changes in prostaglandin F2a regulation of steroid hormone receptor and estradiol biosynthesis in pig corpora lutea. Biology of Reproduction 70:1333-1339.


Journal Articles:

Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, T.W. Geary, D.J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, F.N. Schrick, A. DiCostanzo, and J.D. Arseneau. 2005. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows for detected estrus and artificial insemination and (or) timed AI using gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), prostaglandin F2a (PG), and progesterone (CIDR): J. Anim. Sci. 83 (In Press #E2005-333).

Lamb, G.C., J.A. Cartmill, and J.S. Stevenson. 2004. Effectiveness of Select Synch (Gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2a) for synchronizing estrus in replacement beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 20:27-33.

Wheaton, J.E., G.C. Lamb. 2005. Induction of cyclicity in postpartum anestrous beef cows using progesterone, GnRH and estradiol cypionate (ECP). Theriogenology (Submitted).

Book Chapters

Fricke, P.M. and G.C. Lamb. 2005. Potential Applications and Pitfalls of Reproductive Ultrasonography in Bovine Practice. In: Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice pp 419-436. Elsevier Inc. Philadelphia, PA.

Conference Proceedings

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Estrus synchronization systems  CIDR. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. North Platte, NE. Pp 75-85.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Beef estrous synchronization systems. In: Proc. NAAB 58th Technical Conference.

Lamb G.C. 2004. Synchronization of estrus in embryo transfer recipients using CIDRs and GnRH. In: Proc. AETA Annual Conference (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Factors influencing reproductive efficiency in beef herds. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 161-173.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Estrous synchronization using the CIDR and GnRH. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 215-224.

Lamb, G.C. 2004. Donor and recipient factors affecting embryo transfer programs. In: Proc. VIII Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 247-255.

Lamb, G.C. and P.M. Fricke. 2004. Ultrasound  Early Pregnancy Diagnosis and Fetal Sexing. In: Proc. Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle. North Platte, NE. Pp 219-229.



Journal Articles

Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, T.W. Geary, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, R. P. Ansotegui, D. J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, and D. Landblom. 2004. Synchronization of estrus and artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers using GnRH, PGF2a and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).
Santos, N.R., G.C. Lamb, H.B. Roman, R.O. Gilbert. Postpartum endometrial cytology in beef cows. Theriogenology (In press).

Larson, J. E., G. C. Lamb, J. S. Stevenson, S. K. Johnson, M. L. Day, T. W. Geary, D. J. Kesler, J. M. DeJarnette, F. N. Schrick, A. DiCostanzo, and J. D. Arseneau. 2006. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows for detected estrus and artificial insemination and timed artificial insemination using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2alpha, and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84:332-342.

Conference Proceedings
Lamb, G.C. 2005. A case for fall calving. 2005 MN Cow/Calf Day Report 21-27.
Lamb, G.C. 2005. The nutritional needs of the first calf heifer. 66th Minnesota Nutrition Conference Proceedings 245-254.

Lamb, G.C. 2005. How to Get Cows Pregnant for the Purebred and Commercial Sectors of the Beef Industry  Using GnRH and CIDRs. 37th Beef Improvement Federation Annual Conference Proceedings 11-23.

Lamb, G.C. 2005. Donor and recipient factors affecting an embryo transfer program. 2005 American Embryo Transfer Association and Canadian Embryo Transfer Association Joint Convention Proceedings 76-83.

Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, G. Marquenzini, J Vasconcelos. 2005. Factors Affecting Pregnancy Rates in an IVF Embryo Transfer Program. 2005 American Embryo Transfer Association and Canadian Embryo Transfer Association Joint Convention Proceedings 31-36.

Lamb, G.C. and J.E. Larson. 2005. Review of Estrous Synchronization Systems:CIDR. 3rd Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Reno, NV pp 83-94.

Lamb, G.C. and J.E. Larson. 2005. Review of Estrous Synchronization Systems -
CIDR. 4th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Lexington, KY pp 92-104.

Lamb, G.C. and J.E. Larson. 2005. Review of Estrous Synchronization Systems - CIDR. 5th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, College Station, TX pp 95-105.

Lamb, G.C. 2005. Factors affecting and embryo transfer program. 3rd Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Reno, NV pp 223-232.
Lamb, G.C. 2005. Factors affecting and embryo transfer program. 4th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Lexington, KY pp 257-267.

Lamb, G.C. 2005. Ultrasound  early pregnancy diagnosis and fetal sexing. 3rd Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Reno, NV pp 253-262.
Lamb, G.C. 2005. Ultrasound  early pregnancy diagnosis and fetal sexing. 4th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Reno, NV pp 268-278.


Santos, N.R., G. C Lamb, H. B. Roman, R. O. Gilbert. 2005. Postpartum endometrial cytology in beef cows. Society for Theriogenology (Abstract).
Carriquiry, M., W. J. Weber, C. R. Dahlen, G. C. Lamb, and B. A. Crooker. 2005. Effects of bST and dietary fat in early lactation on lactational performance of Holstein cows. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1):179.
Dilorenzo, N., C.R. Dahlen, A. DiCostanzo, and G.C. Lamb. Feedlot performance response by steers to oral doses of polyclonal antibody preparations against Streptococcus bovis or Fusobacterium necrophorum. J. Anim. Sci 83 (Suppl. 1):369.

Thielen, K. N., J. E. Larson, B. J. Lovaas, D. J. Kesler, J. S. Stevenson, T. T. Martson and G. C. Lamb. 2006. Influence of CIDR insert after a fixed-time AI on pregnancy rates and return to estrus of nonpregnant cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):432.

Lamb, G. C., C. R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnahme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A. Perry, J. Clement, and J. D. Arthington. 2006. Effects of estrous synchronization with a CIDR prior to the breeding season in bull-breeding herds on pregnancy rates. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):433.
Wheaton, J.E. and G.C. Lamb. 2006. Induction of cyclicity in postpartum anestrous beef cows using progesterone, GnRH and estradiol cypionate (ECP). J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):48.

Carriquiry, M., C. R. Dahlen, W. J. Weber, G. C. Lamb, and B. A. Crooker. 2006. Bovine somatotropin and dietary fat enriched with omega-3 fatty acids in dairy cows: III. Postpartum ovarian activity. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):346.


Journal Articles

Blevins, C. A., J. E. Shirley, and J. S. Stevenson. Milking frequency, estradiol cypionate, and somatotropin influence lactation and reproduction in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89: In press.
Stevenson, J. S., M. A. Portaluppi, D. E. Tenhouse, A. Lloyd, D. R. Eborn, S. Kacuba, and J. M. DeJarnette. Post-AI Interventions: Conception rates, pregnancy survival, and ovarian responses to GnRH, hCG, and progesterone. J. Dairy Sci. 89: In press.

Stevenson, J.S., J.R. Pursley, H.A. Garverick, P.M. Fricke. D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottobre, and M.C. Wiltbank. 2006. Treatment of cycling and noncycling lactating dairy cows with progesterone during Ovsynch. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2567-2578.

Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.K. Day, T.W. Geary, D.J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, F.N. Schrick, A. DiConstanzo, and J.D. Arseneau. 2006. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows for detected estrus and artificial insemination and timed artificial insemination using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2", and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84:332-342.


Stevenson, J. S., M.A. Portaluppi, and D.E. Tenhouse. 2006. Delaying injection of prostaglandin F2"alpha in an Ovsynch protocol. J. Dairy. Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):149 (Abstr.).

Stevenson, J. S., D.E. Tenhouse, M.A. Portaluppi, and A. Lloyd. 2006. Post-AI interventions in lactating dairy cattle. I. Ovarian responses to GnRH, hCG, and exogenous progesterone (CIDR). J. Dairy. Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):47 (Abstr.).
Stevenson, J. S., D.E. Tenhouse, M.A. Portaluppi, D.R.Eborn, S. Kacuba, and J.M. DeJarnette. 2006. Post-AI interventions in lactating dairy cattle II. Conception rates and pregnancy survival in response to GnRH, hCG, and exogenous progesterone (CIDR). J. Dairy. Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):48 (Abstr.).
Portaluppi, M.A., J.S. Stevenson, and D.E. Tenhouse. 2006. Timed AI conception rates after variations of the Ovsynch protocol in dairy cattle. J. Dairy. Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):435 (Abstr.).

Dobbins, C.A., D.E. Tenhouse, D.R.Eborn, K.R. Harmoney, S.K. Johnson, and J.S. Stevenson,. 2006. Conception rates after altered timing of AI associated with the CO-synch + CIDR protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):50 (Abstr.).
Thielen, K.N., J.E. Larson, B.J. Lovaas, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Stevenson, T.T. Marston, and G.C. Lamb. 2006. Influence of a CIDR insert after a fixed-time AI on pregnancy rates and return to estrus of nonpregnant cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):432 (Abstr.).


Journal Articles

Herrick, J.R., Behboodi, E., Memili, E., Blash, S., Echelard, Y., Krisher, R.L. (2006) Metabolism, protein content and in vitro embryonic development of goat cumulus-oocyte complexes matured with physiological concentrations of glucose and L-lactate. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 73:256-266. Published Online: 25 Oct 2005.

Herrick, J.R., Brad, A.M., Krisher, R.L. (2006) Chemical Manipulation of Glucose Metabolism in Porcine Oocytes: Effects on Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation In Vitro. Reprod. 131: 289-298.


Krisher, R.L. (2005) Inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway results in meiotic arrest in porcine oocytes that can be overcome by the addition of pathway cofactors and end products. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17:293 (abstr. 287).
Tubman, L., Peter, A., Krisher, R.L. (2005) Effect of energy substrates on metabolism and meiosis of porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 17:301 (abstr. 301).

Paczkowski, M., Terry, D., Krisher, R. (2005) Differential Protein Expression of In Vitro Matured Porcine Oocytes Derived from Gilts and Sows. Biology of Reproduction Suppl. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue abstr. 526:197.
Tubman, L., Peter, A., Krisher, R.L. (2006) Pentose phosphate pathway activity controls nuclear maturation of porcine oocytes. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. 18:279 (abst 344).

Paczkowski, M., Terry, D., Bidwell, C., Krisher, R. (2006) Differential Gene and Protein Expression in Gilt and Sow Derived Oocytes. Proceedings, Midwestern ASAS.

Krisher, R., Wulster-Radcliffe, M., Spurlock, M., Sturek, M. (2006) The Ossabaw Pig as a Model of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Experimental Biology; abst. 490.3.

Krisher, R., Auer, A., Clark, K., Emsweller, K., Rogers, S., Thomas, K., Chatiza, F., Bartels, P. (2007) In vitro production of springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) embryos. Reprod. Fertil. Dev. Accepted.


Journal Articles
Larson, J.E., G.C. Lamb, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, T.W. Geary, D.J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, F.N. Schrick, A. DiCostanzo, and J.D. Arseneau. 2006. Synchronization of estrus in suckled beef cows for detected estrus and artificial insemination and time artificial insemination using gonadogropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2", and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84:332-342.

Stevenson, J.S., J.R. Pursley, H.A. Garverick, P.M. Fricke, D.J. Kesler, J.S. Ottobre, and M.C. Wiltbank. 2006. Treatment of cycling and noncycling lactating dairy cows with progesterone during ovsynch. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2567-2578.


Journal Articles

Silva del Río, N., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, Y. M. Chang, and P. M. Fricke. An observational analysis of twin births, calf sex ratio, and calf mortality in Holstein dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Caraviello, D. Z., K. A. Weigel, P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, M. J. Florent,
N. B. Cook, K. V. Nordlund, N. R. Zwald, and C. M. Rawson. Survey of management practices related to the reproductive performance of dairy cattle on large commercial farms in the United States. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Chang, Y. M., O. González-Recio, K. A. Weigel, and P. M. Fricke. Genetic analysis of pregnancy rate with unknown voluntary waiting period in U.S. Holsteins using a threshold model. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Caraviello, D. Z., K. A. Weigel, M. Craven, D. Gianola, N. B. Cook, K. V. Nordlund, P. M. Fricke, and M. C. Wiltbank. Analysis of the reproductive performance of lactating Holstein cows on large dairy farms using machine learning algorithms. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Caraviello, D. Z., K. A. Weigel, M. Craven, D. Gianola, N. Cook, K. Nordlund, P.M. Fricke, and M.C. Wiltbank. Predicting reproductive performance in Holstein cows using machine learning methods. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Sterry, R. A., M. L. Welle, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Treatment with GnRH after first timed AI improves fertility in noncycling lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Roberts, A. J., M. J. Al-Hassan, P. M. Fricke, and S. E. Echternkamp. 2006. Large variation in steroid concentrations and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins exists among individual small antral follicles collected from within cows at various stages of estrous cycle. J. Anim. Sci. 84:2714-2724.
Rivera, H., R. A. Sterry, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Presynchronization with GnRH does not improve fertility to synchronization of ovulation and timed artificial insemination in Holstein heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 89:3810-3816.
Silva del Río, N., B. W. Kirkpatrick, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Observed frequency of monozygotic twinning in Holstein dairy cattle. Theriogenology 66:1292-1299.

Stevenson, J. S., J. R. Pursley, P. M. Fricke, H. A. Garverick, D. J. Kesler, J. S. Ottobre, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2006. Treatment of cycling and noncycling lactating dairy cows with progesterone during Ovsynch. J. Dairy Sci. 89:25672578.

Sterry, R. A., M. L. Welle, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Effect of interval from timed AI to initiation of resynchronization of ovulation on fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89:2099-2109.
Wilson, R. D., P. M. Fricke, M. L. Leibfried-Rutledge, J.J. Rutledge, C. M. Syverson Penfield, and K. A. Weigel. 2006. In vitro production of bovine embryos using sex-sorted sperm. Theriogenology 65:1007-1015.

Refereed Abstracts

Sterry, R. A., P. Jardon, B. Ryzebol, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Effect of timing of the second GnRH injection of a timed AI protocol on fertility of lactating Holstein cows after first postpartum and Resynch AI services. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):49.

Silva, E. B. P., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, N. Mathialagan, M. F. McGrath, J. M. Ballam, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis in Holstein cows using transrectal ultrasonography based on a serum pregnancy associated glycoprotein (PAG) ELISA. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):204.

Silva, E. P. B., R. A. Sterry, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Assessment of a practical method for identifying anovular dairy cows synchronized for first postpartum timed artificial insemination. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):205.
Fricke, P. M. 2006. Invited: ADSA Southern Section Symposium - Practical and Applied Approaches to Managing Dairy Businessis in the Future: Future Challenges for Reproductive Management of Dairy Cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):271.

Watters, R. D., M. C. Wiltbank, P. M. Fricke, J. N. Guenther, A. E. Kulick, and R. R. Grummer. 2006. Effect of dry period duration on reproductive measures during the subsequent lactation in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):271.

Jordan, E. R., J. S. Stevenson, P. M. Fricke, and M. Overton. 2006. Invited: ADSA Production Division, Dairy Reproduction Terminology Workshop. J. Dairy Sci. 89(Suppl. 1):382.

Fricke, P. M., R. A. Sterry, and E. P. B. Silva. 2006. Invited: Systematic Synchronization and Resynchronization Systems for Managing Reproduction in Lactating Dairy Cows. Midwest Branch ADSA Meetings, Des Moines, IA, Abstract 279, p. 88-89.

Sterry, R. A., E. P. B. Silva, D. Kolb, M. L. Welle, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Administration of GnRH 5 days after first timed artificial insemination improves fertility in anovular lactating dairy cows. Midwest Branch ADSA Meetings, Des Moines, IA, Abstract 209, p. 66.
Sterry, R. A., M. L. Welle, and P. M. Fricke. 2005. Effect of GnRH or CIDR inserts administered early after first timed insemination on fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):87.

Conference Proceedings

Fricke, P. M. 2006. Synch Programs and Ultrasound  Are We Getting in There Too Early? Proc. Am. Assoc. Bovine Pract., September 23, St. Paul, MN.
Sterry, R. A., M. L. Welle, and P. M. Fricke. 2006. Post-Breeding Treatments to Improve Fertility in Lactating Dairy Cows, Proc. Am. Assoc. Bovine Pract., September 23, St. Paul, MN.

Watters, R., P. M. Fricke, M. C. Wiltbank, P. Clark, and R. R. Grummer. 2006. Impact of dry period length. Proc. Four-State Nutrition and Management Conference, June 14, Dubuque, IA. MWPS-4SD19, pp. 49-54.

Fricke, P. M. 2006. When to Preg Check and Why. Proc. Four-State Nutrition and Management Conference, June 14, Dubuque, IA. MWPS-4SD19, pp. 55-64.
Fricke, P. M. 2006. Reproduction research update. University of Minnesota School of Veterinary Medicine Spring Dairy Conference May 16, St. Paul, MN.


Journal Articles

Bridges, P. J., Komar, C. M., and Fortune, J. E. (2006) Gonadotropin-induced expression of mRNA for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and secretion of prostaglandins E and F2± in bovine preovulatory follicles are regulated by the progesterone receptor. Endocrinology. In press.
Banerjee, J., Long, M. J. and Komar, C. M. (2006) Effects of LH on PPAR³ in the rat ovary before and after the gonadotropin surge. Reproduction. 131:93-101.


Luense, L. J., Hopkins, S. M., and Komar, C. M. (2006) Peroxisome proliferator activated receptor ³ (PPAR³) expression in the bovine ovary and its role in luteal progesterone production. Biology of Reproduction. (Suppl 1) 39th meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Omaha, Nebraska. #67.

Komar, C. M. and Long, M. J. (2006) The role of FSH in the initiation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR³) expression in the neonatal rat ovary. The Endocrine Societys 88thAnnual Meeting, Boston, MA. Abstract # P1-386.

Journal Articles

Stevenson JS, Pursley JR, Garverick HA, Fricke PM, Kesler DJ, Ottobre JS, Wiltbank MC. Treatment of cycling and noncycling lactating dairy cows with progesterone during Ovsynch. 2006. J Dairy Sci. 897:2567-78.

South Dakota:

Journal Articles

MacNeil, M. D., T. W. Geary, G. A. Perry, A. J. Roberts, and L. J. Alexander. 2006. Genetic partitioning of variation in ovulatory follicle size and probability of pregnancy. Journal of Animal Science 84:1646-1650.


Perry, G. A., and B. L. Perry. 2006. Influence of preovulatory concentrations of estradiol on interval to ovulation and uterine pH. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):149 Abstr. 201

Nelson, J. R., B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2006. Effects of standing estrus and concentrations of estradiol on uterine pH. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):451 Abstr. 637

Engel, C. L., H. H. Patterson, B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2006. Evaluation of reproduction and blood metabolites in heifers fed dried distillers grains plus solubles or soybean hulls during late gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):126 Abstr. W163

Engel, C. L., H. H. Patterson, and G. A. Perry. 2006. Evaluation of dried distillers grains plus solubles compared to soybean hulls as a feedstuff for heifers during the last trimester of gestation. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):351 Abstr. 219

Daniel, J. A., G. A. Perry, and A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2006. Impact of exogenous ghrelin administration on circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone in steers. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):205 Abstr. T141
Lamb, G. C., C. R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnahme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A.

Perry, J. Clement, and J. D. Arthington.Effects of estrous synchronization with a CIDR prior to the breeding season in bull-breeding herds on pregnancy rates. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 1):433 Abstr. 580

Conference Proceedings

Pruitt, R. J., J. A. Clapper, W. B. Epperson, and G. A. Perry. 2006. Corn germ as a source of supplemental fat for cows in late gestation. . Proceedings of the Western Section American Society of Animal Science. Logan, Utah, June 20-22 2006 56:409-412.

Smith, M. F., G. A. Perry, J. A. Atkins, D. C. Busch, and D. J. Patterson. 2005. Physiological principals underlying synchronization of estrus. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. St. Joseph, Missouri, August 30-31, 2006 pp. 9-32.

Perry, G. A. 2005. Factors that influence fertility in natural and synchronized breeding programs. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. St. Joseph, Missouri, August 30-31, 2006 pp. 145-162.


Journal Articles

Allan MF, Thallman RM, Cushman RA, Echternkamp SE, White SN, Kuehn LA, Casas E, Smith TPL. Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in SPP1 with growth traits and twinning in a population selected for twinning rate. (In press, J Anim Sci).

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Jones SA, Rupp GP, Echternkamp SE. Localization of Period 1 mRNA in the ruminant oocyte and investigations of its role in ovarian function. (In press, Anim Reprod Sci).


Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Allan MF. Relationship of circulating progesterone concentrations to ovulation rate and fertility in cattle selected for twin ovulations. Biol Reprod 2006; (Special Issue):301.

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Clopton DT, Echternkamp SE, Cupp AS. Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling blocks primordial follicle activation in bovine ovarian cortical cultures. Biol Reprod 2006; (Special Issue):325.

Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Allan MF, Gregory KE. Effects of ovulation rate and fetal number on fertility in twin-producing cattle. J Anim Sci 2006; 84(Suppl 1):209.

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Jones SA, Rupp GP, Echternkamp SE. Localization of Period 1 mRNA in the ruminant oocyte and investigations of its role in ovarian function. J Aim Sci 2006; 84 (Suppl 1):641.

Bennett GL, Allan MF, Cushman RA, Echternkamp SE. Observed and predicted numbers of single, twin, and triplet births in a cattle population selected for increased twinning. J Anim Sci 2006; 84(Suppl 1):135.

Cushman R, Allan M, Christenson R, Echternkamp S. Comparison of pregnancy rate, luteal characteristics, and luteal function between unilateral and bilateral double ovulations. J Anim Sci 2006; (Midwest Animal Science Abstracts):301.

Echternkamp SE, Green JA, Vonnahme KA, Cushman RA, Allan M. Relationship between pregnancy associated glycoproteins in maternal blood and fetal number and status in pregnant cows. J Anim Sci 2006; (Midwest Animal Science Abstracts):300.


Journal Articles

Kasimanickam, R., R.L. Nebel, I.D. Peeler, W.J. Silvia, K.T. Wolf, A.J. McAllister, B.G. Cassell. 2006. Breed differences in competitive indices of Holstein and Jersey bulls and their association with sperm DNA fragmentation index and plasma membrane integrity. Theriogenology 66:1307-1315.
Hatler, T.B., S.H. Hayes, L.H. Anderson and W.J. Silvia. 2006. Effect of a single injection of progesterone on ovarian follicular cysts in lactating dairy cows. The Veterinary Journal 172: 329-333.



Journal Articles

Stalker, L.A., D.C. Adams, T.J. Klopfenstein, D.M. Feuz, and R.N. Funston . 2006. Effects of pre- and postpartum nutrition on reproduction in spring calving cows and calf feedlot performance. J. Anim Sci. 84:2582
Martin, J.L., K.A. Vonnahme, D.C. Adams, G.P. Lardy, and R.N. Funston. 2006. Effects of dam nutrition on growth and reproductive performance of heifer calves. J. Anim. Sci. (submitted)


Harris, H.L., A.S. Cupp, A.J. Roberts, and R.N. Funston. 2006. Utilization of soybeans or corn milling co-products in beef heifer development diets. J. Anim. Sci. (submitted)

Martin J., A. Cupp, R. Rasby, and R. Funston. 2006. Utilization of dried
distillers grains for developing beef heifers. Midwest Sec.ASAS Abst. 311
Martin, J.L., K.A. Vonnahme, D.C. Adams, G.P. Lardy, and R.N. Funston. 2006. Effects of dam nutrition on growth and reproductive performance of heifer calves. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci.57:280

Martin, J.L., R.N. Funston, D.T. Clopton, H.L Harris, and A.S. Cupp. 2006. Vascular endothelial Growth factor (VEGF) 120 but not VEGF164 expression is increased in granulose cells of bovine dominant follicles due to nutrition. Biol. Reprod. (Suppl.1):148


Publications: Iowa State

Wilhelms, K.W., G.A. Kraus, J.D. Schroeder, J.W. Kim, S.A. Cutler, M.A. Rasmussen, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2006. Evaluation of corn-furan fatty acid putative endocrine disruptors on reproductive performance in adult female chickens. Poult. Sci. 85:1795-1797.

Wilhelms, K.W., C.G. Scanes and L.L. Anderson. 2006. Lack of estrogenic or anti-estrogenic actions of soy isoflavones in an avian model: the Japanese quail. Poult. Sci. 85:1885-1889.

Wilson, M.E. and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Mechanistic aspects of foetal development relating to postnatal health and metabolism in pigs. In: Managing Prenatal Development to Enhance Livestock Productivity. Edited by P. Greenwood and A. Bell. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria (In press).

Bobe, G., B.N. Ametaj, J.W. Young, L.L. Anderson and D.C. Beitz. 2007. Exogenous glucagon effects on health and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows with mild fatty liver. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (In press).

Scanes, C.G., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, S.A. Johannsen and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Sub-populations of somatotropes with differing intracellular calcium concentration responses to secretagogues. Neuroendocrinology 85:221-231.

Anderson, L.L. 2007. Editorial Forward for Cell Secretion Review SeriesCell Secretion: an orchestra involving intracellular protein transport, the universal secretory machinery-porosome, and secretory vesicle swelling-induced content release. J. Cell. Molec. Med. (In press).

Molina, J.R., A.M. Benoit, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Hypothalamic deafferentation in prepuberal beef heifers: effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estradiol benzoate on luteinizing hormone secretion. Livestock Science (submitted for review).

Benoit, A.M., J.R. Molina, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Prolactin secretion after hypothalamic deafferentation in beef calves: response to haloperidol, a-methyl-r-tyrosine, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and ovariectomy. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (submitted for review).

Cho, S.-J., J.-S. Lee, E.D. Mathias, C. Chang, G.J. Hickey, S. Lkhagvadorj and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Intracerebroventricular and intravenous administration of growth hormone secretagogue, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y and galanin in pig: central and dose dependent effects on growth hormone secretion. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (submitted for review).

Lee, J., M.H. Stromer, S. Jeftinija, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes and L.L. Anderson. 2007. Immunocytochemical patterns of somatotrophs, mammotrophs, and mammosomatotrophs in the porcine anterior pituitary. 10th International Pituitary Congress, June 5-7, 2007, The Fairmont Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Abstract P61, pp. 51-52. (Chicago)

Bohan, M.M., L.L. Anderson, A.H. Trenkle and D.C. Beitz. 2007. Nutrient regulation of plasma ghrelin concentration in lean and overweight male humans. Experimental Biology 2007. FASEB J. 21:(No. 4), A320, Abstract 534.11. (Washington, DC)

Bohan, M.M., L.L. Anderson, A.H. Trenkle and D.C. Beitz. 2007. Effect of nutrient composition of the diet on the variation of plasma hormone concentrations during waking hours in lean and overweight humans. Experimental Biology 2007. FASEB J. 21:(No. 4), A321, Abstract 534.12. (Washington, DC)

Bohan, M., L. Anderson, A. Trenkle and D. Beitz. 2007. Nutrient regulation of plasma ghrelin concentration in lean and overweight female humans. Animal Industry Report. A.S. Leaflet R-2214.

Lkhagvadorj, S., L. Qu, W. Cai, O. Couture, Y. Wang, L. Anderson, J. Dekkers, D. Nettleson and C. Tuggle. 2007. Use of transcriptional profiling and assessment of blood parameters to understand biological mechanisms controlling feed intake and efficiency in pigs. Animal Industry Report. A.S. Leaflet R-2233.

Tinfo, N.S. and C.M. Komar. 2007. A role for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor in cell survival, not steroid production, in luteal tissue from the rat. Reproduction 133:187-196.

Bridges, P.J., C. M. Komar and J.E. Fortune. 2006. Gonadotropin-induced expression of mRNA for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and secretion of prostaglandins E and F2a in bovine preovulatory follicles is regulated by the progesterone receptor. Endocrinology 147:4713-4722.

Tinfo, N.S., L.J. Luense, S.M. Hopkins and C.M. Komar. 2007. Effect of genistein on in vitro estradiol production by ovarian follicles from cows. 40th Meeting of the Midwestern Section of the ASAS and the ADSA, Des Moines, IA. #101.

Luense, L. 2007. The Role of Peroxisome Proliferator Activated-Receptor Gamma in Ovarian Function, M.S. Thesis, Iowa State University Library, pp. 1-77.

Tinfo, N.S. 2007. The Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma in Ovarian Biology, Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University Library pp. 1-103.

Publications: Kansas State

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Stevenson, J. S., M.A. Portaluppi, and D.E. Tenhouse. 2007. Factors influencing upfront single and multiple ovulation incidence, progesterone, and luteolysis before a timed insemination resynchronization protocol. J. Dairy. Sci. 90: In press.

Stevenson, J. S., M.A. Portaluppi, and D.E. Tenhouse. 2007. Ovarian traits after gonadotropin-releasing hormone-induced ovulation and subsequent delay of induced luteolysis in an Ovsynch protocol. J. Dairy. Sci. 90:1281-1288.

Stevenson, J. S., D.E. Tenhouse, M.A. Portaluppi, D.R. Eborn, S. Kacuba, and J.M. DeJarnette. 2007. Interventions after artificial insemination: Conception rates, pregnancy survival, and ovarian responses to gonadotropin-releasing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, and progesterone. J. Dairy. Sci. 90:331-340.

G. C. Lamb, G. C., J. E. Larson, T. W. Geary, J. S. Stevenson, S. K. Johnson, M. L. Day, R. P. Ansotegui, D. J. Kesler, J. M. DeJarnette, and D. G. Landblom. 2006. Synchronization of estrus and artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers using gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandin F2a, and progesterone.. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3000-3009.

Blevins, C. A., J. E. Shirley, and J. S. Stevenson. 2006. Milking frequency, estradiol cypionate, and somatotropin influence lactation and reproduction in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 89:4176-4187.

Buttrey, B. S., M. G. Burns, and J. S. Stevenson. 2007. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and GnRH influences pregnancy survival and resynchronized ovulation before timed AI in Holstein cattle. J. Dairy. Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):325 (Abstr.).

Burns, M. G., B. S. Buttrey, D. R. Eborn, J. E. Larson, B. J. Lovaas, G. C. Lamb, KC Olson, and J. S. Stevenson. 2007. Failure of human chorionic gonadotropin as a replacement for GnRH in an ovulation-synchronization protocol before fixed time AI. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1):320 (Abstr.).


Burns, M. G. 2007. Evaluation of human chorionic gonadotropin as a replacement for GnRH in an ovulation synchronization protocol before fixed time AI. M.S. thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 43 pp.

Buttrey, B. S. 2007. Human chorionic gonadotropin and GnRH influences pregnancy survival and resynchronized ovulation before timed artificial inseminate in Holstein cattle. M.S. thesis, Kansas State University, Manhattan, 60 pp.

Publications: University of Ketucky

Hatler, T.B., S.H. Hayes, D.L. Ray, P.S. Reames and W.J. Silvia. 2007. Effect of subluteal concentrations of progesterone on luteinizing hormone and ovulation in lactating dairy cows. The Veterinary Journal (doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2007.06.003)

Publications: Minnesota

Journal Articles:

Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnehamme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A. Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J. D. Arthington. 2007. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (In press: ANIREP-D-07-988).

Cooke, R. F., J. D. Arthington, C. R. Staples, W. W. Thatcher, and G. C. Lamb. 2007. Effects of supplement type on performance, reproductive, and physiological responses of Brahman-crossbred females. J. Anim. Sci. 85:(In press - E-2006-684).

Galindo-Gonzalez, S., J.D. Arthington, J.V. Yelich, G.R. Hansen, G.C. Lamb, A. DeVries. 2007. Effects of cow parity on voluntary hay intake and performance responses to early calf weaning. Livestock Sci. 110:148-153.

Santos, N.R., G.C. Lamb, D.R. Brown, H.B. Roman, R.O. Gilbert. 2007. Postpartum endometrial cytology in beef cows. Theriogenology (In press: THERIO-D-06-00210).

Wheaton, J.E. and G.C. Lamb. 2007. Induction of cyclicity in postpartum anestrous beef cows using progesterone, GnRH and estradiol cypionate (ECP). Anim. Reprod. Sci. Nov. 19 [EPub ahead of print  ANIREP-D-06-586].

Lamb, G.C., D.R. Brown, J.E. Larson, C.R. Dahlen, N. DiLorenzo, J.D. Arthington, and A. DiCostanzo. 2007. Effect of organic or inorganic trace mineral supplementation on follicular response, ovulation, and embryo production in superovulated angus heifers. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (In press: ANIREP3354)

Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, T.W. Geary, J.S. Stevenson, S.K. Johnson, M.L. Day, R. P. Ansotegui, D. J. Kesler, J.M. DeJarnette, and D. Landblom. 2006. Synchronization of estrus and artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers using GnRH, PGF2± and progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 84:3000-3009.

1.Conference Proceedings:

Lamb, G.C. 2007. Current advances in assisted reproductive technologies. Proc. 2007 Wild West Veterinary Conference Proceedings, Reno, NV (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2007. Recommended estrus synchronization protocols and reproductive management of beef cows. Proc. 2007 Wild West Veterinary Conference Proceedings, Reno, NV (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2007. Estrus synchronization protocols for cows. 8th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Billings, MT (In press).

Lamb, G.C. 2007. Factors affecting pregnancy rates in an embryo transfer program. In: Proc. XI Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 128-134.

Lamb, G.C. 2007. Resynchronization of estrus using a progestin. In: Proc. XI Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. pp 162-171.

Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, and C.R. Dahlen. 2007. Fixed-time AI in beef cows and heifers with a CIDR plus GnRH and/or hCG. In: Proc. XI Conference Focusing on Production and Reproduction of Cattle. Uberlandia, Brazil. Pp 144-153.

Lamb, G.C., and L. Schott. 2007. Targeting a branded beef program. 2007 MN Cow/Calf Day Report pp 1-5.

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Donor and recipient factors affecting and embryo transfer program. 7th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Rapid City, SD pp 269-280.

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Nutritional factors affecting reproduction in young beef cows. 2006 Tennessee Nutrition Conference Proceedings pp 22-33.

Lamb, G.C., and A. DiCostanzo. 2006. Current and future trends of market cattle. 2006 MN Cow/Calf Day Report pp 6-14.

Lamb, G.C. J.E. Larson, and C.R. Dahlen. 2006. Review of estrous synchronization systems:CIDR. 7th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, Rapids City, SD pp 103-116.

Lamb, G.C. J.E. Larson, and C.R. Dahlen. 2006. Review of Estrous Synchronization Systems:CIDR. 6th Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle, St. Joseph, MO pp 105-120.

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Review of Current Estrous Synchronization Protocols for Beef Cattle. Pfizer Veterinary Technical Conference, Galena, IL (03/12/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Strategies to improve pregnancy rates in beef recipients. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Nutritional management of donors and recipients. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Up-date on the use of sexed semen. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Physiological principles and hormonal control of the estrous cycle. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Control of estrous cycle using CIDR and GnRH. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Lamb, G.C. 2006. Nutritional considerations for successful implementation. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Pre-Conference Seminar, St. Paul, MN (09/20/2006).

Abstracts Presented at Scientific Meetings:

Burns, M.G., B.S. Buttrey, D.R. Eborn, J.E. Larson, B.J. Lovaas, G.C. Lamb, K.C. Olson, J.S. Stevenson. 2007. Evaluation of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) as a replacement for GnRH in an ovulation- synchronization protocol before fixed timed AI. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):320.

Dahlen, C.R., J.E. Larson, G. Marquezini, G.C. Lamb. 2007. Effects of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) on follicle and corpus luteum dynamics and concentrations of progesterone in pre-pubertal Angus heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):648.

Lamb, G.C., J.E. Larson, C.R. Dahlen, G. Marquezini. 2007. Fixed-time artificial insemination in replacement beef heifers after treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, and prostaglandin F2±. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):321.

Lamb, G.C., B.J. Lovaas, S.L. Bird, A. Martins, J.E. Larson, J.C. Rodgers, D.J. Frank, D.M. Williams. 2007. Artificial insemination of superovulated Angus cows using sexed or conventionally frozen semen. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):322.

Carriquiry, M., W. J. Weber, C. R. Dahlen, G. C. Lamb, B. A. Crooker. 2006. Bovine somatotropin and dietary fat enriched with omega-3 fatty acids in dairy cows: I. Lactation performance. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):63.

Carriquiry, M., W. J. Weber, C. R. Dahlen, G. C. Lamb, S. R. Sanders, L. H. Baumgard, B. A. Crooker. 2006. Bovine somatotropin and dietary fat enriched with omega-3 fatty acids in dairy cows: II. Milk fatty acid compositionJ. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):63.

Carriquiry, M., C. R. Dahlen, W. J Weber, G. C. Lamb, B. A. Crooker. 2006. Bovine somatotropin and dietary fat enriched with omega-3 fatty acids in dairy cows: III. Postpartum ovarian activity. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):346.

Cooke, R. F., C. R. Staples, G. C. Lamb, and J. D. Arthington. 2006. Effects of supplement type on performance, reproductive and physiological parameters of yearling Brahman-crossbred heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 84(Suppl. 2):8

Lamb, G. C., C.R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnahme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A. Perry, J. Clement, J. D. Arthington. 2006. Effects of estrous synchronization with a CIDR prior to the breeding in bull-breeding herds on pregnancy rates. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):433.

Thielen, K. N. J. E. Larson, B. J. Lovaas, D. J. Kesler, J. S. Stevenson, T. T. Marston, and G. C. Lamb. 2006. Influence of a CIDR insert after a fixed-time AI on pregnancy rates and return to estrus of nonpregnant cows. J. Anim. Sci. 84 (Suppl. 1):432.

Publications: North Dakota State University

Lamb, G.C., C.R. Dahlen, K.A. Vonnahme, G.R. Hansen, J.D. Arseneau, G.A Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J.D. Arthington. 2007. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Animal Reproduction Science. In press ANIREP-D-07-988.

Publications: The Ohio State University

Danforth, D, Moritz, S, Nguyen, T, Arbogast, L, Ottobre, A, and Ottobre, J. 2007. Regulation of angiogenic factors by PGF2± in the ovine corpus luteum. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, July 23-25, San Antonio, Texas. Abstract 175. p.117-118.

Publications: South Dakota

G.C. Lamb, C.R. Dahlen, K. A. Vonnehamme, G. R. Hansen, J. D. Arseneau, G. A. Perry, R.S. Walker, J. Clement, J. D. Arthington. 2007. Influence of a CIDR prior to bull-breeding on pregnancy rates and subsequent calving distribution. Animal Reproduction Sciences. (In Press).

Perry, G. A. Role of follicle size on fertility in cattle. 2007. CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources. 2:14.

Perry, G. A., M. F. Smith, A. J. Roberts, M. D. MacNeil, and T. W. Geary. 2007. Relationship between size of ovulatory follicle and pregnancy success in beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 85:684-689

MacNeil, M. D., T. W. Geary, G. A. Perry, A. J. Roberts, and L. J. Alexander. 2006. Genetic partitioning of variation in ovulatory follicle size and probability of pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. 84:1646-1650.

S. D. Fields, B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2007. Effect of GnRH at time of insemination on LH pulses and subsequent progesterone. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1): Abstr. 123.

Perry, G. A., B. L. Perry, J. R. Nelson, and J. A. Walker. 2007. Influence of post-AI nutrition of blood urea nitrogen, progesterone, and pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 1): Abstr. W199.

Nelson, J. R., B. L. Perry, and G. A. Perry. 2007. Influence of standing estrus and estradiol on time of uterine pH decline during a fixed-time AI protocol. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 2): Abstr. 238.

A. J. Bartosh, C. L. Wright, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and G. A. Perry. 2007. Effect of supplemental fat from dried distillers grains with solubles or corn oil on cow performance, IGF-1, GH, and NEFA concentrations. J. Anim. Sci. 85(Suppl. 2): Abstr. 273.

Perry, G. A. 2006. Factors that influence fertility in natural and synchronized breeding programs. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. Rapid City, South Dakota October 3-4. p. 149-164.

Smith, M. F., G. A. Perry, J. A. Atkins, D. C. Busch, C.L. Johnson, and D. J. Patterson. 2006. Physiological principals underlying synchronization of estrus. Proceedings of the Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle Workshop. Rapid City, South Dakota October 3-4. p. 7-28.

Publications: USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center

Journal Articles and Abstracts

Echternkamp SE, Thallman RM, Cushman RA, Allan MF, Gregory KE. Increased calf production in cattle selected for twin ovulations and births. J Anim Sci 2007; (In press).

Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Allan MF, Thallman RM, Gregory KE. Effects of ovulation rate and fetal numbers on fertility in twin-producing cattle. J Anim Sci 2007; (In press).

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Thallman RM, Cundiff LV. Characterization of biological types of cattle (Cycle VII): Influence of postpartum interval and estrous cycle length on fertility. J Anim Sci 2007; 85:2156-2162.

Cushman RA, Echternkamp SE, Allan MF, Freetly HC. Identification of indicator traits of fertility in the postpartum beef cow. Biol Reprod 2007; (Special Issue):443.

Echternkamp SE, Cushman RA, Allan MF. Increasing ovulation rate reduced follicle size and increased blood progesterone concentrations but had no effect on fertility in cattle selected for twins. J Animal Sci 2007; 85(Suppl 1): 886.

Cushman RA, Allan MF, Thallman RM, Cundiff LV. Evaluation of phenotypes influencing fertility in postpartum beef cows. J Anim Sci 2007; 85(Suppl 1):401.

Allan MF, Thallman RM, Cushman RA, Echternkamp SE, Kuehn LA, Snelling WM. Fine mapping of QTL for twinning and ovulation rate using low density SNP map in conjunction with microsatellite maker information in the USMARC twinning population. Plant and Animal Genome XV Conference 2007:231.

Publications: Wisconsin

Refereed Journal Publications

Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effect of pretreatment with prostaglandin F2± before resynchronization of ovulation on fertility of lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, N. Mathialagan, M. F. McGrath, J. M. Ballam, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Accuracy of a pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) ELISA to determine pregnancy status of lactating dairy cows 27 days after timed AI. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).

Silva, E. P. B., R. A. Sterry, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Assessment of a practical method for identifying anovular lactating dairy cows synchronized for first postpartum timed artificial insemination. J. Dairy Sci. 90:3255-3262.

Sterry R. A., P. W. Jardon, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effect of timing of Cosynch on fertility of lactating Holstein cows after first postpartum and Resynch timed AI services. Theriogenology 67:1211-1216.

Chang, Y. M., O. González-Recio, K. A. Weigel, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Genetic analysis of the twenty-one-day pregnancy rate in US Holsteins using an ordinal censored threshold model with unknown voluntary waiting period. J. Dairy Sci. 90:1987-1997.

Silva del Río, N., S. Stewart, P. Rapnicki, Y. M. Chang, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. An observational analysis of twin births, calf sex ratio, and calf mortality in Holstein dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 90:1255-1264.


Silva, E., R. A. Sterry, D. Kolb, M. C. Wiltbank, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effect of pretreatment with prostaglandin F2± 12 days before initiation of Resynch on fertility of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):160.

Sterry, R. A., E. Silva, D. Kolb, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effect of GnRH administered four days after synchronization of ovulation and timed AI on fertility of anovular lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):326.

Silva del Río, N., H. Lopez, R. R. Grummer, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effects of twin pregnancy and prepartum diet on postpartum ovarian activity in Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):533.

Silva del Río, N., J. D. Colloton, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Pregnancy loss in lactating Holstein cows diagnosed with twin versus singleton fetuses. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):533.

Silva del Río, N., R. R. Grummer, and P. M. Fricke. 2007. Effects of twin pregnancy and dry cow feeding strategy on milk production, energy balance and metabolic profiles in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 90(Suppl. 1):615.

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