NCERA_OLD184: Management of Small Grain Diseases
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Krupinsky, J.M., Bailey, K.L., McMullen, M. P., Gossen, B.D., and Turkington, T. K. 2002. Managing plant disease risk in diversified cropping systems. Agron. J. 94: 198-209.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., and B. Schatz. 2002. Fungicide and biological agent effects on Fusarium head blight across two wheat classes. Journal of Applied Genetics 43A: 223-226.
McMullen, M. 2003. Impacts of FHB on the North American Agriculture Community - the Power of One Disease to Catapult Change. Pages 484-503 in: B. Bushnell and K. Leonard, eds. Fusarium Head blight of Wheat and Barley. APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
McMullen, M., Ashley, R., Endres, G., Glogoza, P., Gregoire, T., and Knodel, J. 2003. Previous crop history effects on tan spot, the Septoria leaf blotch complex and Fusarium head blight of wheat, North Dakota, 1998-2002. Phtyopathology 93:S60.
Glogoza, P. A. and McMullen, M.P. 2002. The North Dakota IPM Survey: Expanding our Horizons. Entomological Society of American?s Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Nov. 17-20, 2002.
Jordahl, J., McMullen, M., and Meyer, S. 2003. Differential response of barley, hard red spring wheat, and durum wheat to multiple FHB infections and fungicide treatments. Page 87 in: Proceedings of the 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Minneapolis, MN, Dec. 13-15, 2003. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., and Schatz, B. 2003. Wheat uniform fungicide trials, ND, 2003. Pages 95-96 in: Proceedings of the 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Minneapolis, MN, Dec. 13-15, 2003. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
Turkington, T.K., Hartman, M., Krupinsky, J.M., Hutcher, H.R., McMullen, M.P., Tewari, J. P., and Xi, K. 2003. Plant disease management and diversity. Proceedings for Dynamic Cropping Systems: Principles, Processes, and Challenges, A Cropping Systems Symposium, Aug. 4-7, 2003, Bismarck, ND.
Jordahl, J., Meyer, S., and McMullen, M. 2002. Multiple infection events and split timing of Folicur fungicide applications for control of FHB in hard red spring wheat, durum wheat, and spring barley, 2002. Page 91 in: Proceedings of the 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Erlanger, KY, Dec. 7-9, 2002. Michigan State univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen., M. 2002. Incidence and severity of tan spot and the Septoria (Stagonospora) complex and relationship to previous crop, North Dakota 1998-2001. Pages 1-3 in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Tan Spot Workshop, July 22-24, 2002, NDSU, Fargo, ND.
McMullen, M. 2002. An integrated approach to cereal disease management. Pages 2-6 in: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Manitoba-North Dakota Zero tillage Workshop. Jan. 29-30, 2002, Minot, ND. Zero-Till Association.
McMullen, M. 2002. Incidence and severity of tan spot and Septoria (Stagonospora) wheat leaf diseases and relationship to previous crop, North Dakota 1998-2001. Pages 1-3 in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Tan Spot Workshop, Bemidji, MN, June 25-27, 2002. Jack Rasmussen, ed. NDSU Plant Pathology Dept., Fargo, ND.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2003. Evaluation of fungicides and biological agents for Fusarium head blight and leaf disease control in wheat, 2002. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 58:CF011.
McMullen, M., Meyer, S., and Jordahl, J. 2003. Evaluation of fungicides and biological agents for Fusarium head blight control in barley, 2002. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 58:CF012.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., and Schatz, B. 2002. Efficacy of foliar fungicides and a biological for control of Fusarium head blight across spring wheat cultivars, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57:CF05.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2002. Evaluation of foliar fungicides and biologicals for control of Fusarium head blight and leaf diseases in spring wheat, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57:CF19.
Ashley, R. O., McMullen, M. P., Eriksmoen, E., Martin, G., and Twist, D. 2003. Evaluating fungicide seed treatment for phytotoxicity to hard red spring wheat. Http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/dickinso?agronomy/agreport.htm
Ashley, R.O., McMullen, M. P., Eriksomen, E., and Martin, G. 2003. Winter wheat seed treatment demonstration - Dickinson, ND 2002. Http://www.ag.ndus.nodak.edu/dickinso/agronomy/agreport.htm
McMullen, M. 2003. Tan spot and Septoria/Stagonospora diseases of wheat. NDSU Extension Circular PP-1249. 8p.
McMullen, M., Ashley, R., Endres, G., Glogoza, P., Gregoire, T., and Knodel, J. 2003. 2003 North Dakota Wheat Disease survey. NDSU Extension Report #84. 4p.
McMullen, M. P. and Bradley, C.A. 2003. 2003 North Dakota Field Crop fungicide guide. NDSU Extension Circular PP-622 (revised). 56p.
De Wolf, E. D., Madden, L. V., and Lipps, P. E. 2003. Risk assessment models for wheat Fusarium head blight epidemics based on within-season weather data. Phytopathology 93:428-435.
Dufault, N. S., De Wolf, E. D., Lipps, P. E. and Madden, L. V. 2002. Weathervariables related to Gibberella zeae perithecia development. Phytopathology 92:S21.
Engle, J. S., Lipps, P. E., Graham, T. L., and Boehm, M. J. 2002. Effect of wheat floral structure extracts and endogenous compounds on the growth of Fusarium graminearum. Phytopatholgy 92:S23.
Engle, J. S., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2002. Evaluation of inoculation methods to determine differences in resistance to Fusarium graminearum in wheat genotypes. Phytopathology 92:S23.
El-Allaf, S. M., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2002. Effect of biocontrol agents and fungicides on Fusariuim head blight development on winter wheat in Ohio. Phytopathology 92:S23.
El-Allaf, S. M., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2002. Spatial and temporal development of Fusarium head blight epidemics on winter wheat in Ohio. Phytopathology 92:S23.
Core, A. B., Schisler, D. A., Hicks, T. E., Lipps, P. E. and Boehm, M. J. 2002, Population dynamics in the field of a biocontrol agent for Fusarium head blight. Page 61 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
El-Allaf, S. M., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2002. Fusarium head blight: Epidemics and Control. Pages 69-73 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
De Wolf, E. D., Lipps, P. E., Madden, L. V. and Farncl, L. 2002. Influence of corn residue and cultivar susceptibility on the accuracy of Fusrium head blight risk assessment models. Pages 137- 139 in: 2002 National Fuasrium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Engle, J. S., Lipps, P. E., Graham, T. L. and Boehm, M. J. 2002. Effect of wheat floral structure extracts and endogenous compounds on the growth of Fusraiium graminearum. Pages 151-153 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Dufault, N., De Wolf, E., Lipps, P. and Madden, L 2002. Identification of Environmental variables that affect perithecial development of Gibberella zeae. Page 141 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Dufault, N., De Wolf, E. Lipps, P. and Madden, L. 2002. Relationship of temperature and moisture to Gibberella zeae perithecial development in a controlled environment. Pages 142-143 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
El-Allaf, S. M., Madden, L. V. and Lipps, P. E. 2002. Incidence-Sverity relationships for Fusarium head blight on wheat. Page 145 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
El-Allaf, S. M., Madden, L. V. and Lipps, P. E. 2002. Spatial aspects of Fusarium head blight epidemics on wheat in Ohio. Pages 146-150 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Schisler, D. A, Boehm, M. J., Hicks, T. E., and Lipps, P. E. 2002. USDA-ARS, Ohio State University cooperative research on biologically controlling Fusarium head blight 2: 2002 field tests of antagonists/ fungicide mixtures. Pages 119-122 in: 2002 National Fusrium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Lipps, P. E. Mills, D., De Wolf, E. D. and Madden, L. V. 2002. Fusarium head scab risk forecasting for Ohio, 2002. Page 166 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Lipps, P. E., De Wolf, E. D., Mills, D. and Madden, L. V. 2002. Practical Application of Fusarium head blight risk predictions. Pages 167-170 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Sneller, C., Lipps, P. E. and Herald, L. 2002. Summary report on the 2002 northern uniform winter wheat scab nursery (NUWWSN). Pages 261-264 in: 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum Proceedings, Erlanger, KY. Dec. 7-9, 2002.
Lipps, P. E. El-Allaf, S. M. and Johnston, A. L. 2002. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of Fusarium head blight on winter wheat in Ohio, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 57:CF14. DOI: 10.1094/FNN57. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lipps, P. E., Mills, D. and Johnston, A. L. 2000. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of powdery mildew and Stagonospora blotch on wheat in Ohio, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 57:CF06. DOI: 10.1094/FNN57. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Lipps, P. E. and Johnston, A. L. 2002 Effect of seed treatments on yield of no-till wheat in Ohio, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 57:ST28. DOI: 10.1094/FNN57. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Bennett, R.S., S.-H. Yun, T.Y. Lee, B.G. Turgeon, E. Arseniuk, B.M. Cunfer, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2003. Identity and conservation of mating type genes in geographically diverse isolates of Phaeosphaeria nodorum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 37:in press.
Bergstrom, G.C. and E.J. Shields. 2002. Atmospheric spore dispersal and regional epidemiology of the Fusarium head blight fungus. Phytopathology 92:S93.
Bergstrom, G.C., M.E. Sorrells, and S.M. Gray. 2002. Developing an IPM response to a new wheat health threat in New York: Wheat soilborne mosaic virus. Pages 78-82 in: 2001 New York State Livestock and Field Crops Project Reports Relating to IPM. NYS IPM Publication No. 321.
Bergstrom, G.C., M.E. Sorrells, and S.M. Gray. 2003. Developing an IPM response to a new wheat health threat in New York: Wheat soilborne mosaic virus. Pages 43-48 in: 2002 New York State Livestock and Field Crops Project Reports Relating to IPM. NYS IPM Publication No. 322.
Cadle-Davidson, L., R.R. Schindelbeck, H.M. van Es, S.M. Gray, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2003. Using air pressure cells to evaluate the effect of soil environment on the transmission of soilborne viruses of wheat. Phytopathology 93: in press.
Carroll, J.E., G.C. Bergstrom, and S.M. Gray. 2002. Assessing the resistance of winter wheat to wheat spindle streak mosaic bymovirus. Can. J. Plant Pathology 24:465-470.
Davidson, L.E., R.R. Schindelbeck, H.M. van Es, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2002. Laboratory evaluation of the effects of temperature and soil matric potential on infection of wheat by Polymyxa graminis using air pressure cells. Phytopathology 92:S17.
Del Ponte, E.M., D.A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2002. Spatial patterns of Fusarium head blight in New York wheat fields in 2002. Page 136 in: Proc. 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport, Erlanger, KY December 7-9, 2002.
Del Ponte, E.M., D.A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2003. Spatial patterns of Fusarium head blight in New York wheat fields suggest role of airborne inoculum. Plant Health Progress. DOI:10.1094/PHP-2003-0418-01-RS.
Kawamoto, S.O., G.C. Bergstrom, W.J. Cox, and D.J. Otis. 2002. Effects of seed treatments on seed-transmitted Stagonospora nodorum blotch and agronomic performance of winter wheat in New York, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57:ST33.
Kawamoto, S.O., G.C. Bergstrom, W.J. Cox, and D.J. Otis. 2003. Effects of seed treatments on seed-transmitted Stagonospora nodorum blotch and agronomic performance of winter wheat in New York, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 58:ST023.
Kawamoto, S.O., C.A. Stockwell, G.C. Bergstrom, W.J. Cox, and D.J. Otis. 2002. Evaluation of foliar fungicides and bioprotectants for control of Fusarium head blight of winter wheat in New York, 2001. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 57:CF17.
Kawamoto, S.O., C.A. Stockwell, G.C. Bergstrom, W.J. Cox, and D.J. Otis. 2003. Evaluation of foliar fungicides and bioprotectants for control of Fusarium head blight of winter wheat in New York, 2002. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests 58:CF017.
Kawamoto, S.O., C.A. Stockwell, D.J. Otis, W.J. Cox, M.E. Sorrells, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2002. Evaluation of foliar fungicides and bioprotectants for control of Fusarium head blight of winter wheat in New York in 2002. Pages 92-95 in: Proc. 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport, Erlanger, KY December 7-9, 2002.
Koenig, R., G.C. Bergstrom, S.M. Gray, and S. Loss. 2002. A New York isolate of Soil-borne wheat mosaic virus differs considerably from the Nebraska type strain in the nucleotide sequences of various coding regions but not in the deduced amino acid sequences. Arch. Virol. 147: 617-625.
Luz, W.C. da, C.A. Stockwell, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2003. Biological control of Fusarium graminearum. Pages 381-394 in: K.J. Leonard and W.R. Bushnell ed, Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Barley, APS Press, St. Paul, MN.
Shah, D.A. and G.C. Bergstrom. 2002. A rainfall-based model for predicting the regional occurrence of wheat seed infection by Stagonospora nodorum in New York. Phytopathology 92:511-518.
Shah, D.A., G.C. Bergstrom, and M.E. Sorrells. 2002. Effect of seed infection by Stagonospora nodorum on winter wheat kernel weight. Seed Sci. & Technol.: 30:339-346.
Shah, D.A., R. M. Clear, L. V. Madden and G. C. Bergstrom. 2002. Summarizing the regional incidence of seedborne fungi with the beta-binomial distribution. Can. J. Plant Pathol 24: 168-175.
Stockwell, C.A., S.O. Kawamoto, G.C. Bergstrom, D. Benscher, and M.E. Sorrells. 2002. Evaluation of bioprotectant seed treatments for control of common bunt of spring wheat in New York, 2001. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases 17:S13.
Stockwell, C.A., S.O. Kawamoto, G.C. Bergstrom, D. Benscher, and M.E. Sorrells. 2002. Evaluation of bioprotectants for control of Fusarium head blight of winter wheat in New York, 2001. Biological and Cultural Tests for Control of Plant Diseases 17:S14.
Schmale, D.G. III, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2002. Airborne populations of Gibberella zeae: Spatial and temporal dynamics of spore deposition in a localized Fusarium head blight epidemic. Page 178 in: Proc. 2002 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport, Erlanger, KY December 7-9, 2002.
Schmale, D.M. III, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2003. Fusarium head blight. Plant Disease Lesson. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI:10.1094/PHI-I-2003-0612-01.
Hershman, D. E. and E. A. Milus. 2003. Analysis of 2003 Uniform Wheat Fungicide Trials Across Locations and Wheat Classes. Pages 76-80, in: Proc. 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Bloomington, MN.
Hershman, D. E. and E. A. Milus. 2003. Performance of Folicur in Fusarium Head Blight Uniform Fungicide Trials, 1998-2003. Pages, 81-82, in: Proc. 2003 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Bloomington, MN.
Hershman, D. E. 2003. 2003 Wheat Foliar Fungicide Test Results, Morganfield, Union County, Kentucky. Pages 6-7, in: University of Kentucky Wheat Science 2003 Research Report.
Aakre,D., Flaskerud, G., Hellevang, K., Lardy, G., McMullen, M., Ransom, J., Sorenson, B., and Swenson, A. 2005. DON (Vomitoxin) in wheat. NDSU Extension Circular PP-1302. 4 p.
Allen, T., Boratynski, T, and Rush, C. M. 2005. Distribution of Tilletia indica teliospores in a naturally infested Arizona Durum wheat field. Phytopathology 95:S3.
Allen, T., Peterson, G., and Rush, C. M. 2005. The influence of tillage on Tilletia indica teliospore dispersal from a concentrated point source. Phytopathology 95:S3.
Al-Naimi, F. A., Garrett, K. A., and Bockus, W. W. 2005. Competition, facilitation, and niche differentiation in two foliar pathogens. Oecologia 143:449-457.
Ashley, R.O. and McMullen, M. P. 2005. Evaluation of foliar fungicide treatments for control of tan spot in spring wheat at Regent, ND, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF018.
Balota, M., C.M. Rush, W.A. Payne, and M.D. Lazar. 2005. The effect of Take-all disease on gas-exchange rates and biomass in two winter wheat lines with differential drought response. Plant and Soil: 275: 335-345.
Bennett, R.S., M.G. Milgroom, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Population structure of seedborne Phaeosphaeria nodorum on New York wheat. Phytopathology 95:300-305.
Bergstrom, G.C. and D.G. Schmale III. 2005. Aerobiology and regional epidemiology of Gibberella zeae. Page 76 in Proc. 4th Canadian Workshop on Fusarium Head Blight. Ottawa Congress Centre. Ottawa, Canada, November 1-3, 2005.
Bockus, W. W. 2005. Kansas. Report for the Western Education/Extension Research Activities Coordinating Committee on cereal diseases (WERA-97). (http://plantsciences.montana.edu/wera97/Default.htm)
Bockus, W. W., Fritz, A. K., and Martin, T. J. 2005. Reaction of the 2004 Kansas Intrastate Nursery to Fusarium head blight, 2004. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 20:FC025, DOI:10.1094/BC20, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Bockus, W. W. and Claassen, M. M. 2005. Effect of cropping sequence and tillage on severity of leaf diseases on winter wheat, 2003 and 2004. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 20:FC027, DOI:10.1094/BC20, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Bockus, W. W., and Davis, M. A. 2005. Reaction of selected winter wheat accessions to Fusarium head blight, 2004. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 20:FC026, DOI:10.1094/BC20, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Cadle-Davidson, L., G.C. Bergstrom, and T.S. Cox. 2005. Susceptibility of perennial small grains to Soilborne wheat mosaic virus and Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2005-1130-01-BR.
Carver, B.F., Krenzer, E., Hunger, R.M., Porter, D., Smith, E.L., Klatt, A., Verchot-Lubicz, J., Bai, G., Rayas-Duarte, P., Guenzi, A., Bai, G., & Martin, B. 2005. OkField hard red winter wheat. Released by the Oklahoma Agricul. Exp. Sta. in Feb., 2005.
Carver, B.F., Krenzer, E., Hunger, R.M., Porter, D., Smith, E.L., Klatt, A., Verchot-Lubicz, J., Bai, G., Rayas-Duarte, P., Guenzi, A., Bai, G., and Martin, B. 2005. Guymon hard white winter wheat. Released by the Oklahoma Agricul. Exp. Sta. in Feb., 2005.
Carver, B.F., Hunger, R.M., Klatt, A., Edwards, J., Porter, D., Rayas-Duarte, P., Verchot-Lubicz, J., and Martin, B. OK Bullet hard red winter wheat. Released by the Oklahoma Agricul. 2005. Exp. Sta. in summer, 2005.
Choppakatla, V. Melouk, H.A., Hunger, R.M., Payton, M.E., and Chenault, K.D. 2005. Pathogenicity of Sclerotium rolfsii on winter wheat and peanut. Southern division APS meeting, Pub no. P-2005-0003-SOA.
Cox, C. M., Garrett, K. A., and Bockus, W. W. 2005. Meeting the challenge of disease management in perennial grain cropping systems. Ren. Agric. Food Sys. 20:15-24.
Cox, C. M., Garrett, K. A., Cox, T. S., Bockus, W. W., and Peters, T. 2005. Reactions of perennial grain accessions to four major cereal pathogens of the Great Plains. Plant Dis. 89:1235-1240.
Cox, C., Bockus, W., Garrett, K., Cox, T. S., and Peters, T. 2005. Reaction of selected perennial grass accessions to barley yellow dwarf, 2004. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 20:FC028, DOI:10.1094/BC20, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Davis, M. A. and Bockus, W. W. 2005. Reaction of selected winter wheat cultivars to Fusarium head blight, 2004. Biol. Cult. Tests Control Plant Dis. Report 20:FC029, DOI:10.1094/BC20, The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Day KM, Lorton WP, Christmas EP, Mansfield CW, Buechley GC, Shaner GE. 2005.. Performance of Public and Private Small Grains in Indiana, 2005. Bulletin No. B 17733 Available at: http://www.agry.purdue.edu/pcpp/smgrains.html
Dill-Macky, R., Steffenson, B.J., Hollingsworth, C., and Smith, K.P. 2005. Management of barley diseases in the upper Midwest. Pages 13-15 in: Proc. 35th Barley Improvement Conf., Charlestown, SC. 11-13 Jan. 2005.
Edwards, J., Kochenower, R., Austin, R., Carver, B., and Hunger, R. 2005 Oklahoma Winter Wheat Variety Trial Results. 2005. Published online at: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/cm/trials/
Hollingsworth, C. and C. Motteberg. 2005. Increased deoxynivalenol levels in grain of hard red spring wheat following application of pyraclostrobin at Feekes 9.5. Phytopathology 95:S43-S44.
Hollingsworth, C., C. Motteberg, J. Machado, I. MacRae, and J. Wiersma. 2005. Evaluating tissue locations of small grain plants for detection of phytoplasma and determining aster yellows distribution in northwestern Minnesota. Phytopathology 95:S43.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and C.D. Motteberg. 2005. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring wheat in Minnesota, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF002.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and C.D. Motteberg. 2005. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring barley in Minnesota, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF003.
Hollingsworth, C.R. 2005. Deoxynivalenol levels in wheat and barley following application of fungicide for Fusarium head blight control. Pages 41-42 in: Proc. of the Assoc. Analytical Chemists International Midwest Sect. Kansas City MO. 23-26 May 2005.
Hollingsworth, C., McMullen, M., Halley, S., Hofman, V., Motteberg, C., and Meyer, S. 2005. Cooperative study for improved management of Fusarium head blight using aerial application of fungicide. 2005. Pages 205-208 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
Horsley, R.D., Pederson, J.D., Schwarz, P.B., McKay, K., Hochhalter, M.R., and McMullen, M. P. 2006. Integrated use of tebuconazole and Fusarium head blight resistant barley genotypes in controlling Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation. Agron. J. 98:194-197.
Hunger, R.M., Royer, T., Giles, K., and Payton, M. 2005. Effect of bird cherry-oat (BCO) aphids & barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) on winter wheat. Annual APS meeting, Austin, TX.
Hunger, R.M., R. Walker, and V. Choppakatla. 2005. Effect of fungicides on foliar diseases, yield, and test weight of hard red winter wheat, 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide (F&N) Tests 60:CF013.
Jiang, W., Garrett, K. A., Peterson, D., Harvey, T. L., Bowden, R. L., and Fang, L. 2005. The window of risk for emigration of Wheat streak mosaic virus varies with host eradication method. Plant Dis. 89:853-858.
Jones, D., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Wheat Disease Survey of the Texas Panhandle Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery. (Accepted) In: Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography, Videography, and High Resolution Digital Imagery for Resource Assessment. October, 3 - 6. Weslaco, TX.
Jones, D., and Rush, C. M., and Steddom, K. 2005. Remote detection of wheat streak mosaic and nitrogen deficiency and their effects on heard red winter wheat. Phytopathology 95: S 50.
Jones, D., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Wheat disease survey of the Texas panhandle using Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery. Phytopathology 95: S 50.
Kabbage, M., Zeller, K., Hulbert, S., and Bockus, W. 2005. The importance of long-distance spring infection by Mycosphaerella graminicola in Kansas winter wheat. Phytopathology 95:961.
Kirby, C.M., L.J. Peterson, L.E. Osborne, J.M. Stein, and K.D. Glover. 2005. A Comparison of Type I and Type II Resistance Within a Collection of Elite Spring Wheat Genotypes. In: Proceedings of the National FHB Forum as before. pp. 51.
Lehman JS, Hanson KA, Shaner G. 2005. Relationship among genes conferring partial resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in wheat lines CI 13227 and L-574-1. Phytopathology. 95(2):198-205.
Maldonado-Ramirez, S.L, D.G. Schmale III, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The relative abundance of viable spores of Gibberella zeae in the planetary boundary layer suggests the role of long-distance transport in regional epidemics of Fusarium head blight. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 132: 20-27.
Maples, H., Workneh, F., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Distributioin and recovery of Tilletia indica teliospores in a regulated field in Texas. Phytopathology 95: S 64.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., Meyer, S. 2005. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Fusarium head blight and net blotch in barley, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF009.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2005. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Fusarium head blight and leaf diseases in wheat, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF010.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2005. Effect of adjuvants on efficacy of Folicur fungicide for FHB control. Page 215 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., and Lukach, J. 2005. Results of the uniform fungicide trial on barley, North Dakota, 2005. Page 217 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., and Schatz, B. 2005. Wheat uniform fungicide trials, ND, 2005. Pages 218-220 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., and Bradley, C. 2006. 2006 North Dakota field crop fungicide guide. NDSU Extension Circular PP-622. 61 p
McMullen, M., Ashley, R., Endres, G., Gregoire, T., and Knodel, J. 2006. North Dakota wheat disease survey, 2005. Pages 507-509 in: 2006 ND Crop Production Guide, No. 16.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., Schatz, B. 2005. Uniform fungicide trials, wheat, ND, 2005. Pages 505-506 in: 2006 ND Crop Production Guide, No. 16.
Molineros, J., DeWolf, E., Madden, L., Paul, P., and Lipps, P. 2005. Incorporation of Host Reaction and Crop Residue Level into Prediction Models for Fusarium Head Blight. Pages 119-122 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Morgan, G., Patrick, C., Steddom, K., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus and High Plains Virus. TCE Publication E337, January.
Neate, S. and McMullen, M. 2005. Barley disease handbook. NDSU Extension Publication PP-1293. 51p.
Nita, M., DeWolf, E., Madden, L., Paul, P., Shaner, G., Adhikari, T., Ali, S., Stein, J. and Osborne, L. 2005 Effect of Corn Residue Level on the Incidence of Fusarium Head Blight. Page 124 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Osborne, L.E., and J.M. Stein. 2005. Airborne Inoculum Dynamics for Seven Location-Years in Relation to Environmental Parameters. In: Proceedings of the National FHB Forum as before. pp. 129-133.
Osborne, L.E., and J.M. Stein. 2005. Effects of Maize Residues and Variety on Fusarium Head Blight in South Dakota. In: Proceedings of the National FHB Forum as before. pp. 134-137.
Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Mascagni, H.J., and Bell, R. 2006. Selected fungicide rates and application timings for managing stripe rust of wheat, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF004. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Padgett, G.B., Harrison, S.A., Arceneaux, K.J., Purvis, M.A. 2006. Selected fungicide rates and application timings for managing leaf and stripe rust in south Louisiana, 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF005. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Padgett, G.B., Purvis, M.A., Mascagni, H.J., and Bell, R. 2006. Managing stripe rust using Tilt 3.6EC, Quilt, Quadris 2.08SC, Headline 2.08EC, or Stratego. 2005. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 61:CF006. DOI: 10:1094/FN61. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Padgett, G.B., Garber, B.W., and Purvis, M.A. 2005. Evaluation of selected rates and application timings for managing stripe rust of wheat, 2004. Fungicide and Nematicide Tests (online.) Report 60:CF004. DOI: 10:1094/FN60. The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN.
Paul, P., Hershman, D., Draper, M, and Madden, L. 2005. Effect of fungicide on FHB and DON in Wheat 2005 Uniform Fungicide Trials. Pages 225-229 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. Michigan State University.
Paul, P. A., P. E. Lipps, and L. V. Madden. 2005. Relationship between visual estimates of Fusarium head blight intensity and deoxynivalenol accumulation in harvested wheat grain: A Meta-Analysis. Phytopathology 95:1225-1236.
Paul, P. A., El-Allaf, S. M., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Relationship between incidence and severity of Fusarium head blight on winter wheat in Ohio. Phytopathology 95:1049-1060.
Paul, P. A., and Munkvold, G. P. 2005. Regression and artificial neural network modeling for the prediction of gray leaf spot of maize. Phytopathology 95:388-396.
Paul, P. A., Madden, L. V., and Lipps, P. E. 2005. Relationship between FHB Index and DON: A Quantitative Synthesis of Eight Years of Research. Pages 138-139 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Paul, P. A., Hershman, D., Draper, M., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Effect of Fungicides on FHB and DON in Wheat - 2005 Uniform Fungicide Trials. Pages 225-229 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Paul, P. A., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Inoculum and Fusarium head blight gradient generated by wind and rain splash from a small area-source within wheat canopies. Phytopathology 95:S81.
Paul, P. A., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Relationship between Fusarium head blight intensity and deoxynivalenol toxin content in harvested wheat grain. Phytopathology 95:S81.
Ransom, J., ed. 2005. Barley production pocket guide. NDSU Extension Publication A-1188 (revised). 92p.
Roozeboon, K., Fritz, A., Stack, J., Whitworth, J., Evans, P., Long, J., Martin, T. J., Schlegel, A., Spangler, M., Claassen, M., Gordon, W. B., Heer, W., Kimball, J., Maddux, L., Parker, E., Seabourn, B., Knapp, M., Bennett, R., Bockus, B., and Shroyer, J. 2005. 2005 Performance Tests with Winter Wheat Varieties. Pages 4-28 in: 2005 Kansas Wheat Seed Book. Kansas AES Report of Progress 947. 42 pp.
Royer, T.A., Giles, K.L., Nyamanzi, T., Hunger, R.M., Krenzer, E.G., Elliott, N.C., Kindler, S.D., and Payton, M. 2005. Economic evaluation of the effects of planting date and application rate of imidacloprid for management of cereal aphids and barley yellow dwarf in winter wheat. J. Econ. Entomol. 98(1):95-102.
Rush, C.M., Stein, J.M., Bowden, R., Riemenschneider, R., Boratynski, T., and Royer, M.H. 2005. Status of Karnal Bunt of Wheat in the United States 1997 2004. Plant Disease 89: 212-223.
Schmale, D.G. III, Q.A. Arntsen, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The forcible discharge distance of ascospores of Gibberella zeae. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27: 376-382.
Schmale, D.G. III, D. A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Spatial patterns of viable spore deposition of Gibberella zeae in rotational wheat fields. Phytopathology 95: 472-479.
Schmale, D.G. III, D. A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Spatial patterns of viable spore deposition of the ear rot pathogen, Gibberella zeae, in first-year corn fields. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27: 225-233.
Schmale, D.G. III and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The aerobiology and population genetic structure of Gibberella zeae. Phytopathology 95:S127.
Schmale, D.G. III, J.F. Leslie, R.L. Bowden, K.A. Zeller, A.A. Saleh, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Genetic structure of atmospheric populations of Gibberella zeae. Page 149 in Proc. 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, WI, December 11-13, 2005.
Schmale, D.G. III, J.F. Leslie, A.A. Saleh, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Temporal scales of genetic diversity within New York atmospheric populations of Gibberella zeae. Page 149 in Proc. 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, WI, December 11-13, 2005.
Shaner G, Buechley G. 2005. Control of Fusarium head blight of wheat in Indiana with foliar fungicides, 2004. F&N Tests, Report No. 60:CF001.
Steddom, K., D. Jones, and C.M. Rush. 2005. A picture is worth a thousand words. APSnet online journal (http://apsnet.org/online/feature/remote).
Steddom, K., M. McMullen, B. Schatz, and C.M. Rush, 2005. Comparing image format and resolution for assessment of foliar diseases of wheat. Plant Health Progress doi: 10. 1094/PHP-2005-0516-01-RS.
Steddom, K., Jones, D., Rudd, J., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Analysis of field plot images with segmentation analysis, effect of glare and shadows. Phytopathology 95: S 99.
Stein, J.M., H.W. Maples, and C.M. Rush. 2005. Recovery of Tilletia indica teliospores from regulated fields in Texas. Plant Disease. 89:828-833.
Stein, J.M., and M.A. Draper. 2005. The Fusarium Head Blight Epidemics of the Winter and Spring Wheat Crops in South Dakota for 2005. In: Canty, S.M., Boring, T., Wardwell, J., Siler, L. and Ward, R.W (Eds.), Proceedings of the National Fusarium Head Blight Forum; 2005 Dec 11-13; Milwaukee, WI, USA. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. pp. 152.
Stein, J.M., C.M. Kirby, and L.E. Osborne. 2005. Environmental Factors Influencing Scab of Barley in the Northern Great Plains. In: Proceedings of the National FHB Forum as before. pp. 151.
Wiersma, J.J., and Ransom, J.K. 2006. The Small Grains Field Guide. University of Minnesota and North Dakota State University Extension Field Guide. 158 p.
Workneh, F., Narasimhan, B., Srinivasan, R., and Rush, C. M., 2005. Potential of radar estimated rainfall for plant disease risk forecast. Phytopathology: 95:25-27.
Yang J, Bai G, Shaner GE.. 2005. Novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat cultivar Chokwang. TAG. 111:1571-1579.
Xu, X.Y., Bai, G.H., Carver, B.F., Shaner, G., and Hunger, R.M. 2005. Mapping of QTLs prolonging the latent period of Puccinia triticina infection in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 110:244-251.
Xu XY. Bai GH. Carver BF. Shaner GE. Hunger RM. 2005. Molecular characterization of slow leaf-rusting resistance in wheat. Crop Sci. 45(2):758-765.
Xu X, Bai GH, Carver BF, Shaner GE. 2005. A QTL for early heading in wheat cultivar Suwon 92. Euphytica 146:233-237.
Research Publications:
Anderson, J.A., Busch, R.H., McVey, D.V., Kolmer, J.A., Linkert, G.L., Wiersma, J.V., Dill-Macky, R., Wiersma, J.J. and Harland G.A. 2005. Registration of Oklee wheat. Crop Science, 45:784-785.
Ashley, R.O. and McMullen, M. P. 2005. Evaluation of foliar fungicide treatments for control of tan spot in spring wheat at Regent, ND, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF018.
Bergstrom, G.C. and D.G. Schmale III. 2005. Aerobiology and regional epidemiology of Gibberella zeae. Page 76 in Proc. 4th Canadian Workshop on Fusarium Head Blight. Ottawa Congress Centre. Ottawa, Canada, November 1-3, 2005.
Blechl A., Somleva, M., Okubara P., and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. New Approaches to overcome Fusarium Head Blight. In: Proceedings of the IWQCIII, Manhattan, Kansas, USA, May 22-26, 2005, p. 000.
Cadle-Davidson, L., G.C. Bergstrom, and T.S. Cox. 2005. Susceptibility of perennial small grains to Soilborne wheat mosaic virus and Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2005-1130-01-BR.
Day KM, Lorton WP, Christmas EP, Mansfield CW, Buechley GC, Shaner GE. 2005. Performance of Public and Private Small Grains in Indiana, 2005. Bulletin No. B 17733 Available at: http://www.agry.purdue.edu/pcpp/smgrains.html.
Desjardins A.E., Plattner R.D., Shaner G, Brown DW, Buechley G, Proctor RH, B. Turgeon G. 2006. Field Release of Gibberella zeae genetically modified to lack ascospores. APS Annual meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.
Dill-Macky, R., Steffenson, B.J.,. Hollingsworth, C., and Smith, K.P 2005. Management of barley diseases in the upper Midwest. In: Proceedings of the 35th Barley Improvement Conference, Charlestown, South Carolina, USA, January 11-13, 2005, p. 13-15.
Dufault, N. S., De Wolf, E. D., Lipps, P. E., Madden, L. V. 2006. Role of temperature and moisture in the production and maturation of Gibberella zeae perithecia. Plant Disease 90:637-644.
Fritz, B.K., I.W. Kirk, W.C. Hoffmann, D.E. Martin, V.L. Hofman, C. Hollingsworth, M. McMullen, and S. Halley. Aerial application methods for increasing spray deposition on wheat heads. Applied Engineering Agri. 22(3): 357-364.
Garvin, D.F. and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Evaluation of wheat lines near-isogenic for diverse Fusarium Head Blight resistance QTLs. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11-13, 2005, p. 29-30.
Hollingsworth, C.R. 2005. Deoxynivalenol levels in wheat and barley following application of fungicide for Fusarium head blight control. Pages 41-42 in: Proc. Assoc. Analytical Chemists International Midwest Sect. 23-26 May 2005. Kansas City MO.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and C.D. Motteberg. 2005. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring wheat in Minnesota, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF002.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and C.D. Motteberg. 2005. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring barley in Minnesota, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF003.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2005. 2005 FHB uniform fungicide trial on hard red winter wheat in Minnesota. Pages 203 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum. 11-13 Dec. 2005. Milwaukee, WI.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2005. 2005 FHB uniform fungicide trial on spring barley in Minnesota. Pages 204 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum. 11-13 Dec. 2005. Milwaukee, WI.
Hollingsworth, C. and C. Motteberg. 2005. Increased deoxynivalenol levels in grain of hard red spring wheat following application of pyraclostrobin at Feekes 9.5. Phytopathology 95:S43-S44.
Hollingsworth, C., M. McMullen, S. Halley, V. Hofman, C. Motteberg, and S. Meyer. 2005. Cooperative study for improved management of Fusarium head blight using aerial application of fungicide. Pages 205-208 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum. 11-13 Dec. 2005. Milwaukee, WI.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2005. 2005 FHB uniform fungicide trial on hard red spring wheat in Minnesota. Pages 200-202 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum. 11-13 Dec. 2005. Milwaukee, WI.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and L.M. Atkinson. 2006. Responses of five commercial spring wheat cultivars to early infection with phytoplasmas known to cause aster yellows. No. P-6 in: Proc. APS North Central Conf. 13-15 June 2006. Fargo, ND.
Hollingsworth, C., C. Motteberg, J. Machado, I. MacRae, and J. Wiersma. 2005. Evaluating tissue locations of small grain plants for detection of phytoplasma and determining aster yellows distribution in northwestern Minnesota. Phytopathology 95:S43.
Hollingsworth, C.R. and C.D. Motteberg. 2006. Quality, yield, and economic outcomes of six hard red spring wheat cultivars in the Red River Valley of Minnesota. No. P-8 in: Proc. APS North Central Conf. 13-15 June 2006. Fargo, ND.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2006. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring wheat in Minnesota, 2005. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 61:CF010.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2006. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on spring barley in Minnesota, 2005. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 61:CF009.
Hollingsworth, C.R., C.D. Motteberg, and W.G. Thompson. 2006. Efficacy of fungicides in controlling Fusarium head blight on winter wheat in Minnesota, 2006. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 61:CF011.
Hollingsworth, C.R., D.A. Samac, and L.M. Atkinson. 2006. Phoma sclerotioides confirmed as a pathogen of winter wheat and its distribution in northwest Minnesota. No. P-7 in: Proc. APS North Central Conf. 13-15 June 2006. Fargo, ND.
Horsley, R.D., Pederson, J.D., Schwarz, P.B., McKay, K., Hochhalter, M.R., and McMullen, M. P. 2006. Integrated use of tebuconazole and Fusarium head blight resistant barley genotypes in controlling Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol accumulation. Agron. J. 98:194-197.
Lehman J.S., Hanson K.A., Shaner G. 2005. Relationship among genes conferring partial resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia triticina) in wheat lines CI 13227 and L-574-1. Phytopathology. 95:198-205.
Lewis, J.M., Mackintosh, C.A., Shin, S.H., Smith, L.A., Wyckoff, M.N., Elakkad, A.M., Wennberg K.J., Heinen, S.J., Radmer, L.E., Baldridge, G.D., Zeyen, R.J., Evans, C.K., Kravchenko, S., Dill-Macky, R. and Muehlbauer, G.J. 2005. Overexpression of antifungal proteins increases resistance of wheat to Fusarium Head Blight in the field. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11-13, 2005, p. 103.
Maldonado-Ramirez, S.L, D.G. Schmale III, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The relative abundance of viable spores of Gibberella zeae in the planetary boundary layer suggests the role of long-distance transport in regional epidemics of Fusarium head blight. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 132: 20-27.
Mansfield, M. A., De Wolf, E. D., and Kuldau, G. A. 2005. Relationships between weather conditions, agronomic practices, and fermentation characteristics with Deoxynivalenol content in fresh and ensiled maize. Plant Disease 89:1151-1157.
McMullen, M. 2005. An update on the impact of Fusarium head blight on North American agriculture. Phytopathology 95:S123.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2005. Effect of adjuvants on efficacy of Folicur fungicide for FHB control. Page 215 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., and Lukach, J. 2005. Results of the uniform fungicide trial on barley, North Dakota, 2005. Page 217 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., Lukach, J., McKay, K., and Schatz, B. 2005. Wheat uniform fungicide trials, ND, 2005. Pages 218-220 in: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium head blight Forum. Dec. 11-13, Milwaukee, WI. U.S. Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., Meyer, S. 2005. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Fusarium head blight and net blotch in barley, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF009.
McMullen, M., Jordahl, J., and Meyer, S. 2005. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Fusarium head blight and leaf diseases in wheat, 2004. Fungic. Nematicide Tests 60:CF010.
Molineros, J., DeWolf, E., Madden, L., Paul, P., and Lipps, P. 2005. Incorporation of Host Reaction and Crop Residue Level into Prediction Models for Fusarium Head Blight. Pages 119-122 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Mudge, A.M., Dill-Macky, R., Dong, Y., Wilson, I., and Manners, J.M. 2005. Mycotoxin production and fungal gene expression during infection and crowns and heads of wheat by Fusarium graminearum. (Abstr.# 312) In: Proceedings of the 23rd Fungal Genetics Conference, Pacific Grove, California, USA, March 15-20, 2005, p. 131.
Nita, M., De Wolf, E., Madden, L., Paul, P., Shaner, G., Adhikari, T., Ali, S., Stein, J., Osborne, L. 2006. Effect of corn residue level on disease intensity of Fusarium head blight (FHB) and on deoxyvalenol (DON) concentration: A multi-state field study. Phytopathology 96:S85
Nita, M., DeWolf, E., Madden, L., Paul, P., Shaner, G., Adhikari, T., Ali, S., Stein, J. and Osborne, L. 2005 Effect of Corn Residue Level on the Incidence of Fusarium Head Blight. Page 124 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Paul, P.A., P. E. Lipps, and L. V. Madden. 2005. Relationship between visual estimates of Fusarium head blight intensity and deoxynivalenol accumulation in harvested wheat grain: A Meta-Analysis. Phytopathology 95:1225-1236.
Paul, P. A., El-Allaf, S. M., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Relationship between incidence and severity of Fusarium head blight on winter wheat in Ohio. Phytopathology 95:1049-1060.
Paul, P. A., Madden, L. V., and Lipps, P. E. 2005. Relationship between FHB Index and DON: A Quantitative Synthesis of Eight Years of Research. Pages 138-139 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Paul, P. A., Hershman, D., Draper, M., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Effect of Fungicides on FHB and DON in Wheat - 2005 Uniform Fungicide Trials. Pages 225-229 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Paul, P. A., Lipps, P. E., and Madden, L. V. 2005. Inoculum and Fusarium head blight gradient generated by wind and rain splash from a small area-source within wheat canopies. Phytopathology 95:S81.
Paul, P. A., Madden, L. V. and Lipps, P. E. 2006. Seasonal variation in the association between within-field inoculum and Fusarium head blight development in winter wheat. Phytopathology 96:S91.
Paul, P. A., Madden, L. V., Lipps, P. E., De Wolf, E., Shaner, G., Buechley, G., Adhikari, T., Ali, S., Stein, J., and Osborne, L. 2006 Modeling the abundance of propagules of Gibberella zeae within wheat canopies. Phytopathology 96:S91.
Perez, C.A., Dill-Macky, R. and Kinkel, L.L. 2005. Evaluating the potential for green manures to enhance indigenous soil antagonists and reduce inoculum of Fusarium graminearum in wheat residues. Phytopathology, S82.
Pereyra, S.A. and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Colonization and inoculum production of Gibberella zeae in components of wheat residue. Cereal Research Communications, 33:755-762.
Pereyra, S., Garmendia, G., Cabrera, M., Vero, S., Pianzzola, M, and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Control Biológico de la Fusariosis de la Espiga de Trigo y Cebada (Biological Control of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Barley). Agrociencia, 9:337-343.
Salas, B. and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Colonization of wheat cultivars by Fusarium graminearum at harvest and in overwintered residues. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11-13, 2005, p. 140-143.
Salas, B. and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Effect of residue management and host resistance on the epidemiology of Fusarium Head Blight. In: Proceedings of the 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, December 11-13, 2005, p. 144-147.
Salas, B. and Dill-Macky, R. 2005. Effect of residue management and host resistance on the epidemiology of Fusarium Head Blight. Phytopathology, S92.
Shaner G, Buechley G. 2005. Control of Fusarium head blight of wheat in Indiana with foliar fungicides, 2004. F&N Tests, Report No. 60:CF001.
Schmale, D.G. III, Q.A. Arntsen, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The forcible discharge distance of ascospores of Gibberella zeae. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27: 376-382.
Schmale, D.G. III, D. A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Spatial patterns of viable spore deposition of Gibberella zeae in rotational wheat fields. Phytopathology 95: 472-479.
Schmale, D.G. III, D. A. Shah, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Spatial patterns of viable spore deposition of the ear rot pathogen, Gibberella zeae, in first-year corn fields. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 27: 225-233.
Schmale, D.G.III, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2006. Night-time spore deposition of the fusarium head blight pathogen, Gibberella zeae, in rotational wheat fields. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 28:1-9.
Schmale, D.G. III and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. The aerobiology and population genetic structure of Gibberella zeae. Phytopathology 95:S127.
Schmale, D.G. III, J.F. Leslie, R.L. Bowden, K.A. Zeller, A.A. Saleh, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Genetic structure of atmospheric populations of Gibberella zeae. Page 149 in Proc. 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, WI, December 11-13, 2005.
Schmale, D.G. III, J.F. Leslie, A.A. Saleh, E.J. Shields, and G.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Temporal scales of genetic diversity within New York atmospheric populations of Gibberella zeae. Page 149 in Proc. 2005 National Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Milwaukee, WI, December 11-13, 2005.
Sneller, C. H., Lipps, P., Paul, P., Herald, L., Sugerman, B., and Johnston, A. Report on the 2004-05 Preliminary (PNUWWSN) and Advanced (NUWWSN) Northern Uniform Winter Wheat Scab Nursery. Pages 86-90 in: Proc. 2005 Natl. Fusarium Head Blight Forum, Milwaukee, WI.
Steddom, K., McMullen, M., Schatz, B., and Rush, C. M. 2005. Comparing image format and resolution for assessment of foliar diseases of wheat. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2005-0516-01-RS.
Xu XY. ,Bai G.H. Carver B.F. Shaner G.E. Hunger R.M. 2005. Mapping of QTLs prolonging the latent period of Puccinia triticina infection in wheat. Theoretical & Applied Genetics. 110(2):244-251.
Xu X.Y., Bai G.H. Carver B.F. Shaner G.E. Hunger RM. 2005. Molecular characterization of slow leaf-rusting resistance in wheat. Crop Sci. 45(2):758-765.
Yang J, Bai G, Shaner G.E. 2005. Novel quantitative trait loci (QTL) for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat cultivar Chokwang. TAG. 111:1571-1579.
Extension Publications:
Aakre,D., Flaskerud, G., Hellevang, K., Lardy, G., McMullen, M., Ransom, J., Sorenson, B., and Swenson, A. 2005. DON (Vomitoxin) in wheat. NDSU Extension Circular PP-1302.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Foliar-applied fungicides for application on small grain crops in Minnesota. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 2:2.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Section 18 issues for Folicur to control Fusarium head blight. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 3:1.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Tan spot of wheat is creating havoc in the Red River Valley. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 3:3.
Severson, R., C. Motteberg, and C. Hollingsworth. 2005. Early season fungicide-herbicide combinations 2004. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 3:4.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Fusarium head blight of wheat. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 6:4.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Bacterial stripe of wheat is causing widespread concern. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 9:2.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Red River Valley disease brief. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 10:2-3.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Red River Valley crop disease summary for 2005. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 12:2-3.
Hollingsworth, C. 2005. Mid to late season wheat disease management issues. MN Crop eNews 05MNCN27.
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Hollingsworth, C. and C. Motteberg. 2005. 2004 Uniform fungicide trial on the control of Fusarium head blight on hard red spring wheat and barley. Minnesota. MN Crop eNews 05MNCN12.
Hollingsworth, C. 2006. Its tans spot time! Determine whether a disease management strategy is needed for your spring wheat crop. Cropping Issues in NW Minn. 3: 2-3.
Hollingsworth, C. 2006. Spring wheat disease update and more. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota. 3:2.
Hollingsworth, C. 2006. Disease Outlook for winter and spring wheats. Small Grains Update. 201:6.
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Hollingsworth, C. 2006. Aster yellows and barley yellow dwarf diseases in small grains. Page 24 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2006.
Hollingsworth, C. 2006. Determining spring wheat crop injury resulting from early season application of fungicides and herbicides: Year 2. Page 16 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2006.
Hollingsworth, C., I. MacRae, and D. Holen. 2006. Wheat streak mosaic confirmed in the Red River Valley. Minnesota Crop eNews 06MNCN38.
Hollingsworth, C. McMullen, M. and S. Halley. 2006. Development of improved Fusarium head blight management strategies in the Red River Valley using aerial application of fungicide. Page 18 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2006.
Hollingsworth, C. and C. Motteberg. 2006. Red River Valley on-farm disease management trials of spring wheat. Pages 19- 23 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2006.
Hofman, V., S. Halley, G. Van Ee, B. Draper, M. McMullen, and C. Hollingsworth. 2006. Ground application of fungicide for the suppression of Fusarium head blight in small grains. NDSU Ext. Serv. AE-1314.
Kandel, H., C. Hollingsworth, C. Holen, and D. Holen. 2005. Iron chlorosis in soybean. Cropping Issues in NW Minnesota 5:2-3.
Lentz, E., P. Paul, and J. Beuerlein. 2006. Wheat assessment and considerations. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-6. http://corn.osu.edu/
McMullen, M., and Bradley, C. 2006. 2006 North Dakota field crop fungicide guide. NDSU Extension Circular PP-622. 61 p
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Neate, S. and McMullen, M. 2005. Barley disease handbook. NDSU Extension Publication PP-1293. 51p.
Paul, P. 2006 - Wheat growth stage, disease progress, disease thresholds and fungicide application. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-3. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Sampling Wheat for Deoxynivalenol (DON). Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-19. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. As Predicted, Moderate to Low Levels of Wheat Head Scab in Ohio. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-18. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Late Increase of Stagonospora Blotch and Wheat Leaf Rust. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-18. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. The Risk of Wheat Scab Remains Low in Ohio. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-14. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Leaf Rust on Wheat. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-15. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Powdery Mildew is Still on the Move in Spite of the Cold Temperatures. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-14. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Wheat scab update - Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-13. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Fungicides for Powdery Mildew Control on Susceptible Wheat Varieties. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-12. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P., D. Mills, and J. Beuerlein. 2006. Scouting & Managing Leaf Diseases of Wheat With Fungicides. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-12. http://corn.osu.edu/
Paul, P. and D. Mills. 2006. Wheat scab risk prediction tool and wheat update. Crop Observation and Recommendation Network Newsletter 2006-10. http://corn.osu.edu/
Severson, R. and C. Hollingsworth. 2005. Determining wheat crop injury levels by tank-mixing fungicide and herbicides early in the growing season. Pages 13-14 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2005.
Severson, R., G. Rehm, C. Hollingsworth and D. Holen. 2005. Inputs for wheat production: Whats economic, whats not? Page 23 in: On-Farm Cropping Trials, NW and WC Minnesota. Jan. 2005.