NE179: Technology and Principles for Assessing and Retaining Postharvest Quality of Fruits and Vegetables
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed (in print):
Donahue, D. W. and P. W. Benoit, B. J. Lagasse, and W. R. Buss. 2000. Consumer and instrumental
evaluation of Maine wild blueberries for the fresh pack market. Postharvest Biology and Technology
Benoit, P. W., D. W. Donahue, A. A. Bushway, J. A. Storey, and T. M. Player. 2000. Surfactant
Application System to Prevent Anthocyanin Leakage of IQF Blueberries. Journal of Food Quality,
Baritelle, A. L., G. M. Hyde and R. E. Thornton. 2000. Influence of early-season nitrogen application
pattern on the impact sensitivity in Russet Burbank potato tubers. Postharvest Biology and Technology
Baritelle, A. L., G. M. Hyde, R. E. Thornton and R. W. Bajema. 2000. A classification system for impact
related defects in potato tubers. Amer. J. Potato Res. 77 (2000): 143-148.
Baritelle, A. L. and G. M. Hyde. 2000. Strain Rate and Size Effects on Pear Tissue Failure. Trans. of the
ASAE 43(1):95-98.
Tang, J., J.N. Ikediala, S. Wang, J.D. Hansen, R. P. Cavalieri, 2000. High-temperature-short-time thermal
quarantine methods. Post Harvest Biology and Technology. Special Heat Issue, 21(1):129-145.
Ikediala, J.N., Tang, J. and Drake, S.R. and Neven, L.G. 2000. Dielectric properties of apples and codling
moths in relation to microwave and RF heating. Transactions of the ASAE 43(5).
Ikediala, J.N., Tang, J. and Wig Timothy. 2000. Design and analysis of a heating block system for
studying thermal effect on insect pests. Transactions of the ASAE 43(2):351-358.
Potts, S.J., D.C. Slaughter, and J.F. Thompson. 2000. A Fluorescent Lectin Test for Mold in Raw
Tomato Juice. J. of Food Sci., Vol. 65, No. 2.
Prussia, S.E. 2000. Soft systems methodologies for modeling postharvest chains. Acta Horticulturae
Refereed (In press):
Guyer, D.E. and X. Yang. 2000. Use of genetic neural networks and spectral imaging for defect detection
on cherries. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. (In press)
Baritelle, A. L. and Hyde, G. M. 2000. Commodity Conditioning to Reduce Impact Bruising. Postharvest
Biology and Technology, in press.
Bajema, Rick, A. L. Baritelle, G. M. Hyde, and Marvin J. Pitts. 2000. Factors Influencing Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Red Delicious Apple Tissue. Trans. of the ASAE, in press.
Irudayaraj, J. and H. Yang. 2000. Food characterization by Fourier transform infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science. (accepted)
Sivakesava, S. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. A rapid spectroscopic technique for detecting corn syrup adulteration in selected honey varieties. Journal of Food Science (accepted)
Sivakesava, S. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. Detection of adulteration in honey by discriminant analysis using FTIR spectroscopy. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. (accepted)
Sivakesava, S. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. Detection of inverted cane sugar adulteration of honey using FTIR spectroscopy. Journal of Food Science. (In Press)
Yang, H. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. Evaluation of spectroscopic methods for rapid estimation of olive oil adulteration. Applied Spectroscopy. (accepted)
Yang, H. and J. Irudayaraj, S. Sivakesava. 2000. Characterization of edible coatings and microorganisms
on produce surface using depth profile analysis. Applied Spectroscopy. (accepted)
Sivakesava, S. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. Classification of simple and complex sugar adulterants in honey
by midinfrared spectroscopy. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. (accepted)
Yang, H. and J. Irudayaraj. 2000. Identification of different microorganisms on apple surface using FTIR-PAS. Applied Spectroscopy. (accepted)
Lu, R., D. E. Guyer, and R. M. Beaudry. 2000. Determination of firmness and sugar content of apples using near-infrared diffuse reflectance. Journal of Texture Studies (in print).
Prussia, S.E. and D. Birmingham. R3 + D3 = A learning tool for science and engineering. Journal of Engineering Education. (In Press).
Shahin, M.A., E. W. Tollner and R W McClendon. 2000. AI classifiers for sorting apples based on watercore. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research (accepted).
Tollner, E.W., R.L. Schafer and T.K. Hamrita.2000. Sensors and controllers for primary drivers and soil engaging implements. Advances in Soil Dynamics II, Am. Soc. Agr. Engrs., St. Joseph, MI. (In Press).
Tollner, E.W. and M.H. Shahin. 2000. X-ray imaging for classifying food products based on internal defects. IN Nondestructive technologies for quality evaluation of fruits and vegetables. Elsevier, New York, NY (In Press).
Refereed (Submitted):
Throop, J. A., D. J. Aneshansley, B. L. Upchurch and B. Anger. 2000, Apple Orientation on Two Conveyors: Performance and Predictability Based on Fruit Shape Characteristics, Submitted to Tranactions of ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, pp.19.
Jung, K. H., R.L. Stroshine, P. M. Hirst, and P. Cornillon. Effects of Watercore and Internal Browning on Low Field (5.35 MHz) Proton Magnetic Resonance Measurements of T2 Values of Whole Apples. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (submitted October 26, 2000).
Non refereed:
Donahue, D. W., A. A. Bushway, J. M. Smagula, P. W. Benoit, R. A. Hazen. 2000. Assessment of Preharvest Treatments on Maine Wild Blueberry Fruit Shelf-life and Processing Quality. Small Fruits Review, 1(1):23-34.
Marrazzo, W.N. and P.H. Heinemann. 2000. A feasibility study for the utilization of Cyrano Sciences Chemical Sensor - Data Logger technology with headspace gases for use in the processed and fresh market apple industries. ASAE Paper No. 00-6107. 9 pp. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI. 18 pp.
Miscellaneous reports and manuscripts:
Donahue D. W. 2000. Research results for 1999-2000. Final Report to the Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. February and October.
Throop, J. A., D. J. Aneshansley, and B. Anger. 2000. A multi-spectral inspection station detects defects on apples. SPIE International Symposium, Agriculture and Safe Food Applications, Biological Quality and Precision Agriculture II, November 5-8, 2000, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA.
Hang, Y. D. and Woodams, E. E. 2000. Rel;ationship between beta-galactosidase and grape firmness. Book of Abstracts. 39B-9. IFT Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX.
Marrazzo, W.M. 2000. A feasibility study for the utilization of Cyrano Sciences chemical sensor-data logger technology for comparing apple, malus domestica Bork H, headspace gasses. Ph.D. dissertation. The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. 234 pp.
NeSmith, D.S., S.E. Prussia, and G. Krewer. 1999. Firmness of ‘Brightwell‘ rabbiteye blueberry in response to various harvesting and handling procedures. IN: Blueberry Research at the University of Georgia, 1999 Annual Research Update. D. S. NeSmith (Editor), pp.12-16. University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Research Report Number 662, (December).
NeSmith, D.S., S.E. Prussia, and G. Krewer. 1999. Response of some Rabbiteye and southern highbush blueberries to mechanical harvesting. IN: Blueberry Research at the University of Georgia, 1999 Annual Research Update. D. S. NeSmith (Editor), pp.17-20, University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Research Report Number 662, (December).
Prussia, S.E., Y.C. Hung, and A.de Courville. 2000. Modulus of elasticity values from laser air-puff firmness measurements. ASAE technical paper number 00 6111.
Shewfelt, R.L., D.M. Granberry and S.E. Prussia. 2000. In search of a great melon. Private report to Farming Technologies, Inc., Dallas TX., 37 pp.
Maw, B.W., S.E. Prussia, Y.C. Hung, D.G. Riley, and K. Batal. 2000. Laser puff firmness evaluation of onions. pp. 38-41, IN 1999 Georgia Onion Research - Extension Report. UGA Cooperative Research-Extension Publication No. 3-2000, Tifton, Georgia.
Books Edited:
Florkowski, W.J., S.E. Prussia, and R.L. Shewfelt. 2000. International Multi-disciplinary Conference: Integrated View of Fruit & Vegetable Quality. Technomic Publishing Col, Inc. 356 pages.
Book Chapters:
Hung, Y.C. S.E. Prussia, and G.O.I. Ezeike. 2000. Firmness Measurement Methods. Chapter 7 (pp 243-286), In Nondestructive Food Evaluation, S. Gunasekaran (ed.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
Prussia, S.E. 2000. Methods and examples of integration. Ch. 14, pp. 267-284, IN: Fruit and Vegetable Quality: An Integrated View, R.L. Shewfelt and B. Bruckner (eds.), Technomic Publishing Co. Inc., Lancaster, PA.
Prussia, S.E. and J.E. Werner. 2000. Roles and interactions of business links in postharvest chains. IN: Proceedings of the 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on An Integrated View of Fruit and Vegetable Quality, Edited by W.J. Florkowski, S.E. Prussia, and R.L. Shewfelt. 1-3 May, Griffin, GA. pp. 31-38.
Shewfelt, R.L, S.E. Prussia, and J.H. Dooley. 2000. Quality of fruits and vegetables in home handling systems. IN: Proceedings of the 2nd International Multidisciplinary Conference on An Integrated View of Fruit and Vegetable Quality, Edited by W.J. Florkowski, S.E. Prussia, and R.L. Shewfelt. 1-3 May, Griffin, GA.pp. 273-283.