WERA_OLD27: Potato Variety Development
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Araji, A.A. and S.L. Love. 2001. The benefits of public investments in Northwest potato breeding research. Idaho Agric. Res. Sta. Bulletin No. 822.
Bain, P., and S.L. Love. 2001. Tri-state potato variety trials - 2000. Idaho. Agric. Exp. Stat. Progress Rep. No. 345.
Blessington, T., A.L. Hale, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2002. Variability for antioxidant activity in potato (solanum tuberosum) as influenced by genotype and storage. HortScience 37. (Abstr.). In Press.
Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, G.S. Satno, P. Hamm, R. Novy, D. Corsini, S. Love, and S. James. 2001. Defending the profitability of growing potato in the Columbia Basin Development of corky ringspot and Columbia root-knot nematode resistant germplasm. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 78(6)446.
Corsini, D., R. Novy, A. Marshall, and J. Pavek. 2001. Protein levels in potato breeding selections and cultivars. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 78(6)449.
Geary, Brad D., D.A. Johnson, P.B. Hamm, S. James, and K.A. Rykbost. 2001. Silver Scurf, An Emerging Potato Disease. Am J Potato Research 78:454 (Abst.)
Hale, A.L., L. Cisneros-Zevallos, J.B. Bamberg, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2001. Identification of named varieties, advanced selections and accessions with high antioxidant activity for use in breeding potatoes for enhanced human health benefits. Amer. J. Potato Res. 78:455-456. (Abstr.).
Hamm, P.B., D.C. Hane, K. Rykbost, R. Voss, and D. Kirby. 2001. Impact of seedborne and current season PVY in Shepody and Russet Norkotah. In: Proceedings of the Washington State Potato Conference and Trade Show. Washington Potato Commission. Moses Lake, WA. pp. 79-91.
Ingham, R.E., P.B. Hamm, and K.A. Rykbost. 2001. Control of corky ringspot in Oregon. Am Potato Res 78:460 (Abst.)
James, Steven R. 2001. Effects of Tuber Maturity and Storage Duration on Tuber Stem-End Discoloration in Russet Legend Potatoes. In: Central Oregon Agricultural Research Center 2000 Annual Report, Special Report 1025, Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station, pp. 93-95.
Love, S.L., T. Salaiz and P. Bain. 2001. 2000 description of potato varieties and clones. Proc. Univ. Idaho Winter Commodity Schools 33:99-104.
Love, S.L., W.H. Bohl, D.L. Corsini, J.C. Stark and N. Olsen. 2001. Cultural management of Gem Russet potatoes. Idaho Agric. Exp. Sta. Current Info. Series No. 1093.
Love, S.L., R. Novy, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, R.E. Thornton, S.R. James, and D.C. Hane. 2001. Gem Russet: a long russet potato variety with excellent fresh market and french fry processing quality. Amer. J. Potato Res. 78(in press).
Love, S., R. Novy, D. Corsini, P. Bain, T. Salaiz, L. Later, J. Stimpson, and A. Mosley. 2001. Idaho. Nat. Potato Germplasm Eval. Rept., 2000, 71: (126-143).
Love, S.L., D.L. Corsini, R. Novy, J.J. Pavek, A.R. Mosley, R.E. Thornton, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, and K.A. Rykbost. 2001. IdaRose: a potato variety with bright red skin, excellent culinary quality, and long tuber dormancy. Amer. J. Potato Res. 78(in press).
Miller, J.C., Jr., J. W. Koym, D.C. Scheuring, G. Schuster, and G. J.C. Fernandez. 2001. Comparative growth analysis of Russet Norkotah and Russet Norkotah Strains. Amer. J. Potato Res. 78:469. (Abstr.).
Miller, J.C., D. Scheuring, and J. Koym. 2001. 2001 Potato Field Day Handbook, June 20, 2001. Texas Potato Variety Development Program. Texas Agr. Exp. Sta., College Station and Lubbock. 20p.
Miller, J.C., Jr., J.W. Koym, D.C. Scheuring, R.E. Voss, H. Phillips, D.G. Holm, F.G. Popiel, and A. Thompson. 2002. Southwest Regional Potato Variety Trial. National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2000. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, pp. 58-64.
Miller, J.C., Jr., J.W. Koym, D.C. Scheuring, A.L. Hale, R.E. Voss, H. Phillips, D.G. Holm, F.G. Popiel, and A. Thompson. 2002. Southwest Regional Potato Variety Trial. National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2001. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, (submitted).
Miller, J.C., Jr., D.C. Scheuring, and J.W. Koym. 2002. Variety development and testing, Texas. National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2000. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, pp. 396-406.
Miller, J.C., Jr., D.C. Scheuring, and J.W. Koym. 2002. Variety development and testing, Texas. National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2001. U.S.D.A. Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, MD, (submitted).
Mosley, A.R., K.A. Rykbost, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, J.J. Pavek, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, and R.E. Thornton. 2001. Klamath Russet: a full season, fresh market, long russet. Am J Potato Res 78:377-381.
Mosley, A., D. Hane, S. James, K. Rykbost, C. Shock, S. Yilma, B. Charlton, E. Eldridge, and F. Boullester. 2001. OREGON National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and enhancement Report, 1999. ARS-158, April 2001. K. Hayes, ed., USDA, ARS, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, pp. 267-277.
Mosley, A.R., S.R. James, C.C. Shock, D.C. Hane, K.A. Rykbost, B.A.
Charlton, D.G. Holm, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, and R.E. Thornton. 2000. Russet Legend: A Full Season Long Russet for Processing and Fresh Market use. Amer J of Potato Res 77:77-81.
Novy, R., D. Corsini, J. Pavek, H. Lozoya-Saldana, and A.
Hernandez-Vilchis. 2001. Analysis of segregation for late blight resistance in potato families screened at Toluca Valley, Mexico. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 78(6)474.
O.A. Gutbrod and A.R. Mosley. 2001. Common Seed Potato Certification
Schemes. In: Virus and Virus-like Diseases of Potatoes and Production of Seed Potatoes, G. Loebenstein, P.A. Berger, A.A. Brunt and R.H. Lawson, Eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. Pp 421-438.
Rykbost, K.A., R. Voss, S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, B.A. Charlton, D.C. Hane, R.H. Johansen, S.L. Love, and R.E. Thornton. 2001. Mazama: an early maturing, bright red-skinned cultivar for fresh market. Am J Potato Res 78:383-387.
Rykbost, K.A., D.R. Clark, B.A. Charlton, J.E. Smith, et al. 2001. Research in the Klamath Basin, 2000 Annual Report. Special Report 1030. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 106 numb. leaves.
Rykbost, K.A., R. Voss, S.R. James, A.R. Mosley, B.A. Charlton, D.C. Hane, R.H. Johansen, S.L. Love, and R.E. Thornton. 2001. Winema: an early maturing, red-skinned cultivar for fresh market. Am J Potato Res 78:371-375.
Shock, C. C., E. P. Eldredge, and L. D. Saunders. 2001. Early and Late
Harvest Drip-Irrigated Red and Russet Varieties. Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Special Report 1029. pp 128-134.
Shock, C. C., E. P. Eldredge, and L. D. Saunders. 2001. Potato Variety
Trials 2000. Oregon State University Agricultural Experiment Station,
Special Report 1029. pp 134-144.
Zvomuya, F., C.J. Rosen, and J.C. Miller, Jr. 2002. Response of Russet Norkotah Clonal Selections to Nitrogen Fertilization. Amer. J. Potato Res. 79:(Accepted for publication).