NCR167: Corn Breeding Research

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Carena, M.J. and H.Z. Cross. 2002. Plant density and maize germplasm improvement in the northern Corn Belt. Maydica (In Press);

Carena, M.J. and D.W. Wanner. 2002. Registration of ND2000 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. (In Press).

Carena, M.J., J. Ransom 2003 64th Edition of North Dakota Hybrid Corn Performance Testing 2002. Circular of the NDSU Extension Service.

Cross, H.Z., D.W. Wanner, and M.J. Carena. 2002. Registration of ND291 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. (In Press)

Gethi, J. G., J. A. Labate, K. R. Lamkey, M. E. Smith, and S. Kresovich. 2002. SSR variation in important U.S. maize inbred lines. Crop Sci. 42:951-957.

Edwards, J.W. and K.R. Lamkey. 2002. Quantitative genetics of inbreeding in a synthetic maize population. Crop Sci. 42:1094-1104.

Frisch, M., K. R. Lamkey, and A. E. Melchinger. 2002. Storage of molecular marker data in databases for efficient use in plant breeding programs. Zeitschrift f|r Agrarinformatik 10:23-27

Cromley, J.M.D., A.R. Hallauer and C.A. Martinson. 2002. Inheritance of gray leaf spot resistance in corn. J.Iowa Acad. Sci. 109:25-29.

Lee, M., N. Sharopova, W.D. Beavis, D. Grant, M. Katt, D. Blair and A. Hallauer. 2002. Expanding the genetic map of maize with the intermated B73 x Mo17 (IBM) population. Plant Molecular Biology 48:453-461.

Hallauer, A.R., K.R. Lamkey and P.R. White. 2002. Iowa experimental corn trials. Iowa Agric. Expt. Stn. AG152. 75 p.

Darrah, L.L. L.D. Maddux, B.E. Hibbard, D.B. Wilmont, E.A. Lee, W. Xu, D.R. West, J. McKinney, F.J. Betran, J.K. Pataky, P.M. Michener, K.E. Ziegler, B. Gordon, R.W. Elmore, P.R. Thomison, A.B. Geyer, R.J. Minyo, D.E. Stenburg, W.L. Pearce, A. Schaafsma, Zeno Wicks III P. Friedemann, R. Henry, D.B. Fischer, J.F. Strissel, J.A. Deutsch, and S. Tragessor. 2002. White Food Corn 2002 Performance Tests. Special Report 547. USDA-ARS and Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Missouri-Columbia.

McMullen, M.D., E.A. Lee, S.J. Szalma, B.S. Bushman, and M.E. Snook. 2002. The role of quantitative trait locus analysis in gene discovery. Proc. of the 56th Annual Corn and Sorghum Research Conf. 56:237-245.

Diebold, R.S., K.E. McNaughton, E.A. Lee and F.J. Tardif. 2002. Multiple resistance to imazethapyr and atrazine in Powell amaranth. Weed Sci. (In Press)

Tollenaar, M., and E.A. Lee. 2002. Yield potential yield, yield stability and stress tolerance in maize. Field Crops Research 75:161-170.

Ying, J., E.A. Lee and M. Tollenaar. 2002. Response of leaf photosynthesis during the grain-filling period of maize to duration of cold exposure, acclimation and incident PPFD. Crop Sci. 42:1164-1172.

Lee, E.A., M.S. Staebler, and M. Tollenaar. 2002. Genetic variation and physiological discriminators for cold tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) during an early autotrophic phase of development. Crop Sci. 42:1919-29.

Doersken, T.K., L.W. Kannenberg, and E.A. Lee. 2002. The impact of recurrent selection on combining ability in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding populations. Crop Sci. (In Press)

Lee, E.A. and V. Harper. 2002. Suppressor of pericarp pigmentation 1 (spp1), a gene involved in phlobaphene accumulation in maize (Zea mays L.) pericarps. Maydica 47:51-58.

Tollenaar, M., and E.A Lee. 2002. Genetic yield improvement and stress tolerance in maize. In: Physiology and Biotechnology Integration for Plant Breeding, H. Nguyen and A. Blum, eds. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

Lu, H., J. Romero-Severson, and R. Bernardo. 2002. Chromosomal regions associated with segregation distortion in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 105: 622-628.

Bernardo, R. 2002. Breeding for Quantitative Traits in Plants, (Stemma Press, ISBN 0-9720724-0-3; hardcover, 369 pages, 60 tables, 66 figures)

Flint Garcia, Sherry A., Chaba Jampatong, Larry L. Darrah, and Michael D. McMullen. 2003. Quantitative trait locus analysis of stalk strength in four maize populations. Crop Sci. 43:13-22.

Flint Garcia, Sherry A., Michael D. McMullen, and Larry L. Darrah. 2003. Genetic relationship of stalk strength and ear height in maize. Crop Sci. 43:23-31.

Darrah, L. L., M. D. McMullen, and M. S. Zuber (deceased). 2003. Breeding, genetics, and seed corn production. p. ##-##. In L. A. Johnson and P. J. White (ed.) Corn: Chemistry and Technology, 2nd ed. American Association of Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, MN. Accepted 16 September 2002. (Book chapter)

Dudley, J.W. 2002. Integrating molecular techniques into quantitative genetics and plant breeding. In: M.S. Kang, (ed). Quantitative Genetics, Genomics, and Plant Breeding. Proc. Symposium Quantitative Genetics and Plant Breeding in the 21st Century. 26-18 Mar., 2001. Baton Rouge, LA. CABI Publishing, UK

Heckenberger, M., M. Bohn, J.S. Ziegle, L.K. Joe, J.D. Hauser, M. Hutton, and A.E. Melchinger. 2002. Variation of DNA fingerprinting among accessions within maize inbred lines and implications for identification of essentially derived varieties. Molecular Breeding 10:181-191.

Magg, T., A.E. Melchinger, D. Klein, and M. Bohn. 2002. Relationship between European corn borer resistance and concentration of mycotoxins produced by Fusarium spp. in grains of transgenic Bt maize hybrids, their isogenic counterparts, and commercial varieties. Plant Breeding 121:146-154.

Naidoo, G., A.M. Forbes, C. Paul, D.G. White, and T.R. Rocheford. 2002. Resistance to Aspergillus Ear Rot and Aflatoxin Accumulation in Maize F1 Hybrids. Crop Sci 42:360-364.

Rocheford, T. R., J. C. Wong, Cem O. Egesel, and Robert J. Lambert. 2002. Enhancement of vitamin E levels in corn. J. American College of Nutrition 21:3:191-198 S.

Troyer, A. Forrest, and T. R. Rocheford. 2002. Germplasm Ownership: Related Corn Inbreds. Crop Sci 42:3-11.

Betran, F. J.,T. Isakeit, and G. Odvody. 2002. Aflatoxin accumulation of white and yellow inbreds in diallel crosses. Crop Science 42: 1894-1901.

Ribaut J-M, Bdnziger M, Betran FJ, Jiang C, Edmeades GO, Dreher K, and Hoisington H. 2002. Use of molecular markers in plant breeding: drought tolerance improvement in tropical maize. In Quantitative Genetics, Genomics, and Plant Breeding, Manjit S. Kang (ed), chapter 7, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

Betran,F. J., D. Beck, G. Edmeades, and M. Bdnziger. 2003. Genetic analysis of hybrid and inbred grain yield under stress and non-stress environments in tropical maize. Crop Sci. (In press).

Betran,F. J., J.M. Ribaut, D. Beck, and D. Gonzalez de Leon. 2002. Genetic diversity, specific combining ability and heterosis in tropical maize under stress and non-stress environments. Crop Sci.(In press).

Betran,F. J., A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, and L. Rooney. 2003. Registration of Tx811. Crop Sci.(In press).

Betran,F. J., A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, and G. Odvody. 2003. Registration of Tx807. Crop Sci.(In press).

Betran,F. J., A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, and R. Waniska. 2003. Registration of Tx802. Crop Sci.(In press).

Asea, G., G. Bigirwa, E. Adipala, S.A.P. Owera, R.C. Pratt and P.E. Lipps. 2002. Effect of Cercospora zeae-maydis infested maize residue on progress and spread of grey leaf spot of maize in Central Uganda. Annals of Applied Biology 140(2):177-185.

Bigirwa,G., P. Lipps, and R. Pratt. 2002. Fact Sheet  Northern Leaf Blight: A Disease of Maize. Distributed by Uganda Integrated Pest Management Collaborative Research Support Program (IPM CRSP).

Bigirwa,G., Pratt, R. C., Lipps, P. and Adipala, E. 2002. The influence of mulch (infected stover) in the development of gray leaf spot epidemics. IPM Conference for Sub-Saharan Africa Book of Abstracts and List of Participants. p. 16.

Pratt, R. C. 2002. Use of IPM in the Control of Multiple Diseases of Maize. IPM Conference for Sub-Saharan Africa Book of Abstracts and List of Participants. p. 91-92.

Pratt,R. C., Gordon, S. Lipps, P. Bigirwa, G. Godrey, A., and Pixley, K. 2002. Use of IPM in the Control of Multiple Diseases of Maize:Strategies for Selection of Host Resistance. Proceedings of IPM Conference for Sub-Saharan Africa, Kampala, Uganda, 2002.

Pratt , R. C., 2002. OSU and CIMMYT Maize Research -- Contributions to World Food Production Presented in conjunction with Dr. Norman Borlaugs Prospects for World Agriculture in the 21st Century Program for visiting scientists and the public. February 22, 2002, Wooster, OH.

Pratt, R. C., and Thomison, P. R., 2002. Pollination Effects on Grain Quality of Maize Hybrids Grown in Variety Performace Tests. Oral presentation at NCR-213 Ann. Meetings, Kansas City, MO.


Lee, E.A. 2004. Chapter 89. Maize: Genetics. In: The Encyclopedia of Grain Science, C. Wrigley, C. Walker, and H. Corke, eds. Academic Press. London. (accepted 10-03, in press)

Lee, E.A. and L.W. Kannenberg. 2004. Chapter 87. Maize: Breeding. In: The Encyclopedia of Grain Science, C. Wrigley, C. Walker, and H. Corke, eds. Academic Press. London. (accepted 8-03, in press)

Lee, E.A. and J.W. Dudley. 2004. Chapter Plant breeding eduction. In: Plant Breeding: The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium, K.R. Lamkey and M. Lee, eds., Iowa State Press, Ames, IA. (submitted to publisher 9-03)

Tollenaar, M., and E.A Lee. 2004. Chapter 2. Genetic yield improvement and stress tolerance in maize. In: Physiology and Biotechnology Integration for Plant Breeding, H. Nguyen and A. Blum, eds. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York. (in press)

Ahmadzadeh, A., E.A. Lee, and M. Tollenaar. 2003. Heterosis for leaf CER during the grain-filling period in maize. Crop Sci. (accepted #C03-0522).

Tollenaar, M., A. Ahmadzadeh, and E.A. Lee. 2003. Physiological basis of heterosis for grain yield in maize. Crop Sci. (accepted #C03-0523).

Lee, E.A., and L.W. Kannenberg. 2003. Effect of inbreeding method and selection criteria on inbred and hybrid performance. Maydica. (accepted, MS#0962, for Springfield issue, in press 10-16-03)

Lee, E.A., T. K. Doerksen, and L.W. Kannenberg. 2003. Genetic components of yield stability in maize breeding populations. Crop Sci. 43:2018-27.

Doersken, T.K., L.W. Kannenberg, and E.A. Lee. 2003. The impact of recurrent selection on combining ability in maize breeding populations. Crop Sci. 43:1652-58.

Diebold, R.S., K.E. McNaughton, E.A. Lee and F.J. Tardif. 2003. Multiple resistance to imazethapyr and atrazine in Powell amaranth. Weed Sci. 51:312-318.

Bohn, M., T. Magg, D. Klein, and A.E. Melchinger. 2003. Breeding early maturing European Dent maize (Zea mays L.) for improved agronomic performance and resistance against the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.). Maydica 48:239-247.

Egesel, C.O., J.C. Wong, R.J. Lambert, and T.R. Rocheford. 2003. Combining ability of maize inbreds for carotenoids and tocopherols. Crop Sci. 43:818-823.

Magg, T., M. Bohn, D. Klein, and A.E. Melchinger. 2003. Concentration of moniliformin produced by Fusarium species in grains of transgenic Bt maize hybrids compared to their isogenic counterparts and commercial varieties under European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.) pressure. Plant Breeding 122:322-327.

Heckenberger, M., M. Bohn, J.R. van der Voort, J. Peleman, and A.E. Melchinger. 2003. Variation of DNA fingerprints among accessions within maize inbred lines and implications for identification of essentially derived varieties: II. Genetic and technical sources of variation in AFLP data and comparison with SSR data. Molecular Breeding. 12:97-106.

Mikkilineni, V., and T.R. Rocheford. 2003. Sequence variation and genomic organization of fatty acid desaturase-2 (fad2) and fatty acid desaturase-6 (fad6) cDNAs in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106:1326-1332.

Paul, C., G. Naidoo, A. Forbes, V. Mikkilineni, D. White, and T. Rocheford. 2003. Quantitative trait loci for low aflatoxin production in two related maize populations . Theor. Appl. Genet. 107:263-270.

Reif, J.C., A.E. Melchinger, X.C. Xia, M. Warburton, D.A. Hoisington, S.K. Vasal, D. Beck, M. Bohn, and M. Frisch. 2003. Use of SSRs for establishing heterotic groups in subtropical maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107:947-957.

Reif, J. C., A. E. Melchinger, X. C. Xia, M. L. Warburton, D. A. Hoisington, S. K. Vasal, G. Srinivasan, M. Bohn, and M. Frisch. 2003. Genetic distance based on simple sequence repeats and heterosis in tropical maize. Crop Sci. 43: 1275-1282.

Hinze, L. L. and K. R. Lamkey. 2003. Absence of epistasis for grain yield in elite maize hybrids. Crop Sci. 43:46-56.

Labate, J. A., K. R. Lamkey, S. E. Mitchell, S. Kresovich, H. Sullivan, J. S. C. Smith. 2003. Molecular and historical aspects of Corn Belt dent diversity. Crop Sci. 43:80-91.

Hagdorn, S., K.R. Lamkey, M. Frisch, P.E.O. Guimarães, A.E. Melchinger. 2003. Molecular Genetic Diversity among Progenitors and Derived Elite Lines of BSSS and BSCB1 Maize Populations. Crop Sci. 43:474-482.

Edwards, J.W. and K.R. Lamkey. 2003. Dominance and genetic drift: Predicted effects of population subdivision in the BS13(S)C0 maize population. Crop Sci. 43:2006-2017.

Lu*, H.-J., H.W. Ohm, and R. Bernardo*. 2003. Mapping QTL for popping expansion volume in popcorn with simple sequence repeat markers. Theor. Appl. Genet. 106: 423-427.

Bernardo*, R. 2003. On the effectiveness of early generation selection in self-pollinated crops. Crop Sci. 43: 1558-1560.

Lu*, H., J. Romero-Severson, and R. Bernardo*. 2003. Genetic basis of heterosis explored by simple sequence repeat markers in a random-mated maize population. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107:494-502

Bernardo*, R. 2003. Parental selection, number of breeding populations, and size of each population in inbred development. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107: 1252-1256.

Flint-Garcia, S. A., L. L. Darrah, M. D. McMullen, and B. E. Hibbard. 2003. Phenotypic versus marker-assisted selection for stalk strength and second-generation European corn borer resistance in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107:1331-1336. (Graduate student thesis publication)

Martin, S. A., L. L. Darrah, and B. E. Hibbard. 2003. Divergent selection for rind penetrometer resistance and its effects on European corn borer damage and stalk traits in corn. Crop Sci. 43: In press. Accepted 28JUL03. (Graduate student thesis publication)

Barry, B. D., A. Q. Antonio, L. L. Darrah, B. E. Hibbard, J. M. Barry, T. W. Praiswater, C. L. Thiel, and D. B. Willmot. 2003. Release of maize germplasm lines Mo48 and Mo49 with resistance to European corn borer. USDA-ARS and Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station.

Xu, W.W., Pollak, L., and Bynum. E.D. Jr. 2003. Tropical x temperate germplasm resistant to corn earworm (Lepidoptera:noctuidae). Crop Protection 22:859-864.

Allen, M.S., J.G. Coors, and G.W. Roth. Corn Silage. 2003. In D.R. Buxton, J.H. Harrison, and R.E. Muck (eds.) Silage Science and Technology. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA. Madison, WI.

Schwab, E.C., R.D. Shaver, J.G. Lauer, and J.G. Coors. 2003. Estimating silage energy value and milk yield to rank corn hybrids. J. Anim. Feed Sci. & Technol. 109:1-18.

Nass, L.L., and J.G. Coors. 2003. Potential of exotic x adapted maize germplasm for silage. Maydica 48:197-206.

F.J. Betrán, D. Beck, M. Bänziger, G. Edmeades. 2003. Genetic analysis of inbred and hybrid grain yield under stress and nonstress environments in tropical maize. Crop Sci 43:807-817.

F.J. Betrán, J.M. Ribaut, D. Beck, and D. Gonzalez de Leon. 2003. Genetic diversity, specific combining ability and heterosis in tropical maize under stress and non-stress environments. Crop Sci. 43:797-806.

F.J. Betrán, D. Beck, G. Edmeades, M. Bänziger. 2003. Secondary Traits in Parental Inbreds and Hybrids under Stress and Non-stress Environments in Tropical Maize. Field Crops Research 83: 51-65.

S. Bhatnagar*, F.J. Betrán, and D. Transue. 2003. Agronomic performance, aflatoxin accumulation and protein quality of subtropical and tropical QPM hybrids in southern USA. Maydica 48: 113-124.

F.J. Betrán, A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, L. Rooney. 2003. Registration of Tx811 Maize Parental Line. Crop Sci. 43: 1893-1894.

F.J. Betrán, A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, G. Odvody. 2003. Registration of Tx807 Maize Parental Line. Crop Sci. 43: 1892-1893.

F.J. Betrán, A. Bockholt, F. Fojt III, R. Waniska. 2003. Registration of Tx802 Maize Parental Line. Crop Sci. 43: 1891-1892.

Barata, C.; M.J. Carena 2003. SSR polymorphisms and heterosis among early maize lines. In Agronomy Abstracts [CD-ROM computer file]. ASA, Madison, WI.

Carena, M.J.; H.Z. Cross 2003. Plant density and maize germplasm improvement in the northern Corn Belt. Maydica 48:105-111.

Carena, M.J., D.W. Wanner 2003. Registration of ND2000 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. 43:1568-1569.

Carena, M.J.; J. Ransom 2004. North Dakota hybrid corn performance testing 2003. Circular A-793 (Revised). North Dakota Agric. Exp. Station and Ext. Service.

Carena, M.J.; H.Z. Cross; D.W. Wanner 2003. Registration of ND291 inbred line of maize. Crop Sci. 43:1568.

Hopkins, D.; M.J. Carena 2003. Evaluating spatial patterns of salinity to improve testing of corn genotypes. In Agronomy Abstracts [CD-ROM computer file]. ASA, Madison, WI

Hyrkas, A. 2003. Evaluation of selection in early maize synthetic varieties. MS thesis.

Lee, E., M.J. Carena and Z.W. Wicks. 2003. Report of the sub-committee on uniform tests in the 100-300 maturity series. In K.L. Lamkey (ed.). North Central Corn Breeding Research Committee (NCR167) Meeting Report. Madison, WI.

Melani, M; M.J. Carena 2003. Identification of alternative maize heterotic groups for the northern Corn Belt. In North Central Corn Breeding Research Committee Report. Madison, WI.

Melani, M.; M.J. Carena 2003. Identification of early maize germplasm sources for inbred line development. In Agronomy Abstracts [CD-ROM computer file]. ASA, Madison, WI


Dreissigacker, S., P. Zhang, M.L. Warburton, M. van Ginkel, D.A. Hoisington, M. Bohn, A.E. Melchinger. 2004. SSR and Pedigree Analyses of Genetic Diversity Among CIMMYT Wheat lines Targeted to Different Mega-Environments" Crop Sci. 44:381-388.

Papst C., M. Bohn, H.F. Utz, A.E. Melchinger, D. Klein, J. Eder. 2004. QTL mapping for European corn borer resistance (Ostrinia nubilalis Hb.), agronomic and forage quality traits of testcross progenies in early-maturing European maize (Zea mays L.) germplasm. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 1545-1554.

Reif, J. C., X. C. Xia, A. E. Melchinger, M. L. Warburton, D. A. Hoisington, D. Beck, M. Bohn, and M. Frisch. 2004. Genetic diversity determined within and among CIMMYT Maize populations of tropical, subtropical, and temperate germplasm by SSR markers. Crop Sci. 44:326-334.

Carena, M.J. and P. Glogoza. 2004. Resistance of maize to the corn leaf aphid: A Review. Maydica 49(4): 241-254. This manuscript was accepted and recognized by reviewers and editor for the quality.

Carena, M.J. 2005. Maize commercial hybrids compared to improved population hybrids for grain yield and agronomic performance. Euphytica 141(3): 201-208.

Hyrkas, A. and M.J. Carena. 2005. Response to long-term selection in early maturing maize synthetic varieties. Euphytica 143(1-2):43-49.

M.P. Scott, S. Bhatnagar, and J. Betrán. 2004. Tryptophan and Methionine Levels in Quality Protein Maize Breeding Germplasm. Maydica 49:303-312

McNaughton, K.E., J. Letarte, E.A. Lee, and F.J. Tardif. 2005. Several mutations in als confer herbicide resistance in redroot pigwees (Amaranthus retroflexus) and Powell amaranth (Amaranthus powellii). Weed Sci. 53:17-22.

Lee, E. A, A. Ahmadzadeh, and M. Tollenaar. 2005. Quantitative genetic analysis of the physiological processes underlying maize grain yield. Crop Sci. 45:981-987.

Arbelbide, M., and R. Bernardo. 2004. Random mating before selfing in maize BC1 populations. Crop Sci. 44: 401-404.

Yu, J., and R. Bernardo. 2004. Changes in genetic variances during advanced cycle breeding in maize. Crop Sci. 44: 405-410.

Taller, J.M., and R. Bernardo. 2004. Diverse adapted populations for improving northern maize inbreds. Crop Sci. 44:1444-1449.

Yu, J., and R. Bernardo. 2004. Metabolic control analysis as a mechanism that conserves genetic variance during advanced cycle breeding. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 1614-1619.

Bernardo, R. 2004. What proportion of declared QTL in plants are false? Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 419-424.

Parisseaux, B., and R. Bernardo. 2004. In silico mapping of quantitative trait loci in maize. Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 508-514.

Gordon, S., M. Bartsch, I. Matthies, H. Gevers, P.E. Lipps and R.C. Pratt. 2004. Linkage of molecular markers to Cercospora zeae-maydis resistance QTL in Maize. Crop Science 44:628-636.

Shukla, S., T. VanToai and R.C. Pratt. 2004. Molecular genetics of the maize low phytic acid (lpa1-1) mutant. Jour. Agric. Agric. Food Chem. 52:4565-4570.

Hakiza, J.J., P.E. Lipps, S. St. Martin, and R.C. Pratt. 2004. Heritability and number of genes controlling partial resistance in maize inbred H99. Maydica 49: 173-182.

Pratt, R.C. 2004. An historical examination of the development and adoption of hybrid corn: a case study in Ohio. Maydica 49: 155-172.

Willmot, D., B. E. Hibbard, L. L. Darrah, L. Pollak, K. Montgomery, R. C. Pratt, J. Hawk, T. Weldekidan, C. Abel, and J. Foster. 2004. Effect of environment on resistance to the European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in maize. Jour. Econ. Ent.: 97:1745-1751.

Pratt, R.C., L. Pollak, and K. Montgomery. 2005. Registration of maize germplasm line GEMS--0002. Crop Science 45: 2130-31.

Coors, J.G. 2004. Breeding: Recurrent selection and gain from selection. The Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (

Butruille, D.V., H.D. Silva, S.M. Kaeppler, J.G. Coors. 2004. Genetic structure and generation means analysis of three populations derived from the Golden Glow maize population. Crop Sci. 44:1527-1534.

Frey, T.J, J.G. Coors, R.D. Shaver, J.G. Lauer, P.J. Flannery, and D.T. Eilert. 2004. Selection for silage quality in the Wisconsin Quality Synthetic and related maize populations. Crop Sci. 44:1200-1208.

Coors, J.G., D.T Eilert, and P.J. Flannery. 2004. Release of inbred line W605S for developing silage hybrids. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF, P05228US).

Coors, J.G., D.T Eilert, and P.J. Flannery. 2004. Release of Wisconsin Quality Synthetic Cycle 3 (WQS C3). Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF, P05177US).

Coors, J.G., D.T Eilert, and P.J. Flannery. 2005. Release of Wisconsin Grazing Composite Cycle 2 (WGRCOMP C2). Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF, P05229US).

Coors, J.G., D.T Eilert, and P.J. Flannery. 2005. Release of W701BC  A multiple-eared inbred line of corn for production of baby corn. Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF, P05295US).


Barata, C. and M.J. Carena. 2006. Classification of ND maize inbred lines into heterotic groups based on molecular and testcross data. Accepted in Euphytica.

Carena, M.J. and Z.W. Wicks III. 2006. Maize population hybrids: an exploitation of U.S. temperate public genetic diversity in reserve. Accepted in Maydica. Invited paper for a commemorative issue.

Carena, M.J. 2005. Registration of NDSAB(MER-FS)C13 maize Germplasm. Crop Sci. 45: 1670-1671.

Carena, M.J. 2005. Book review. Travels in the genetically modified zone. By Mark L. Winston. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005. 280 pp., ISBN 0-674-01529-0. In: Agricultural History (Accepted in June 2005).

Carena, M.J. 2005. Exploitation of maize genetic diversity in the northern U.S. Corn Belt. Proceedings of the XII Eucarpia Genetic Resources Section Meeting, Castelsardo, IT.

Guimaraes, E.P., E. Kueneman, and M.J. Carena. 2006. Assessment of National Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Capacity in Africa and Recommendations for Future Capacity Building. Accepted in Hort. Sci. (February).

Melani, M.D. and M.J. Carena. 2005. Alternative heterotic patterns for the northern Corn Belt. Crop Sci. 45:2186-2194.

Tollenaar, M., and E.A. Lee. 2006. Physiological dissection of grain yield in maize by examining genetic improvement and heterosis. Maydica. (submitted 4-08-05, Duvick commerative issue, accepted 7-05, March 2006 publication).

Lee, E.A., A. Singh, M.J. Ash, and B. Good. 2006. Use of sister-lines and the performance of modified single-cross maize hybrids. Crop Sci. 46:312-320.

Liu. J., E.A. Lee, M.K. Sears, and A.W. Schaafsma. 2005. Wheat curl mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) dispersal and its relationship with kernel red streaking in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Economic Entomology. (MS #05-003, editor accepted 6-20-05).

Weir, A.D., J. Omielan, E.A. Lee, and I. Rajcan. 2005. Use of NMR spectroscopy for predicting protein concentration in soybean seeds based on oil measurements. JOACS. 82:87-91.

Heckenberger M, Bohn M, Frisch M, Maurer HP, and AE Melchinger. 2005. Identification of Essentially Derived Varieties With Molecular Markers: an Approach Based on Statistical Test Theory and Computer Simulations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 111(3):598-608.

Heckenberger M, Bohn M, Klein D, and AE Melchinger. 2005. Identification of Essentially Derived Varieties Obtained From Biparental Crosses of Homozygous Lines: II. Morphological Distances and Heterosis in Comparison With Simple Sequence Repeat and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Data in Maize. Crop Science 45(3):1132-1140.

Heckenberger M, Bohn M, and AE Melchinger. 2005. Identification of Essentially Derived Varieties Obtained From Biparental Crosses of Homozygous Lines: I. Simple Sequence Repeat Data From Maize Inbreds. Crop Science 45(3):1120-1131.

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