NCERA_OLD59: Soil Organic Matter: Formation, Function and Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Averett, J.M., R.A. Klips, S.D. Frey, and P.S. Curtis. 2004. The effects of soil carbon amendment on nitrogen availability and plant growth in an experimental tallgrass prairie restoration. Restoration Ecology (in press).
Douglas D. Archibald, Amy L. Shober and Rupinder K. Randhawa, Evaluation of two types of infrared methods to characterize soil organic carbon (poster to be presented at the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies meeting in Portland, Oregon, October 2004).
Doyle, G.L., C.W. Rice, and D.E. Peterson. 2004. Biologically defined soil organic matter pools as affected by rotation and tillage. J. Enviorn. Manag. 33:528-538.
Fang, M., R.J. Kremer, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Davis. In review. Comparison of microbial communities in rhizospheres of non-transgenic and transgenic corn using Biolog metabolic fingerprinting and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Frey, S.D., J. Six and E.T. Elliott. 2003. Reciprocal transfer of carbon and nitrogen by decomposer fungi at the soil-litter interface. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35, 1001-1004.
Frey, S.D., M. Knorr, J. Parrent, and R.T. Simpson. 2004. Chronic nitrogen enrichment affects the structure and function of the soil microbial community in a forest ecosystem. Forest Ecology and Management 196, 159-171.
Kremer, R.J. and P.P. Motavalli. 2004. Introduction to papers from symposium on the environmental impact of transgenic crops on soil biological processes and functions. J. Environ. Qual. 33:805.
Magdoff, F., and R.R. Weil, (eds.) 2004. Soil organic matter in sustainable agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 398 p.
Magdoff, F., and R.R. Weil. 2004. Strategies for managing organic matter, pp 44-65 In F. Magdoff and R. R. Weil, eds. Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Mikha, M.M, C.W. Rice, and G.A. Milliken. 200x. Carbon and nitrogen mineralization as affected by wetting and drying cycles. Soil Boil. Biochem. (Accepted) AES 04-211-J
Mikha, M.M., C.W. Rice. 2004. Effect of tillage and manure on soil and aggregate-associated carbon and nitrogen. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:809-816.
Mi-Youn Ahn, Carmen E. Martínez, Douglas D. Archibald, Jean-Marc Bollag, and Jerzy Dec, Transformation of catechol in the presence of a laccase and metal oxides (submitted to: Soil Science Society of America Journal, June 2004).
Mi-Youn Ahn, Douglas D. Archibald, Carmen E. Martínez, Jean-Marc Bollag, and Jerzy Dec, Characteristics of Trametes villosa laccase adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide (to be submitted to: Soil Biology and Biochemistry).
Mi-Youn Ahn, who received a Ph.D. in Ecology (Penn State University, 2004) for a dissertation entitled "Incorporation of Chlorophenols and Humic Monomer into Soils by Metal Oxides and Fungal Laccase."
Motavalli, P.P., C.S.M. Washburn, J.A. Lory, and N.R. Kitchen. In review. Apparent soil electrical conductivity used to determine soil phosphorus variability in poultry litter-amended pastures. J. Environ. Qual.
Motavalli, P.P., R.J. Kremer, M. Fang and N.E. Means. 2004. Impact of genetically-modified crops and their management on soil microbially-mediated plant nutrient transformations. J. Environ. Qual. 33:816-824.
Motavalli, P.P., S.H. Anderson, and P. Pengthamkeerati. 2003. Surface compaction and poultry litter effects on corn growth, nitrogen availability, and physical properties of a claypan soil. Field Crops Research 84:303-318.
Motavalli, P.P., S.H. Anderson, P. Pengthamkeerati, and C.J. Gantzer. 2003. Use of soil cone penetrometers to detect the effects of compaction and organic amendments in claypan soils. Soil Tillage Res. 74:103-114
Mungai, N.W. and P.P. Motavalli. In review. Litter quality effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in temperate alley cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology
Mungai, N.W., P.P. Motavalli and R.J. Kremer. In review. Soil organic C and N fractions in long-term alley cropping systems. Agroforestry Systems
Mungai, N.W., P.P. Motavalli, R.J. Kremer, and K.A. Nelson. In review. Spatial variation of soil enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in temperate alley cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology
Paul, E.A., H.P. Collins, KI. Paustian, E.T. Elliott, S.D. Frey, N. Juma, H. Janzen, C.A. Campbell, R.P. Zentner, G.P. Lafond, and A.P. Moulin. 2004. Management effects on the dynamics and storage capacity of soil organic matter in the Canadian prairies. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 84, 49-61.
Paustian, K., B. Babcock, J. Hatfield, R. Lal, B. McCarl, S. McLaughlin, W.M. Post, A Mosier, C. Rice, G.P. Robertson, N. Rosenberg, C. Rosenzweig, W.H. Schlesinger, D. Ziberman. 2004. Agricultures response to the climate change challenge. CAST Report, Ames, IA.
Rice, C.W., and J.S. Angle. 2004. A role for genetically modified organisms in soil carbon sequestration. p. 61-78. In N.J. Rosenberg, F.B. Metting, and R.C. Izaurralde (eds.) Applications of biotechnology to mitigation of greenhouse warming. Proc. St. Michael Workshop, St. Michaels, MD, 13-15 April 2003. Battelle Press, Columbus, OH. 213 pp.
Simpson, R.T., S.D. Frey, J. Six, and R.K. Thiet. 2004. Preferential stabilization of microbial-derived carbon in microaggregates contained within macroaggregates of no-tillage soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 68, 1249-1255.
Weil, R.R., and F. Magdoff. 2004. Significance of Soil Organic Matter to Soil Quality and Health., pp. 1-44 In F. Magdoff and R. R. Weil, eds. Soil Organic Matter in Sustainable Agriculture. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Weil, R.R., and R.E. Gilker. 2004. Nutrient losses from management intensive grazing dairy farms., In K. Cassida, ed. Proceedings American Forage and Grassland Conference, Vol. 13, June 12-16 2004, Roanoke, VA.
Williams, M.A., C.W. Rice, A. Omay, and C.E. Owensby. 2004. Soil carbon pools in a tallgrass prairie soil under elevated CO2. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:148-153.
Williams, S.M., and R.R. Weil. 2004. Crop cover root channels may alleviate soil compaction effects on soybean crop. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:1403-1409.
Anders, M.M., D.C. Olk, T.Harper, T. Daniel, and J. Holzhauer. 2004. The effect of rotation, tillage, and fertility on rice grain yields and nutrient flows. CD-ROM. North Carolina Agricultural Research Service Technical Bulletin 321. Raleigh, NC.
Doane T.A. and W. R. Horwath. 2004. Annual dynamics of soil organic matter in the context of long-term trends. Global Biogeochemical Cycles: 18: 1-11.
Drinkwater, L.E. and S.S. Snapp. Ms. accepted. Nutrients in agroecosystems: Re-thinking the management paradigm Ecosystems
Fang, M., R.J. Kremer, P.P. Motavalli, and G. Davis. In press. Bacterial diversity in rhizospheres of non-transgenic and transgenic corn. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.
Jung, W.K., N. R. Kitchen, K. A. Sudduth, R. J. Kremer, and P. P. Motavalli. 2005. Relationship of apparent soil electrical conductivity to claypan soil properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:883-892.
Kraus T. E. C., R. J. Zasoski, R.A. Dahlgren, W.R. Horwath and C.M. Preston. 2004. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a forest soil amended with purified tannins from different plant species. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (2): 309-321.
Mitra, S., M.S. Aulakh, R. Wassmann, and D.C. Olk. 2005. Triggering of methane production in rice soils by root exudates: Effects of soil properties and crop management. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69:563-570.
Mungai, N.W. and P.P. Motavalli. In press. Litter quality effects on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in temperate alley cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology
Mungai, N.W., P.P. Motavalli and R.J. Kremer. In review. Soil organic C and N fractions in long-term alley cropping systems. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal.
Mungai, N.W., P.P. Motavalli, K.A. Nelson and R.J. Kremer. In review. Differences in yields, residue composition and N mineralization dynamics of Bt and non-Bt maize. Nutr Cycl in Agroecosy.
Mungai, N.W., P.P. Motavalli, R.J. Kremer, and K.A. Nelson. In press. Spatial variation of soil enzyme activities and microbial functional diversity in temperate alley cropping systems. Biol. Fertil. Soils
Olk, D.C. and D.A. Martens. Organic forms of nitrogen. In: M.R. Carter (ed.) Soil sampling and methods of analysis. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (in press).
Olk, D.C. Organic forms of soil nitrogen. In: J.S. Schepers and W.R. Raun (ed.) Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils, 2nd edition. Soil Science Society of America (in press).
Olk, D.C., K.G. Cassman, M.M. Anders, K. Schmidt-Rohr, and J.-D. Mao. 2004. Does anaerobic decomposition of crop residues impair soil nitrogen cycling and yield trends in lowland rice? Proceedings, World Rice Research Conference, 04-07 November 2004, Tsukuba, Japan. Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries: (in press).
Olk, D.C., M. Becker, B.A. Linquist, S. Pandey, and C. Witt. Integrated nutrient management - Experience/concepts from South East Asia. In M.S. Aulakh and C.A. Grant (ed.) Integrated nutrient management for sustainable agriculture. Haworth Press (in press).