NCCC_OLD22: Small Fruit and Viticulture Research
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NCCC22 Publications:
Moore, Patrick P. 2004. 'Cascade Delight' Red Raspberry. HortScience 39:185-187
Moore, Patrick P. 'Cascade Nectar' Red Raspberry. HortScience (Accepted)
Moore, Patrick P. and Chad Finn. 2004. Strawberry, Raspberry and Blackberry Cultivars. Lower Mainland Horticulture Improvement Association Proceedings.
Moore, Patrick P. 2003. Strawberry and Raspberry Breeding. Oregon Horticulture Society Proceedings 94:138-143.
Bristow, Peter and Patrick Moore. 2004. Reaction of Red Raspberry Genotypes to Phytophthora Root Rot. Northwest Center For Small Fruit Research Proceedings 12:21
Moore, Patrick P. and Robert R. Martin. 2004. Propagation of WSU Strawberry and Raspberry Selections for Testing. Northwest Center For Small Fruit Research Proceedings 12:21
Moore, Patrick P. 2004. New Strawberry and Raspberry Cultivars and Selections: Review of Strengths and Weaknesses. Sixth Annual Small Fruit Grower's Workshop Proceedings pg 46-50.
Finn, C.E., B.C. Strik, B. Yorgey, R. Martin, C. Kempler, M. Peterson and C. Pace. 2004. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of trailing blackberry cultivar Obsidian. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, R. Martin, D. Peacock, M. Peterson and C. Pace. 2004. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of thornless trailing blackberry cultivar Nightfall. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E., H. Hall, B. Yorgey, B. Strik, D. Peacock, R. Martin, P. Moore, M. Peterson and C. Pace. 2004. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of thornless trailing blackberry cultivar Black Diamond. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E. B. Strik, B. Yorgey, R. Martin, M. Peterson and C. Pace. 2004. Notice to fruit growers and nurserymen of release of trailing blackberry cultivar Metolius. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, R. Martin, M. Peterson and C. Pace. 2004. Notice to Fruit growers and nurserymen of release of thornless trailing blackberry cultivar Black Pearl. USDA-ARS Release Notice.
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B.C. Strik and P.P. Moore. 2004. Tillamook and Pinnacle strawberries. HortScience 39:1487-1489.
Finn, C.E., F.J. Lawrence, B. Yorgey, and B.C. Strik. 2004. Chinook red raspberry. HortScience 39:444-445.
Lewers, K., J.M. Enns, S.Y. Wang, J.L. Maas, G.J. Galletta, S.C. Hokanson, J.R. Clark, K. Demchak, R.C. Funt, A.R. Jamieson, G.R. Nonnecke, P.R. Probasco, G.L. Jelenkovic, S.A. Garrison, B.J. Smith, B.R. Smith, C.A. Weber. 2004. 'Ovation' strawberry. HortScience. 39(7):1785-1788.
Joint Publications among NCCC-22 members
Strik, B., J.R. Clark, C. Finn, and G. Buller. 200_. Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort. (in press)
Thompson, E., B. Strik, J.R. Clark, and C. Finn. 200_. Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries. Acta Hort. (in
Strik, B., J.R. Clark, C. Finn, and M.P. Bañados. 200_. Worldwide production of blackberries. Acta Hort. (in press)
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, R. Martin, and C. Kempler. 2005. `Obsidian trailing blackberry. HortScience, 40:2185-2188
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, R. Martin, and M. Qian. 2005. `Black Pearl thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience, 40:2179-2181
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, H. Hall, R. Martin, and M. Qian. 2005. `Black Diamond thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience, 40:2175-2178
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, and R. Martin. 2005. `Nightfall thornless trailing blackberry. HortScience, 40:2182-2184
Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B. Strik, and R. Martin. 2005. `Metolius trailing blackberry. HortScience, 40:2189-2191
Strik, B. and D. Yarborough. 2005. Blueberry production trends in North America, 1992 to 2003 and predictions for growth. HortTech 15:391-398
Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (10 states), Midwest Small Fruit Pest Management Handbook (Ohio State University Bulletin 861). The key organizing states are Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, and Iowa. Also included in the Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide are Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and West Virginia.
J.F. Hancock, S. Serçe, C.M. Portman, P.A. Callow, and J.J. Luby. 2004. Taxonomic variation among North and South American subspecies of Fragaria virginiana Miller and F. chiloensis (L.) Miller. Can. J. Bot. 82:1632-1644.
Bramble Production Guide - new revision is due to be published in 2006.
Multiple contributors from NCCC-22.
Michele A. Stanton, Joseph C. Scheerens, Richard C. Funt and John R. Clark
Floral Competence of Primocane-fruiting Blackberries Prime-Jan" and Prime-Jim" Grown at Three Temperature Regimes. In preparation.
Stafne, E.T., J.R. Clark, C.A. Weber, J. Graham, K.S. Lewers. 2005. Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers for Genetic Mapping of Raspberry and Blackberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 130(5):722-728.
Pattison, J.A. and C.A. Weber. 2005. Evaluation of Red Raspberry Cultivars for Resistance to Phytophthora Rot Root. J. Amer. Pom. Soc.59(1):50-56.