NCR13: Soil Testing and Plant Analysis

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Journal papers:

Atia, A.M., and A.P. Mallarino. 2002. Agronomic and environmental phosphorus testing for soils receiving swine manure. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:1696-1705.

Bianchini, A.A., and A.P. Mallarino. 2002. Soil sampling alternatives and variable-rate liming for a soybean-corn rotation. Agron. J. 94:1355-1366.

Binder, D.L., A. Dobermann, D.H. Sander, and K.G. Cassman. 2002. Biosolids as nitrogen source for irrigated maize and dryland sorghum. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:531-543.

Cassman, K.G., A. Dobermann, and D.T. Walters. 2002. Agroecosystems, nitrogen-use efficiency, and nitrogen management. Ambio 31:132-140.

Dobermann, A., T. George, and N. Thevs. 2002. Phosphorus fertilizer effects on soil phosphorus pools in acid upland soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 66:652-660.

Dobermann, A., and K.G. Cassman. 2002. Plant nutrient management for enhanced productivity in intensive grain production systems of the United States and Asia. Plant Soil 247:153-175.

Eash N.S. and J.A.Lamb. 2002. Sampling techniques for soil fertility evaluation: An exercise in understanding variability. J. Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education. 31:81-87.

Gelderman, R.H., J.R. Gerwing, and E. Twidwell. 2002. Point-injected phosphorus effects on established cool-season grass yield and phosphorus content. Agron. J. 94:48-51.

Laboski,C.A.M. and J.A. Lamb. 2003. Changes in soil test phosphorus concentration after application of manure or fertilizer. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:544-554.

Lamb,J.A. and G.W. Rehm. 2002. Short-term stability of soil test phosphorus in agricultural fields. Can. J. Soil Sci. 82:239-247.

Mallarino, A.P. 2003. Field calibration for corn of the Mehlich-3 soil

phosphorus test with colorimetric and inductively-coupled plasma emission spectroscopy determination methods. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. In press.

Mallarino, A.P., and D.J. Wittry. 2003. Efficacy of grid and zone soil sampling approaches for site-specific assessment of phosphorus, potassium, pH, and organic matter. Precision Agric. In press.

Mallarino, A.P., B.M. Stewart, J.L. Baker, J.A. Downing, and J.E. Sawyer. 2002. Phosphorus indexing for cropland: Overview and basic concepts of the Iowa phosphorus index. J. Soil Water Conserv. 57:440-447.

Motavalli, P., Lory, J., Nathan, M., and C. Fulcher. 2002. Increased Access to Soil Testing Databases Through the World-Wide Web: Opportunities and Issues. Commun. Soil. Sci. Vol:33 p.1157-1172

Wittry, D.J., and A.P. Mallarino. 2003. Comparison of uniform and variable-rate phosphorus fertilization for the corn-soybean rotation. Agron. J. In press.

Proceedings/extension papers:

Adamchuk, V.I., A. Dobermann, M.T. Morgan, and S.M. Brouder. 2002. Feasibility of on-the-go mapping of soil nitrate and potassium using ion selective electrodes. ASAE paper no. 02-1183. InASAE, St. Joseph, MI.

Billota,J. 2002. Soil Test Phosphorus and Potassium as Affected By Site Specific Soil Fertility Management. M.S. Thesis. University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108

Bly, A., H. Woodard, R. Gelderman, and D. Winter. 2001. Comparison of liquid and dry nitrogen fertilizer materials influence on grain protein and yield of hard red spring wheat at Brookings, SD. Soil PR 01-17. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Bly, A., J. Gerwing, R. Gelderman, and H. Woodard. 2001. Crop nutrient removal and fertilizer application in South Dakota, 1981 to 2000. Soil PR 01-21. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Bly, A., R.Gelderman, J. Gerwing, and J. Doolittle. 2001. Comparison of soil test results taken with a hand probe and a modified chainsaw. Soil PR 01-22. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Dobermann, A., T.J. Arkebauer, K.G. Cassman, J.L. Lindquist, J.E. Specht, D.T. Walters, and H.S. Yang. 2002. Understanding and managing corn yield potential. In Proc. of the Fertilizer Industry Round Table, October 28-30, Charleston, SC. The Fertilizer Industry Round Table, Forest Hill, MD.

Dobermann, A., T.J. Arkebauer, K.G. Cassman, J.L. Lindquist, D.T. Walters, H.S. Yang, B. Amos, D.L. Binder, and G. Teichmeier. 2002. Understanding corn yield potential and optimal soil productivity in irrigated corn systems. p. 260-272. In A.J. Schlegel (ed.) Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings, Vol. 9. Kansas State University, Manhattan,KS.

Dobermann, A., T. Arkebauer, K.G. Cassman, R.A. Drijber, J. Lindquist, S. Madhavan, J. Markwell, L. Nelson, J.E. Specht, D.T. Walters, H.S. Yang, B. Amos, D.L. Binder, C. Murphy, and G. Teichmeier. 2002. Corn yield potential and optimal soil productivity in irrigated corn/soybean systems. p. 65-85. In L.S. Murphy (ed.) Proceedings of the 2002 Fluid Forum, Vol. 19. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, Manhattan,KS.

Gelderman, R., and J.R. Gerwing. 2002. Long term residual phosphorus study. 42nd Annual SE Farm Progress Report (In press).

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, B. Berg, and A. Bly. 2002. Phosphorus rate and placement affects on tilled corn and soybean rotation. 42nd Annual SE Farm Progress Report (In press).

Gelderman, R., A. Bly, J. Gerwing, H. Woodard, and B. Berg. 2002. Influence of gypsum on crop yields. 42nd Annual SE Farm Progress Report (In press).

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, and R. Berg. 2001. Long-term phosphorus management for no-till corn and soybean in the northern corn-belt. Soil PR 01-6. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, R. Berg, and A. Bly. 2001. Phosphorus rate and

placement effects on tilled corn and soybean rotation. Soil PR 01-7. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, and G. Carlson. 2001. A summary of soil test results (July 2000 - June 2001). Soil PR 01-28. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, and A. Bly. 2001. Long term nitrogen and organic P applications on grass. Soil PR 01-8. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gelderman, R., J. Gerwing, and A. Bly. 2001. Influence of potassium (K) rate, placement, and hybrid on K deficiency in corn. Soil PR 01-09. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES

Gerwing, J., R. Gelderman, R. Berg, and A. Bly. 2001. Fertilizer potassium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, and lime effects on soybean yield on high testing soil. Soil PR 01-4. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gerwing, J., R. Gelderman, A. Bly, and M. Volek. 2001. Fertilizer and soil test effects on soybean yield, Highmore, SD. Soil PR 01-2. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gerwing, J., R. Gelderman, A. Bly, and A. Heuer. 2001. Fertilizer influences on soil test and corn grain yield, Watertown, SD. Soil PR 01-3. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gerwing, J., R. Gelderman, A. Bly, and B. Berg. 2001. Nitrogen management in a corn soybean rotation. Soil PR 01-5. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Gerwing, J., R. Gelderman, A. Bly, and B. Berg. 2001. Nitrogen application timing influence on corn grain yield and residual soil nitrate-n, Beresford, SD. Soil PR 01-1. Soil/Water Research TB99 (Revised 2002). Brookings: SDAES.

Klatt, J.G., A.P. Mallarino, and B.L. Allen. 2002. Relationships between soil phosphorus and phosphorus in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. An overview of ongoing research. p. 183-189. In North-Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conf. Proceedings. Vol. 17. Des Moines, IA.

Lamond, R.E. and D.F. Leikam. 2002. Chloride in Kansas: Plant, soil, and fertilizer considerations. MF-2570. Kansas State University Research and Extension, Manhattan, KS.

Leikam, D.F., R.E. Lamond and D.B. Mengel. 2003. Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendations. MF-2586. Kansas State University Research and Extension, Manhattan, KS.

Leikam, D.F. and R.E. Lamond. 2002. Estimating manure nutrient availability. MF-2562. Kansas State University Research and Extension, Manhattan, KS.

Little, C. and M.E. Watson. Understanding Value of Lime. Ohio State Fact sheet.

Lorimor, J., Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, and J. Creswell. 2002. Manure

resources. Nutrient Management Information Sheet No. 3. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, and J. Creswell. 2002. Phosphorus application. Nutrient Management Information Sheet No. 2. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, and J. Creswell. 2002. Soil testing. Nutrient Management Information Sheet No. 1. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., J.E. Sawyer, B. Stewart, and J. Creswell. 2002. Nutrient management plan. Nutrient Management Information Sheet No. 8. Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Mallarino, A.P., D.J. Wittry, and P.A. Barbagelata. 2002. Iowa soil-test field calibration research update: Potassium and the Mehlich-3 ICP phosphorus test. p. 29-39. In North-Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conf. Proceedings. Vol. 17. Des Moines, IA.

Nathan, M. 2002. Reagents and Standards. Chapter 5. In Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedure Manual for Soil Testing Labs. Ed. Maurice Watson. North American Proficiency Testing Program Publication. (submitted)

Nathan, M.V., Mallarino, A. Eliason, R. and Miller. 2002. ICP vs. Colorimetric Determination of Mehlich III Extractble Phosphorus. International Symposium on Soil & Plant Analysis. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant. Anal. 33:2432

Nathan, M. 2002. Soil Testing for Lawns and Gardens - spring is the time to test your soil. Missouri Environment and Garden Newsletter. Vol 8: March Issue

Peters, J. B., and K. A. Kelling. 2002. "Thirty-Year Trends of Wisconsin Aglime Use." Proceedings of the 2002 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 314-320. Madison, WI.

Peters J. B, K. A. Kelling and L. G. Bundy. Sampling Soils for Testing. University of Wisconsin - Extension Publication A2100. Madison, WI.

Sawyer, J.E., and A.P. Mallarino. 2002. Corn leaf potassium deficiency symptoms. In The Integrated Crop Management Newsletter. IC-488(15). Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Sawyer, J.E., A.P. Mallarino, R. Killorn, and S.K. Barnhart. 2002. General guide for crop nutrient recommendations in Iowa. Publ. Pm-1688 (Rev.). Iowa State Univ. Extension.

Shapiro, C.A., R.B. Ferguson, G.W. Hergert, A. Dobermann, and C.S. Wortmann. 2001. Fertilizer suggestions for corn. NebGuide G74-174-A. Cooperate Extension, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.

Sulc, R.M., W.P Weiss, G. Wilson, C. Zoller, M. Watson, and L.H. Rhodes. 2002. The Ohio forage production short course. p.337 In American Forage & Grassland Council Proc., Bloomington, MN. 14-17 July 2002. American Forage & Grassland Council, Georgetown, TX

Wittry, D.J., and A.P. Mallarino. 2002. Use of variable-rate technology for agronomic and environmental phosphorus-based liquid swine manure management. In P.C. Robert et al. (ed.). Sixth Intl. Conf. on Site-Specific Management for Agricultural Systems. Proceedings. CD-ROM. July14-17. Minneapolis, MN. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Published abstracts:

Allen, B.L., A.P. Mallarino, J.G. Klatt, J.L. Baker, and M. Camara. 2002. Soil and runoff phosphorus relationships for five typical Iowa soils. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Barbazan, M.M., A. P. Mallarino, and J. E. Sawyer. 2002. Liquid swine manure phosphorus utilization in corn-soybean rotations. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Bermudez, M., A.P. Mallarino, and D.J. Wittry. 2002. Grain yield and soil-test spatial variability under uniform or variable-rate phosphorus and potassium fertilization. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Kaiser, D.E., A. P. Mallarino, and M. Bermudez. 2002. Influence of broadcast and in-the-furrow starter phosphorus and potassium fertilization on corn grain yield, early growth, and nutrient uptake. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Karlen, D.L., E.G. Hurley, S.S. Andrews, M.D. Duffy, A.P. Mallarino, and C.A. Cambardella. 2002. Does soil quality show an economic benefit for long-term crop rotations? Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Klatt, J.G., A.P. Mallarino, J.L. Baker, J.C. Lorimor, R.S. Kanwar, and C.H. Pedersen. 2002. Phosphorus in soil and tile water as affected by fertilizer and manure applications to artificially drained Iowa fields. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Mallarino, A.P. 2002. Using variable-rate technology and the phosphorus index for agronomic and environmental phosphorus management at a field level. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Peters, J. B., K. A. Kelling, P. E. Speth and S. M. Offer. 2003. Forage yield and nutrient uptake as affected by soil pH and applied K. 8th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis Abstracts. p. 189. Somerset West, South Africa

Sawchik, J., A.P. Mallarino, M. Bermudez, and D.J. Wittry. 2002. Relating soil tests and within-field yield response to phosphorus and potassium using various sampling strategies. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.

Warncke, D. D. 2003. Ameliorating internal black spot in Cranberry bean seed with boron application. 8th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis Abstracts. p 167. Somerset West, South Africa

Wittry, D.J., A.P. Mallarino, and P. Barbagelata. 2002. Ammonium acetate, Mehlich-3, and sodium tetraphenyl-boron soil potassium tests for corn and soybean. Agron. Abs. CD-ROM. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.


Journal papers:

Cassman, K.G., A. Dobermann, D.T. Walters, and H.S. Yang. 2003. Meeting cereal demand while protecting natural resources and improving environmental quality. Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 28, 315-358.

Changa, C., Watson, M. E., Michel Jr, F. C., Hoitink, H. A., and Wang, P. 2003. Assessment of the Reliability of the Solvita® Maturity Test for Composted Manures. Compost Science & Util. 11.

Changa, C. M., Wang, P., Watson, M. E., Hoitink, H. A., and Michel Jr, F. C. 2003. Assessment of the Reliability of a Commercial Maturity Test Kit for Composted Manures. Compost Science & Utilization. 11(2):125-143.

Dobermann, A., Ping, J.L., V.I. Adamchuk, G.C. Simbahan, and R.B. Ferguson. 2003. Classification of yield variability for site-specific management. Agron. J. 95, 1105-1120.
Dobermann, A., and J.L. Ping. 2004. Geostatistical integration of yield monitor data and remote sensing improves yield maps. Agron. J. 96, 285-297.

Franzen, D.W., J.H. OBarr, and R.K. Zollinger. 2003. Interaction of a foliar application of iron HEDTA and three postemergence broadleaf herbicides with soybeans stressed from chlorosis. J. Plant Nutr. 26:2365-2374.

Franzen, D.W., J. H. OBarr, and R.K. Zollinger. 2004. Influence of certain postemergence broadleaf herbicides on soybean stressed from iron deficiency chlorosis. Agron. J. 1357-1363.
Hopkins, D.G. and D.W. Franzen. 2003. Argillic horizons in stratified drift: Luverne end moraine, eastern North Dakota. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1790-1796.

Ping, J.L., and A. Dobermann. 2003. Creating spatially contiguous yield classes for site-specific management. Agron. J. 95: 1121-1131.

Simbahan, G.C., A. Dobermann, and J.L. Ping. 2004. Screening yield monitor data improves grain yield maps. Agron. J. 96, 1091-1102.

Wang, P., Changa, C., Watson, M. E., Dick, W. A., Chen, Y., and Hoitink, H. A. 2003. Maturing Indices for Composted Dairy and Swine Manures. Soil Biology & Biochemistry.

Yang, H.S., A. Dobermann, J.L. Lindquist, D.T. Walters, T.J. Arkebauer, and K.G. Cassman. 2004. Hybrid-Maize - a maize simulation model that combines two crop modeling approaches. Field Crops Res. 87, 131-154.

Book chapters, conference proceedings & selected extension publications:

Adamchuk, V.I., A. Dobermann, and J.L. Ping. 2004. Listening to the story told by yield maps. Extension Circular 04-704, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.

Adamchuk, V.I., E. Lund, A. Dobermann, M.T. Morgan, 2003. On-the-go mapping of soil properties using ion-selective electrodes. p. 27-33. In: Stafford, J.V., Werner, A. (ed.), Precision agriculture. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen.

Adamchuk, V.I., C. Wang, D.B. Marx, R.K. Perrin, and A. Dobermann. 2004. Assessment of soil mapping value - potential profitability (Part II). In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Resource Management, July 25-28, 2004, Bloomington, MN. CD-ROM. ASA, CSSA,S SSA, Madison,WI [CD-ROM].

Dobermann, A., and K.G. Cassman. 2004. Environmental dimensions of fertilizer N: What can be done to increase nitrogen use efficiency and ensure global food security? p. 261-278. In A.R. Mosier et al. (ed.) Agriculture and the nitrogen cycle: assessing the impacts of fertilizer use on food production and the environment. SCOPE 65. Island Press, Washington,D.C.

Dobermann, A., J.L. Ping, G.C. Simbahan, V.I. Adamchuk, 2003. Processing of yield map data for delineating yield zones. p. 177-185. In: Stafford, J.V., Werner, A. (ed.), Precision agriculture. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen.

Dobermann, A., and H.S. Yang. 2004. In-season prediction of attainable maize yield using the Hybrid-Maize model. p. 235-236. In S.-V. Jacobsen et al. (ed.) VIII ESA Congress: European Agriculture in a Global Context. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen.

Dobermann, A., B.S. Blackmore, S.E. Cook, and V.I. Adamchuk. 2004. Precision farming: challenges and future directions. In T. Fischer et al. (ed.) New directions for a diverse planet: Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress, Brisbane, Australia, 26 September  1 October 2004 [CD-ROM]. The Regional Institute Ltd, Gosford, NSW.

Dobermann, A., T. Arkebauer, K.G. Cassman, R.A. Drijber, J.L. Lindquist, J.E. Specht, D.T. Walters, H. Yang, D. Miller, D.L. Binder, G. Teichmeier, R.B. Ferguson, and C.S. Wortmann. 2003. Understanding corn yield potential in different environments. p. 67-82. In L.S. Murphy (ed.) Fluid focus: the third decade. Proceedings of the 2003 Fluid Forum, Vol. 20. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, Manhattan, KS.

Dobermann, A. and C.A. Shapiro. 2004. Setting a realistic corn yield goal. NebGuide G79-481-A. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.

Ferguson, R.B., A. Dobermann, C.S. Wortmann, D.T. Walters, C.A. Shapiro, D. Tarkalson, and D.D. Baltensperger. 2004. Developing recommendations for site-specific nitrogen management of irrigated maize. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Resource Management, July 25-28, 2004, Bloomington, MN. CD-ROM. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI [CD-ROM].

Ferguson, R.B., Shapiro, C.A., Dobermann, A., Wortmann, C.S., 2003. Fertilizer recommendations for soybean. NebGuide G87-859-A. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE.

Franzen, D.W. and N. Peterson. 2003. Land and Homesite judging contest. NDSU 4-H.
Franzen, D. 2003. Fertilizing sugarbeet. SF-714 (revised).

Franzen, D. 2003. Managing saline soils in North Dakota SF-1087 (revised).

Franzen,D. 2003. North Dakota Soil and Fertilizer Handbook. EB-65. 90 p.

Franzen, D.W. and T. Nanna. 2004. Delineating N management zones. In Proceedings of the 7th International Precision Agriculture Conference, July 26-28, 2004, Minneapolis, MN. Univ. of MN, St. Paul.

Franzen, D.W., N. Cattanach, J. Giles, and M. Khan. 2003. Improvements in sugarbeet growth with amendments in sandy soils with a history of poor sugarbeet performance. p. 106-113. In 2002 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports. Vol. 32. Sugarbeet Research and Education Board of Minnesota and North Dakota.

Franzen, D.W. and T. Nanna. 2003. Comparison of nitrogen management zone delineation methods. p. 114-118. In Proceedings North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, Nov. 19-20, 2004, Des Moines, IA. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.

Gao, G. Y., Watson, M. E., Boggs, J. F., and Chatfield, J. A. 2003. Choosing Soil Testing Labs. In: Chatfield, J. A., Boggs, J. F., Draper, E. A., and Bennett, P. J. Ornamental Plants Annual Reports and Research Reviews 2002. OARDC Special Circular 189 p. 151-156.

Gelderman, R. 2003. Soil and Water Research. Plant Science Pamphlet no. 9. Annual Progress Report. Ag.Expt.Sta. SDSU, Brookings, SD.

Kelling, K. A., J. B. Peters and P. E. Speth. 2003. "Effect of Soil pH and Alfalfa Stand Density on Alfalfa Nitrogen Credits." Proceedings of the 2003 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 333-341.

Kelling, K. A. and J. B. Peters. 2004. "The Advisability of Using Cation Balance as a Basis for Fertilizer Recommendations." Proceedings of the 2004 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 366-371.

Kelling, K. A. M. Myers and J. B. Peters. 2004. "What Ignoring Lime Can do to Corn and Soybeans." Proceedings of the 2004 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 411-414.

Motavalli, P.P., G. Stevens, P. Scharf and M. Nathan. 2003. Color instructional poster (16.5" x 21.5") for "Soil Nutrient Deficiencies & Toxicities in Missouri Crops".

Nanna, T. and D.W. Franzen. 2003. A weighted classified method for nitrogen zone delineation. p. 177-184. In Proceedings North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, Nov. 19-20, 2004, Des Moines, IA. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.

Nathan, M. 2003. Soil Testing and Plant Diagnostic Services. Integrated Pest and Crop Management Newsletter. Vol. 13: No. 4.

Nathan, M. and B. Freesenberg. 2003. Soil Testing for Lawns. MU Guide G6954. University of Missouri Extension Publications.

Nelson, K.A., P.P. Motavalli, and M. Nathan. 2004. The impact of foliar potassium fertilizer source on crop response and weed control in a no-till weed and feed glyphosate-resistant soybean production system. pp. 149-155. Vol. 21. Proceedings of the 2004 Fluid Forum, Scottsdale, AZ.

Peters, J. S., Combs, B., Hoskins, J., Jarman, J., Kovar, M., Watson, M. E., and Wolf, N. 2003. Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis.

Peters, J. B., editor. Recommended Methods of Manure Analysis. Feb. 2003. UW Ext. Publication A3769 (web based), Cooperative Extension Publishing Operations, Madison, WI.

Peters, J. B., K. A. Kelling, and S. M. Offer. 2003. "Minerals in Forages: Plant Considerations." Proceedings of the Four-State Forage Conference. MWPS-4SD15, Midwest Plan Service, Iowa State University. p. 31-36.

Peters, J. B., editor. 2004. Wisconsin Procedures for Soil Testing, Plant Analysis and Feed & Forage Analysis. Soil Science Department, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Extension-Madison.
Peters, J. B., and S. M. Offer. 2004. "Crop and Soil Responses to Fibrous Paper Mill Sludge." Proceedings of the 2004 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 359-365.

Ping, J.L., and A. Dobermann. 2004. Utilizing fine-scale secondary information for improving maps of soil attributes. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Resource Management, July 25-28, 2004, Bloomington, MN. CD-ROM. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI [CD-ROM].

Scharf, P., and M. Nathan. 2003. Watch for unusual soil test potassium results this fall. Integrated Pest and Crop Management Newsletter. Vol. 13: No. 23.

Thompson, W. H., Millner, P., Leege, P. B., and Watson, M. E. 2003. Test Methods for the Examination of Composting and Compost. U. S. Composting Council.

Walters, D.T., A. Dobermann, K.G. Cassman, R.A. Drijber, J.L. Lindquist, J.E. Specht, and H.S. Yang. 2004. Changes in nitrogen use efficiency and soil quality after five years of managing for high yield corn and soybean. In Proc. of the 34st North-Central Industry-Extension Soil Fertility Conference, November 17-18, 2004, Des Moines, IA. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.


Journal papers:

Adamchuk, V.I., E. Lund, B. Sethuramasamyraja, M.T. Morgan, A. Dobermann, and D.B. Marx. 2005. Direct measurement of soil chemical properties on-the-go using ion-selective electrodes. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 48, 272-294.

Agehara, S. and D. D. Warncke. 2005. Soil moisture and temperature effects on nitrogen release from organic nitrogen sources. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69: 1844-1855.

Franzen, D.W. 2004. Delineating nitrogen management zones in a sugarbeet rotation using remote sensing  A review. Journal of Sugar Beet Research 41:47-60.

Franzen, D.W., J. F. Giles, L.J. Reitmeier, A.J. Hapka, N.R. Cattanach, and A.C. Cattanach. 2004. Use of whole field research to change farm management practices. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 33:161-165.

Nelson, K. A., Motavalli, P. P., and M. Nathan. 2005. Response to No-Till Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] to Timing of Preplant and Foliar Potassium Applications in a Claypan Soil. Agron. J. 97:832- 838.

Peters, J. B., K. A. Kelling, P. E. Speth and S. M. Offer. 2005. Alfalfa Yield and Nutrient Uptake as Affected by pH and Applied K. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 36:583-596.

Ping, J.L. and A. Dobermann. 2005. Processing of yield map data. Precision Agric. 6, 193-212.

Rehm,G.W.,and J.A. Lamb. 2004. Crop yield and soil test potassium in a ridge-till planting system as influenced by rate and frequency of deep banded potassium. Soil Sci. Soc Amer J. 68:339-345.

Schmitt, M.A., G.W. Randall,J.A. Lamb and G.W. Rehm. The University of Minnesota Supplemental Fertilizer NitrogenWorksheet. J of Extension.

Verma, S.B., A. Dobermann, K.G. Cassman, D.T. Walters, J.M.H. Knops, T.J. Arkebauer, A.E. Suyker, G.G. Burba, B. Amos, H.S. Yang, D. Ginting, K.G. Hubbard, A.A. Gitelson, and E.A. Walter-Shea. 2005. Annual carbon dioxide exchange in irrigated and rainfed maize-based agroecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 131, 77-96.

Book chapters, conference proceedings & selected extension publications:

Dobermann, A., D.T. Walters, F. Legoretta, T.J. Arkebauer, K.G. Cassman, R.A. Drijber, J.L. Lindquist, J.E. Specht, and H.S. Yang. 2005. Unlocking the secrets of carbon and nitrogen cycling in continuous corn and corn-soybean systems. In L.S. Murphy (ed.) Proc. 2005 Fluid Forum, Vol. 22 [CD-ROM]. Fluid Fertilizer Foundation, Manhattan, KS.

Fairhurst, T., A. Dobermann, and C. Witt. 2005. Fertilizer Chooser [online]. Available at,, and (accessed Sep 1, 2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, PPPI/PPIC and IPI, IRRI, Lincoln,NE, Singapore, Los Banos (Philippines).

Franzen, D.W. 2004. North Dakota fertilizer tables and equations. SF-882 (revised).

Franzen, D.W. 2004. Fertilizing flax. SF-717 (revised).

Franzen, D.W., M. Anfirud, and P. Carson. 2005. Sugarbeet rooting depth. p. 105-108. In 2004 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports. Vol. 35. Sugarbeet Res. and Ed. Bd. of MN and ND.

Franzen, D.W., G. Wagner, and A. Sims. 2004. Application of a ground-based sensor to determine N credits for sugarbeet. p. 119-123. In 2004 Sugarbeet Research and Extension Reports. Vol. 34. Sugarbeet Res. and Ed. Bd. of MN and ND.

Franzen, D.W. 2004. Flax fertility recommendation changes in North Dakota. p. 144-150. In Proceedings North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference, Nov. 17-18, 2004, Des Moines, IA. Potash & Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.

Gelderman, R, J. Gerwing, and R. Burrows. 2005. Fertilizing Gardens in South Dakota. B744. Ag. and Biol. Sciences and Coop. Ext. Ser., Brookings, SD.

Gelderman, R, K. Reitsma, and J. Gerwing. 2005. Recommended Soil Sampling Methods for South Dakota. SD Dept. of Agric. and SDSU Coop. Ext. Ser., Brookings, SD.

Gelderman, R. 2004. Soil and Water Research. Plant Science Pamphlet no. 21. Annual Progress Report. Ag.Expt.Sta. SDSU, Brookings, SD

Gerwing, J, and R. Gelderman. 2005. Fertilizer Recommendations Guide. EC750. Coop. Ext. Ser. SDSU, Brookings, SD.

Motavalli, P.P., K. Nelson, G. Stevens, A. Kendig, M. Nathan, and D. Dunn. 2004. Selection of foliar-applied potassium fertilizer sources and rates of application to optimize soybean response and weed control with glyphosate in a weed and feed management system. pp. 11-12. 2004 Field Day Report of the Greenley Memorial Research Center. University of Missouri, Novelty, Missouri.

Nathan, M. 2005. Reagents and Standards. Chapter 5. In. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedure Manual for Soil Testing Labs. Ed. Maurice Watson. North American Proficiency Testing. SSSA Special Publication. In print.

Nathan, M., 2005. Steps in Fertilizing Garden Soil: Vegetables and Annual Flowers. MU Guide G 6950. University of Missouri Extension Publications.

Nathan, M. 2004. Soil Testing for Lawns & Gardens  Spring is the Time to Test Your Soils Missouri Environment and Garden. Vol.10: NO 3.

Nathan, M.. 2004. Chapters: (i) Soils; (ii) Plant Nutrition; (iii) Soil Testing. In: Master Gardner Core Manual, University of Missouri Extension Publication..

Nathan, M. 2004. Soil Testing for Better Lawns and Gardens. Missouri Environment and Garden. Volume 10: No 9.

Peters, J. B. 2004. Trends in Feed and Manure Phosphorus. New Horizons in Soil Science, No. 3-2004, Department of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.

Peters, J. B., K. A. Kelling, and D. J. Undersander. 2004. "Evaluation of Several Alfalfa Varieties for Low Soil pH Tolerance." Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low Soil pH. Sendai, Japan.

Peters, J. B., P. E. Speth, K. A. Kelling, and R. Borges. 2005. "Effect of Soil pH on Soybean Yield." Proceedings of the 2005 Wisconsin Fertilizer, Aglime and Pest Management Conference. p. 134-138.

Warncke, D. D. 2004. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on carrot biomass. In (ed. Warncke) Cops Annual Research Report No. 29. AES, Mich. State Univ., East Lansing, MI

Watson, M. E. 2004. Published an article entitled Sampling for Fall Soil Testing for The Ohio State University Extension Crop Observation and Recommendation Network.

Watson, M. E. 2005. Authored an article entitled END OF SEASON CORNSTALK NITRATE for the electronic C.O.R.N. newsletter.

Watson, M. E. 2005. Co-authored an article entitled Importance of Maintaining Optimum pH for Crop Production for the electronic C.O.R.N. newsletter.

Watson, M. E. 2005. Joint published an article entitled Applying Nitrogen to Young Corn in the OSU C.O.R.N. electronic newsletter.

Watson, M. E. 2005. Co-authored an article entitled Fall Soil Sampling for Next Years Crop for the electronic C.O.R.N. newsletter.

Yang, H.S., A. Dobermann, K.G. Cassman, and D.T. Walters. 2005. Hybrid-Maize. A simulation model for corn growth and yield. Nebraska Cooperative Extension CD 9 [online and CD-ROM]. Available at (accessed Sep 1, 2005). University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE

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