NCR9: Midwest Plan Service
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Conservation Tillage on CD, 2003, CD-ROM that includes MWPS-45 plus other educational materials, (MWPS-45CD)
Four-State Professional Dairy Management Seminar, 2003, 52 pages (MWPS-4SD14)
Four-State Forage Conference, 2003, 64 pages (MWPS-4SD15)
Four State Applied Nutrition and Management Conference, 2003, 182 pages (MWPS-4SD16)
Planning the Late Career, Retirement-Mode Years, 2003, 78 pages (NCR-610F)
Planning and Managing your Farm Business Center, 2003, 16 pages (NCFMEC-233)
Completion of "Best Environmental Management Practices" series of Best Management Practices pamphlets with MSU. A series of 12 tri-fold shirt pocket publications were jointly developed by Michigan and Indiana for use by confined livestock and poultry producers. Approximately 3000 of the publication sets have been distributed to producers in each state.
Completion of major revision of MWPS 2, in cooperation with U of IL (Ted Funk) and U of WI (Brian Holmes). The new version is 160 pages in length.
Jones, D. D., H. Zhang, J. Lorimor, B. Von Bermuth, R. Sheffield, S. Muktar, D. Schmidt, D. Rashash, D. Hansen. 2003. Model Certification Training Program for Operators of Confined Feeding Operations. Over 250 pages text, including nearly 200 study guide questions and over 500 PPT slides.
31 page white paper on "innovative methods for disposal of animal mortalities" for Joint KSU/Texas A&M/Purdue project.
Horse Handbook revision. To satisfy the growing audience of horse owners in the state, and especially the Chicago and suburban counties, University of Illinois Extension is increasing programming for horse facilities and horse manure management. We estimate a potential sales market for several hundred copies per year of the revised MWPS-15 Horse Handbook, once it is released.
House Planning Handbook revision. University of Illinois Extension continues to build on its residential housing program, and would benefit from having the revised MWPS-16 House Planning Handbook for sale. We have several field staff holding workshops for first-time homebuyers, realtors, and contractors, all representing a very large market for the new release.
Several farmstead-related off line and online publications - Selected 2004 Purdue Farmstead-related publications
1. Jones, D. D., A. L. Sutton, D. Ess, J. Frankenberg, M. Schutz, T. Applegate. 2003. AG 101. Tutorial on modern production agriculture. Prepared for US EPA, Region 5 for the purpose of training their inspectors that visit livestock and poultry operations. Most of the work on this project was done in 2002. (http://pasture.ecn.purdue.edu/~epados/ag101/src/main_f.htm)
2. Ladd, B. and J. Frankenberger. May. Managing Ponds, Wetlands, and Other Water Reservoirs to Minimize Mosquitoes. Water Quality. WQ-41-W:8.
3. Frankenberger, J. R. , C. Gould and L. Jacobs. 2003. Land Application of Manure and Environmentally Sensitive Field Characteristics. Best Environmental Management Practices, Farm Animal Production. ID-308:2.
4. Jones, D. D. and N. J. Carroll. 2003. Constructed Wetlands to Treat Septic Tank Effluent. Constructed Wetlands Workshop and Poster Session. Purdue University's Environmental Sciences & Engineering Institute and the Dept. of Forestry & Natural Resources, Indiana Water Resources Research Center, and US EPA. John S. Wright Forestry Center, Purdue University. September 12
5. Jones, D. D. , A. L. Sutton and B. MacKellar. 2003. Land Application Records and Sampling. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-300. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication.
6. Jones, D. D. and A. L. Sutton. 2003. Emergency Action Planning for Livestock Operations. Best Environmental Management Practices. ID-301. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU.
7. Jones, D. D. , A. L. Sutton and L. Kelley. 2003. Inspecting Your Confined Feeding Operation. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-303. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU.
8. Jones, D. D. and P. Wylie. 2003. Building Good Neighbor Relationships. Best Environmental Management Practices. ID-305. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU.
9. Frankenberger, J. R. , D. D. Jones, C. M. Gould and L. Jacobs. 2003. Land Application of Manure and Environmentally Sensitive Field Characteristics. Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-308. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication With MSU.
10. Jones, D. D., A. L. Sutton and C. M. Gould. 2003. Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP). Best Environmental Management Practices - Farm Animal Production. ID-311. 8-panel foldout (shirt pocket) publication. With MSU
VanDevender, K. , D. D. Jones, G. Carpenter and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Poultry. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13A. National LPES Project (US EPA). 7p.
12. Jones, D. D., K. VanDevender, G. Carpenter and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Large Swine Operations. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13B (and PowerPoint presentation 32 screens). National LPES project (US EPA). 7 p.
13. Carpenter, G. , D. D. Jones, K. VanDevender and P. Wright. 2003. CAFO Requirements for Veal. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). 13C. National LPES project (US EPA). 7p.
14. Jones, D. D., S. Beer, E. Sequeira and M. Walters (Purdue U.G. students). 4/03. Liquid Level Markers for Uncovered Manure Storages and Lagoons. CAFO Fact Sheets - Production Area (LPES). (plus PowerPoint presentation, 20 slides). National LPES project (US EPA). 4p.
15. McGill, J. M. and D. E. Maier. 2003. Capability of Eastern Cornbelt Country Elevators to Segregate Crops During Harvest . Oral Presentation by JMM at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036001:17p. (published/completed).
16. Bartosik, R. E. and D. E. Maier. 2003. Evaluation of Three NA/LT In-bin Drying Strategies in Five Corn Belt Locations. Oral Presentation by REB at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036004:24p. (published/completed).
17. Bhat, C. G. , D. E. Maier and K. E. Ileleji. 2003. Exploratory Use of a Portable CO2 Sensor for Early Detection of Spoilage in a Large Corn Storage Structure. Oral Presentation by CB at the ASAE Annual International Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 27- 30 July 2003. ASAE Paper No. 036149:23p. (published/completed).
18. Berruto, R. E. , D. E. Maier, D. E. Ess and J. M. McGill. 2003. Network Simulation of Crop Harvesting and Delivery from Farm Field to Commercial Elevator. Oral Presentation by JMM at the International Conference on Crop Harvesting and Processing. Louisville, Kentucky, February 10-12, 2003. Abstract:1p. (published/completed).
19. Bhat, C. H. , D. E. Maier, K. E. Ileleji and C. P. Woloshuk. 2003. Implementation of Carbon Dioxide Monitoring for Early Detection of Grain Spoilage. Oral presentation by CB at the NC-213 Annual Technical Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 5, 2003.