WERA1053: Urban Agriculture and Food Systems
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Academic / Scholarly Publications
- Broderick, S. R., Coker, C. E., Tseng, T. M., De Oliveira, T., Breland, B. 2023. Optimizing Soil Moisture for Soil Steaming (9th ed., vol. 58, pp. S162). HortScience.
- Coker, C.E.H., B. Breland, H. Williams, and J. Ryals. 2024. Becoming a certified organic grower in Mississippi. Mississippi State University Extension. P4003.
- Kakadellis, S., H. Delgado, R. Teall, R. Leon, C.W. Simmons, and E.S. Spang (Submitted) Circular Urban Agriculture: Applying Food Waste-Derived Fertilizers in Community Learning Gardens. ACS Agricultural Science & Technology.
- Kakadellis, S, CW Simmons, and ES Spang. Transformative urban agriculture: applying food waste-derived fertilizers in Community Learning Gardens. 31st International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology – ISSST, June 17 - 20, 2024, Baltimore, MD. ** IN PRESS **.
- Meyers, S.L., Arana, J., Giraldo, L.C., Ingwell, L.L., Rodriguez, L., and N. Vargas. 2024. Effect of Black soldier fly larvae and food substrates on weed seed emergence. HortTechnology 34(2): 190-197. DOI:10.21273/HORTTECH05273-23
- Mhuireach, G. Á., Van Den Wymelenberg, K. G., & Langellotto, G. A. (2023). Garden soil bacteria transiently colonize gardeners' skin after direct soil contact. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, 8(1), e20035.
- Shah, B., Hatterman-Valenti, H., Vaddevolu, U., and X. Jia. (2024). Remote-controlled automatic drip irrigation for specialty horticultural crop productions. Journal of the ASABE. NRES-16144-2024.
- Willden, S.A., Guan, W., and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Impact of selected acaricides against twospotted spider mite on 7 strawberry varieties grown in high tunnel, 2023. Arthropod Management Tests 49(1). Tsae064
- Willden, S.A., and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Impact of selected biorational insecticides against potato aphids on high tunnel tomato, 2023. Arthropod Management Tests 49(1). Tsae043
- Willden, S.A., Zablah, A., Wallingford, A. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Management of aphids on winter high tunnel crops. Biological Control 192: 105511. DOI:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2024.105511
- Woomer, Joseph & Schendel, Rachel & Lovely, Jennifer & Vijayakumar, Paul & Adedeji, Akinbode. (2023). Value-Added Application of Bourbon Spent Grain and Proso Millet for High-Fiber Extruded Product. Journal of the ASABE. 66. 1019-1032. 10.13031/ja.15507
- Vaddevolu, U., and X. Jia. Submitted 2024. Testing a soil moisture sensor based irrigation controller in both laboratory and field conditions for Fargo Silty Clay soils. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 40(1): 41-50. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.15777.
Public Outreach / Extension Publications
- Shoaf, N.L. and L.L. Ingwell. 2023. Defining success: Urban agriculturalists’ perspectives. ID-532-W.
- Shoaf, N.L. and L.L. Ingwell. 2023. Opportunities and challenges for Indiana’s urban agriculturalists. ID-531-W.
- Ingwell, L.L. and S.A. Willden. 2024. Integrated insect management strategies for vegetable farms. Veg Crops Hotline. Issue 735
- Nelson, M. B., Nackley, L., & Langellotto, G. A. (Submitted 2024). Hydro Hints: Grow your knowledge of hydroponic food production with these top facts. OSU Extension Publications Catalog.
- Priyesh, P. V. (2023) (Co-Author). SE Vegetable Handbook 2023 - Food Safety section SE Vegetable Handbook 2023 edition.
- Willden, S.A. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Winter weeds as refuge for pest and beneficial invertebrates. Veg. Crops Hotline. Issue 734
- Willden, S.A., Ingwell, L.L., and W. Guan. 2024. Overwintering insects on high tunnel strawberry and impacts on yield. Facts for Fancy Fruit. Issue 24-01
- Shah, B., Jia, X., haterman-Valenti, H., and Ostlie, M. (2024). Remote controlled automated drip irrigation for watermelon, muskmelon, and squash production. Carrington Research Extension Center 2023 Annual Report. Access at https://www.ndsu.edu/agricutlure/sites/default/files/2024-02/2023%20Annual%20Report.pdf.
- Shah, B.P., U.B.P. Vaddevolu, X. Jia, H. Hatterman-Valenti, and T.F. Scherer. 2023. Yield responses of watermelon, muskmelon, and squash to different irrigation treatments in a mulched sandy soil. 2023 ASABE International Meeting, July 9-12, 2023. Omaha, NE. Paper No. 2300630.
- Agila, M. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Utilizing black soldier fly composting on urban farms. Urban Food Systems Symposium. June 11-13, 2024. Columbus, OH
- Arias, I., Willden, S.A., and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Insect communities in high tunnels along a rural-urban gradient. Indiana Small Farm Conference. Danville, IN. Feb. 29-Mar 1, 2024. (poster presentation)
- Jia, X., and S. Vishnumolakala. 2024. Automatic drip irrigation. High Tunnel Conference. Fargo, ND. July 30, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. North Dakota drip irrigation research – smart irrigation for specialty crops. W4128 Microirrigation Annual Meeting. Virtual. July 28, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. Drip irrigation for specialty crop production. SD Specialty Producers Association. Virtual. July 17, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. Water quality impact on hydroponic lettuce production. University of Wyoming Controlled Environment Ag Workshop. Laramie, WY. April 23-25, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. Irrigation for hazelnut. Minnesota hazelnut Conference. Northfield, MN. March 22, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute Overview and smart water management research. Water update to the state senators. Bismarck, ND. March 5, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2024. Impact of agriculture on groundwater. Dakota Groundwater Conference. Virtual. January 30, 2024.
- Jia, X. 2023. Smart irrigation for specialty crops in ND. ND Irrigation Workshop, Bismarck, ND. December 7, 2023. Presentation by Jia, Shah, and Visnumolakala.
- Rivera, M. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Urban farm resources developed by the Great Lakes Urban Ag Working Group. North Central IPM Center, Pests & Progress. May 15, 2024. (webinar)
- Rivera, M., Ingwell, L.L., Jasinski, J., and J. Kowalski. 2024. Significant urban farm resources developed by the Great Lakes Urban Ag IPM Working Group. Urban Food Systems Symposium. June 11-13, 2024. Columbus, OH.
- Rogers, MA. Cut flowers for annual vegetable producers and urban farmers. Presentation at the annual Organic Fruit & Vegetable Field Day, St. Paul, MN, July 24, 2024.
- Rogers, MA. Swede midge: An emerging invasive pest in urban agriculture in the Upper Midwest. Urban Agriculture Pest Management Webinar Series. January 10, 2024.
- Shoaf, N. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Exploring the needs of Indiana urban farmers: A mixed-methods needs assessment. Urban Food Systems Symposium. June 11-13, 2024. Columbus, OH.
- Smith MJ, Pearson NB, Nicklay JA, Cole C, Jelinski NA, Hankerson SC, Cueto S, Giles M, Rogers MA. Shredded Cardboard as a Mulch and Compost Resource to Improve Soil Health and Water Management by Urban Growers in the Twin Cities. Poster presented at the Urban Food Systems Symposium, June 2024, Cleveland, OH.
- Willden, S.A., Zablah, A., and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Pest communities on high tunnel crops on urban vs. rural farms and effective options for management. Urban Food Systems Symposium. June 11-13, 2024. Columbus, OH.
- Willden, S.A. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Production and pest management in high tunnels on urban farms. Production and pest management in high tunnels on urban farms. Indiana Small Farm Conference. Danville, IN. Feb. 29-Mar 1, 2024.
- Willden, S.A., Grosdidier, R., and Ingwell, L.L. 2024. Recruiting good bugs to high tunnel tomato: weeds vs. companion plants. Indiana Small Farm Conference. Danville, IN. Feb. 29-Mar 1, 2024. (poster presentation)
- Agila, M. and L.L. Ingwell. 2024. Converting food waste into soil amendments while growing protein with Hermetia illucens. Indiana Small Farm Conference. Danville, IN. Feb. 29-Mar 1, 2024. (poster presentation) Please See this Website for a compilation of resources for urban farmers that we have organized in 2023-2024: https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/publications/pubs/urban_agriculture.html
Training Courses
- Nelson, M. B. & Langellotto, G. A. (2024) Introduction to Urban Agriculture. 10-week, non-credit, online course. Redeveloped and relaunched in 2024. Fretz, M., Mhuireach, G., & Langellotto, G. A. (2024). Seminar in Building-Integrated Agriculture. 10-week, credit, hybrid course that was a collaboration between the University of Oregon School of Architecture and Oregon State University College of Agriculture.